Reflex Arc

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o A reflex arc is the pathway of taken by electrical impulses as they travel along neurones
o A reflex response does not involve the conscious part of the brain as the coordinator of the reaction since you
 are aware of the response having happened after the response has been carried out.
o Responses are automatic and quick, such as blinking and coughing are examples of reflex responses to help us

avoid serous injury and aid survival

An example of a reflex response is when we accidently touch

something hot

1. Receptor in the skin detects a stimulus (the change in

2. Sensory neurone sends electrical impulses to spinal cord.
An electrical impulse is passed to a relay neurone in the
spinal cord.
3. A relay neurone synapses with a motor neurone. An
electrical impulse travel along the first axon. This triggers
the nerve-ending of a neurone to release
neurotransmitters. These chemicals diffuse across the
synapse and bind with receptor molecules on the
membrane of the second neurone. The receptor molecules
on the second neurone bind only to
the specific neurotransmitters released from the first
neurone. This stimulates the second neurone to transmit
the electrical impulse.
4. Motor neurone sends electrical impulses to an effector.
5. Effector produces a response so the muscle contracts to
move hand away. This occurs all in the fraction of a

The neurones of the reflex arc

o Sensory neurones carry impulses from sense

organs to the CNS (brain or spinal cord)
o Relay neurones are found inside the CNS
and connect sensory and motor neurones
o Motor neurones carry impulses from the CNS to
effectors (muscles or glands)

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