U.G. 6th Semester Examination 2022 PHYSICS (Honours) : UG/6th Sem (H) / 22 (CBCS)
U.G. 6th Semester Examination 2022 PHYSICS (Honours) : UG/6th Sem (H) / 22 (CBCS)
U.G. 6th Semester Examination 2022 PHYSICS (Honours) : UG/6th Sem (H) / 22 (CBCS)
SEC 2 - A
(Renewable Energy)
Answer all questions. 2×20=40
Choose the correct option.
1. What should be the band gap of the semiconductors to be used as solar cell materials ?
(a) 0.5 eV
(b) 1.0 eV
(c) 1.5 eV
(d) 1.9 eV
(a) O2
(b) CO2
(c) N 2
(d) H2O
Moments1 ( 2 )
4. In which of the following conditions bio-gas is produced ?
(b) USA
(c) India
(d) Netherland
Moments1 ( 3 )
9. What is tidal mill ?
(b) A barrage
11. Kinetic energy that results from the oscillation of water is called —
(a) Purulia
(b) Darjeeling
(c) Bankura
(d) Durgapur
Moments1 ( 4 )
14. Most efficient power plant is —
(a) Coal
(b) Nuclear
(c) Hydro
(d) Oil
(a) Petrol
(b) Diesel
(c) Kerosene
(d) Fenile
Moments1 ( 5 )
19. Which of the following is responsible for thermal energy ?
(a) UV
(b) Infrared
(c) Gamma
(d) X-ray
20. How does the inclination of earth’s axis affect the incoming solar radiation ?
Moments1 ( 6 )
SEC 2 - B
(Basics of Programming and Scientific Word Processing )
(a) to provide the interface between the API and application program
2. A CPU contains —
(b) char*str;
Moments1 ( 7 )
5. What will be the output of the following C code ?
1. #include <stdio.h>
2. int main()
3. {
5. chr=128;
6. printf(“%d\n”, chr);
7. return 0;
8. }
(a) 128
(b) – 128
(c) Depends on the compiler
(d) None of the mentioned
6. What will be the final value of x in the following C code ?
1. #include <stdio.h>
2. void main()
3. {
4. int x = 5*9/3+9;
5. }
(a) 3.75
(b) Depends on compiler
(c) 24
(d) 3
7. The first widely-used high level language developed in 1957.
(a) C
(b) Java
(c) Fortran
(d) Cobol
Moments1 ( 8 )
8. The delimeter in a FORTRAN code is —
(a) semicolon
(c) colon
(d) comma
(a) P+Q+
(b) Continue
(c) do i=1,100
11. Which command is used to specify the author(s) of the document in LATEX ?
(a) \title
(b) \author
(c) \date
(d) \document
(b) setcolor{text}
(d) \color{text}
Moments1 ( 9 )
13. Correct syntax for inline formula in LATEX —
(a) $f(x)=x^2$
(b) {f(x)=x^2}
(c) * f(x)=x^2*
(d) (f(x)=x^2)
(a) \begin{tables}
(b) \start{tabular}
(c) \open{table}
(d) \begin{tabular}
(a) \large
(b) \small
(c) \scriptsize
(d) \tiny
Moments1 ( 10 )
18. Which of the following error can a compiler check ?
(a) \newcommand
(b) \begin{command}
(c) \commandnew