1 - Unit 2 - Assignment Brief 2
1 - Unit 2 - Assignment Brief 2
1 - Unit 2 - Assignment Brief 2
Submission Format:
● The submission is in the form of an individual written report. This should be written in a concise,
formal business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of
headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with
research and referenced using the Harvard referencing system. Please also provide a bibliography
using the Harvard referencing system.
● Students are compulsory to submit the assignment in due date and in a way requested by the
● Remember to convert the word file into PDF file before the submission on CMS.
● The individual Assignment must be your own work, and not copied by or from another student.
● If you use ideas, quotes or data (such as diagrams) from books, journals or other sources, you
must reference your sources, using the Harvard style.
● Make sure that you understand and follow the guidelines to avoid plagiarism. Failure to comply
this requirement will result in a failed assignment.
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria (Assignment 1):
Learning Outcome Pass Merit Distinction
LO3 P5 Provide a M3 Install and D2 Design a
logical/physical configure network maintenance schedule
design of the services and to support the
networked system applications on your networked system.
with clear explanation choice.
and addressing table.
P6 Evaluate the
design to meet the
P8 Document and
analyse test results
against expected
Table of Contents
P5 Provide a logical/physical design of the networked system with clear explanation and addressing
5.1 Explain the difference between logical and physical design......................................................6
5.2 Discuss and explain the user requirement for the design...........................................................7
5.3 Provide a logical design of the network based on user requirement..........................................7
5.4 Provide a physical design of the network based on user requirement.......................................8
5.5 Provide addressing table for the network you design................................................................8
P6 Evaluate the design to meet the requirements.................................................................................9
6.1 Provide test plan.........................................................................................................................9
6.2 Evaluate the design of the network..........................................................................................12
a. The benefits of network design user needs.............................................................................12
b. The disadvantages of network design user needs...................................................................12
c. Solution to improve the network design.................................................................................12
P7 Implement a networked system based on a prepared design........................................................12
7.1 Demonstrate proof of a functional network that you designed Error! Bookmark not defined.
7.2 Show the implement system.....................................................................................................12
P8 Document and analyse test results against expected results.........................................................16
List of table
Table 1 - The difference between logical and physical design............................................................7
Table 2 - Configuration table of all devices.........................................................................................9
Table 3 - Results after testing.............................................................................................................16
List of figure
Figure 1 - The relationship between logical and physical design in network.................................6
Figure 2 - The logical design of the network.............................................................................7
Figure 3 - The physical design of network................................................................................8
Figure 4 - An instance of a successful network connection.......................................................10
Figure 5 - An example of a network connection failure............................................................10
Figure 6 - The ping command............................................................................................... 10
Figure 7 - Ping command executed failed...............................................................................11
Figure 8 - Ping command executed successfully.....................................................................11
Figure 9 - DNS is not working.............................................................................................. 11
Figure 10 - DNS is working..................................................................................................11
Figure 11 - Server of all computers as required by the user......................................................13
Figure 12 - How to install DNS server...................................................................................14
Figure 13 - All of the machines are on the ground floor...........................................................14
Figure 14 - All of computer in the first floor...........................................................................15
Figure 15 - All of computer in the second floor.......................................................................16
Figure 16 - Connect successfully from PC Staff_1 to PC Staff_32............................................17
Figure 17 - Connect successfully from PC Staff_1 to PC_LAB_1.............................................18
Figure 18 - Connection established between PC Staff_1 and PC_LAB_50.................................19
Figure 19 - Connection established between PC Staff_1 and DNS_Server.................................20
Figure 20 - Connection established between PC_LAB_1 and PC_LAB_25...............................20
Figure 21 - Connection established between PC_LAB_1 and PC_LAB_26...............................21
Figure 22 - Connection established between PC_LAB_1 and PC Staff_1..................................22
Figure 23 - Connection established between PC_LAB_1 and DNS_Server................................22
Figure 24 - Connection established between PC_LAB_26 to PC_LAB_50................................23
Figure 25 - Connection established between PC_LAB_26 to PC_LAB_1..................................23
Figure 26 - Connection established between PC_LAB_26 to PC Staff_32.................................24
Figure 27 - Connection established between PC_LAB_26 and DNS_Server..............................24
Figure 28 - Server DNS is working........................................................................................25
P5 Provide a logical/physical design of the networked system with clear explanation and
addressing table
5.1 Explain the difference between logical and physical design
Physical topology depicts how various network pieces are organized. The physical arrangement
represents a network of connected gadgets and wires. It focuses on critical network aspects while
overlooking minor details such as data transfer and system type. The layout of nodes (computers)
and network cables is determined by the ease of network setup and configuration. Cost and
bandwidth are impacted by the system solution. The position and distance between nodes are taken
into account. For applications, a ring (Ring Topology) or a linear connection to the Bus Topology
can be used.
The disposal and connectedness of objects are represented by logical topology. It is the transmission
of data through physical topology. Regardless of physical topology, it is oblivious of node
organization. The network information, such as the kind of devices used and the nature of their
equipment, which affects the rates and speed of data packet transmission, is addressed. The logical
topology ensures optimal network flow control. The data can flow in either a linear Logical Bus
pattern or a circular Logical ring pattern.
The logistics of a network concerned with data The actual arrangement is depicted.
transmission are depicted.
There isn't any interference or meddling here. The layout may be changed to suit your needs.
It is available in bus and ring topologies. It may be configured in a star, mesh, ring, or bus
This has a significant influence on data packet Based on device selection and availability, this
delivery and speed. It also supports flow control has a significant influence on network cost,
and ordered data packet delivery. scalability, and bandwidth capacity.
The network's data route was followed. The network's physical link.
5.2 Discuss and explain the user requirement for the design
A good set of user needs is necessary for any project, particularly computer system projects, to be
successful. Many initiatives fail because they fail to describe what the system should perform
properly. In reality, many systems have merely been given a delivery timetable, a budget, and a
fuzzy understanding of what they should perform.
The source of the problem is:
- Computer system developers rarely have as good an understanding of how a business operates
and should operate as a business user.
- Business users have limited understanding of what a computer system can do for them.
As a result, paralysis sets in, and company management attention is focused on fulfilling deadlines
and budgets rather than on what will be produced.
5.3 Provide a logical design of the network based on user requirement
To connect the required love machines we need to use a DNS server, 1 switch server and 1 router
server. Then we need to install four IPs for the server router because it needs to talk to three
switches of 3 floors and a line used to conclude to the main switch. In addition, we need to install
RIP so that the router can connect to the network to the switches of the main floors and switches,
and when we connect to the network to the switches we can check the network speed and also use
To ensure that the machines are connected to DNS server. The ground floor, we have three printers,
32 staff machines and 3 machines for admin. First we need to provide the IP, Gateway and DNS
addresses of the DNS server for the admin's three machines so that they can connect to all devices
via server and help users easily control all machines at even at both three floors. The first and
second floors, we will place on each 25 computer floors and use the DHCP feature so that DNS
Server can provide dynamic IP addresses for each machine.
5.4 Provide a physical design of the network based on user requirement
To address the demands of the problem and the network architecture, computers, laptops, switches,
printers, routers, and servers are necessary. The student room requires 50 computers, whilst the staff
room necessitates 32 PCs, three laptops, and three printers. To meet current and future problem
requirements, the design has four switches, each of which may connect to up to 25 PCs. Each
student and staff room has a switch. Each region will have a maximum of 32 PCs, with 25 PCs mi
tng 1 and 25 PCs mi tng 2. Three routers are used in the design to link three rooms: one to the
server room, one to the staff room, and one to the student room.
5.5 Provide addressing table for the network you design
… … … … …
PC student 27 Fa0
The goal of this test is to evaluate the connection between the devices inside the network, which
should be great, and to transmit a request and a response from each other device in the network. In
summary, a device must be able to connect with all other devices on the network. To check the
connection between the devices in the network, we utilize the ping method. This method allows a
device to ping a network to another device at a specific address, which entails sending repeated
requests and waiting for responses.
Figure 8 - Ping command executed successfully
To test the functionality of DNS, we must first configure the domain name and IP address for this
kind of domain name. Then we need to find a pc to run that domain name ping on and wait for the
Based on the user's requirements, three servers must be tested: DHCP Server, DNS Server, and
Web Server. The ping command is used to test whether the server can communicate with the DHCP
and DNS servers. It will be examined to see if the network devices can send and receive email for
the other device's mail server. If each device in the network can contact the Web server's address
using the browser, the test for the Web server is successful.
6.2 Evaluate the design of the network
a. The benefits of network design user needs
By splitting devices into many VLANs, the network may prioritize which VLAN or rooms have the
most priority. The room for network managers and servers, for example, and the area for managers
are better than the student laboratory. The network architecture fulfills the demands of the users and
their criteria for internet access. There are not too many but not too few computers in networking
design; they are appropriate for the number of students, professors, managers, marketers, and
network administrators. As a result, there is no need for a large budget, and network managers can
simply administer the network. There is a separate space that allows individuals in the room to chat
to others without worry of being overheard.
b. The disadvantages of network design user needs
Students on the third level are unable to connect to the internet wirelessly. If a course has more than
25 students, it will be impossible to hold a session in the student laboratory. Too many devices on
the same network might cause excessive traffic and slow down the network. When they hire more
people and require several people to use computers, staff will not have enough computers to go
around. With several users on a computer, it is inconvenient for one person to save his or her file or
project since it is likely to be lost or destroyed. This computer is not to be used for personal
c. Solution to improve the network design
Install two extra wireless access points on the second and third levels so that students may connect
to the internet wirelessly from the second and third floors. Install 5 extra 2-story computers and 5
more 3-story computers. This may violate the standards and harm the network project's budget, yet
a class of more than 30 people can participate in a course. Another strategy is to limit the number of
students in a class to no more than 24. If necessary, we may combine the manager and marketer
rooms to save space and eliminate one printer, which is perfectly OK because they both use the
same switch. To avoid significant network traffic, two networks might be used and devices
segregated into separate networks.
P7 Implement a networked system based on a prepared design
7.1 Show the implement system
Figure 11 - Server of all computers as required by the user
To begin, configure an IP address and gateway for the DNS server, as well as the following four IP
addresses for the router:
+ DNS server:
˚ IP:
˚ Gateway:
+ Router:
˚ IP in net0:
˚ IP in net1:
˚ IP in net2:
˚ IP in net3:
Furthermore, you must install the domain name for the DNS server so that we may test DNS
Figure 12 - How to install DNS server
On the ground floor, we have 32 PCs, 3 laptops and 3 printers. To install all we need 1 switch so
that all machines can connect to the dns server. In addition, we have to install dhcp for the dns
server so that the server can provide addresses for 32 PC's in the ground floor. Besides, we need to
install IP, Gateway and DNS addresses for 3 laptops including:
+ Laptop Admin_1:
+ Laptop Admin_2:
+ Laptop Admin_3:
To install 25 pc for students, we need to use 1 switch so that all computers can connect to the DNS
server. Besides, we have to use straight wires to connect 25 pc to the switch to make sure they can
connect to each other; we need to turn on the wires connected to the switch.
Figure 15 - All of computer in the second floor
To build 25 computers for learners, we need to utilize 1 switch so that all machines may
communicate to the DNS server. Furthermore, we must use straight cables to link 25 PC to the
switch. To ensure that they will connect with each other, we must turn on the wires attached to the
P8 Document and analyse test results against expected results
Ping from PC Staff_1 to PC Staff_32
Ping from PC staff_1 to PC_LAB_1
Ping from PC Staff_1 to PC_LAB_50
Ping from PC Staff_1 to DNS_Server
Ping fromPC_LAB_1 to PC_LAB_26
Figure 22 - Connection established between PC_LAB_1 and PC Staff_1
Ping fromPC_LAB_1 to DNS_Server
Figure 24 - Connection established between PC_LAB_26 to PC_LAB_50
Figure 26 - Connection established between PC_LAB_26 to PC Staff_32
Finally, ping from PC Staff_1 to DNS_Server