Preamble Structure and Synchronization For IEEE 802.15.6 Impulse-Radio Ultra-Wideband Physical Layer
Preamble Structure and Synchronization For IEEE 802.15.6 Impulse-Radio Ultra-Wideband Physical Layer
Preamble Structure and Synchronization For IEEE 802.15.6 Impulse-Radio Ultra-Wideband Physical Layer
Abstract—The paper develops a method of synchronization for arbitrary, while SFD structure is not defined in the standard
synchronization header (SHR) structure described in the draft draft at all. Specific of this IR-UWB standard, compared to
of IEEE 802.15.6 standard for body area network (BAN) and its older IEEE 802.15.4a IR-UWB [5] and most IR-UWB system
Impulse–Radio Ultra–Wideband (IR-UWB) physical layer (PHY)
with differential phase modulation. Uniqueness of this PHY is discussions is that transmitted waveform shape is not known
that transmitted waveform shape is not known to the receiver at to the receiver. Thus, classic approach of synchronization by
the time of synchronization and therefore classic synchronization using correlation with transmitted waveform is not possible
methods based on correlation cannot be employed. Based on and novel synchronization method needs to be developed.
the developed synchronization method, synchronization perfor- The purpose of this paper is to investigate possible structures
mances with the different SHR structures are evaluated and
solutions are suggested for the SHR structure described in the of the preamble and the SFD and recommend solutions for
standard. the standard. This will be done, first, by investigating the
Index Terms—IEEE 802.15.6, Body Area Network (BAN), SHR structure currently in the draft in Sec. II. Then, receiver
Ultra–Wideband (UWB), synchronization. architecture suitable for the PHY specs given in the standard
draft will be described in Sec. III. After that, in Sec. IV we
I. I NTRODUCTION will develop synchronization method that will be employed
Body area network (BAN) is emerging technology of wire- in the rest of the paper. In Sec. V, numerical results of
less communication between sensor nodes located on the synchronization performance with different SHR structures
human body and on-body BAN coordinator and between on- will be shown. We end our discussion with conclusions in
body BAN coordinator and of-body data hub. Possible appli- Sec. VI.
cations of the BAN are numerous and can be divided between
medical and non-medical. For medical applications, that are II. SHR STRUCTURE
of foremost interest in this work, main requirements are high Symbol structure of the IEEE 802.15.6 IR-UWB PHY [2]
reliability of communication, especially considering severe with differential modulation is using a single long waveform
BAN channel characteristics [1], and low power consumption, per information symbol and synchronization chip. This symbol
i.e. long battery life. structure was also employed in our previous work [3], [4],
BAN is currently under standardization effort in IEEE where we discussed different receiver architectures suitable for
802.15.6 [2], group for BAN. Draft of the standard includes such symbol structure. The difference between IEEE 802.15.6
different wireless Physical Layers or PHYs. One of the most IR-UWB PHY information symbols and IEEE 802.15.6 IR-
promising PHYs for highly reliable medical communication is UWB PHY SHR is that IEEE 802.15.6 IR-UWB PHY SHR
Impulse–Radio Ultra–Wideband (IR-UWB) PHY with differ- chip waveform is considerably shorter than informational
ential modulation. According to the standard draft, this PHY symbol waveform. Furthermore, in our previous work [3],
targets high quality of service, i.e. foremostly medical, appli- [4] it was assumed that the receiver has a prior knowledge
cations. The BAN communication devices designed according of the type of the waveform that transmitter will use in a
to specifications of this PHY exhibit good performance in package. Nevertheless, draft of the standard [2] includes 4
multipath channels [3] and good interference resistivity [4]. types of transmitted waveforms: chirp pulse, chaotic pulse,
However, at the time of writing this paper, specifications short–pulse burst with static scrambling and short–pulse burst
of this PHY are not fully complete. The main open issue with dynamic scrambling. What is common both for SHR
is the structure of the synchronization header (SHR). SHR and different payload data rates is that duration of the chip
consists of two parts: preamble and start-of-frame delimiter transmitted waveform, denoted in a baseband complex repre-
(SFD). The purpose of preamble is for a receiver to execute sentation as w(t), is not a function of type of a waveform used.
timing acquisition and other synchronization tasks, while by Therefore, when transmitting a package, transmitter can decide
detecting the SFD, receiver is informed about the end of SHR. to use any of aforementioned types of a transmitted waveforms
Preamble parameters currently in the draft were decided rather in the preamble, excluding short–pulse burst with dynamic
vkQ (t) sQ
k (t) Mathematical model of the sampling receiver for the infor-
× hLP (t) ADC
mation symbol detection is given in [3], [4]. Here, we will
give a model suitable for synchronization with SHR structure
90◦ sQ
k described in the previous section.
Let us consider a single chip waveform – w(t); when it
Carrier generator Detection
passes through multipath channel with baseband–equivalent
rk (t) impulse response h(t) and low–pass anti–aliasing filter with
sIk impulse response hLP (t) shown in Fig. 1, it will have a form
× hLP (t) ADC u(t) = w(t) ⊗ h(t) ⊗ hLP (t), (4)
vkI (t) sIk (t)
where “⊗” denotes convolution. Thus, complex received base-
Fig. 1. Sampling receiver block diagram. band SHR signal, at the input of the ADC converters in Fig.
1 will have a form
scrambling. Thus, when starting synchronization, receiver does s(t) = an u (t − nLTw ). (5)
not have knowledge of a type of SHR waveform transmitted, n=0
but only knows its duration – Tw and time between consecutive Since RMS delay spread of the channel models [2], [5] is
waveforms – (L−1)Tw . The transmitted SHR structure – g(t) considerably smaller than time between chips (L−1)Tw , there
is of a form will be negligible inter–chip–interference (ICI).
g(t) = an w (t − nLTw ), (1)
A. Preamble synchronization
where an are differentially–encoded chips Let τR be reference time of the receiver and the timing
ambiguity between transmitter and receiver be |τR | < ∆τ . It
an+1 = an bn , for n > 0, (2) is assumed that synchronization does not begin before there is
a preamble signal s(t) present, thus receiver begins sampling
with a0 being of arbitrary phase: a0 = ejφ , φ ∈ [0, 2π}. at instance τ0 = τR + ∆τ . Complex signal sampled in the
N −1
b = [bn ]n=0 is a column–vector of bipolar SHR sequences received will then have a form:
b = [CP A ; CP A ; . . . ; CP A ; CSF D ]. (3) M KS +KC −1
| {z } sP R = [s (τ0 + kTs )]k=0 . (6)
MP A Here, Ts is the sampling period of the receiver. Ts is chosen
The structure of b (3) is MP A times repetition of a preamble so that the number of samples per chip KC = LTw /Ts is an
sequence – CP A after which there is one instance of a SFD integer; MS < MP A is the number of sequences that receiver
sequence – CSF D . Due to limited space, we will limit our uses in the synchronization and KS is the number of samples
discussion to the case of lengths of CP A and CSF D being per each synchronization sequence: KS = KC Θ.
the same, i.e. dim {CP A } = dim {CSF D } = Θ, although It is assumed that sampling of the preamble finishes before
generally this does not have to be a case. start of the SFD. Hence ∆τ is bounded by
In the current standard draft Tw is set to be 8 ns; L is 32 in ∆τ < (MP A − MS ) KS Ts = (MP A − MS ) LTw Θ. (7)
order to keep a constant duty–cycle of 3.1% [4] for SFD, PHY
header (PHR) and payload, similarly to the mandatory mode In other words, the maximum ambiguity of time between
of IEEE 802.15.4a standard [5]. CP A is decided to be one of 8 transmitter and receiver is bounded by the difference between
small Kasami set sequences of length 63, divided in 2 sets of 4 duration of the sequences that are transmitted in the preamble
sequences for channels with odd and even indexes respectively and duration of the preamble sequences receiver uses in the
with MP A = 4 repetitions, while CSF D is undefined. synchronization.
Since receiver does not have any knowledge of transmitted
III. R ECEIVER ARCHITECTURES chip waveform type, it cannot use classic matched–filtering or
For a several reasons, quadrature analog correlation (QAC) correlation based methods. Instead of that, received samples
receiver is not suitable for a payload symbol structure that are sample–by–sample differentiated
M KS −1
is described in the standard draft [3]. Furthermore, both QAC S
qP R = [ℜ {s∗P R (k) sP R (k + KC )}]k=0 , (8)
and chirp receivers [3], in order to work need for a transmitted
where superscript “∗” denotes complex conjugation. Since ICI
waveform to be known, however, this is not a case within
is negligible, from (2), (3), (5), (6) and (8) it can be concluded
the current standard specs. The only receiver architecture MS KS −1
that qP R = [qP R (kTs + τ0 )]k=0 , where qP R (t) is given
known to the authors that can work with differential encoding,
independently of the type of the transmitted waveform is the N −1
sampling receiver, shown in Fig. 1, with Sample–wise DPSK qP R (t) = b (n) |u(t − nLTw )|2 . (9)
detection (S-DPSK) [4]. n=0
In other words, vector qP R represents samples of MS repeti- Consider detection of SFD at time instance τ̂SHR . Since in
tions of CP A modulated by |u(t)|2 . SFD detection timing of the rectangular window corresponding
To improve SNR and reduce size of vector it in reality to each chip is known, receiver needs only to sample at time
operates with, the receiver is able to sum–up samples of qP R instances located within this window:
which are KS samples apart, i.e. correspond to the same CP A ν−1
siSF D (τ̂SHR ) = [s (τ̂SHR + (iKC + ks ) Ts )]ks =0 , (16)
element and the same sample of |u(t)|2 :
for i = 0, . . . , Θ. Sample vectors of consecutive chips are
S −1
zP R = qP R (mKs , . . . , (m + 1) Ks − 1). (10) n H o
m=0 qSF D (i) = ℜ siSF D (τ̂SHR ) si+1 SF D (τ̂ SHR ) , (17)
In order to estimate timing of the SFD, receiver circularly Θ−1
correlates the vector zP R with the kernel vector y: with qSF D = [qSF D (i)]i=0 , where superscript “H” denotes
Hermitian transpose. In order to determine if at τ̂SHR is
x P R = y ⊙ zP R , (11) indeed located CSF D (hypothesis H1 ) or it is one of possible
MP A − MS − 1 CP A sequences remaining after preamble
where “⊙” denotes circular correlation. Kernel vector y is synchronization (hypothesis H0 ), receiver performs likelihood
constructed as the sequence CP A modulated by a rectangular test
KS −1
window of ν < KC samples width; y = [y(k)]k=0 , with H 1
( CTSF D qSF D < CTP A qSF D . (18)
CP A (k ÷ KC ) , (k mod KC ) < ν,
y(k) = (12) H0
ητ (dB)
10−2 0.4
10−3 0.2
10−4 0
10 12 14 16 18 10 12 14 16 18 20
Eb /N0 (dB) in payload Eb /N0 (dB) in payload
(a) (b)
Fig. 2. Preamble detection performance for 3 different sequence sets considered. (a) Probability of preamble detection failure. (b) Timing estimation loss –
ητ .
100 100
Preamble, CSF D = −CP A Preamble, CSF D = −CP A
Payload, CSF D = −CP A Payload, CSF D = −CP A
Preamble, |CSF D | =6 |CP A | Preamble, |CSF D | =6 |CP A |
10−1 10−1
SFD, |CSF D | =
6 |CP A | SFD, |CSF D | =
6 |CP A |
Payload, |CSF D | =
6 |CP A | Payload, |CSF D | =
6 |CP A |
Packet error rate
10−2 10−2
10−3 10−3
10−4 10−4
10 12 14 16 18 10 12 14 16 18
Eb /N0 (dB) in payload Eb /N0 (dB) in payload
(a) (b)
Fig. 3. Different causes of packet error rate for two cases: CSF D = −CP A , |CSF D | =
6 |CP A |. (a) Large Kasami set. (b) Gold set.
Therefore, our overall recommendation is to use the Gold [3] I. Dotlić and R. Kohno, “Low Complexity Chirp Pulsed Ultra–Wideband
set of length 31 for the preamble with the SFD being a single System with Near–Optimum Multipath Performance,” IEEE Transactions
on Wireless Communications, 2011, accepted for publication.
inverted instance of the preamble sequence. [4] I. Dotlic and R. Kohno, “Performance analysis of Impulse Radio Ultra–
Wideband differential detection schemes for Body Area Networks,” in
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