Insead Digital MKT
Insead Digital MKT
Insead Digital MKT
3 2,000+ 11,000+
4 Leading Digital Marketing Strategy Leading Digital Marketing Strategy 5
Leading Digital Marketing Strategy Faculty — Integrate social media into your brand
Programme Directors — Measure social media ROI
Value creation in a a voice. The customer experience is therefore Niessing — Understand how companies can
at the heart of our Leading Digital Marketing Affiliate Professor of Marketing systematically harness online data/social
digital world Strategy programme. media to create new value
— Leverage big data to integrate digital
Although the impact of digitisation is not new, As digital advances unlock new ways for intelligence into strategy
the digital economy is entering a new age that customers to speak up and interact with
businesses, Leading Digital Marketing Strategy
David — Experience digital listening through live
presents unprecedented challenges – but also
many opportunities – for executives. will help you rethink the customer journey to Dubois interactions with online platforms
build positive and relevant experiences across Assistant Professor of Marketing Content creation, curation and dissemination
Digital tools and trends are invading the all channels and touchpoints – and ultimately
for brand building
business environment, provoking significant create both value and competitive advantages
changes in the way we communicate, consume, for your company. — Transform your brand into a content producer
work, buy and sell. In many cases these trends — Create, curate and disseminate content
profoundly disrupt industries and change the through online channels
way companies do business. The new tipping Programme content — Understand how companies can successfully
point has been reached, and the accumulation address online conversations and create
Key benefits Megatrends that disrupt your market(s)
of business successes (and failures) in recent monitoring systems to avoid value destruction
years now offers solid grounds on which to — Recognise digital megatrends and best — Learn how digital and social disruptions can through negative buzz
design innovative digital marketing strategies. practices – and the disruptive impact they will affect different aspects of your value chain — ‘Hijack’ online conversations and create
have on your business — Discover how digital and social practices can value in the short-term by increasing brand
Leading Digital Marketing Strategy is a three- — Enhance operations through digitisation to generate novel massive content about your relevance
day programme through which participants foster brand creation or brand building in the brands or products and how you might meet
learn how companies can tackle digital digital world these challenges
transformation and drive innovative marketing — Develop a digital, content-driven strategy
strategy through customer-centricity. Interactive that enables stronger engagement with Impact of digital on the competitive Participant profile
sessions-including award-winning case studies, customers and creates outstanding customer landscape
group exercises and practical workshops- experiences — Understand when digital and social media — Executives and senior managers from all
explore the challenges and opportunities practices foster new business model business areas who wish to develop a
— Understand the new rules of competition as
of digital transformation and aim to help innovations and change the competitive strategic understanding of digital marketing
well as today’s customers and their evolving
managers from across functions make better landscape and how to develop a roadmap for digital
needs and expectations
business decisions for future growth. business transformation in their organisations
— Learn how to leverage data and how to — Know what kinds of threats and opportunities
measure the success of digital marketing emerge out of digital and social practices — Executives seeking to develop new
Driving the digital transformation by changing
in terms of brand awareness, association, sustainable business models, manage change
organisation, processes and technology without
engagement and ROI Social media strategy as a commercial driver and extract value out of changing markets in a
putting the customer at the centre of your
digital world
digital strategy simply does not work. After all, — Recognise how value creation through social
— Executives aiming to lead digital initiatives in
today’s customers inhabit a digital world where and digital tools differs from value creation
their company or industry
they expect more, are better informed, trust through traditional marketing techniques
— Executives and senior managers who want to
their peers and are more involved. Not only — Select and use social media channels to
learn about sustainable marketing strategies for
do they have more choice, they now also have create novel value
‘generations Y and Z’
— Leverage strategic social media frameworks
to initiate and develop new relationships
with customers that yield higher financial performance
6 Leading Digital Marketing Strategy Leading Digital Marketing Strategy 7
8 Leading Digital Marketing Strategy Leading Digital Marketing Strategy 9
Calendar 2017-2018
Programme Date Location Length Fee* Level
Leading Digital 1-3 November 2017 Fontainebleau 3 days €7,250 – Experienced General
Marketing Strategy
11-13 April 2018 Fontainebleau 3 days €7,250 Manager
– New General Manager
– Senior Functional Manager
– Functional Manager
– New Manager
– Specialist
Participants are advised to arrive the evening before as the programme starts early in the morning, unless otherwise noted.
Practical Information
Application procedure Tuition fees*
Places on the programmes are confirmed The programme fee covers tuition, course
on a first-come, first-served basis, taking into materials and lunches on working days as
consideration the applicant’s level, objectives and well as the closing dinner. It does not include
the diversity of the classes. travel, accommodation and other incidentals.
Participants will have to settle accommodation
We recommend that you submit your completed expenses and other incidentals before the end of
application form as early as possible, preferably the programme.
six weeks prior to programme commencement.
The Admissions Committee will review your *Fee subject to change. VAT/GST shall apply at prevailing rates
according to prevailing laws and regulations.
application and advise you on the outcome
as soon as possible. Please do not hesitate to INSEAD does not discriminate on the basis of race, gender,
contact us if you have any questions about which sexual orientation, religion, national or ethnic origin, age or
programme may best suit your objectives or for disability in the administration of its educational policies,
admissions policies, scholarship and loan programmes,
any additional information. employment or other INSEAD-administered programmes.
3 full campuses
across Europe,
Asia and the
Middle East
INSEAD Europe Campus
Boulevard de Constance
77305 Fontainebleau Cedex, France
Tel: +33 (0)1 60 72 42 90
Fax: +33 (0)1 60 74 55 13
Email: [email protected]