Professional Service
Professional Service
Professional Service
Over the last year I participated in the American Association of Medical Dosimetrists
formed by medical dosimetry students that are members of AAMD. It serves a great way to
network with fellow dosimetry students and goes over a wealth of information as well as ways to
The Student Subcommittee met and discussed topics of interest in medical dosimetry via
zoom links. It was informative to be a part of these meetings and get to know more about the
AAMD organization and current happenings in the medical dosimetry profession. It also gave
Additionally, the AAMD hosted student webinars throughout the last year. These
webinars covered topics such as adaptive radiotherapy, treatment planning solutions, and image
guidance. I found these webinars very beneficial to my learning and application of dosimetry
planning. During one of the first webinars, I even won a Starbucks gift card for being involved in
the discussion!
Another option for professional service that I was not able to attend this year (but hope to
attend next year) was the AAMD 48th Annual Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana. This event
brings together vendors and medical dosimetry professionals to present findings such as new
technology, planning processes, and advances in medical dosimetry. I really wish I would have
been able to attend this event because it is a great way to network and become more involved in
the profession. It was nice that many of the presentations were available through video
Kearla Bentz Service Journal: Profession 2
recordings for those that could not attend. Obviously, this even was a big topic of discussion for
the Student Subcommittee as well. Below is an email from Whitney O’Donnell who is the
Hi Kearla!
Yes, welcome to the AAMD Student Subcommittee! I will be adding you to our meeting invite
momentarily. Please be on the lookout for it. It will have our Zoom meeting link. I’m not sure if the
minutes are finalized yet from our last meeting, so I will reach out to our Co-Chair and see if he can send
Whitney O’Donnell
Director of Membership
[email protected]
American Association of Medical Dosimetrists (AAMD)
703-677-8071 ext. 101