Automotive Weld Technician - FLX1.0 - NSQF-4

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Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)



(Duration: Two Years)


(Flexi MoU)


Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)

(Engineering Trade)

(Designed in 2022)

Version: 1.0


(Flexi MoU)


Developed By

Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship

Directorate General of Training
EN-81, Sector-V, Salt Lake City,
Kolkata – 700 091

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)


SNo. Topics Page No.

1. Course Information 1

2. Training System 2 -5

3. Job Role 6- 7

4. General Information 8-9

5. NSQF Level Compliance 10

6. Learning Outcome 11-12

7. Learning Outcome with Assessment Criteria 13-19

8. Syllabus 20-31

Syllabus - Core Skill 32-45

9.1 Core Skill – Workshop Calculation & Science and
Engineering Drawing
9.2 Core Skill – Employability Skill

Annexure I 46-47
List of Trade Tools & Equipment

11. Annexure II - Format for Internal Assessment 48

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)


Flexi- MoU is one of the pioneer program under NCVT on the basis of the MoU in between
DGET & Industry Training Partner (ITP) for propagating vocational training to allow industries to take
advantage of various schemes for conducting training program in higher employment potential
courses according to needs of industries. The concept of Flexi- MoU was introduced in June-July
2014. DGT and Industry Training Partner (ITP) shall decide to sign the memorandum of
understanding to provide an opportunity to the youth to acquire skills related to Automobile and
Manufacturing industry through specially designed "Learn and Earn" approach consisting a mix of
theoretical and On-the-Job Training (OJT) components and hence improve their employability
potential & to contribute in the overall growth of automobile and manufacturing industry by
creating a pool of skilled resources.

During the two-year duration, a candidate is trained on subjects Professional Skill, Professional
Knowledge, Engineering Drawing, Workshop Science & Calculation and Employability Skills. In
addition to this, a candidate is entrusted to make/do project work and Extra-Curricular Activities to
build up confidence. The practical skills are imparted in simple to complex manner & simultaneously
theory subject is taught in the same fashion to apply cognitive knowledge while executing task.

The content broadly covers skills in manufacturing process of automobiles components and
automobiles in today’s automobile industry. The year wise course coverage is categorized as below:

FIRST YEAR – In the first year, the contents covered are safety aspects covers components like
OSH&E, PPE, Fire extinguisher, First Aid and in addition 5S of Kaizen is being taught related to trade.

In the first year, the contents covered are safety aspects related to trade, familiarization with
institute/Industry, course type of work, rules & regulation in trade, recognize & comply with
occupational safety & Health rules, & environmental practices, Measuring & Marking tools, Quality
concept of car body, Grinding operation using powered tools, trace & test all electrical components
& circuits, Car shell body quality concepts. The trainee will also be able to understand & perform
pre-operation check & safety aspects during Car shell body.

SECOND YEAR –In this year Trainee will learn to perform welding technics using different types of
welding methods like Gas welding & Cutting operation by using oxy acetylene gas on different MS
plate both theory & practical knowledge, SMAW, GMAW, GTAW, resistance-spot welding, Job
surface preparation like removing of foreign particles, scaling & rust by emery or sand paper &
preparation of different types of joints – Fillet (T-joint, lap, corner), Butt (square & V); various
positions – 1F,1G The trainee will also learn about welding defects, causes of defects, weld defects
trouble shooting & final detailing of repairing of weld defect. The trainee also learns about Toyota
production system in detail.

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)



Directorate General of Training (DGT) under Ministry of Skill Development &

Entrepreneurship offers range of vocational training courses catering to the need of different
sectors of the Labour market. The vocational training programmes are running under aegis of
Directorate General of Training (DGT). Craftsman Training Scheme (CTS) and Apprenticeship
Training Scheme (ATS) are two pioneer programmes under DGT for propagating vocational

The best outcome from the ITP shall conduct courses pan-India locations leveraging the
facilities and services available at ITIs, regional training centers, training centers of training
partners, vendors and dealers associated with Industry Training Partner (ITP). Theywill ensure
that not less than 50% of trainees are placed with Industry Training Partner (ITP) or its business
partners for not less than Two years duration. It will also ensure the eligible trainees take up
Apprenticeship / higher education in suitable streams and shall also guide the students to
become Entrepreneurs.Industry Training Partner (ITP) will strictly follow the policy guidelines
for Flexi - MoU as in place from time to time. No deviation for the same would be
permitted.Every Alternate Month Admission and Exam for trades run under Flexi MoU at
training locations of Industry Training Partner (ITP).Theory content to be 30% and practical
content to be 70%.

Broadly candidates need to demonstrate that they are able to:

• Read & interpret technical parameters/documentation, plan work, identify necessary

materials and tools;
• Perform task with due consideration to safety rules, accident prevention regulations and
environmental protection stipulations;
• Apply professional knowledge, core skills & employability skills while performing the job.
• Check the survey drawing and data and rectify errors.
• Document the technical parameters related to the task undertaken. Process data
recorded during field measurements and make relevant conclusions.


• Can take admission in diploma course in notified branches of Engineering by lateral

• Can join Apprenticeship programme in different types of industries leading to National
Apprenticeship certificate (NAC).
• Can join Crafts Instructor Training Scheme (CITS) in the trade for becoming instructor in

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)


Table below depicts the distribution of training hours across various course elements
during a period of two years:

S No. Course Element Notional Training Hours

1st Year 2nd Year

1 Professional Skill (Trade Practical) 1680 1680
2 Professional Knowledge (Trade Theory) 180 180
Workshop Calculation Science& 150 150
Engineering Drawing
5 Employability Skills 120 60
Total Hours 4200


I. Conducting training of selected candidates is the sole responsibility ofIndustrial Training
Partner (ITP).
II. Assessment will be jointly done by ITP and DGT. Practical and formative assessment shall
be conducted by ITP, and Computer Based theoretical exams shall be conducted by DGT.
III. ITP must refer to the latest examination reform guidelines issued by DGT dated
4thOctober 2018 any changes or revisions to the same shall be applicable to flexi-MoU
IV. Maximum attempts for clearing the exam and obtaining NTC shall be in line with CTS.
V. For practical examination and formative assessment, ITP has been given flexibility to
design the questions, assess the candidates and upload their marks in the scheme
VI. ITP shall develop a comprehensive Question Bank (in English and Hindi) of minimum
1000 questions, grouped by chapters and difficulty level. The same shall be vetted by
NIMI experts and then be handed over to DGT for conducting theory exams. DGT may
add some questions to the same before conducting actual exams.
VII. Theoretical exams shall be conducted by DGT in Computer Based Test format. Upon
completion of course and payment of requisite examination fee by ITP, admit cards shall
be generated by scheme portal.
VIII. DGT shall arrange for conduct of computer-based theory exam at designated
examination centres & certify the successful trainees with e-NTC under flexi-MoU
scheme with mention of ITP name in the Certificate.
IX. Students, who have successfully appeared in the final exam after completion of course,
are eligible to register as apprentices.

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)

The trainee will be tested for his skill, knowledge and attitude during the period of the
course and at the end of the training program as notified by the Government of India (GoI) from
time to time. The employability skills will be tested in the first year itself.

The Internal Assessment during the period of training will be done by Formative
Assessment Method by testing for assessment criteria listed against learning outcomes. The
training institute must maintain an individual trainee portfolio as detailed in assessment
guideline. The marks of internal assessment will be as per the template (Annexure –II).

The learning outcome and assessment criteria will be the basis for setting question papers
for final assessment. The examiner during final examination will also check the individual
trainee’s profile as detailed in assessment guideline before giving marks for practical


The minimum pass percentage for practical is 60% & minimum pass percentage of
theory subjects is 33%.


Appropriate arrangements should be made to ensure that there will be no artificial

barriers to assessment. The nature of special needs should be taken into account while
undertaking the assessment. Due consideration should be given while assessing for teamwork,
avoidance/reduction of scrap/wastage and disposal of scrap/waste as per procedure, behavioral
attitude, sensitivity to the environment and regularity in training. The sensitivity towards OSHE
and self-learning attitude are to be considered while assessing competency.

Assessment will be evidence based comprising the following:

• Job carried out in labs/workshop

• Record book/ daily diary
• Answer sheet of assessment
• Viva-voce
• Progress chart
• Attendance and punctuality
• Assignment
• Project work

Evidences and records of internal (Formative) assessmentsare to be preserved until

forthcoming examination for audit and verification by examination body. The following marking
pattern to be adopted while assessing:

Performance Level Evidence

(a) Weightage in the range of 60%-75% to be allotted during assessment

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)

For performance in this grade, the candidate • Demonstration of good skill in the use of
should produce work which demonstrates hand tools, machine tools and workshop
attainment of an acceptable standard of equipment.
craftsmanship with occasional guidance, and • 60-70% accuracy achieved while
due regard for safety procedures and undertaking different work with those
practices demanded by the component/job.
• A fairly good level of neatness and
consistency in the finish.
• Occasional support in completing the
(b) Weightage in the range of 75%-90% to be allotted during assessment
For this grade, a candidate should produce • Good skill levels in the use of hand tools,
work which demonstrates attainment of a machine tools and workshop equipment.
reasonable standard of craftsmanship, with • 70-80% accuracyachieved while
little guidance, and regard for safety undertaking different work with those
procedures and practices demanded by the component/job.
• A good level of neatness and consistency
in the finish.
• Little support in completing the
(c) Weightage in the range of more than 90% to be allotted during assessment
For performance in this grade, the • High skill levels in the use of hand tools,
candidate, with minimal or no support in machine tools and workshop equipment.
organization and execution and with due • Above 80% accuracyachieved while
regard for safety procedures and practices, undertaking different work with those
has produced work which demonstrates demanded by the component/job.
attainment of a high standard of • A high level of neatness and consistency
craftsmanship. in the finish.
• Minimal or no support in completing the

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)


Welder while doing Gas welding; Fuses metal parts together using welding rod and oxygen-
acetylene flame. Examines parts to be welded, cleans portion to be joined, holds them together
by some suitable device and if necessary, makes narrow groove to direct flow of molten metal
to strengthen joint. Selects correct type and size of welding rod, nozzle etc. and tests welding,
torch. Wears dark glasses and other protective devices while welding. Releases and regulates
valves of oxygen and acetylene cylinders to control their flow into torch. Ignites torch and
regulates flame gradually. Guides flame along joint and heat it to melting point, simultaneously
melting welding rod and spreading molten metal along joint shape, size etc. and rectifies
defects if any.

Welder while doing Arc welding; fuses metals using arc-welding power source and electrodes.
Examines parts to be welded, cleans them, and sets joints together with clamps or any other
device. Starts welding power source and regulates current according to material and thickness
of welding. Connect one lead to part to be welded, selects required type of electrode and
clamps other lead to electrode holder. May join parts first at various points for holding at
specified angles, shape, form, and dimension by tack welding. Establish arc between electrode
and joint and maintain it throughout the length of the joint.

Welder while doing Gas cutting; cuts metal to require shape and size by gas flame either
manually or by machine. Examines material to be cut and marks it according to instruction of
specification. Makes necessary connections and fits required size of nozzle in welding torch.
Releases and regulates flow of gas in nozzle, ignites and adjusts flame. Guides flame by hand or
machine along cutting line at required speed and cuts metal to required size.

Welder while doing Gas brazing; Joints metal parts by heating using flux and filler rods. Cleans
and fastens parts to be joined face to face by wire brush. Apply flux on the joint and heats by
torch to melt filler rods into joint. Allows it to cool down. Clean and examines the joint.

Welder, Resistance; Sets up and operates resistance welding machine to join metal parts,
according to blueprints, work orders, or oral instructions. Turns machine dials to set air and
hydraulic pressure, amperage, and joining time, according to specified type of metal, weld, and
assembly. May select, install, and adjust electrodes. Aligns work pieces, using square and rule.
May hold pieces together manually, fasten into jigs, or secure with clamps to align in specified
assembly position. Holds part between electrodes or positions on machine worktable.
Depresses pedal or pulls trigger to close electrodes and form weld at point of contact. Releases
pedal or trigger after specified welding time. Cleans electrodes, using file, tip dresser, emery
cloth. May operate machine which automatically releases electrodes from metal after welding
cycle. May devise and build fixtures to hold pieces. May inspect finished work. May operate
machine equipped with two or more electrodes which weld at several points simultaneously.

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)

Important variations include types of joints welded (seam, spot, butt) and types of materials
welded (steel).

Welder while doing Gas Tungsten Arc welding also known as Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding
reads fabrication drawing, examines parts to be welded, cleans them and sets jointswith clamps
or any other suitable device. Selects suitable tungsten electrode, grinds the edges,and fit in to
the GTA welding torch. Selects gas nozzle and fit in to the GTA welding torch.Selects suitable
filler rods and cleans them. Connects work piece with earth cable, Connectsthe machine with
Inert gas Cylinder, regulator, and flow meter. Starts the Constant current GTAwelding machine
sets suitable welding current & polarity and inert gas flow.

Welder while doing Gas Metal Arc welding also known as MIG/MAG Welding; reads
fabrication drawing, examines parts to be welded, cleans them, and sets joints with clamps or
any other suitable device. Connects work piece with earth cable. Connects the machine with
suitable gas Cylinder, regulator, and flow meter. Connects pre-heater when CO2 is used as
shielding gas. Selects suitable wire electrode, feed it to welding GMA Welding torch through
wire feeder. Selects contact tip gas nozzle and fit in to the GMA welding torch. Preheats joints
as required. Starts the Constant Voltage GMA welding machine, sets suitable welding voltage &
wire feed speed and shielding gas flow, produces arc between work piece a continuously fed
wire electrode. Melts the metal and deposit weld beads on the surface of metals or joins metal
pieces such as Steel, and Stainless-steel metals.
Plan and organize assigned work and detect & resolve issues during execution in hisown work
area within defined limit. Demonstrate possible solutions and agree tasks within the team.
Communicate with required clarity and understand technical English. Sensitive to environment,
self-learning, and productivity.

Reference NCO-2015:
a) 7212.0100- Welder, Gas
b) 7212.0200- Welder, Electric
c) 7212.0700- Welder, Resistance
d) 7212.0400- Gas Cutter
e) 7212.0500-Brazer
f) 7212.0105- Tungsten Inert Gas Welder
g) 7212.0303 -Gas Metal Arc Welder/Metal Inert Gas/Metal Active Gas/Gas MetalWelder
h) 7212.0111- Repair Welder

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)


Name of the Trade Automotive Weld Technician

Course Code DGT/7026

7233.0100, 7233.0101, 7412.0101, 7412.0201, 7411.0100,
NCO – 2015
NSQF Level Level 4
Duration of Craftsmen
Two Years
Entry Qualification Pass in 10th Examination or its Equivalent

Minimum Age 20

Unit Strength (No. Of

192 Sq. m.

Space Norms 17 KW

Power Norms 64 Sq. m.

Instructors Qualification for

1. Automotive Degree in Mechanical or Electrical or Electronicsand
WeldTechnician communication or instrumentation orAutomobile Engineering
from recognized Engineering College/university with one-year
experience in the relevant field.
Diploma in Mechanical or Electrical or Electronics and
Communication or instrumentation or Automobile Engineering
from recognized board of technical education with two years’
experience in the relevant field.
NTC/NAC in the Trade of “Automotive Weld Technician” With
3 years’ post- qualification experience in the relevant field.

Essential Qualification:
Craft Instructor Certificate in relevant trade under NCVT. Out
of two Instructors required for the unit of 2(1+1), one must
have Degree/Diploma and other must have NTC/NAC
2. Workshop Calculation B Degree in Engineering with one-year experience.
& Science OR
Diploma in Engineering with two years’ experience.
Essential Qualification:

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)

Craft Instructor Certificate in RoD& A course under NCVT.

3. Engineering Drawing Degree in Engineering with one year experience.
Diploma in Engineering with two years’ experience.
NTC / NAC in the Draughtsman (Mechanical) with three
Essential Qualification:
Craft Instructor Certificate in RoD& A course under NCVT.
4. Employability Skill MBA or BBA with two years’ experience or Graduate in
Sociology/ Social Welfare/ Economics with Two years’
experience or Graduate/ Diploma with Two years’ experience
and trained in Employability Skills from DGT institutes.
Must have studied English/ Communication Skills and Basic
Computer at 12th / Diploma level and above.
Existing Social Studies Instructors duly trained in
Employability Skills from DGT institutes.

List of Tools and

As per Annexure – I

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)


NSQF level for Automotive Weld Techniciantrade CTS (Flexi MoU):Level-4.

As per notification issued by Govt. of India dated- 27.12.2013 on National Skill

Qualification Framework total 10 (Ten) Levels are defined.

Each level of the NSQF is associated with a set of descriptors made up of five outcome
statements, which describe in general terms, the minimum knowledge, skills and attributes that
a learner needs to acquire in order to be certified for that level.

Each level of the NSQF is described by a statement of learning outcomes in five

domains, known as level descriptors. These five domains are:

a. Process
b.Professional Knowledge
c.Professional Skill
d.Core Skill

The broad learning outcome of Automotive Weld Techniciantrade under CTS (Flexi
MoU) mostly matches with the Level descriptor at Level- 4.

The NSQF Level-4 descriptor is given below:

Professional Professional
Level Process Required Core Skills Responsibility
Knowledge Skills
Level 4 Work in familiar, Factual Recall and Language to Responsibility for
predictable, knowledge demonstrate communicate own work and
routine, situation of field of practical skill, written or oral, learning.
of clear choice. knowledge routine and with required
or study. repetitive in clarity, skill to
narrow range of basic Arithmetic
application, and algebraic
usingappropriat principles, basic
e rule understanding of
andtool, using social political
qualityconcepts. and

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)


Learning outcomes are a reflection of total competencies of a trainee and assessment will be
carried out as per the assessment criteria.


1. Identify & comply general safe working practices, environment regulationand

2. Explain & perform different mathematical calculation & science in the field of study
including basic electrical/ Mechanical. [Different mathematical calculation & science –
Arthematics, graph, Statistics, Algebra, Geometry & Mensuration, Trigonometry, Work,
Power & Energy, Heat & Temperature, Levers & Simple machine, Centre of gravity,
Power transmission, Pressure]
3. Interpret specifications, different engineering drawing and apply for different
application in the field of work. [Different engineering drawing- Geometrical
construction, Dimensioning, Layout, Method of representation, Symbol, scales, Different
Projections, Machined components & different thread forms, Assembly drawing,
Sectional views,Estimation of material]
4. Select and find out measuring instrument and measure dimension of components and
record data.
5. Explain entrepreneurship and manage/organize related task in day to day work for
personal & societal growth.
6. Explain the concept in productivity, quality tools, and labour welfare legislation and
apply such in day to day work to improve productivity & quality.
7. Explain occupational health, energy conservation, global warming and pollution and
contribute in day to day work by optimally using available resources.
8. Explain & perform basic computer skills and TPS in day to day work to improve the
productivity & quality.
9. Plan and organize the work related to the occupation.


10. Recognize & comply with general safe working practices, environment regulation &
housekeeping. Industry Orientation
11. Perform measuring & marking by using various measuring & marking tools like Vernier
calliper, Micrometre, Files, Scriber, Drill bit, & Grinding tools.
12. Identify & Understand the Electricity terminology.
13. Apply Gas welding & Equipment’s operation procedure with quality.
14. Perform Gas cutting, Safety & Equipment's operation procedure with quality, defect
causes & remedies.

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)

15. Interpret and apply SMAW Principle and methods, understand Advantages &
16. Select & apply SMAW Equipment's with procedure with quality standard, Position &
Joints, defect causes & remedies.
17. Interpret and apply GMAW Principle and methods, understand Advantages &
18. Select & applyGMAW Equipment's with procedure with quality standard, Position &
Joints, defect causes & remedies.

19. Interpret and apply GTAW Principle and methods, understand Advantages &
Disadvantages.Select & applyGTAW Equipment's with procedure with quality standard,
Position & Joints, defect causes & remedies.
20. Apply Brazing Principle, Brazing methods & equipment's with procedure with quality
standard, defect causes & remedies.
21. Demonstrate Resistance welding, types, methods & equipment's with procedure.
22. Perform Spot welding, Equipment,Accessories, Power source procedure.
23. Plan and performCarUnder body Part joining by using Jigs & Fixtures.
24. Plan and perform Car Shell body Part joining by using Jigs & Fixtures.
25. Maintain Quality standards in Car body Welding, PanelSurface, Door Fitting.
26. Maintain Non defective condition to achieve customer satisfaction.

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)



1. Identify &comply with 1.1 Follow and maintain procedures to achieve safe working
general safe working environment inlinewithoccupational health
practices, environment andsafetyregulations andrequirements
regulation and housekeeping 1.2 Recognizeandreportallunsafe
& Industry orientation. situations/conditionsaccordingto workplace policy.
1.3 Identify and take necessaryprecautions onfire and
safetyhazardsander portaccordingtoworkplacepolicyand
1.4 Identifydifferentfireextinguisherandusethesameas
1.5 Identify& observe safetyalarms accurately& Evacuation
procedures according to workplace policy.
1.6 Identify andobserve workplacepolicies andprocedures in
1.7 Reportsupervisor/competentauthorityintheeventof accident
orsicknessofanystaffandrecordaccident detailscorrectly
according to workplaceaccident/injury procedures.
1.8 Identifybasicfirstaidandusethemunderdifferent
1.9 IdentifyPersonalProductiveEquipment(PPE)anduse
1.10 Identify environmental pollution and contribute to
avoidanceof same.
1.11 Takeopportunitiestouseenergyandmaterials inan
1.12 Identify, handleand store/ dispose of
dangerous/unsalvageable goodsandsubstances accordingto
workplace policyand dispose waste as per
proceduresfollowing safety regulationsandrequirements.
1.13 Recognizedifferentcomponentsof5Sandapplythe samein
2. 2.1 Solve the basic mathematical calculations related to
Explain&performdifferent statistics, Geometry & mensuration accurately
mathematiccalculation&sc 2.2 Read & Interpret the given drawing and calculate the
ienceinthefieldofstudy unknown terms
includingbasicelectrical/ 2.3 Measuredimensionsasperdrawing & use of appropriate tools
Mechanical.[Different 2.4 Ensure dimensional accuracy of parts/objects by using
mathematical different instruments/gauges.
calculation&science– 2.5 Explainconceptofbasicsciencerelatedtothefieldsuch as
Arthematics, Material science, Mass, weight, density, speed,

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)

graph,Statistics,Algebra, velocity,heat&temperature, force,motion,pressure,

Geometry & Mensuration, heattreatment,centerofgravity,friction& solve the problems
Trigonometry, related to it .
Work,Power & 2.6 Explain basic Electricity, Insulation, earthing & electrical
Energy,Heat&Temperatur devices OR Explain the basic concepts of drilling, milling,
e, Levers&Simple grinding

3. Interpret specifications, 3.1 Read & interpret the information on drawings and apply
different engineering in executing practical work.
drawing and apply for 3.2 Read & analyze the specification to ascertain the material
different application in the requirement,tools,andmachining/assembly/
field of work. [Different maintenance parameters & dimensions.
engineering drawing- 3.3 Encounter drawings with missing/unspecified key information
Geometrical construction, and make own calculations to fill in missing
Dimensioning, Layout, dimension/parameters to carry out the work.
Method of representation, 3.4 Practice & use ISOCPEUR (Engineering script) in day to day
Symbol, scales, Different writing activities
Projections, Machined 3.5 Analyze and draw the drawings from Isometric to
components & different orthographic projection & vice versa
thread forms, Assembly 3.6 Practice & draw the free hand sketches related to their trade
drawing, Sectionalviews, tools.
Estimation of material]
4. Select and ascertain 4.1 Selectappropriatemeasuringinstrumentssuchas
measuring instrument and micrometers,Vernier calipers and height gauge(as per
measure dimension of toollist).
components and record data 4.2 Ascertainthefunctionality&correctness oftheinstrument.
4.3 Measure dimension of the components & record data to
analyses with the given drawing/measurement.
5. 5.1 Explain the need & scope of entrepreneurship.
Explainentrepreneurshipand 5.2 Explain role of various schemes and institutes for self-
manage/organizerelatedtaski employment i.e. DIC, SIDA, SISI, NSIC, SIDO, Idea for
ndayto financing/ non-financing support agencies to familiarize with
dayworkforpersonal&societa the Policies/Programmes, procedure and the available
l growth scheme.
5.3 Explain the concept of SWOT analysis & risk management
5.4 Explain and understand the qualities of entrepreneurship
6. Explainthe concept 6.1 Explain the concept of productivity, quality tools & its
inproductivity,qualitytools necessity and apply during execution of job
, 6.2 Explain the concept how to enhance the productivity through
andlabourwelfarelegislati working aids, automation etc. at workplace
onandapply suchin 6.3 Explain the concept of comparative productivity in the
daytodayworkto development of countries
improveproductivity&qual 6.4 Understand the basic conceptoflabourwelfare legislation
ity. and adhere to responsibilities andremainsensitive towards
such laws.

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)

6.5 Knows benefits guaranteed under various acts.

7. Explain occupational 7.1 Explain the concept of occupational hygiene, first aid,
health, accident preventions technique at workplace.
energyconservation,globalw 7.2 Explain the concept of energy conservation, global warming,
armingandpollutionandcontr and pollution and utilize the available resources
ibuteindaytodayworkbyopti optimally & remain sensitive to avoid environment pollution.
mallyusingavailableresources 7.3 Dispose waste following standard procedure.
8. Explain & perform basic 8.1 Recognize the parts of computer & its functions and how to
computer skills and TPS in apply in day to day usage
day to day work to improve 8.2 Explain about the operating systems & management of files in
the productivity & quality windows [ new versions] – Excel, Word & Power point
8.3 Create & format the word documents as per the
8.4 Create a worksheet, apply simple formulae & graphs
8.5 Explain the concept of computer network in daily life [
8.6 Explain the concept of TPS and apply in executing practical
work/ workplace.
9. 9.1 Use documents, drawings and recognize hazards in thework
Planandorganizetheworkrela site.
tedtotheoccupation. 9.2 Plan workplace/assembly location with dueconsideration to
operational stipulation.
9.3 Communicate effectively with others and plan projecttasks.
9.4 Assign roles and responsibilities of the co-trainees
forexecution of the task effectively and monitor the same.

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)


10.Recognize & comply with 10.1 Understand course, general rules pertaining to institute &
general safe working industry, available facilities, and timetable. Recognize & explain
practices, environment machinery used in trade. Identify type of work to be done during the
regulation housekeeping. course.
Industry Orientation 10.2 Identify importance of Safety and general Precautions to be
observed in the shop. Basic first aid, safety signs – for danger, Warning,
caution & personal safety message.
10.3 Recognize Safe handling of Fuel Spillage, Fire extinguishers used
for Different types of fire.
10.4 Identify First-Aid, nature and causes of injury and utilization of first
10.5 Recognize Energy saving Tips/Audit of institute/body shop
electricity Usage.
10.6 Perform Hazard identification, dust, thinner & paint (chemical)
hazard etc. and countermeasure to eliminate them & usage of specified
11. Perform measuring & 11.1 Check zero error of instruments and adjust to zero.
marking by using various 11.2 Select, care, and use of measuring instrument.
measuring & marking tools 11.3 Measuring engine components with Vernier caliper,
like Vernier calliper, Micrometer.
Micrometre, Files, Scriber,
Drill bit, & Grinding tools.

12.1 Identify the different components used in Electrical device with

12.Identify & Understand safe manner
the Electricity terminology. 12.2 Understand the terminology of Amperes, voltage, resistor, diode
AC current & DC current, Open circuit voltage, etc.
12.3 Prepare wire connections by joining wires using solder gun
12.4 Construct simple electrical circuits and measuring of current
voltage and resistance.
13. Apply Gas welding & 13.1 Identify the different color code used in gas cylinder & purpose.
Equipment’s operation 13.2 Explain safety measure points while using gas cylinder &
procedure with quality. equipment.
13.3 Identify & explain the different safety device used to protect the
gas cylinder like Sigle stage regulator, Double stage regulator, Flash
back arrestor.
13.4 Know the Do's & Don'ts of Hazardous in cylinder like Acetylene,

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)

13.5 Prepare, set, and tack the pieces as per drawing.

13.6 Set up the tacked joint in specific position
13.7 Deposit the weld following proper welding.
13.8 Carry out visual inspection to ascertain quality weld joint.
14. Perform Gas cutting, 14.1 Identify & Do pre-operation check for gas cutting
Safety & Equipment's equipment&purpose.
operation procedure with 14.2 Explain safety measure points while using gas cylinder.
quality, defect causes & 14.3 Identify & explain the different safety device used to protect the
remedies. gas cylinder like Sigle stage regulator, Double stage regulator, Flash
back arrestor.
14.4 Know the Do's & Don'ts of Hazardous in cylinder like Acetylene,
14.5 Plan and select the nozzle size, working pressure, type of flameas
per requirement.
14.6 Plan and mark on MS plate surface for straight/bevel/circular
14.7 Select the nozzle size and working pressure of gases as per
14.8 Set the marked plate properly on cutting table.
14.9 Set the cutting plant & perform the cutting operation maintaining
proper techniques and all safety aspects.
14.10 Clean the cutting burrs and inspect the cut surface for soundness
of cutting.
15. Interpret and apply 15.1 Understand about Working principle of arc generation
SMAW Principle and 15.2 Understand the purpose of coating electrode used in welding.
methods, understand 15.3 Understand the Metal transfer from electrode & its importance.
Advantages & 15.4 Understand the application of welding.
Disadvantages. 15.5Understand advantages & disadvantages of welding.
16. Select & apply SMAW 16.1 Plan and select the type & size of electrode, welding current.
Equipment's with procedure 16.2 Prepare edge as per requirement
with quality standard, 16.3 Prepare, set SMAW machine, and tack the pieces as per drawing.
Position & Joints, defect 16.4 Set up the tacked pieces in specific position.
causes & remedies. 16.5 Deposit the weld maintaining appropriate arc length, electrode
angle, welding speed, weaving technique and safety aspects.
16.6 Insect the welded joint visually for root penetration, uniformity of
bead and surface defects.
16.7 Inspect the welded joint visually for poor penetration, uniformity
of bead and surface defects.
17. Interpret and apply 17.1 Understand about Working principle of arc generation
GMAW Principle and 17.2 Understand the purpose MIG & MAG in welding.
methods, understand 17.3 Understand theDifferent mode of metal transfer.
Advantages & 17.4 Understand the application of welding.
Disadvantages. 17.5 Understand advantages & disadvantages of welding.
18. Select & apply GMAW 18.1 Select size of electrode wire, welding voltage, gas flow rate.
Equipment's with procedure 18.2 Prepare, set (machine & Job) and tack the pieces as per drawing
with quality standard, and type of joints.

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)

Position & Joints, defect 18.3 Set up the tacked joint in specific position.
causes & remedies. 18.4 Trouble shoot the blocked contact TIP of torch.
18.5 Deposit the weld adapting proper welding technique & safety
18.6 Carry out visual inspection to ensure quality of weld joint.


19. Interpret and apply 19.1 Select power source as per material, size and type of Tungsten
GTAW Principle and electrode, welding current, gas nozzle size, gas flow rate and filler rod
methods, understand size as per requirement.
Advantages & 19.2 Prepare, set (Machine & Job) and tack the pieces as per drawing
Disadvantages.Select & and type of joints.
applyGTAW Equipment's 19.3 Set up the tacked joint in specific position.
with procedure with quality 19.4 Deposit the weld by adapting proper welding technique and safety
standard, Position & Joints, aspects.
defect causes & remedies. 19.5 Carry out visual inspection to ensure quality of welded joint.
20. Apply Brazing Principle, 20.1 Plan & select the nozzle size, working pressure type of flame, filler
Brazing methods & rod & flux as per requirement.
equipment's with procedure 20.2 Prepare, set, and tack the pieces as per drawing.
with quality standard, defect 20.3 Braze the joint adapting proper brazing technique & safety aspect.
causes & remedies. 20.4 Carry out visual inspection to ascertain quality weld joint.
21. Demonstrate 21.1 Understand about various types of Resistance welding.
Resistance welding, types, 21.2 Understand different types of equipment’s used in welding
methods & equipment's 21.3 Understand the different methods followed in welding.
with procedure. 21.4 Understand the application of welding.
22. Perform Spot welding, 22.1 Plan and select the material and clean the surface thoroughly
Equipment, Accessories, 22.2 Set the spot-welding parameters on machine.
Power source procedure. 22.3 Spot weld the join adapting appropriate techniques & Safety.
22.4 Inspect the joint for soundness of weld.
23. Plan and perform Car 23.1 Identify different type of Underbody parts like Front floor, Rear
Under body Part joining by floor, Dashboard area.
using Jigs & Fixtures. 23.2 Identify different type of Child parts & dolly.
23.3 Perform part setting of different floor part to JIG by operating
Module (Electro pneumatic) to produce finished car body
23.4 Perform joining process using different type of spot-welding gun.
(‘C’ type &‘X’ type gun).
23.5 Understand the purpose of Tip changing in spot gun. Tip bord
24. Plan and perform Car 23.1 Identify different types of Doors like, Front, Rear, Hood & Luggage
Shell body Part joining by Door.
using Jigs & Fixtures. 23.2 Identify different type ofReinforcement, Hinges &Child parts with
Chorokyo dolly.
23.3 Perform part setting of different Door Inner part to JIG by
operating Module (Electro pneumatic) to produce finished Doors.

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)

23.4 Perform joining process using different type of spot-welding gun.

(‘C’ type &‘X’ type gun).
23.5 Understand the purpose of Tip changing in spot gun. Tip bord
25. Maintain Quality 25.1 Identify the fitting & Level miss match in car shell body.
standards in Car body 25.2 Identify the Car shell body surface defect like Dent & Bump, Dig,
Welding, Panel Surface, Scratch by Oil stone hand feel & using light reflection (Visual) method
Door Fitting. 25.3 Identify the Spot welding defects in car shell body like SPOT-
Number of spots, Burr, Miss, Pitch, Position, Separation of Spot joint.
25.4 Identify the Sealer miss, Bracket, Nut & Stud miss, Wrong part
joined in car shell body.
26. Maintain Non defective 26.1 Understand the importance of Non defective condition.
condition to achieve 26.2 Understand the Non defective condition of Spot-
customer satisfaction. weldingEquipment.
26.3Understand the Non defective condition of Hammer & Chisel for
Hanare check.
26.4.Understand the Non defective condition of Jigs & Fixture.

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)



WEEK Reference Learning Professional Skills Professional Knowledge
Outcome (Trade Practical) (Trade Theory)
First Year
1-2 Recognize & Workshop Safety (40 Hrs.) Workshop Safety (10 Hrs.)
comply with general 1. Importance of trade training, List • Familiarization with the
safe working of tools & Machinery used in the working of Industrial Training
practices, trade. Institute system.
environment 2. Safety attitude development of • Importanceofsafetyandprecaution
regulation and the trainee by educating them to stobetakenintheindustry/shopfloo
housekeeping. use Personal Protective r.IntroductiontoPPEs.
Industry Orientation Equipment (PPE). • Introduction to First Aid.
3. First Aid Method and basic • Response to emergenciese.g.
training. power failure, fire, and system
4. Safe disposal of waste failure.
materials like cotton waste, metal Importance of housekeeping & good
chips/burrs etc. shop floor practices.
5. Hazard identification and • Introduction to 5S concept & its
avoidance. application.
6. Safety signs for Danger, Occupational Safety & Health:
Warning, caution & personal • Health, Safety and Environment
safety message. guidelines, legislations
7. Use of Fire extinguishers. &regulations as applicable.
8. Safe use of tools and
equipment used in the trade.
3-4 Perform measuring Measurement system: (60Hrs.) Measurement System: (10 Hrs.)
& marking by using 1. Check zero error of instruments • Bench work – Metal working hand
various measuring & and adjust to zero. tools and devices –Work bench
marking tools like 2. Identification of tools & vices – files – hacksaw – hammer –
Vernier calliper, equipment as per desired chisels – spanners – screw drivers
Micrometre, Files, specifications for filing and –scrapers.
Scriber, Drill bit, & marking, visual inspection of • Linear measurements- its units,
Grinding tools. raw material for rusting, scaling, steel rule dividers, callipers –
corrosion etc. types and uses,
3. Familiarization of bench vice. • Punch – types and uses.
4. Filing- File top of the “U” Description, use and care of
channel, check, and measure • Marking table.
with steel rule. • Vernier calliper – its parts,
5. Mark with scriber and steel rule principles, reading, uses and care.
6. Mark with scriber and steel rule • Outside micro meter – its parts,
7. Familiarization of Vernier Height principles, reading, uses and care,
Gauge. • Vernier height gauge.
8. Measuring practice with steel • Marking tools – scriber, Dividers,
rule, Vernier Height Gauge. • Dot punch, Centre punch.
9. File, mark straight and parallel
• Marking out – Coordinates
lines with scriber and steel

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)

rule/Vernier Height Gauge as per system,

drawing. • Rectangular – Polar – Rules for
10. Dot punching and letter and marking media, marking blue,
number punching. • Drilling machines-types &their
11. Grinding of center punch, dot application, construction of Pillar
punch, flat chisel and scriber. &Radial drilling machine.
12. Drill grinding practice. • Cutting Speed, feed, depth of cut
13. Drill Centering Practice. and Drilling time calculations.
14. Chain drilling practice • Measuring Instruments – purpose
15. Practice on measuring –Function- types – Calculation of
instruments. • Least count of :-Vernier Caliper,
Micro meter, height gauge, Spirit
Level Gauge, Vernier bevel
protector and Sine bar.
• Bevel protractor, combination set
their components, uses and cares.
• Pedestal grinder, star wheel
• safety precautions, care
5-6 Identify Basic electricity (50 hrs.) Basic electricity (10 hrs.)
&Understand the 1. Prepare wire connections by • Basic electricity,
Electricity joining wires using soldering • Electricity principles,
terminology. Iron. • Type of Current_ AC,DC, their
2. Construction of simple electrical comparison, resistance, & their
circuits and measuring of units. Conductor, insulator, Types
current voltage and resistance. of connections, - series, parallel,
3. Verify DC series & parallel Ground connections,
circuits and its characteristics • Ohm's law, Voltage.
4. Check out the open and short • Fundamentals of electricity,
circuits in the lighting circuits definitions, units & effects of
5. Using digital multimeter, electric current. Conductors and
practice continuity test for insulators. Conducting materials
fuses, jumper wires, fusible and their Comparison
links, circuit breakers.
6. Measures to rescue a person
fromlive wires. Identify the phase,
Neutral and Earthon power
socket, use a tester to monitor
AC power)
7. Construct attest lamp and use it
to check mains healthiness.
8. Measure the voltage between
phase and ground and rectify
9. Identify and test different AC
mains cables.

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)

7-16 Apply Gas welding & Basics of Gas Welding (350 hrs.) Basics of Gas Welding (40 hrs.)
Equipment’s 1. Connect the cylinder to manifold • Introduction and definition of
operation system. welding. Different process of
procedure with 2. While connecting ensure metal joining methods: Bolting,
quality. Acetylene left hand tightening. riveting, soldering, brazing,
3. Check the Leakage condition seaming etc.
after connection with soap • Gas Welding Equipment, tools,
water. and accessories.
4. Set the proper pressure on • Gas cylinder specification &
Double stage regulator. International Standards with Fuel
5. Check the Outgoing & cylinder & Non-fuel gas classification.
pressure indicator. • Cylinders and Colour coding for
6. Check the flash back valve. different gas cylinders.
7. Pre-operation check of Gas • Explain with reasons - Acetylene
welding & Manifold as per gas pipeline is made up of Carbon
instruction sheet. steel & Oxygen gas pipeline is
8. Pre-operation check of gas made up of Copper.
welding equipment at stations • Properties of Different gases like
like Gas leakages at hoses Oxygen, Acetylene.
coupling area by soap water. • Different Safety device used in
9. One touch coupling Connection protect the cylinder like Regulator,
of Hoses & Torch Flash back arrestor, non-return
10. Setting of oxyacetylene welding valve. Manifold system, Cylinder
equipment like regulator- Oxygen cap.
set for 1kg/cm2 for welding & • Gas Welding terms and
Acetylene set for 0.1kg/cm2 for definitions.
welding • Do’s & Don’ts of Gas welding with
11. Practice -Ignition of torch & Four rounds of KYT.
Extinction of torch operation as
• Different type so flames & used in
per procedure sheet
different metals like carbon steel
12. Lighting and setting of flame &
& copper.
Troch valve operation.
• Types of oxy-acetylene flames and
13. Check different flame like
carburizing, Neutral flame &
• Oxy acetylene gas welding
Systems (Low pressure and High
14. Demonstrate Four rounds of KYT,
Problem with countermeasure.
• Difference between gas welding
15. Demonstrate the Rightward &
blow pipe (LP & HP) and gas
leftward techniques.
cutting blow pipe Gas welding
16. Perform fusion run without filler
rod on MS sheet 0.8m to 2mm
thick in flat position. • Rightward and Leftward
17. Fillet “T” joint on MS-sheet techniques.
0.8mm to 2 mm thick in flat • Gas welding filler rods,
position. (1F) specifications, and sizes. Gas
18. Pre-operation check of Gas welding fluxes - types and
cutting station as per check functions.
sheet. • Gas welding defects, causes, and

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)

19. Gas leakage check by soap • Calcium carbide properties and

water. uses.
20. Torch working confirmation • Acetylene gas properties and
21. Proper pressure setting on generating methods.
regulator. • Acetylene gas Purifier, Hydraulic
22. Setting of oxy-acetylene welding back pressure valve and Flash
equipment, Lighting and setting back arrestor
of flame. • parameters, and application.
23. Circular gas cutting on MS-plate • Advantages of Oxy-Acetylene
10 mm thick. cutting process.
24. Bevelling of MS plates 10 mm
thick. By gas cutting.
25. Marking and perform radial
cuts, cutting out holes using oxy-
acetylene gas cutting.
26. Identify cutting defects viz.,
distortion, grooved fluted or
ragged cuts; poor draglines;
rounded. edges; tightly adhering
17-22 Perform Gas cutting, Basics of Gas cutting (200 hrs.) Basics of Gas cutting (20 hrs.)
Safety & 1. Connect the cylinder to manifold • Theory of Metal cutting
Equipment's system. While connecting ensure • Explaining How Carbon steel will
operation Acetylene left hand tightening. lose his mechanical properties.
procedure with 2. Check the Leakage condition • Explain Why only Carbon steel
quality, defect after connection with soap can cut by oxy-acetylene gas.
causes & remedies. water. • Common gases used for welding
3. Set the proper pressure on & cutting, flame temperatures
double stage regulator. and uses.
4. Check the Outgoing & cylinder • Chemistry of oxy-acetylene
pressure indicator. flame.
5. Check the flash back valve. • Parameters and application.
6. Pre-operation check of Gas • Advantages of Oxy-Acetylene
welding & Manifold as per cutting process.
instruction sheet. • Chemistry of oxy-acetylene
7. Pre-operation check of gas flame.
cutting equipment at stations like • Types of oxy-acetylene flames
Gas leakages at hoses coupling and uses.
area by soap water.
• Oxy-Acetylene Cutting
8. One touch coupling Connection
Equipment principle, parameters,
of Hoses & Torch.
and application.
9. Setting of oxyacetylene cutting
• Advantages of Oxy-Acetylene
equipment like regulator- Oxygen
cutting process.
10. Circular gas cutting on MS-plate 10
mm thick.
11. Bevelling of MS plates 10 mm
thick. By gas cutting.
12. Marking and perform radial cuts,

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)

cutting out holes using oxy-

acetylene gas cutting.
13. Identify cutting defects viz.,
distortion, grooved fluted or
ragged cuts; poor draglines;
rounded. edges; tightly adhering
23-26 Interpret and apply Basics of Arc welding – SMAW Basics of Arc welding – SMAW (10
SMAW Principle (140hrs.) hrs.)
and methods, 1. Ensure all PPE before entering • Theory of SMAW, Shielded Metal
understand welding station. arc welding like metal transfer &
Advantages & 2. Do pre-operation check as per joining process take place.
Disadvantages. sheet mark OK or NG (Not Good). • Why, Flux coated electrode used
3. Setting up of Arc welding in SMAW.
machine & accessories and • Electrode: types, functions of
striking an arc by Brushing or flux, coating factor, sizes of
Tapping method. electrode Coding of electrode as
4. Straight line 30 to 70mm beads per BIS, AWS,
on M.S. plate 5 to 10 mm thick in • Effects of moisture pick up.
flat position. Storage and baking of electrodes.
5. Straight line 150mm beads on • Special purpose electrodes and
M.S plate 5 to 10mm thick in flat their applications.
6. Weaved bead on M. S plate
10mm thick in flat position.

27-36 Select & apply Advance Arc welding- SMAW (350 Advance Arc welding – SMAW (40
SMAW Equipment's hrs.) hrs.)
with procedure with 1. Square butt joint on M.S. sheet 5 • Arc welding machine: Power
quality standard, to 10mm thick in flat Position. source, Step down transformer
Position & Joints, 2. Fillet "T" joint on M. S. Plate 10 working principle & OCV (Open
defect causes & mm thick in flat position. circuit voltage) Arc voltage,
remedies. 3. Open corner joint on MS sheet 5 Constant current characteristics.
to 10 mm thick in flat Position. • Arc welding power sources:
4. Fillet lap joint on M.S. plate 10 Transformer, Motor Generator
mm thick in flat position. set, Rectifier and Inverter type
5. Fillet "T" 10 mm thick in welding machines and its care &
Horizontal position. maintenance.
6. Fillet Lap joint on M.S. Plate 10 • Arc length – types – effects of
mm in vertical position. arc length.
7. Single "V" Butt joint on M S plate • Polarity: Types and applications.
12 mm thick in vertical position • Advantages and disadvantages
(3G). of A.C. and D.C. welding
• Welding positions as per EN &
ASME : flat, horizontal, vertical
and overhead position. Weld
slope and rotation. causes and

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)

• Weld quality inspection,
• common welding mistakes and
appearance of good and
• Weld defects causes &
• Weld gauges & its uses
37-40 Interpret and apply Basics of Arc welding - GMAW (140 Basics of Arc welding -GMAW (10
GMAW Principle hrs.) hrs.)
and methods, Familiarization with the machinery • Outline of the subjects to be
understand used in the trade. covered. Safety precautions
Advantages & 1. Introduction to safety equipment pertaining to GMAW.
Disadvantages. and their use etc. • Introduction to GMAW –
2. Setting up of GMAW welding equipment – accessories. Various
machine & accessories. names of the process. (MIG-
3. Arc generation & current & MAG/ CO2 WELDING, FCAW).
voltage setting on MS plate by Advantages & Limitations.
GMAW welding.
4. Straight line30mm & 70mm & 150
mm bead on MS plate GMAW
41-50 Select & apply Advance Arc welding – GMAW (350 Advance Arc welding – GMAW (30
GMAW Equipment's hrs.) hrs.)
with procedure with 1. Lap joint on MS plate by GMAW • Power source & accessories
quality standard, welding in down hand position. Wire Feed unit. Types of
Position & Joints, 2. Open corner joint on MS plate in shielding gases & advantages.
defect causes & down hand position. • Welding Gun & its parts. Modes
remedies. 3. "T" joint on MS sheet in flat of metal transfer - Dip,
position Globular, spray & pulsed
4. "T" joint on MS sheet in horizontal transfer, and its significance.
position. • Flux cored arc welding. Welding
5. "T" joint on MS sheet in vertical wire types and specification.
position. • Trouble shooting in MIG
6. "T" joint on MS sheet in overhead welding. Data and Tables
position. related to CO2 welding.
7. Single "V' butt joint by C02 • Reading of Welding procedure
welding in down hand position. specifications ( WPS ).
8. Single "V' butt joint by Argo shield • Types of weld defects, causes
welding in flat position (Gas: and remedy in GMAW process.
Argon and CO2 mixture).
51 Revision, Project work (40 hrs.)

52 Examination (25 hrs.)

53-56 Interpret and apply Basics of Arc welding - GTAW (135 Basics of Arc welding – GTAW (20
GTAW Principle and hrs.) hrs.)
methods, Familiarization with the machinery • Outline of the subjects to be
understand used in the trade. covered. Safety precautions

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)

Advantages & 1. Introduction to safety equipment pertaining to GTAW

Disadvantages.Selec and their use etc. • Introduction to GTAW welding
t & applyGTAW 2. Setting up of GTAW welding Various names of the process.
Equipment's with machine & accessories. (TIG, Argon arc welding).
procedure with 3. Straight line beads on MS plate by Equipment & accessories.
quality standard, GTAW welding. Advantages & Limitations.
Position & Joints, 4. Lap joint on MS plate by GTAW • Power source - Types, polarity,
defect causes & welding in down hand position. and application Accessories - HF
remedies. 5. Setting up GTAW welding plant unit and DC suppressor.
and establishing the arc. Beading • Tungsten electrode, Types, sizes,
practice on MS sheet by GTAW. and uses. coding as per BIS &
6. Square butt joint on MS in down AWS. Type of shielding gases-
hand position. Types & properties.
7. Open corner joint on MS sheet in • GTAW Welding consumables
down hand position. Types & Specifications as per BIS
8. Lap joint on MS sheet in down & AWS
hand position. • Tables & data relating to TIG
9. Tee joint on MS sheet in down welding. Different type of weld
hand position. joints- plates & pipes.
10. Lap joint on MS sheet in • Edge preparation of plates &
Horizontal position. pipes. Fitting of joint plates for
11. Square butt joint on MS sheet in TIG Welding.
Horizontal position. • Types of weld defects, causes and
remedy in GTAW process.
57-60 Understand about Basics of Brazing (135 hrs.) Basics of Brazing (20 hrs.)
Brazing Principle, 1. Ensure all PPE before entering • Introduction and definition of
application methods welding station. welding. Different process of
& equipment's with 2. Pre-operation check of gas metal joining methods: brazing,
procedure with welding equipment at stations seaming etc.
quality standard, like Gas leakages at hoses • Brazing Welding Equipment,
defect causes & coupling area by soap water. tools, and accessories.
remedies. 3. One touch coupling Connection • Various Braze Welding Processes
of Hoses & Torch and its applications.
4. Setting of oxyacetylene welding • Brazing terms and definitions.
equipment& Flux tank • Do’s & Don’ts of Brazing with
connection Four rounds of KYT.
5. Set pressure on Regulator based • Brazing Torch explanation.
on different metals. • Liquid Flux tank importance &
6. Practice -Ignition of torch & Do’s & Don’ts.
Extinction of torch operation as • Different type so flames & used
per procedure sheet in different metals like carbon
7. Lighting and setting of flame & steel & copper.
Troch valve operation. • Difference between Regular
8. Check different flame like Brazing & Silver Brazing Systems.
carburizing, Neutral flame &
• Rightward and Leftward
9. Demonstrate four rounds of KYT,
• Brazing filler rods, specifications,
Problem with countermeasure.

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)

10. Demonstrate the Rightward & and sizes. Brazing fluxes - types
leftward techniques. and functions.
Perform fusion run filler rod (Copper • Brazing defects causes and
& Tin) on MS sheet 0.8m to 2mm remedies.
thick in flat position. • Acetylene gas properties and
Demonstrate Four rounds of KYT, generating methods.
Problem with countermeasure.
61-64 Demonstrate Basics of Resistance welding –(130 Basics of Resistance welding - (20
Resistance welding, hrs.) hrs.)
types, methods & Entering welding station with proper • Outline of the subjects to be
equipment's with PPE covered in Resistance welding.
procedure. 2. Seam welding machine Pre- • Different Types of Resistance
operation check as per sheet, welding like Seam weld,
Mark OK, or NG. Projection & Spot welding.
3. Setting up of Seam welding • Different Types of Resistance
machine & accessories. welding Equipment& accessories.
4. Confirm the tip change & Water, • Advantages & Limitations
Air pressure as per the standard. Resistance welding
5. Set proper current based on • Power source – Step down
thickness of material. transformer unit, Amperes, Timer
6. Set the job piece as per Lap joint unit in Resistance welding.
& hold buy grip plier.
7. Confirm the spot welding with
Weld & No weld mode.
8. Do spot welding as the drawing.
9. Quality Check - spot nugget as per
standard like spot defects &
strength check.
65-74 Perform Spot Basics of Spot welding–(340 hrs.) Basics of Spot welding - (30hrs.)
welding, Equipment, 1. Entering welding station with • Outline of the subjects to be
Accessories, Power proper PPE covered in Resistance welding.
source procedure. 2. Spot welding machine Pre- Safety precautions pertaining to
operation check as per sheet, SPOT WELDING
Mark OK, or NG. • Introduction to SPOT WELDING
3. Setting up of Spot-welding Various names of the process.
machine & accessories. Equipment & accessories.
4. Confirm the tip change & Water, • Advantages & Limitations of Spot
Air pressure as per the standard. welding
5. Set proper current based on • Manual & Robo spot welding.
thickness of material. • Power source – Step down
6. Set the job piece as per Lap joint transformer unit, Amperes, Timer
& hold buy grip plier. unit, Programming through
7. Confirm the spot welding with remote.
Weld & No weld mode. • Kick-less cable & Aid cable, Water
8. Do spot welding as the drawing. pressure standard. Requirement,
9. Quality Check - spot nugget as per & Air pressure standard
standard like spot defects & &Requirements.
strength check. • Different types of Gun like C & X

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)

• Tip Importance & different types
• Tip Changing sequence &Tip
board management.
• Different types of spot defects (8
Numbers), causes & Remedies.
• Spot welding Quality standards
for Normal Spot & KAKU spot &
Hanare standard.
75-84 Plan and perform Joining of Car Under body (340 hrs.) Joining of Car Under body (30 hrs.)
Car Under body Part 1. Front floor part setting in Jig joining • Explain the Just in time concept,
joining by using Jigs by spot welding gun (C & X type). Heijunka in production process,
& Fixtures. 2. Rear floor part setting in Jig joining Andon- board used in production
by Spot welding & Stud welding. line.
3. Dash panel part setting in Jig & • Different Sections of Car body
Joining by spot welding (C & X manufacturing process.
type)& Stud welding gun. • Importance of UNDER BODY & its
4. RH quarter panel & LH quarter Parts, Jig, Spot guide, Quality
panel part setting in Jig joining by standard.
spot welding gun. • Importance of SIDE MEMBER &
5. Mastic sealer application & Anti its Parts, Jig, Spot guide, Quality
spatter gel application standard.
6. Sealer Drum changing as per • Importance of MAIN BODY & its
Standard instruction sheet. Parts, Jig, Spot guide, Quality
7. Trouble shooting of M-jig, Electro- standard.
pneumatic Module, Jig, Sealer • Importance of SHELL BODY SUB
Pump machine. ASSEMBLY & its Parts, Jig, Spot
guide, Quality standard.
• Importance of Hemming machine
& Trouble shooting
• Importance of Sealer used in
Door panel & other part of car
shell body Hemming & Mastic.
85-94 Plan and perform Joining of Shell body (340 hrs.) Joining of Car Shell body (30 hrs.)
Car Shell body Part 1. Front door Inner part setting in Jig • Kanban system, Service parts,
joining by using Jigs joining by spot welding gun (C & X Pre-operation check sheet, TIP,
& Fixtures. type). changing process, Hanare check.
2. Front door Outer part preparation Muda, Muri & Mura in process.
using Hemming sealer & place the • Importance of Shell body & its
door Inner part & send to Parts, Jig, Spot guide, Quality
Hemming machine for complete standard.
door assembly. • Importance of Hemming machine
3. Rear door Inner part setting in Jig & Trouble shooting
& Joining by spot welding gun (C & • Importance of Sealer used in Door
X type). panel & other part of car shell
4. Rear door Outer part preparation body Hemming & Mastic.
using Hemming sealer & place the

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)

door Inner part & send to • Reinforcement part used in Door.

Hemming machine for complete • Importance of Impact beam used
door assembly. in door.
5. Hood Inner & Outer part assembly • Importance of Hinges & Child part
by using Jig & Spot-welding gun, used in door.
Hinges fitment by bolt. • Importance of Tape sealer &
6. Sealer Drum changing as per Mastic sealer used in doors.
Standard instruction sheet. • Purpose of Die cleaning.
7. Trouble shooting of Hemming
machine, Electro-pneumatic
Module, Jig, Sealer Pump machine.
95-98 Maintain Quality Quality Control System of Car body Quality Control System of Car body
standards in Car (130 hrs.) (15 hrs.)
body Welding, Panel 1. Check the Car shell body surface • Definition of Quality
Surface, Door defect Dent & Bump level 2 & 3 by • Quality characteristics of Car
Fitting. Hand feel suing single pair gloves. shell body like Characteristics,
2. Check the Car shell body surface Welding, fitting, Part assembling
defect Dent & Bump level 4 to 6 by & Surface
Visual using Tube light reflections. • Different types of quality
3. Repair the surface defect like Dent control processes used in
& Bump by using various hand automotive manufacturing shop
tools like, Pinching tool, file, buffer, • Functions of various
sander & Oil stone. departments in quality like
4. Check the other car shell body Quality Inspection, Quality
Door fitting defects like Level NG, Engineering, Quality Assurance,
Gap NG. control procedures
5. Check & Identify the fitment • Inspection Process
problem Assembly part vs Weld • Final Audit Tests
shell body. • Importance of BAM- Body
6. Confirm the Door accuracy by Accuracy Management
using Checking Fixture.
7. Check Hanare (Spot separation by
Destructive & Non-destructive
Standard stock – Minimum &
Maximum stock confirmation at
Dolly (Chorokyo) & working area
99- Maintain Non Quality from Customer point of Quality from Customer point of
102 defective condition view (130 hrs.) view (15hrs.)
to achieve customer 1 Spot welding equipment • Customer point of view Hanare
satisfaction. confirmation based on Non check.
defective condition. • Customer point of view Spot
2 JIG confirmation by process welding NP check point.
member based on Non • Importance of KIJ
defective condition sheet. • Customer point of view
3 Car body part confirmation importance of KAKU spot.
based on Non defective • Importance of DOK & DPV.
condition sheet. • Importance of Quality person

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)

4 Hand Tools confirmation based • Importance of Cut check & Sealer

on Non defective condition application.
5 Car body Surface confirmation
based on Non defective
condition sheet.
6 Hanger & Hoist confirmation
based on Non defective
condition sheet.
7 Car body Fitting confirmation
based on Non defective
condition sheet.
103 Revision, Project work (40 hrs.)
104 Examination (25 hrs.)

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)



S No. Workshop Calculation Workshop Science


1. Unit: Systems of unit- FPS, CGS, MKS/SI Material Science: properties - Physical &
unit, unit of length, Mass and time, Mechanical, Types – Ferrous & Non-Ferrous,
Conversion of units difference between Ferrous and Non-Ferrous
metals,introduction of Iron, Cast Iron, Wrought
Iron, Steel, difference between Iron and Steel,
Alloy steel, carbon steel, stainless steel, Non-
Ferrous metals, Non- Ferrous Alloys.
2. Fractions: Fractions, Decimal fraction, Mass,Weight and Density:
L.C.M., H.C.F., Multiplication and Division Mass, Unit of Mass, Weight, difference between
of Fractions and Decimals, conversion of mass and weight, Density, unit of density,
Fraction to Decimal and vice versa. specific gravity of metals.
Simple problems using Scientific
3. Square Root: Square and Square Root, Speed and Velocity: Rest and motion, speed,
method of finding out square roots, velocity, difference between speed and velocity,
Simple problem using calculator. acceleration, retardation, equations of motions,
simple related problems.
4. Ratio & Proportion: Work, Power and Energy: work, unit of work,
Simple calculation on related problems. power, unit of power, Horse power of engines,
5. Percentage: Introduction, Simple mechanical efficiency, energy, use of energy,
calculation. Changing percentage potential and kinetic energy, examples of
todecimal and fraction and vice-versa. potential energy and kinetic energy.
6. Algebra: Addition, Subtraction, Heat & Temperature: Heat and temperature,
Multiplication, Division, Algebraic their units, difference between heat and
formula, Linear equations (with two temperature, boiling point, melting point, scale
variables). of temperature, relation between different
scale of temperature, Thermometer, pyrometer,
transmission of heat, conduction, convection,
7. Mensuration :Area and perimeter of Basic Electricity: Introduction, use of electricity,
square, rectangle, parallelogram, triangle, how electricity is produced, Types of current -
circle, semi circle, Volume of solids – AC, DC, their comparison, voltage, resistance,
cube, their units. Conductor, insulator, Types of
cuboid, cylinder and Sphere. Surface connections – series, parallel, electric power,

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)

area of solids – cube, cuboid, cylinder Horse power, energy, unit of electrical energy.
and Sphere.
8. Trigonometry: Trigonometrically ratios, Levers and Simple Machines: levers and its
measurement of angles. Trigonometric types.
tables Simple Machines, Effort and Load, Mechanical
Advantage, Velocity Ratio, Efficiency of
machine, Relationship between Efficiency,
velocity ratio and
Mechanical Advantage.


1. Geometrical construction & - Forces definition.

theorem:division of line segment, parallel - Compressive, tensile, shear forces
lines,similar angles, perpendicular lines, andsimple problems.
isosceles triangleand right angled - Stress,strain, ultimate strength, factor
triangle. ofsafety.
- Basic study of stress-strain curve for MS.
2. - Area of cut-out regular surfaces: - Temperature measuring instruments.
circle andsegment and sector of - Specific heats of solids & liquids.
3. - Area of irregular surfaces. - Thermal Conductivity, Heat loss andheat
- Application related to shop gain.
4. - Volume of cut-out solids: hollow - Average Velocity, Acceleration
cylinders,frustum of cone, block &Retardation.
section. - Related problems.
- Volume of simple machine blocks.
5. - Material weight and cost - Circular Motion: Relation betweencircular
problemsrelated to trade. motion and Linear motion,Centrifugal force,
Centripetal force
6. - Finding the value of unknown sides - Friction- co-efficient of friction,application
andangles of a triangle by and effects of friction inWorkshop practice.
Trigonometricalmethod. - Centre of gravityand its
7. - Finding height and distance - Magnetic substances- natural andartificial
bytrigonometry. magnets.
- Method of magnetization. Use ofmagnets.
8. Application of trigonometry in shop - Electrical insulating materials.
problems. (viz. taper angle calculation). - Basic concept of earthing.
9. Graph: - Transmission of power by belt,pulleys&
- Read images, graphs, diagrams bar gear drive.

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)

chart, pie chart. - Calculation of Transmission ofpower by belt

- Graphs: abscissa and ordinates, pulley and gear drive.
graphs ofstraight line, related to two
sets of varyingquantities.
10. Simple problem on Statistics: - Heat treatment and advantages.
- Frequency distribution table
- Calculation of Mean value.
- Examples on mass scale productions.
- Cumulative frequency
- Arithmetic mean
11. Acceptance of lot by sampling Concept of pressure – units ofpressure,
method(within specified limit size) with atmospheric pressure,absolute pressure, gauge
simpleexamples (not more than 20 pressure –gauges used for measuring pressure
samples). Introduction to pneumatics &hydraulics

Syllabus – Engineering Drawing

Engineering Drawing (For First & Second year) Under CRAFTSMAN TRAINING SCHEME (CTS)
(For all Engineering Trades duration) will be followed.


First Year- 120 Hr.

Module Topics
1. Behavioral Skills Duration:10 Hr.

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)

Expectation Setting Creating a focused and responsible learning environment
Personal Strength Analysis/ Self –awareness and confidence building
Strength Blindness
Perception Management Display Professionalism at the institute and
Ethics, Values &Etiquette Increased social initiations relationships and networks
Acceptance of peers from different cultures and social groups
and work with them.
Collaboration with team to prioritize the common goal and
compromise individual priorities.
Social Etiquette Characteristic of a responsible citizen- Display the same by
respecting self, others, environment, care for duty and value
for time.
Role Modeling Adopting best practices and aspire to follow success stories of
individual for personal development.
Duration: 20 Hr.
2. English Literacy
Functional English Importance of Learning English
Different Naming words, Words used for replacing names,
Action words, Describing people, place and their use.
Introduction to punctuation -Comma, Full stop,
Question mark. Singular plural
Change of tense- Simple present, past; present, past
Construction of simple sentences-Kinds
of sentences Usage of appropriate
words to express themselves Greetings
& Self Introduction
Asking & responding to questions
Sharing information with others
Formal &Informal communication
Speak and provide information about workplace
Discussions on current happenings.
Reading Reading simple
sentences about:
a) Self
Written English Simple writing skills
3. Communication Skills Duration: 10 Hr.

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)

Self-Introduction Interview Skills/Confidence Building
Perception Management Professionalism and Display of same at the institute and
a. Verbal Communication Understand the usage of appropriate words to express
Communicate effectively on telephone.
b. Non-Verbal Manage Personal Hygiene and Presentation
Communication Positive body language: adopt and use it appropriately to build a
Different spatial zones: Understanding and need to maintain it,
create safezones for communication
Maintaining appropriate eye-contact in building trust and
Impact of touch in a formal environment.
Acceptable and unacceptable touch.
Role of tone in any communication.
Campus to Work Time Management and Planning Skills
Interview skills- its phases & ways to crack interview.
Handling setbacks/rejection and recover from it with an action
Developing strong professional contacts/network to gain
support in learning
Process and career as a whole.
Duration: 20 Hr.
4. I.T. Literacy
Basics of Computers Introduction to Computers and its applications. Hardware and
Starting and shutting down of computer. Basic of computer
Operating System Basics of Operating System. Types of Operating Systems. User
interface of Windows 10 OS/latest. Create, Copy, Move and
delete Files and Folders. Use of External memory like pen
drive, CD, DVD etc, Introduction to in built windows apps,
Tools and features.
MS-Word Basic operating of Word Processing. Creating, opening and
Documents. Use of shortcuts, Creating and Editing of Text,
Formatting the Text. Creating simple document like-resume,
letter writing, job application etc., Printing document.

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)

MS-Excel Basics of Excel worksheet &its importance. Creating simple

Adding and average functions. Printing of simple excel sheets.
Web browsers & Search Introduction to world wide web (WWW), Useful websites, web
Engines browser- usage, search engine etc. Using popular sites like
Bharat Skills, Skill Training related Government portals, and other job portals, CITS applications,
Apprenticeship portal (NAPS), resize images, signing up, Online
fund transfer using UPI gateway.
Email Creating &using an email account–like Gmail or any other.
Usage of CC & BCC. Attaching documents
Checking email and composing Email.
Mobile application Scanning QR/AR code, Sharing best practices and downloading
trade related videos using Wi-Fi, Fund transfer through App like
5. Entrepreneurship Skills
Entrepreneur Need of becoming entrepreneur.
Ways to become a good entrepreneur.
Enabling environment available to become an entrepreneur.
Different Govt. institutions/schemes promoting Entrepreneur
viz., Gram in banks, PMMY-MUDRA loans, DIC, SIDA, SISI,
Ways to set up an enterprise and different aspects involved
viz., legal compliances, Marketing aspect, Budgeting, etc.
Day to day monitoring mechanism for Maintaining an
enterprise. Different Government schemes supporting
entrepreneurship. Examples of successful and unsuccessful
Duration: 10Hr.
6. Maintaining Efficiency at Workplace
Maintaining Efficiency at Factors affecting productivity
Workplace Improving Productivity
Personal finance literacy Planning, Saving, Tax, Govt. schemes
for financial safety e.g. Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana
(PMJJBY), etc.
Duration: 10 Hr.
7. Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Education
Safety and Health Introduction to Occupational Safety &health at workplace,

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)

Occupational Hazards Basic Hazards. Chemical, Physical (Electrical, Temperature,

Ergonomic, Biological, Vibro acoustic, Mechanical, Psychosocial Hazard
Accident and Safety Different types of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Accident
Prevention techniques.
First-aid Care of injured & Sick at the workplace. First-Aid &
Transportation of sick person.
Basic provisions on safety Basic provisions of safety &health
And Health
Environmental Issues Introduction to Environment, ecosystem and factors causing
Pollution and pollutants include liquid, gaseous, solid and
hazardous waste Protecting the environment-Energy
Conservation, groundwater, global warming.
Responsibility about the environment
Segregation and disposal of waste
Environmental ethics
Different actions people that affect others and the
Types, causes &effects, are as in India that are prone to be
Disaster Management affected, preparedness & mitigation, dos and don’ts-Before,
During and After any Disaster, how to reduce man-made
Duration: 10Hr.
8. Essential skills for success
Essential skills for success Building basic skills to navigate life and career.
Self-Awareness, articulating personal values, Value-based
decision making, Dilemma situations.
Identify sources and types of stress (positive/negative stress),
Managing stress (long-term/ short-term), Handling rejection and
building resilience, Identify day wasters.
Duration: 05Hr.
9. Labour Welfare Legislation
Labour Welfare Legislation Benefits guaranteed under various acts-Factories Act,
Apprenticeship Act,
Employees State Insurance Act (ESI), Payment Wages Act,
Employees Provident Fund Act, The Workmen's compensation
Act, POSH. Interpret applicable labour and industrial laws.
Duration: 05Hr.
10.Quality Management
Quality Concept and
Consciousness Create awareness on introduction of quality Concepts.

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)

Concept of Quality
Concept of Quality Management (QMS), PDCA, Fishbone, 5S,
Concept of ISO Introduction of ISO
Duration: 05 Hr.
11. Preparation to the world of work
Career Plan Identify the difference between job and career
Basic Professional Skills Job roles available in respective trades
Career Pathways Awareness of industries, and the respective professional
Search and apply for a job Awareness of higher education/up skilling (short-term) options
Steps involved in online application for Instructor course,
Apprenticeship and different jobs in popular site like the,,, Govt. website.
Duration: 05 Hr.
12.CustomerInteraction/ service
Greeting customers Forms of greeting
Probing-understanding Use of positive body language
Customer requirements
Handling grievances Handling grievances (Use of ask-listen-repeat technique)
Relationship building with Relationship building with customers, importance of probing.
To identify the importance Use of open-ended/close-ended questions to gauge
of probing requirement

Second Year-60 Hr
Module Topics Methodology
Duration: 20Hr.
1. English Literacy
Me/Myself,We/Oursel Greetings Student speaks & writes 1
ves Introducing yourself Talking about paragraph about themselves
your family Likes and dislikes
Role Models Introduce their role model Group activity–who are the role
Discuss strength and weakness/ models of each group. Displayed on
criticism etc. Adjectives, verbs, a chart with pictures and text– make
pronouns etc. all covered. Write- a collage and present.
up about this person
My Society Describe your surrounding Summarizing the discussion Pictures
Changes in your environment of something in the past/ what it is
Dos and dont’s Dumping of now
garbage Use of plastic
Water conservation

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)

Strength and weakness Roads

/pollution Gardens
My Interests Theme parks
Historical areas/cities (places) Student speaks about their favorite
Adventure–sea, mountain, place/area of interest/ hobby and
beaches Hobbies why they like it
My Work What they want to do Bring a newspaper clipping/news
Why they want to do it item of that industry and discuss it
What do they know about this [individual activity–everyone has to
opportunity talk about it and write about it]
App based Learning Actual speaking practice–all 4 skills App based learning practice by the
tested Gamified trainee using popular apps
Vernacular Capability Mapped to available
what is covered in class
Benefits Interactive
High engagement
Duration: 10 Hr.
2. Communication Skills
Marks: 12
Personal Reflection Template Self-reflection-Pg193
Revision Case study from the workplace-
Importance of Communication videos
Managing Emotions Reflection on Industry visit
Create online profile +Form al Digital practice + Classroom
Introduction of self (based on the Practice
Interpersonal Giving and Receiving Feedback Burgar Feedback Template &
Communication based on Practice
context-Formal, Informal Role play and Peer Evaluation
Verbal &Non-verbal Role Play & Reflection
Listening Skills Gender Pledge
Gender Sensitivity
Application of Gender sensitivity
Workplace Interview Preparation (With Career Day: Scenario based
Communication Resume, Formal Dress) activity, with Guest Lecture or HR
Communication Etiquette: person Reflection of Market
a. MobileApplicationsfor Scan Trade specific examples + Role
theworkplace play
b. FakeNews Case Study, Role Play
Customer Interaction Case Study, Digital practice via email
a. Definingmycustomer(other

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)

department, client)
b. Communicationbased on
Peer,Superior, Junior
Formal Communication - Practice
Duration: 10Hr.
Marks: 10
MS-PowerPoint Basics -creating, opening, closing, ppt, audiovisual, task-based
slide show activities.
File Conversion & Identify file types, types of files- ppt, demonstration & practice
Reducing file size pdf, jpg, doc, excel, ppt
Converting files to other types
Data/webcasting Casting desktop application or web Demonstration &practice
Through mobile application
By WIFI or Bluetooth
Server & cloud Introduction to server and cloud audio visual, task-based activity,
computing computing demonstration
accessing, storing and retrieving
file through google drive
Language translation Language translation throughvoice task-based, demonstration
Voice to text, text to voice
Customize and use Access CV templates online task-based, demonstration
online CVs Customize CVs as per requirement
Artificial Intelligence latest technology based model or Demonstration &practice
Duration: 10Hr.
4. Entrepreneurship Skills Marks:6
Entrepreneurship Aspect of inspiring/motivating Share experience of successful
Mindset should be sprinkled across all entrepreneurs (examples of alumni
topics. from ITI)(Can be given as an
Recall the qualities/characteristics. instruction to teachers)
Being a leader (your values,
personal code of
conduct)(ownership for my
Listen, Learn and Observe
(framework of an effective leader)
Grit (Addressing difficulties/

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)

challenges in an entrepreneur’s
life positively) Managing personal
Focus on breaking myths related
to entrepreneurship wherever
Opportunity Selection of type of business -
identification Product/service/trading Systems thinking and then doing
UVP–unique idea about the market research (related to
business innovation and problem solving
Being environment friendly (to be done by other players in the market)
touched upon in as many activities
that learner is taking part in)
Reminder about Business model
Being Resourceful Being resourceful communication skills related
Identify ways of being activity
resourceful– Inexpensive ways of project
marketing Networking English and IT skills related activity
Importance of Networking Business model revisit
(interpersonal skills,
communication skills related Connecting with likeminded
activity) people
How to connect (through Net and
otherwise– bring in English and IT
skills related activity) Business
model revisit
Ease of Doing Single window mechanism for learner can be directed to it
Business running thebusiness through communication and inter
How to apply for business, personal focused activities
awareness of statutory
compliances, and govt or non govt
Business model revisit activity
Managing Resources Human resource (customers and Activities will bring about
internal employees or other Importance of communication and
entities in the business cycle) interpersonal skills
Finance(activities to bring about
importance of financial literacy)
Infrastructure (location,
equipment, machinery etc.)
Use of Internet (importance of IT

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)

skills)Business model revisit activity

Mentorship and Role Importance of mentorship
Models They will to look at mentors in Interpersonal skills, communication
their own ecosystem, connecting and IT skills can be reinforced
with them through Net or
otherwise again.
Learning Cycle Business model revisit (it’s an Role Play/live demonstration
Model and you may need to revisit
Skills and attitudes displayed by
the model and different aspects of
other successful entrepreneurs
it along with your own capabilities,
revisit mindsets frequently, being a
lifelong learner by being aware of
skills and attitudes displayed by
other successful entrepreneurs.
Duration:10 Hr.
5. Sustainable Career
Career Awareness Learn and explore upcoming Webinar / online pre-recorded
advances in the industry lectures from industry
Students will be able to connect representatives. Visit / view a video
all the subsequent topics with on online portal /interact with
real-life experience, and industry experts. A video about the
understand the importance of evolution of workplace in the past
mastering career planning and few years (past to future). The
readiness topics students must get a template to
Gain exposure to a modern record the insights from the
workplace from his/ her industry visit/interaction like a simple
Career Planning Learn and apply growth mindset to Case studies / self-awareness
career planning activities/ mapping the barriers to
Ashok Leyland shares an example- growth mind set in everyday life, and
they are undergoing an extensive devising strategies to apply growth
tech. overhaul and technicians will mindset through easy-to- implement
have to learn new things to stay actions everyday.
relevant/ updated in thei.r jobs. Write 16PF, or other relevant
Learn about personal skills personality tests that gives students
and interests an insight into their
Adapt to ever-changing business strengths, and also provides them a
environment vocabulary to express their
Learn about continuous upskilling/ personal strengths and interests
re skilling learning requirements in Case studies/team work activities to
their industry practice adaptability/ working in

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)

ITI students should be aware that ambiguity /openness to change in

their skilling industry.
Journey will continue for life, and
Online job search / advanced
will not end with the end of finalmarket scanning related to their
year. chosen sectors- update your year
1market scan.
Map career pathways within your
Within the same market scan
activity-explore both-jobs and self-
employment opportunities Share a
template on which
students can envision their future of
work - identify what your
workplace looks
liketoday - through
market research, online content etc.
and what it will look like in a decade.
QA has developed videos on how
new jobs will look different from
today's jobs. Anticipate challenges
(apprenticeships, untimely
termination, location of job-be open
to migration, assess cost of living
etc.) Common future plan template
–for planning a self- employment
journey/career options
Share relevant keywords / direction
for conducting a career pathway
search for each trade
Career Readiness Practice writing technical Conduct a mock interview
evaluations / aptitude test. exercise involving a panel, which
Communicate their fit (positive includes industry representative,
attitude /adaptability/self-led college faculty, HR (desired)
learner) during the interview. Scores/internship experience etc. is
Final year students are placement most relevant
read. Hence, placement Employment Exchange / Youth
preparation. Prepare and review Employability Services
final resume. Identify and apply What is an internship? Structured
for apprenticeships on NAPS. and unstructured.
Register on government job State Skill Development Missions
portals (national and state). portals.
Learn and apply for DST /
internship opportunities.

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)

Apply for jobs (practice reading

key words in job descriptions, Respecting my time/others time,
understand salaries and benefits) work/life balance, cooperativeness/
Request and receive feedback to quality conscious
improve performance. /teamwork/empathy
Develop cultural intelligence. /commitment/ deliver on time.
Respecting gender equality at
workplace. Cultivating
professional attitude.
Apply green practices in life and

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)



AutomotiveWelding Technician(Forbatchof20 Candidates)


1. Straight Snip 12 nos.
2. Curved Snip 12 nos.
3. Scriber 12 nos.
4. Steel rule 300mm 12 nos.
5. Steel rule 600mm 12 nos.
6. Compass 300mm 12 nos.
7. Compass 150mm 12 nos.
8. Hacksaw frame 12 nos.
9. Half round files 12 nos.
10 Level hammer Large 12 nos.
11 Pneumatic Grinder 4 nos.
12 Pneumatic Drilling gun 4 nos.
13 Wooden hammer- Mallet 12 nos.
14 Open edge spanner 28no. 2 nos.
15 Chisel 8 nos.
16 Wire brush 8 nos.
17 Chipping hammer 8 nos.
18 Cylinder change spanner 3 nos.
19 Needle
Needle file
file set
set 12 nos.
20 File cleaning brush 8 nos.
21 Wire Brush 8 nos.
22 Surface plate 12 nos.
23 Gas lighter 8 nos.
24 Nose Plier 8 nos.
25 Chipping Hammer 8 nos.
26 Ball Peen Hammer 8 nos.
27 Brazing Torch 8 nos.
28 Gas cutting Torch 8 nos.
29 Gas welding Torches 8 nos.
30 Wire Toothbrush 8 nos.
31 Flash back arrestor Oxygen 8 nos.
32 Double stage Regulator Oxygen 8nos.
33 Double stage Regulator Acetylene 8 nos.
34 Flash back Arrestor Acetylene 8 nos.

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)

List of Machine and equipment

35 Spot welding machine – Stationery 2 nos.
36 Spot welding machine- Portable with simulation 2 nos.
37 Spot welding Tip changing simulation 1 no.
38 Door repair Jig 1 no.
39 Door Outer panel surface identification defect Jig 1 no.
40 Door Outer panel part setting Jig 1 no.
41 Sheet metal bending Jig 1 no.
42 Brazing Flux tank 4 nos.

Automotive Weld Technician(Flexi MoU)

Annexure II


Name: Batch No.:
Card ID No. Dept:
Attendance %: Trade:
Attend Quarterly Average
Quarters Month Attend % Month Month Attend %
% Attend %
Qtr – 1
Qtr – 2
Qtr – 3
Qtr – 4
General Assessment
Score Sum
Score Score Score Score
Sl of 4 Qtr
No. Qtr -
Qtr - 2 Qtr – 3 Qtr - 4 Qtr – Sum
1 Safety Knowledge, follow safety precautions and rules
Does he obey Sup/Line i/c instructions
Does he attend shift start meetings regularly
Does he take supervisors feedback properly
Whether he takes planned leaves
Does he participates in new drives
Sense of Does he take care in handling tools
2 Is Punctual
Positive, Behavior , response, learning
Maintain 5S at his work station
Co-operation - Consider team work, willingness to
work with and for others
Able to identify and report irregularities at his
work place
Follow WIS/MOS
Able to check faults of previous station
3 Method Understands tools/equipment functions and its
different parts
Able to perform the job independently
Able to match line "TACT" time
4 Speed Willingness to learn/flexibility for alternate job
Work completion/target achievement
Able to contain defects
5 Quality Awareness about GCA/PDI
Skill acquired during "On job training"
Total Score
Max Marks.
(Fill score in relevant box) Excellent: 4, Very Good: 3, Good: 2, Fair: 1, Need
Improvement: 0
Remarks (Supervisor):Mention Achievement / Critical Incidents

Remarks (Shift In charge / Dept Manager)

Remarks (ITP Training Coordinator)

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