Boutal 2018
Boutal 2018
Boutal 2018
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: An integrated, modeling method for shallow landslides, debris flows and catchment hydrology is
Received 15 May 2017 developed and presented in this paper. Existing two-phase debris flow equations and an adaptation on
Received in revised form the infinite slope method are coupled with a full hydrological catchment model. We test the approach on
20 March 2018
the 4 km2 Scaletta catchment, North-Eastern Sicily, where the 1-10-2009 convective storm caused debris
Accepted 23 March 2018
flooding after 395 shallow landslides. Validation is done based on the landslide inventory and photo-
graphic evidence from the days after the event. Results show that the model can recreate the impact of
both shallow landslides, debris flow runout, and debris floods with acceptable accuracy (91 percent
Spatial numerical modeling
inventory overlap with a 0.22 Cohens Kappa). General patterns in slope failure and runout are well-
Physically-based modeling predicted, leading to a fully physically based prediction of rainfall induced debris flood behavior in the
Flash floods downstream areas, such as the creation of a debris fan at the coastal outlet.
Shallow landslides © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Debris flow
1364-8152/© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 B. Bout et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 105 (2018) 1e16
hydrological models, some are open-source, such as JGrass- A common obstacle in the modeling and prediction of shallow
NewAge (Formetta et al., 2014). Furthermore, hydrological models landslides and debris flows is the accuracy of input data and pa-
can predict soil water flow, and the resulting soil water has been rameters (van Westen et al., 2006; 2008; Mergili et al., 2011;
used as a direct proxy for slope stability (van Asch et al., 1999). Nikolopoulos et al., 2015). Physically-based models are often limited
Slope stability models are used to predict both volume and timing in accuracy by the spatial resolution of elevation and soil data. Slope
of shallow landslides. A variety of regional slope stability models instability caused by structural weakness provides a particularly
have been developed based on the limit equilibrium, which uses large challenge for current modeling methods since the sub-surface
finite elements to estimate the forces acting on a failure plane. The structure is generally unknown over larger areas (van Westen et al.,
infinite slope models furthermore assume that inter-cell forces can 2006). The availability of accurate soil data, both in terms of their
be neglected, and structural finite elements are used to calculate spatial variation in type and thickness, and associated geotechnical
the local Factor of Safety (SoF). This resulting FoS, which depends and hydrological properties can be a major limiting factor. An inte-
on a soil description and soil water behavior, are successfully grated approach to model slope failure, debris flows and hydrology
applied as a prediction for slope failure in a variety of regions could only be used when sufficient input data is available. In the past
around the world (Van Beek & Van Asch, 2004; Kuriakose et al., decade however, the data problem has become less severe due to
2009a,b; Mergili et al., 2014a). Recent approaches, such as the increasing availability of detailed data. High-resolution elevation
method by Mergili et al. (2014b), are focused on providing esti- products such as Lidar DEMs have become widely available (Tarolli,
mation of failure probability by using more accurate estimates of 2014). Major improvements have been made in estimating soil data
stability based on three dimensional rotational slip surface analysis from various sources such as national soil maps and satellite data
following Xie et al. (2004). A similar approach, but instead using (Hengl et al., 2017). Furthermore, soil depth estimations based on
Bishops Simplified method, is used in Scoops3D to find approxi- statistical correlation of topographical parameters have shown
mate failure volumes for rotational slides (Reid et al., 2015). increasing accuracy. Lastly, when slope failure is not estimated an
Specialized models are thus frequently used to investigate shallow initial volume is often used for runout calculation. In this case, the
landslides and debris flows. influence of hydrology and other processes on debris flow runout is
Despite all the currently available models, combined approaches still neglected. Thus, an integrated model can provide further im-
to debris flow initiation and runout are scarce. Empirical initiation provements compared to traditional methods even when insuffi-
and runout models, such as Flow-R combine landslide failure cient data is available for prediction of slope failure.
criteria and possible flow patterns to create susceptibility maps The objective of this paper is to develop and test an integrated
(Horton et al., 2013). However, their method is semi-physical in model to analyze the influence of rainfall-triggered shallow land-
nature and doesn't include failure volumes, rheology nor entrain- slides and debris flows in a hydrological catchment model. Slope
ment. Fan et al. (2017) introduced an innovative way to approach failures are estimated by using an adaptation on the classic infinite
catchment-scale landslide modeling. For their approach, the failure slope stability method. To simulate debris flows, the two-phase
plane is static, and defined as the lithic contact. Furthermore, hy- generalized debris flow equations by Pudasaini (2012) are imple-
drological processes are still generally neglected, and the stability mented. These methods are included in the OpenLISEM model
and runout models are coupled through a one-way link. Finally, (Bout and Jetten, 2018). In order to test the performance of the
Mergili et al. (2011), provided a more in-depth analysis of the what aforementioned model, we attempt to model the impact of a
sort of approaches to integrated simulation of debris flows could be convective storm that hit the south-eastern coast of Sicily in 2009
taken. Their analysis covered wetting front based slope stability and (Lombardo et al., 2015, 2018a). Finally, several alternatives of the
failure in a small catchment, and simulation of erosion by runoff, developed modeling method are tested and a sensitivity analysis is
both leading to debris flow runout. The authors solved runout by performed.
using a two-parameter semi-deterministic frictional model routed
over the terrain. While the currently available models provide 2. Materials and methods
useful investigative and predictive tools, integrated simulations
using fully physically based descriptions of all related processes 2.1. Schematic model description
could still increase understanding and usability of numerical
simulations. Combining the discussed methods, we created a modeling
Most existing hydrological, slope stability and debris flow run- method that incorporates both hydrological processes such as
out models focus on specific processes without the possibility of rainfall, interception, infiltration, flow, and morphological pro-
interactions or feedbacks between the processes. However, in cesses such as shallow landslides, slope failure, and landslide run-
practice processes such as slope failure, flow directions, infiltration out. A simplified flow chart for the final model is shown in Fig. 1.
and flow properties such as viscosity all influence each other. When sediment components are absent, the model reduces to a
Flooding and debris flows in particular have frequent interactions fully functioning hydrological catchment model.
due to their common metrological trigger. In many cases, in-
teractions between debris flows and flooding substantially influ- 2.2. Model basis
ence the behavior of both processes. When these phenomena are
neglected, the predictive power of models is substantially limited. A In order to integrate the occurrence of shallow landslides, debris
major example of these interactions are blocked rivers or drainage flows and flash flooding within a single model, we used the Open
channels by debris flows, resulted in alternating waves of debris Source Limburg Soil Erosion Model (OpenLISEM) as a basis. Open-
flows and flooding (Tang et al., 2012; Adegbe et al., 2013; Luna et al., LISEM is a physically-based numerical model with the purpose of
2014). Debris flows can also interact with overland flow causing event-based runoff, flooding and erosion modeling on a catchment
decreased viscosity. Nguyen et al. (2013) found that dilution of a scale. LISEM is fully spatially distributed and uses a topography-
debris flow by directed overland flow caused runout over a larger following grid to solve both cell specific processes, and the differ-
area, including the streets of a nearby village. In order to increase ential equations governing flow.
the understanding of hydrology, shallow landslides and the debris The OpenLISEM model implements multiple types of infiltration
flows that are caused by these, a holistic and integrated approach models such as Smith and Parlange (1978) and the SWATRE full
should be considered. vertical soil water balance model (Bastiaanssen et al., 1996). The
B. Bout et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 105 (2018) 1e16 3
vhux v hu2x v hux uy
þ þ ¼ gh Sx Sf ;x (3)
vt vx vy
vhuy v hu2y v hux uy
þ þ ¼ gh Sy Sf ;y (4)
vt vy vx
soil depth. row of soil sections in pixels, the total of force capacity and demand
Force capacity is based on the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion must therefore be taken into account. However, we assume there is
(Equation (9)) no information about subsurface structure. There is therefore, no
0 knowledge about subsurface forces and any possible plane that lies
t ¼ c þ N tan f (9) parallel to the surface is allowed to act as failure plane. To overcome
this, we utilize another approach. For every group of unstable cells
Where t is the shear stress, c is the cohesion (kPa), N the normal at any moment, a toe can be defined between the lowest unstable
force acting on the soil column (N), f the internal friction angle ( ). cells, and the stable cells underneath those. Here the downstream
Within the soil description, a wetting front is assumed, together cell provides enough force capacity and the upstream cell does not.
with a homogeneous initial soil moisture content (Fig. 3). Therefore, a force equilibrium must be present between these cells.
Combining the provided equations, the factor of safety is calculated A visual representation of such as situation is provided in Fig. 4,
based on simple raster-based soil data (Equation (10)). where Fd is the force demand, and Fc is the resisting force.
At the toe location, slope failure is initiated for the upslope cell.
0 0 Based on this assumption, the safety factor equation is solved to
c þ c þ ððg mgw Þz þ mgw zÞcosðbÞ2 tan f
SF ¼ (10) find the depth of the remaining soil that is required for stability.
ððg mgw ÞzÞsinðbÞcosðbÞ
This is possible since we assume any plane parallel to the surface
could be the failure plane. Any material above this stable depth is
Where SF is the safety factor (), b is slope of the soil section (), c
0 indicated as slope failure. Due to the slope failure, the slope of the
is the cohesion of the soil (kPa), c is the apparent cohesion of the
0 surrounding cells changes. In particular, the upslope cells experi-
soil (kPa) and f is internal friction angle of the soil (). Here the
ence an increase in slope, leading to a decrease in stability. We thus
apparent cohesion consists of additional root cohesion and a matric
repeat the process of finding the stable depth, and initiate slope
suction term.
failure repeatedly, until no unstable cells are left. This iterative
When the safety factor decreases below 1, the soil section is
method of finding stable soil depth, provides an estimation of
unstable and failure depth will be calculated. Within the safety
failure volume.
factor equation, stability decreases when soil depth increases.
In reality, the change in stability is not caused by changing slope,
Calculations for the entire soil depth thus provide the lowest
but rather by a change in force propagation through the subsurface.
possible safety factor. Therefore, by calculation stability for the
Any cell directly upslope of a failure could experience a change in
complete soil column, failure of smaller surfaces is similarly
resisting force. Thus, the stability of the upslope cell changes. Since
there is no detailed knowledge about the forces that propagate
through the subsurface, we use the assumption that the failure
2.5. Slope failure plane must be parallel to the surface. When the local slope changes,
the local failure plane direction and thus stability similarly changes.
When a raster element with a particular slope is determined to An example of results from the iterative slope failure method is
be unstable based on equation (10), the next step is to determine shown in Fig. 5. The safety factor of the fourth cell indicates
the failure volume. Within the infinite-slope method, several as- instability. A stable soil depth is calculated and the slope is altered.
sumptions should be made to estimate failure volume. In reality, Based on the altered slope, the safety factor is recalculated for
forces propagate through the subsurface, and stability should be upslope cells. In this particular example, three upslope cells
calculated through the method of slices, using circular or irregular become unstable, and slope failure is initiated in four iterations.
sliding surfaces with methods such as Fellenius (1936), Janbu After the iterative process, the full failure volume is instanteneously
(1975) and Morgenstern and Price (1965). For the stability of a added to the flow equations.
Fig. 4. A force diagram for the landslide toe. An equilibrium point must exist imme-
Fig. 3. An example of a simplified physical description of the soil layer. diately downstream of the toe.
B. Bout et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 105 (2018) 1e16 5
Fig. 5. A 2D example of the result of using iterative slope failure with a finite element factor of safety.
Where as and af are the volume fraction for solid and fluid phases
(), Pb is the pressure at the base surface (Kg m1 s2 ), b is the basal
surface of the flow (m), NR is the Reynolds number (), NRA is the
vb us vb vh
Sx;s ¼ as g ! tan vPbs εPbs εas gPbf quasi-Reynolds number (), CDG is the drag coefficient (), rf is the
vx j u sj vx vx
j1 density of the fluid (kg m3 ), rs is the density of the solids (kg m3 ),
! ! g is the density ratio between the fluid and solid phase(), c is the
þ þ CDG uf us u f u s
vx vertical shearing of fluid velocity (m s1 ), ε is the aspect ratio of the
(11) model (), x is the vertical distribution of as (m1 ).
Within the momentum equations, the Reynolds number is used
to scale turbulent and viscous forces.
Here, we follow Pudasaini (2012) for the definitions of the
normal and quasi-Reynolds number (Equations (15) and (16).
vb vs vb vh
Sy;s ¼ as g ! tan vPbs εPbs εas gPbf
vy j u sj vy vy pffiffiffiffiffi
vb NR ¼ (15)
! ! j1
af h
þ þ CDG vf vs u f u s
(12) pffiffiffiffiffi
gLH rf
NRA ¼ (16)
8 2 Where L is the length scale of the flow (m), H is the height of the
< vb
1 v h2
vb 1 v2 uf flow (m), h is the viscosity (kg s1 m1 ) and A is the mobility of the
Sx;f ¼ af g ε4 Pbf þ Pbf 2 2
: vx h vx 2 vx af NR vx interface ().
! To apply these two-phase equations successfully in a
v2 vf v2 u f cuf 1 v vas catchment-based model, we replace the frictional force for the
þ þ þ 2 u u s water phase with the Darcy-Wiesbach equation for water flow
vyvx vy2 ε2 h2 af NR vx vx f
rf dUT
Re ¼ (19)
rf af
F¼ Re (20)
180 rs as
G ¼ af (21)
Infrastructure, in the form of a highway and railway lines are pre- case, the final statistical model took the form of equation (24).
dominantly located parallel to the coast, flanked with a string of
small settlements. The highway is partly tunneled, or built on SD ¼ Intersect þ a*dcoast þ b*dchannel þ c*s þ d*c (24)
bridges, and does not actively block any flow. Land use types consist
predominantly of shrubs/sparse forest mixed with areas of agri- Where SD is the soil depth (m), a,b,c,d are constants () derived
culture. Small patches of forest are present in the inland regions. from statistical analysis, dcoast is the distance to the coast (m),
The most common soil is of colluvial origin and consists of sandy dchannel is the distance to the nearest channel (m), s is the slope of
soils upstream, and clayey soils near the coast. These are the result the surface (m m1 ) and c is the profile curvature of the surface
of pedogenetic processes taking place on a medium to high grade (m1 ).
metamorphic parent rock primarily consisting of paragneiss, Based on the statistical correlation, the values for the constant
micaschists, phyllites and meta-arenites (Cama et al., 2015). Their are provided in Table 3.
weakening, transport and deposition in the form of unstable un- The fitted relationship between predicted and estimated soil
consolidated soils is further facilitated by a long history of depth has a slope of 0.90 and R2 of 0.69 (Fig. 8). Due to the low
compressional and more recent extensional tectonic regimes number of available soil depth measurements, the R2 is relatively
(Somma, 2006). low. However, the trend line between predicted and measured soil
depth gives a slope of 0.90, which confirms the expected trend. The
2.8. Required data resulting average soil depth of the study catchments is 1.29 m. The
spatial distribution of soil depth is shown in Fig. 8. Schiliro et al,
An overview of the input data for the model, the data sources, (2016) have used the soil depth model by Saulnier et al. (1997)
and the spatial resolution are provided in Table 1. Most of the which relates soil depth to slope, and depends on the maximum
required input parameters were estimated based on the digital and minimum soil depth as parameters. The results from these
elevation model (DEM), land use map and soil texture map calculations show similar trends as the results from equation (23).
(Table 2). The native spatial resolution of the national soil texture However, besides our higher spatial resolution, our statistical cor-
map of Sicily is coarse (Lombardo et al., 2018b). The soil texture relation uses a higher number of variables to predict soil depth and
map was therefore validated and adapted with field measurements, can therefore account for a greater variability.
collected by Costantini et al. (2014) and Schillaci et al. (2017). Initial
conditions for soil moisture content were based on the hydrological
2.10. Simulations and calibration method
modeling by Aronica et al. (2012). The landslide inventory was
interpreted from high resolution images, field checked and ras-
To compare our modeling method to existing similar method-
terized. Rainfall data, with a temporal resolution of 10 min, was
ologies, several simulations were performed (Table 4). Firstly, the
collected for two nearby station, S. Stefano and Fiumedinisi.
full method was used, simulating slope failure locations, timing and
We calculated both the leaf area index and vegetation cover
runout, together with catchment hydrology. Secondly, the landslide
based on the Normalized Differential Vegetation Index (NDVI). For
inventory was used to provide a predefined failure volume. The
vegetation cover, we linearly scale between minimum and
highest 20 percent of the inventory impacted areas was taken as
maximum NDVI value (Choudhury et al., 1994). For the leaf area
initiation area. The depth of failure was varied to be 50, 70 and 90
index, the vegetation cover is used in an empirical relationship
percent of the soil depth. This volume is introduced in the middle of
(Equation (22)) (Choudhury, 1987).
the precipitation event. Finally, both these simulations were
lnð1 vegetationcoverÞ repeated without the addition of the hydrology component. When
LAI ¼ (23) hydrology is not simulated, rainfall is neglected and soil moisture
contents are equal to their initial value. This simplifies the model to
With LAI the leaf area index (). a more traditional catchment model. However, without additional
infiltration, slopes can not become unstable. Therefore, we alter the
2.9. Spatial soil depth estimation initial moisture content to an estimation of soil moisture after 50
percent of the rainfall event has passed. This causes the slope
Unfortunately there was no spatial data concerning soil depth failure to be initiated immediately.
available within the extent of the study area, except for a limited From satellite images, reports and photos it can be observed that
number of field measurements, and estimations based on the a debris flow fan was formed during the event (Fig. 9).
interpretation of oblique photographs of landslide scars after the Finally, in order to validate the transportation of debris flow
event. Soil depth forms one of the most vital parameters in the case solids, a simulation was performed where coastal water is included
of shallow landslides, and a spatial estimate had to be made in the model. This allowed for the formation of the debris fan. A
(Kuriakose et al., 2009a,b). Spatial soil depth was estimated using section of 100 m of linearly decreasing elevation was added along
the method described by Kuriakose et al. (2009a,b). In this method, the coast line. Slope was estimated from the coastal elevation
variables such as slope, profile curvature, distance form channels, published by Casalbore et al. (2011). At the computational bound-
wetness index and distance from the coast are statistically related aries, forced water volumes were set to simulate the sea level.
to the measured soil depth. This statistical model was used to Initial velocities were set to zero, since no information was available
provide an estimation of soil depth in the entire catchment. For our considering sea currents during the event.
Table 1
The data used in the model, their sources and spatial resolutions.
Table 2
Maps that are derived from the input data maps, and how they were validated.
Table 3
p0 pe
The constants derived from the statistical
k¼ (25)
correlation of soil depth to topographical 1 pe
intersect 2.37 Where p0 is the total accuracy () and pe is the probability of un-
correlated agreement ().
a 0.01
b 0.12 The probability of uncorrelated agreement indicated the chance
c 1.03 that simulated and predicted maps agreed due to chance. For a
d 2.73 binary system with two observers, pe can be calculated with
equation (24)
All simulations were calibrated to the runout patterns in the Nagr N1;pos *N2;pos N1;neg *N2;neg
p0 ¼ pe ¼ * (26)
landslide inventory. Calibration was performed manually by Ntotal Ntotal Ntotal
altering important input parameters. Based on theoretical consid-
erations, the soil cohesion, internal friction angle, infiltration rate Where Ntotal is the total number of measurements (), Nagr is the
and initial moisture were varied by multiplying these input maps number of agreed measurements and Ni;pos and Ni;neg are the
with a scalar value. Accuracy was calculated using Cohen's Kappa numbers of measurements where observer i is respectively posi-
(Equation (25)). This measure of model efficiency takes into ac- tive or negative ().
count both correctly predicted positives, negatives, and incorrectly Since our inventory of the event consists only of full shallow
predicted areas. landslide/debris flow impact areas and does not distinguish be-
tween source and deposition areas, the validation of failures is
performed using the 20 percent highest elevations for each
Fig. 8. The spatial distribution of predicted soil depth, and the correlation between predicted and estimated soil depth.
Table 4
Performed simulations.
Simulation Includes Hydrology Failure from Inventory Fraction of soil used in failure Coast
A1 No Yes 0.5 No
A2 No Yes 0.7 No
A3 No Yes 0.9 No
B1 Yes Yes 0.5 No
B2 Yes Yes 0.7 No
B3 Yes Yes 0.9 No
C Yes No e No
D Yes No e Yes
B. Bout et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 105 (2018) 1e16 9
Fig. 10. A comparison of simulated slope failure with the landslide inventory for the Scaletta catchment (Left). The simulated failure depth (Right).
10 B. Bout et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 105 (2018) 1e16
Fig. 11. Maximum debris flow depth, both with hydrology (left) and without hydrology (right), and a comparison of debris flow runout with the landslide inventory, with channels
removed (bottom).
Table 5
Comparison between model results and the landslide inventory (TP ¼ Percentage True Positive, TN ¼ True negatives (%), FP ¼ Fasle positives (%), FN ¼ False negatives (%)).
Many factors might be the cause of inaccuracies in predicting where sub-surface structural details are important. These details,
landslide locations. Primarily, the digital elevation model and es- often formed by the morphological history of an area, can deter-
timations of soil depth appear to influence the location of slope mine spatial patterns in slope failure. In the case of the Scaletta
failure in the performed simulations. In the case of relatively small area, knowledge on subsurface structure was not available, limiting
shallow landslides, high spatial detail is required for accurate slope the accuracy of the model.
failure estimations. For both the calculation of slope, and in esti- The method that was implemented to estimate the failure
mating soil depth, the quality of the elevation model determines fraction of slope failure provided values between 0.1 and 1.7 m.
the level of detail. In our study case, limited knowledge was Data on the actual depth of slope failure in the Scaletta catchment is
available on the spatial distribution of soil depth. Soil depth was not only available from photographs. Based on field photographs taken
varying for the various types of soils (e.g. colluvial, alluvial, residual after the event, it can be concluded that the slope failure depth
soils). This could be responsible for most of the incorrect estimation provides reasonable estimations of the depth of the failure plane
of slope failure. Furthermore, landslides are complex processes for the modelled landslides. The average failure depth within the
B. Bout et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 105 (2018) 1e16 11
Fig. 12. Debris flow runout and a masked comparison of debris flow runout with the landslide inventory.
Table 6 visits several days after the event. Within the iterative slope failure
Cohens Kappa values for all performed calibrated simulations. (TP ¼ True Positive model, the slope failure depth is significantly influenced by cali-
(%), TN ¼ True negatives (%), FP ¼ Fasle positives (%), FN ¼ False negatives (%)).
bration for the stability margin parameter. While over-estimating
Inventory TP (%) TN FP FN Accuracy Cohens Kappa failure volumes caused an over-estimation of runout, decreasing
(%) (%) (%) (%) viscosity could, to a limited extent, compensate this. Due to the
4.9 95.1 0 0 100 1 nature of the model, and the large number of free parameters that
Debris Flow Impact Area With Hydrology determine the outcome, there is an unavoidable equifinality.
Failure Fraction ¼ 0.5 3.6 92.5 2.5 1.4 96.1 0.638 Because of this, runout patterns alone are not sufficient evidence in
Failure Fraction ¼ 0.7 3.3 92.5 2.4 1.8 95.8 0.597 determining accurate failure depths.
Failure Fraction ¼ 0.9 4.3 90.4 4.4 0.9 94.8 0.596
In recent years, several models have attempted to estimate both
Debris Flow Impact Area Without Hydrology
Failure Fraction ¼ 0.5 2.4 93.9 2.8 0.9 96.3 0.559
slope failure and failure volumes. Mainly, approaches are based on
Failure Fraction ¼ 0.7 3.0 93.0 2.2 1.8 96.0 0.583 random ellipsoid sampling of slopes. With this method, each slope
Failure Fraction ¼ 0.9 3.4 92.3 1.8 3.5 95.7 0.599 segment is approached by a large number of randomly shaped
elipsoids. The soil within this ellipsoid is then taken as a possible
failure volume, and stability is calculated using a limit equilibrium
Giampillieri region, which is the neighboring catchment with method. SCOOP3D (Reid et al., 2015) and the modeling method by
identical characteristics, is estimated to be near 0.75 based on field Mergili et al. (2014a,b), implement this method. This method
Fig. 13. A) Final solid and fluid height with the simulation of a part of the coast. Simulation uses predicted slope failure and debris flow runout.
12 B. Bout et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 105 (2018) 1e16
provides a highly detailed simulation of subsurface stability in a estimation of debris flow susceptibility. Based on the data that is
region with the best accuracy in the field. However, since the iter- available for the catchment, a perfect prediction of slope failure and
ative method used in this research does not requires the sampling debris flows can furthermore not be expected. To further validation
of large amounts of random ellipsoids, it can be performed for each of the debris flood behavior, the maximum flow depth can be
hydrological calculation step. Compared to random ellipsoid compared to photographs from the days after the event. In the
methods, the iterative slope failure method allows for a quick calibrated simulation, the maximum flow height is equal to 2.8 m.
assessment of slope stability and possible failure volume. Thus, When compared with field photos, this shows the realistic esti-
while the assumptions in the iterative slope failure method are mation of debris flood properties by the model.
more ambiguous, calculation time strongly improves applicability. Simulation results for catchment-scale debris flow runout with
In another type of model, infiltration simulations are included in inventory-based initiation show a good correlation with the land-
slope stability models to predict event-based slope failure on a slide inventory. The values for Cohens Kappa reach 0.638 with
catchment scale. Examples of this are iCRESTRIGRS (Zhang et al., simulated hydrology and a failure fraction of 0.5. One of the causes
2016) and CRESLIDE (He et al., 2016). In both these models, the of the reached accuracy is the lack of individual calibration. Due to
methods that are used to estimate slope stability are highly similar. the complex behavior of debris flows, calibration is required to
Slope stability equations are coupled with a dynamic soil moisture achieve sufficient correlation. In the case of individual debris flows,
simulation. Accuracy results are therefore similar. The accuracy of parameters such as viscosity, yield stress and surface flow resis-
the proposed iterative slope failure method produces similar ac- tance are altered in order to match simulated behavior with mea-
curacy in estimating slope failures, when compared to other surements. In the case of catchment-scale estimations of debris
methods. All current models are forced to make similar assump- flow runout, individual calibration is too time-consuming, and re-
tions considering sub-surface structure due to a lack of available duces predictive power. However, two important properties of the
data. However, in the case of iterative slope failure, failure volumes used methodologies compensated the lack of calibration. Due to the
are provided without the increase in computation time required scalability of the two-phase debris flow equations by Pudasaini
with random ellipsoid sampling. (2012), estimations of rheological parameters was automatically
performed. Furthermore, because of the soil data provided by
4.2. Runout Schillaci et al. (2017), the automatic estimations increased in ac-
curacy. Simulation for catchment-scale debris flow runout with
Debris flow simulations were performed for two types of situ- inventory-based initiation were carried out with varying failure
ations, with predicted initiation and inventory-based initiation. It is depth. From the achieved accuracies it can be seen that the addition
important to note that the experts only mapped the landslides from of hydrology significantly improved the simulation results. Without
the 1-10-2009 event up to the channel intersection, without hydrology, a failure depth of 90 percent of the soil depth provided
including the full runout. Because of this, debris flow runout was the highest kappa value. In reality slope failures were shallow, and
masked out in channel locations. Based on reports, photographs the simulation with hydrology, which was most accurate at 50
and the resulting debris flow deposits in the area, it is known that percent of the soil depth, was more consistent with the seen slope
debris flows took place, and a substantial amount of material was failures.
transported downstream towards the coast. However, debris flow The simulated output for both inventory-based and prediction-
runout in channels is completely dependent on the channel loca- based debris flow runout was highly influenced by the incorpora-
tion. Including these areas in the runout comparison would artifi- tion of a hydrological simulation. In both cases, the accuracy of
cially increase performance of the runout simulations without simulations was significantly higher due to the addition of simu-
indicating improved performance. Another important factor in the lated hydrology. As it is shown in Fig. 11, several aspects of the
accuracy of the model comes from the small slope failures directly simulation are altered. Firstly, the runout distance of solid materials
nest to the channels. These small side-channel slope failures are not is highly increased. In the case of simulations without hydrology,
included in the landslide inventory. Because of the debris flooding, runout distances often only reach near the closest channel. How-
mapping these landslides is a difficult processes after the event. ever, when a hydrological simulation is included, more material is
However, since no data is known considering these shallow slope taken through the channel toward the coast, where a fan of debris
failures, they are indicated as inaccurate predictions. However, material was created at the channel outlet. Secondly, the further
based on images and reports, numerous of these landslides runout of solid material decreases the depth of deposits that are left
occurred in the region (Goswami et al., 2011; Ardizzone et al., on the slopes below a slope failure. Finally, debris material has a
2012). significant influence on the behavior of channel flow and flooding
In the case of prediction-based runout simulations, debris flow in the catchment. Compared to a simulation with only hydrology,
initiation is determined by predicted slope failure. Therefore, cor- flood velocities are reduced by the solid material that is taken
relation with the landslide inventory is highly bound by the accu- through the channel. In some cases, debris material nearly stag-
racy of the slope failure predictions. The runout patterns of nates channel flow, or temporarily blocks it entirely. An example of
predicted slope failure show reasonable correlation with the velocity reduction by the solid volume in the channel is shown is
landslide inventory. General patterns in runout distance and debris Fig. 15.
flow density throughout the catchment are well predicted. Exam- The addition of hydrology altered the behavior of the debris flow
ples of the types of patterns that are visible in the map are provided simulation due to several effects. Firstly, viscosity lowers when
in Fig. 14. debris material is diluted with overland flow. Secondly, solid ma-
Firstly, areas where debris flows are accurately predicted are terials experience a higher drag force with a large volumes of water.
visible in Fig. 14a. In such patterns, that form the predominant area Thus, due to the scalability and flexibility of the used two-phase
of the catchment, both runout and initiation are simulated with debris flow equations, flow properties are continuously influ-
substantial accuracy. Secondly, Fig. 14b shows areas where debris enced by the flow composition. Because of this, a variety of emer-
flow runout is overestimated due to small slope failures on the gent behaviors arise in the model.
channel sides. Thirdly, several areas of the catchment are similar to Simulations of debris flow runout with hydrological modeling
the patterns in Fig. 14c. Here debris flow correlation is low. How- show the creation of a fan of debris material at the outlet of one of
ever, general patterns are highly similar, providing a good the sub-catchments in the Scaletta region. A similar fan of material
B. Bout et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 105 (2018) 1e16 13
Fig. 14. An overview of several patterns in the predicted slope failure and debris flow runout. A) mostly correct B) over-estimates small slope failure along channel sides C) initiation
along the same stream, but not correctly placed.
Fig. 16. A comparison of maximum flow height for the scenario's with (left) and without (right) predicted shallow slope failure.
forward modeling of complex multi-hazard events in an area with and anyone can participate. Source-code of the model that is pre-
high-density measurements of soil and hydrological information. sented in this paper, and older versions of OpenLISEM are therefore
available online (
5. Conclusions
Future research
Several aspects of the developed, integrated, modeling method
provide added value above separated approaches to debris flows, Before integrated modeling approaches could be applied in
shallow landslides and flood simulations. During the 2009 extreme hazard and risk analysis, several research directions might require
event in the Scaletta catchment, a wide variety of processes such as further investigation. Firstly, vulnerability curves are generally
slope failures, debris flooding, channel blocking and solids depo- investigated separately for flood and debris flow processes. More-
sition occurred. Our developed modeling approach allowed for over, sediment is often completely neglected in flood vulnera-
replication of the multi-hazard impact of the event. Application of a bility, while both debris flood and flood deposits provide substan-
physically based multi-hazard model allows for simulating this tial costs and possible hazard. The inclusion of sediment and the
broad spectrum of hazardous phenomena. When separated simu- combination of debris flow and flood vulnerability should, for some
lations are used in the analysis of event such as these, critical as- regions, be investigated. Secondly, the proposed modeling
pects of the event are not simulated. This affects both the potential approach was tested predominantly with data from remote sensing
for investigative use and predictive power. Furthermore, resulting sources. While this allows for usage in data-poor regions, the model
risk and hazard could be seriously under-predicted when debris performance depends largely on the quality of the digital elevation
flows and flooding, which often take place simultaneously, are model. The effect however, of digital elevation models of separate
separately analyzed. Using a model that integrates (flash) flood sources, is still to be investigated.
behavior, shallow landslides, and debris flow runout, can thus in-
crease the accuracy of hazard and risk assessment. Acknowledgements
The purpose of the developed model in this case study is not the
accurate prediction of the temporal and spatial location of slope We wish to express our gratitude to the editorial team of the
failure. Lack of available data limits the predictions of slope failure journal and the reviewers for the thorough efforts to help improve
to mere estimations and probabilities. Furthermore, the developed this research. The presented work is part of the Earth System
model does not provide a full description of all relevant processes. Analysis group, ITC, Twente University, the Netherlands in corpo-
OpenLISEM is event-based in nature, and therefore neglects long- ration with Computational Earthquake Seismology and Extreme
term physical processes, such as lateral ground water flow and Statistic groups, King Abdullah University of Science and Technol-
evaporation, which are relevant in slope stability modeling on a ogy. Satellite images were provided by the European Space Agency
longer time-scale. It is rather meant for physically based simulation through the project titled: “A remote sensing based approach for
of behavior of slope failure, debris flow runout and interactions storm triggered debris flow hazard modeling: application in Med-
with catchment hydrology. Detailed local knowledge of landslide iterranean and tropical Pacific areas”, code: C1P.14151, PI: Luigi
risk requires both field visits by experts, and collecting subsurface Lombardo, ID: 14151. Funded by the State Key Laboratory of Geo-
structure data. While OpenLISEM is not meant for long-term slope hazard Prevention and Geoenvironment Protection Open Fund
prediction modeling, it can be used for several other important SKLGP2018K001.
applications. Applications for the Investigation into the physical
processes that lead to and cause hazardous processes in a catch-
ment is the first and primary usage. A second important use is the
simulation of scenarios in risk and hazard assessment. Finally, Adegbe, M., Alkema, D., Jetten, V.G., Agbor, A.T., Abdullahi, I.N., Shehu, O.U.,
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