National Disaster Mitigation Plan - Pakistan Remodeled Ndmp-Ii 2023
National Disaster Mitigation Plan - Pakistan Remodeled Ndmp-Ii 2023
National Disaster Mitigation Plan - Pakistan Remodeled Ndmp-Ii 2023
List of Acronyms
Executive Summary
Pakistan is prone to various natural and human- previous experience in managing disasters by
induced hazards due to its diverse geographical improving disaster preparedness and response
characteristics and climatic variations. On top of mechanisms. This includes the operational
that, the country's vulnerability is exacerbated procedure of the national emergency operation
by factors such as population growth, center, the need for developing contingency
unplanned urbanization, exposure to vulnerable plans, conducting regular drills and simulation
elements in hazard-prone areas, lack of exercises, and maintaining a resource inventory.
institutional capacities, and climate change. To In addition, the establishment of coordination
address these issues, there is a need for mechanisms is reiterated to effectively respond
developing a National Disaster Mitigation Plan to disasters, including the operationalization
that includes standard guidelines for taking procedure of emergency operation centers,
preventive measures against various hazards activation of clusters, conducting rapid damage
and explaining the standard operating needs assessment and media management
procedures to meet emergencies in an during emergencies. Last but not the least, the
organized manner engaging all government NDMP-II emphasizes the need for community
and non-government stakeholders at all levels. involvement in disaster management and
outlines strategies for building community
This plan is indeed a successor document of
resilience through public awareness campaigns,
National Disaster Management Plan-I which
training, and capacity-building initiatives. It also
recently expired after achieving considerable
highlights the importance of international
numbers of milestones during 2012-2022. The
cooperation and coordination in disaster
NDMP-II shall serve as a comprehensive
response and recovery efforts.
document that outlines the strategies and
interventions set with a proactive approach Overall, the National Disaster Mitigation Plan-II
enabling National and Provincial Disaster for Pakistan is a critical tool for ensuring the
Management Authorities to prepare for and country's preparedness and resilience to
respond to emergencies in a coordinated disasters and climate change. Its
manner. It identifies the roles and implementation will require the collaboration
responsibilities of various stakeholders and and commitment of all stakeholders to
outlines the necessary actions to be taken at effectively manage disasters and minimize their
each level to manage disasters. The plan focuses impact on the population, economy, and
on building existing coping capacities and environment.
Table of Content
Chapter One: Need for Developing National Disaster Mitigation Plan in the
Context of Emerging Hazards and Climate Change 07
1.1. Introduction 08
1.1.1. Vision 08
1.1.2. Mission 08
1.1.3. Objectives 08
1.1.4. Who Can Use the NDMP? 09
1.2. Pakistan at a Glance 10
1.2.1. Geographical Features 10
1.2.2. Population Distribution 11
1.2.3. Climate of Pakistan 12
1.2.4 Administrator Features 14
1.3. Hazard Profile of the Country 14
1.3.1. Floods 14
1.3.2. Drought 17
1.3.3. Earthquake 19
1.3.4. Tsunami 22
1.3.5. Landslide 23
1.3.6. Smog 25
1.3.7. Avalanche 25
1.3.8. Heat wave 26
1.3.9. Cyclone 27
1.3.10. Snowstorm/Blizzards 28
1.3.11. Locust Infestation 29
1.3.12. Dengue Fever 30
1.3.13. COVID-19 31
1.3.14. Industrial and Technological Hazards 31
1.3.15. Fires 32
1.3.16. Transport Accidents 32
2 2.1.1
Developing Contingency Plans
Resource Inventory
Conducting Regular Drills and Simulation Exercises
Standard Guidelines for Taking Preventive Measures Against Various
2.2. Coordination Mechanism During Response and Early Recovery Phase
2.2.1. Declaration of Emergency 44
2.2.2. Criteria for Declaring an Area Disaster Affected 44
2.2.3. Operationalization of the Emergency Operation Centers (EOCs) 45
2.2.4. Activation and Stand Down Procedures of the National Emergency
Operation Centre 45
2.2.5. Activation of Clusters 46
2.2.6. Multi-Sector Initial Rapid Assessment 46
2.2.7. Media Management During Emergencies 47
2.2.8. Monitoring and Evaluation 47
3.1. Target Priority Interventions 53
3.1.1. Functionalize the Disaster Management System at District Levels 53
3.1.2. Developing Multi-Hazard Vulnerability and Risk Assessment Profile at
National Levels 54
3.1.3. Developing Disaster Risk Management Plans at Various Levels 54
3.1.4. Climate Change Adaptation 55
3.1.5. Promoting Climate Smart and Disaster Resilient Sustainable
Development 55
3.1.6. Strengthening of Multi-Hazard Early Warning System 56
3.1.7. Building Capacities Through Training and Research 56
3.1.8. Community Involvement in Reducing Disaster Risk at Local Level 57
3.1.9. Preparedness for Effective Emergency Response 57
3.1.10. Post Disaster Recovery 58
3.2. Mechanism for Implementation 59
3.3. Institutional Arrangement 59
3.4. Financial Arrangement 59
References 60
List of Annexures 62
Ÿ Annexure I: List of Concerned Organizations at National and Provincial
Levels 62
Ÿ Annexure II: Contact Details of NEOCs and PEOCs 63
Ÿ Annexure III: Basic Concepts used in the NDMP 63
Ÿ Annexure IV: Prioritized Hazards Prone Districts of Pakistan 66
Pakistan has diverse geographical and physical situated in Pakistan, as well as the 62 KM long
features comprising of mountains, fertile plains, Baltoro Glacier, which is one of the longest
plateaus and deserts. It consists of the flat Indus glaciers outside the Earth's Polar Regions. The
plain in the east and the Balochistan plateau in mighty River Indus is the major river with the
the West. It has one of the World's highest total length of 3,180KM and considered as the
mountain ranges – the Karakoram Range in the lifeline of the country. Other major rivers are
North and Northwest part of the country. The Jhelum and Chenab as Western Rivers, and
World's second highest mountain, the K2, is also Rave, Bias and Sutlej as Eastern Rivers.
Deserts comprised
of (a). Thar Desert,
Mountains Plateau include (a). River Indus is the
(b). Cholistan
comprised of (a). Balochistan major river with the
Desert, (c). Thal
Northern mountains, Plateau, and (b). total length of
Desert, (d). Kharan
(b). Western Potohar Plateau Plain consists of (a). 3,180KM and
Desert, and (e). The
bordering Trans Indus Plain, considered as the
Indus Valley Desert
mountains, (c). (b). Upper Indus lifeline of the
Suleiman mountains Plain, (c). Lower country. Other major
and Kirthar hills, and Indus Plain and (d). rivers are Jhelum and
(d). Mountains and Deltaic Plain Chenab as Western
hills of Sub- Rivers, and Ravi, Bias
Himalayas, and and Sutlej as Eastern
Siwaliks. Plateaus Deserts Rivers.
1 951
According to Population census report of 2017, density shows that Islamabad population is
the overall populations' density is 260.88 increasing at enormous rate.
persons/Km2. The province-wise population
Normal 1961-1990
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Monthly Mean Temperature during 2020 Compared with their Corresponding Averages[4]
The country receives rainfall by the two major receives from the monsoon season which cause
sources i.e., the monsoon during summer sometime severe flooding in the plain areas of
months and the westerly depression during the country.
winter months. However, most of the rainfall
Normal 1961-2020
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Monthly Rainfall during 2020 compared with their Corresponding Averages [4]
1.2.4 Administrative Features can cause widespread damage and losses when
they occur. These hazards have been turning to
Pakistan is administratively divided into four
disaster of varying magnitudes in the past
provinces, namely Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab,
affecting the lives and livelihood of people. The
Sindh and Balochistan in addition to Islamabad
following is an overview of the key hazards that
Capital Territory and the autonomous regions of
threaten Pakistan.
Azad Jammu and Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan.
Administratively, the country has been further 1.3.1 Floods
divided into 28 divisions, 129 districts and 526
Flood disasters can be classified into five main
Tehsils/Talukas, while there are 586 urban areas
categories namely Riverine Floods, Flash Floods,
comprising of some pf mega cities.
Urban Floods, Glacial Lake Outburst Floods and
1.3. Hazard Profile of the Country Coastal Floods.
Flash Floods and their influence is only felt for a few miles
below the hills. The torrent water is used for
The flash floods are accompanied with the cloud
irrigation through a network of diversion and
burst, thunderstorms and torrential rains. These
dispersion arrangements by community since
types of floods are frequently occurring in the
centuries. During 2022 floods, the districts of
hilly areas of Districts like Dera Ghazi Khan,
Dadu, Jaffarabad, Naseerabad, D.G.Khan,
Mianwali and Rajanpur in Punjab; Dadu in Sindh
Rajanpur, Mianwali, D.I.Khan and Tank were
and Jaffarabad and Naseerabad in Balochistan
seriously affected by the hill torrents floods.
and Chitral, D.I.Khan, Kohistan, Swat, Batagram,
Mansehra and Abbottabad in Khyber Besides the hill torrents, number of Nullahs are
Pakhtunkhwa Provinces. flowing especially in Sialkot, Narowal and
Rawalpindi Districts. However, there are many
Urban Floods other nullahs across the country that cause
Apart from the riverine and flash floods, the localized floodings and cause damages to local
urban floods are becoming more common in communities and infrastructure. Whenever
major cities due to swelling of drains, heavy rains occur, the nullah swells up but
environmental pollution, unplanned suddenly disappear causing localized damages
development and poor maintenance etc. The Lai to standing crops, trees, homes and other
Nullah in Rawalpindi, Malir and Liari Nullahs in infrastructures etc. Some of Nullahs include
Karachi frequently flooded due to heavy rainfall Palkhu, Deg, Aik, Basantar, Bein etc. are flowing
and cause local damages to infrastructure. in District Sialkot and Narowal, while the famous
Lai Nullah is flowing inside Rawalpindi city,
Recent Floods from Hill Torrents and
causing frequent damages to infrastructure due
Nullahs[5] to heavy encroachment along the Lai Nullah.
Beyond the riverine system of Pakistan, the
Coastal Floods
country has number of hill torrents that are
perennial streams bringing waters whenever Coastal floods is a result of seawater inundating
there is heavy raining in the hilly areas. In dry and low-lying land along the coast. The
Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, these torrents severity and extent of the flooding depend on
are known as “Rodh Khoie”. In Punjab, these hill several factors, including the elevation of
torrents are 200 in numbers, out of which 13 are floodwater, the topography of the land, and the
major torrents. Whenever heavy raining occurs paths through which the seawater can penetrate
in the Suleiman Ranges, it suddenly changes inland. Although flood damage modeling has
into flash floods and badly damage the irrigated traditionally been done at national scales, but
lands, crops, houses and public / private with the increase in intensity and frequency of
infrastructures down in Dera Ghazi Khan, flood events due to climate change and
Rajanpur and Mianwali districts. While on one population growth, there is a growing need for
side, the flash floods destroy the infrastructure global approaches to flood management.
in Dera Ghazi Khan Canal / Chashma Right Bank During recent years, the impact of climatic
Canal command area, on the other side, the changes have tremendously increased the
barren land in piedmont area (Pachad area) are frequency and intensity of extreme weather
deprived off water for agriculture. Mostly these events, including storms and sea level rise,
torrents dry up suddenly after the rain stops which will further exacerbate coastal flooding.
This will have severe consequences for the Province. Therefore, it is crucial to develop
people who live in coastal regions of Gwadar, effective strategies to manage coastal flooding
and the Lasbella in Balochistan, and Karachi, and mitigate its impacts.
Thatta, Badin, and the Sujawal districts of Sindh
Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOF) formation of new lakes and extension in the
volume and size of pre-existing lakes. Thus, the
The bursting of glacial lakes in the upstream
probability of sudden discharge of water from
reaches of the Indus River basin, a phenomenon
these lakes generally known as Glacial Lake
termed GLOF is one of the natural disasters in
Outburst Flood (GLOF) has increased.
Pakistan. In particular, the Karakorum region is
noted for the distractive effects of GLOFs from During the past 200 year's history, the Gilgit-
naturally dammed lakes. The lower parts of Baltistan region has observed almost 35
large glaciers in the Upper Indus River basin can destructive GLOF events. According to the
severely disrupt and modify river courses in the available records, five GLOF events have
valleys below. In the case of GLOF, slides, and occurred during the year (2008-2009) in Gojal
debris torrents are large enough to dam rivers. valley of Hunza. In 2008, a lake at the Gulkin
glacier in Upper Hunza burst three times in the
Due to climate change effects, the frequency
span of two months, flooded the village
and persistence of heatwaves in glaciated areas
community nearby, and destroyed around 50
have also increased. Due to these reasons, the
houses. The Korambar Glacier near Iskhoman
melting rate of glaciers has increased causing
Valley and the Buni Gole Glacier near Chitral
glacier retreat where as some studies suggest
generated GLOFs in 2010 and 2012, causing
that more than 35 glaciers of Karakorum Range
damages to agricultural land and human
are advancing with 11 exceptional surges. The
settlements on each occasion[14].
changing behavior of glaciers has caused the
A total of 5,218 glaciers covering an area of basins. Among total glacial lakes, 1,328 have
about 15041 km2 have been identified having been characterized as major lakes having an
2738 km2 of ice reserves in ten river basins of area of more than 0.02 km2. Out of these major
the Hindu Kush-Himalaya (HKH) region of lakes, 52 are identified as potentially dangerous
Pakistan. Similarly, 2,420 glacial lakes have been lakes. Most of these potentially dangerous lakes
also identified. About two third of these lakes are located in Indus, Astore, and Gilgit river
are found in Gilgit, Indus, Swat, and Shino River basins.
List of Vulnerable Districts to Flood Hazard
Province Districts
1.3.2. Drought
Pakistan has a long latitudinal extent with very high the rainfall
variability which makes droughts an intermittent phenomenon
in the country. Drought differs from others natural disasters in
effects which often accumulate slowly over a considerable
period of time and may linger on for years even after the
termination of the event. Because of this drought is often
referred to as “Creeping hazard”. The impacts of drought are
less obvious and are spread over larger geographical areas .
During recent years, droughts are reported to droughts in 1902 and 1951, while Sindh had its
have drought extensive damages in Balochistan, worst droughts in 1871, 1881, 1899, 1931, 1947
Sindh and Southern Punjab where average and 1999. The most severe drought at the
annual rainfall is as low as 200-250mm. The national scale occurred in 1998-2001, which had
Punjab province experienced the worst serious adverse impacts that have been
droughts in 1899, 1920 and 1935. The Khyber described further on.
Pakhtunkhwa Province experienced the worst
Province Districts
Severe - Awaran, Gawader, Kech, Kharan, Nushki, Panjgur
Balochistan and Washuk
Moderate - Chaghi, Killah Abdullah and Pishin
1.3.3. Earthquake
Sindh Karachi
1.3.4. Tsunami
A major tsunami was experienced on 28 this source region exists. The fact that cities like
November 1945, due to a great earthquake of Karachi lie close to the potential epicentres for
magnitude 8.3, offshore Makran Coast south of large submarine earthquakes, demands
Pasni during the early hours. The tsunami attention for enhancement of local capacities
produced sea waves of 12-15 meters height that for disaster risk reduction, early warning and
killed at least 4000 people in Pasni and response in order to reduce losses to life,
adjoining areas. The tsunami waves reached as property and environment from future
far as Mumbai in India. Karachi, about 450 kms earthquake or tsunami events. Tsunami may
from the epicentre, experienced 6 feet high sea reach the coastal region within one hour. Thus,
waves which affected the harbour facilities. there is a need to put in place a warning system
Fortunately, when the sea wave occurred it was that would ensure that the warning message
not the time of high tide at Karachi coast. The reaches the coastal inhabitants as soon as
risk of the occurrence of a future tsunami from possible.
1.3.5. Landslide
In particular, the Northern region of Pakistan landslides because of their steep hilly
(Gilgit-Baltistan, Azad Jammu & Kashmir and mountainous topography.
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) are vulnerable to
Major Landslide Disasters in Pakistan
Azad Jammu & Kashmir Muzaffarabad, Rawalakot, Bagh, Neelum and Poonch
Punjab Murree
1.3.6. Smog
The smog is caused primarily by the emission result, it causes hazy air that makes breathing
from vehicles and industries, excessive waste difficult and resultant severe disruption to
production and rubbish incineration, dust from human activities, causing highway and road
the surrounding deserts, excessive accidents, flight disruptions, health issues and
consumptions of fuel due to high population compel people to stay at home especially in the
and cold winters, burning in the agricultural morning time. Moreover, excessive pollution has
fields and smoke emitting from the brick kilns in made the atmosphere suffocating even indoors,
the surrounding of Lahore city[8]. The problem putting rather housewives and children at huge
has grown worse over the last few years during risk of getting eye, skin, lungs, ear, nose and
the month of December and January. As a throat complications.
List of Vulnerable Districts to Smog Hazard
Province Districts
Lahore, Faisalabad, Sheikhupura, Nankana Sahib, Kasur,
Punjab Gujrat, Narowal, Sialkot are vulnerable to smog hazards
during winter season.
1.3.7. Avalanche
Kaghan valley, district Nagar, Ghizer and Skardu Himalaya. The tragedy occurred at an altitude of
of Gilgit-Baltistan are prone to snow avalanches. 15,000 feet, the avalanche has left snow up to
On 9th April 2012, a deadly avalanche engulfed 25 meters. Around 130 soldiers have been
Pakistan army headquarters near the Siachen buried due to the incident.[9]
Glacier in the eastern Karakoram Range in
List of Vulnerable Districts to Avalanche Hazard
Province Districts
1.3.8. Heatwave
Karachi has suffered from a severe heat wave Some of research studies suggests that housing
during 2014 and 2015. In June 2015 Karachi City quality and type, population size, low-income
experienced a severe heat wave that caused levels and a lack of education are factors likely
over 1,200 deaths, while 65,000 were affected to have increased heat vulnerability in Karachi,
and 1,200 cases of heat illness were recorded . at least in June 2015 heat wave threat.
The temperature recorded during those days' Therefore, the dwellers of Karachi would require
ranges in between 40 to 49oC. The heat wave the provision of more shaded communal spaces
phenomenon is becoming more common with using greenery and future urban design. In such
climate change, global warming and situations, water and fans should also be made
environmental pollution and hence Karachi will available to the most vulnerable such as the
be more at high risk during hot summer season elderly people, sick and children[11].
where more than 16 million people are residing.
1.3.9. Cyclone
Cyclones have caused large scale damage to the Pakistan, especially Sindh is highly vulnerable to
coastal area of Pakistan. The costal belt of tropical cyclones associated with storm surges.
Major Cyclone Disasters in Pakistan
1.3.10 Snowstorm/Blizzards
Although in Northern part of the country, this the intervening night of 4 to 8 January . As a
phenomenon is commonly occurring, but due result, the cars were packed bumper-to-bumper
to low or no population in upper part of the on the roads in the surrounding of Murree
country, the effects might not have observed so town. All routes into and out of Murree were
severely. However, the snowstorm occurred on totally blocked, leaving the tourists stranded.
7th January 2022 bring huge devastation in When it began to snow heavily, lot of people
Murree hill station of Rawalpindi district, where left their cars on the roads to seek shelter in
a painful incidence happened when substantial hotels. In some places, the heavy snowfall and
number of local tourists trapped due to severe strong winds caused fall of trees thus further
snowstorm at night. Despite of the Pakistan block roads. As a result of which at least 22
Meteorological Department warning issued on tourists lost their precious lives. The victims
5th January about the expected snowstorm in suffered from hypothermia while some may
Murree and Galiyat areas, the tourist snubbed have died of carbon monoxide inhalation
the warning and rush to travel with their families because their exhaust pipes were blocked by
to enjoy the snowfall. It was estimated that snow, which resulted in leakage of carbon
around 150,000 vehicles entered Murree during monoxide into the cars, causing the deaths.
In Pakistan, the history of Locust attack revealed Baluchistan, 25% in Sindh and 15% in Punjab)
that during the last ≈100 years, the country are breeding grounds for the Desert Locust,
remained under the grip of desert Locust whereas the entire country is under the threat of
invasions in 1926, 1952, 1962, and 1992. These invasion if the Desert Locust is not contained in
swarms injured to all crops and rangeland the breeding regions[13]. During 2019-20, severe
vegetation with compounded adverse effects in locust attack badly damaged the cropped area
the form of 2 to 3 years of drought and an and fruit orchards in 54 districts of the country,
overall longer-term condition of dwindling including 31 districts of Balochistan, 08 of
water availability. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 10 of Punjab and 05
districts of Sindh.
In Pakistan, 38% of the area of Pakistan (60% in
Province Districts
Chaghai, Kharan, Panjgur, Khuzadar, Awaran, Pishin, Barkan,
Harani, Kohlu, Washuk, Gwadar, Ketch and Lasbela
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Dera Ismail Khan, Bannur, Lakki, Orakzai, Kurram and Tank
The first confirmed outbreak of dengue fever in reported from the rest of the country[15].
the province was recorded in 1994, since then it
The three provinces facing the dengue are
arises time to time especially at the start or end
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab and Sindh. Until
of the summer season in different part of the
October 2019, more than 19000 cases of
country specifically, Lahore and Rawalpindi
dengue infection and 30 deaths had been
mostly remain under the grip of this disease.
reported by the National Institute of Health,
During 2010, Pakistan has experienced an
Pakistan, in 2019 while during 1995 to 2019,
epidemic of dengue fever that has caused
there were around 147,200 cases of dengue
16,580 confirmed cases and 257 deaths in
infection and over 800 deaths.
Lahore and nearly 5000 cases and 60 deaths
1.3.13 COVID-19
1.3.14. Industrial and Technological marine accidents. In July 2003, in Karachi, the
Hazards wreckage of Tsunami Spirit, an old Greek Ship
caused colossal environmental losses and health
This includes industrial incidents, Oil, Spills, hazards for the businesses, port worker and
Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear adjacent communities. About 28,000 tons of oil
incidents. Industrial cities like Karachi, spilled all over the harbor area, which adversely
Hyderabad, Lahore, Faisalabad, Gujrat, affected marine life. The residents in the area
Gujranwala and Sialkot are prone to industrial reported headaches, nausea and respiratory
disasters. The chemical industry faces the problem in the weeks following the accident. It
potential threat of disaster because of possible took month for the authorities to clear the oil
explosions Pakistan ports are at risk from affected areas.
1.4.2. Urbanization Issues and Migration resources manifold and degraded the
Towards Urban Areas environment through cutting of trees,
unplanned development, land erosion, noise,
The migration from rural to urban areas for the
air, and waste pollution. The following figure
sake of better lifestyle, services and job
shows that there are around 54% of cities
opportunities is very common all over the
having more than 500,000 population, which
country. As a result of which, the cities have
brings huge urban problems due to unplanned
been grownup at tremendous speed resulting
development, meager resources and urban
increase of slum areas where the low-income
people are living in dilapidated conditions. All
this has increased stress on the natural
Number of Urban Localities by Population Size: Census-2017
1.4.3. Exposure of Vulnerable Elements Agriculture sector plays a vital role in Pakistan's
in the Hazard Prone Areas economy accounting for 18.9% of the GDP,
employing 42.3% of the labour force and
Poverty is one of the major factors contributing
providing raw material for several value-added
to the vulnerability, under development and [18]
industries . Likewise, the share of livestock in
exposing communities to disasters. Poverty
the agriculture sector alone is 58.3% while its
reduces the capacities of the communities to
contribution to Pakistan's GDP is 11.4%.
resist, mitigate and respond to hazard. Absence
Specifically, the rural population living in the
of safety nets and limited access to assets,
floods and drought prone areas are dependent
shrinks the people's capacity to sustain the
upon the agriculture and livelihood as main
brunt of disasters. The poor livings in hazard-
sources of livelihood and income. Therefore, the
prone areas are badly exposed to disaster
impact of floods and drought is very high for
affects in one way or the other.
these communities. When they are hit by any
1.4.4. High Dependency on Agriculture disaster, their recovery takes unusually longer
Sector time. Various disaster impact assessment studies
indicate that these communities suffer more distinct. The main reasons are: growing
from floods because of agriculture based urbanization, mushrooming of slum areas and
livelihoods. lack of implementation civic laws. Furthermore,
due to over population, agricultural lands and
1.4.5. Lack of Institutional Capacities to
cropped areas are being converted to
Deal with Disaster Risk Reduction residential areas; thus, deforestation is causing
Institutional capacity of different government river erosion, environmental pollution etc. which
department/agencies, particularly at district is further increasing vulnerability to floods and
levels are quite limited to deal with the droughts.
consequences of major disasters. Lack of
1.4.7. Climate Change and its Impact
coordination between response agencies at
federal/provincial level and limited early Pakistan is among the top ten countries badly
warning system are main areas of concerns. affecting by the climate change , while the
There is a lack of focus on preparedness country is on 31st positions in the world's
because of the capacity and scarcity of ranking of emitting total greenhouses gases[20].
resources. All these factors ultimately increase Its visible impact in the country can be seen in
the vulnerability of local population to different the form of rapid glaciers melting, losses of
disasters. biodiversity, sea intrusions, snowstorm in
Murree and Galiyat areas, rise in temperatures
1.4.6. Lack of Landuse Planning and specifically in urban areas and in the drought
Management prone district, heavy and erratic rainfall, intense
The vulnerabilities in different regions of the flooding, droughts and abnormal shift of the
country for various hazards are absolutely weather pattern etc.
Puetrto Rice Myanmar Haiti Philippines Mozambique The Bahmas Bangladesh Pakistan Thailand Nepal
1.4.8. Weak Early Warning System in temperature extremes; air pollution, allergen
Remote Areas and wildfire exposures; food, water and vector-
borne diseases; occupational health risks; and
An advance level end-to-end early warning
mental health and systemic social impacts.
system for floods and other natural disasters are
in place in Pakistan. However, dissemination of The health care coverage of the province shows
early warning messages especially for those a big gap between service providers and
rural communities living in far-flung rural areas population they supposed to serve. It is critical
is an uphill task. to build the institutional capacity of the health
sector (at provincial, district and local levels) in
1.4.9. Limited Health Facilities relation to extreme weather events to reinforce
Natural disasters and climatic changes in surveillance, early detection and response in the
Pakistan are affecting human health. Ultimately areas of infectious diseases, nutrition,
it results in increasing the number of cases of respiratory diseases, water, and food safety.
avian influenza, malaria, cholera, and dengue On the face of the rapid population growth, the
fever. The climate changes also impact key health facilities seem very inadequate i.e., 1201
determinants of health which include; air, water, hospitals, 5802 dispensaries, 683 Rural Health
and food. These also influence the transmission Centers (RHCs), 5518 Basic Health Units (BHUs),
of infectious diseases. Impacts of changing 347 T.B. Clinics and 731 Mother and Child
climate will exacerbate a wide range of existing Health (MCH) centers that are providing health
risks to public health and its infrastructure, services to the vast population.
ranging from effects due to heat and cold
Disp. RHCs
Health Facilities 683
731 5,518
On the other hands, according to the Pakistan counts are 1,038, and 11,513 per dentists and
Bureau of Statistics 2017, the number of 1,604 per beds, that seems very inadequate for
registered doctors were 184,711 while there are such a large population .
94,766 Nurses. Thus, the population per doctor
184,711 16,652
Pop /
Doctors Dentists
Pop /
94,766 Dentists 11,513
As a whole, around 70% of population are 2017, there were total of 250,300 schools in the
catered by the private sector, while only 30% by country. The number of students enrolled in
the public sector. Pakistan is a low-income these schools were 32.26 million while the
country and the public sector health number of registered teachers were1,491,200.
expenditure is 0.92% of GDP as per World Bank Likewise, there were total of 10,485 colleges
data for 2014. including 3,800 vocational/technical colleges
and only 185 public sector universities.
1.4.10. Limited Educational Facilities
According to the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics
Colleges /
To 10,485
Teac tal l
Tota s
Coll rs in Scho
Univ eges / ities 300
2,35 sities er
,100 v
/ Uni
To lmen To
rol Teac tal
Coll he
En in es / Scho rs in
g s
lle itie . 1,4 ols
Co vers 91,20
Un 52
i Ms Total 0
4.3 Enrollment in
32.26 Ms.
The total literacy ratio found only 58.9%. The 1.4.12 Lack of investments in disaster risk
female literacy ratio is still need to be improved reduction interventions
as at the movement, it is 49.7% as compared to
male literacy ratio which is 67.8% during 2017- DRR activities are essential in preventing or
18. Among the Transgender, it is further less of minimizing the negative impact of disasters on
38.76%. There should also be special focus to people, infrastructure, and the environment.
setup more professional and technical However, a lack of investment in DRR activities
institutes/colleges to develop technical skills of can lead to increased vulnerability and risk to
the youth. At present there are only 3,800 disasters. There are several reasons why there
vocational colleges for such huge population. may be a lack of investment in DRR activities,
1.4.11. Housing Conditions
Ÿ Lack of awareness: Many people and
The number of housing units in the country are governments may not fully understand the
31,915,884 . It is estimated that around 6.4 importance of DRR activities and the
persons are living in per housing unit, while the potential benefits they can bring.
number of rooms per housing units are only 2,5.
Ÿ Short-term focus: Many organizations,
Considerable population both in urban and
including governments, may prioritize short-
rural areas are still pose to live in single room
term gains over long-term investments in
housing units.
DRR activities, which can be seen as less individuals can take steps to support DRR
tangible or immediate. activities, such as increasing awareness and
education, investing in infrastructure and
Ÿ Limited resources: Many governments and
technology, and promoting policies and
organizations may lack the resources to
regulations that prioritize disaster risk reduction.
invest in DRR activities, which can require
significant funding and expertise. 1.5. Coping Capacities to
Ÿ Political and economic factors: Political Managing Disasters
instability or economic challenges can also
impact the allocation of resources toward With the passage of time, the National Disaster
DRR activities. Management Authority has developed
emergency response capacities with the
Investing in DRR activities is critical to reducing collaboration of allied partners including
the risk and impact of disasters. It can help to PDMAs UN and Financial Banks. Below table
build resilience in communities, protect lives shows the Humanitarian Response Facilities
and assets, and promote sustainable (HRFs) available in different parts of the country.
development. Governments, organizations, and
d. Placement of round the clock monitoring and incharge of local arrangement at the relief
early warning system at identified GLOF sites. camps.
e. Construction of adequate trapping dams with I. Collect data of fishermen working in the
capacity to dissipate the GLOF impact. surrounding sea and plan for informing them
f. Strengthening infrastructures to make these while they are at the sea
robust enough to resist GLOF destruction. Measures against Winter Hazards
g. Measures to timely disseminate information Following protective measures based on past
to the vulnerable populace. experiences will help to mitigate disaster/
h. Rehearsal / contingency planning to shift losses:
vulnerable communities to safer places. a. Preparation of hazard maps of major cities,
Measures against Cyclones districts and known vulnerable areas based
on recorded history for sensitization,
The following guidelines can help/ protect
awareness, early warning and evacuation of
people in vulnerable areas:
vulnerable communities.
a. Carryon risk assessment and enlist villages
b. Establishment of committees of volunteers
and UCs prone to Cyclone hazards. Inventory
for planning and implementation of
of resources available at local levels and plan
contingency plans at municipal level.
for further enhancement of resources.
c. Identification of vulnerable areas especially
b. Prepare contingency plans at local levels to
near communication arteries and population.
prepare for any emergency situation. Collect
important contact details of government and d. Awareness and sensitizing local community
non-government stakeholders and focal and tourists of possible risks and adherence
persons to laid down guidelines.
c. Provision of emergency kit and provide e. Strengthening the community based early
trainings on the use of emergency response warning system and provide proper trainings.
equipment. f. Capacity building of Municipal Corporations
d. Develop liaison with the local television, radio with due attention to availability of requisite
station and social media activists to keep number of heavy-duty machineries for pre-
abreast with the developing situation. placing/ deployment at most vulnerable
e. Removal of billboards and any heavy objects
especially in urban areas. g. Widening, dredging and de-silting of water
channels to prevent waterlogging and
f. Necessary repairing/retrofitting at houses,
saturating soil.
offices and at commercial markets to
strengthen buildings h. Removal of encroachments/ hinderances to
provide full access/ way to traffic and rescue
g. Provide necessary trainings and conduct
personals with their machinery when in case
mock exercises involving all machinery and
of need.
local communities
i. Serviceability and operability of available
h. Formation and activation of local committees
machinery with sufficient fuel etc. Provision
that will support during the evacuation to
of backup electricity arrangements in form of
nearest safe zone or high ground and
and mass displacement are some of the The NEOC has the following procedure for
important considerations for declaring an activation of the center in case of any
emergency in the country. emergency situation:
2.2.3. Operationalization of the (1) On Receipt of Alerts (Standby-Stage 1)
Emergency Operation Centers Director response will collect information from
A network of well-established National and PEOC/DEOC about the potential disaster, after
Provincial Emergency Operation Centers analysis of situation, advise/recommend chief
N/PEOCs) are already in place with state-of-the- coordinator at the NEOC for alerts or standby
art equipment to receive early warning and its position of NEOC. Chief coordinator will update
dissemination to relevant authorities and the chairman NDMA and to seek his approval
general public. These EOCs also serve as hub for for activation of NEOC. Standard Operating
issuing damage and needs information to the Procedures to be followed for this stage are:
public, media, ministries, departments and Ÿ Monitor the situation.
humanitarian response agencies. One of major Ÿ Alerts the NEOC staff for operationalization
role of the EOCs is to ensure an effective of NEOC at short notice.
coordination mechanism and management of
Ÿ Put everything ready and functional in the
relief operations in affected areas through
respective PDMAs and further by the DDMAs.
All the agencies such as Emergency Services, Ÿ Coordinate with key ministries, departments,
Civil Defence, Armed Forces, Pakistan Police JS HQ, armed forces, NLC, humanitarian
Services, Pakistan Red Crescent Society and organizations and alerts them.
other humanitarian agencies will be coordinated Ÿ Closely coordinate with respective PEOCs to
by the EOCs at respective levels. Although the get information and review it.
EOCs operate 24/7 in disaster and non-disaster (2) On Receipt of Warning (Stage 2)
times, however, during the disaster times, the
Chairman NDMA will issue notification for full
EOCs regularly monitor and conduct meetings
activation of the NEOC. Chief coordinator will
to coordinate for an effective emergency
inform key ministries, federal government
response and relief operations.
department, and respective PEOCs, emergency
As mentioned above also that NDMA has services, civil defense, I/NGOs, UN agencies,
already a well-coordinated mechanism and have PRCS, and media. NEOC will remain fully
a networking with all S/PDMAs and further with operational on 24/7 basis. SOPs to be followed
the DEOCs for emergency response operation for this stage are:
and activation of EOCs at various levels. A quick
Ÿ Place NEOC on fully activation/operational
acquisition of information and dissemination of
information to concerned authorities are already
Ÿ Open all communication systems and links.
in place and necessary gadgets have been
provided to Provincial and Districts eminency Ÿ Collect essential information including
operation centers to fully functionalize on the situation updates, details of resources etc.
24/7 basis. which will be required for relief operation.
2.2.4. Activation and Stand Down Ÿ Inform all relevant ministries and department
Procedures of the National Emergency and ask them to send their
Operation Centre (NEOC)
initiation of MIRA process shall be undertaken track the progress and facilitate the mid-course
as under: correction, effective/efficient monitoring is
Ÿ The respective provincial disaster mandatory. Post disaster evaluation is vital to
management authorities after analyzing and determine the relevance and fulfillment of
assessing the nature and severity of a objectives. An evaluation should provide info
particular disaster, declare it as of medium, that is vital to determine the relevance and
high or mega intensity. fulfilment of objectives. NDMA conduct regular
meetings and follow frequent interaction with
Ÿ Respective provincial and state governments
government and non-government actors for
through PDMAs shall request NDMA for
effective measure to monitor their activities.
initiation of MIRA process. However, NDMA
Besides, NDMA publishes paper to share lesson
will make a final decision in consultation with
learned after the disaster retreat.
all stakeholders.
Ÿ NDMA may ask UNOCHA to coordinate with 2.3. NDMA's Major Initiatives for
PDMAs to involve humanitarian partners i.e., 2023 and beyond
UN agencies/clusters/sector coordinator, and
After the promulgation of the National Disaster
I/NGOs etc. and any other member deemed
Management Act during 2010, a robust disaster
necessary to support the activities.
management system is already in place
2.2.7. Media Management During throughout the country. During the past 23
Emergencies years, significant milestones have been achieved
Media can play vital role in disaster to strengthen the disaster management system
response/management. Therefore, a well- with focus on shifting paradigm from reactive to
organized arrangement be made at all tiers for proactive approach where more focus has been
information sharing/periodic media briefs by given on preparedness, prevention, mitigation,
appropriate spokespersons. Efforts must be developing disaster resilience and disaster risk
made to provide timely updated and accurate reduction at all levels. To follow the pace, the
inf to media houses for dissemination. Delays in NDMA has planned the following major
provision of inf may lead to frustration and initiatives for 2023 and beyond.
misunderstanding by media house should be 2.3.1. National Monsoon Contingency
discouraged at all levels. Plan-2023
To disseminate authentic and up-to-date Being one of major initiative, the NDMA with
information, the NDMA dedicates the collaboration of various disaster
spokespersons for briefing on the current management stakeholders both at federal and
situation, and release of data to media provincial levels, shall develop National
personnel on day-to-day basis. These Monsoon Contingency Plan for 2023. The
informations further updated on website as well NDMA normally prepare early monsoon
as media briefing organized for electronic and contingency plan based on analysis of seasonal
print media to inform general public about the forecast issued by the PMD and likely impacts of
situation. climate change. In this Plan, explicit guidelines
2.2.8. Monitoring and Evaluation shall be lay down for all DM tiers and other
During the execution of the response phase, to relevant stakeholders for mitigation of likely
hazards, preparedness against most probable Ÿ All provincial and districts set ups (PDMAs
and worst-case scenarios and mounting an & DDMAs)
effective and timely response to a situation B. At the NEOC, a daily common operating
resulting from monsoon heavy rainfall. picture (CoP) will be generated after fusing
2.3.2. National Contingency Plan for multilayered climate and geographical data
Winter 2022-23 filtered through professional analysis.
Automatically fed to all national media and
For the first time, the NDMA has prepared the
info mediums. The NEOC will remain active,
National Contingency Plan for Winters 2022/23
staffed and continuously manned.
in close coordination with all the government
department both at federal and provincial C. Besides a bulk financing will be coordinating
levels. The plan has been developed based on at this platform.
analysis of seasonal forecast by the PMD and D. Smaller Situation Room (at PM Secretariat)
likely impact of climate change. In this plan, will extend to all NEOC members.
explicit guidelines have been outlined for all DM E. It will further provide outputs for national
tiers and other relevant stakeholders for leadership and foreign delegates, as
mitigation of primary and secondary hazards required.
associated with the winter season, preparations
2.3.4. Initiatives Plan at the Platform of
against most probable and worst-case scenarios
National Institute of Disaster
for mounting timely response to arising
situation. Management (NIDM)
Since 2009, the NIDM is actively engaged in
2.3.3. Remodeling of the National
building capacities of the government and non-
Emergencies Operations Centre (NEOC)
government disaster management stakeholders
The salient features of the NEOC are as follows: through imparting knowledge i.e., by
A. The establishment of the NEOC has been developing training toolkits, conducting series
principally approved as hub of decision of disaster management/climate related
enabling information and shared terrestrial trainings, and create awareness among the
intelligence from all national and maximum general masses through IEC material.
global systems, including:- During the current year, the NIDM shall closely
Ÿ Global Early Warning systems - 5 to 10 work with the Academia, shall conduct local
Ÿ UN and Satellites feeds needs and gap analysis and shall develop
Ÿ NDMA's Regional and Global equivalent framework of recommended national
organisations preparedness and response. The proposed
dates for organizing these activities are as
Ÿ Common Alerts Protocols - US, China,
Canada, Australia etc.
Ÿ Pakistan Meteorological Department
Ÿ Federal Floods Commission (FFC)
Ÿ Geological Survey of Pakistan (GSP)
Ÿ National Highways Authority
Furthermore, with the financial support of NIDM shall impart the following trainings
various non-government stakeholders, the during 2023:
2.3.5. Disaster Management Calendar management calendar to achieve the set targets
during 2023.
Besides the above major planned activities, the
NDMA has prepared the following disaster
3.1. Target Priority Interventions in synergy with the National DRR Policy,
National Disaster Management Plan 2012-2022
This plan serves as a guiding document to
and National Disaster response Plan 2018 at all
implement the targeted DRR strategy during
2023 and beyond as on-going activities. The
implementation of this plan will be carried out
David Eckstein, Marie-Lena Hutfils and Maik Winges. (2021), “Global Climate Risk Index 2021”,
published by German watch, p. 13, available at
Qamar Uz Zaman Chaudhry (2017), “Climate change profile of Pakistan”, published by the Asian
Development Bank, p. 11, available at
h ps:// on/357876/climate-change-profile-pakistan.pdf.
Ministry of Planning Development and Special Initiatives, Government of Pakistan., “Population
National Census Report of 2017”., available at
h ps:// on/census_reports/ncr_pakistan.pdf
Pakistan Meteorological Department, Government of Pakistan (2020)., “State of Pakistan's Climate
in 2020”., available at h p://
Provincial Disaster Management Authority, Government of Punjab., “Monsoon contingency plan
Dr. Qamar-uz-Zaman Chaudhry, Pakistan Meteorological Department, Cabinet Division, (2006),
National Plan for Strengthening National capacities for Multi- Hazard Early Warning System (Phase I)
Air quality and pollution city ranking., available at h ps://
Conserve energy future., available at h ps://
solu ons-to-smog-
pollu on.php#:~:text=Smog%20is%20composed%20of%20a,by%20the%20effects%20of%20smog
The EurAsia Time (2022), available at h ps://eurasian
Commissioner Office, Karachi (2015), “Karachi Heat Wave Management Plan: A Visual Guide”,
CDKN, 2015 and available at (h p:// achments/Heatwave-Visual-Guide.pdf
Provincial Disaster Management Authority Sindh (2017-18)., “Organizational Capacity Assessment
& Development of Capacity Enhancement Plan”., p. 14.
Aamir Yaseen (2022), the Daily Dawn, article published “Snow clearing vehicles parked at Sunny
bank during blizzard, Murree prove learns”, available at h ps://
Minà Dowlatchahi, Food and Agriculture Organization, “Desert Locust Situation in Pakistan”.,
available at h ps:// on-in-pakistan/en/
ICIMOD Nepal., “Floods, GLOFs and early warning systems”., available at
h ps://
World Health Organization, “Pakistan: Dengue Fever, the current epidemic”, available at
h p://
World Health Organization dash board., available at h ps://
Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, Government of Pakistan (2020), available on
h ps://
Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, Government of Pakistan (2017)., “Pakistan National Census Report-
2017”., Page 41 and 44
David Eckstein, Marie-Lena Hutfils and Maik Winges. (2021), “Global Climate Risk Index 2021”,
published by German watch, p. 13, available at
Qamar Uz Zaman Chaudhry (2017), “Climate change profile of Pakistan”, published by the Asian
Development Bank, p. 11, available at
h ps:// on/357876/climate-change-profile-pakistan.pdf.
Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, Government of Pakistan (2017)., “Pakistan National Census Report-
2017”., page 54
Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, Government of Pakistan (2017)., “Pakistan National Census Report-
2017”., Page xxiii
Ranking is extracted from the NDMP-I conducted through consultation workshops at Provincial
levels during 2011-2012
List of Annexures
Annexure III: Basic Concepts used in this Plan
Ÿ Capacity hazardous events interacting with conditions of
exposure, vulnerability and capacity, leading to
The combination of all the strengths, attributes
one or more of the following: human, material,
and resources available within an organization,
economic and environmental losses and impacts.
community or society to manage and reduce
disaster risks and strengthen resilience. Ÿ Disaster Management
Ÿ Disaster Management Planning with the term disaster, as, for example, in the
context of biological and technological hazards
Participatory disaster management planning is
or health emergencies, which, however, can also
process in which the community members are
relate to hazardous events that do not result in
involved in analyzing the participatory disaster
the serious disruption of the functioning of a
risk assessment information, towards developing
community or society.
an action plan for disaster risk reduction
measures that will help in reducing the prioritized Ÿ Hazard
risk of the target communities. A process, phenomenon or human activity that
Ÿ Disaster Risk may cause loss of life, injury or other health
impacts, property damage, social and economic
The potential loss of life, injury, or destroyed or
disruption or environmental degradation.
damaged assets which could occur to a system,
society or a community in a specific period of Ÿ Mitigation
time, determined probabilistically as a function of Lessening or minimizing of the adverse impact of
hazard, exposure, vulnerability and capacity. a hazardous event. Mitigation include
Ÿ Disaster Risk Assessment undertaking both structural and non-structural
measures aimed at reducing the risk from
A qualitative or quantitative approach to disasters. Structural measures are any physical
determine the nature and extent of disaster risk construction to reduce or avoid possible impacts
by analyzing potential hazards and evaluating of hazards, or the application of engineering
existing conditions of exposure and vulnerability techniques or technology to achieve hazard
that together could harm people, property, resistance and resilience in structures or systems.
services, livelihoods and the environment on Non-structural measures are measures not
which they depend. involving physical construction that uses
Ÿ Disaster Risk Management knowledge, practice or agreement to reduce
disaster risks and impacts, in particular through
Disaster risk management is the application of
policies and laws, public awareness raising,
disaster risk reduction policies and strategies to
training and education.
prevent new disaster risk, reduce existing disaster
risk and manage residual risk, contributing to the Ÿ Preparedness
strengthening of resilience and reduction of The knowledge and capacities developed by the
disaster losses. governments, response and recovery
Ÿ Disaster Risk Reduction organizations, communities and individuals to
effectively anticipate, respond to and recover
Disaster risk reduction is aimed at preventing new
from the impacts of likely, imminent or current
and reducing existing disaster risk and managing
residual risk, all of which contribute to
strengthening resilience and therefore to the Ÿ Prevention
achievement of sustainable development. Activities and measures to avoid existing and
Ÿ Emergency future disaster risks.
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