TEC1-12706 Thermoelectric Converter - EN
TEC1-12706 Thermoelectric Converter - EN
TEC1-12706 Thermoelectric Converter - EN
Have fun!
Table of Contents
Working principle...........................................................................................6
The pinout.....................................................................................................7
Connection example......................................................................................8
Depending on the direction of the current, when current is applied one side
gets hot and the other gets cold. For device to be most effective the heat
sink has to be mounted on the hot side for the heat transfer, otherwise the
cooling effect will be minimized and it will not give proper results.
For proper usage of the device heat sinks must be used, otherwise
introducing a current to the device may damage it. A heat sink has to be
installed on the hot side of the device.
The cold side of the module is applied to the object being cooled and the
hot side of the module mounted on a heat sink.
• Food and beverage service refrigerator
• Portable cooler box for cars
• Liquid cooling
• Temperature stabilizer
• Photonic and medical systems
• CPU cooling system in PC
Working principle
The pinout
The TEC1-12706 thermoelectric converter module has two pins. The pinout
is shown on the following image:
Connection example
The following image is an example how to connect the module the power
NOTE: The power supply for the thermoelectric module has to be able to
deliver the minimum 6A of continuous current.
Now it is the time to learn and make your own projects. You can do that with
the help of many example scripts and other tutorials, which can be found on
the Internet.
Have Fun!