Article - 1562221215 2
Article - 1562221215 2
Article - 1562221215 2
Review Article
World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
Professor, Prasuti Tantra Evam Stri Roga, Mahaveer Ayurvedic College & Hospital, Meerut (U. P) India.
The term female infertility generally refers failure to give child birth or inability to carry full term pregnancy
period. Ayurveda described female infertility as Bandhytva and mentioned Ritu, Kshetra, Ambu and Beeja as
primary factors associated with infertility. Ritu resembles period of successful conception, the fertilization can
occur if conception done by considering timing of ovulation in appropriate age. Kshetra describe seat of
conception; uterus which should be healthy enough to hold foetus produces after successful conception and
fertilization. Ambu resembles nourishment to foetus for proper growth and development. Beej another factor
associated with infertility described health status of ovum, mature state of ovum help in conceiving process. These
four factors play vital role in process of fertilization and abnormalities in these factors can lead infertility. The
problem of infertility increases day by day due to the current scenario of stressful and imbalanced life style.
Infertility not only affect person in terms of physical mean but it also causes social and psychological stress.
Considering infertility as burning issue of today’s time this article presented general aspects of female infertility
along with treatment approaches in a view to explore this problem for future research. 246
Nehra. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
The severity of infertility depends upon cause means described that restoring Ojas, Vatanulomana, removal of
infertility related to abnormalities of reproductive organs Ama (toxins), pacifying vitiated Dosha, restoring Agni,
(Beejdosha) is incurable while infertility associated with Vajikaran and use of Sodhana Chikitsa, etc. are some
Anapatya and Kakvandhya is curable. As per modern approaches that can help to treat infertility.[6-10] This
science there are various causes of infertility including article elaborated some of them as follows:
tubal blockage, problem in ovulation, ageing, 1. Vatanulomana
endometriosis, inappropriate fertility period, immature 2. Ayurvedic herbs
development of reproductive organs and uterine 3. Ayurveda formulation for infertility
problems, etc. The modern science also described some 4. Sodhana
factors which can initiates pathogenesis of infertility 5. Dietary suggestions
including; sexual weakness, improper daily regimen, 6. Life style modification
unhealthy foods, stress, consumption of alcohol, 7. Yoga
smoking, over indulgence in sex, trauma to organs and
presence of other diseases can also lead infertility.[4-8] 1. Vatanulomana
Vata is the main Dosha that induces pathogenesis of
Etiological factors: (diet, life-style, stress and infertility therefore Vatanulomana is very important for
emotional instability)/ Genetics the management of infertility. Ayurveda suggested
various herbs and formulations along with disciplinary
Imbalance of Doshas & Dhatus daily regimen for the management of vitiated Vata.
Abnormalities of Vata and Shadbhava 2. Ayurvedic herbs
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Shatavari
Artavadosa; Dustaartava/ Irregular Artava (Asparagus racemousus) and Amalaki (Emblica
chakra officinalis) are commonly employed herbs used to
treat infertility.
Dashmoola, Ashoka, Shatavari and Guggulu help in
Abnormal Beeja/Kshetra and improper
ovulation disorder.
nourishment of fetus (Ambu)/inappropriate
Shatavari, Ashoka, Jeevanti and Dashmoola can be
recommended for premature ovarian failure.
Guduchi and Punarnava can be recommended for
Bandhyatwa fallopian tubes blockage and inflammatory pelvic
Figure 2: General pathogenesis of Bandhyatwa disease.
3. Ayurveda formulation for infertility
Ayurveda described various types of Vandhyatva; one of Dasamoolarishtam
the classifications mentioned six types of Vandhyatva as Kumaryasavam
follows: Asokarishtam
1. Garbha kosh bhanga (uterus injury) Raja pravarthini gulika
2. Anapatya (Primary infertility) Chandraprabha vatika
3. Kakvandhya (secondary infertility) Sathavari Gulam
4. Garbhastravi (condition of repeated abortions) Phalasarpis
5. Mrutvatsa (repeated still births) Sukumaram Kashayam
6. Balakshaya (loss of strength) Pushyanuga choornam
Hinguvachadi Choornam
The other classification mentioned three types of
infertility; Vandhya, Apraja and Sapraja. Vandhya 4. Sodhana
resembles incurable sterility; Apraja resembles curable Sodhana help in the removal of toxins thus open up
infertility and Sapraja means infertility occurs after channels and therefore maintain normal circulatory
conceiving one or more children. functioning of body. It is suggested to perform
Snehaswedas prior to Sodhana like; Vamana, Virechana
The general clinical manifestation related to infertility and Vasti to remove toxins from body. Sodhana help to
are infrequent ovulation, rapid weight loss, uterine balances ovarian, tubular and uterine functioning which
polyps, heavy menstrual bleeding, abnormal uterus is essential for restoring normal progeny.
shape, scar tissue in uterine cavity, scarred fallopian
tubes and premature menopause, etc.[5-9] 5. Dietary suggestions
Diet that increase Ojas recommended for the
Ayurveda management of infertility management of infertility, foods that boosts physical and
Ayurveda recommended that relief in tension, mental health should be consumes to retain normal
nourishment to body, strengthening of immune system, progeny. Fibers that can affects normal hormonal levels,
nourishment of Dhatus and balanced life style help processed carbohydrates, antibiotic, excessive uncooked
significantly in the management of infertility. Ayurveda 247
Nehra. World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research
meat and junk foods can affect fertility thus such types of Yonidosha. International Journal of Ayurveda and
diet need to be avoided. Food like ghee, milk, nuts, dates, Pharma Research, 2014; 2(1): 98-104.
honey, saffron, fruits, vegetables, beans, peas, whole 10. Kamayani Shukla, Kaumadi Karunagoda, Nita Sata
grains and spices like; turmeric and cumin recommended and Dei LP Effect of Kumari Taila Uttar Basti on
for enhancing fertility. fallopian tube blockage. Clinical Research, 2010;
31(4): 424-429.
6. Life style modification
Ayurveda suggested that one should avoid stress, take
proper sleep, consume healthy food materials, proper
daily routine and avoid consumption of alcohol, smoking
& over indulgence in sex and conduction of Sadavritta
help in the management of infertility.
7. Yoga
Yoga reduces stress, improves circulatory process,
removes toxins and maintains healthy body weight thus
can help in the management of infertility, following Yoga
can be recommended:
Bhramari Pranayama
Nadi Sodhan Pranayama
Viparita Karani
Milk, Lashuna, Langali, Katutumbi, Bruhati dvaya,
Devdali, Bheeruka, Suryaballi and conception during
Vidahi, Surana, Kacchara, Kanji, spices and
unwholesome diet.
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