Group Project-Due Week 11-1

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Assessment Brief- Assessment 3- Group Project

Unit Code/Description ICT102 – Networking

Course/Subject Bachelor of Information Technology
Semester S2 - 2023
Unit Learning Outcomes 2, 4
Assessment Objective The objective of this assessment is to evaluate student’s ability to design
and configure a network using a network simulator for a given scenario
and configuring routers, switches, firewalls, and other network
components based on specific requirements.
Assessment Title/Type Assessment 3: Group Project
Due Date Week 11, Friday, 5.00 PM
Weighting 40%
Instructions to Students See the assessment description in below
Format/Structure MS Word or PDF for the report
Word/Page limit Length of 500 words for the report, font Calibri 12
Referencing Style American Psychological Association (APA)
Submission Guidelines • All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date
• Only one member of each group needs to submit
• A PDF or Ms Word file must be submitted which includes all required
steps, discussion and evidence of completion of tasks
Plagiarism and Academic At CIHE, we take academic integrity seriously and expect all students to
Integrity maintain the highest standards of honesty and ethical behaviour in their
academic work. As a student, it is your responsibility to ensure that all
your academic endeavors are conducted with integrity and in
accordance with the principles of honesty, fairness, and respect for
intellectual property. Please refer to “CIHE Student Academic Integrity
and Honesty Policy” in the Moodle for details.
Late Submission Policy An assessment item submitted after the assessment due date, without
an approved extension or without approved mitigating circumstances,
will be penalised. The standard penalty is the reduction of the mark
allocated to the assessment item by 10% of the total mark applicable for
the assessment item, for each day or part day that the item is late.
Assessment items submitted more than ten days after the assessment
due date are awarded zero marks.

This assignment is group-based. Each group will have 3-4 students. You can continue with the same
group as for the previous assessment. In this assignment you will be designing and configuring a
network for a university that has a Class B IP address of There are two faculties and
each faculty requires two separate subnets: one for staff and another for students. The faculty names
and the number of hosts in each subnet are given below:
• Faculty of Arts: 400 students and 200 staff members
• Faculty of IT: 600 students and 300 staff members

Part 0
Declare team members contributions in the table below:

Team Member Contribution Responsibilities for the Project


Part 1
Divide the allocated address space between department subnets as per requirements. Summarize
the IP subnets and masks in a table like this:

Faculty Network Address Host IP Address Range Subnet Mask

Arts - Students

Arts - Staff

IT – Students

IT - Staff
Part 2
Construct the following network topology in GNS3 or Packet Tracer simulator. Ensure that all the
hostnames and network addresses are well labelled.

Fig. 1. Network design

Part 3

Configure the router using the assigned hostnames and IP address.

Part 4

Setup Virtual PC (VPC) in each of the four subnets as shown above. The virtual PC’s provide
lightweight PC environment to execute tools such as ping, and trace route. For each faculty create
two VPCs for students and two VPCs for staff. Each VPC should be able to ping the other VPC in the
same subnet.

Part 5

Configure the access control list (ACL) on Router01 such that any traffic from Students’ subnets are
blocked from entering the staff subnet. Traffic to and from other subnets should pass through. Pinging
staff VPCs (in both faculties) from students’ VPCs should fail. In other words, student in each faculty
should not be able to ping any staff computer in any faculty. Students can only ping students VPCs in
any faculty. Staff members can ping any VPC (staff and students in any faculty).

Part 6
Configure DHCP services on Router01 such that all VPCs can get IP addresses
dynamically assigned.

Part 7

Use the following checklist to ensure you network is configured correctly.

Test ✔
IT student VPC cannot ping IT staff VPC
IT student VPC cannot ping Arts staff VPC
IT student VPC can ping Arts VPC
Arts student VPC can ping IT student VPC
IT staff VPC can ping Arts staff VPC
Arts staff VPC can ping IT staff VPC
IT staff VPC can ping IT student VPC
IT staff VPC can ping Arts student VPC
Arts staff VPC can ping IT student VPC
Arts staff VPC can ping Arts student VPC

For each of your routers make sure to save your running configuration using the command write mem
For the VPCs use the save filename command to save the configurations to a file.

Finally save the GNS3 (or Packet Tracer) project, i.e., the topology together with the startup configs.
Zip the GNS3 (or Packet Tracer) project folder and submit it on Moodle with your report. Make sure
your submission is complete and has all the necessary files to run the simulation.

The assignment must be submitted online in Moodle. The submission must include a Zip file for the
GNS3 (or Packet Tracer) project and an MS Word or PDF file for the report. Only one member of each
team must submit the files.
The name of all team members and their contribution level (percentage) must be shown on the first
page of the report (use the table provided in Part 0).
The report must include annotated screenshots as evidence for completion of each part. You need to
have a separate section for each part and briefly explain what you did for that part, and then insert
screenshots for the steps taken to complete that part. Each screenshot must have a short annotation
(one line or two).
In all screenshots, the date and time of the computer must be clearly shown in the
corner (look at the sample below). Make sure the date and time of your computer is

Note: If you miss either the report or the GNS3 (or Packet Tracer) file, you won’t receive any mark. In
order to receive a mark for your submission, it is mandatory to present a demo of your
project to your lecturer during week 12. Failure to do so will result in a zero mark for your
submission. The lecturer has the discretion to adjust team contributions based on individual
contributions to the demo. It is important to demonstrate your active participation and
contribution to the project during the demo to ensure fair grading and assessment.
Marking Rubric
Criteria Poor (0- Fair
Good (50-75%) Excellent (75-100%)
25%) (25-50%)

Part 1 - The allocated address space is The allocated address space is The allocated address space is divided between
Subnetting divided between faculty subnets as divided between faculty subnets as faculty subnets as per requirements
(6 marks) per requirements but there are per requirements but there are The IP subnets are summarized in the table
Allocation of IP addresses is some errors minor errors
wrong and need major The IP subnets are summarized in The IP subnets are summarized in
revision the table the table
Part 2 - Network Network diagram is wrong The network topology is The network topology is constructed in GNS3 or
Diagram and needs significant The network topology is constructed in GNS3 or Packet Packet Tracer simulator
constructed in GNS3 or Packet Tracer simulator All the hostnames and network addresses are
(4 marks) improvement
Tracer simulator Labelling of the hostnames and well labelled
Poor labelling for the hostnames network addresses needs
and network addresses improvement
Part 3 – Router The router configuration The router configuration needs The router is correctly configured The router is correctly configured
Configuration needs major improvements minor improvements to address Some evidence is included to Enough evidence is included to show the
to address the requirements the requirements show the configuration of the configuration of the router
(6 marks) Few evidence is included for router router
Part 4 – Setting Configuration of virtual PCs Some virtual PCs are correctly Most of virtual PCs are correctly All virtual PCs are correctly configured and
up VPCs needs significant configured and tested using ping configured and tested using ping tested using ping
improvements Few evidence is included to show Some evidence is included to Enough evidence is included to show the
(8 marks) the configuration of PCs and show the configuration of PCs configuration of PCs and successful pings
successful pings and successful pings
Part 5 - Configuration of the Configuration of the access control The access control list (ACL) is The access control list (ACL) is appropriately
Configuring the access control list (ACL) list (ACL) needs minor configured to manage traffic configured to manage traffic according to
Access Control needs major improvement according to requirements requirements
List improvement
Few screenshots are added to Some screenshots are added to Enough screenshots are added to show
(6 marks) show successful and show successful and successful and unsuccessful pings
unsuccessful pings unsuccessful pings
Part 6 - DHCP DHCP configuration needs DHCP configuration needs minor DHCP is appropriately configured DHCP is appropriately configured to
(6 marks) major improvements improvements to automatically allocate IP automatically allocate IP addresses to VPCs
Some screenshots have been addresses to VPCs Enough screenshots have been added to show
added to show IP address Some screenshots have been IP address allocation
allocation added to show IP address
Part 7 - Checklist 0-2 entries of the checklist 3-5 entries of the checklist are 6-8 entries of the checklist are All entries of the checklist are completed and
(2 marks) are completed and match completed and match with completed and match with match with screenshots
with screenshots screenshots screenshots
Language The report is badly The report structure and writing The report is adequately The report is well-structured, clearly written,
(2 marks) structured and written, need improvements. structured, clearly written, and and free of grammatical and spelling errors. The
containing numerous It contains some grammatical and mostly free of grammatical and language is sophisticated, precise, and
grammatical and spelling spelling errors. The language is spelling errors. The language is appropriate for the intended audience.
errors. The language is often sometimes imprecise or appropriate for the intended
confusing and inappropriate inappropriate for the intended audience.
for the intended audience. audience.

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