B11-Forensic Science Bet With Answer
B11-Forensic Science Bet With Answer
B11-Forensic Science Bet With Answer
PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION the loop, the core is placed upon the end of the center
1. The inner terminus of the finger print pattern. rod whether it touches the looping ridge or not.
a. Delta a. True
b. Core b. False
c. Ridges c. Partially True
d. Pores d. Partially False
2. The Secondary Classification of the Thumb, Middle, 10. Fingerprint pattern are ______, as all fingerprint
Ring and Little fingers must be written in small letters. experts agree.
a. True a. Always inherited
b. False b. Sometimes inherited
c. Partially True c. Inherited as mendelian characteristics
d. Partially False d. Never Inherited
3. There are three (3) principles of Fingerprint science. 11. It is done by cutting on various parts of the body and
Which among the following is not included? leaving scars to form elaborate designs.
a. Principle of Individuality a. Tattoo
b. Principle of Permanency b. Scarcification
c. Principle of Infallibility c. Personal Description
d. Principle of Uniqueness d. Anthropometry
4. He is a notorious gangster and a police character who 12. A system of identification based on the
attempted to erase his fingerprint by burning it with acid. measurements of the various bony structure of the
a. Locard human body.
b. William West a. Tattoo
c. Will West b. Scarcification
d. John Dillinger c. Personal Description
d. Anthropometry
5. What objects appear as tiny black lines with tiny white
dots (called pores) in an inked finger impression? 13. Fingerprints offer an _______ means of personal
a. Pores identification
b. Sweat a. Infallible
c. Furrows b. Reliable
d. Ridges c. Dependable
d. All of these
6. What do you call the separating or spreading apart of
two ridges that were previously running side by side? 14. No two fingerprints have ever been found alike in
a. Disjunction many billion of human and automated computer
b. Divergence comparisons.
c. Convergence a. The statement is true
d. Looping b. The statement is false
c. Possibly True
7. What kind of pattern has two deltas in which at least d. Possibly false
one ridge makes a turn through one complete circuit?
a. Loop 15. The first forensic professional organization is
b. Accidental Whorl a. DNA
c. Arch b. IAI
d. Plain whorl c. FBI
d. NBI
8. What is the scientific examination of the prints of the
soles of the feet? 16. When there are two or more possible Delta which
a. Podoscopy conform to the definition, the one nearest to the core is
b. Horoscopy chosen.
c. Chiroscopy a. True
d. Flouroscopy b. False
c. Partially true
9. When the innermost sufficient recurve contains an d. Partially false
uneven number of rods rising as high as the shoulders of
23. He is the father of Criminalistic. 34. In loop the ridges are usually circular.
a. Dr. Marcelo Malpighi a. True
b. Govard Bidloo b. False
c. Sir Francis Galton c. Partially True
d. Hans Gross d. Partially false
24. It is the approximate center of a fingerprint pattern 35. The science of palm print identification.
usually found in loops and whorls. a. Dactyloscopy
a. Delta b. Dactylography
b. Core c. Chiroscopy
c. Type line d. Podoscopy
d. Bifurcation
36. The symbol for accidental whorl is
25. When there is a choice between a bifurcation and a. Z
another type of delta, the bifurcation is selected. b. X
a. True c. C
b. False d. D
c. Maybe
d. Partially True 37. It is that part of a loop or whorl in which the core
and delta appear which we are concerned in the
26. It is the reproduction on some smooth surfaces of classification process.
the pattern or design formed by ridges on the inside of a. Type lines
the end joint of the fingers and thumb. b. Pattern Area
a. Ridges c. Bifurcation
b. Pores d. Delta
c. Fingerprint
d. DNA 38. There are five (5) types of pattern in the Whorl
27. This principle states that there are no two a. True
fingerprints which are exactly alike. b. False
42. In taking fingerprints, the technician must encourage 52. In tracing a suspected person at large in a criminal
the subject being fingerprinted to relax. case, the least vital among the following would be…
a. True a. His appearance and how he dresses
b. False b. Known associates and companions
c. Partially True c. His occupation or means of livelihood
d. Partially False d. Where the suspect hangs out
43. The symbol for radial loop is 53. What does the first two digit of a person‟s Social
a. RL Security Number indicates?
b. R a. The occupation of the member at the time of
c. U registration
d. UL b. The month of registration
c. The income bracket or group where the member
44. The outer terminus of a fingerprint pattern usually belongs
found in loops and whorls. d. The region where the member originally
a. Core registered
b. Delta
c. Ridges 54. In determining the identity of an unknown dead body
d. Type lines found in a river, wherein no identifying papers are to be
found, and the body is badly mutilated and swollen,
45. The delta must be located in from of the point of which among the following means of identification is
divergence of the two type lines which open towards the least dependable?
Delta. a. Fingerprints
a. True b. Tattoo markings on the body
b. False c. Scars on the body
c. Possibly True d. Measurement of the body
d. Possibly False
55. In reporting a missing person, which among the
46. In this pattern, the ridges enter from either side, re- following is the most vital information necessary to locate
curve and pass out or tend to pass out the same side the said person?
they entered. a. Clinical or medical history of the person
a. Loop b. Personal traits and habits
b. Whorl c. Mental attitude and condition at the time of the
c. Arch disappearance
d. Tented Arch d. Physical description
47. In order to take advantage of the natural movement 56. Given to a complete set of ten fingers as they appear
of the forearm, the hand should be rotated from the on a fingerprint card generally based on pattern type,
more difficult position to the easiest position. ridge tracing or ridge count.
a. True a. Henry System
b. False b. Battley System
c. Partially True c. Fingerprint Classification
d. Partially False d. Classification Formula
48. It is a type of fingerprint pattern which possesses 57. It constitutes approximately 65% of all fingerprints.
either an angle or up thrust, or two of the three basic a. Loops
characteristics of the loop. b. Arches
60. A smooth spreading apart of two ridges which have 70. In trying to obtain prints on fingers of a dead person
been running parallel or nearly parallel. which is stiff or when rigor mortis has set in, injection of
a. Island a tissue builder by a hypodermic needle at the joint of
b. Dot the finger up to the tip of the finger is undertaken. Which
c. Divergence among the following is the most commonly utilized tissue
d. Convergence builder?
a. Glycerine
61. A small ridge attached to another ridge. b. Water
a. Island c. Saline Solution
c. Bifurcation d. Both A and B
b. Dot
d. appendage 71. What is written between the Final Classification and
the Secondary Classification?
62. In ridge counting of loops, which among the a. Key Classification
following is not counted? b. Major Classification
a. Delta c. Sub-Secondary Classification
c. Intervening ridges d. Primary Classification
b. Core
d. Both A and B 72. If the ridge counting of a loop in the Index finger is
eleven (11), what must be the symbol for purposes of
63. When the trace is whorls is on the outside or core the Sub-Secondary classification?
outside of right delta three or more ridges, the trace is a. I
determined to be; b. M
a. (I) Inner c. O
b. (O) Outer d. L
c. (M) Meet
d. None of these 73. It represents only about five (5) percent of the
fingerprint patterns encountered.
64. Represents the total numerical value of the even a. Loop
numbered fingers plus one over the total number b. Arches
numerical value of the odd numbered fingers plus one. c. Whorl
a. Primary d. None of these
b. Secondary
c. Key 74. It is a biometric Identification Methodology that uses
d. Final digital imaging technology to obtain, store, and analyze
fingerprint data.
65. In the classification, this is always shown in capital a. AFIS
letters with the right hand over the help. b. Automated Fingerprint Identification System
a. Primary c. Digital Imaging System
b. Secondary d. Both A & B
c. Key
d. Final 75. It refers to a single ending ridge in the center f a
recurving ridge of a loop.
66. It tells us the classification of the thumbprints on the a. Appendage
fingerprint card and appears showing the right hand over b. Bar
the left hand. c. Rod
a. Primary d. Both B & C
b. Secondary
c. Key 76. It is a single ridge, which divides or forks into two
d. Final ridges.
a. Converging Ridge
67. If all fingers are amputated or missing at birth, the b. Bifurcating Ridge
classification will be; c. Dissociated Ridge
a. M 32 W MMM/ M 32 W MMM d. None of these
b. M 31 W MMM/ M 31 W MMM
c. M 30 W MMM/ M 30 W MMM 77. It refers to the insertion on a fingerprint card the
d. None of these results of the interpretation of all ten patterns.
79. It refers to the appearance of extra fingers as 89. There are _____ types of impressions involved in
anatomically known. taking fingerprints.
a. Poroscopy a. 3
b. Anyklosis b. 4
c. Polydactylism c. 2
d. Extra finger d. 1
80. It is the process of counting ridges that cross or 90. Plain impressions are printed last at the bottom of
touch an imaginary line drawn between the delta and the card.
core of a loop. a. True
a. Ridge counting b. False
b. Ridge tracing c. Partially true
c. Ridge Ending d. Partially false
d. None of these
91. If the individual has a bandage or cast of a finger,
81. It refers to the process of charting the ridge that thumb or hand, place the notation, “Cannot be Printed”
originates from the lower side of the left delta toward the or CP in the appropriate finger block.
right delta to see where it flows in relation to the right a. True
delta. b. False
a. Ridge counting c. Partially True
b. Ridge Tracing d. Partially false
c. Ridge ending
d. Short Ridge 92. If an individual has more than ten fingers, the
thumbs and the next four fingers and the extra finger
82. A type of fingerprint pattern in which the ridges run should be printed.
its direction to the radius or to the thumb. a. True
a. Radial Bone b. False
b. Radial Loop c. Partially True
c. Ulnar Loop d. Partially false
d. Arch
93. There are four (4) steps in the Finger print
83. For purposes of the Primary Classification, the Right Classification. Which among the following is not included?
Index and Left Middle are intended as Numerator. a. Recording
a. True b. Interpretation
b. False c. Blocking
c. Partially True d. Pairing
d. Partially false
94. The Classification formula is written horizontally on
84. It constitutes approximately 65% of all fingerprint the fingerprint card. It is consists of six (6) classification.
patterns. a. True
a. Arch b. False
b. Loop c. Partially True
c. Whorl d. Partially False
d. None of these
95. It is the sum total of all numerical values of Whorls in
85. The arch and loop patterns are not included in the a set of finger plus (+) a fraction of over 1.
Primary Classification. a. Secondary Classification
a. True b. Key Classification
b. False c. Primary Classification
c. Partially True d. Final Classification
d. Partially False
96. It is the process of writing the symbols of the
86. It consists of one or more ridges which makes a corresponding patterns on the space provided in the
complete circuit with two deltas. fingerprint cards.
a. Central Pocket Loop a. Pairing
b. Plain Whorl b. Blocking
c. Double Loop Whorl c. Tracing
d. Accidental whorl d. Interpretation
87. It consists of two separate loop formations with two 97. It is the process of assigning Numerical Values for
separate and distinct sets of shoulders, and two (2) Whorl patterns.
deltas. a. Pairing and Assigning of Numbers
3. A founder of Royal society who reported that silver 13. The light-gathering power of the lens is indicated by:
chloride turned dark under exposure, but he appeared to a. F-number
believe that it was caused by exposure to the air, rather b. Relative aperture
than to light. c. Both A and C
a. Robert Boyle d. None of these
b. Isaac Newton
c. Angelo Sala 14. It holds the film in place at the back of the. It is
d. Johann Heinrich Schulze designed to hold the film flat so that the image produced
by the lens will be sharp over the whole picture area.
4. He discovered that white light is composed of different a. Focusing ring
colors. b. Film Case
a. Robert Boyle c. Film Holder
b. Isaac Newton d. View Finder
c. Angelo Sala
d. Johann Heinrich Schulze 15. It helps the photographer see the precise area that
will be photographed when he trips the shutter.
5. He achieved the first photographic image with camera a. Focusing ring
obscura. However, the image required eight hours of b. Film Case
light exposure and later faded. c. Film Holder
a. Joseph Nicephore Niepce d. View Finder
b. Thomas Wedgewood
c. Sir John Herschel 16. These are essentially carved pieces of glass or other
d. Angelo Sala transparent materials used to refract rays of light so as to
form an image of an object on a photographic film.
6. He discovered a way of developing photographic a. Aperture
plates, a process which greatly reduced the exposure b. Diaphragm
time from eight hours down to half an hour. c. Magnifying lens
a. Joseph Nicephore Niepce d. Photographic lens
b. Thomas Wedgewood
c. Sir John Herschel 17. The speed of the lens is expressed in terms of its:
d. Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre a. Aperture
b. Diaphragm
7. The first photographic process. c. View Finder
a. Calotype Process d. Shutter
b. Daguerreotype Process
20. How many parts does a camera generally have, with 30. A type of camera with two objective lenses of the
all other parts treated as accessories? same focal length.
a. Four a. View Finder Camera
b. Five b. SLR
c. Six c. TLR
d. Seven d. Press Type Camera
21. The lens opening also known as the relative aperture 31. The chief attribute of this camera is its ability to
is the indicator for light transmitting capability of the deliver a complete processed print almost immediately
lens. Which lens opening will admit more light to pass after exposure.
through its medium? a. View Finder Camera
a. F16 b. SLR
b. F5.6 c. Polaroid
c. F4 d. Press Type of Camera
d. F2.8
32. It is a wavelength emitted by the sun which cannot
22. ___________is that light-sensitive silver salts in a be seen, tough we can feel it in our bodies as warmth or
gelatin medium coated on all photographic films and heat.
papers. a. Infra-red
a. Aniline b. Ultra-violet Light
b. Sympathetic c. Natural Light
c. Emulsion d. Man-made light
d. Copy Pencil
33. It is another form of light that we cannot see, but we
23. What contraption or device is used to block the path know about it because it tans our skin in summer.
of light passing through the lens exposing the sensitized a. Infra-red
materials? b. Ultra-violet Light
a. Range Finder c. Natural Light
b. Shutter d. Man-made light
c. Exposure
d. View Finder 34. The speed of light measured in a vacuum is
24. The light from the pinhole will form a. 186, 281 miles/sec.
a. A halo effect b. 299, 792.5 km/sec
b. A photographic emulsion c. 299, 795.2 km/sec
c. An inverted image d. Both A and B
d. An emergent ray
35. The complete range of electromagnetic radiation is
25. What is the process of converting the exposed image called_____.
on the film into the actual image? a. Electromagnetic Spectrum
a. Developing b. Electromagnetic waves
b. Stop bath c. Electromagnetic speed
c. Fixing d. Heat
d. Washing
36. The following are primary colors except:
26. When light passes through an object, it is said to be a. Red
a. Transmitted b. Green
b. Refracted c. Black
c. Diffracted d. Blue
d. Absorbed
37. Colors made by combining the primary colors are
27. He discovered that white light is composed of called:
different colors. a. Sub-Primary Colors
a. Robert Boyle b. Secondary Colors
b. Isaac Newton c. Tertiary Colors
c. Angelo Sala d. Elementary Colors
d. Joseph Nicephore Niepce
38. When light passes from one medium to another such
as from air to water it is bent and this bending is called:
a. Refraction
39. It is the bouncing back of light upon hitting an object 50. In ________, the subjects will produced a strong
or material. shadow, because the source of light is not covered and
a. Reflection the objects or subjects appear glossy in open space due
b. Refraction to direct sunlight and reflected lights coming from the
c. Transmission sky which act as a reflector.
d. Absorption a. Bright sunlight
b. Hazy Sunlight
40. The change of direction of light that passes through c. Cloudy Sunlight
an object or material. d. Dull Sunlight
a. Reflection
b. Refraction 51. In__________, the sun is covered by thin clouds and
c. Transmission the shadow appears bluish because of the decrease of
d. Absorption light falling on the subjects in open space.
a. Bright sunlight
41. The maximum usable aperture of a lens is usually b. Hazy Sunlight
specified as the focal ration or f-number. c. Cloudy Sunlight
a. The statement is correct d. Dull Sunlight
b. The statement is partially true
c. The statement is false 52. It is a sheet of plastic (cellulose acetate) coated with
d. The statement is doubtful emulsion containing light-sensitive silver halide salts with
variable crystal size salt that determine the sensitivity,
42. The lower the f-number, the more light per unit area contrast and resolution of the film.
is delivered in the focal plane. a. Film
a. True b. Camera
b. Partially True c. Lens
c. False d. Shutter
d. Partially false
53. In__________, the sun is totally covered by thick
43. The focal length determines the: clouds. No shadows are cast due to the uniform
a. Depth of field illumination of lights around the subjects in open space.
b. Angle of view a. Bright sunlight
c. Color of the picture b. Hazy Sunlight
d. Maximum aperture c. Cloudy Sunlight
d. Dull Sunlight
44. Lenses with larger apertures are also described as
being “faster”. 54. It is the process of reduction in which exposed silver
a. True halides are reduced into metallic silver.
b. False a. Development
c. Partially True b. Printing
d. Partially False c. Reduction
d. Crop
45. Lenses with larger maximum apertures provide
significantly brighter viewfinder images. 55. An intermediate bath between the developer and the
a. True fixer. It is usually a combination of water plus acetic acid
b. False or just plain water. It function is to prevent the
c. Partially True contamination of two chemicals.
d. Partially False a. Stop Bath
b. Fixation
46. The distance between the nearest object and the c. Development
object farthest from the camera that both appear in d. Reduction
a. Focal Length 56. It is the process of removing unexposed silver halide
b. Depth of Field remaining in the emulsion after the first stage of
c. Lens Speed development of the latent image.
d. Lens Hood a. Stop Bath
b. Fixation
47. The first practical photographic process. c. Development
a. Calotype d. Reduction
b. Daguerreotype
c. Collodion 57. It is a Reducer or developing agent
d. Dry Plate Process a. Elon
b. Hydroquinone
48. Light sensitivity of the film is also known as: c. Sodium Sulfite
a. Film Speed d. A or B
b. Film Grains
c. Film Emulsion 58. It is use as preservative in the Development process.
d. Film Contrast a. Sodium Sulfite
b. Hydroquinone
49. He discovered the use of Hydroquinone as a c. Potassium Bromide
developing agent. d. Sodium Carbonate
a. John Carbutt
82. Consisting of light-sensitive silver salts in a gelatin 92. It refers to the sensitivity of the film to light.
medium and used to coat photographic films and papers. a. Film Speed
a. Base b. Base
b. Anti-Halation Backing c. Film Graininess
c. Emulsion d. Color Films
d. Exposure
93. It contains minute grains of silver halide suspended
83. A light sensitive material that is placed inside a in animal gelatin and coated on celluloid material.
camera to store any image the camera focuses. a. Lens
a. Film b. Film
b. Shutter c. Camera
c. Aperture d. Photographic Paper
d. None of these
94. Lenses with larger apertures are also described as :
84. A colored gelatin or medium which absorbs or a. Faster
transmits differentially light rays passing through it. b. Slower
a. Lens c. Moderate
b. Filter d. None of these
c. Shutter
d. Film 95. Lenses with smaller aperture requires a slower
shutter speed and the depth of field is:
85. It refers to the process of removing unexposed silver a. Wider
halides remaining in the emulsion after the first image of b. Narrower
development of the latent image. c. Slower
a. Fixation d. Fast
b. Development
c. Stop Bath 96. It refers to the study of physical evidence through a
d. Printing laboratory work.
a. Criminology
86. It is known as “hypo” and its purpose are to harden b. Criminalistics
the gelatin emulsion on the film, and to dissolve out all c. Penology
the unexposed and the undeveloped silver halide in it. d. Dactyloscopy
a. Fixation
b. Fixing Bath 97. It is the study concerning the production of
c. Stop Bath permanent records of images by the combined action of
d. Development light on sensitive surfaces, a mechanical device and the
chemical process.
87. It is a distance measured from the optical center of a. Dactyloscopy
the lens to the film plane when the lens set of focus is b. Photography
set at infinity position. c. Ballistic
a. Focal Plane d. QDE
b. Focal Length
c. Focusing 98. The word Photography originated from the Greek
d. Depth of Field word PHOS which means:
a. Drawing
88. It serves to support the emulsion layer of the film. b. Picture
a. Base c. Photos
b. Emulsion d. Light
c. Anti-halation Backing
d. Granularity 99. A visible form of energy that radiates in waves of
different length.
89. It refers to the sensitivity of the film to wavelength or a. Light
color. b. Heat
a. Speed c. Fire
b. Spectral Sensitivity d. Rainbow
c. Granularity
d. Graininess 100. A black box sealed against light with a piece of film
in one end and a hole in the other end to let certain
42. It is the most simple form of modern cartridge and 53. He is credited as the father of Ballistic.
can generally found in Cal. 22 a. Samuel Colt
a. Pin-Fire cartridge b. Calvin Goddard
b. Rim-Fire Cartridge c. Forsyth
c. Center Fire Cartridge d. Hans Gross
d. All of these
54. It refers to the characteristics that are determinable
43. In this kind of firearm, a pull or pressure on the even prior to the manufacture of the firearms. These are
trigger will cause one shot. factory specification and within the control of man.
a. Automatic firearm a. Individual Characteristics
b. Single Shot firearm b. Class Characteristics
c. Double Action firearm c. Group Characteristics
d. Single Action Firearm d. None of these
44. The first cartridge of a self-exploding type. 55. It describes the ability of the bullet to maintain its
a. Pin-Fire cartridge velocity against air resistance.
b. Rim-Fire Cartridge a. Trajectory
c. Center Fire Cartridge b. Air Resistance
d. All of these c. Pull of Gravity
d. Ballistic Coefficient
45. The Trigger pressure of a rifle is________.
a. 4 lbs. 56. Firearms that propel projectile of less than one inch
b. 3-4 lbs in diameter.
c. 3-5 lbs a. Artillery
d. 6-7 lbs b. Small Arms
c. Trigger
46. The inner surface of the barrel that has a series of d. Ejector
parallel spiral grooves on the whole length is
called_____. 57. The depressed portion of the bore.
a. Bore a. Groove
b. Rifling b. Land
c. Twist c. Rifling
d. Hammer d. Base
47. The number of lands and grooves varies from 58. The depth of entry of the bullet in the target.
__________. a. Pull of Gravity
a. 2 to 12 b. Air Resistance
b. 3 to 12 c. Terminal Penetration
c. 4 to 12 d. Terminal Accuracy
d. 6 to 5
59. It is generally used in the preliminary examination of
48. The speed of the bullet upon striking the target. fired bullets and shells for the purpose of determining the
a. Terminal Accuracy relative distribution of the class characteristics.
b. Terminal Energy a. Bullet Comparison Microscope
c. Terminal Velocity b. Stereoscopic Microscope
d. Terminal Penetration c. Shadowgraph
d. Caliper
49. It refers to a tabular metallic container for the
gunpowder. 60. It refers to a “Loaded Shell” for rifles, carbines,
a. Bullet shotguns, revolvers and pistols from which a ball, bullet,
b. Primer shot or other missile may be fired by means of a gun
c. Cartridge powder or other explosives.
d. None of these a. Bullet
b. Ammunition
50. It is an ancient smooth-bore and muzzle loading c. Primer
military shoulder arm designed to fire a single round lead d. Ball
a. Musket 61. Sometimes it is called as “secondary firing pin mark”
b. Machine guns and found in the primer near the firing pin mark.
c. Shoulder Arms a. Firing Pin Mark
d. Revolver b. Shearing Mark
c. Ejector Mark
51. This is a part of the firearm which causes firing d. Chamber Mark
a. Hammer 62. The first priming mixture is composed of Potassium
b. Trigger Chlorate, Charcoal, and _________.
c. Barrel a. Ground Glass
d. Ejector b. Fulminate of Mercury
c. Barium Nitrate
52. The trigger pressure of a shotgun is______. d. Sulphur
56. Any instrument issued by the government or its 66. The following are the scientific method in QDE
agents or its officers having the authority to do so. except:
a. Official Document a. Analysis
b. Public Document b. Comparison
74. In this process, the forger places the document to be 84. It is a special thread vertically implanted off center of
forged on the bottom, inter-leaves a piece of carbon the note during paper manufacture. This can easily be
paper and places on top of a document containing the seen when the note is viewed against the light.
genuine signature. a. Embedded Security Thread
a. Indentation Process b. Windowed Security Thread
b. Carbon Process c. Iridescent Band
c. Transmitted Light Process d. Vignette
d. None of these
85. It is a narrow security thread vertically located like
75. It is the crime of making, circulating or uttering false “stitches” at the face of the note with a clear text of the
coins and banknotes. numerical value in repeated sequence.
a. Falsification a. Embedded Security Thread
b. Forgery b. Windowed Security Thread
c. Counterfeiting c. Iridescent Band
d. Engraving d. Vignette
76. It is the process by which the line to be printed are 86. It is a wide glistening gold vertical stripe with the
cut into pieces of metal by hand or with a machine. This numerical value printed in series.
a. Portrait
89. These are pieces of metal stamped by government 100. This is regarded as the principal method of ink
authority for use as money or collectively referring to examination.
metal currency. a. Ink analysis
a. Note b. Chromatographic Analytical Method
b. Bill c. Benzidine Method
c. Coin d. None of these
d. Peso
90. It is the most common method of making gold coins.
a. Engraving 1. An instrument that graphically measures an
b. Offset Printing examinee’s inhalation and exhalation.
c. Uttering a. Pneumograph
d. Casting b. Spygmograph
c. Kymograph
91. To pass a counterfeited coin means__ d. Galvanograph
a. To import
b. Utter 2. An instrument that measured changes in pulse and
c. Mutilate blood pressure.
d. Counterfeit a. Pneumograph
b. Hydrospygmograph
92. This means that the forger has trouble matching the c. Kymograph
paper, ink, or writing materials to the exact date it was d. Galvanograph
supposed to have been written.
a. Counterfeit 3. He invented the Pneumograph component of the Lie
b. Utter detector machine.
c. Anachronism a. Vittorio Benussi
d. Watermark b. John Larson
c. Cesare Lombroso
93. The first writing material known to man. d. William Marston
a. Papyrus
b. Vellum 4. He conducted further research that dealt with
c. Parchment Sphygmomanometer, which was used to obtain periodic
d. None of these discontinuous blood pressure readings during the course
of an examination.
94. This writing material made from the skin of animals a. William Marston
primarily of sheep, calves or goats. b. John Larson
a. Vellum c. Cesare Lombroso
b. Parchment d. Vittorio Benussi
c. Papyrus
d. Reed 5. A device invented that records both blood-pressure
and galvanic skin response was invented in 1920
95. It is widely claimed that invention of paper is by_______.
generally attributed to a_____. a. William Marston
a. Chinese b. John Larson
b. Americans c. Cesare Lombroso
c. Filipino d. Vittorio Benussi
d. African
6. The term polygraph was first used in 1906 by James
96. It was the first writing tool that has the writing end MacKenzie in his invention the “ink polygraph”, which
slightly frayed like a brush. It is first used in papyrus was used for medical purposes.
writing material. a. William Marston
a. Quill Pen b. John Larson
b. Reed c. Cesare Lombroso
c. Steel Point Pen d. James Mackenzie
d. Fountain Pen
7. He is the self-proclaimed father of polygraph.
10. The nervous control of the human body includes the: 19. It detects, measures, and graphically displays the
a. Central Nervous System voice modulations that we cannot hear.
b. Autonomic Nervous System a. Word Association Test
c. Muscular System b. Psychological Stress Evaluator
d. Reproductive System c. Lie Detection Test
e. Both A & B d. Confession
11. It primarily controls the motor and sensory functions 20. When the person is under stress as when he is lying,
that occur at or above the threshold. the micro tremor in the voice utterance is moderately and
a. Central Nervous System completely suppressed.
b. Autonomic Nervous System a. True
c. Muscular System b. False
d. Reproductive System c. Partially True
d. Doubtful
12. It acts as a self-regulating autonomic response of the
body. 21. When a person is relaxed and responding honestly to
a. Central Nervous System the questions, those inaudible frequencies are registered
b. Autonomic Nervous System clearly on the instrument.
c. Muscular System a. True
d. Reproductive System b. False
c. Partially True
13. When the person is under the influence of physical d. Doubtful
exertion or emotional stimuli, the sympathetic will
dominate and over-rid the parasympathetic, thus there 22. In the administration of truth serum, the drug given
will be changes in the heart rate, blood pressure, hypodermically to the subject is_________.
respiratory pattern, psycho galvanic reflexes, time of a. Shabu
response to question, and voice tracing. b. Hyoscine Hydrobromide
a. True c. Psychiatric Sodium Amytal
b. Partially True d. Morphine
c. False
d. Partially False 23. The drug administered to the subject in
Narcoanalysis/Narcosynthesis is________.
14. The parasympathetic nervous system works to a. Shabu
restore things to normal when the condition of stress has b. Hyoscine Hydrobromide
been removed. It is dominant branch when the condition c. Psychiatric Sodium Amytal
is normal and the subject is calm, contented and relaxed. d. Morphine
a. True
b. Partially True 24. The Latin maxim which means that in wine there is
c. False truth.
d. Partially False a. In Vino San Miguel
b. In Vino Matador
15. In this examination, lists of stimulus and non- c. InVino Veritos
stimulus words are read to the subject who is instructed d. In Vino Veritas
to answer as quickly as possible.
a. Lie Detection 25. It is the alteration of consciousness and
b. Word Association Test concentration in which the subject manifests a
c. Hypnotism heightened suggestibility while awareness is maintained.
d. Psychological Stress Evaluator a. Narcism
b. Hypnosis
16. In lie detector, the time interval between the words c. Cult
uttered by the examiner and the answer of the subject is d. Addiction
a. True 26. It is also called Prevarication. A type of deception in
b. False the form of untruthful statements with the intention to
c. Doubtful deceive, often with the intention to maintain a secret of
47. The examination room must be equipped with 57. A person who is capable of detecting deception with
paintings, decorations or other ornaments. the use of instrumentation or mechanical device.
a. True a. Interrogator
b. False b. Detective
c. Partially True c. Medico-legal Officer
d. Partially False d. Polygraph Examiner
48. Permanent physical illness such as mental 58. Which among the following statement is not among
derangement, certain heart condition and addiction to the limitations of the polygraph?
narcotic drugs are definite causes that makes a person a. It is only as accurate as the examiner is competent.
unfit for a polygraph test. b. It is admissible as evidence.
a. True c. It is an aid and not a substitute for investigation.
b. False d. It is a scientific diagnostic instrument which records
c. Partially True responses.
d. Partially False
59. An invaluable aid in investigation and an instrument
49. This phase of the examination will condition the in the detection of deception.
subject psychologically for the test. a. Photography
a. Pre-test interview b. Chemistry
b. Actual Interrogation c. Lie Detection
c. Post-test interview d. Medicine
d. None of the above
60. Questions in connection to the matter under
50. Questions formulated must be short, simple and investigation.
multiple choice type. a. Relevant
a. True b. Supplementary
b. False c. Control
c. Partially True d. Relevant
d. Partially false
61. It refers to query having no bearing or weight to the
51. Questions pertaining to the issue under investigation. case under investigation.
a. Relevant Question a. Relevant Question
b. Irrelevant Question b. Supplementary Questions
c. Control Question c. Control Question
d. Supplementary Question d. Irrelevant Question
52. These are questions which are unrelated to the 62. A test usually administered as part of the standard
matter under investigation but of similar nature although test to draw a better conclusion.
less serious as compared to those relevant questions a. Relevant Question
under investigation. b. Supplementary
a. Relevant Question c. Control
b. Irrelevant Question d. Irrelevant
c. Control Question
d. Supplementary Question 63. This measures, detects and graphically displays voice
a. Word Association Test
53. An examination wherein an informal interview of the b. Psychological Stress Evaluator
subject is undertaken between 20 to 30 minutes. c. Truth Serum
a. Post-test Interrogation d. Water therapy
b. Pre-test Interview
c. Actual Interrogation 64. In this examination, stimulus and non-stimulus words
d. Lie Detection Test are read to the subject who in turn is instructed to
answer as quickly as possible.
54. Which among the following is not a required a. Word Association Test
qualification for a polygraph examiner? b. Psychological Stress Evaluator
a. Criminology Graduate c. Truth Serum
b. Honesty d. Water Therapy
c. Technical Know How
d. Integrity and Morals 65. A test conducted wherein the subject is instructed
not to produce verbal response.
55. Which among the forgoing is not a part in the a. Peak of Tension Test
conduct of a polygraph examination? b. Silent Test
a. Pre-test Interview c. Narrative
b. Instrumental Test d. Guilt Complex Test
c. Post-Test Interview
d. Psychological Test 66. Using the Psychological Stress Evaluator, a lying
subject or when a person is under stress, the
56. Which among the following is not included in frequencies___________?
recording the psycho-physiological response of the a. Tends to disappear
subject? b. Rise
a. Use of Water therapy c. Increases
73. It is base on the maxim “in vino veritas”. 84. An inhibition of a previous activity of an organism as
a. Hypnotism a result of stimulation.
b. Narco-analysis a. Response
c. Narco-Synthesis b. Reaction
d. Intoxication with the use of alcoholic beverages c. Stimuli
d. Fear
74. It is any deviation from the normal tracing of the
subject. 85. It refers to an emotional response to a specific
a. Normal Response danger which appears to go beyond a person’s defensive
b. Specific Response power.
c. Polygrams a. Response
d. Response b. Deception
c. Stimuli
75. In this examination, psychiatric sodium pentothal is d. Fear
a. Hypnotism 86. This component drives the chart paper under the
b. Narco-analysis recording pen simultaneously at the rate of 6 to 12
c. Intoxication with the use of alcoholic beverages inches per minute.
d. Administration of truth serum a. Cardiosphygmograph
b. Kymograph
76. The most common scientific method of detecting c. Stimuli
deception. d. Fear
a. Polygraphy
b. Polygraph 87. A part of the galvanograph attached to the left
c. Truth Serum fingers of the subject.
d. Interrogation a. Finger electrode plate
b. Diacritic notch
c. Rubber convoluted tube
88. This component record changes of the subject’s 99. The number of basic tracings in a modern polygraph.
blood pressure and pulse rate. a. 3
a. Cardiosphygmograph b. 4
b. Sphygmomanometer c. 5
c. Galvanograph d. 6
d. Pneumograph
100. He developed the systolic blood pressure method for
89. It records the subject’s skin resistance to a small detecting deception.
amount of electricity. a. William Marston
a. Cardiosphygmograph b. Harold Burtt
b. Sphygmomanometer c. John Larson
c. Galvanograph d. Leonard Keeler
d. Pneumograph
90. This component records the changes in the breathing FORENSIC CHEMISTRY AND TOXICOLOGY
of the subject.
a. Cardiosphygmograph 1. Is the branch of chemistry, which deals with the
b. Sphygmomanometer application of chemical principles in the solution of
c. Galvanograph problems that arise in connection with the administration
d. Pneumograph of justice. It is chemistry applied in the elucidation of legal
91. A kind of lie wherein a person assumes another a. Chemistry
identity to deceive others. b. Forensic toxicology
a. Black Lie c. Forensic chemistry
b. White Lie d. Forensic chemistry and toxicology
c. Red Lie
d. Yellow Lie 2. The normal quantity of seminal fluid in a single
92. It is a deviation from normal tracing of the subject in a. 400- 500 million
the relevant question. b. 1.5 – 3.5 ml
a. Reaction c. 50- 350 thousand
b. Normal Response d. 15- 35 ml
c. Specific Response
d. Positive Response 3. __________________ was the first poison for which
analytical test called Marsh Test was developed.
93. Chart tracing of the subject when irrelevant questions a. Arsenic
were answered. b. Atropine
a. Reaction c. Acetic acid
b. Normal Response d. Acetone
c. Specific Response
d. Positive Response 4. The scope of forensic chemistry includes the following,
94. Normal time interval for pre-test interview. a. It includes the legal side of criminal
a. 20 to 30minutes investigation.
b. 30 to 60 minutes b. It includes the analysis of any material, the quality of
c. 60 to 90 minutes which may give rise to legal proceeding.
d. 90 to 120 minutes c. It is not limited to purely chemical questions involved in
legal proceedings.
95. What is the primary objective of the posttest d. It has invaded other branches of forensic sciences
interview? notably legal medicine, ballistics, questioned documents,
a. To thank the subject dactyloscopy, and photography.
b. To obtain confession
c. To make the subject calm 5. Below are the roles of the forensic chemist in the
d. To explain polygraph test procedures scientific criminal investigation, except:
a. Determining whether or not a place/ location is a
96. What is the purpose of the pre-test interview? clandestine laboratory.
a. To prepare the subject for polygraph test b. Examination of marked bills/ suspects during
b. To obtain confession entrapment (extortion case)
c. To make the subject calm c. Taking paraffin test.
d. To explain polygraph test procedures d. Filing the case in court.
97. Test undertaken when both relevant and control 6. Police Lieutenant Alvarez conducts a test that will
questions are similar in degree and consistency. possibly identify blood or determines whether the stains
a. Guilt complex test contain blood. This test is called:
b. Silent answer Test a. Precipitin
c. Peak of Tension Test b. Confirmatory
d. None of the Above c. Blood grouping
d. Preliminary
98. It refers to questions to ascertain the subject’s
normal pattern of response. 7. The following are the primary reasons which may
a. Relevant Questions contribute to the disaster of evidence. Which one is not
b. Irrelevant Questions included?
c. Supplementary Questions a. Improper packing of specimen.
33. This reagent produces a blue flaky precipitate in the 41. The person passes into a deep sleep and may only
presence of cocaine. The test is not reliable as many other respond to strong stimuli. Pupils are dilated, breathing is
drugs and diluents respond in the same manner. slow and stertorous, pupils are dilated and reflexes,
a. Dillie Koppanyi test abolished. Death may ensue from paralysis of the cardiac
b. Cobalt Thiocynate test or respiratory center.
c. Micro-crystalline Test: a. Stage of Narcosis or Coma
d. Duquenois- Levine Test b. Stage of Excitement
c. Stage of Incoordination or Confusion
34. This is called sexual cell, reproductive cells which unite d. None of the above
to one another to form cells that develop into new cells.
a. Zygote 42. A poison found in rugby has been described as
b. Allele colorless and inflammable and burns with smoky flame.
c. Genotype a. Toluene
d. Gamete b. Quinine
c. Ptomaine
35. It is a colorless transparent, volatile liquid with d. Picrotoxin
aromatic odor and with boiling point at 78°C. Like any
other types of alcohol, it is formed out of the fermentation 43. There is flushing of the face, with exaggerated mood,
of various carbohydrates in grains, fruits or flowers, and but a person is able to control his behavior. He shows no
from other materials subjected to and isolated by signs of mental impairment, incoordination of movement
distillation. and difficulty of speech.
a. Alcohol a. Slight Inebriation
b. Ethyl alcohol b. Moderate Inebriation
c. Methyl alcohol c. Drunk
d. All of the above d. Very Drunk, "Dead drunk"
36. It is the oxygen carrier of the blood. 44. Person is talkative, argumentative and over-confident.
a. Plasma There is slight impairment of mental faculties, difficulty of
b. Hemoglobin articulation, and loss of coordination to finer movements.
c. Fibrin The face is flushed with eyeballs congested. He is reckless
d. Red cell and shows motor incoordination. He may be certified as
being "under the influence of alcohol".
37. A _______________ is a person who habitually takes a. Slight Inebriation
or uses any intoxicating alcoholic liquor and while under b. Moderate Inebriation
the influence of such, or in consequence of the effect c. Drunk
thereof, is either dangerous to himself and to others, or is d. Very Drunk, "Dead drunk"
a cause of harm or serious annoyance to his family or his
affair, or ordinary proper conduct.
74. Mr. A has been found to have low sperm count. His 85. This is a simple test for distinguishing blood stain from
condition is known as: other substances.
a. Aspermia a. Benzidine
b. Oligospermia b. Alphanapthylamine
c. Impotency c. Diphenylamine
d. all of the above d. Hydrochloric acid