BSU5PCC Project and Cost Control
BSU5PCC Project and Cost Control
BSU5PCC Project and Cost Control
Module Descriptor
Assessment Type
Coursework: 100%
Computer Marked Assessment: 0%
Self-directed Research Project: 0%
Portfolio: 0%
Module Summary
This module aims to provide the student with an understanding of the activities relating to
project cost control, within the scope of the building surveyor. The approach is to move
chronologically through the pre-contract stage, involving the preparation of an outline cost
plan and approximate estimates, through to the contract and post contract stage of a project.
The importance of considering lifecycle costs and the maintenance management of a
building are covered, along with sustainability in relation to its impact on cost. Contract
documentation and contract administration are then considered, together with post-contract
cost control issues.
Module Aims
This module aims to:
• Establish a theoretical and practical understanding of how the costs of construction
can be controlled, both at the pre-contract and post-contract stages;
• Provide an understanding of how alternative design solutions impact on lifecycle
costs, and the methods used to establish such costs;
• Provide an overview of contractual issues, including procurement strategy, forms of
contract, contract documentation, contractor selection and key issues relating to
contractual administration.
• Cost considerations
Identifies design factors which affect the cost of buildings by considering factors such
as the shape of a building, circulation space and height. Also examines the factors
affecting the cost of key elements of a building.
• Estimating principles
Explains the principles of the estimating process undertaken by the contractor in
order to price tender documents.
This content will be reviewed and updated regularly to reflect the legal, moral and financial
changes in professional standards and practice.
Module tools
Students will have access to study materials, dedicated academic support, student forums,
and learning activities via an online learning platform (VLE).
The module page on the VLE is broken down into structured study weeks to help students
plan their time, with each week containing a mixture of reading, case studies,
videos/recordings and interactive activities to go through. Online webinars/seminars led by
the Module Leader can be attended in real time and provide opportunities to consolidate
knowledge, ask questions, discuss topics and work through learning activities together.
These sessions are recorded to support students who cannot attend and to enable students
to recap the session and work through it at their own pace. Module forums on the VLE
provide further opportunities to discuss topics with other students, complete collaborative
work and get extra help from the module team.