Analytic Approximation of Fault Current Contribution From AC Networks To MTDC Networks During Pole-to-Ground Faults

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1, FEBRUARY 2016

Analytic Approximation of Fault Current

Contribution From AC Networks to MTDC
Networks During Pole-to-Ground Faults
Matthias K. Bucher, Student Member, IEEE, and Christian M. Franck, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—HVDC short-circuit calculation standards will be side of the converter; a concept, which would not be viable for
required to simplify the dimensioning and selection of circuit a voltage-source converter (VSC)-based MTDC system since it
breakers (CBs) in future HVDC networks. This paper pro- requires the de-energization of the entire system [8], [9]. HVDC
poses new analytical formulas for the calculation of the ac-side
contribution through the blocked half-bridge-based converters
CBs are needed to selectively isolate a faulty cable section in
during pole-to-ground faults in multiterminal HVDC cable net- the MTDC network by quickly and reliably breaking the fault
works. Analytic approximations are derived for the steady-state current. Several concepts [10]–[12] and even prototypes [13],
short-circuit currents and the peak of the transient response for [14] have been presented for such a CB for HVDC applications,
point-to-point HVDC links and extended to multiterminal HVDC which still reveal drawbacks in either onstate losses or breaking
cable networks with arbitrary grid topology. The results of the
time [15].
proposed expressions are compared with simulations in PSCAD
and provide accurate calculations for the transient peak and To specify and standardize the requirements of such dc CBs
steady-state values of the ac-side fault current contribution to the and possible fault clearance support options [16], the maximum
prospective CB current. and minimum short-circuit currents, as well as overvoltages,
Index Terms—HVDC transmission, power system faults, power have to be known.
system simulation, power system transients, PSCAD. First, a clear understanding of short-circuit currents in dc
systems and their influencing parameters [17]–[20] is required.
Therefore, the prospective fault current is broken down in its
I. INTRODUCTION individual contributions from the fault feeding network compo-

T HE increasing electricity demand and high penetration of nents, such as dc capacitors, adjacent feeders, and ac networks
new renewable energy sources at remote locations pose [17]. It has been shown that during the first few milliseconds
difficulties to the existing power network and its expansion after fault occurrence, the fault current through the CB is dom-
will be indispensable. Point-to-point high-voltage dc (HVDC) inated by capacitive contributions, whereas the infeed from the
transmission has been widely applied for long-distance transmis- ac side becomes the main contributor during the following pe-
sion and interconnection of asynchronous ac systems. Further riod. In steady state, the short-circuit current in an MTDC net-
development of this technology to real multiterminal HVDC work is solely fed by the ac networks through the freewheeling
networks (MTDC) would, however, provide even more benefits, diodes of the converters.
including increased system redundancy, higher flexibility for For the capacitive contributions-dominated period, analytic
power trading, and reduced investment and operational costs. expressions considering individual surges and the planar skin
Several initiatives envision the creation of such an MTDC net- effect have been presented in [21]. These formulas are used to
work either as an offshore cable grid [1]–[4] or onshore overhead calculate the magnitude of the first peak as well as the ini-
line (OHL) system to reinforce the existing ac network [5], [6]. tial as illustrated in Fig. 1, which are key factors for the
Due to the complexity and size, the development toward such dimensioning of an HVDC CB.
an MTDC network will be modular and multivendor based, This study is continued in this paper at hand and analytic ex-
which requires clear specification and standardization of the net- pressions are also proposed for the requirement specification
work's design and operation [7]. One of the key components is of the CB during the ac infeed-dominated second period. Ana-
the HVDC circuit breaker (CB). Point-to-point HVDC connec- lytic and numeric calculations are presented for the steady-state
tions can be adequately protected by conventional CBs on the ac short-circuit current in point-to-point HVDC connections
and MTDC systems as well as the transient peak value of
the ac infeed.
Manuscript received June 26, 2014; revised October 21, 2014; accepted Jan-
uary 26, 2015. Date of publication February 06, 2015; date of current version Calculation rules for transient and steady-state short-circuit
January 21, 2016. This work was supported in part by ABB Switzerland Ltd., in currents from the adjacent ac network through the freewheeling
part by Siemens AG, in part by Alstom Grid, and in part by the Swiss Federal diodes of the blocked half-bridge converter in dc traction sys-
Office of Energy (BfE). Paper no. TPWRD-00771-2014.
The authors are with the Power Systems and High Voltage Laboratories, ETH tems can be found in [22]–[24]. These publications consider,
Zurich, Zurich 8092, Switzerland (e-mail: [email protected]; franck@eeh. however, only single terminal systems and the proposed for- mulas cannot be applied to meshed MTDC networks.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at The IEC 61660 standard for medium-voltage (MV) dc sys-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRD.2015.2401056 tems [25] provides formulas for the calculation of the fault cur-

0885-8977 © 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

[20]. The grounded capacitor midpoint and the ground fault

form a loop that provokes a discharge of the capacitors upon
the arrival of the surge at the terminal and yields the first peak
at around 1 ms as seen in Fig. 1.
The surges are reflected and travel forward and backward be-
tween the terminal and the fault location [31] that leads to mul-
tiple peaks in the current pattern (three peaks visible between
1 and 8 ms in Fig. 1). During the first 8 ms, the pattern is de-
termined by the traveling surges and consecutive dc capacitor
discharges as explained and calculated in [21].
The converter's local overcurrent protection blocks the insu-
lated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) modules to prevent damage
due to overcurrents. After blocking, a half-bridge-based con-
verter acts like an uncontrolled rectifier and the ac side feeds the
Fig. 1. Breakdown of the total CB current (solid curve) into contributions from fault through the free-wheeling diodes (dashed curve in Fig. 1)
the ac side (dashed curve) and dc capacitor (dotted curve). [32]. In contrast to the half-bridge topologies, converters with
full-bridge schemes are able to block the ac infeed and, con-
sequently, the fault current comprises only contributions from
capacitive sources [17].
In the following text, the ac contribution increases and the
dc capacitor is charged again by the ac infeed with the peak
at 10 ms and discharged into the ground fault that leads to the
peak in the CB current at around 13 ms. Maximum CB
current is determined by various factors: the dc capacitor, the
Fig. 2. Single-line diagram of the single-terminal ac infeed.
possible pole reactor in series to the CB, the distance to the fault,
the short-circuit power of the adjacent ac network, and the fault
rent contribution from the adjacent ac network in small radial resistance. During the period between 10 and 40 ms, the ac side
MV dc networks, which cannot be used for meshed MTDC sys- and the dc capacitor contribution interact and influence each
tems with more than one feeder per busbar. other, which results in a damped oscillation of the CB current.
This paper derives novel expressions for the ac network con- The dc capacitor contribution gradually decreases until the
tributions in meshed MTDC networks with arbitrary topology steady state is reached at around 40 ms. In the steady state, the
and presents formulas for the peak value as well as the steady- dc capacitor is still charged and discharged, but has no net con-
state fault current through the CB. tribution to the fault current, that is, its mean value is zero. The
The approximations are derived for the ac infeed during steady-state CB current exhibits a 300-Hz ripple given by the
pole-to-ground faults in HVDC cable systems and compared blocked converter acting as a six-pulse diode rectifier.
with simulations in PSCAD for validation. The approxima- The aim of this paper is, thus, to present an analytic approx-
tions could also be applied to OHL networks and pole-to-pole imation of the time development of the total CB current. It is,
faults, but results are only presented for cable systems, since however, not possible to represent analytically the exact wave-
they yield higher fault current levels than OHL schemes [19]. form as shown in Fig. 1 (solid curve), but some characteristic
Pole-to-ground faults are regarded as significantly more fre- points are calculated instead. These are the amplitude of the
quent compared to pole-to-pole faults [26], particularly in cable peak of the transient period and the average steady-state
systems, although the latter fault would lead to more severe short-circuit current .
conditions [27].
II. POLE-TO-GROUND FAULT IN THE HVDC CABLE NETWORK A description of the PSCAD models used in the benchmark
Fig. 1 illustrates the typical temporal development of the fault simulations for the validation of the approximative calculations
current through the CB in the faulted cable of a simplified single of the prospective short-circuit current in the CB is presented in
terminal arrangement as depicted in Fig. 2. The total CB current this section.
(solid curve) is the sum of the ac network (dashed curve) and dc
capacitor contribution (dotted curve) to the ground fault. A. Cable Model
In bipolar HVDC schemes, the midpoint of the dc capaci- The cross-section of the frequency-dependent, distributed-
tors, including the VSC capacitors and possible tuned filter ca- parameter cable model is derived from a real 150-kV XLPE
pacitors, is usually grounded to provide a reference voltage to VSC-HVDC submarine cable [33], [34]. The cross-section has
the pole voltages [28], [29]. The midpoint is grounded either been scaled up to a 320-kV cable respecting the diameter of the
via a low-ohmic connection or through a reactor depending on copper conductor [35], while keeping the electric-field stress in
the requirement, whether the bipole has to be able to operate in cold conditions similar. The same material properties and cable
monopolar mode or not [30]. In the following text, only solidly cross-section dimensions as in [17] are applied. The cable sheath
earthed HVDC schemes are considered, since they yield the is assumed to have ground potential over the entire cable length.
highest fault currents among all possible grounding schemes It is, therefore, mathematically eliminated in the simulations.

Fig. 3. Electrical equivalent scheme of the half-bridge-based converter model

with blocked IGBTs ( : ac voltage : ac resistance : ac inductance : Fig. 4. Single-line diagram of the point-to-point HVDC connector.
transformer reactance : phase reactor : arm reactor (MMC), : dc

B. Converter Model
The converters are modeled as a generic 320-kV bipolar
half-bridge VSC topology with concentrated midpoint-
grounded dc capacitors at each terminal. The converter's
local overcurrent protection protects the insulated-gate bipolar
transistor (IGBT) modules from overcurrents through blocking
of the valves making the half-bridge based VSC an uncontrolled Fig. 5. Single-line diagram of a sample four-terminal network.
rectifier [32]. Therefore, the converter model to be implemented
for the transient study can be simplified to the diode rectifier
transformer turns ratio , the phase reactor , the resistance of
shown in Fig. 3. This model is valid for all half-bridge-based
the faulted cable section , and the possible additional fault
topologies with antiparallel freewheeling diodes, independent
resistance . The factor in (1) comes from the integra-
of whether it is a two-level, three-level, or a modular multilevel
tion of the dc voltage over one-sixth of a period to obtain the
converter (MMC). The MMC topology has additional arm
average dc voltage of the unloaded six-pulse diode converter.
reactors as indicated in Fig. 3.
Equation (1) assumes the diode rectifier with three diodes con-
The ac network adjacent to the converter terminal is modeled
ducting at the same time and, therefore, the dc-side resistances
by its equivalent short-circuit impedance consisting of and
are multiplied by a factor of 2/3. The dc-side inductances have
, and a voltage source . The converter transformer with
no influence on the steady-state current and are omitted in the
reactance has a grounded star point on the HV side and delta
windings on the secondary side. An additional phase reactor
1) Point-to-Point Connection: The steady-state fault current
is installed between the converter bridge and transformer for
through the CB in a point-to-point HVDC connection as il-
harmonic filtering of the ac currents. The MMC topology does
lustrated in Fig. 4 is not provided by [25], but can be calculated
not require filtering and is usually neglected. The pole reac-
similarly. To do so, Kirchhoff's voltage law (KVL) is applied to
tors, which are usually installed on the dc side, are neglected in
the circuit sections to both sides of the ground fault and Kirch-
this study, because it considers the worst case without additional
hoff's current law (KCL) to the node of the ground fault. The re-
damping [17].
sulting system of three equations is then solved for current
In the following text, analytic approximations are derived for
the value of the steady state as well as for the overshoot of the
transient response of the CB current.
A. Steady-State Short-Circuit Current
The formula for the steady-state short-circuit current during
a pole-to-ground fault can be derived by dividing the voltage by
the impedance as in [25]

(1) In the general case with nonzero fault resistance , the fault
currents in both sections depend on each other, whereas with
(2) zero fault resistance, (4) reduces to (1).
2) Multiterminal Network: The steady-state short-circuit
(3) current in the faulted branch of a multiterminal network as
depicted in Fig. 5 can be expressed as a system of linear
with the ac network impedance , the phase-to- equations. Each terminal is treated as a node with ac and dc
phase rms source voltage , the transformer reactance , the branches connected to it. An additional node is added for the

ground fault, which is earthed through the fault resistance . and

Hence, an -terminal HVDC network results in a system of
linear equations. The general equation for an -terminal
network is (12)

.. ..
. . (6)
B. Transient Short-Circuit Current
The exact time development of the transient contributions
from all adjacent ac networks through the CB in the sample net-
with the dc network admittance matrix including the fault
work in Fig. 5 cannot be represented analytically. Formulas are
node, but neglecting the ac admittances. It has the dimensions
derived for the peak value of the fault current instead (cf.
, where is the number of dc nodes labeled in
Fig. 1). Along with the peak value of the capacitive contribu-
Fig. 5. is the ac system admittance matrix
tions [21] at 2 ms in Fig. 1, the peak of the ac infeed at 13 ms is
with the ac admittances in the diagonal plus a zero element for
a dimensioning criterion for the CB.
the fault node. The elements of are obtained by
To do so, the transient behavior of the higher order system,
if , as shown in Fig. 5, is approximated by the well-known solution
if of an underdamped, oscillating second-order system
with the dc line conductance ; the dc bus shunt
conductance ; and the fault conductance .
The elements in the diagonal of are

where is the steady-state short-circuit current as calculated
The input voltages are calculated as
in (10), is a unit step function, and is the traveling delay
(9) of the initial surge
where is the turns ratio of the converter transformer and
is the rms phase-to-phase voltage of the corresponding adjacent based on the line length and the propagation speed of the surge
ac system. .
To calculate the average steady-state fault current through The damping ratio expresses the level of damping in
the CB indicated in Fig. 5 considering the ac-side contributions the system relative to critical damping. It indicates, whether the
from all terminals, the matrix on the left-hand side of (6) has to system is underdamped ( ), critically damped
be inverted numerically to solve (6) for the dc terminal voltages ( ), or overdamped ( ). In an overdamped
, and . The CB current can be finally calculated system, the trigonometric functions in (13) turn into hyperbolic
by functions based on and
(10) .
To obtain the unknown system damping ratio , the
Note that the dc currents and voltages contain a certain ripple method proposed in [22] is used. In [22], the unknown damping
and only averaged values are considered. Therefore, the ac ratio of a single terminal system with a converter connected
source voltages are multiplied by and in (6) to to a faulted line is calculated through the multiplication of the
obtain the average dc voltage of the unloaded converter. known damping ratio of the converter itself by the ratio of the
The resulting matrices representing the example network in dc-side and ac-side inductances. This method is applied to the
Fig. 5 are MTDC system in Fig. 5 with an assumed known damping ratio
of the subsystem consisting of terminal 1 connect to the
ground fault through the cable only. The known damping
is then multiplied by the ratio of the decay rates of terminal
1 and the entire MTDC system as follows:


(11) with and calculated by (3) and (2), respectively.

The decay rate of the MTDC network required in (15) TABLE I



using the equivalent MTDC network resistance and induc-

tance as seen from terminal 1. For the sample network in
Fig. 5, these two parameters are computed as follows:

The comparison includes the dc system as well as ac system
parameter variations to validate the analytic approximations.
The considered dc parameters are the dc capacitor size, the
fault resistance, and the network topology of the four-ter-
minal system. The ac system parameter variations include the
short-circuit power of the adjacent ac networks and the size of
respectively. the converter's commutation reactance, for example, the arm
The damping ratio of terminal 1 , used in (15), is derived reactor size in an MMC. Results are shown for the steady-state
from the peak value and the steady-state short-circuit cur- and the peak value of the transient CB current in the MTDC
rent of the single terminal system network.

A. Parameters
The default system parameters for comparison are summa-
rized in Table I. The short-circuit power ratio (SCR) is defined
as the ratio of the short-circuit capacity at the point of common
The corresponding frequency of the single terminal
coupling (PCC) and the rated power of the converter as
system can be evaluated using
(21) (26)

and the phase angle Three different MTDC network scenarios are considered and
their values are summarized in Table II. Grid topology A and
(22) B correspond to the topology presented in Fig. 5, but with dif-
ferent line lengths . Grid topology C has a connection between
where and are the single terminal system parameters de- terminal 1 and 4 ( ) instead of 2 and 3 ( ) as in layouts A and
termined in (3) and (2), respectively. B. The fault resistance is varied between 0 and 4 and the
The frequency of the transient oscillation in the MTDC dc capacitors at all four terminals between 0 and 200 F to
system in (13) is calculated by consider systems with new converter technologies that require
no or very low dc side filtering, as well as the worst case with
(23) very large dc capacitors.
based on the damping ratio of the MTDC system and the The required input parameters for the analytic calculations
frequency of the single terminal system . are also presented in Table II. The per-unit length dc line resis-
Finally, the peak value of the transient fault current through tance and inductance are obtained through the PSCAD
the CB and the corresponding time to peak is derived Line Constant Program. The peak and the steady-state
from (13). The resulting formulas are value of the short-circuit current of terminal 1 are derived
from simulations of the single terminal system comprising ter-
(24) minal 1 only. The two values and depend only on the
parameters of the ac network adjacent to terminal 1 and on the
and line length .
B. Variation of Fault Resistance
Table III summarizes the relative error of the analytic calcu-
V. COMPARISON AND DISCUSSION lations of the peak and steady-state value of the CB current in
The results of the derived formulas for the fault current the MTDC network with topology A as depicted in Fig. 5. The
through the CB, as indicated in Fig. 5, are verified in com- dc capacitors are neglected and the values are given for
parison to PSCAD simulations as presented in this section. fault resistances between 0 and 4 .


Fig. 6. Comparison of peak value results from analytic calculations and

PSCAD simulations for various fault resistances.


The peak value of the CB current can be estimated accu-

rately using (24) with a relative error below 3% for all values of harmonic only and no other harmonics are considered, which
the fault resistance. The small deviations are mainly due to esti- are present in the simulations.
mation errors of the single terminal peak and steady-state fault
current values and , respectively. Equation (20) is C. Variation of DC Capacitor Size
sensitive to these values and errors in their estimation may dete-
riorate the accuracy of the calculate peak magnitude in the The relative error of the analytic calculation of the peak mag-
MTDC network. An alternative determination of the damping nitude is presented in Table IV for dc capacitor sizes between 0
ratio in the MTDC system without relying on the single and 200 F. Although (24) does not take into account the dc ca-
terminal damping ratio would mitigate this problem. pacitor size, the relative errors of the calculated peak magnitude
The analytic function (13) is plotted by the dashed curve in remain below 8% for the considered capacitor sizes up to 200
Fig. 6 for zero fault resistance and the results of (24) and (25) F. The deviations from the simulation results are again due to
are indicated by circles. The time to peak , based on (25), estimation errors in the single terminal damping ratio as ex-
exhibits rather large deviations from the actual values of the plained in Section V-B.
PSCAD simulation outcomes as indicated by squares in Fig. 6. The calculations of the steady-state fault current through the
The time to peak of the ac infeed is very difficult to estimate in CB, not shown in Table IV, yield the same relative error of
an MTDC system due to the superposition of the contributions 0.05% for all dc capacitor sizes, since the capacitors have no
from all terminals, whose peaks occur at different instances in influence on the average steady-state fault current.
time due to the different distances to the fault, that is, different A graphic presentation of the PSCAD results (squares) and
phase angles. To specify the CB requirements, the exact time to the analytic result (circle) is shown in Fig. 7. As can be seen, the
peak of the ac infeed and the corresponding , however, are dc capacitor size influences considerably the instance of time
not as important as the of the initial surge as shown in of the ac infeed peak. An exact estimation of this instance is
Fig. 1. The of the ac network contributions is much lower beyond the scope of this paper. Moreover, Fig. 7 reveals that
due to the current-limiting ac-side inductances. the dc capacitor size has more influence on the initial capacitor
The differences between simulated and approximated results discharge peak than on the ac infeed peak magnitude .
for the average steady-state short-circuit currents are within a
D. Variation of DC Network Topology
few tens of amperes and the relative error is below 1% for
all fault resistances as summarized in the second column of The variation of the dc network topology yields relative errors
Table III. The small differences are due to the simplified cal- of the calculated peak magnitude between 1.7% in topology A
culation of the average steady-state current based on the sixth to 3.77% in topology C as presented in Table V. The relative

, F

simultaneously conducting diodes. The operation mode of the

rectifier is not only influenced by the ac-side commutation in-
ductance, but also by the load, that is, the dc network and the
fault resistance. For larger fault resistances, the operation point
of the rectifier moves to the three-diode mode and the proposed
Fig. 7. Comparison of peak value results from analytic calculations and formulas become more accurate. The study of all rectifier oper-
PSCAD simulations for various dc capacitor sizes. ation modes is beyond the scope of this paper and is subject to
future extensions.
This paper presents novel analytic formulas for the calcu-
lation of the fault current contribution from the ac network
through the dc CB during a pole-to-ground fault in a meshed
MTDC system. Analytic expressions are derived for the
steady-state short-circuit current through the CB, as well as for
the peak value of the transient current in an MTDC network
with arbitrary topology. In contrast to the existing IEC 61660
standard for small medium-voltage (MV) dc networks, the
expressions proposed in this paper can be applied to meshed
MTDC systems with multiple feeders per busbar. The proposed
expressions are validated by comparison to detailed simulations
in PSCAD using parameter variations of the dc capacitor size,
fault resistance, and network topology.
Highly accurate results with relative errors below 1% are
achieved with the formula for the steady-state CB current in
error of the calculated average steady-state CB current remains MTDC networks. Also, the amplitude of the transient peak of
again below 1%. the ac infeed can be accurately calculated with relative errors
below 8% for the entire range of dc capacitor size, fault resis-
E. Variation of SCR tance, and network topologies considered in this study. The ac-
To validate the derived formulas, the SCR of the adjacent ac curacy could be improved with an alternative estimation of the
networks is also varied. The variation considers values of the MTDC system damping ratio, which serves as the basis for the
SCR between 5 (weak ac system) and 40 (strong ac system). ac infeed peak magnitude calculations.
Table VI shows that the proposed equations provide accurate re- The proposed equations show acceptable accuracy for a com-
sults with relative errors below 0.06% for the steady-state value mutation reactance up to 0.08 p.u. in the base case with a small
and below 1.7% for the peak value of the transient ac infeed. fault resistance. For larger inductances, the four-diode opera-
tion mode of the rectifier is prevailing and the derived formulas
F. Variation of Commutation Reactance become less accurate. For a larger range of commutation in-
As an additional proof for the validity of the proposed equa- ductance, the derived approximations have to be improved and
tions, the commutation reactance is varied be- other rectifier operation modes have to be considered.
tween 5% and 10% of the base impedance by increasing, for For a future short-circuit calculation standard, characteristic
example, the size of the arm reactor as present in MMC values connected piecewise by enveloping functions will be re-
topologies (see Fig. 3). Table VII shows an increasing relative quired to approximate the entire development of the prospective
error for the peak and the steady-state value of the CB current CB current over time as used in most existing standards. The
with a commutation reactance larger than 0.08 p.u. This is due expressions for peak and steady-state values of the CB current
to the fact that the derived formulas assume three simultane- during the ac infeed dominated period as presented in this paper,
ously conducting diodes, whereas a larger commutation induc- together with the values of the initial surges as proposed in [21],
tance, that is, longer diode conduction periods, results in four could serve as characteristic values for such a standard.

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[12] Y. Wang and R. Marquardt, “Future HVDC-grids employing modular HVDC light transmission system,” in Proc. CIGRE Regional Meet. Se-
multilevel converters and hybrid DC-breakers,” presented at the 15th curity Rel. Elect. Power Syst., Tallinn, Estonia, Jun. 2007.
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[13] M. Callavik, A. Blomberg, J. Häfner, and B. Jacobson, “The Hybrid vironmental Aspects. New York, USA: Springer, 2009.
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[14] K. Tahata, S. Ka, S. Tokoyoda, K. Kamei, K. Kikuchi, D. Yoshida, Y.
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Japan, May 2014. Matthias K. Bucher (S'12) received the B.Sc. and
[15] C. M. Franck, “HVDC circuit breakers: A review identifying future M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering from the ETH
research needs,” IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 998–1007, Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, in 2009 and 2011, re-
Apr. 2011. spectively, where he is currently pursuing the Ph.D.
[16] M. K. Bucher, M. M. Walter, M. Pfeiffer, and C. M. Franck, “Options degree in high voltage engineering.
for Ground Fault Clearance in HVDC Offshore Networks,” presented He joined the High Voltage Laboratory, ETH
at the IEEE Energy Convers. Congr. Expo., Raleigh, NC, USA, Sep. Zurich, in 2011. His research is dedicated to tran-
2012. sients in multiterminal HVDC networks.
[17] M. K. Bucher and C. M. Franck, “Contribution of fault current sources
in multi-terminal HVDC cable networks,” IEEE Trans. Power Del.,
vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 1796–1803, Jul. 2013.
[18] M. K. Bucher, R. Wiget, G. Andersson, and C. M. Franck, “Multi-
terminal HVDC networks – What is the preferred topology?,” IEEE
Trans. Power Del., vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 406–413, Jan. 2014.
[19] M. K. Bucher and C. M. Franck, “Analysis of transient fault currents Christian M. Franck (M'04–SM'11) received the
in multi-terminal HVDC networks during pole-to-Ground faults,” diploma in physics from the University of Kiel, Kiel,
presented at the Int. Conf. Power Syst. Transients, Vancouver, BC, Germany, in 1999 and the Ph.D. degree in physics
Canada, Jul. 2013. from the University of Greifswald, Greifswald,
[20] M. K. Bucher and C. M. Franck, “Comparison of fault currents in mul- Germany, in 2003.
titerminal HVDC grids with different grounding schemes,” presented He was Scientist and Group Leader for gas
at the IEEE Power Energy Soc. Gen. Meeting, Washington, DC, USA, circuit breakers and high-voltage systems with the
Jul. 2014. Swiss Corporate Research Center of ABB, Dättwil,
[21] M. K. Bucher and C. M. Franck, “Analytic approximation of fault cur- Switzerland, from 2003 to 2009. Currently, he is
rent contributions from capacitive components in HVDC cable net- Assistant Professor for High Voltage Technology at
works,” IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 74–81, Feb. 2015. ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland.

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