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1. An ordinary tube light used f or lighting purposes contains (a) f luorescent material and an inert gas (b) one f ilament, ref lective material and mercury vapour (c) f luorescent material and mercury vapour (d) two f ilaments, f luorescent material and mercury vapour 2. T he term Black Box is more commonly used in relation to which of the f ollowing? (a) It is a box in which high grade uranium is kept to prevent radiation. (b) It is a time capsule in which records of important events are kept to be opened at a later date, (c) It is a f light recorder in an aero plane. (d)None of these 3. T he lightning conductor used in building, protects the building by (a) dissipating the electric charge away f rom the building (b) conducting the lightning saf ely to the ground (c) absorbing the electric charge (d) None of these 4. Sodium vapour lamps are pref erred over incandescent lamp because of (a) higher tolerance to voltage f luctuation (b) higher intensity of illumination (c) easy installation (d) None of these 5. T he principle of working of periscope is based on (a) ref lection only (b) ref raction only (c) ref lection and ref raction (d) ref lection and interf erence 6. T he working of the quartz crystal in the watch is based on (a) Johnson ef f ect (b) Photoelectric ef f ect (c)Edison ef f ect

(d) Piezo electric ef f ect 7. A handwritten message can be instantly transmitted as such to any part of the world through (a) Speed post (b) Telex (c)Electronic mail (d) FAX 8. Which of the f ollowing combinations of aperture and shutter speed of a camera will allow the maximum exposure? (a) F-5.6,1/l000 (b) F-8,l/250 (c) F-16,l/l25 (d) F-22,1/60 9. Hardware is related to? (a) calculator (b) computers (c) acids (d) heavy metals 10. Which of the f ollowing best explains the phenomenon Simple Harmonic Motion? (a) Cylinder (b) Disc (c) Pendulum (d) None of these 11. Jet engines are (a) rotary engines (b) turbine engines (c) external combustion engines (d) reaction engines 12. In an engine run on diesel, ignition is caused through (a)f riction (b) automatic starter (c)spark plug (d) compression 13. In an electronic watch, the component corresponding to the pendulum of a pendulum clock is (a)Transistor (b) Balance Wheel (c) Crystal Oscillator (d) Diode 14. T he hydraulic brakes used in automobiles is a direct application of ? (a) Archimedes Principle (b) Toricellian law (c) Bernoullis theorem (d) Pascals law 15. Which of the f ollowing statements is correct? (a) Dynamo converts electrical energy into heat energy and electric motor converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. (b) Dynamo converts mechanical energy into electrical energy and electric motor converts electrical energy into mechanical energy.

(c) Both dynamo and electric motor convert electrical energy into mechanical energy. (d) Both dynamo and electric motor convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. 16.. An electron microscope gives higher magnif ication than an optical microscope because (a) it uses more powerf ul lenses. (b) the velocity of electrons is smaller than that of visible light. (c) the electrons have more energy than the light particles. (d) the wavelength of electrons is smaller as compared to the wavelength of visible light. 17. T he conversion of electrical energy into chemical energy is observed in ? (a) f an (b) storage battery (c) heater (d) incandescent bulb 18. T he most ef f icient engine is ? (a) Petrol (b) Diesel (c) Electric (d) Steam 19. T he tape of a tape recorder is coated with (a) Z inc oxide (b) Copper sulphate (c) Mica (d) Ferromagnetic powder 20. When a coil is rotated in magnetic f ield, induced current is generated in the coil. T his principle is used in making ? (a) electromagnet (b) electric motor (c) electric generator (d) electric watt meter 21. Distant objects can be seen with the help of (a) chronometer (b) microscope (c)telescope (d) spectroscope 22. T he saf ety f use should have (a) high resistance and high melting point (b) high resistance and low melting point (c) low resistance and high melting point (d) low resistance and low melting point 23. Greenhouse is? (a) a building chief ly of glass in which the temperature is very low. (b) a building in which green plants are cultivated. (c) a building chief ly of glass in which the temperature is maintained within the desired range. (d) None of these 23. Given below are some of the home appliances: 1. 1/8 H.P. Water pump 2. Fluorescenttubelight 3. Room heater

4. Night lamp Which of the f ollowing is the correct sequence in decreasing order of the wattage of the above? (a) 2,1,3,4 (b) 3,1,2,4 (c)3,2,1,4 (d) 4,2,1,3 25. Which of the f ollowing is/are true regarding the third (thicker) pin in a 3-pin plug? 1. It ensures better electrical contact. 2. It is connected to the body of the electrical device. 3. It is connected to the earth terminal. 4. It is connected to the neutral terminal. (a) 1 and2 (b) 2 and 3 (c) 1 and3 (d) 4only 26. Consider the f ollowing statements about a thermos f lask: 1. It is a practical device in which the beat f lowing into or out of the system by conduction, convection or radiation is reduced as much as possible. 2. It consists of a double walled glass vessel. 3. T he heat transf er by convection is minimized by silvering the surf aces and the radiation is minimized by evacuating the space between the walls. Of these, the correct ones are (a) l and 2 (b) 2 and 3 (c) l and 3 (d) l,2 and 3 27. Which of the f ollowing are true regarding the compact f luorescent tubes now available in market f or home use? 1. T hey use less power (about 20%) compared to f ilament type bulbs f or same amount of light. 2. T hey operate at higher voltages. 3. T hey are narrower and shorter than common f luorescent tubes. (a) l and 2 (b) 2 and 3 (c) 1 and 3 (d) 1,2 and 3 28. In an ordinary dry cell, the electrolyte is (a) sulphuric acid (b) manganese dioxide (c) ammonium chloride (d) zinc 29. Which of the f ollowing pairs of materials serves as electrodes in chargeable batteries commonly used in devices such as torch lights, electric shavers etc. ? (a) Iron and cadmium (b) Nickel and cadmium (c) Lead peroxide and lead (d) Z inc and carbon 30. T he mixed oxide f uel is used f or which of the f ollowing? (a) Nuclear Reactors (b) Aero planes

(c) Cryogenic Engines (d) PSLV rockets 31. Conversion of chemical energy into electrical energy occurs in ? (a)dynamos (b) electric heaters (c)battery (d) atomic bombs 32. In the ordinary f ire extinguisher, carbon dioxide is generated by the reaction of ? (a) marble powder and dilute HCL (b) magnesite and dilute HCL (c) limestone and dilute Sulphuric Acid (d) sodium bicarbonate and dilute Sulphuric Acid 33. Which of the f ollowing take place when the subject speaks untruth while being tested by the polygraph instrument? 1.. His blood pressure goes up. 2. His pulse quickens. 3. His skin darkens. 4. He sneezes. (a) l and 2 (b) 3 and 4 (c) l,2 and 3 (4) 2,3 and 4 34. What is the f unction of a microprocessor in a computer? (a) It allows the key board to write on the computer. (b) It allows the outputs to be taken f rom a computer. (c) It perf orms all the f unctions of a CPU (Central Processing Unit). (d) None of these 35.Teletext means? (a) the process of convening black & white T V sets into coloured ones. (b) f lashing of telephone conversation on T V screen. (c) f lashing the text of the message on the telex machine. (d) f lashing of the text of news and inf ormation on the T V screen. 36. Which of the f ollowing statements about a ref rigerator is/are correct? 1. It converts electrical energy into heat energy. 2. It converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. 3. It transf ers heat f rom a high temperature to a low temperature. 4. It transf ers heat f rom a low temperature to a high temperature. (a) 1 and3 (b)2 and 3 (c) 1 and 4 (d) 4 only 37. Which of the f ollowing statements are true regarding transmission of television programmes? 1. Picture is transmitted with velocity of light. 2. Sound is transmitted with velocity of sound. 3. Sound is transmitted with velocity of light. 4. Dif f erent colours of the picture.are transmitted with dif f erent velocities. (a) l and 3 (b) 1,2 and 3

(c) 2,3 and 4 (d) l,3 and 4 38. T he anode in a dry cell consists of (a) graphite (b) zinc (c) copper (d)cadmium 39. T he technique used to transmit audio signals in television broadcasts is (a) Amplitude Modulation (b) Frequency Modulation (c) Pulse Code Modulation (d) Time Division Multiplexing 40 Floppy disc in a computer system is (a) compiler (b) core memory (c) sof tware (d) device f or storing and retrieving data 41. T he best colour (s) f or a sun umbrella will be (a)black (b) black on top and white on the inside (c)white on top and black on the inside (d) printed with all the seven colours of rainbow 42. Which one of the f ollowing can be used to conf irm whether drinking water contains a gamma emitting isotope or not? (a) Spectrophotometer (b) Microscope (c) Scintillation counter (d) Lead plate 43. T he f ollowing processes take place during the launching of a rocket: 1. Rocket f uel is burnt. 2. Gases are produced. 3. Rocket moves in the f orward direction. 4. Gases come out with momentum in back ward direction. T he correct sequential order in which the above processes occur, is (a) 1,2,3,4 (b) 1,3,2,4 (c) 1,2,4,3 (d) 1,3,4,2 44. A computer can be f reely programmable (a) if it is of a digital type ( if it is controlled synchronously (c) if it contains a read only memory (ROM) (d) if it contains a random access memory(RAM) 45. Which of the f ollowing polymers is widely used f or making bullet proof material? (a) Polyethylene (b) Polyamides (c) Polyvinyl chloride

(d) Polycarbonates 46. What is a f low chart in computer terminology? (a) A graphical representation of a sequence of operations in a computer program (b) A circular chart used f or computer languages (c) A debugging programme. (d) None of these 47. A transistor is most likely to be f ound in a (a)wrist watch (b) f use (c)hearing aid (d) f luorescent lamp 48. Ball bearings are used to reduce f riction by (a) applying lubricants to the balls used (b) reducing the area of contact with the use of metallic balls (c) increasing the area of contact with the use of metallic balls (d)None of these 49. Aviation f uel f or jet aeroplanes consists of purif ied (a)petrol (b) kerosene (c)gasoline (d) diesel 50. Recoil of a gun is an example of (a) conservation of mass (b) conservation of energy (c) conversion of Potential Energy into Kinetic Energy (d) conservation of linear momentum ANSWERS: 1. D 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. D 7. D 8. B 9. B 10. C 11. D 12. D 13. C 14. D 15. B 16. D 17. B 18. C 19. D 20. C 21. C 22. B 23. C 24. B 25. B 26. A 27. D 28. C 29. B 30. C 31. C 32. D 33. A 34. C 35. D 36. C 37. A 38. A 39. C 40. D 41. C 42. C 43. C 44. C 45. A 46. A 47. C 48. B 49. A 50. D

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