Camera Basics Crossword

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Camera Basics
Complete the crossword puzzle below
1 2 3

4 5 6

8 9 10


12 13


15 16






22 23


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1. 24fps is the standard for this industry 2. recommended shooting mode that gives you full
4. controls the amount of light that comes into the control over a camera settings
camera 3. the scale used to measure color tempature
6. display images, menus and settings 5. keeps your camera footage smooth. If to low
7. allows you to get a sharp and clear image camera image will be choppy
8. 60fps is most commonly used for 9. allows your camera to see true white
13. keeps your lens safe from dirt and debris 10. 30fps is most commonly used for
15. filters that are like sun glasses to your camera 11. a three legged stand used to support a camera
17. to be pivoted horizontally to the right or left from 12. when an image appears darker than it should
19. the number of pixels organized or arranged by 14. the frequency (rate) at which consecutive images
width and height on a screen (frames) are captured or displayed
21. digital or artificial enhancement that brightness the 16. the camera remains fixed but moves up and down
image along a vertical axis
22. when an image appears brighter than it should 18. a single legged stand used to stabilize a camera
23. allows for a subject to come closer into frame 20. a device for recording visual images in the form of
without physically moving photographs, film, or video signals
24. allows the camera to turn on

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