The Correlation Between Students
The Correlation Between Students
The Correlation Between Students
(Case Study at the Second Year Students of MAN II Bekasi, Academic Year 2006-2007)
A. Background of Study
English is an international language. Almost all countries have adapted English used as
a compulsory subject at schools. The national education has decided that English as a foreign
language taught in Indonesian schools. It learned started from primary schools up to university.
People realize that teaching English at this level becomes very important and need much
Vocabulary is one important aspect in learning a foreign language. With a limited vocabulary
anyone will also has a limited understanding in terms of speaking, reading, listening, and
Because of the limited vocabulary, the learners cannot communicate to others clearly.
Sometimes it is difficult to group the idea transmitted to them. The acquisition of a large
number of vocabularies can help the students read, speak, listen, and write. A good
vocabulary and ability to use words correctly and effectively can help the students make school
work easier and more rewarding, and also many tests that they take in school include
vocabulary questions. The more vocabularies they know the better their chance to do well on
an English test.
pada kuantitas dan kualitas yang dimilikinya maka semakin besar kosakata yang kita miliki maka
semakin besar pula kemungkinan kita terampil berbahasa .1 (The quality of language skill depends
on the quantity and quality of vocabulary. The more vocabulary we have, the bigger possibility to
understanding English, people have to able to communicate English and also able to read
many kinds of English text. The ability to read is crucial in contemporary society. People find
many texts written in English, from holiday brochures to academic books, newspaper,
advertisements, etc. therefore, the ability to read English text in any form will give a great deal of
advantages in our lives. Harry Madox said that reading is the most important single in study .2
" "
And the curriculum stated that out of the four skills, listening, speaking, reading, and writing, the
main emphasis is on reading skill because it is believed that acquisition of reading in a second or
Reading is good thing in life because it is a factor of great importance in the individual
development and the most important activity in school. It is needed in every level of field of
study. Particularly in cases when students have to read English materials for their own special
Being able to read in English is very important as it is known that success in reading is
the most necessary because it is a basic tool of education. All the subjects in Elementary School
such as mathematics, science, language, and others depend on the ability to read. In high school
and college reading ability becomes even more important. Through reading we acquire new
ideas, obtain needed information, seek support for our ideas and broaden our interest. We can
also get the message that the writer had expressed. The ability to read helps to distinguish human
being from other animal. And one of the purposes of teaching English of a foreign language to
Indonesian people is that they can read, grasp the idea and understand the book written in
English. To achieve those purposes, students need a lot of words of English to master. As
Norbert said vocabulary is one of the most important skills in a language .4 So to achieve
" "
the success in language teaching learning process especially English, vocabulary is one of
Based on the description of vocabulary and reading above, it shows that they have
close relation. To get empirical data about it the writer will organize the test result to prove the
influence of student s achievement in vocabulary and reading. By getting the grades, the
writer tries to find an answer that students achievement in vocabulary influencing reading.
limitation of the problem as the follows: The correlation between students achievement in
Based on the statement above, he writer formulates the problem: is Whether "
students vocabulary has a correlation with reading in Second year students of MAN II
b. The writer wants to know whether students who have a good result in vocabulary test also
D. Methodology of Research
This work is based on field research. In the field research, the writer carries out the
observation at MAN II Bekasi, and gives some test of vocabulary and reading, and then the test
calculated. At the same time the writer also does an interview to they are English teacher of that of
the second year. Library research applied through reading some books and theories relevant to
the topics.
After scoring of such test, the writer will calculate Coefficient Correlation. Then the
writer will have some concerning with the students score vocabulary and reading. The writer
tries to determine that are there any correlation between students achievement in vocabulary
and reading? These scores will use the formula of Pearson Product Moment Correlation
background of the study, limitation and formulation of the problem, the objective of the study,
methodology of research and organization of he study.
vocabulary, kinds of vocabulary, teaching vocabulary. And also explains reading, definition of
Chapter three is research methodology finding. It involves the purpose of study, place
and time of study, method of study, the technique of sample taking, the technique of data
collecting, the research Instrument, technique of data analysis. In research finding involves
A. Vocabulary
1. Definition of Vocabulary
In this chapter the writer wants to explain definition of vocabulary in order to
understand a language the learners have to understand the definition of vocabulary first. It is
difficult to make one definition of vocabulary. So, the writer tries to take it from some references.
Vocabulary is the Everest of language .1 For this reason, a person who wants to be able
" "
to communicate in a certain language has to master the vocabulary of that language for the first
Vocabulary as one of the language aspects have to be learned when people are learning a
language. Good mastery of vocabulary is important for anyone who learns the language used in
listening, speaking, writing, and reading besides grammar. A learner of the foreign language
will speak fluently and accurately, write easily, or understand what he or she reads or hears if
he or she has enough vocabulary and has a capability of using it accurately. S. H. Burton said:
vividly .2According to Collier When a student has mastered the fundamental grammatical
" "
patterns of language, his next task is to master its vocabulary, or at least that of its vocabulary
because the English vocabulary is extremely large and varies as well. Therefore, it is highly
that someone know, learn of uses, or the words that are typically used when talking about
particular subject or a list of words with the explanations of their meanings in a book for learning
foreign language .
as a list of words ands, often, phrases, abbreviations, inflectional form, etc, usually arranged in
is considered as the most important part in learning a language. It is impossible for the students
to read, write and speak a foreign language without having enough knowledge of the
vocabulary. Learning the new vocabulary does not only mean memorizing the form of the word but
Generally, a student will absorb listening and speaking vocabulary before coming to the reading
and writing vocabulary. But in real situation, the process may change, especially in foreign
language teaching. Reading vocabulary may become the first stage before processing the
a. High frequency vocabulary consists of words that are used very often in normal language, use in
all four skills and across the full range of situation of use. High frequency vocabulary consists of
2000 word families, which are about 87% of the running words in formal written text and more
vocabulary. Motivated (active) vocabulary consists of all the words we need to use and feel no
reluctance in using in our everyday life. While, the unmotivated (passive) vocabulary can be
1. Words which are only partly understood and are not well known enough to use actively, and
daily activities, partly while, passive vocabulary is all the words recognized and understood,
and not necessarily used. Jo Ann Aebersold and Mary Lee Field classify into active and passive.
a. Active vocabulary refers to put item which the learner can use appropriately
although in fact it is more difficult to put into practice, its means that to use
b. Passive vocabulary refers to language items that can be recognized and understood in the
Besides receptive and productive vocabulary, Jo Ann Aebersold and Marry Lee Field
or content-specific vocabulary is the words that appear frequently in a particular text because
they are related to the topic of the text.11 For example, in a text on the topic of ice cream, the
words flavor, texture, cone, toppings and carton might appear frequently. So, those words can we
Meanwhile Djalinushah and Azimar Enong divided vocabulary into two, namely
general vocabulary and special vocabulary. General vocabulary is of the words that are used in
general. There is no limit of field and user. Special vocabulary is that the words that are used in
the certain field and job, profession of special science and technology.
From the explanation above, we know that every experts in every book is different in
classifying the kind of vocabulary, because every person has different way in showing and
telling their opinions and ideas. Some of them who emphasize vocabulary to the items
which the learners can use appropriately in speaking or writing and to the language items
which the learners can use appropriately in speaking or writing and to the language items
that can be recognized and understood in the context of reading and listening and some of
them classify vocabulary that they have made are different, but the point is the same, because
3. Teaching Vocabulary
Because of the importance of vocabulary, it needs a serious attention in learning
vocabulary from both learners and teachers. It becomes a great challenging act for the teacher to
teach vocabulary, what kind of methods they use, what kind of vocabulary that they give, or
how many vocabularies that they should teach. There are some key principles of teaching
5. Facilitate imaging.
6. Make new word real by connecting them to the students word in some way.
" " '
English skill, it all depends on the type of students, the school system and curriculum, the
word that are targeted and many other factors. The choice of vocabulary to teach is also limited
B. Reading
1. Definition of Reading
Reading knowledge is broadened and well-informed by reading. Reading is really
crucial our knowledge is usually broadened and informed by reading activities, and the
activity of reading can be found in the internet, book, etc.
Students should practice their reading more and more, so that their reading ability and
their reading experience will be improved. They may find difficulty and frustrating, but if they
keep practicing, they will have a good sense of English and will help them to grasp the total
meaning of the words. Another thing should be remembered in reading that students should not
a dictionary too often because it will slow down their reading rate and can make them bored.
If they find new words, they should try to guess the meanings by trying to find out any clue
reading. And also reading is a process to understand a written text which means extracting
According to Walter R. Hill Reading is what the reader does to get the meaning he
needs from textual sources. Meanwhile Guy L. Bond and Eva Bond Wagner explained the
meaning of reading as the process of acquiring and authors meaning and of interpreting,
" '
cognitive process, which means that the brain does most of the work. "16
Those statements above show the various definitions of reading, they mean generally.
Reading means a complex process of thinking in assigning meaning from printed materials
which involve most of the reader s intellectual act such as pronunciation and
comprehension in order to receive ideas or information extended by the text. It can be seen
that reading is not only looking at word in the form of graphic symbols but also getting meaning
from word to word or line to line to understand what we read. It means that reading is a process
2. Aims of Reading
A person may read for many purposes, and purpose helps to understand more
what is read by people. If he is reading for pleasure or reading for pure recreation and
enjoyment, he may read either quickly or slowly based on the way he likes or feels. But if reads
for studying or setting information such news, science or same line, which are part of his study or
According to Paul S. Anderson, there are seven aims of reading, reading for details
and fact, reading for main ideas, reading for sequence or organization, reading for inference,
reading for classifying, reading for evaluating and reading for comparing of contest
a. Reading for details and fact is reading to know what is done by the subject of the story
d. Reading for inference is reading to know what is the writer meant by its story
Meanwhile Lester and Allice Crow classified two general purposes. These purposes
Lester and Allice Crow, How to Study: to Learn Better, Pass Examination, Get better Grades (USA:
Collier Macmillan Publishers, 1976) p.53
1. Leisure-time reading. It is reading for enjoyment which may vary in to follow your favorite
2. More serious reading. It is reading to study for a goal such as to obtain factual information and
solve problems.
3. Types of Reading
Depending on the purposes of reading it also can be classified into two types of activities,
a. Intensive reading:
Intensive reading means reading shorter texts to extract specific information. This
activity is likely more to emphasize the accuracy activity involving reading for detail. The
process of scanning takes a more prominent role here than skimming. Reader is trying to absorb
all the information given, example: Reading dosage instruction for medicine.
b. Extensive reading:
Reader deals with a longer text as a whole, which requires the ability to understand the
component part and their contribution the overall meaning, usually for ones own pleasure. This is a
fluency activity, mainly involving global understanding. Example: Reading a newspaper, article,
In other words Francoise Grellet defines that skimming is quickly running one s eyes
" '
over a text to get the gist of it. While, scanning is quickly going through a text to find a
So if a person wants to get an address, phone number, a date in a book over paragraph in
order to locate a special piece of information, that activities is called scanning but if he reads all
" "
the passage in order to know about what it deals about his reading, that is called skimming .
" "
In skimming a reader must ask himself what the text is talked about. He must move
his eyes quickly over the text, looking especially at the main title, the beginning and the end,
and the first sentence of paragraph. In scanning the reader must ask himself weather or not the
text contains what he is looking for and if any, he must find where is located, he moves also
his eyes more or less quickly over the text for specific items.
4. Reading Comprehension
The essence of reading act is comprehension: it becomes a primary challenge in teaching or
learning of reading skill. In order to learn or understand the massage of the author, the
students are hoped to have the ability to comprehend the written textbook.
Comprehension means understanding the meaning or the point of a topic, F. Dubin, D.E
Eskey and W. Grabe show a more specific explanation, comprehension means relating what
we do not know or new information, which is not random collection of facts but a theory of a
Reading with comprehension means to understand what has been read. Dorothy Rubin
abilities. The two major abilities concern word meanings and reasoning with verbal concepts.23
English has been taught as a foreign language in our country, however, it does not mean that the
result of teaching English in our school is satisfactory, despite the fact that it is taught
continuously for six years at the high school, three years at SMP, and three years at SMA.
Ramelan say that most SMA graduates are still very poor in their reading comprehension,
4. Determine whether the text affirms, denies, or fails to express an opinion about a supposed fact
or condition.
5. Identify the antecedents of such words as who, some, or they.
5. Factors Affecting Comprehensions
As it has already been shown, reading comprehension need some intellectual ability
to master it. There are six basic factors that influence the students ability in comprehending
written materials.
a. Background Experiences
Students who have little experience may have some difficulties in comprehending many
ideas and activities with which other children are familiar before they learn in school. For an
example, a student who never sees or hears about the mountain, and in some occasions
dealing with it will find the story hard to follow, so he must have experiences in his
background that enables him to bring personal meaning to the events an feelings if the story.
b. Intellectual Abilities
Second aspect of comprehension is the students ability to think, it all depends on his
intellectual development. Although the teacher gives the same textbook and same purpose of
reading, the result of reading may
be different. The number of ideas that they understand and the depth of their understanding
will be largely dependent upon their general capacity to learn. The slow learning or dull-normal
students cannot be expected to show same reaction or gain the same appreciations as the bright
students when they read together for pleasure or to gain information.
c. Language Abilities
The third aspect is the students language abilities, including semantics or word
meaning and grasp of syntax. Understanding of semantics comes from experience with
words in various, personally meaningful settings. A grasp of syntax is needed to recover the
structure of the language, so the students have to master syntax which links deep and surface
d. A f fe c t io n
Such as personal interest, motivation, attitudes, beliefs, feelings; students will attend a
better understanding to the story about a topic if they find personally interesting. The cause of
greater understanding is also affected by reader s attitude and beliefs, readers could
understand materials better when it matches their own attitudes and beliefs on a topic. This
individual.26 If that so, they must establish their own purpose before reading and commits the
f. Skills of comprehending
Another factor which influences the depth and the amount of comprehension is the
skills that the students have developed for that purpose; the ability to comprehend develops
gradually from the simple to the complex skills. The teacher give a balanced program, include
direct teaching of techniques which will aid the student in developing attitudes and skill of
vocabulary. Whereas in fact of vocabulary is the most important thing in reading skill. Most of us
if we find the difficult word, we still just continue our reading in the hope that the word we read
is not really important or that its meaning will become clear later on. But sometimes these word
that we passed usually as the key of our reading and understanding. We can not catch and
grasp the idea from our reading as well as possible. So looking up the difficult words in
A. Research Methodology
1. The Purpose of Study
The purpose of this study is to get empirical data about the correlation between students '
achievement and reading ability, at the second grade students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri
vocabulary achievement score which is taken by how many vocabularies that they know
from the test given; it is considered as independent variable (variable X). The second
variable is their Reading ability score which is taken from their comprehension in reading with
The students vocabulary achievement from the test of vocabulary that is carried out by
English book for Senior High School and work sheet (LKS- Lembar Kerja Siswa), while reading
comprehension ability was carried out by the work sheet (LKS-Lembar Kerja Siswa).
3. Place and Time of the Study
The research was conducted at MAN II Bekasi that is located on Jalan Bojong Asih V
The research was carried out from July 24th up to 1st August, 2006. After getting an
agreement of the school principal and then consult to an English teacher who is teach at the
4. Method of Study
In completing the data, the writer used the field research. In the field research, the writer
conducted the research for the students at the second year of MAN II Bekasi. The writer gave a
test to the students and asked them to answer the question that she made.
This research uses the correlation method, with the analysis of Product Moment according
to Karl Pearson.1 It is usually used to correlate two variables based on its correlation
coefficient value. It is useful to describe and find out the significance of the correlation
There are 123 students they are of IPA I, IPA II, IPS I, and IPS II, that placed on second
year of MAN II Bekasi. From those classes the writer took one class of class IPS II they are
40 students as an experiment class and also as sample of this study. The percentage of the
vocabulary and reading comprehension, so the writer uses test method. The test is divided
into two parts; the first is vocabulary, which consists of 20 items. The second is reading
this research is an objective test, and the writer used one type of objective test, which is
multiple-choice type. Multiple-choice type can be scored objectively and can measure learning
In this research, the test consisted of 40 items with five alternatives. The alternatives
include one correct answer and four wrong answers. There are four passages and from each
vocabulary, main idea, detail, not detail, and inference. The test of vocabulary is not only
based on the contents of the passage in the textbook but also taken from another book, which
From these tests, the writer takes all questions that have significant correlation with the
students compulsory book, like New Light Contextual Approach to Learning English for Year
XI (Published by PT Pabelan) and work sheet (LKS- Lembar Kerja Siswa) kelas 2 (Published
by PT Hayati). So the questions of the test calculated are relevant to the objective of the course.
8. Technique of Data Analysis
To find out the influence of the students achievement vocabulary to their reading
In the correlation technique, the variables are compared to know whether the
correlation is very significant or it only happen by chance. The formula of product moment
correlation is:
field research by taking the scores of 40 students as an experiment test and analyzed those
scores in order to find out whether there is any correlation between students' achievement
ability by using the Pearson r formula. So, in total there are 40 scores because the samples had 2
set of scores.
The first score is vocabulary that consists of 20 items and the second one is reading
comprehension ability that also consists of 20 items, the scoring is 5 for each correct answer
and 0 for the wrong answer. The data of vocabulary and reading test score result can be seen in
the following tables. (The form of the test and the result score can be seen in appendix).3
If ro < rt The alternative hypothesis (Ha) is rejected and Null Hypothesis (Ho) is
accepted. It means there is correlation between students achievement in vocabulary and reading
40, so the writer took the r table df 40, we get point 0,3 04 on r table for the 5% significance
degree, and point 0,3 93 on 1% significance degree. So it means point 0.99 on ro is very high
than r table (0.99 > 0.304 and 0.99 > 0,393), from that result, we can conclude that null
is significant.
Based on the result of statistics calculation above, the correlation between the two
variables X and Y is positive, it is 0.99. In another word, the correlation between the students
achievement vocabulary and their reading ability is considered very high as seen in the table
A. Conclusion
Based on the data described above, the comparison between students achievement in
vocabulary and reading ability, are obtained that the value of ro is 1.00 the degree of freedom
(df) is 38. In the table of the degree of significant of 5% and 1% the value of the degree of
significant is 0.304 and 0.393. It means that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, and it can be
concluded that a correlation between students achievement in vocabulary and reading ability is
The writer also concludes that most students are still weak not only in their
achievement of vocabulary, but also in reading comprehension ability. For example using
dictionary is very helpful for them to find out the meaning of words. The writer also finds out
that the correlation between vocabulary and reading is significant. So, both of them cannot be
about reading and arouse their interest to increase their reading comprehension.
2. A teacher should know and able to implement a good method in teaching reading, because it is
quite complicated to learn.
3. The teacher should encourage the students to have and use dictionary as a tool to help them with
difficult words.
4. The teacher should also give a high motivation to the students to read more and more English
literature to increase their vocabulary level.
Burton, S. H. Mastering English Language, London: The Macmillan Press Ltd, 1982
Collier-Macmillan International: A Division of the Macmillan Company, The Key to English Vocabulary:
English Services London: Collier Macmillan Limited, 1971
Crystal, David, The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language, Australia: Cambridge
University Press, 1995
Depdikbud, Kurikulum 1994. GBPP SMU, Jakarta: Depdikbud, 1994
Dubin, F. and Eskey, D. E. and Grabbe, W, Teaching Second Language Reading for Academic Purposes
(California: Edison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1986)
Enong, Azimar and Djalunushah, Tata Bahasa Inggris Modern dalam Tanya jawab (Jakarta CU.
Miswar, 1980)
Tarigan, Henry Guntur, Pengajaran Kosakata, Bandung: Angkasa, 1986
Grellet, Francoise, Developping Reading Skills, (Cambridge: Cambridge University press, 1981)
Hill, Walter R, Secondary School Reading process, program, procedure, Boston: Allyn and Bacon,
Hornby, A. S, Oxford Advanced Learner s Dictionary of Current English, Revised and updated,
Inc, 2002)
Widyamartaya, A. Seni membaca untuk Studi, (Yogyakarta: kanisius, 1992)