Comparison of HOG, MSER, SIFT, FAST, LBP and CANNY Features For Cell Detection in Histopathological Images
Comparison of HOG, MSER, SIFT, FAST, LBP and CANNY Features For Cell Detection in Histopathological Images
Comparison of HOG, MSER, SIFT, FAST, LBP and CANNY Features For Cell Detection in Histopathological Images
Comparison of HOG, MSER, SIFT, FAST, LBP and CANNY features for cell
detection in histopathological images
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Received: 10th Feb 2018, Accepted: 18th March 2018, Published: 31st April 2018
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m x, y f x x, y f y x, y
2 2
f y x, y
x, y arctan
f x x, y
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