Tybms Sem5 RM Nov19

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, ' pape""y;'l3,Li.T':;:ry";II.T::l*.


Marks: 75
Time: 2.30 Hrs

NOTE: 1'Q1 is comPulsory

2. Q2 to Q5 having internal oPtions
3. rig;;;io *re Jignt indicate
full marks' i,l,,,Ilt^l
+. Stit" Your assumPtions clearlY oL\

or false (any 8) \1, .

Q1.A State whether the following statements are true N:\*" r--
-"; )

i. Beta measures volatility or risk . ^ tund has exceeded the exp'ectations

ii. tf Jensen,s Atp;;i;;;ritir" , it reflects that the Mutual
and vice versa
oriperform"d it-'" tututtt"t porlfolio a firm'
tu" titt itp""1 tn3 fytyrl cash flows of
iii. Transaction exposure in Exchange
th" is eligible to buv or sell the underlying asset
iv. Exercise price is a price at wh]gh "pti";;;;;. an asset's tu*ot be predicted using the
ift" iatl"
v. ApT is an asset pricing model based ",, 'ftat "iu'n
relationship bttrit;; ttat asset ad many common risk factors
Operational Management
vi. The third line of Defense includes stakeholder to the organization
vii. An end user of the project's outcom€
ifo*t i" tfr" holder if it were exercised immediately
viii. At the money Option leads to negatiu.'#fr (potential impact)
't one dimensional assessment
ix. Enterprise nirt lunug.ment has people in the organtzatron
of different
x. Risk Measur.,r."i i, ihe coilective responsibility

a El$atchgg folqy
Call and Put

ffig. traded @eentwoparties

the Risk Management Process
- -' A) Define the term Risk? Explain
o ?)
and Techniq*?*
ejE*plain Arbitrage theory
i-fn motinn of stock A and itock B under the ible states of nature
I ne rollo D 6A' Return'B'
State ofNature ProbabilitY
5% 0%
1nO/^ 8%
) 0.30
0.50 15%
) 20% 26%
4 0.1u (07)
Dtftfitffidtn Risk Register

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6AF53323CCA72AA 1 656 1 3485FA002989

Paper / Subject Code: 46015 / Finance:Risk Management

- '' :'' ": ' Risk and the three lines of Defense (08)
" 'q3) A) Exglain
B) Explain the challenges of Risk assurance in an organization (07)
'r oR
C).Calculate Beta for each of the following two securities from the given information (15)

Year A.Ltd(%) B.Ltd (%) Market Portfolio (%)

1 10 t4 12
2 6 2 5

3 t3 19 18
4 -4 -12 -8
5 13 11 10
6 t4 t9 t6
7 4 J 7

8 l8 20 15

9 24 23 30
10 22 16 25

Q.4) A) What are the good practice principles for risk assurance?
B) Define Stakeholder and explain the types of project stakeholders (07)

C) Explain the powers, functions and duties of IRDA (08)

D) What is Actuaries? Explain the role, duties and obligations of Actuaries (07)

Q.5) A) Suppose an insurer estimates that an insurance contract exposure has the
following loss
distribution: (08)
Loss (in Rs.) Probability

20.00,000 0.003
9,00,000 0.010

2,00,000 0,050
50,000 0.847

Assume that administrative expenJes; which are paid irn$gdiately, equal 20Yo of the expected claim cost.
Furtheiasiume'ihattt i, type of policy requires a profit loading equal to I l% of the expected claim cost.
Calculate the fair premium

B) What is Reinsurance? State its types (07)

Q.5) Write short notes on (Any three)

(1 s)

a) Risk Exposure Analysis

b) Derivatives
c) Risk Govemance
d) Bancassurance
e) Enterprise Risk Management Matrix
,<* x {< *** * i(* *

7,6sis, Page 2 of 2

6,4F5 33 23 CCA 72 1\Al 65 613 4B5 FA002989

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