Do Not Look Back Risk 1998 Final
Do Not Look Back Risk 1998 Final
Do Not Look Back Risk 1998 Final
85 2,256
3 authors:
Kostas Giannopoulos
Neapolis University
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aiu e-al-risk is becoming increasingly popubr as a man- and negative retu rns to have different impacts o n volatility ( known as the
3gcmenl and regulatory tool. BUI before Ihis acccp- Icvcr:.tge effect, see i3lack, 1976) . Past chilly p ortfoliO returns are divided
i:lIlce goes much furrher, wc need to :ISSCSS its rdi:lhility hy the Garch volatility estimated for the sa me date to obtain standardised
unt!l.:f fin:l1lcial 1l1:lrkd condit ions. Most VAR m odels n.!sidu:tl.... ThL'se are independen t and k k: nticdly dist ributed 0[1)) and arc
deal either wilh the non-normality of security returns therefore suitable for historical simulation .
or with their conditional heleroscedasticity, but not To ad just them to current market conditio ns, wc multiply a r:1ndomly
with ho th . We :II'C developing :1 modified hi.sloric:t1 simul:ition :Ippro:lch se lected stancbr<iised residua l hy the Garch forecast of tomorrow's volatil-
1hal allows for bol h effects. ity. In this w:JY,:t simu lated portfolio return for tolllorrow i. . uht:Jinco. Th i ~
I-lislorica l simul:lI ion rdies on a specific dislribution (usu:liiy uniform o r simulated return is used lO update the Garch forecast for the follOWing day,
normal) to se l~cl returns from the P:.lSl. These returns :lrc applied 10 cur- which is then multiplied by a newly sel ected, standardised residual to sim-
rent assel price!> (0 sim ulait:: their future returns. Once enough difTer(.!nt ula te the return for the second cia)' . Our recursive procedure is repc Jted
paths h:I VC been explored, il is po.ssible to determine a portfolio VAH with- until the VA R horizon (le, 10 d.IYs) is rc.lChcd, generating a sa mple path
out making ~lIb i tr.:lly assumptio ns ;Iho lH the distribution of ponfolio n..:lurns. of ponfolio voialil ilies :mcl returns. Wc n.:pe:lI our procedure to obtain a
This is especially u ~eful where there are abnonnally large ponfolio n..:turns. batch o f sample paths of portfolio returns. A confidence band for the cor-
I1 is well known th~Lt large returns cluster in time (see, for ex:.unple, responding portfolio values is built by taking th/": kernd (e mpirical) fre-
J"landelbrot, 1963, :lnd llbck, 1976). The resulting fluctuations in daily quency distribulion of values ~It each time. The lo wer 1% area identifies
volatility make lhe confidence levels or some VAR caicllbtions unrcliablt.! the worst GISt.' over the next 10 clays.
(Bou doukh et ai, 1995). Th is is the case with those that ignon.: c1ush.:ring, To illustrate our procedure , wc constructed a hypothetical portfoliO, di -
sudl :IS VAl{ Ille:tSlln:l1l<,::nts b:tsed on the standard variance-covariance ma- versi fied across all 13 national eqUity markets in o ur data sample. To form
trix and Mont e Carlo methods, w hich typically ignore current market con- o ur portfoliO, each equity market is weighted in proportion IQ its c<1pital-
ditions to produce flat volatility forecasts for future days. MoreoV<.::r, the use isation in the world index (MSC !) as at December 1995. The portfoliO
of the covariance matrix of security relurns or the choice of ;:1[) <Irbitrary weights are repolled in table A.
distribution in the Monte Carlo method usually destroys valuable infor- These weights arc held constant for the entire lO-year period and mul -
mation about the distribution of portfoliO returns. tiplied by the 13 loca l index returns. So the portfolio returns are calculat-
To make our historic:tI simul:.ition consistent with the clustering of large ed again backwards to reflect the current weightings. Si nce the aim of
returns, we model the volatility of our po rtfolio as an asymmetric Garch market risk is 10 quantify eventual portfo lio losses in a single cu rrency, all
(GenerJlised autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity) process (Engle local portfoliO returns are measllred in dollars. The descriptive statistics, to-
& Ng, 1993) that generalises Ihe Garch model. This model allows pos itive gether with the Jarque-L3era (980) test fo r norma lity. arc shown in table 13,
where the p-va lue indicates the probabilit y that Ollr portfoliO retlJrns are
generated from a nonn ~tI d istribution.
Figure 1 shows the em pirical distribution of the portfolio's returns. The
Country reject ion of normality in tabl e A and the IXHtern of cl ustering visible in fig-
ure 1 leads us 10 modd our po rtfo lio returns, rt' as a Garch process with
asymmetries , with daily volatility, ht, give n by:
Denmark 0.004528
France 0.035857 (la)
Germany 0.039086 2
Hong Kong 0.0 17645 ht = U) + "(£t- 1 + y) + ph t - 1 (l b)
Italy 0.012709
The variance for small increments on the other end G ill be writt en as;
Japan 0.233527
Netherlands 0.022900 hr = crllt = O(lIt)
Singapore 0.006667 T he daily return in equation (la) is the sum of each expected value, J.1 ,
Spain 0.010254 plus a random residual, ~. Because of the sma ll, sta tist ica lly il~significant
Sweden 0.011 571 value of J.12, this term will be neglected in the calculatio n of daily volat ili-
Switzerland 0.033898 ties.! Equation (lb) defines the vola tilit y of £1' ht, as an asymmetric Garch
UK 0.096264 process. ht is the su m o f a consla nl, 00, plus two te rms reflecting the con-
US 0.407818 tributions o f the most recent "surprise", £t-l ' and the last period's volat ili-
ty, ht_I ' Finally, y allows for the asymmetric response of the innovation on
the volat ili(y and is statistically Significant.
Therefore, our portfoliO volatility is modelled 10 depend o n the most
recently observed portfoliO n.:l urns. The comb ination of asymmetric Garch
volatility and portfo liO historical returns offers us a fast and accu rate
0,10 10
0,05 5
os; 0
~ 'C
c 1"
~ -0.05 ~ -5
::;; c
-j),10 -10
86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95
measure of the past, current and fururc vola tiJities of the current portfolio.
We do not need th e correlation m,llrix of security returns. Furthermo re, 3. Annualised volatility of the portfolio: Jan
our VAH method conlains fewer "unplc:1sant surprises", since Garch mod- 1986-Dec 1995
els allow for fa! tails on the unconditional d istribution of the data. l The ef-
fects of our choice become apparent if wc compare the returns in figure
I with those in figure 2, where they have been scaled by the ir dai ly volatil- 25
ity, so that:
rt 20
Zt =J; (2)
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Please contact Ivan Collins or Alison Phillips
Michelangelo Associates
101 • RISK. AUGUST 1998
Market risk
- Smoothed density
0.40 ....... Normal density
0. 15
"- 0.05
-7.5 -5.0 -2.5 0 2.5 5.0 7.5
Standard deviations