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2698-Article Text-6192-1-10-20230306
2698-Article Text-6192-1-10-20230306
Case Study
According to WHO, Infertility is a condition of manifestation of androgen excess and other endocrine
male or female reproductive system defined by the dysfunction. Menstrual dysfunction (Artava dushti)
failure to achieve a pregnancy after 12 months or more may range from amenorrhea (Nashtartava) to
of regular unprotected sexual intercourse.[1] It can be oligomenorrhea (Artavakshaya) to episodic
primary or secondary. Primary infertility is when a menometrorhagia (Asrigdara). Women with PCOS may
pregnancy has never been achieved by a person, and have heavy and unpredictable bleeding and instability
secondary infertility is when at least one prior of thickened endometrium. Genitotract infections
pregnancy has been achieved. It is a multifactorial frequently occur in females of reproductive age group
condition and may be due to ovulatory dysfunction and are strongly associated with increased morbidity,
(30-40%), tubal factors (25-35%), uterine factors pelvic inflammatory diseases and can lead to infertility.
(10%), cervical and vaginal factors (5%) and the According to the concept of Ayurveda, Ritu
endometrial factors (1-10%).[2] Among the ovulatory (fertile period), Kshetra (reproductive system, Artava
dysfunction, PCOS is the primary cause which is vaha srotas), Ambu (nourishment) and Beeja (ovum
characterized by menstrual irregularities, and sperm) are the primary factors for fertility.[3] In
Access this article online Acharya’s opinion, specific etiologic factors which
Quick Response Code delays conception includes Yoni pradosha, Manaso
https://doi.org/10.47070/ijapr.v11i2.2698 abhitapa, Asrug dosha, Ahara-vihara dosha, Akala yoga
and Bala samkshaya.[4] All Yonivyapads (gynecological
Published by Mahadev Publications (Regd.)
publication licensed under a Creative
disorders), if not treated properly can lead to
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- infertility.[5] Artava dushti which includes
ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) abnormalities of ovum, ovarian hormones and
menstrual irregularities also lead to Vandhyatha
IJAPR | February 2023 | Vol 11 | Issue 2 78
Anila.M, Sruthi Krishnan. A Case Report on Ayurvedic Management of Secondary Infertility
Case Report Micturition- H/o recurrent UTI
A 30 yr old lady with a complaint of inability to Sleep – Increased (she had a history of intake of
conceive a second child attended the outpatient medicines for insomnia for 3 yrs due to the night
Department of Prasutitantra and Streeroga, shift in hospital)
Government Ayurveda College, W&C hospital, Occupation - Nurse
Poojappura, Thiruvananthapuram. Detailed history Allergy- A k/c/o multiple drug allergy (allergic to
showed that she had her menarche at 13 yrs and taxin, paracetamol, rantac), cotton allergy
periods were regular up to marriage. She married to (including cotton pads, mask), Dust allergy
NCM of 31 yrs at her 23 yrs. Her first conception was (sneezing++), allergic to certain anaesthetics
after 3 months of marriage. Antenatal period was (xylocaine), allergic to stitching thread, allergic to
eventful. As there was no fetal pole and cardiac Cream, Dettol and Soaps.
pulsations visualized in the TVS scan corresponding to Diet - Non vegetarian food preferred
6 weeks, there was a chance of missed abortion, and Daily Intake of fried fish, broiler chicken
doctor advised for termination of pregnancy, for which Intake of oil fried snacks – puffs, Chips etc
the patient didn’t give her consent and she continued Occasional use of refrigerated water, soft drinks,
her pregnancy and was under progesterone tablets. In ice creams, junk foods (burger, pizza, parotta)
16 weeks of pregnancy, she had severe cough and Skipping of breakfast occasionally
breathing difficulty and took symptomatic treatment. Family history
She delivered a male baby of 3kg birth weight through Mother – 4 recurrent pregnancy losses
LSCS (Preterm-28 weeks). After 3 months of delivery, Known case of thyroid dysfunction,
she had her periods which lasted for 10-12 days with hyperlipidaemia
bleeding along with clots. She had spotting throughout Done hysterectomy at 37 yrs due to multiple cysts and
the next month & blood stained discharge occasionally. fibroids
She also had complains of severe lower abdominal pain Sister – H/o an abortion, now under allopathic
and acne during her periods and gradual increase of treatment for infertility (due to PCOD)
body weight. After 3 months, she was diagnosed with Father’s Sister – H/o 7 yrs of infertility
PCOD on USG. She took continuous allopathic Marital History
treatment for 2 years for the same and was advised Married since 9 yrs (August 2013)
laparoscopic drilling. Patient also had a complaint of Female – 23yrs
curdy white discharge per vagina after delivery, Male – 31 yrs (NCM)
associated with foul smell and severe itching. She had a First child conceived after 3 months
history of recurrent urinary tract infection. She was a Obstetric History
known case of multiple drug allergy including Taxin,
P1 L1 A0
Paracetamol, Rantac. Also allergic to Cotton (including
LCB –7 yrs
cotton pads, mask), Dust, certain anaesthetics
Antenatal period was eventful
(xylocaine), Stitching thread, Cream, Dettol, and Soaps.
Early pregnancy scan(Corresponding to 6 wks)–
History of past illness
no fetal pole and cardiac pulsations found,
Skin allergy (occasionally) gestational sac only
Dengue fever (1 yr back) Chance of missed abortion – suggested for MTP;
Pneumonia (2 yrs back) continued pregnancy
Asthma (2 yrs back) In 16 wks– H/o severe cough and breathing
Migraine (2 yrs back) difficulty
Menstrual history LSCS done – Preterm (28 weeks), cervical dystocia
Duration: 10-12 days Sterilization not done
Interval: Irregular (AUB – Menometrorrhagia) Sexual History
Allergic to pads and cotton –Tampons used Dyspareunia: Nil
Bleeding: Excessive (tampon change every 3hrs) Post coital bleeding: Nil
Clots: ++ Vaginal dryness: Nil
Tampon Change 3-4 times Aware of fertile period
Dysmennorhoea: Lower abdominal pain ++(D1- Frequency of coitus – 2-3 times /week
D3) Male Partner
LMP- 22/3/2021 No h/o mumps, chicken pox, vericocele.
PMP-1/3/2021 All the seminal parameters were within normal
Personal History limit
Bowel- Regular
Appetite- Normal range
Available online at: http://ijapr.in 79
Int. J. Ayur. Pharma Research, 2023;11(2):78-83
Investigations No abnormal growth or polyp
Routine blood and urine Investigations done were P/V examination
within normal limits. Thyroid function tests found Uterus – normal size, anteverted, mobile
to be normal. No cervical motion tenderness
USG- Both ovaries showed multiple small Fornices free
peripheral follicles appear like PCOS. Iliac fossa tenderness - absent
PAP smear-Negative for intraepithelial lesion or Ashtavidha pareeksha
malignancy and there was presence of Nadi: Sadharanam
inflammation. Mutram: Anavilam
General examination Malam: Abadham
Built: Overweight Jihwa: Anupaliptham
Nourishment: Well nourished Sabdam: Spashtam
Weight: 65 kg Sparsham: Seetham
Height: 157cm
Drik: Prakrutham
BMI: 26.37kg/m2
Akrithi: Sthoola
HR: 82/min
Dasavidha pareeksha
PR: 84/min
Dooshyam: Rasa Raktha Meda Arthava
BP: 120/80mmhg
Desham: Deham - Garbhasaya, Bhumi - Sadaranam
Gynaecological Examination
Local Examination Balam: Madhyamam
Inspection Kalam: Kshanadi -Sarvarithu Vyadhyavastha -
Vulva – Normal Purana
Labia – normal Analam: Vishamam
Curdy white discharge present externally Prakruthi: Kapha vata
Cystocele- Absent Vaya: Madhyamam
Rectocele – Absent Sathwam: Madhyamam
Urethrocele – Absent Sathmyam: Sarvarasa sathmyam
Blackish discolouration of groin present Aharam: Abhyavaharana sakthi - madhyamam
P/S examination Jaranasakthi - vishamam
Vagina – Discharge +, curdy white; foul smell - Ayurvedic Management
Present Line of Treatment
Vaginitis- present In this particular case, main Doshas involved were Vata
Cervix – Mid position, unhealthy kapha and there was also Raktha dushti. So the Chikitsa
adopted were according to the Dosha predominance
Cervicitis ++
along with Nidana parivarjana.
Erosion ++
In the bleeding phase – 10 days
Discharge ++- thick curdy discharge from os
Medicine Dose Kala Anupana
Musali khadiradi kashaya 90ml-0-90ml 2times/day Before food Honey
Pushyanuga churna 1 tsp 3 times /day Before food Honey, Thandulodaka
Kutajarishtam+Asokarishtam 30ml 3 times /day After food
Drakshadi phantam For panam Muhurmuhu (frequent)
After the bleeding phase,
Medicine Dose Kala Anupana
Madhusnuhi rasayanam 1 tsp 2 times/day before food
Guggulu pancapala churnam 1tsp 2 times /day Before food Honey
Triphala churna 1 tsp 3 times/day Hot water
Nalpamaradi keram External application over
the groin and vulva region
Sthanika chikitsa
Yoni dhawana with Traiphala kwatham * 7 days
Yonipichu with Mahathikthaka gritham * 7 days
Agni vaishamya
Dhathwagni mandya