Research Article: Merge-Optimization Method of Combined Tomography of Seismic Refraction and Resistivity Data

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International Scholarly Research Network

ISRN Geophysics
Volume 2012, Article ID 293132, 6 pages

Research Article
Merge-Optimization Method of Combined Tomography of
Seismic Refraction and Resistivity Data

Andy A. Bery
Geophysics Section, School of Physics, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang, Malaysia

Correspondence should be addressed to Andy A. Bery, [email protected]

Received 8 November 2012; Accepted 28 November 2012

Academic Editors: Y.-J. Chuo and G. Mele

Copyright © 2012 Andy A. Bery. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

This paper discussed a novel application called merge-optimization method that combines resistivity and seismic refraction data
to provide a detailed knowledge of the studied site. This method is interesting because it is able to show strong accuracy of two
geophysical imaging methods based on many of data points collected from the conducted geophysical surveys of disparate data sets
based strictly on geophysical models as an aid for model integration for two-dimensional environments. The geophysical methods
used are high resolution methods. The resistivity imaging used in this survey is able to resolve the subsurface condition of the
studied site with low RMS error (less than 2.0%) and 0.5 metre electrodes interval. For seismic refraction method, high resolution
of seismic is used for correlation with resistivity results. Geophones spacing is 1.0 metre and the total number of shot-points is 15,
which provides very dense data point. The algorithms of merge-optimization have been applied to two data sets collected at the
studied site. The resulting images have been proven to be successful because they satisfy the data and are geometrically similar. The
regression coefficient found for conductivity-resistivity correlation is 95.2%.

1. Introduction can be incorporated in the process of estimation to obtain

meaningful and more reliable subsurface imaging results.
The characterization of the subsurface requires a detailed
knowledge of several properties of the composing rocks and
fluids. Whereas some of these properties can be measured 2. Methodology for
directly (seismic and borehole methods), other properties Merge-Optimization Method
have to be estimated by indirect measurement methods
such as resistivity, TEM, and magnetic. However, it is In this paper, seismic refraction data using the SeisOpt@2D
not uncommon that the geophysical data yield models of software were developed by Pullammanappallil and Louie
limited accuracy which may not contribute significantly [1], to obtain velocity tomograms. The tomography inver-
to our understanding of the subsurface condition or may sion is performed by a generalized simulated-annealing
show incompatibilities. Thus, a new technique needs to be method of optimization including a controlled Monte-Carlo
produced not only for better interpretation by geophysics but inversion. The first arrival times and survey geometry are
also for nongeophysical background people such as engineers used as input and no initial velocity model is needed. The
and architects. The distribution of uncorrelated physical apparent resistivity data were inverted using the software
properties seems to be controlled by common subsurface package RES2DINV [2]. This program solves the tomogra-
attributes, when taken into account, able to improve and phy inversion problem using a smoothness-constrained least
resolve the accuracy of the geophysical imaging results. squares method. The logarithmic average of the measured
An outstanding feature of the subsurface that is common apparent resistivity values is input as the homogeneous
to the geophysical data is the geometrical distribution of starting model [2].
the physical properties which can be measured by the This paper adopts a merge problem formulation with
physical property changes. This condition of commonality resistivity-velocity cross gradients function in order to
2 ISRN Geophysics

mrc mrr
t x Δzc
msc msr ∂mr ∼ 2(mrr −mrc )
∂x = Δxr +Δxc

∂mr ∼ 2(mrb −mrc )
∂z = Δz b +Δz c

Δxc Δxr

Figure 1: Definition of the resistivity-velocity cross gradients function and its derivatives on a rectangular grid domain. For 2D grid
extending in the x and z directions, with each grid element characterised by logarithm of resistivity mr and seismic slowness ms , the function
t is defined at the centre of a given element (marked with x) considering the parameters from two elements it is in contact with its right
(subscripted r) and bottom (subscripted b).

Electrical resistivity and seismic refraction survey geometry

Electrical resistivity survey total length is 20 meter
2 meter
E1 E5 E11 E19 E27 E31 E37 E41

G1 G3 G5 G7 G9 G11 G13 G15 G17 G19 G21 G24

2 meter
Seismic refraction survey total length is 23 meter

G Seismic geophone
E Resistivity electrode

Figure 2: Geometry of the infield tests for both geophysical methods.

provide the required effective link between the resistivity smoothing operator acting on m,  m R = [m Rr : m
 Rs ] is an a
model and the seismic velocity model. The cross product of priori model, Cdd is the covariance of the field data (assumed
the gradient is defined as diagonal, i.e., fully uncorrelated data), CRR is the covariance
      of the priori model (assumed diagonal), and αr and αs are

t x, y, z = ∇mr x, y, z × ∇ms x, y, z , (1)
weighting factors that control the level of smoothing of the
where mr and ms refer to the logarithm of resistivity and resistivity and seismic imaging models.
P-wave slowness, respectively. In the two-dimensional case, The cross gradients criterion requires the problem to

t (x, y, z) always points in the strike direction, that is, it will be satisfy the condition   = 0, where any spatial changes
t (m)
treated as a scalar t. It is incorporated as part of the objective occurring in both resistivity and velocity must point to
function: the same point in the same or opposite direction irre-
    2 spective of amplitude. In a geological sense, this implies
 2 α D
  dr − 
fr m   r m r 
 that if a boundary exists, then it must be sensed by both
r , m
Φ m s =    + 
 ds − 
fs m m
 s C−1  αs D s  geophysical methods in a common orientation regardless
of the amplitude of the physical property changes. An
 2 additional flexibility of the technique is that the cross
m (2)
 r − m  gradients constraint is also satisfied when either ∇m  r or ∇ms
ms − m
 Rs  −1 CRR
vanishes in some part of the model, thus giving the models
the possibility of admitting a geological boundary which has
  a significant change only in the electrical resistivity or seismic
Subject to   = 0.
t m
velocity of the adjoining rocks.
Here, d represents the vector of observed data (logarithm of In iteration 2D optimization approach, the subsurface
model is discretised into rectangular cells of variable sizes
apparent resistivity, dr and seismic travel-times, ds ), m
 = optimized according to the natural sensitivity of each par-
 s ] is the vector of the model parameters, 
r : m
[m f is the ticular set of resistivity and seismic velocity measurements.
theoretical model respond, D  is the discrete version of the We define the discrete version of (1) and the corresponding
ISRN Geophysics 3

derivatives using the elements of the 3 cells scheme depicted data sets were used for simultaneous subsurface imaging
in Figure 1. For the along strike components this simplifies using algorithm for improved near-surface characterization.
to We expect that the merge-optimization method of the data
4 will define more accurately the main geological and features
= [mrc (msb − msr ) + mrr (msc − msb ) of the subsurface. Figure 2 shows the geometry used for
ΔxΔz (3) both infield tests. The resistivity data are collected using a
+mrb (msr − msc )], Wenner-Schlumberger array using with 0.5 metre electrode
intervals. As for seismic refraction, 15 shot points and 1.0
where the quantities Δx, Δz, mrc , mrb , and so forth are metre geophone intervals are used. The purpose of this
defined in Figure 1 above. geometry is to increase the resolution of the imaging results
Here, the first order of Taylor series expression is used, (less noise effect and moderate sensitivity to both vertical and
and (2) is equivalent to horizontal structures) and hence both separate data sets are
  more to correlate and increase the reliability of the results.
nT2 m
min 2  T N1 m
 The study site is located in a slope area, thus it is more
(4) challenging than the flat ground.
subject to t m m
0 + B m
 −B  0 = 0, The seismic refraction velocity and electrical resistivity
imaging derived by merge-optimization of infield tests data
where sets (Figures 3(a) and 4(a)) is less than 2.0% of root mean-
⎡ ⎤ squares (RMS) for electrical resistivity imaging results. The
⎢AT −1  2 T  −1 ⎥ reconstructed distributions of the model parameters show
⎢ r Cddr Ar + αr D D + CRRr 0 ⎥
N1 = ⎢

⎥ structural similarities and hence good spatial correlation
⎣ ⎦
0 Ts Cdds
A −1  T D
As + α2s D  + CRRs
−1 of velocity with resistivity data sets. Note that the cross
⎡ ⎤ gradients criterion serves for geological structural control
T −1
⎢ r Cddr dr − 
fr m r m
 0r + A  0r + CRRr
 Rr ⎥
m ⎥
but does not force the two models into conformity. Figures

n2 = ⎢ ⎥; 3(b) and 4(b) show the seismic refraction results for the same
⎣   ⎦ area and the survey geometry. Figures 3(c) and 4(c) show the
Ts Cdds ds − 
A −1
fs m s m
 0s + A  0s + CRRs m
arcs formation (seismic refraction) at the subsurface in the
studied site.
(5) The resistivity images show that the subsurface of the
studied sit consists of two main zones. Resistivity values
A  are the respective partial derivatives of 
s , and B
r , A fr , 
fs , lower than 900 Ω.m are indicative of residual (clayey sand
soils) while values higher than 1,100 Ω.m are indicative of
 0 = [m
t evaluated at the initial model, m  0r : m
 0s ] . The
s is computed using ray a weathered layer. The presence of moist zones and dry
Jacobian matrix for seismic data, A zones can be associated with loose zones and compacted soil,
tracing as suggested by Vidale [3] and Zelt and Barton [4]. respectively. The seismic refraction images showed that the
The solution to (4) used in our iterative scheme is given by subsurface consists of three layers. Velocity values of 370–
−1  500 m/s are associated with loose soil mixed with boulders
m 1−1 B
n2 − N T B
N1−1 BT N
B 1−1  m
n2 − B 0 (high resistivity value near surface). The second layer has
  velocity values of 600–800 m/s associated to hard layer
+ 0 .
t m (unsaturated) and the third layer has velocity values greater
than 1,000 m/s which are associated with a saturated layer.
In the regularised solution process, the weighting factors Comparing the results of the two geophysical methods, we
are initially assigned large values which are then gradually can summarize that the resistivity method has the limitation
reduced in subsequent iterations until the data are fitted of a lower depth of investigation with respect to seismic
to the required level. The merge optimization is initiated refraction. On the other hand, seismic refraction is unable
using a half-space model in the absence of reliable a priori to resolve well the subsurface features and has much less
information. The implemented cross gradients criterion and resolution compare to electrical resistivity. However, both
regularisation measures ensure that the resolution charac- data sets showed their validity and reliability when correlated
teristics of the individual data sets are fully exploited the together to determine the subsurface features of studied site.
search for structurally linked models. Note that with the cross In this paper, 838 of data points correlated. This can be
gradients criterion, there is no need to define or assume ab showed by relationship resistivity-velocity (Figure 5).
initio any interdependence resistivity and seismic velocity To ascertain the resistivity-velocity relationship for the
which could bias the inverse solution. reconstructed models, we have plotted in Figure 5 these two
physical parameters for all the coincident sampling positions
3. Seismic and Resistivity Characterization by (838 data points) in the merge-optimization models. This
Merge-Optimization Method plot shows a structural feature that did not come out in
the results of optimization. The merge-optimization results
In this paper, we used data collected during recent electrical suggest distinct subgroupings in the near-surface volume.
tomography and seismic refraction surveys [5]. The same From the correlated data points, we found an L-shaped (A-B)
4 ISRN Geophysics

Model resistivity with topography

Iteration 5 RMS error = 1.9
21 Saturated zones
20 4
19 8

18 12

Max 20 m
17 16
16 20
13 Unit electrode spacing = 0.5
5 100 300 500 700 900 1100 1300
Resistivity (ohm.m) (a)
Seismic refraction section (march)
21 V (m/s)
Elevation (meters)

19 2000
18 1721
17 1582
16 1304
15 1164
14 886
13 746
12 468
11 329
10 189
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
0 5 10 15 20 25
Distance (m)

Figure 3: March infield’s test results for optimal 2D merge resistivity and velocity models (a) resistivity model, (b) velocity model, and depth
section with arcs.

trend that may be a consequence of a water table or natural 4. Conclusion

divide between consolidated and unconsolidated materials.
The incorporation of the cross-gradients criterion in 2D
In Figure 6, notice that the seismic rays are critically
optimization leads to a geologically meaningful solution by
refracted at the top of the structural units mapped as
layer 2, defining the possible boundary upper dry layer improving the near-surface structural conformity between
and moist layer where water table exist through it effect of the velocity and resistivity imaging, without forcing or
water seepage from the top of slope. Merge-optimization assuming the form of the relationship between two geophys-
thus appears to offer a tool for improved characterization ical methods which have their own advantage and limitation.
of complex near-surface environments. To address the The cross-gradients criterion also allows detecting subsurface
question: if the contention that electrical resistivity and features to which only one of the geophysical techniques
seismic refraction imaging are both influenced by the same is sensitive, leading to a better structural characterization.
geological structures is correct, and there is some structural The application of these geophysical techniques combination
control on the distribution of physical properties in the of 2D optimization with cross-gradients to the data col-
subsurface, can accurately deduce any physical feature from lected from seismic refraction and electrical resistivity field
merge structural imaging? It is possible that Figures 5 surveys has led to an improved characterization of the
and 6 have physical implications from the external factors. near-surface material and features. This study suggests
Thus, before this merge-optimization method was applied, that unconsolidated (possibly unsaturated and saturated)
materials may be subclassified on the basis of the resistivity-
we have did a study on the physical characterizations of
velocity relationship revealed from the application of
the soils (moisture content W, cohesion C  , friction angle
merge-optimization method. The cross-gradients approach
Ø , porosity n, void ratio e, and saturation degree S) at
adopted in this paper can also be used for 3D prob-
various locations along the survey lines at different periods
lems and for any combination of independent geophysical
[5, 6]. methods.
ISRN Geophysics 5

Model resistivity with topography

Iteration 5 RMS error = 1.9
20 Saturated zones
4 Unsaturated zones
19 8

18 12

Max 20 m
17 16
16 20
13 Unit electrode spacing = 0.5
5 100 300 500 700 900 1100 1300
Resistivity (ohm.m) (a)
Seismic refraction section (april)
20 V (m/s)
Elevation (meters)

18 1400
16 1100
14 900
12 600
10 400
8 100

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
25 Distance (meters) 25
20 20
15 15
10 10
5 5
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25
Distance (m)

Figure 4: April infield’s test results for optimal 2D merge resistivity and velocity models (a) resistivity model, (b) velocity model, and depth
section with arcs.


Velocity (m/s)



0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000
Resistivity (Ω.m)

Figure 5: The results show an L-shaped (A-B) trend that may be a consequence of a water table or natural divide between consolidated and
unconsolidated materials.

Acknowledgments and give appreciation to Mr. Jeff Steven and Mdm. Eva Diana
for their support and advice. Lastly the author would like to
A. A. Bery would like to thank Rosli Saad, Mydin Jamal, and thank and to express profound appreciation to anonymous
Nordiana Mohd Muztaza for their assistance in giving advice reviewers for insightful comments that helped improved the
and data acquisition. The author also would like to thank quality of this paper.
6 ISRN Geophysics

Shots: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
25 25
20 20
Conductivity, σ (S/m)

Slope surface

Elevation (m)

Elevation (m)
0.012 Unconsolidated layer
0.01 15 15
0.008 Consolidated layer
σ = 0.0037e−0.001(ρ) 10 10
R2 = 0.952
0.004 5 5
0 0 0
0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 0 5 10 15 20 25
Resistivity, ρ (Ω.m) Distance (m)
(a) (b)

Figure 6: (a) Interpretative model showing empirical correlation between conductivity (S/m) and resistivity (Ω.m) is found as σ =
0.0037e − 20.001(ρ) and strong relationship of data sets regression coefficient which is 95.2%. (b) Near-surface structure of the studied
site can be recognized as a two-layer case where the upper layer is unconsolidated (weathered surface materials) and the lower layer is made
of consolidated materials.

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[4] C. A. Zelt and P. J. Barton, “Three-dimensional seismic
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[5] A. A. Bery and R. Saad, “A clayey sand soil’s behaviour analysis
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International Journal of Geosciences, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 93–104,
[6] A. A. Bery and R. Saad, “Tropical clayey sand soil’s behaviour
analysis and its empirical correlations via geophysics electrical
resistivity method and engineering soil characterizations,”
International Journal of Geosciences, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 111–116,
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