Rectangle Stabbing

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Constant Ratio Approximation Algorithm and Parameterized Algorithm and Complexity

Apurba Das
M.Tech (CS), 2009-2011 Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata

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The Problem

Given a set R of n rectangles, which are aligned to the x and y axes in the two-dimensional space, whose corners are all located at integer points and whose areas are more than 1. Using at least h horizontal lines and v vertical lines, respectively, the problem is to stab all the rectangles by the minimum number of lines located at integer coordinates.

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The Problem

Given a set R of n rectangles, which are aligned to the x and y axes in the two-dimensional space, whose corners are all located at integer points and whose areas are more than 1. Using at least h horizontal lines and v vertical lines, respectively, the problem is to stab all the rectangles by the minimum number of lines located at integer coordinates.

Hardness of the Problem

The Rectangle stabbing problem in 2-Dimension is NP-hard Optimization problem.

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Some Denitions

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Some Denitions

A horizontal (vertical) line is said to stab a rectangle r if it goes through its interior.

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Some Denitions

A horizontal (vertical) line is said to stab a rectangle r if it goes through its interior. All corners of r are integer points. A horizontal line y = ch stabs r if ah + 1 ch bh 1 holds for the coordinate y = ah (y = bh ) of the lower edge (upper edge) of r . A vertical line x = cv stabs r if av + 1 cv bv 1 holds for the coordinate x = av (x = bv ) of the left edge (right edge) of r .

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Approximation Algorithm for 2-Dimensional Rectangle Stabbing

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Integer Programming Setting

Some Notations

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Integer Programming Setting

Some Notations H : Set of all horizontal lines H = {y = ah + 1, y = bh 1 | y = ah is the lower edge and y = bh is the upper edge of a rectangle r R such that bh ah 2}.

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Integer Programming Setting

Some Notations H : Set of all horizontal lines H = {y = ah + 1, y = bh 1 | y = ah is the lower edge and y = bh is the upper edge of a rectangle r R such that bh ah 2}. V : Set of all vertical lines V = {x = av + 1, x = bv 1 | x = av is the left edge and x = bv is the right edge of a rectangle r R such that bv av 2}.

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Integer Programming Setting

Some Notations H : Set of all horizontal lines H = {y = ah + 1, y = bh 1 | y = ah is the lower edge and y = bh is the upper edge of a rectangle r R such that bh ah 2}. V : Set of all vertical lines V = {x = av + 1, x = bv 1 | x = av is the left edge and x = bv is the right edge of a rectangle r R such that bv av 2}. All lines for stabbing are to be taken from H V .

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Integer Programming Setting (Contd...)

xi : Decision variable corresponding to the ith horizontal line in the set H. yj : Decision variable corresponding to the jth vertical line in the set V.

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Integer Programming Setting (Contd...)

xi : Decision variable corresponding to the ith horizontal line in the set H. yj : Decision variable corresponding to the jth vertical line in the set V. Hk : Set of horizontal lines in H that stab rectangle rk , k {1, 2, ..., n}. Vk : Set of vertical lines in V that stab rectangle rk , k {1, 2, ..., n}.

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Integer Programming Setting (Contd...)

xi : Decision variable corresponding to the ith horizontal line in the set H. yj : Decision variable corresponding to the jth vertical line in the set V. Hk : Set of horizontal lines in H that stab rectangle rk , k {1, 2, ..., n}. Vk : Set of vertical lines in V that stab rectangle rk , k {1, 2, ..., n}. [n] : The set {1, 2, ..., n}.

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Integer Programming Formulation

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Integer Programming Formulation

Integer Programming Problem P

iHk iH

xi +



xi +

jVk iH jV

yj 1, k [n]

xi h yj v

xi , yi {0, 1}, i H, j V

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Integer Programming Formulation

Relaxation of Integer Programming Problem P

iHk iH

xi +



xi +

jVk iH jV

yj 1, k [n]

xi h yj v

xi , yi 0, i H, j V

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Let (xi , i H; yj , j V ) be an optimal fractional solution to P It satises either k [n]



1 2




1 2

for every rectangle

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Let (xi , i H; yj , j V ) be an optimal fractional solution to P It satises either k [n]



1 2




1 2

for every rectangle

Let RH (RV ) be the set of all k for which ( jVk yj 1 ) 2



1 2

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Let (xi , i H; yj , j V ) be an optimal fractional solution to P It satises either k [n]



1 2




1 2

for every rectangle

Let RH (RV ) be the set of all k for which ( jVk yj 1 ) 2



1 2

Based on the above denitons dene two IP PH and PV .

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IP formulation PH
iHk iH


xi 1, k RH

xi h

xi {0, 1}, i H

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IP formulation PH
iHk iH


xi 1, k RH

xi h

xi {0, 1}, i H

IP formulation PV
jVk jV


yj 1, k RV

yj v

yj {0, 1}, j V
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Every constraint in integer programs PH and PV contains a subset of variables in the corresponding constraint of P. Let a feasible solution of PH is xH and a feasible solution of PV is yV . The composite solution (xH , yV ) is feasible in P

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Every constraint in integer programs PH and PV contains a subset of variables in the corresponding constraint of P. Let a feasible solution of PH is xH and a feasible solution of PV is yV . The composite solution (xH , yV ) is feasible in P Let linear programming relaxation of PH is P H and of PV is P V
P , P , PH , PV , P H , P V are the optimal values of the programs P, P, PH , PV , P H , P V respectively.

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PH = P H and PV = P V

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PH = P H and PV = P V

Proof Idea:
First consider PH Order all the horizontal lines i H from the lowest to the highest All the horizontal lines in Hk of each k are consecutive in this ordering. The rows of the coecient matrix have the interval properties (elements 1s are located consecutively in each row).

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Proof Idea(Contd...):
Therefore the matrix is totally unimodular Any fractional optimal solution of an LP of which the coecient matrix is totally unimodular gives the integral solutions only.
This proves PH = P H Similarly it can be proved that PV = P V

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PH + PV 2P

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PH + PV 2P

Proof Idea:
Let (x, y ) be an optimal fractional solution to problem P. For every constraint of PH for k RH , iHk 2xi 1
iH iHk


1 2

implies 2x i h

2xi >


xi and


x i h implies


2x is a feasible solution to P H In the similar way 2y is a feasible solution to P V it follows that P H + P V 2P

From the previous lemma and from the fact that P P the lemma is proved
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2-factor Approximation Algorithm

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2-factor Approximation Algorithm

Input & Output
Input A set R of n rectangles aligned to the x and y axes, and nonnegetive integers h and v . Output h ( h) horizontal lines and v ( v ) vertical lines that together stab all rectangles in R

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2-factor Approximation Algorithm

Input & Output
Input A set R of n rectangles aligned to the x and y axes, and nonnegetive integers h and v . Output h ( h) horizontal lines and v ( v ) vertical lines that together stab all rectangles in R

The Algorithm
Step 1. Solve linear program P, and obtain the fractional optimal solution (x, y ) = (xi , i H; yj , j V ). Step 2. Construct the two integer programs PH and PV from (x, y ), and obtain their optimal solutions xH and yV (by solving linear programs P H and P V ), respectively.
Step 3. Output the ith horizontal lines such that (xH )i = 1 and the ) = 1 jth vertical lines such that (yV j
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Fixed Parameter Algorithm for 2-Dimensional Rectangle Stabbing

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Problem Denition
Given a set of axis parallel rectangles R, the rectangles have to be stabbed with at most k lines chosen from a gives set L of veretical and horizontal lines.

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Parameterized Problem
A parameterized problem is a subset of N where alphabet and N is the set of natural numbers. is a nite

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Parameterized Problem
A parameterized problem is a subset of N where alphabet and N is the set of natural numbers. is a nite

Instance of Parameterized Problem

A pair (I , k), where k is called the parameter

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Parameterized Problem
A parameterized problem is a subset of N where alphabet and N is the set of natural numbers. is a nite

Instance of Parameterized Problem

A pair (I , k), where k is called the parameter

Running time
The running time of an algorithm is viewed as a function of two quantities: The size of the problem instance The parameter

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Fixed Parameter Tractable(FPT)
A parameterized problem is said to be xed parameter tractable (FPT) with respect to the parameter k if there exists an algorithm for the problem running in f (k) | I |O(1) time, where f is a computable function only depending on k.

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Fixed Parameter Tractable(FPT)
A parameterized problem is said to be xed parameter tractable (FPT) with respect to the parameter k if there exists an algorithm for the problem running in f (k) | I |O(1) time, where f is a computable function only depending on k.

Data Reduction
A data reduction rule is a polynomial time algorithm which takes as input a problem instance (I , k) and outputs an instance (I , k ) such that | I || I | and k k, and (I , k ) is a YES-instance i (I , k) is a YES-instance. (I , k ) is called problem karnel. If a parameterized problem has a kernel, then it is FPT

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Instance of 2-Dimensional Rectangle Stabbing

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Instance of 2-Dimensional Rectangle Stabbing

Let (R,L,k) is an instance. R is the set of axis parallel rectangles. L = V H. V = {v1 , v2 , . . . , vn } are the vertical lines ordered from left to right. H = {h1 , h2 , . . . , hm } are the horizontal lines ordered from top to bottom.

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Instance of 2-Dimensional Rectangle Stabbing

lx(r) : index of the leftmost line intersecting r R rx(r) : index of the rightmost line intersecting r R tx(r) : index of the topmost line intersecting r R bx(r) : index of the bottommost line intersecting r R wh(r) = rx(r) - lx(r) + 1 is the nnumber of vertical lines intersecting r. ht(r) = bx(r) - tx(r) + 1 is the number of horizontal lines intersecting r.

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Instance of 2-Dimensional Rectangle Stabbing

Data Reduction Rules

If there is a rectangle that is intersected by no line from L, then the given instance is a NO-instance. If there is a rectangle that is intersected by exactly one line l L, then delete all rectangles that are intersected by l, delete l, and decrease k by 1. If there are two lines l1 , l2 L such that every rectangle in R that is intersected by l2 is also intersected by l1 , then delete l2 . If there are two rectangles r1 , r2 R such that every line in L that intersects r1 also intersects r2 , then delete r2 .

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Instance of 2-Dimensional Rectangle Stabbing

In a reduced problem instance, for every vertical line vj V there exists rectangles r , r R with lx(r) = j and rx(r) = j. In a reduced problem instance, for every horizontal line hi H there exists rectangles r , r R with tx(r) = i and bx(r) = i. In the reduced problem instance, there exists rectangles r , r R such that wh(r) = 1 and ht(r) = 1.

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The height of every rectangle in R is bounded by a number b.

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The height of every rectangle in R is bounded by a number b.

Simple Search Tree Algorithm

At every step, apply the data reduction rules until the current instance is reduced. Search for a rectangle r R with rx(r ) = 1, and branch. either select the single vertical line that intrsects r or select one of the at most b horizontal lines that intersect r.

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In the search tree, starting from a rectangle at root (b+1) branching possibilities are there. The height of the tree can be no more than k. So, for each rectangle search tree exploration would required (b + 1)k time. Therefore, total running time of this algorithm is O((b + 1)k nO(1) ).

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