Calculation of The Scattering Fields For Impedance Sphere by Using Series Expansion Method

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Necmi Serkan TEZEL1 Serkan SİMSEK 2 Bayram ESEN 3

1 ,3
Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
34469, Maslak, Istanbul-Turkey

Istanbul University, Engineering Faculty, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
34850, Avcilar, Istanbul-Turkey

1 2
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

E-mail: [email protected]


In this work, scattering fields of the constant impedance sphere is investigated by using series
expansion of the incident and the scattering fields for different frequencies and radii of the impedance
sphere. Unknown coefficients in the scattering fields are found by using impedance boundary
condition. We consider the impedance sphere is illuminated by plane wave that travel along z
direction. The general expressions of the scattered fields are obtained and calculated on the z=2.5 m
plane (3 m x 3 m) for different frequencies and radii of the impedance sphere.

Keywords: Impedance sphere, Scattering, Impedance boundary condition

I. INTRODUCTION (IBC) can be used to simplify the problem

formulation. Impedance boundary condition
Due to the appearance of non-uniform electrical which has to be satisfied on the surfaces of
structures in our environment, the scattering of scattering bodies plays an important role for
electromagnetic waves by spherical bodies forward and inverse scattering problems. When
becomes an important issue in microwave impedance boundary condition is used
communication systems and circuits. In the case electromagnetic waves can not penetrate to the
that the relative permittivity or permeability of a object.
scatterer is large or perfect electric conductor
coated by some isolator such as paint, an In todays technology, reduction of the radar cross
approximate impedance boundary condition section of platforms by covering them by some

Received Date : 03.01.2003

Accepted Date: 02.06.2003
928 Calculation Of The Scattering Fields For Impedance Sphere By Using Series Expansion Method

proper isolator become an important topic. In this ks

case, platform’s surface can be modeled by IBC
and its impedance is depended on the
electromagnetic parameters of the isolator. 1s 2s
Although the topic is important, it has not yet ‰
been thoroughly discussed in the literature
because it yields extremely difficult Z
mathematical problems. Some of the work was
done about the scattering of the impedance y
cylinder. Mei and Van Bladel formulated the
scattering of the cylinder in terms of an integral
equation and then solved it numerically [1]. x
Later, Burnside et al. treated the same problem
by using the geometrical theory of diffraction
combined with the moment method [2]. In
practice, mostly one is not interested in these
works that are related to perfectly conducting 1i
bodies because these are highly idealized
structures. So same problem was investigated by Figure 1. Geometry of the Problem
Erdem Topsakal, Alinur Büyükaksoy and Mithat
İdemen by using Wiener Hopf equation for
rectangular cylinder whose each wall has 2. FORMULATION OF THE
different impedance value [3]. Calculation of PROBLEM
scattering matrix for impedance sphere was Consider the impedance sphere in Fig .1. The
found by Necmi Serkan Tezel and Serkan r
incident plane wave has polarization ei and
Simsek [4]. r r
propagation direction k i = e z and can be
The aim of this study is to consider this problem expressed by using spherical wave functions
for a sphere with constant impedance using defined in [5] as,
series expansion of the incident and scattering
fields. In our problem, the time dependence exp(- r r
[ ]

r r ( 2n +1) ei .C−mn( 0,0) r
iωt) will be suppressed. ∑∑
Ei = eieikz = −
n=1 m=−1,1
in 
n( n +1)  γ mn
RgMmn( kr,θ ,φ )

r r
The geometry of the problem is shown in Fig.1.
A sphere with constant impedance is illuminated −i
ei .B − mn ( 0 ,0 )
γ mn
r 
Rg N mn ( kr ,θ ,φ )  (1)
by plane wave travel along z direction. The
sphere is characterized by its surface impedance r r
Z and radius a. Because of the symmetry, it is where C − mn and B − mn are spherical vector
convenient to use the scattering plane harmonics given below:
orthonormal system to express the scattering r r im m r d 
amplitudes. Cmn(θ,φ ) = eθ Pn (cosθ )−eφ Pnm(cosθ )eimφ (2)
 sinθ dθ 
r r r
In next section, the problem is first formulated as B mn ( θ ,φ ) = e r × C mn ( θ ,φ ) (3)
a boundary value problem. By using the series
expansion of scattering fields, unknown
coefficients which satisfy impedance boundary
and regular vector spherical waves, Rg M mn [ ]
condition on the surface of the sphere is
[ ]
and Rg N mn , are defined as
determined and then using asymptotic value of
the spherical functions, bistatic radar cross-
section of the object can be found.
[ ] r
Rg M mn (kr ,θ ,φ ) = γ mn j n (kr )C mn (θ ,φ ) (4)

Necmi Serkan TEZEL, Serkan SİMSEK, Bayram ESEN

Calculation Of The Scattering Fields For Impedance Sphere By Using Series Expansion Method 929
 n(n + 1) jn (kr ) r 1 d[rjn ( kr )] Z d 1 d[rjn ( kr )]
Rg Nmn (kr,θ ,φ ) = γ mn 
Pmn (θ ,φ )
a dr
−i .  .
kη dr  r dr 

 (5) an = (12)
1 ∂[rjn (kr)] r 
Bmn (θ ,φ ) 
[ (1)
1 d rhn ( kr ) ]
−i .  .
( 1)
Z d 1 d rhn ( kr )  ]
 r =a
r ∂r  a dr kη dr  r dr 

γ mn =
(2n + 1)(n − m )! (6)
4πn(n + 1)(n + m )!
Z d [ j n (kr)]
j n (kr) − i .
Here j n ( kr ) is spherical Bessel and kη dr
Pn (cos θ ) is associated Legendre functions
bn =
hn(1) (kr) − i
Z d hn(1) (kr)
] (13)

kη dr r=a
r r are found. When one substitutes the derivatives
Pnm ( θ ,φ ) = e r Pn m (cos θ )e imφ (7) of Bessel and Hankel functions in (12) and (13),
an and bn are obtained as
To solve the boundary value problem, we let the
scattered field to have the form, Z
T1 − i T2
r r kη
r ∞
n (2n + 1)  ei .C−mn(0,0)
r an = (14)
Es = − ∑∑ i −
n(n +1)  γ mn
bnMmn(kr,θ ,φ)
T3 − i
n=1 m=−1,1 kη
r r
e .B (0,0) r 
+ i i − mn a n N mn (kr, θ , φ )  (8) Z  
γ mn 
aJ nJ 1 (ka) − kaJn+1 (ka)
1 (ka) − i
n+ kη  n+ 2 
2  (15)
bn =
r r Z  
The vector spherical waves M mn and N mn are 1
aH 1 (ka) − i nH 1 (ka) − kaHn+1 (ka)
[ ] r
the same of Rg M mn and Rg N mn , except [ ] n+
kη  n+ 2 
Bessel function is replaced by Hankel function of
the first kind.

The IBC is satisfied on the surface of the sphere  

T1 = a kaJ 1 (ka) − nJ 1 (ka)
( r = a ). IBC is defined [6] as; 
2 
r r Z ∂E k +1
er × ( E − i . )=0 (9) T2 = ( n − )aJ 1 (ka ) + n(1 − n) J 1 (ka )
kη ∂r 2 n−
where − ka 2 J n (ka ) + nkaJ n +1 (ka )
r r r
E = E s + Ei (10)  
T3 = a kaH 1 1 (ka) − nH 1 1 (ka)
 
n− n+
substituting (10) into (9) , one gets, 2 2
r r
r r Z ∂E s r r Z ∂E i (11)
er × ( E s − i . ) = −e r × ( E i − i . )
kη ∂r kη ∂r k +1
T4 = ( n − )aH 1 1 (ka ) + n(1 − n) H 1 1 (ka )
2 n−
plugging (1) and (8) into (11) gives an equation − ka 2 H n1 (ka ) + nkaH n1 +1 (ka )
with unknown coefficients an and bn. These
coefficients are then solved by equating the
Total scattered field is expressed in terms of an
known terms of the spherical harmonics in the
and bn as:
right hand and left hand side of equation (11).
After some mathematical operations,

Necmi Serkan TEZEL, Serkan SİMSEK, Bayram ESEN

930 Calculation Of The Scattering Fields For Impedance Sphere By Using Series Expansion Method

e ikr (2n + 1)
E s = −i
2kr ∑
n(n + 1)
 r r r r
[ r
×  − a n [ei .( x − iy )]θ τ n (cos θ ) + φ iπ n (cos θ ) e iφ ]

r r r r
[ r
− a n [ei .( x + iy )]θ τ n (cos θ ) − φ iπ n (cos θ ) e −iφ] (16)
r r r r
[ r
+ ibn [ei .( x − iy )]θ iπ n (cos θ ) − φ τ n (cos θ ) e iφ ]
r r r r
[ r
+ ibn [ei .( x + iy )]θ iπ n (cos θ ) + φ τ n (cos θ ) e −iφ 

π n (cos θ )and τ n (cos θ ) are related to

associated Legendre functions and defined as
Figure 2. The magnitude of the co-polarized
scattered field for f=100 MHz and a=5 cm.
π n (cos θ ) = − Pn1 (cos θ ) (17)

dPn1 (cos θ )
τ n (cos θ ) = − (18)

We assume x-polarization of incident wave, then

the co-polarized (x component) and cross-
polarized (y component) of the scattered fields
are found as

∑n( n +1){cosθ cos φ[a τ (cosθ ) + b π (cosθ )]

eikr ( 2n +1)
Exs = i 2
n n n n
kr n=1

+ sin φ[a π (cosθ ) + b τ (cosθ )]} (19)

n n n n
Figure 3. The magnitude of the co-polarized
∞ scattered field for f=100 MHz and a=15 cm.
eikr ( 2n + 1 )
E ys = i
kr ∑ n( n + 1 )
n =1
{cosθ cosφ sin φ [anτ n (cosθ ) + bnπ n (cosθ )]
− sin φ cos φ [anπ n (cosθ ) + bnτ n (cosθ )]}(20)

All of the numerical results are obtained for
Z=50+i50 and z=2.5 m plane (3 m x 3 m). It is
assumed that the magnitude of incident electric
field plane wave is 1 (mV/m).

In Figs 2, 3, and 4 ; E xs , the magnitude of co-

Figure 4. The magnitude of the co-polarized
polarized scattered electric field is plotted for scattered field for f=100 MHz and a=40 cm.
frequencies f=100 MHz, for three different radii.
In Figs 8, 9, and 10 ; E ys , the magnitude of
In Figs 5, 6, and 7 ; E xs , the magnitude of co-
cross-polarized scattered electric field is plotted
polarized scattered electric field is plotted for for frequencies f=100 MHz, for three different
frequencies f=1 GHz, for three different radii. radii.

Necmi Serkan TEZEL, Serkan SİMSEK, Bayram ESEN

Calculation Of The Scattering Fields For Impedance Sphere By Using Series Expansion Method 931

Figure 5. The magnitude of the co-polarized Figure 8. The magnitude of the cross-polarized
scattered field for f=1 GHz and a=5 cm. scattered field for f=100 MHz and a=5 cm.

Figure 6. The magnitude of the co-polarized

Figure 9. The magnitude of the cross-polarized
scattered field for f=1 GHz and a=15 cm.
scattered field for f=100 MHz and a=15 cm.

Figure 7. The magnitude of the co-polarized Figure 10. The magnitude of the cross-polarized
scattered field for f=1 GHz and a=40 cm. scattered field for f=100 MHz and a=40 cm.

In Figs 11,12, and 13 ; E ys , the magnitude of

cross-polarized scattered electric field is plotted It is observed that the magnitude of the co-
for frequencies f=1 GHz, for three different radii. polarized scattered electric field has a local
maximum at the origin, ( x = 0, y = 0 ). The
magnitude of cross-polarized electric field has
four maxima which take place on the lines
y = m x . In addition, these maxima are

Necmi Serkan TEZEL, Serkan SİMSEK, Bayram ESEN

932 Calculation Of The Scattering Fields For Impedance Sphere By Using Series Expansion Method

symmetrical with respect to the axes Ox and

Oy . Table I. Maximum values of the magnitude
of the cross-polarized electric fields (µV/m).
radius a=5 cm a=15 a=40
frequency cm cm
f=100 MHz 13.10-5 45.10-3 5.75
f=1 GHz 1.6 62.5 125

[1] Mei K.K., Van Bladel J.G., “Scattering by
perfectly conducting rectangular cylinders”,
IEEE Transaction on Antennas and Propagation,
AP-11, (1963) pp. 185-192, 1963.
Figure 11. The magnitude of the cross-polarized [2] Burnside W.D., Yu C.L., Marhefka R.J., “A
scattered field for f=1 GHz and a=5 cm. technique to combine the geometrical theory of
diffraction and the moment method”, IEEE
Transaction on Antennas and Propagation, AP-
23, pp. 551-558, 1975.

[3] Topsakal E., Büyükaksoy A., İdemen M.,

“Scattering of electromagnetic waves by a
rectangular impedance cylinder”, Wave Motion,
pp. 273-296., 2000.

[4] Tezel N. S., Şimşek S., “Evaluation of the

Scattering Matrix for Impedance Sphere”, IEEE
International Symposium on Electromagnetic
Figure 12. The magnitude of the cross-polarized Compability, Istanbul, Turkey,2003.
scattered field for f=1 GHz and a=15 cm.
[5] Tsang L., Kong J.A., Ding K.H., “Scattering
of Electromagnetic Waves”, John Wiley & Sons
Inc., pp. 32-41, 2000.

[6] T.B.A. Senio. and J.L. Volakis,

“Approximate boundary conditions in
electromagnetics”, The Institution of Electrical
Engineers, 1995.

Figure 13. The magnitude of the cross-polarized

scattered field for f=1 GHz and a=40 cm.

In table 1, the maximum values of the magnitude

of the cross-polarized electric fields for the
frequencies and radii mentioned above are
tabulated. It is determined that the bigger radius
correspond to the higher magnitudes.

Necmi Serkan TEZEL, Serkan SİMSEK, Bayram ESEN

Calculation Of The Scattering Fields For Impedance Sphere By Using Series Expansion Method 933

Necmi Serkan Tezel was born in Edremit, Turkey in 1978. He received the B.Sc. and MSc.
degrees from the Istanbul Technical University Department of Electronics and Communication
Engineering in 1999 and 2001 respectively. Since 1999 he has been working as a research
assistant in Istanbul Technical University Department of Electronics and Communication
Engineering, Division of Electromagnetic Fields and Microwave Techniques where he
continues to work on his Ph.D. dissertation. His current research interests are electromagnetic
theory, antennas, radar and signal processing.

Serkan Simsek was born in Amasya, Turkey in 1979. He received the B.Sc. degree from the
Istanbul University Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering in 2001 with the best
degree. He continues M.Sc. degree in the Istanbul Technical University, Department of
Electronics and Communication Engineering. Since 2001 he has been working as a research
assistant in Istanbul University, Engineering Faculty, Department of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering, Division of Electromagnetic Fields and Microwave Techniques. His current
research interests are electromagnetic theory and antennas.

Bayram Esen was born in Mardin, Turkey in 1966. He received B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees
from Uludağ University, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in 1989
and 1992 respectively. After working as a Fellow in Kocaeli University for one year, he
started a second M.Sc. degree in Texas Tech University, Department of Electrical Engineering
in 1994. He graduated in August 1996. He submitted and defended a Ph.D dissertation in
İstanbul Technical University, Department of Electrical-Electronics Engineering, in April
2003. He is currently working as a research assistant in İstanbul Technical University. His
current research interests are electromagnetic theory and antennas.

Necmi Serkan TEZEL, Serkan SİMSEK, Bayram ESEN

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