Icimod AR2016

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Published by International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development
GPO Box 3226, Kathmandu, Nepal

Copyright © 2017 ICIMOD

ISSN 1019 1356 LCCN sn 92015594

ICIMOD Publications, [email protected]

Written and compiled by

Amy Sellmyer

Production team
Christopher Butler (Editor)
Amy Sellmyer (Layout design)
Asha Kaji Thaku (Editorial assistant)

Alex Treadway – Cover, pp 4, 6, 7, 10, 14, 15, 17, 18, 22, 23, 29; Eileen Lemke – p 7;
ICIMOD Archive – p 21; Inka Koch – p 23; Jitendra Bajracharya – pp 5, 7, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16,
20, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28; Kabir Uddin – p 8; Karen Coniff – p 19; Maxime Litt – p 19; Nabin
Baral – p 21; Nakul Chettri – p 27; Nand Kishor Agrawal – p 11; Phoo Phoo/MIID – p 9;
Santosh Nepal – p 11; Shiva Hari Khatri – p 19; Udayan Mishra – p 27; Yadav Uprety – p 15

Printed and bound in Nepal by

Hill Side (P) Ltd., Kathmandu, Nepal

This publication is available in electronic form at www.icimod.org/himaldoc.

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A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 016

6 22 35

10 26 36

14 30 39

18 34 42

Working Papers: 14 Videos: 11

ICIMOD Annual Report 2016 5

Information Sheets: 22
6 ICIMOD Annual Report 2016
Taking ICIMOD's Knowledge into Action
Generating and sharing knowledge of this in 2016 was the collaboration
provides a critical pathway to sustainable between more than 300 researchers, policy
and resilient mountain development. makers, and practitioners to move forward
ICIMOD and its partners are building a on the development of the first comprehensive
broad knowledge base on the region’s assessment of the state of the region’s social,
changing ecosystems, livelihoods, food, economic, and environmental conditions
water, energy, glaciers and more that and challenges. This collaboration will also
provide clear evidence of the challenges help to take the message of the mountains to
mountain people are facing, and also the the global community.
opportunities that unfold with change. But
our role does not stop there. We have to move We continually measure our success against
that knowledge into action. Only then will six strategic goals set out in our Strategy
we be able to play our part in safeguarding and Results Framework. The goals cover
mountain environments and improving the our work in innovation, capacity building,
quality of life for mountain communities. knowledge generation and use, policy
engagement, regional cooperation, and
Only when we put our knowledge to
With the Centre entering the final year of engagement with the global community. This use will we be able to play our part in
its third medium-term action plan (in 2017), Annual Report broadly presents examples
we are working from a solid foundation of that demonstrate our progress toward these
safeguarding mountain environments
experience across a diverse set of activities goals, documenting our experience over and improving the quality of life for
in our eight regional member countries the last year in moving toward action. This
that are helping transform our knowledge report also shows how the Centre is working
mountain communities.
into action. We are developing solutions with a multitude of partners – including
and making efforts to bridge science with governments, research and development
policy and practice. This has helped set the organizations, civil society, the private
stage for more positive results in the years sector, and communities on the ground – to
to come. increase the impact of our work.

One of ICIMOD’s greatest strengths is its None of this would be possible without
ability to bring people together to tackle the support of our partners and supporters
the region’s shared challenges. We have like you, and I would like to thank you for
many examples of how we have brought joining us on ICIMOD’s mission to create
practitioners, mountain communities, and safer, healthier lives for mountains and
policy makers together. One clear example people in the HKH. David Molden, Director General, ICIMOD

ICIMOD Annual Report 2016 7

Promoting and supporting
innovative approaches to address
change and build resilience

8 ICIMOD Annual Report 2016

Common brand unites producers Eight-step springshed approach offers Testing a new approach to mountain
across borders solutions to water stress in the HKH water management in the Upper Indus
Now communities in the Kailash Across the Himalayan midhills, spring The upper reaches of the Indus Basin
Sacred Landscape producing allo, water sources are drying up, leading are an essential, though often neglected,
chuyra honey and honey by-products, to acute water stress in communities source of water for the plains of Pakistan.
and other agricultural products are that depend on springs for drinking, Together with national partners and local
connected under a common brand: irrigation, domestic, and religious government authorities, ICIMOD’s Indus
‘Kailash: Truly Sacred’. Jointly owned purposes. Recognizing this problem, Basin Programme assessed the emerging
by private sector partners in India and ICIMOD and Advanced Centre for challenges as water sources respond
Nepal, the brand links rural producers Water Resources Development and to changes in the climate, including
with markets, and provides expertise Management developed a spring new challenges for traditional irrigation
on business development and value revival approach for the HKH. The systems dependent on glacier meltwater.
addition to further enhance their eight-step method integrates knowledge
livelihoods. The brand was successfully on the hydrogeology of springs with To address these challenges, ICIMOD
launched at trade fairs in both India demand and supply patterns and tailored solar irrigation systems to the
and Nepal in the past year. local management practices to better mountain environment – a first for the
understand why springs are drying. The region. The pumps were complemented
The Kailash Sacred Landscape information generated helps provide with efficient drip irrigation systems and
Conservation and Development local practitioners with a formula to high-value, water-stress tolerant crops like
Initiative has been working with the revive, restore, and better manage apple cherry. The system has provided an
private sector and local communities springs to mitigate water scarcity. innovative solution for managing water in
in Uttarakhand, India and western ICIMOD and its partners are testing the mountain areas, with local government
Nepal to further improve production, method in locations in India and Nepal, agencies and the Pakistan Council of
marketing, and business planning, and expect to extend this work across Research in Water Resources taking
especially among women, through a the HKH over the next five years. the idea forward for broader use in the
series of trainings and exposure visits upper basin.
in 2016.

ICIMOD Annual Report 2016 9

Drawing from over a decade of experience
across the region in promoting and developing
the value chains for mountain niche products
in the HKH, ICIMOD has developed a
framework to help guide pro-poor and
climate resilient value chain development.
This approach – based on key principles of
sustainability, equitability, do-no-harm, and
traditional knowledge – enables farmers and CUSTOMIZING TRADITIONAL SKILLS FOR TODAY'S MARKETS
development workers to understand the entire
market system and identify points along the The craftsmanship of HKH communities
chain that offer opportunities for farmers to contributes to the region’s rich cultural
ICIMOD is supporting the exchange
improve market linkages and increase their diversity, but in many areas, these traditional of knowledge between countries and
share of benefits and income. In addition skills are at risk of being lost. Through its
to improved competitiveness and income Rural Livelihoods and Climate Change
communities to build sustainable
distribution, the framework suggests tools Adaptation (Himalica) initiative, ICIMOD livelihood options for HKH communities
and processes to customize the value chain is working with local partners and groups
for the mountain context, and adopt gender in Bangladesh and Myanmar to combine
inclusive and climate change perspectives to traditional practices with innovative designs
achieve a balance between pro-poor and to create new opportunities for artisans to designs. They are now developing new
pro-growth goals. generate additional income while preserving products, such as table runners, laptop
local traditions. bags, and mufflers. In Taplejung, Nepal,
This approach is being applied across cardamom farmers learned how to multiply
initiatives at ICIMOD on a wide variety of In Shan State, Myanmar, rural producers the uses of their large cardamom plants
mountain products, from yak in Pakistan and from Inlay Lake toured Yangon to learn beyond the high value spice, including using
goat in Bhutan, to allo fiber and chyura soap more about the bamboo value chain, fibre from the cardamom plant to make
in India and Nepal, to tourism, honey, and including different methods of cultivating woven bags and wallets. Connections with
a range of non-timber forest products across and processing bamboo and marketing the private sector and the development of a
the HKH. new products for tourists such as serving unique Himalica brand is helping to better
bowls, plates, and cutting boards. In the position the products of mountain people in
Bandarban of Bangladesh, local artisans the marketplace.
also learned how to customize their
handloom products according to new

10 ICIMOD Annual Report 2016

ICIMOD is helping rural producers in the HKH take a more active
role in product value chains by bringing the processing and
marketing of their goods closer to home.

In Myanmar, ICIMOD has linked ginger producers in three

villages to a single trader through the development of community
collection centres. During ginger harvesting season, over 300
farmers deliver ginger produce to a trader at the local collection
centre each week, saving them the time and money needed to
haul produce to the local market. This also helps farmers fetch a
higher price through bulk sales and builds trust with the trader.
Based on this experience, discussions are underway to expand
the agreement to other agricultural products, and the trader has
agreed to provide seeds, fertilizer, and a guaranteed market for
the farmers’ products.
In Bangladesh, groups of traditional weavers in Bandarban
use yarn banks to produce more consistently quality garments. Across much of the HKH, a common household seasoning may
Managed locally by an elected committee, the yarn bank uses be the world's next ‘super food’. High in vitamins and heart-
its collective resources to demand and purchase better quality healthy omega-3, perilla, a hearty and easy to maintain herb,
yarn from the market. The purchased yarn is stored at the bank, is also a possible source of income for women in rural villages,
ensuring that local weavers have access to the quality and style of many of whom are already stressed for time and taking on
yarn they need for higher quality products. new responsibilities as an increasing number of men migrate
for work.
These simple changes give rural producers a competitive advantage
and greater control over the production and sale of their products, To help transform this common household crop into a
increasing income and opening up new opportunities. competitive mountain niche product, ICIMOD, through its
AdaptHimal initiative, is helping to develop the perilla value
chain. Five varieties of the crop have been identified and tested
for omega-3 content. The top two varieties were used in pilot
sites in Uttarakhand, India. From the pilot study, a package
of practices to aid local farmers has been developed for the
cultivation of perilla and market linkages are being established.

ICIMOD Annual Report 2016 11


Enhancing the science-policy

interface for evidence-based
decision making

12 ICIMOD Annual Report 2016

Indian national think tank invites Local governments commit to National guidelines for sustainable
ICIMOD as knowledge provider equitable local water use master plans yarshagumba harvesting in Nepal
NITI Aayog – a premier think tank of the A bottom-up approach to village water ICIMOD has contributed to the
Government of India – has reached out management is gaining support from development of national guidelines on
to ICIMOD in a plan to use the Centre’s local authorities in several pilot sites yarshagumba management in Nepal.
research to inform Indian ministries and in Nepal's Koshi Basin. The approach Once launched, the guidelines will
departments. builds on community-based water use help ensure that yarshagumba – a rare
master planning, first introduced by caterpillar-fungus known for its medicinal
ICIMOD began its relationship with Helvetas 15 years ago. This approach is and high market value – is harvested
NITI Aayog in June 2016, sharing being expanded to the catchment scale sustainably in the nation’s protected
sustainable mountain development to ensure that both hydrological and local areas. The national guidelines were
ideas for the Indian Himalaya. Since administrative boundaries are considered based on local principles prepared and
then, NITI Aayog has invited the equally in the planning process. And tested through a participatory process
Centre to join consultations on a more precise water measurements are for the Api Nampa Conservation
variety of topics, including the UN being taken to understand the water flow Area under ICIMOD’s Kailash
Sustainable Development Goals, between different areas of the catchment. Sacred Landscape Conservation and
sustainable tourism, spring revival, the The project also focuses on gender and Development Initiative. The guidelines
transformation of shifting cultivation, skill social inclusion and provides additional also incorporated lessons from ICIMOD
and entrepreneurship development, and training to locals on the use of GIS, partners in yarshagumba producing
the development of a comprehensive gender inclusion, and other priority areas regions of Bhutan and China.
pan-Himalayan database. to enrich the water planning process
in the future. The project also fosters Through the initiative, these sustainable
linkages between local communities and harvesting practices are now also being
district and national stakeholders, which replicated in India.
will be an important source of support for
local communities to implement long-term
water management projects.

ICIMOD Annual Report 2016 13


Governments and partners

are taking forward an ICIMOD
approach using simple practices to
improve the long-term resilience of
mountain communities

An approach to rural farming that integrates This mountain-specific approach to building

a range of climate smart practices is taking resilience and preparedness in rural
root across the HKH. The Resilient Mountain communities integrates economic, social,
Solutions approach – introduced in 2014 by and environmental dimensions of sustainable
the Himalayan Climate Change Adaptation development with climate change adaptation
Programme (HICAP) – has been extended and preparedness for future risks.
to numerous districts in Nepal and other
countries in the region. The Resilient Mountain Solutions approach
has also been adapted and taken forward
The government of Nepal has initiated their by ICIMOD partners – with additional
own climate smart villages project, which, activities in Bangladesh, Bhutan, and
with technical support from ICIMOD, will put Myanmar. Packages of climate resilient
the Resilient Mountain Solutions approach into practices are helping rural communities deal
use in 14 districts of Nepal. And in Pakistan, with challenges through simple, low-cost,
women are learning about the approach, and locally-appropriate technologies. Work vegetables, ginger, yak, seabuckthorn, and
particularly the production of biobriquettes as on these packages of practices by partners other products. The success of this approach
an alternative source of heating and cooking under the Rural Livelihoods and Climate to date has demonstrated the potential for a
fuel. These ideas were adopted through Change Adaptation initiative have included combination of simple, low cost, and locally
the Benazir Income Support Programme peer learning visits by farmers to the original appropriate solutions to help communities
after the organization’s chairperson saw Resilient Mountain Villages in Nepal, and has improve their resilience in the face of the
this technology demonstrated by ICIMOD since expanded into packages of practices multitude of changes sweeping across
in Nepal. on the production of cardamom, off-season the HKH.

14 ICIMOD Annual Report 2016


Results from research and pilots on

incentives for ecosystem services
in four HKH countries are informing
national policies and local level action

Results from research and pilots in eight sites Unique challenges arise when creating
in China, India, Nepal, and Pakistan are mechanisms that focus on financial incentives
informing the development of mechanisms in the HKH because of the region’s geography, LESSONS FROM DHANKUTA
to create incentives for communities to land tenure systems, varied income levels, and
better manage natural resources and sustain social structures. For these reasons, additional In Dhankuta, Nepal, a tripartite agreement
ecosystem services on which downstream focus on other types of incentives, such as, was reached for an incentive-based
communities depend. The results highlight subsidies on development projects or in-kind payment for ecosystem services mechanism
the important role that upstream communities support, may be more appropriate. between communities at the source of the
play in ensuring the sustainability of ecosystem Tankhuwa and Nibuwa watersheds, a
services – like water and biodiversity – to The knowledge generated through this downstream community in Dhankuta town,
users downstream, as well as the need for initaitive is providing important insights for and the Dhankuta municipality. Through
mechanisms and investment to conserve designing mechanisms and policies that this mechanism, households in Dhankuta
upstream ecosystems. build connections between upstream and contribute NPR 15 (USD 0.15) per water tap
downstream communities to sustain ecosystem each month to a water supply management
The research also found that downstream services. In Nepal, ICIMOD and its partners fund, which is administered by an elected
communities are willing to incentivize upstream are part of a taskforce to develop a policy committee. The funds are being disbursed
resource stewards for helping ensure the flow on payment for ecosystem services, and to upstream communities to carry out
of these services. Based on these findings, the findings from research conducted in Pakistan activities to improve water conservation and
research teams explored the possibilities of with WWF-Pakistan have been incorporated management at the water source as well as
creating incentive-based financial mechanisms in the provincial policy guidelines of other community development activities.
to support improved cooperation for overall Gilgit-Baltistan.
ecosystem management.

ICIMOD Annual Report 2016 15


Amplifying positive change

through improved human and
institutional capacity

16 ICIMOD Annual Report 2016

Working with university students to Managing the transformation of Addressing human-wildlife conflict in
advance regional knowledge shifting cultivation the Kangchenjunga Landscape
As a network for capacity building Under its AdaptHimal initiative, Human-wildlife conflict is a persistent
among higher education institutions in ICIMOD studied 16 villages in Chin challenge for farmers across the HKH.
the region, the Himalayan University State, Myanmar to identify barriers In the expansive Kangchenjunga
Consortium (HUC) with support from to farmers as they move away Landscape along the India-Nepal
the Centre's Atmosphere Initiative from shifting cultivation, their major border, wild elephants destroy crops
hosted its first year-long PhD fellowship source of food and income, to settled and threaten livelihoods of local
programme. Under the fellowship, PhD agriculture. The initiative brought farmers. ICIMOD addressed this issue
researchers have been paired with together farmers and officials from state by mapping hotspots in the area for
atmospheric scientists from ICIMOD, who departments to discuss good practices human-wildlife conflict and offering
serve as advisors and mentors. Together in shifting cultivation and to identify farmers income-generating alternatives
they are exploring a range of topics from major challenges in shifting to settled that also deter the wild elephants.
the impacts of black carbon on glaciers agriculture: the loss of food diversity
in Nepal and Pakistan to the effects of and loss of soil fertility. Trainings on ecotourism and efforts to
agricultural crop residue burning. HUC promote rural tourism have been offered
has also joined hands with the Himalayan In response, the initiative developed a with intensive plantation of lemon trees –
Adaptation Water and Resilience (HI- training module on good soil, water, which are unpalatable to elephants, but
AWARE) initiative to expand the scope and crop management practices, which profitable for farmers. This pilot activity
of the HI-AWARE academy, which aims has been scaled out by the project’s is one among several initiated last year
to strengthen the expertise of project local partner to 600 farmers and may as a part of the first implementation
researchers and advanced university become a useful tool to manage the phase of the Kangchenjunga
students for conducting transdisciplinary transformation of shifting cultivation Landscape Conservation and
research on vulnerability, resilience, and across the eastern Himalaya in Development Initiative.
adaptation. The academy was expanded coming years.
at the end of 2016 to include a longer-
term training programme for doctoral
students, which will run through 2018.

ICIMOD Annual Report 2016 17

Improved capacity in the region for
cryospheric research is supporting
long-term monitoring and deepening
the knowledge base needed to
advocate for mountains in national
and international agenda

Long-term monitoring is needed to build a training, and the post-graduate glaciology

better understanding of what changes are
taking place in the snow, ice and glaciers of
programme started by ICIMOD at Kathmandu
University in 2011 continues to grow.
+650 participants trained through the
Cryosphere Monitoring Programme
the HKH. For this reason, ICIMOD has been since 2011
working to build the capacity of institutions Through this work, ICIMOD has paid
and individuals in the region to conduct long- particular attention to bring women into

term cryospheric research for the purpose of cryosphere research – a field dominated by women trained on research
generating data to support climate change men. In 2016, nearly 40% of the participants approaches and data collection
science, decision making, and the formulation in the Cryosphere Monitoring Programme techniques since 2013
of environmental policy. were women.

Trainings follow ICIMOD's three-prong

approach to cryosphere research – modeling,
These regular trainings – on everything from
basic mountaineering and health and safety
5 women graduates of the glaciology
master's programme started with
field measurements, and regular monitoring to a range of methods of collecting data to ICIMOD support in 2011
using geospatial technologies. In 2016 alone, measure and analyze glacier change – are
more than 20 Myanmar government officials helping to build capacity within the region
learned how to use satellite data to monitor to monitor snow and ice within the HKH, and
glaciers, 17 representatives from national to develop a base of knowledge needed to
hydrometeorology institutions in Afghanistan, advocate for the mountains in both national
Bhutan, and Nepal participated in field and international agenda.

18 ICIMOD Annual Report 2016

SUPPORTING WHEAT In Afghanistan, the productivity of wheat
– the nation’s largest staple – is hampered
MONITORING IN AFGHANISTAN by a range of social and environmental
changes, including climate change.
Combining Sentinel-2 satellite data with
land cover and crop calendar data from the
Geospatial tools are being government, ICIMOD’s SERVIR-HKH initiative
developed to help organizations in is developing a system to help the nation
monitor this important crop, including yield
Afghanistan better monitor wheat estimation at national, provincial, and district
cultivation to support food security levels.

To help improve water security – which is

essential to food production in the country’s
largely arid landscapes – ICIMOD has
used GIS tools to support the development required for irrigation planning and
of a catalogue of irrigation infrastructure in monitoring. Together, these powerful, cost-
the form of a multi-scale data management effective tools can be used to help planners
system. When finished, the platform will make informed decisions to support national
serve as a single gateway for the information food security.

ICIMOD Annual Report 2016 19

Filling knowledge gaps and ensuring
communities, government agencies,
practitioners, and scientists use new
data to drive positive change

20 ICIMOD Annual Report 2016

Tailoring innovative cryosphere Framework outlined for putting Assessing climate change risks to
research methods to the HKH research to use hydropower development
Seasonal snow cover plays an important To increase the uptake of ICIMOD The water resources and topography
role in water for consumption, irrigation, knowledge, the Himalayan Adaptation of the HKH hold immense hydropower
and hydropower, but little is known about Water and Resilience Initiative uses potential, nearly 500 GW. However,
snow and snowmelt processes in the HKH, a systematic process to understand there is growing uncertainty about how
including their contribution to river runoff. who uses ICIMOD research and how to climate change will affect hydropower
To address this, ICIMOD, the Norwegian serve their needs. The approach is based development. Together with Statkraft,
Water Resources and Energy Directorate, on several key principles – engagement, the largest generator of renewable
Nepal's Department of Hydrology and communication, demonstration, strategic energy in Europe, ICIMOD undertook
Meteorology, and Kathmandu University partnership, and monitoring and research to explore this issue, focusing
and Tribhuvan University developed the feedback – and stresses the need for on the current state of knowledge of
SnowAMP project, which monitors snow structured stakeholder engagement climate change in the HKH, including
in the Langtang catchment of Nepal. throughout the research process. This projected changes in precipitation,
After the four-year project completes in process helps ensure that research is monsoon dynamics, and glacier mass
2017, the analysis will combine ground- responsive, demand-driven, and relevant and volume.
based weather and snow measurements to end users. Emphasis is placed on
with data from satellite images and other building the capacity of stakeholders to The resulting report provides important
sources to develop and test a model put the generated research to use through insight for both hydropower investors
to estimate the amount of snow in a trainings and certificate programmes. and governments in the HKH to assess
catchment. The SnowAMP project is an the short, medium, and long-term
adaptation of a successful programme HI-AWARE has demonstrated the strength impacts, risks, and opportunities of
in Norway, and the first of its kind in the of this approach in the Gandaki Basin hydropower in the face of change to
HKH. This is just one of many innovative of Nepal, where regular stakeholder ensure the region’s water resources
methods the Cryosphere Monitoring engagement has helped identify both can be managed productively,
Project has tailored to the region in research needs and gaps in capacity to yet sustainably.
order to improve our understanding of its help ensure its research outputs will be
dynamic cryosphere. used to enhance adaptation in the basin.

ICIMOD Annual Report 2016 21

As with most disasters in the developing to increased resilience. Rather, communities Identifying key factors that
world, the recovery of different groups varied that possessed a combination of key factors
widely after the 2015 Gorkha earthquake, – ranging from access to natural resources, contribute to recovery will help
with some bouncing back more quickly level of entrepreneurship, and connectivity – guide investment and planning to
than others. ICIMOD undertook research to had a distinctly higher capacity to rebound in
identify what factors contribute to this kind the event of a shock. support resilience in the future
of resilience, particularly among mountain
communities exposed to natural hazards. The results of the research will help project
planners and government authorities identify
ICIMOD looked at 77 communities across which factors should be nurtured and where
the HKH, including those recovering investment should be targeted to build the
from the earthquake in Nepal, as well as resilience of communities to respond to shock
communities exposed to other hazards like events, even before they occur.
landslides and flash floods in Myanmar and
riverine floods in Bangladesh. Across the
study, they found no single factor that led

22 ICIMOD Annual Report 2016

A network of air quality monitoring
stations is improving understanding of the
region's air pollution for informed action

Air pollution has become a persistent problem

in major mountain cities of the HKH, with
related effects on the region’s environment,
human health, and economies. The first step
in addressing air pollution and its health,
environmental, and economic impacts is
understanding where it comes from and what
substances make up its composition. For this
reason, ICIMOD has been working with TURNING KNOWLEDGE INTO ACTION
governments and partners in the region to
establish long-term air quality monitoring sites Tackling the region’s air quality issues can seem like a
in the middle hills of the central and eastern Herculean task. But ICIMOD, through its Atmosphere
Himalaya of Bhutan and Nepal. Initiative, has begun taking significant steps in
providing data that can valuably inform workable
Ten monitoring stations have been established mitigation measures that individuals, organizations, and
– seven in Nepal and three in Bhutan – with governments can implement. For example, a study on
more planned in the coming years. The motorcycles in Kathmandu – which make up 80% of the
data from these stations is already helping city’s vehicle fleet – can inform regulations to help curb
fill critical knowledge gaps on the quantity, total vehicular emissions by targeting high-emitting two-
composition, and source of emissions, which wheelers. Findings from another study, on trash burning,
will support the design of better strategies to could be used to design more efficient waste collection
address the issue. ICIMOD has also been programmes – thus eliminating the need to burn garbage.
working with partners to enhance their
technical expertise on the operation and All of ICIMOD’s air quality efforts are developed with an outreach strategy designed to put
maintenance of state-of-the-art air quality research on the atmosphere to use. In the past year, we organized a workshop that brought
monitoring instruments. together academics, health experts, and representatives from the private sector and the
government to build Nepal’s air quality public information system, and provided grants given
to journalists from the HKH to bring wider awareness about air quality issues and generate
possible solutions.
ICIMOD Annual Report 2016 23
Bringing countries together to
address shared challenges as a
platform for knowledge exchange
and collaboration

24 ICIMOD Annual Report 2016

HIMAP comprehensive regional Himalayan University Consortium Cryosphere Initiative expands regular
assessment takes shape gains momentum field operations to Bhutan
A broad group of more than 300 Members of the Himalayan University For more than half a decade, the
people – including researchers, policy Consortium – a network of member Cryosphere Initiative has been working
makers, and practitioners – from across universities in the HKH and associate to improve snow and ice monitoring
the region and around the globe are universities from around the world in the HKH through a combination of
contributing to the development of – shifted into action in 2016, with research and capacity building. The
the first comprehensive assessment growing ownership by its members generation and sharing of knowledge
of the HKH. This assessment will be and increasing interest to join from and data on changes in the cryosphere
the flagship publication of ICIMOD’s universities across the region. among different countries is essential to
Hindu Kush Himalayan Monitoring and understand what's happening to water
Assessment Programme (HIMAP). At the consortium’s annual meeting, resources across the HKH.
university authorities from across the
HIMAP's first comprehensive assessment region discussed priority activities for The initiative recently expanded field
(forthcoming in 2017) addresses the consortium members, which included operations to Bhutan where, working
social, economic, and environmental promoting networking among smaller with national partners, the project has
pillars of sustainable mountain groups of members with similar areas installed automatic weather and water
development in the HKH. It provides of interest. From this, a Mountain level monitoring stations on Thana
an evaluation of the current state of Agriculture Working Group was Glacier. These stations will help ensure
knowledge on various drivers of change formed, with 40 universities interested that long-term data is collected on mass
and their impacts and provides a set in bringing greater focus on mountain balance and ground surface temperature.
of practical policy recommendations agriculture into their curriculum actively Through these field trips, the ICIMOD
that will serve as a valuable resource participating and sharing experiences team was able to provide on-site training
for decision and policy makers on key through the platform established by the to staff from Bhutan’s national hydromet
issues of mountain development. consortium. service on snow profiling and sampling,
glacier mass balance, geomorphological
surveys, and other important tools for
monitoring the region's cryosphere.

ICIMOD Annual Report 2016 25

ICIMOD partners in five countries
are working together to design
tailored approaches to support the
smooth implementation of REDD+
in the region

ICIMOD has become a platform for and apply these protocols in HKH countries. already being taken up by partners in
collaboration and knowledge sharing as For example, through testing scenarios in India, and scaled out to 12 more districts in
countries of the HKH prepare to implement protected areas of Nepal, ICIMOD is working Nepal by REDD Implementation Center and
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation diligently to insure that REDD+ activities do not WWF-Nepal.
and Forest Degradation (REDD+), a global have a negative impact on biodiversity. Our
environmental programme created by the success in these tests will be customized for Combined, these efforts are developing
UN. Through its Regional REDD+ Initiative, other countries. And these efforts have been the tools and capacity required for the
ICIMOD is bringing together partners combined with the development of common smooth implementation of REDD+ throughout
from Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal, and understanding on REDD+ safeguards, gender the HKH.
Pakistan through a South-South learning mainstreaming, and good governance.
platform to share experiences and design
tailored approaches for the region to assist By facilitating broad stakeholder consultation
the countries in their REDD+ readiness phase. and capacity building, ICIMOD is also
supporting the development of national
As part of the work, ICIMOD’s Regional REDD+ strategies, with initiative partners
REDD+ Initiative is partnering with global in India and Nepal playing a lead role in
and regional partners to develop protocols drafting each nation’s strategy, which are
for monitoring, reporting and verification now awaiting government endorsement.
based on UNFCCC requirements for REDD+, Sub-national REDD+ action plans tested
and working with partners to test, customize, by ICIMOD in one district in Nepal are

26 ICIMOD Annual Report 2016

THE SAME LANGUAGE For years, the terminology used to describe Kailash Sacred Landscape to standardize
vegetation in the HKH has evolved into a mix the terms used to describe different types
of global vocabulary, which doesn’t always of Himalayan vegetation. This common
A common classification system recognize the local complexities of the region’s classification system will help researchers and
for vegetation of the HKH will help diverse landscapes, and the legacy of local planners across borders develop a more holistic
naming used by smaller subsets of scientists. view of the status of transboundary ecosystems,
coordinate research and improve ICIMOD recognized that to effectively monitor and will improve efforts to monitor changes
efforts to monitor change the transboundary landscapes of the HKH, in the future. As this effort expands to other
researchers working in different countries must landscapes in the region, future knowledge
start speaking the same language. shared between researchers, policy makers,
and practitioners will be more coordinated,
Over a two-year period, ICIMOD and its leading to conservation and development
parnters conducted extensive field work and a plans that consider the unique and connected
number of expert consultations with ecologists nature of Himalayan landscapes.
from China, India, and Nepal working in the

Harmonized Vegetation Terms and

Map of Kailash Sacred Landscape
Tropical broadleaved forest
Subtropical broadleaved forest
Subtropical needleleaved forest
Montane broadleaved evergreen forest
Montane broadleaved deciduous forest
Montane needleleaved forest
Secondary scrub
Montane grassland
Subalpine forest
Subalpine scrub
Alpine moist scrub
Alpine dry scrub
Alpine moist meadows Snow and glaciers
ICIMOD Annual steppe2016 Rock/barren land

Drawing global attention to the HKH

to place mountains on regional and
international agenda

28 ICIMOD Annual Report 2016

Efforts to build greener brick kilns Working with policy champions to Mbale call: Don't leave the
draw regional and global attention profile ICIMOD research mountains behind
ICIMOD’s efforts to promote a more Over five years of climate change Over 250 representatives from around
efficient brick kiln design gained traction research in the HKH, important policy the world met at the World Mountain
after the 2015 Gorkha earthquake recommendations have emerged Forum – co-organized by ICIMOD
damaged 95% of brick kilns in the from the Himalayan Climate Change in Mbale, Uganda – to discuss
Kathmandu Valley. These designs are Adaptation Programme (HICAP). To sustainable mountain development in
reaching a broad audience through help identify opportunities to put this the context of the Paris Agreement and
strategic partnerships with international research to use in policy making, HICAP Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
networks like the Climate and Clean Air has identified ‘policy champions’ to The various discussions on climate
Coalition (CCAC). Initial results from the help shepherd important findings and change, livelihoods, and ecosystems
reconstructed brick kilns – prepared with recommendations into the hands of led to the Mbale Call: Don’t Leave
the Nepal Federation of Brick Industries, people making decisions that affect the the Mountains Behind. The declaration
Minergy, local engineers and Nepali lives of rural mountain communities. calls on governments, politicians,
brick kiln entrepreneurs with support from decision makers, development
CCAC and Climate and Health Research These policy champions work in agencies, financing institutes, and
Network – are already showing positive close coordination with ICIMOD mountain stakeholders to form policy,
environmental and economic impacts. researchers and provide a bridge gather knowledge, and take action to
Today, all of brick kilns in the Kathmandu to better communicate with decision reach global development and climate
Valley have adopted some of the non- makers in government. They also share change goals with specific attention
structural features of the design, and the their knowledge on policy information on mountain regions. Specifically, this
number kiln owners rebuilding chimneys needs in governments, which in turn attention should include increased
according to the new design increasing helps ICIMOD decide appropriate recognition of upstream and
across the country. The experience in policy messaging. downstream linkages, especially with
Nepal has helped draw the interest of regard to mountain ecosystems, and the
brick entrepreneurs in Bangladesh and inclusion of mountains in international
Pakistan, global development partners, processes and negotiations.
and regional and international media.

ICIMOD Annual Report 2016 29


A session on the future of mountain

water resources drew attention to
policy-relevant mountain issues like
hydropower and benefit sharing
During a session at World Water Week in Young people are agents of change in
2016, ICIMOD and partners highlighted
the need for greater interaction between
the science of climate change and policy
163 youth have participated in
ICIMOD youth forums since
local communities. They can effectively
engage people at the grassroots level and
play an instrumental role in communicating
2013, with:
action to address emerging challenges. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to
The seminar brought together 70 scientists, the wider public. Recognizing this, ICIMOD
countries represented
government officials, and representatives from organized the 2016 Asia Pacific Youth
intergovernmental agencies and the private Forum with a focus on mountains, youth, and
sector to discuss the future of mountain water the SDGs.
resources. Beyond sharing the latest research
from three mountain areas, the discussions The event brought 34 participants –
focused on linking emerging scientific researchers, early career professionals,
evidence to a policy-relevant narrative of 60% 40% young activists, and youth initiative leaders –
sustainable growth from the perspective of from 16 Asia Pacific countries to Kathmandu,
hydropower development. Nepal, to discuss climate change adaptation
and sustainable development in the
Scientists from Future Water, Statkraft, and mountains, and to learn about links between
ICIMOD highlighted cutting-edge research these issues and the SDGs. During the
from the Alps, the Andes, and the Himalaya session, participants took part in field visits,
on the impacts of climate change on glaciers leadership exercises, and technical sessions
and rivers. The seminar also looked at climate led by ICIMOD researchers. Most important,
change impacts on the hydropower sector, they began forming strong networks that
particularly in the HKH where hydropower will be essential as they advocate for the
potential is estimated at 500 GW. mountain agenda in the future.

30 ICIMOD Annual Report 2016


MONITORING HKH PROGRESS TOWARD UN DEVELOPMENT GOALS • End poverty in all its forms everywhere in
the mountains and ensure that women, men
and children of the HKH lead healthy lives
With input from a wide range of scholars forthcoming Himalayan Monitoring and in an inclusive and equitable environment
and field experts, ICIMOD has led the Assessment Project (HIMAP) and each • Promote sustainable production systems
initiative to develop HKH priorities in line priority will be linked to specific SDGs, and to assure food security, nutrition security,
with the UN Sustainable Development Goals their corresponding targets and indicators. and income for mountain people, with
(SDGs). These priorities provide objectives With these priorities in place, we have a particular attention to women’s changing
and broad vision for developing mountain clearer path to track progress in the HKH. roles in agriculture
communities with a focus on ending poverty, Through HIMAP, ICIMOD will work with HKH
• Achieve gender and social equity through
protecting the planet, and ensuring prosperity countries to report on mountain priorities in
for all. These priorities will be listed in the the SDGs in the future. inclusive and transformative change in
the mountains
• Ensure a year-round secure water
supply in the mountains with universal
BUILDING THE HKH PARTNERSHIP and affordable access to safe drinking
water, sanitation, and water for
Ministers and high-level government productive purposes
representatives from Afghanistan, • Universal access to clean energy in the
Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Nepal, and mountains from sources that are affordable,
Pakistan endorsed a declaration entitled reliable, and sustainable
'Healthy Mountains, Healthy Planet: The
HKH Partnership for Sustainable Mountain • Halt biodiversity loss, land degradation
Development’ at the 2016 United Nations and sustainably manage forests and
Environment Assembly. The HKH Partnership ecosystems in the mountains to enhance
will help forge stronger alliances between ecosystem resilience for sustained flow
mountain countries to promote the mountain of services
agenda in global climate and sustainable • Ensure sustainable adaptation to climate
development deliberations. change and disaster risk reduction for
the mountains through evidence-based
The declaration drew attention to the HKH’s decision making
unique challenges and its importance to • Build resilient, equitable and inclusive
more than one-fifth of the global population.
mountain communities empowered by
By working together, HKH countries can find
economic opportunity and investment in
lasting solutions to these challenges. Through
mountain infrastructure
this new alliance, HKH countries can also
form a collective voice to mobilize emerging • Promote a mountain-specific agenda for
financing instruments and opportunities for achieving the SDGs through increased
mountain areas. regional cooperation among and between
mountain regions and nations
ICIMOD Annual Report 2016 31
AFGHANISTAN Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia Ugyen Wangchuk Institute for Conservation and
the Pacific Environment
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock
– Focal Agency Ethnic Community Development Organization
National Environmental Protection Agency Institute of Water Modelling
Chinese Academy of Sciences – Focal Agency
Afghanistan Meteorological Department University of Chittagong
Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment
Aga Khan Assistance for Habitats (formerly University of Dhaka
known as Focus Humanitarian Assistance) Asian International Rivers Center, Yunnan
Aga Khan Foundation BHUTAN
Chengdu Institute of Biology
Eshraq Institute of Higher Education Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Royal
Government of Bhutan – Focal Agency China -ICIMOD Committee
Kabul University
Gross National Happiness Commission China Metrological Administration
Ministry of Energy and Water
Bhutan Centre for Environment and Development Cold & Arid Regions Environmental &
Wildlife Conservation Society Engineering Research Institute
Bhutan Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural
BANGLADESH Bhutan Media and Communications Institute
Resources Research
Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs – Focal Center for Climate Change and Spatial
Institute of Global Environmental Strategies
Agency Infrastructure, Sherubtse College
Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research
Ministry of Environment and Forests College of Natural Resources
Kunming Institute of Botany
Arannayk Foundation Department of Research and External Relations
Lanzhou University
Asian Centre for Development National Center for Hydrology and Meteorology
(formerly known as Department of Hydro-met National Natural Science Foundation of China
Bangladesh Agriculture Research Council
Services) Sichuan University
Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies
National Environment Commission Southwest Forestry University
Bangladesh Meteorological Department
National Land Commission Third Pole Environment
Bangladesh Space Research and Remote Sensing
Royal Society for the Protection of Nature Tibet Academy of Agriculture and Animal Sciences
Royal Thimphu College UNIDO International Solar Energy Center for
Bangladesh University of Engineering and
Technology Royal University of Bhutan Technology Promotion and Transfer
Bangladesh Water Development Board Taranayan Foundation University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Center for Environmental and Geographic The Council for Renewable Natural Resources Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography
Information Services Research of Bhutan, Ministry of Agriculture and Yunnan Agriculture University

32 ICIMOD Annual Report 2016

Yunnan Academy of Social Sciences Institute of Economic Growth, University of Delhi Department of Meteorology and Hydrology
Yunnan Institute of Environmental Science Group of Research and Exchange of
Institute of Integrated Resource Management Technologies
Yunnan University
International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) Ministry of Hotels and Tourism
INDIA Kashmir University Myanmar Institute for International Development
Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate LEAD India Myanmar Survey Research
Change – Focal Agency
Megh Pyne Abhiyan One Map Initiative
G. B Pant National Institute of Himalayan
Environment and Sustainable Development Meghalaya Basin Development Authority Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of
National Institute of Administrative Research, Commerce
A N Sinha Institute of Social Studies
Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of University of Forestry
Advanced Center for Water Resources Administration
Development and Management Wildlife Conservation Society
Nielsen India Private Limited
Bihar State Disaster Management Authority Yezin Agricultural University
Pan Himalayan Grassroots Development
Central Himalayan Environment Association Foundation NEPAL
Centre for Ecology Development & Research RML Information Services Pvt. Ltd National Planning Commission – Focal Agency
Confederation of Indian Industry Shoolini University Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock
CSK Himachal Pradesh Agricultural University Sikkim University Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation
DHI (India) Water and Environment Pvt Ltd Tata Institute of Social Sciences Ministry of Population and Environment
Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & The Energy and Resource Institute Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment
The Mountain Institute Alternative Energy Promotion Centre
Forest Research Institute
Wildlife Institute of India Asian Institute of Technology and Management
Greentech Knowledge Solutions
Bird Conservation Nepal
Himalayan Action Research Center MYANMAR
Center for Environmental and Agricultural Policy
HNB Garhwal University Ministry of Natural Resources and Research, Extension and Development
Indian Council of Forestry Research and Environmental Conservation – Focal Agency
Central Bureau of Statistics
Education Forest Department/Ministry of Natural Resources
and Environment Conservation Central Department of Environmental Science,
Indian Institute of Science
Tribhuvan University
Indian Institute of Technology Ministry of Hotels and Tourism
Central Department of Geography, Tribhuvan
Institute For Financial Management & Research Chin Organization for Rural and Agriculture University

ICIMOD Annual Report 2016 33

Central Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, Nepal Forum of Environmental Journalists Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering
Tribhuvan University Nepal Institute of Development Studies Sciences and Technology, Bio-inspired Simulation
and Modeling of Intelligent Life Laboratory
Centre for the Study of Labour and Mobility Nepal Mountaineering Association
Gilgit Baltistan Forest Wildlife and Environment
Dabur Nepal Pvt. Ltd Nepal Water Conservation Foundation Department
Department of Agriculture Niti Foundation Intercooperation- Pakistan
Department of Environment, Ministry of Science, Pokhara University Karakoram International University
Technology and Environment
Practical Action Lahore University of Management Sciences
Department of Hydrology and Meteorology
Real Time Solutions Leadership for Environment and Development
Environment Conservation and Development Forum
Red Panda Network Mountain Society for Research and Development
Environmental Camps for Conservation Awareness
REDD-Forestry and Climate Change Cell, Chitral
Farmer Managed Irrigation Systems Promotion Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation National University of Computer and Emerging
Renewable Energy Test Station Sciences
Federation of Nepal Brick Industries
Research Centre for Applied Science and National University of Sciences & Technology
Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce Technology NWFP Agricultural University
and Industry
SAARC Business Association of Home Based Pakistan Agricultural Research Council
Forest Resource Assessment Workers
Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources
Geographic Information System and Integrated SAARC Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Development Center Pakistan Meteorological Department
Sabal Nepal
Green Governance Nepal Pakistan Water and Power Development
South Asian Network for Development and Authority
Ground Water Resource Development Board, Environmental Economics
Ministry of Irrigation Pir Mehr Ali Shah ARID Agriculture University
Sun Farmer Pvt Ltd & Consortium of Research and Development
HELVETAS Swiss Interco-operation Nepal
Tribhuvan University Organizations
Integrated Development Society Nepal
Water and Energy Commission Secretariat Rural Support Programme Network
International Water Management Institute
World Wildlife Fund SAARC Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Kathmandu University
Young Innovations Pvt Ltd Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University
Lumbini International Research Institute
Sustainable Development Policy Institute
MinErgy Pvt Ltd PAKISTAN University of Swat
Namsaling Community Development Centre Ministry of National Food Security and
World Wildlife Fund
National Trust for Nature Conservation Research – Focal Agency

Nepal Academy of Science and Technology Aga Khan Rural Support Programme NON-HKH PARTNERS
Nepal Development Research Institute COMSATS Institute of Information Technology AECOM International Development, Spain
Nepal Environment and Scientific Services Pvt. Ltd FOCUS Humanitarian Assistance -Gilgit Baltistan Aga Khan Foundation, Switzerland

34 ICIMOD Annual Report 2016

Akvo Foundation, the Netherlands Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, Stockholm Water Institute, Sweden
Japan Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich,
Alterra-Wageningen University and Research
Centre, Netherlands Interfaculty Departent of Geoinformatics - Z_ Switzerland
GIS, University of Salzburg, Austria Technical University of Munich, Germany
Asian Disaster Preparedness Center, Thailand
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, The University of Virginia, USA
Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
Carleton University, Canada United Nations Capital Development Fund,
International Glaciological Society Nepal
Centre for Development Innovation, the
International Initiative for Impact Evaluation, United Nations Development Programme, Nepal
Center for International Climate and United Nations Environment Programme,
International Institute for Geo-Information Thailand
Environment Research, Norway
Science and Earth Observation, the Netherlands
Centre for Development and Environment, United Nations Environment Programme/GRID-
International Network on Gender and ARENDAL, Norway
University of Bern, Switzerland
Sustainable, the Netherlands
Centre for Geoinformatics, Austria University of Arizona, USA
International Organisation for Migration, Nepal
Chubu University, Japan University of Bern, Switzerland
International Union for Conservation of Nature
Climate & Health Research Network University of Central Asia, Tajikistan and
IOD PARC International Organisation, UK Kyrgyzstan
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Japan University of Innsbruck, USA
Research Organisation, Australia
Microsoft Corporation, USA University of New Mexico, USA
Communications Development Inc, USA
Mongolia International University University of the Highlands and Islands,
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade,
Australia Molina Center for Strategic Studies in Energy Scotland
and the Environment, USA University of Washington, USA
Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto
University, Japan National Aeronautics and Space Administration, University of Virginia, USA
DNV GL, Norway University of Zurich, Switzerland
Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway
Finish Meteorological Institute, Finland Wageningen University, the Netherlands
Norwegian Water Resources and Energy
ENERGIA International Network on Gender and World Conservation Monitoring Center, UK
Directorate, Norway
Sustainable Energy, the Netherlands
Partnership Brokers Association, UK World Food Programme, Nepal
Regional Community Forestry Training Centre World Meteorological Organization,
Ev-K2-CNR Committee, Italy Switzerland
for Asia and the Pacific, Thailand
Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland World Resource Institute, USA
Regional Integrated Multi-Hazard Early
Futurewater, the Netherlands Warning System for Africa and Asia
India China Institute, The New School, USA Statkraft, Norway
Institut de Recherche pour le Development, Stockholm Environment Institute, USA

ICIMOD Annual Report 2016 35

ICIMOD disseminates much of the information gathered during programme activities in the form of printed and electronic
publications targeted at policy makers, development workers, government experts and decision makers, students, and
the interested public. All ICIMOD publications can be downloaded free of charge from www.icimod.org/himaldoc. Hard
copies are provided free to institutions actively involved in sustainable development of the Hindu Kush Himalaya. A link to
the full collection of publications from 2016 can be found at: www.icimod.org/AR2016.

Working Papers: 14 Videos: 11

Information Sheets: 22

Proceedings: 4 Reports: 4

Manuals: 10 General Research

Publications: 3 Reports: 3

Books &
Full Books/Reports/ Internal Booklets: Special:
Journal Articles: 50 Book Chapters/Sections: 25 Papers: 10 Reports: 3 2 2

ICIMOD publications ICIMOD researchers in external publications

36 ICIMOD Annual Report 2016



Mr Mohammad Mr Naba Bikram Dasho Rinzin Prof. Ding Mr Ajay Dr Nyi Nyi Dr Min Bahadur Mr Muhammad
Rafi Qazizada* Kishore Tripura† Dorji** Zhongli Narayan Jha*** Kyaw Shrestha**** Abid Javed*****
Director Secretary, Secretary, Vice President, Secretary, Director Vice Chair, Secretary,
General, Ministry of Ministry of Chinese Ministry of General, Forest National Ministry of
Ministry of Chittagong Hill Agriculture and Academy of Environment, Department Planning National Food
Agriculuture, Tracts Affairs Forests Sciences Forests, and Ministry Commission Security and
Irrigation, and Climate of Natural Research
Livestock Change Resources and


Dr Margaret Lyonpo Dr Dr Teresa C. Dr Hans Hurni Dr Thomas Dr Asuncion Lera Dr Yanfen Wang
Catley-Carlson‡ Kinzang Dorji Fogelberg Professor Labahn St. Clair Vice President,
Former President Former Prime Deputy Chief Emeritus, Former GIZ Senior Principal University
of Canadian Minister, Royal Executive, University of Country Director Scientist–Climate of Chinese
Global Reporting
International Government of Initiative; Former Bern; Founding (Nepal and Change, Group Academy of
Development Bhutan Director Research, Trustee, Ethiopia) Technology and Sciences
Agency (CIDA); Netherlands University of Research, DNV
Former Deputy Ministry of Central Asia GL, Norway
Executive Foreign Affairs;
Former Director
Director, UNICEF Climate Change
and Head of
† Chair, Board of Governors
HE Kjell Tormod Pettersen (Chair, HE Urs Herren (Vice Chair,
ICIMOD Support Group) ICIMOD Support Group) ‡ Chair, Programme Advisory Committee, and Vice Chair, Board of Governors
Ambassador Ambassador *HE Raz Mohammad Raz served from June 2010 to July 2016
Royal Norwegian Embassy, Nepal Embassy of Switzerland, Nepal **Dasho Tenzin Dhendup served from July 2014 to October 2016
***Ashok Lavasa served from September 2014 to April 2016
****Dr Yuba Raj Khatiwada served from November 2015 to August 2016
*****Seegat Ashgar served from June 2013 to February 2016

ICIMOD Annual Report 2016 37

DIRECTORATE Bisht, Suman Shrestha, Govinda THEMATIC AREAS
Molden, David Holmgren, Erling Valdemar Shrestha, Kanchan
Joshi, Surendra Raj Shrestha, Mandira Singh Livelihoods
Sharma, Eklabya
Ghimire, Shekhar Leikanger, Iris Wahid, Shahriar Rasul, Golam
Shrestha, Basanta Pradhan, Monika Adhikari, Lipy
Cryosphere and Atmosphere
Joshi, Sami Shrestha, Krisha Ali, Ghulam
Syangden, Bhawana Erikkson, Mats Bajracharya, Sugat B
Rana, Anju
Baduwal, Nirmala Banerjee, Soumyadeep
Shrestha, Ritu M. Transboundary Landscapes Basnyat, Ayushma RL Chowdhury, Devjit Roy
STRATEGIC PLANNING, Kotru, Rajan Ghale, Neetu Dorji, Tashi
MONITORING, AND Chaudhari, Swapnil Kanwal, Fozia Ghate, Rucha
EVALUATION Chettri, Nakul Mool, Pradeep Gioli, Giovanna
Ahmad, Farid Ismail, Muhammad Panday, Arnico Kumar Gurung-Goodrich, Chanda
Ahmad, Tariq Karky, Bhaskar Singh Sinisalo, Anna Gurung, Kamala
Kadel, Lalu Long, Ruijun Gurung, Min Bahadur
Shah, Ghulam Muhammad Pant, Basant Herington, Matthew
Rai, Himaa Bajracharya, Birendra
Rajbhandari, Ujala Chophel, Tshering
Kunze, Clemens
Pathak, Santosh Raj Rasaily, Rekha Pradhan, Sudip
Lama, Anu Kumari
Shakya, Naina Shakya, Bandana Shrestha, Angeli
Mahapatra, Bidhubhusan
Shrestha, Acchyata Shrestha, Sushant Yousafi, Waheedullah
Maharjan, Amina
Singh, Achut Man Yi, Shaoliang Himalayan University Mishra, Arabinda
Tandukar, Pramod
Consortium Notarianni, Marcello
River Basins
REGIONAL PROGRAMMES Truong, Chi Huyen Pandey, Abhimanyu
Shrestha, Arun Bhakta
Gurung, Dipshikha Partap, Uma
Adaptation to Change Bajracharya, Nani Keshari
Sharma, Achala Regmi, Bimal Raj
Dali, Liza
Choudhury, Dhrupad Wang, Juanjuan Sharma, Bikash
Piryani, Aneel
Agrawal, Nand Kishor Zhang, Linghua Shrestha, Anu Joshi
Prakash, Anjal
Ali, Ajaz Shrestha, Mamata

38 ICIMOD Annual Report 2016

Sutter, Antonia Dangol, Pradeep Man Bajracharya, Rajan Maden, Utsav
Tuladhar, Sabarnee Dhakal, Madhav Prasad Bajracharya, Sameer Maharjan, Dharma Ratna
Udas, Pranita Bhushan Gul, Chaman Bajracharya, Samjwal Ratna Manandhar, Bindiya
Gurung, Tika Ram Bhandari, Shova Mishra, Udayan
Ecosystem Services
Joshi, Sarita Chitale, Vishwas Sudhir Nanda, Snigdha
Wu, Ning Joshi, Sharad Prasad Dangol, Gauri Shankar Pandey, Sushil Raj
Aryal, Kamal Prasad Khadgi, Vijay Ratan Dhonju, Hari Krishna Pradhan, Punam
Basnet, Deepa Koch, Inka Gilani, Hammad Seldon, Chimi
Bhatta, Laxmi Dutt Lamichhane, Nabina Gurung, Deo Raj Sellmyer, Amy
Bisht, Neha Litt, Maxime Joshi, Govinda Sharma, Bishwonath (Sudas)
Gurung, Janita Mahapatra, Parth Sarathi Maharjan, Sudan Bikash Sherchan, Ujol
Jinniu, Wang Mehra, Manisha Matin, Mir Adbul Sherpa, Samden Lama
Kandel, Pratikshya Nepal, Santosh Qamer, Faisal Mueen Shrestha, Subasana
Karki, Seema Pradhan, Bidya Rahmani, Haqiqurahman Tamang, Jiwan
Phuntsho, Karma Pradhan, Neera Shakya, Kiran Tandukar, Deependra
Pradhan, Nawraj Puppala, Siva Praveen Shrestha, Finu Thaku, Asha Kaji
Rana, Pradyumna J.B. Rai, Sundar Kumar Thapa, Rajesh Bahadur Thapa, Ram Sharan
Rathore, Brij Mohan Singh Saikia, Arshini Uddin, Kabir Thomas, Susan Hale
Rijal, Srijana Joshi Shea, Joseph
Sherpa, Sonam Futi
Shrestha, Rajendra Bahadur
Rasmussen, Anja Moller Amatya, Shree Mani
Water and Air Stumm, Dorothea
Acharya, Gopilal Amatya, Trishna
Surapipith, Vanisa
Mukherji, Aditi Bajracharya, Jitendra Raj Aryal, Alisha
Treichler, Desiree
Acharya, Sushma Butler, Christopher Bajracharya, Narendra
Vaidya, Ramesh
Adhikary, Bhupesh Dangol, Bikash Bajracharya, Ujjwal
Wester, Philippus (Flip)
Bajracharya, Sagar Ratna Gurung, Nira Chitrakar, Indu
Bhave, Prakash Geospatial Solutions Jha, Anil Kumar Dabas, Rahul
Bhuchar, Sanjeev Murthy, MSR Khatri, Shiva Hari Dhakhwa, Prerana

ICIMOD Annual Report 2016 39

Jirel, Birkha Bahadur Thapa, Chomu Prerna
K.C., Dhruba Thapa, Rekha Khatri
K.C., Rishi Thapa, Shambhu
K.C., Sudama Upadhyaya, Umesh
Kansakar, Chandra Bir Singh Vaidya, Jenny
Lama, Sewanti
Maharjan, Chini Kaji
Maharjan, Kishore Asse, Tor
Maharjan, Krishna Hossain, Faisal
Maharjan, Ram Immerzeel, Walter
Mali, Rajendra Prakash Kargel, Jeff
Pradhan, Pallavi Meeks, Robyn
Pradhan, Saisab Saxer, Johannes Martin
Rana, Ganga Bahadur Shea, Joseph
Ranjit, Rabindra Thapa, Ganesh
Segaar, Liesbeth Wagnon, Patrick
Shrestha, Bijay Kumar
Jasra, Abdul Wahid (Pakistan)
Shrestha, Kiran Man
Jawid, Jawid Ahmad
Shrestha, Kishore (Afghanistan)
Shrestha, Mohan Krishna Aslam, Muhammad (Pakistan)
Shrestha, Nabindra Raj Ayub, Haris (Pakistan)
Shrestha, Pramila Bajracharya
Shrestha, Rajani SANDEE
Shrestha, Ram Kumari Somanathan, E.
Shrestha, Shyam Joshi, Malvika
Shukla, Radheshyam Kafle, Anuradha
Singh, Sabak Kumar Lohano, Heman Das
Subedi, Jai Bahadur Nepal, Mani
Tamang, Mik Mar Pradhan, Neesha

40 ICIMOD Annual Report 2016

The Centre recieves funds in the following broad categories: a) core funds from regional member countries and non-regional countries, and
b) programme and project funds. The acutal income received in 2016 is presented in the chart below (left) and the breakdown of expenses by
function is presented in the chart below (right). A total income of USD 25.97 million was realized during the year, and an expenditure of USD
27.78 million was made. This expenditure comes to 92% of the Board of Governors approved plan of USD 30.33 million. The difference in the
actual income realized and expenditure made was covered by the opening balance of funds available at the beginning of the year.


Figures in thousand US dollars Figures in thousand US dollars

Total Income 2016: USD 25.97 million Total Expenditure 2016: USD 27.78 million

2,087 (7%)
Institutional Functions* Adaptation to Change
CORE FUNDS 2,413 (9%) 4,723 (17%)
8,511 (33%)

Thematic Areas
2,492 (9%)

External Project – SANDEE Transboundary

1,097 (4%) Landscapes
4,928 (18%)
Himalayan University Consortium (HUC)
220 (1%)
Mountain Environment Regional
PROJECT FUNDS Information System (MENRIS)
17,462 (67%) 1,368 (5%)
Cryosphere and River Basins
Atmosphere 4,739 (17%)
3,719 (13%)

* Institutional functions include: Directorate, Knowledge Management and Communication,

Strategic Cooperation Unit, and Strategic Programme Monitoring and Evaluation

ICIMOD Annual Report 2016 41

International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development
Statement of Assets, Liabilities, Loan and Fund Balances as of 31 December 2016

All amounts in US dollars

ICIMOD Annual Report 2016

International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development
Operating Statement for the Year Ended s as of 31 December 2016
All amounts in US dollars

ICIMOD Annual Report 2016

Regional member countries Non-regional countries
• Afghanistan • India • Australia, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)
• Bangladesh • Myanmar • Austria, Austrian Development Agency (ADA)
• Bhutan • Nepal • Norway, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
• China • Pakistan • Switzerland, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
• United Kingdom, Department for International Development


• Austrian Development Agency (ADA) • Climate Research Fund (CRF)

• Bundesministerium für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit (BMZ), • DANIDA Fellowship Centre (DFC)
Germany • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
• Department for International Development (DFID), United • Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
• Institute for Global Environment Strategies (IGES)
• European Union (EU)
• Institute for Advanced Sustainable Studies (IASS), Germany
• Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation,
• International Glaciological Society
Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB), Germany
• International Water Management Institute (IWMI)
• Government of Sweden (Swedish International Development
Cooperation Agency [Sida]) • Secure World Foundation (SWF)
• International Development Research Centre, Canada (IDRC) • SVP Industrial Development – Statkraft AS
• International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) • Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
• Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Royal Norwegian • The Arizona Board of Regents, University of Arizona
Embassy, Kathmandu • United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
• United States Agency for International Development (USAID) • University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR)
• Universiteit Utrecht
• USAID – SERVIR Demand Activity
• Wageningen University

44 ICIMOD Annual Report 2016

ICIMOD Annual Report 2016 45
The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development,
ICIMOD, is a regional knowledge development and learning
centre serving the eight regional member countries of the
Hindu Kush Himalaya – Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan,
China, India, Myanmar, Nepal, and Pakistan – and based in
Kathmandu, Nepal. Globalization and climate change have
an increasing influence on the stability of fragile mountain
ecosystems and the livelihoods of mountain people. ICIMOD
aims to assist mountain people to understand these changes,
adapt to them, and make the most of new opportunities, while
addressing upstream-downstream issues. We support regional
transboundary programmes through partnership with regional
partner institutions, facilitate the exchange of experience, and
serve as a regional knowledge hub. We strengthen networking
among regional and global centres of excellence. overall, we
are working to develop an economically and environmentally
sound mountain ecosystem to improve the living standards of
mountain populations and to sustain vital ecosystem services
for the billions of people living downstream – now, and for
the future.

ICIMOD gratefully acknowledges the support of its core

donors: the Governments of Afghanistan, Australia, Austria,
Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Norway,
Pakistan, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.
© ICIMOD 2017
International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development
GPO Box 3226, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel +977 1-5003222 Email [email protected] Web www.icimod.org

ISSN 1019 1356 LCCN sn 92015594

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