Vol Ii Issue I May Jun 2015 15 23
Vol Ii Issue I May Jun 2015 15 23
Vol Ii Issue I May Jun 2015 15 23
stuttering, but over the aspects of life as Swara like Swarabheda, Vak Graha.
well. These conditions are coming under
With fluency shaping and stuttering fluency problems, articulatory problems
modification, help the child become and voice problems. Also there are
appropriately open about stuttering. This references regarding the lakshanas of
reduces the tendency to avoid or Swara in other systemic disorders.
withdraw from anticipated difficult Acharya kashyapa mentioned
speaking situations. about the mookatva in the context of
Help the child to develop unique and Samvardhana ghrita along with other
natural responses. developmental problems of children7.
Help the child to build the self-esteem Acharya Charaka has mentioned about
by developing areas in which he or she Prakruta and Vaikruta Swara in
can excel. Indriyasthana, where he states that
If a child is susceptible to stress and Gadgada is one of the Vaikruta Swara.
excitement, help the child to develop While explaining the indications of
response to stress, such as slowing the certain formulations like Kalyanaka
rate of speech. ghrita, Saraswatha arishta, Kalyana leha
AYURVEDIC PERSPECTIVE: etc there is references of Speech
Kashyapa has explained the parts of Disorders.
Vakindriya5. It is divided into two, one The Nidana, Samprapti and
part works for Vachana and one part Lakshana of the disease Gadgada is not
works for Grahana of Shabdha. It clearly elaborately mentioned in Ayurveda
indicates that the speech function is not classics. Gadgada is mentioned in
mere sound production. It also includes Vatavyadhi Avarana Prakarana by
sound perception. He also explained a Acharya Charaka8 and Acharya
child born deaf cannot learn the speech Sushruta . Vruddha Vagbhata mentioned
production. He will be Mooka. Because Gadgada is due to intake of Vata
Shrotra acts as Vakmoola. aggravating Aharavihara by garbhini10.
Acharya Kashyapa has mentioned Word meaning:Word Gadgada refers to
the developmental mile stone for speech6. Aspashta Vak, Ashpashta Dhvani,
In Shareera Sthana while explaining the Avyakta Dhvani, Avyakta Sphuta Sabdha
characters of persons, he has mentioned and Vak Skhalana11.
that in Kaliyuga Vachana will be Nidana and Samprapti of Gadgada:
developed by the first year of life for Specific nidana for Gadgada is not
human beings. mentioned. As it is mentioned in Avarana
Even though there is no prakarana the Nidana for Vata Vriddhi
mentioning of separate category of speech can be considered. Acharya Vagbhata
disorders in Ayurveda, we get the stated that Vataja Ahara Vihara intake by
references in classics which tell about the Garbhini leads to vata vriddhi which in
fluency disorders, developmental speech due course leads to the problems in the
problems, voice problems etc. The speech child like Jada, Badhira, mooka,
problems mentioned in the classics are Minmina, Gadgada, Khanja, Kubja,
Mooka, Minmina, Gadgada, diseases of Vamana, Hena Anga, Adhika Anga and
other Vata vikaras. Acharyas have
17 www.ijaar.in IJAAR VOLUME II ISSUE I MAY-JUN 2015
[Ravishankar :K Stammering- An Ayurveda View]
also be the learned behavior from other does the avarana for Vata in Shabdhava
stutterer. Dhamani.
Gadgada has to be treated by considering The Gadgada and Stammering can
causative factors and Dosha involved. be correlated by observing the causative
Yuktivyapashraya and Satvavajaya factors and symptomatology. Gadgada is
treatments play equal role in treating characterized by Lupta Pada or Vyanjana
Gadgada. According to Dosha etc. The word ‘adi’ i.e., etc has given
involvement the various Urdhvajatrugata wide range to understand which can be
treatment procedures like Nasya, fulfilled by the definition of Stuttering.
Gandusha etc can be adopted. Nasya of The etiopathogenisis of the condition was
teekshna dravyas and Sneha Madhura not explained in detail in classics but it is
dravyas are beneficial in Avaranajanya clear that Gadgada is of multi factorial in
and Dhatukshayajanya Gadgada origin by observing scattered references.
respectively. The Vatavyadhi treatment REFERENCES:
like use of Sneha dravyas is also 1. Charles Van Riper. Speech Correction,
beneficial. Kaphaghna vata avirodhi 9th ed., New York: Allyn & Bacon
chikitsa can be adopted as mentioned in Publication; 1996, Page no 109.
classics. Katu rasa, Ushna veerya, Katu 2. Walter Manning. Clinical Decision
vipaka dravyas are helpful in Kapha and Making in Fluency Disorders, 2nd ed.
Vata involvement. Rasayana, Swarya and New York: Singular Thomason
Medhya are also equally beneficial in the Publication; 1998, Page no 38-45.
treatment of Gadgada. 3. Walter Manning. Clinical Decision
CONCLUTION:During the Making in Fluency Disorders, 2nd ed.
developmental age of the child there may New York: Singular Thomason
be physiological or primary disfluency Publication; 1998, Page no 147.
and is unaware of this disfluency. This is 4. Charles Van Riper. The Treatment of
continued as secondary fluency problem Stuttering, New York: Practice Hall
in the form of interruptions or repetitions publication; 1973, Page no 205.
and can continue as Developmental 5. Vruddha Jeevaka. Kashyapa Samhita,
Stuttering. Speech pathologies are Vidyotini Hindi commentary by Sri
grouped into three categories- Satyapala Bhishagacharya, Chikitsa
Dysfluency, Articulatory problems and Sthana, Phakka chikitsaadhyaya,
Voice disorders. Stuttering is the Varanasi: Choukanmbha Sanskrit
dysfluency type of speech pathology Samsthan; 2004, Page no 139.
which is characterized by the repetition of 6. Vruddha Jeevaka. Kashyapa Samhita,
syllable or word, block, prolongation, Vidyotini Hindi commentary by Sri
hesitations, hard contacts and may be Satyapala Bhishagacharya, Shareera
associated with physical concomitants. Sthana, Varanasi: Choukanmbha
Ayurveda classifies speech Sanskrit Samsthan; 2004, Page no 66.
problems into three categories Mooka, 7. Vruddha Jeevaka. Kashyapa Samhita,
Minmina and Gadgada. These are Vidyotini Hindi commentary by Sri
considered as the variety of Vatavyadhis. Satyapala Bhishagacharya, Sutra
The Avarana pathology is especially Sthana, Lehyadhyaya, Varanasi:
mentioned for Gadgada where Kapha
21 www.ijaar.in IJAAR VOLUME II ISSUE I MAY-JUN 2015
[Ravishankar :K Stammering- An Ayurveda View]