Treatment Lab Paper
Treatment Lab Paper
Treatment Lab Paper
The patient discussed in this lab had a tumor mass located on the anterior and lateral
aspect of the right lower lung (RLL). A plan was created to follow the guidelines of this project
using an AP and PA beam only, at the lowest energy (6MV), and with clinic-standard margins.
Two different plans were created, one with heterogeneity correction on and one with
heterogeneity correction off in the calculation model algorithm. At Billings Clinic Cancer Center
the physicists prefer that 3D plans involving tumors located in lung tissue are calculated using
Acuros. Typically, all 3D plans are calculated using AAA algorithm, but the physicists state that
Acuros demonstrates a more accurate depiction of the interaction of photon beams within lung
tissue. Therefore, for this lab there were a total of four plans created to evaluate the difference of
Heterogeneity On Acuros
Kearla Bentz Treatment Planning Project 2
Heterogeneity On AAA
In comparing the differences of AAA and Acuros dose calculation algorithms with
heterogeneity corrections on and off, it appears that they are fairly similar. Although, there is a
significant difference with each of the calculations with heterogeneity corrections on or off.
Heterogeneity corrections are corrections in dose calculations that account for the presence of
irradiated material other than water.1 With heterogeneity corrections off, the isodose lines appear
sharp and seem to follow a pattern of fall off from each beam without interference from different
When heterogeneity corrections are applied, there are areas of increased dose where the
beams enter the patient, demonstrating dose buildup at the skin surface. This is also noticeable
on the tumor itself and can be attributed to absorption and scattered photons. Additionally, in
comparing the isodose distributions of these lung plans with heterogeneity on versus off, the
dose to the posterior lung is significantly lower with heterogeneity correction on. This occurs
because there is a loss of laterally scattered electrons in lung tissue because it has a lower
Artifacts and inhomogeneities have a major impact on treatment planning and dose
calculations as well. The treatment planning CT (TPCT) of patients with metallic implants or
dental fillings exhibit severe streaking artifacts that make delineation difficult and can
compromise dose calculation outcomes.2 Large white streaks or black holes can appear from the
metal objects in the TPCT. This can make distinguishing structures near the metal difficult. Also,
the white streaks or black holes can create inaccurate dose calculations in the treatment planning
system (TPS). The new technology, such as iMAR, used in the TPCT when a patient has a metal
Kearla Bentz Treatment Planning Project 5
implant or dental filling can help reduce the artifact. It is also helpful to contour the artifact and
assign it a HU density similar to what would be expected from adjacent tissues. This helps the
treatment planning dose calculation perform a more accurate calculation, instead of calculating
misinformation from the streak artifacts.Furthermore, anytime irradiation conditions differ from
standard beam data obtained when a flat surfaced homogenous (water) material is irradiated
corrections must be applied to produce an accurate dose distribution. If a surface is not flat or the
angle of incidence of the beam is not 90 degrees, then obliquity or contour corrections must be
inhomogeneities that will produce changes in the dose distribution. The two effects of
inhomogeneities are changes in absorption of the primary beam along with scattered photons and
changes in the secondary electron fluence. Points beyond the inhomogeneity are affected most by
attenuation changes of the primary beam, while points near the inhomogeneity are affected most
electrons per cubic centimeter) of the medium it traverses. When a megavoltage beam passes
through low-density materials or air cavities, there is a loss of electronic equilibrium close to the
boundaries of the low-density of air. This causes the dose profile to become less sharp because
an increasing number of electrons travel outside the geometric limits of the beam. Which
additionally causes a greater loss of laterally scattered electrons and reduction in dose on the
beam axis. The dose in the lower lung density causes higher dose within and beyond the lung,
but there is also a loss of secondary electrons in the first layers of tissue beyond lung which
Kearla Bentz Treatment Planning Project 6
causes a slight decrease in dose. Smaller fields, larger air cavities, and higher energies increase
these effects and could lead to the potential of under dosage in the periphery of the tumor.2
Kearla Bentz Treatment Planning Project 7
1. Washington CM, Leaver D. Principles and Practice of Radiation Therapy (4th ed.) Mosby;
3. Gibbons JP. Khan’s the Physics of Radiation Therapy (6th ed). Wolters Kluwer Health; 2020.