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1. Background

As an International language, English is used for communication among

nation and has become one of the most important languages in the world (Cook,

1996:1). English as an international language is used to communicate in all over

the world in the case of trading, politics, business, technology, etc. In Indonesia,

English is taught as a compulsory subject for the students of Elementary School,

Junior High School, Senior High School and University. Since it is an

international language, English is one of the most language that should be learned.

There are four skills in learning English, namely; listening, reading,

speaking and writing. Reading is the skill that very important to get knowledge.

According Pollard (2008:44) state that reading is a great source of language

learning, language can be acquired from reading as opposed to studied directly.

Reading is about understanding written texts. It is complex activity that involves

perception and thought.

Reading skill is one aspect of language skills, which has the main purpose

of seeking and obtaining information. With the growing information at this time,

it is a required adequate reading skill that is to facilitate in tapping the existing

information in various media sources. The ability of each person in understanding

what is read is different. It depends on who owned the vocabulary, interests, range

eyes, the speed of interpretation, and the background of previous experience,

intellectual abilities and familiarity with the idea that is read. Therefore it is not be

surprised if someone has different levels of ability in understanding a passage in

reading because there are several factors that influence it.

If someone knows about information after they reads something, in

reading students should be able to understand the text, predict what will come

next and bring his or her knowledge of the language to the text such as the

components of the language like grammars, vocabulary, spelling, pronunciation,

etc. because if they master about them, they could be more easy to understand

about content of the text. The ability to speak a language that is not one's own has

become a vital skill, and the world's politics and economy ride on the ability of

individuals to effectively communicate across cultural boundaries. The key to

communication lies in successful expression of one's intended meaning, which is

not always as easy as one would hope. All too often, students who have studied a

foreign language for years will go to the country where that language is spoken

only to find that despite years of study, they are still unable to express their

meaning to native speakers. Speaking skill is the most important skill, because the

purpose of language to communicate, and speaking as an oral communication that

vital component. Speaking is talk to somebody about something, use your voice to

say something; be able to use the language; make a speech to an audience; say or

state something. On the other hand, speaking is important skill that should be

learned by learners because speaking is a primary mode of communication to

speak well with others.

Based on interview with the teacher at SMP Negeri 7 OKU, there are

many problems in teaching speaking especially in the classroom. Usually, the

students always do mistake in grammar and pronunciation aspect. Basically they

only speak English. They do not pay attention to the sentence structure and correct

pronunciation. The second, the students are afraid of making mistake in speaking

English. In learning process, the students in junior high school have to learn four

language skills: they are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In speaking

there is correlation in linguistic especially in sociolinguistic, material about it

usually makes students mistake in learning process.

Based on description above, the writer will conducts a research entitled

“Correlation between Reading and Speaking Ability for the Fourth Semester

Students of English Study Program at Universitas Baturaja”.

2. Problem of Study

a. Limitation of Problem

The problem of this study is limits in correlation between reading and

speaking ability for the eighth grade students of SMP N 7 OKU. The writer will

limits and focuses the problems of the speaking ability (season) and reading

(descriptive paragraph).

b. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the background of the problem above, the main problem of this research

1) Is there any correlation between reading and speaking ability for the eighth

grade students of SMP N 7 OKU?”.

2) How is correlation between reading and speaking ability for the eighth grade

students of SMP N 7 OKU?”.

3. Objective of the Study

Based on the formulation of the problem above, the objective of the study is

to find out whether or not there is correlation between reading and speaking

ability for the eighth grade students of SMP N 7 OKU.

4. Significance of the Study

The significances of this research are as follow:

a. Researcher

The result of this study will be as source of material in conducting

similar studies or future studies.


The result of this study gives a good contribution to the development of

teaching and learning English as Foreign language.

c. Teacher

The result of this study gives contribution to be aware, if there is the

correlation between reading and speaking ability for the eighth grade students

of SMP N 7 OKU.

d. Students

The result of this study gives meaningful contribution to the students

of the eighth grade students of SMP N 7 OKU in helping them to solve their

difficulties in speaking active (season) and reading (descriptive paragraph).

5. Hypothesis

Hypothesis is a temporary answer to the research problems and the truth

would be proved through the collected data (Arikunto, 2010: 71). The hypothesis

of this study will consists of the null hypothesis (Ho) and the alternative

hypothesis (Ha), as stated below:

Ho: There is not significant correlation between reading and speaking ability for

the eighth grade students of SMP N 7 OKU.

Ha: There is significant correlation between reading and speaking ability for the

eighth grade students of SMP N 7 OKU.

6. Criteria for Testing Hypothesis

According to Sudijono (2006:136) stated that coefficient correlation (r)

which a number between 0 (null) until +1.00. If coefficient correlation +1.00 are

highest or if coefficient correlation 0 (null) is lower. While if coefficient

correlation more than +1.00, it means there is an error in accounting.

a) If r – obtained equal to or more than r – table, so the null hypothesis (ho)


b) If r – obtained less than r – table, so the null hypothesis (ho) acceptable.

7. Concept of Reading
Reading is the ability to draw meaning from the printed page and interpret

this information appropriately (Grabe & Stoller, 2002:9). And Reading is also a

comprehending process. The notion of comprehending is both obvious and subtle.

It is obvious in that any person could say that understanding a texts is the purpose

for reading, it is less obvious with aspect to the ways that such understanding

might be carried out by the reader, as will be seen in the next section. One

outcome of reading being a purposeful and comprehending process is that it is

also a learning process. This aspect of reading should be evident to anyone who

works in academic settings where the most common way for students to learn new

information is trough reading.

Reading is a process of negotiating meaning; the readers brings to the text

a set of schemata for understanding it, and in take is the product of that interaction

(Brown, 2004:189). Reading is considered by many to be the neglected aspect of

language teaching (Pollard, 2008:44). Reading is a great source of language

learning: language can be acquired from reading as opposed to studied directly.

Reading is bringing meaning to and getting meaning from printed or

written material (Tarigan, 2008:9). And the further Hodgoson in (Tarigan, 2008:7)


Reading is a process that is carried and used by readers to get the

message, which would be submitted by the author through the
medium of words or written language. A process that demands
that groups of words that form a unity will be seen in a glimpse
and the meaning of individual words will be known. If this is not
met, the message is written and implied will not be revealed or
understood, and the reading process is not performing well.
From opinion which states above, it can be concludes that reading is a skill

performed by the reader to understand the messages conveyed by the reader to

know the messages conveyed by the author through the medium of words or

written language.

According Brown (2004:186) there are three types (genres) of reading

text, they were:

1. Academic reading

- General interest articles, such as in magazine, newspaper, etc.

- Technical report, e.g., lab reports.

- Professional journal articles.

- Textbook, theses.

- Essays, papers.

- Test directions.

- Editorials and opinion writing.

2. Job-related reading

- Messages, e.g., phone messages.

- Letters/emails.

- Memos, e.g., interoffice.

- Reports, e.g., job evaluations and project reports.

- Schedules, labels, signs, announcements.

- Forms, applications, questionnaires.

- Financial documents, e.g., bills, invoices, etc.

- Directories, e.g., telephone, office, etc.

- Manuals, directions.

3. Personal reading

- Newspapers and magazines.

- Letters, emails, greetings cards, invitations.

- Messages, notes and lists.

- Schedules (train, bus, plane, etc).

- Recipes, menus, maps, calendars.

- Advertisements (commercial)

- Novels, short stories, jokes, drama, poetry.

- Financial documents, e.g., checks, tax forms, loan application.

- Form, questionnaires, medical reports, immigration documents.

- Comic strips and cartoon.

Silberstein (1994:12) explain four elements of reading process such as:

1. Reading is a complex information-processing skills in which the

readers interacts with text in order to (re)create meaningful discourse.

2. The reader is an active problem solving individual who coordinates a

number of skills and strategies to facilitate comprehension.

3. The goals of a reading program is to develop fluent independent

readers who set their own goals and strategies for reading and the

student learn aspects of the reading process through reading itself.

4. Reading activities are suggested by goals of readers and by specific

characteristics of reading passage. Reading task must be realistic in

terms of both language use and students abilities.

8. Concept of Descriptive Paragraph

Paragraph is a piece of written text. It contains several sentences. It can be

classified into three parts, they are the beginning, the body, and the ending

(Siahaan 2008:5). Generally there are four basic modes paragraph, they are

descriptive, narrative, expository, and persuasive. There are as follow:

1. Descriptive Paragraph

The primary purpose of descriptive paragraph is to describe a person, place, or

event, so that the topic can be clearly seen in the readers mind. The writer

must use vivid details that paint a picture for the reader.

2. Expository Paragraph

The primary purpose of expository paragraph is to provide information such

as an explanation or directions.

3. Narrative Paragraph

The primary purpose of narrative paragraph is to describe an experience,

event, or sequence of events in the form of story.

4. Persuasive Paragraph

The primary purpose of persuasive paragraph is to give an opinion and try to

influence the reader’s way of thinking with supporting evidence.

Descriptive genre has three parts:

1. The social function: the social function of the descriptive genre is to describe a

particular person, place or thing.

2. The generic structure, the generic structure is divided two kinds, the first one

is identification, it identifies the phenomenon of the place, person or thing to

be described and the second one is description, it describes part, qualities,

characteristics, and the way to be done (Haris Ma’ruf, 2006:3). Description

reproduces the way things look, smell, taste, feel, or sound.

3. Significant lexico grammatical features; focus on specific participant, use of

attribute and indentifying process, and use of simple present tense So,

descriptive paragraph is a kind of writing that describes a person, place, thing

or event.

9. Concept of Speaking Ability

Speaking a language is essentially difficultly for foreign language learners

because effective oral communication requires the ability to use the language

appropriately in social interactions (Shumin, 2002:201). Speaking is the process

of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal

symbols, in a variety of contexts (Juskow, 2005:13). Speaking is so much a part of

daily life that we take it for granted. The average person produces tens of

thousand of words a day, although some people like politicians may produce even

more than that. According to Thornbury (2005:9), speaking consists of at least

three stages:

a. Conceptualization, in term of its discourse type, its topic, and its purpose.

b. Formulation, this involves making strategic choices at the level of discourse,

syntax, and vocabulary.

c. Articulation, articulation involves the use of the organs of speech to produce


According to Lucy Pollards (2008: 33), Speaking is one of the most

difficult aspects for students to master. It is important to give students as many

opportunities as possible to speak in a supportive environment. In the social

activities we needed a language for communicate to each other. Speaking is a way

communication idea orally. Language is a social activities, it used to involve more

than one person for language. It was mean the language is important for people to

communicate with each other. Many students regarded speaking ability as the

measure of knowing a language. The students defined fluency as the ability to

converse with others, much more than the ability to read, write, or comprehend

oral language. They regarded speaking as the most important skill they could

acquire, and develop their ability to produce grammatically correct.

Harris (2000: 81) stated that Speaking is a complex skill requiring the

simultaneous use of a number of different abilities which often develope at

different rates. Either four of components in analysis of the speech process:

1) Pronunciation (including the segmental features-vowels and consonant-

and the stress and intonation patterns)

2) Loudness (too soft, dificult to her maybe mostly soft and unclear or

sometimes load or clear easy to hear)

3) Rate (the ease and speed of the flow of speech, speech is so halting, speech

is very slow and uneven, speech is frequently hesitant and jerky; sentences

may be left uncompleted, speech is occasionally hesitant, speech is

effortless and smooth and speech on all general topics as effortless and

smooth as a native speaker’s)

4) Word Usage (Vocabulary limited to minimum courtesy requirements,

vocabulary limited and very familiar topics, choice of words sometimes

inaccurate, vocabulary adequate to discuss special interests, vocabulary

broad, precise and adequate to cope with complex practical problems and

vocabulary apparently as accurate and extensive as that of an educated

native speaker)

From the definition above, it is clear that speaking is one of the language

skills that must be learn of the students in the process of teaching and learning

language especially in English. Speaking helped student in expressing our idea

and feeling to speech of someone and also speaking concerned with the use of the

language daily in which people needed to communicate with each other.

10. Review Text to Speaking

According to Siahaan (2008: 12), review text is an evaluation of a

publication, such as a movie, video game, musical composition, book; a piece of

hardware like a car, home appliance, or computer; or an event or performance,

such as a live music concert, a play, musical theatre show or dance show.

According to Brown (2004:186), a review text is a flexible genre which may vary

according to the nature of the creative work being worked on, the intended

audience, and the aspects of the work considered worth commenting on. The

purpose of review text is to analyze and evaluate some creative works, and to
inform people about its strengths and weaknesses. In learning process review text

to speaking or telling the story, there are eight steps :

1) Reads the text or article, begin by looking quickly at the opening statements,

headings and opening sentences of each paragraph and the conclusion. Then

go back to the beginning and read the article in its entirety. Reading the article

a third time with a highlighter or pen in hand allows for making notes or

highlighting important sections.

2) Create a summary outline. This is an outline of the main points made in the

text or article and the supporting research or arguments.

3) Write an outline with own opinions. Review each item in the summary outline

to determine whether the author was accurate and clear. Write down in outline

form all instances of effective writing, new contributions to the field, as well

as areas of the article that need improvement.

4) Start review by referring to the title of the article in the first paragraph.

5) Summarize the text or article. Express the main points and arguments of the

article in own words, referring to summary outline for assistance.

6) Write the opinion portion of the text or article review. Use outline of opinions

to write several paragraphs explaining how well the author addressed the

topic. Express opinion about whether the article was a clear, thorough and

useful explanation of the subject.

7) Conclude the article review. In a paragraph, summarize the main points of the

article, as well as opinions about its significance, accuracy and clarity.

8) Publish or share review the text. After review text or article, we can share or

talking with friends or family.

Based on explanation above, the writer can conclude if in review text to

speaking, we needs eight steps there are reads the text, create a summary outline,

write an outline with own opinions, start review by referring, summarize the text

or article, write the opinion portion of the text, conclude the article review.

11. Relative Previous Study

After surveying the literature of this study, the writer found a relevant study

that discussed about grammar. A study is written by Windra (2011), in her study

entitled “The Relationship between Students’ Motivations toward Their Reading

Ability for Eighth Grade at SMP Negeri 23 OKU”.

There are some similarities and differences between windra’s study and the

writer study are both investigated about the reading. The research method is also

descriptive method. The difference are windra’s study are location, time,

population, sample of study and soon.

12. Method of Research

This research is be conducted by using the descriptive method. This method

is chosen by the researcher because it is appropriate to describe the facts and the

data obtained from the research as what Sugiono (2008:89) descriptive theory is

describe systematically about theory and research result which relevant to

research variable. The writer will use this method to describes or interpret the data
on correlation between reading and speaking ability for the eighth grade students

of SMP N 7 OKU.

13. Operational Definition

In order to avoid misunderstanding, the writer considers that it is necessary

define the terms will use in this study.

a. Correlation means the natural relationship in this is interrelatedness between

students score in English vocabulary and those reading.

b. Reading descriptive paragraph is an activity to get written message by the text

about something in detail; it can be about place, thing or people.

c. Speaking means one of the language skills that must be learn of the students in

the process of teaching and learning language especially in English.

14. Research Variables

Variables is component in research, it means object or phenomena

research. According to Walled (1991:31-36) stated that variable is any

characteristic that is not always the same that is any characteristic that varies,

there are two variables is follow:

a. Independent variable presumed to have an effect on to influence some how

another variable. It is reading.

b. Dependent variable is the variable that the independent variable is presumed to

effect. It is speaking ability.

15. Population and Sample

a. Population

According to Gay (1992: 122) state that population is the group of interest

to the researcher, the group to which she or he would like the result of the study to

be generalizable. Beside, according to Fraenkel and Wallen (2012:106),

population refers to all the members of a particular group. Population could be

individual, groups, school, class, organization, etc. From the statement above, the

writer will conclude that population is the total objects to be study in research.

Population of this study is the eighth grade students of SMP N 7 OKU in

academic 2014/2015

Table 1
Population of the Eighth Grade Students at SMP N 7 OKU

No Class Male Female Number Of Students

1 VIII.1 16 16 32
2 VIII.2 16 17 33
3 VIII.3 17 17 34
4 VIII.4 17 15 32
5 VIII.5 14 17 31
6 VIII.6 15 19 34
7 VIII.7 17 16 33
Total 112 117 229

(Sources: SMP Negeri 7 OKU in academic year 2014/2015)

2. Sample of the research

Sample is a smaller group or subset of the population in such a way that

the knowledge gained is representative of the total under study (Cohen et al,

2005:175). According to Gay (1992:123) sampling is the process of selecting a

number of individuals for a study in such a way that the individuals represent the
larger group from which they were selected. In this study, the writer will use

cluster random sampling to take the sample.

Frankel & Wallen (1991:136) states that cluster random sampling is

included in the sample, the cluster are preferably select randomly from large

population of cluster. By cluster sampling the researcher will select a specific

number of classes in a school and test all the students in that selected class. In a

cluster sample the parameters of the wider population are often drawn very

sharply, therefore the research was have to comment on generalize ability of the

findings (Cohen et al, 2005:101). It means that cluster random sampling will

select the samples in a wide population based on the group or class. The

procedures of selecting the sample with uses cluster random sampling are as


a. The writer writes all the names of the classes on a paper than rolling paper

b. The writer puts the name of the classes into a box

c. The writer chooses one of the classes, the researcher picks classes VIII.1

as experimental group. The sample is described in the table bellow:

Table 2
The Sample of the Research
No Class Male Female Numbers of students

1 VIII.4 17 15 32
Total 32

16. Technique for Collecting Data

In technique for collecting data there are two instruments, in simple past

tense and speaking. According to Sudan (2009: 99) stated that ones of the

techniques for collecting data are test. For this research the writer will use the tests

for the students to collect the data. According to Fraenkel and Wallen (2012:172)

test is an instrument or procedure that proposes a sequence of tasks to which a

student is to respond. In this study, the material from the test is multiple choice in

reading descriptive paragraph and oral test in speaking ability. The total numbers

of items for reading descriptive paragraph are 25 item and ability in speaking

about season.

1. Validity of Reading

All good tests must have at least these qualities. Validity is an important

key to effective research. If a piece of research is invalid then it is worthless.

Apccording to Cohen (2005: 105) stated that validity is thus a requirement

for both quantitative and qualitative/naturalistic research. Validity is based on the

view that it is essentially a demonstration that a particular instrument in fact

measures what it purports to measure, more recently validity has taken many

forms. Validity should be seen as a matter of degree rather than as an absolute

state. According to Wallen (1991: 88) stated that content validity related

evidence refers to the nature of content included within the instrument, and

specification the researcher will use to formulate the content. They were

consisting of objectives, materials, number of items, total and types of test. For

more explanation above could be seen in next pages.

Table 3
Specification of the Test

Total Types
Objective Materials
Items of test
To find out whether or not there The students are able 25 Multiple
has correlation between reading to comprehend Choose
and speaking ability for the descriptive paragraph
eighth grade students of SMP N

2. Validity of the Students test in Speaking

To measure whether the test was good validity or not, the researcher uses

construct validity. Construct validity is an abstract; this separates it from the

previous types of validity which dealt in actualities – defined content (Cohen, et al

2005:110). Because construct validity focus on achievement motivation,

creativity, critical thinking ability and writing ability.

Table 4
Table of Specification of Test Item
Total Types of
Objective Materials
Items test
To know the students’ ability in Review text 1 Oral test
speaking for the eighth grade about Season
students of SMP N 7 OKU

3. Reliability of the test

Another characteristic of a good test is reliability. According to Cohen, et

al (2005:117) stated that reliability is essentially a synonym for consistency and

explicability over time, over instruments and over groups of respondents.

Reliability refers to the stability of the test score. According to Cohen, et al

(2005:118) to find out the reliability coefficient of the tests reading descriptive

paragraph uses KR-21 (Kuder- Richardson) with the SPSS Program and to find

out the reliability coefficient of the tests in speaking test uses Rank Order

Correlation formula from spearman with the SPSS Program. Rank order

correlation will use to decide the correlation between two parts, which have order

correlation. In this research, Rank Order Correlation would relate the correlation

between the students score rater one (RI) and rater two (R2) with the SPSS

Program. The writer use Rank Order Correlation Formula because base on the

items of the tests that was done in once test.

17. Technique for Analyzing the Data

In analyzing the data, obtained subject from test, the writer will conduct

the following procedures.

1. The students test in reading

a. To find out the individual students’ score the writer uses formula as follow:


S = Score

X = the number of correct answer

Q = total of question

b. To find out the average percentage students’ correct answer, the writer uses

formula the formula of percentage is:


X : The average percentage of students’ correct answer

B : Total number of students’ correct answer

t : Total number of test items

N : Total of samples (Depdiknas, 2006:49)

In this research to determining the score criteria of the students’ ability in

reading descriptive paragraph, the writer will use the criteria.

Table 5
Score Range and Criteria
Score Range Criteria
81 – 100 Very Good
71 – 80 Good
61 – 70 Enough
60 Poor

3. To get percentage the students’ score distribution, the writer will use



P : Percentage

F : Frequency

N : Total number of students (Sudijono, 2008:43)

2. The Students test in Speaking

In scoring the students’ speaking achievement, the writer will use a

speaking rating scale namely pronunciation and intonation, vocabulary, fluency,

and the last grammar and then interpretation the data would do. Speaking rating

scale by Kubiszyn and Boric (1993) cited in Rodiah (2010).

Table 6
The Scale of Oral Testing Evaluation

Aspect Description Score

Pronunciat few (1-20%) words pronounced correctly 1
ion Some (21-40%) words pronounced correctly 2
Many (41-60%) words pronounced correctly 3
most (61-80%) words pronounced correctly 4
All (81-100%) words pronounced correctly 5
Loudness Too soft, difficult to hear (1-20% words are difficult to hear) 1
Mostly soft and unclear (21-40% words are mostly soft and 2
unclear to hear)
Sometimes soft, sometimes loud (41-60% words are sometimes 3
soft and sometimes loud to hear)
Appropriate level of volume ( 60-80% words are appropriate 4
enough to hear)
Clear, easy to hear ( 81-100% words are clear and easy to hear) 5
Rate Too slow or too fast (1-20% words are too slow or too fast to 1
Mostly too slow or too past (21- 40% words are mostly too slow 2
or too fast to say)
Sometimes slow, sometimes fast (41-60% words are sometimes 3
slow and sometimes fast to say)
Not too slow or too fast (61-80% words are not too slow or too 4
fast to say
Clear, easy to hear (81-100% words are clear and easy to hear) 5
Word Mostly (1-20%) choose wrong words 1
usage Often (21-40%) choose wrong words 2
Word (41-60%) choose adequate, could be improve 3
Mostly (61-80%) choose right words 4
Always ( 81-100%) choose right words 5
The score of speaking based on the four elements can be compared in

percentage as follow:

a. Pronunciation…………………… 25%
b. Loudness…………………………25%
c. Rate………………………………25%
d. Word usage………………………25%
Total Percentage = 100%.

To find out the correlation this research, the writer will use Pearson

Product Moment. It uses to find or analysis students’ score while it is one of the

techniques to find out correlation between two variables. According to Sudijono

(2006: 196) stated correlation product moment uses to determine correlation two

variables. The writer uses the correlation analysis to find out the correlation study

between reading (variable X) and ability in speaking (variable Y). The writer not
only will use the correlation product moment’s formula but also will use

Statistical Package for Service Solution (SPSS) to analyze two statistical.

The correlation coefficient was a number between 0 and 1. If there was no

relationship between the predicted values and the actual values the correlation

coefficient is 0 or very low. As the strength of the relationship between the

predicted values and actual values increases so did the correlation coefficient. A

perfect fit gave a coefficient of 1.0. That’s the higher correlation coefficient the

better. The level of correlation can see in Sudijono (2009:180) stated that general

coefficient correlation was follow:

Table 7
Size of correlation coefficient

Correlation value Interpretation

0.00 – 0.20 Very low
0.20 – 0.40 Low
0.40 – 0.70 Moderate
0.70 – 0.90 High (Good)
0.90 – 1.00 Very high

18. Tentative Schedule of the Study

Based on the tentative schedule of this research, four phasing of the

research there are : prepare of the research at November until April, collecting

the data at May until June, analyzing of the data at July until September, and

the lass thesis examination at September.

The tentative schedule of this research is formulated in table 8.

Table 8
Tentative Schedule
2014 2015
No Phasing of the research
11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Preparing of the research X X X X X X
2 Collecting the data X X
3 Analyzing of the data X X X
4 Thesis Examination X


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education, 8th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Gay, L.R.(1992). Educational research competencies for analysis and

application. New York: Maxwell

Juskow. (2005). Lamguage Teaching Methodology. The Graduate Program of

English Education of UST Yogyakarta. Accessed on November 23 rd, 2014
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Linse, C. (2006). Practical English Language Teaching: Young learners. USA:


Michael. (2009). Developing Speaking Skill of Japanese Upper. Secondary

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Paradis. (2012). Is the notion of linguistic competence at all relevant in Cognitive
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Pollard, L. (2008). Teaching English: A book to help you through your first to
years in teaching. Lucy Pollard.

Richard, J., & Renandya, W. (2003). Methodology in language teaching an

anthology of current practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Shumin. K. (2002). Methodology in Language Teaching Speaking. New York:

Cambridge. University Press.

Sudijono, A. (2008). Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan. Jakarta:PT Raja Grafindo


Sugiyono. (2011). Metode Penelitian Kualitatif, Kuantitatif dan R&D. Bandung :


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Incorporating to develop english speaking ability of Mattayom suksa 4
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Subject : English
Aspect/Skill : Speaking
Theme : Giving opinion about season

1. Write your name and your class clearly on the paper
2. Use your time adequately

Direction: The students are able to speak on chooses one of the following topics
by using your own word!

Then perform in front of the class with the topic

“Giving opinion about season”

Source: Kumpulan Soal tingkat Universitas, Yuniarti. (2014).


Subject : English
Aspect/Skill : Speaking
Theme : Giving opinion about season

1. Write your name and your class clearly on the paper
2. Use your time adequately

Direction: The students are able to speak on chooses one of the following topics
by using your own word!

Then perform in front of the class with the topic

“Giving opinion about smoking”

Source: Kumpulan Soal tingkat Universitas, Yuniarti. (2014).


Subject : English
Aspect/Skill : Speaking
Theme : Giving opinion about season


1. Write your name and your class clearly on the paper

2. Use your time adequately

Direction: The students are able to speak on chooses one of the following topics
by using your own word!

Then perform in front of the class with the topic

“Giving opinion about drugs”

Source: Kumpulan Soal tingkat Universitas, Yuniarti. (2014).


Read the text and choose the right answer of the question in follow it!


Many Indonesian people do not know the four seasons; summer, autumn,

winter and spring. In Indonesia there only two seasons; the dry and wet seasons.

In Indonesia with four seasons, the temperature differs greatly from season

to season. To some of us, Summer whether is familiar. Its temperature or heat is

almost the same as hot of our dry seasons.

Following the hot summer days comes autumn, and nature begins to

change. The green leaves change to yellow, red, and brown. Finally those dry

leaves fall to the earth, leaving the trees with nothing in their branches. Autumn is

always beautiful. The falling is colorful. Cool air makes the season the most
popular time for picnics. As the last leaves fall to the earth, the wind becomes

colder. Finally everything is dull.

In winter, snow starts to fall, making the earth and everything white. The

temperatures are drops, and the winter is very cold, just of opposite of the

summer. In the Northem part of the globe, the temperature may decrease many

degrees below zero.

The comes spring. Spring seem to give a new life to nature. Having seen

mostly white all winter long, people always welcome early spring joyfully. Young

leaves start to grow on the branches of trees. More beautiful flowers grow after

some showers which often come during the lesson. Nature is now ready for the

next season, summer.

Read the text and choose the right answer of the question in follow it!
1. How many seasons do non tropical countries?
a. 2 c.3
b. 2 d.5

2. How many seasons are there in Indonesia?

a.3 c.2
b.4 d.5

3. In Indonesia, what are the seasons?

a. dry and wet c. summer and dry
b. autumn and summer d. winter and spring

4. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

a. in countries with four seasons
b. The temperature differs greatly from season to season
c. Summer weather is familiar
d. the heat same as the dry season.

5. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?

a. characteristic of autumn season
b. The green leaves change to yellow
c. The wind become colder
d. Autumn is always beautiful

6 What the characteristic of winter?

a. The green leave change to yellow, red, and brown
b .Snow start to fall, temperature drops, heater is very cold
c. The temperature is cold
d. More beautiful flower grow

7 .What the kind of seasons which is to give a new life to nature?

a. spring c. dry
b. autumn d. winter

8. What the main idea of the fourth paragraph?

a. Weather is very cold c. The characteristic of winter season
b. The temperature is drop d. snow start to fall

9. What the season which is have the same characteristic of the dry season in
a. summer c. spring b. winter d. Autumn

10. What the season which is more beautiful flowers grow after some showers
which often come during the season?
a. winter c .Autumn
b. spring d. dry
11. Generally snow start to fall, the temperature drops. is the season?
a. winter c. dry
b. spring d. wet

12. In countries with four season, when the time for picnic?
a. winter c. Autumn
b. spring d. dry

13. What the characteristic of spring season?

a. Young leaves start to grow on the branches of trees.
b. The temperature is hot
c. The temperature is drop
d. Always beautiful

14. in countries with four seasons, how about the temperature?

a. Have the similarities
b. the temperature differs greatly from season to season
c. commonly
d. weather is familiar

15. How about the temperature in summer?

a. is heat c. is cold
b. usual d. drops

16. What the season after the hot summer days?

a. Autumn c. Dry
b. summer d. spring

17. The temperature is decrease many degree below zero in the north part of
globe, what the season?
a. winter c. summer
b. dry d. wet

18. Leaving the trees with nothing on their branches, what the season?
a. summer c. autumn
b. winter d. dry

19. what the round of season in the four season countries?

a. summer, autumn, spring, winter
b. summer, autumn, winter, spring
c. autumn, spring, winter, dr
d. spring, autumn, dry, wet

20. What the main idea of the first paragraph?

a. the season in Indonesia
b. about the season
c. dry and wet season
d. season

21. When people need jackets or sweaters at?

a. summer c. autumn
b. winter d. dry

22. When is it rainy in Indonesia?

a. In the wet season
b. In the dry season
c. In summer
d. In winter
23. When people need umbrella or raincoat at?
a. summer c. autumn
b. winter d. rainy

24. When does autumn last every year?

a. June, July and August
b. March, April and May
c. December, January and February
d. September, Octobers and November

25. Leaves fall from the tree in the?

a. summer c. autumn
b. winter d. spring


1. B 11. A

2. C 12. C

3. A 13. D

4. B 14. B

5. A 15. A

6. B 16. A

7. A 17. A

8. C 18.C

9. A 19. B

10. B 20. B
21. B

22. D

23. D

24. B

25. C

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