Business Government and Society

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BS2246 Business Government and Society

Module Number: BS2246

Module Title: Business, Government and Society

Number of Aston Credits: 10 credits

Total Number of ECTS Credits: 5 credits

(European Credit Transfer)

1. Staff Member Responsible for the Module:

Dr Josie Kelly
Economics and Strategy Group (ABS)
South Wing 9th Floor
[email protected]
Extension 3148
Office hours and appointments are available on Blackboard
Please make an appointment via the on-line booking system .

2. Pre-Requisite(s) for the Module:


3. Module Objectives
Knowledge and understanding:
To complete successfully the module students will be required to demonstrate
their knowledge and understanding by;

• Identifying and explaining the external, environmental and internal

factors, including those from government and society that affect, inform
and shape the development of companies’ corporate social
responsibility and sustainable development policies and strategies;

• Identifying and explaining the major international, supra national and

national government bodies and their role and actions in promoting,
implementing and monitoring corporate social responsibility and
sustainable development in national international businesses.

Cognitive skills:
To successfully complete the module, students are required to demonstrate
their cognitive skills by their capability to review and evaluate multiple
information sources in order to;

• Analyse the major contemporary normative debates that shape

international, national and local corporate social responsibility and
sustainable development policies and strategies;
• Comprehend and critique how normative values embedded in national
and supra national government policies affects business and the
commercial sector.

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BS2246 Business Government and Society

Subject-specific skills:
To successfully complete the module; students are required to demonstrate
their subject-specific knowledge and understanding, specifically;

• The implications for business and the commercial sectors of supra

national, national and local government policies and strategies to
promote corporate social responsibility and sustainable development.

Transferable skills:
To successfully complete this module, students are required to demonstrate
their competence in
• Critical thinking and analytical reasoning when using different source
material, such as conventional academic texts in learned journals,
government documents and other primary sources, including policy
documents from companies and non governmental organisations.
• The synergy of critical thinking and analytical reasoning skills in
relation to new knowledge and understanding when responding to
novel circumstances.

4. Module Content:
The teaching and learning activities are provided by a number of different
mediums; in additional to conventional lectures, which will provide an
outline of the core themes, there will be on-line material and supported
structural learning for students to complete. These sources will provide
students with the background knowledge to participate in fortnightly
seminars and to discuss the themes in depth with their colleagues in
preparation for the exam. More information about these sources and how
to use them to best effect will be provided in the module handout.

Module Themes
1) Introduction to the module.
2) Theories, models and concepts: Business, Government and Society in
a globalised world;
3) Theories and practice: Business, Government and Society and the
institutions of the global economy.
4) Corporate Social Responsibility; Theories, models and concepts
5) Corporate social Responsibility; Theory into practice
6) Sustainability; mediating different priories’ between business,
government and society.

5. International Dimensions:
Central to the module are the relationships between international actions
and the implications and consequences for localities. The course will use
examples of social responsibility and sustainable development to explore
these connections. In addition, the module will also consider how
international policy on corporate and sustainable development is
interpreted differently at national and sub-national level and the

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BS2246 Business Government and Society

implications of such variation and diversity for business, consumers and

citizens. This will enhance students’ cultural sensitivities and competencies
and prepare them for living and working in international environments

6. Corporate Connections:
Case studies and examples will be taken from:
ƒ The international and UK business and commercial sectors
ƒ Government and non government organisation in the UK and

7. Links with Research

The teaching will be informed by contemporary research and scholarship
previously and currently undertaken by the tutors.

8. Learning and Teaching Rationale and Methods:

(Including composition of learning hours)
Lectures will provide students with an overview of core themes and
concepts and these will be complemented by on-line material and
structured learning on case studies, these will be discussed in seminars.
Additional material will be provided during the module. Recommendations
for reading will be provided electronically to students, via Blackboard and
by weekly (or even more frequently) email.

9. Contact and directed learning

Teaching Activities
Lectures 6
Use of on-line materials 6
Directed learning in preparation for 15
seminars 5
Seminars and discussion of cases
Examination 2

Learning Activities
Self-identified learning 26
Other independent learning, including 40
exam revision
Total 100

10. Ethical Approval:

(If primary research is involved)
Not applicable

11. Assessment and Feedback Rationale and Methods:

Assessment information; The assessment will be by a two-hour examination
at the end of the module. The exam will consist of three sections and student
swill be invited to attempt one question from each section. All questions will be
weighted equally.

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BS2246 Business Government and Society

Revision and exam preparation is integrated into the learning and teaching
strategy and supplementary material will be provided throughout the module.

Previous exam papers or model questions with answers will not be

made available to students; revision themes and topics will be advised
and discussed in seminars and lectures.

A summary of common issues and advice on future exam technique will be
sent electronically to all students once the exam scripts are marked.

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