2011 FRM Practice Exam

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The key takeaways are probability concepts like Bayes' theorem and conditional probabilities, value-at-risk (VaR) metrics, and credit ratings transition matrices.

Bayes' theorem allows you to calculate the probability of an event given some observed information. It is used to determine the probability of the state of the economy being neutral given that the stock performance is constant.

Value-at-risk (VaR) is a measure of the risk of loss on a specific portfolio of financial assets. It quantifies the amount of potential loss over a given period of time with a certain confidence level. VaR is used in risk management to measure and control market risk.

2011 Fi a c l a l Risk Manager Exami nation (FRM') Pract!

ce Exam

5, John is forecasting a stock's performance in 201 0 conditional on the state of the economy of the country in
which the flrm is based. He divides the economy's performance into three categories of " GOOD ' NEUTRAL"
and "POOR" and the stock's perfo rmance into three categories of " increase" , constant " and "decrease "

He estimates

The probability that the state of the eco nomy is GOOD is 20%. If the state of the economy is GOOD , the
probability that the stock price in creases is 80% and the pro bability that the stock price dec reases is 10% .
The probability that the state of the econo my is NEUTRAL is 30% . If the state of the economy is
NEUTRAL , the probability that the sto ck price increases IS 50% and the probabilit y that the stock pri ce
decreases is 30%.
. If the state of the economy is POO R, the probability that the stoc k price increases is 15% and the
probability that the stock price is 70 %.

Bill y, his supervisor, asks him to estimate the probability that the state of the econ o my is NEUTRAL gi v en that
the stock performance is constan t. John's b est assessment o f that probability is closest to

a. 15.5%

b , 19.6%

c:. 20.0%

d. 38.7%

Answer: d

Use Bayes ' Theorem :

P( NEUTRAL I Co nstant) = P(Constant I Neutral) * P(Neutral) / P(C o nstant)

= 0.2 0 .3 / (0.1 0 .2 + 0.2 * 0 .3 + 0 .15 * 0. 5) = 0 .387

a: This is the Prob ( Constant)

b: This is the Prob(Constant)
c: This is the Prob(Neutra I Decrease)

Topic: Quantitative Anal ysis

Subtopic: Probability Distributions
AIMS: Define Bayes' the o rem and apply Bayes' formula to determine the pro bab ility o f an event
Reference: Dam o dar Gujarati , Essentials of Econometri cs, 3rd Edition, Chapter 2 (New York: McGraw-Hill , 200 6

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2011 Financial Risk Manager Examination (FRM Practice Exam

9. If the daily, 95% confidence level , value-at-risk (VaR) of a portfolio is correctly estimated to be USD 10 , 000 ,
one would expect that in one out of

a. 20 days the portfolio value w ill decline by USD 10 ,000 or less.

b. 95 days . the portfolio value will decline by USD 10 ,000 or less
c_ 95 days , the portfolio value will decline by USD 10 ,000 or more
d, 20 days the portfolio va lue will decline by USD 10 ,000 or more

Answer: d.


If the daily. 95% confidence level Value at Risk (VaR) of a portfolio is correctly estimated to be USD 10 ,000 , one

would expect that 95% of the time (19 out of 20) , the portfolio will lose less than USD 10 ,000; equivalently, 5% of

the time (1 out of 20) the portfolio will lose USD 10 ,00 0 or more.

opic :
Foundation of Risk Management

Subtopic: Creating Value with Risk Management

AIMS: Define value-at-risk (VaR) and describe how it is used in risk management

Reference: Philippe Jorion , Va/ue-at-Risk: The New 8enchmark for Managing Fnancia/ Risk, 3rd Edition (New York:

cGraw-Hill 2007). Chapter 1-The Need for Risk Management

10. Tom is evaluating 4 funds run by 4 independent managers relative to a benchmark portfolio that has an
expected return of 6 .4% and volatility of 12%. He is inter sted in irlesting in the fund wi th the highest
information ratio that also meets the following conditions in his investment guidelines:

Expected resiclual return must be at least 2%

11 The Sharpe ratio must be at least 0 .2

Based on the fOllowing information and a risk free rate of 5% , which fund should he choose?

Fund Expected Return Volatility Residual Risk Information Ratio

Fund A 8 .4% 143% 11
Fund B 16 .4% 2.4% 0 .9
Fund C 17. 8 % 1.5% 1.3
Fund D 8.5% 19.1% 1. 8%

a. Fund A
b, Fund B
c. Fund C
d. Fund D

Answer: a

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2011 Financial Risk Ma age r Exa.-" i I at i on (FRM ') Drac tice Exam

12. On Nov 1, Dane Hudson , a fund manager of an USD 50 million US large cap equity portfolio , considers locking
up the profit from the recent rally The S&P 500 index and its futures with the multiplier of 250 are trading at
USD 1,000 and USD 1,100 , respectlvely , Instead of selling off his holdings , he would rather hedge his market
exposure over the remaining 2 months Given that the correlation between Dane's portfolio and the S&P 500

index futures is 0 92 and the volatilities of the equity fund and the futures are 0.55 and 0 .4 5 per year

respectively, what position should he take to achieve his objective?

a. Sell 40 futures contracts of S&P 500

b, 5ell 135 futures contracts of S&P 500

c. Sell 205 futures contracts of S&P 500

d, 5ell 355 futures contracts of S&P 500

Answer : c

The calculation is as follows
The equity fund is worth USD 50 million . The Optimal hedge ratio is given by
h = 0 ,92 * 0 ,55 / 0 , 45 =1,124
The number of futures contracts is given by

N = 1,124 50 ,000 ,000 / (1 ,100 250) = 204 ,36" 205 , round up to nearest integer,

Topic: Financial Markets and Products

Subtopic: Minimum Variance Hedge Ratio
AIMS: Define , compute and interpret the o ptimal number of futures contracts needed to hedge an exposure ,
including a tailing the hedge" adjustment
Reference: Hull , tions F u tures and Other Derivatives, 7th Editio Chapter 3

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, ,

in any format without prror written app roval of GARP, Global Associ at! on of Risk Professio nals . lnc
2011 Financial Risk Manager Examination (FR M P rlctlc e Exam

13. In late June , Simon purchased two September si'l ver futures contract s. Each contract si;!:e is 5 ,000 ounces of
silver and the futures price on the date of purchase was USD 18.62 per ounce. The broker requires an initial
margin of USD 6 ,000 and a malntenance margin of USD 4 .500. You are given the foliowing price history f o r
the September silver futures

Oay Futures Price (USO) Oaily Gain (Loss)

June 29 18.62 O
June 30 18.69 700

July 1 1803
July 2 17.72

nu ()
July 6 18.00
July 7 17.70

July 8 17.60

On which days did Simon receive a margin cali?

a. July 1 only
b. July 1 and July 2 only
c. July 1, July 2 and July 70 nly
d. July 1, July 2 and July 8 only

Answer: b

Here is the complete h tory of the margin account and margin calls

Day Futures Daily Cumulative Margin Account Margin Call

Price Gain (Loss) Gain (Loss) Balance
6/29/ 2010 18.62 6 ,000 O
6/ 30/2010 18.69 700 700 6.700 O
'/1/2010 18.03 -6 ,600 -5 ,9 00 100 5 ,900
, / 2/ 2010 17.72 -3.100 -9 .000 2.900 3 ,100
, /6/2010 18.00 2 ,800 -6.20 0
-9 .200
8.800 O
/ /2010 17. 70 3 .000 5 ,800
, /8/ 2010 17. 60 -1. 000 -10 ,200 4.800 O

Margin calls happened on July 1 and Jul y 20nly.

Topic: Financial r1arkets and Products

Subtopic: Futures , forwards , swaps and options
AIMS:Describe the rationale for margin requ irements and explain how they work
Reference: John Huli , 0 tions Futures and Other Deriva tives, 7th Edition (New Yor k: Pearso n , 2009) Chapter 2
Mechar ics of Futures Marke t.s.

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2011 Fina cia l Risk Manager Examination (FRM' ) Practice Exam

14. The yi Id curve is upward sloping. You have a short T-Bond interest rate futures position . The following
bonds are eligible for delivery:

Bonds Spot-Price(USD) Conversion Factor Coupon Rate

A 102.40 0.8 4%
B 100 .4 0 1.5 5%
C 99.60 1.1 3%

The futures price is USD 104 and the matunty date of th contract is Septen ber 1. The bonds pay their
coupon amount semi-annually on June 30 and December 3 1. With these data , which bond is che apest-to

a. Bond A
b. Bond B
c. Bond C
d. Insufficient information to determine

Answer: b


The cheapest to deliver bond on maturity is defined to be the one for w hich the adjusted spot price is the lowest

Adjusted Spot Price = Spot Price / Conversion factor. Computation of adjusted price is shown below for each of the


Bond A = 102.4 /0.8 = 128%

Bond B =100 .4 / 1. 5 = 67%

Bond C = 99.6 /1.1 = 91%

So. bond B is the cheapest to deliver bond and option c is correct.

Topic: Financial Markets and Products

SUbtopic: Cheapest to deliver bond , conversion factors

AIMS: Describe the impact of the level and shape of the yield curve on the che apest-to-deli ver bond decision

Reference: Hull , Options Futures and Other Den atives 7th Edto Chapter 6.

15. A stock index is valued at USD 800 and pays a continuous dividend at the rate of 3% per year. The 6-month
futures contract on that index is trading at USD 758. The continuously compounde d risk free rate is 2.5%
per year. There are no transaction cost5 or ta xes. 15 the futures contract priced so that there is an arbitrage
oppo rtunity? If yes , w hich of the foliowing numbers comes closest to the arbitrage profit you could realize by
taking a position in one futures contract?

a. 38
b, 40
c. 42
d. There is no arbitrage op portunity.

Answer: b

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2011 F1nancia l sk Manager Examination (FR " ) Pra cti ce Exam

20. Assume that options on a non dividend paying stock with price of USD 150 expire in a year and all have a
strike price of USD 140 , The risk -free rate is 8% , Which of the following values is ciosest to the Black-Scholes
values of these optlons assuming N(d 1) = 0 7327 and N(d 2 ) = 0 6164
, ,

a. Value of Am rican call option is USD 30 , 25 and of American put option is USD 9 .4 8
b. Value of American call option is USD 9 , 48 and of American put option is USD 30 , 25
c. Value of American call option is USD 30 , 25 and of American put option is USD 0 , 00
d. Value of Ame r ican call option is USD 9 , 48 and of American put option is USD 0 , 00

Answer: a ,

Explanation .
a: is correct , With the given data the value of European call option is USD 30 , 25 and value of European put o ption
is USD 9 ,48 , We know that American options are neve r less than cor responding Euro pean option in valuation , Also,
the American call option price is exactl y the same as the European call option price under the usual Black-Scholes
world with no dividend Thus only 'a ' the correct option

Topic: Valuation and Risk Models

Subtopic: Black-Scholes-Merton m ode l
AIMS: Compute the value of a European option usi 9 the Black-Scholes-Merton model on a non-dividend-paying
Reference: Hull , 0 tions Futures, and Other erivatives 7th Editio Chapter 13-The Black-Sch ole s-M rton Model

21. Which of the following portfolios would ha ve the highest vega assuming all options invol ved are of the same
strikes and maturities?

a. Long a call
b. Short a put
c. Long a put and long a call
d. A short of the underlying , a short in a put , and a long in a call

Answer: c

a and b are standard cal l/p c is a straddl d is a col,lar. A collar limits exposure to vol atility, while a straddle
increases this exposure Vega is the sensitivity of a portfol io to volatility

Topic: Valuation and Risk Mo dels

Subtopic: Greek Letters
AIMS: Define , compute and describe delta , theta , gamma , veg a, and rho for option positions
Reference: Hull tio ns Futures, and Other Derivatives, 7th Edition , Chapter 17

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2011 F j 3 c l al Risk Manager E xa mi r tion (FRM ' ) Pract ice Ex am

22. Which of the following statements is incorrect , given the following one-year rating transition matrix?

From/To (%) AAA AA A BBB BB B CCC/C D Non Rated

AAA 8 7. 44 7.37 0.46 0.09 0 .06 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 .59
AA 060 86.65 7.78 58 0 .06 0 .11 0.02 0.01 4 .2 1
A 0.05 205 86.96 5.50 0.43 0.16 0.03 0 .04 4 .79
BBB 0 .02 0.21 3.85 84.13 4 .39 0.77 0.19 0.29 6.14
BB 0.04 0 .08 0.33 5.27 75 .7 3 7. 36 0.94 1.2 0 9.06
B 0 .00 0 .07 0.20 0 .28 5.21 7295 4.23 5 .7 1 11 .36
CCC/C 0 .08 0.00 0.31 0.39 1.3 1 9.74 46 .83 28.83 12.52

a. 'AA loans have 0% chance of ever defaulting

b. 'AA' loans have a 86.65% chance of staying at AA for one year
C. loans have a 13 .04% chance of receiving a ratings change.
d. 'B BB ' loans have a 4.08% chance of being upgraded in one year.

Answer: a.


AAA loans can default eventually, through consecutive downgrading , even though they are calculated to not default

In one year.

AA AA is 86.65%

A A is 86.96%

BBB AAA/AA/A (sum) = 4.08%

Topic: Valuation and Risk Models

Subtopic : Credit transition matrices

AIMS: Define and explain a ratings transition matrix and its elements

Reference: Caouette , Altman. Narayan an and Nimmo . Managing Credit Risk, 2nd Editio n. Chapter 6- The Rating


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2011 Fi nallcial Risk Manager Examlnatio n ( FR ' ) prac ti ce Exam

25. Which of the following statements is correct?

1. The Rho of a call option changes with the passage of time and tends to approach zero as expiration
approaches , but this is not true for the Rho of put options
11. Theta is always negative for long calls and long puts and positive fo r short calls and short puts

a. lonly
b. 11 only
c. 1and 11
d. Ne ither

Answer: b

Statement 1 is false rho of a call and a put will change , with expiration of time and it tends to approach zero as
expiration approaches
Statement 11 is true

Topic: Valuation and Risk Models

Subtopic : Greek Letters
AIMS: Define , compute and describe delta. theta , gamma , vega , and rho for option positions
.R eference: John Hull tions Futures and Other Derivatives, 7th Edition CNew York: Prentice Hall , 2009)

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