English 8
English 8
English 8
Fostering Catholic Education leads to human formation and helps share the Church’s mission.
The Holy Child Academy – Ubay envisions to give a holistic, quality Catholic education and to build a community of Christ’s living witnesses who constantly live – out the
Gospel values and continually grow in knowledge, wisdom and grace.
To provide holistic quality Catholic education through the integration of the Gospel values in the pursuit of academic excellence to become globally competitive.
Prayer Humility Honesty Integrity Respect Academic Excellence Generosity Service Sincerity Stewardship
MELS8G-I-5 Identify Sentence Aligning Cidro, Mark Gleen, Sibs Academic
and use signals that Construction thoughts in a Publishing House, Excellence
indicate coherence. sentence NEXUS8, Lesson 5, p.
EN8G-If-7: Use Sentence Worksheet Lapid M.G and Serrano Sincerity
parallel structures. Revision J.B. (2018). English
Communication Arts
(Information Literacy) and Skills through Afro-
Asian Literature 8
(ECAS) Lesson 1, p. 7,
Phoenix Publishing
EN8OL-Ie-5: Use Sentence Worksheet Lapid M.G and Serrano Academic
appropriate prosodic Construction J.B. (2018). English Excellence
features of speech Communication Arts
when delivering lines. and Skills through Afro-
Asian Literature 8
(Critical Thinking) (ECAS) Lesson 1, p. 43,
Phoenix Publishing
EN8G-Ib-8: Use Performance Rubrics Lapid, M.G. & Serrano, Honesty
appropriate cohesive Task J.B. (2018). English
devices in composing Communic ation Arts
an informative Through Afro-Asian
speech. Literature. Phoenix
Publishing House.
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