VAL6STV Statutory Valuations 3
VAL6STV Statutory Valuations 3
VAL6STV Statutory Valuations 3
Module Descriptor
Module Summary
The aim of this module is to equip the student with the knowledge and skills to carry out
valuations for statutory purposes, specifically for compulsory purchase, planning
compensation and rating. The module also demonstrates how valuation principles and
practice are applied to the statutory (artificial) context, the relevance of relevant case law to
assessments and the principles that underpin both disciplines. Students’ understanding and
skills within these disciplines are enhanced in order to provide appropriate and reflective
advice and valuations to (non-specialist) clients.
Module Aims
This module enables students to:
• Understand the legal principles and practices which underpin both Compulsory
Purchase and the compensation that flows from it; and Property Taxation – Business
Rates and Council Tax;
• Develop a competence in the application of valuation and management skills required
within these topics;
• Develop an awareness of how clients might be affected by such statutory applications
and to provide appropriate client advice; and
• Develop a critical understanding of these areas of government intervention within a
general understanding of “fairness” and client expectations.
• Assessment of Compensation
Statutory and judicial law as applied to the assessment of compensation for land
taken, injurious affection and disturbance. Application of valuation principles and
practice, including relevant case studies.
• Local Taxation
Introduction to local taxation. Definition of rateable value and rateable occupation.
Exemptions and reliefs. Rateability of plant and machinery. Local and central lists.
Procedures for the alteration of the lists. Proposals and appeals, including tribunals
and completion notices.
Module tools
Students will have access to study materials, dedicated academic support, student forums,
and learning activities via an online learning platform (VLE).
The module page on the VLE is broken down into structured study weeks to help students
plan their time, with each week containing a mixture of reading, case studies,
videos/recordings and interactive activities to go through. Online webinars/seminars led by
the Module Leader can be attended in real time and provide opportunities to consolidate
knowledge, ask questions, discuss topics and work through learning activities together.
These sessions are recorded to support students who cannot attend and to enable students
to recap the session and work through it at their own pace. Module forums on the VLE
provide further opportunities to discuss topics with other students, complete collaborative
work and get extra help from the module team.