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National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT)

Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi – 110 016 (India)
Tel.: 91-11-26962580, Telefax: 91-11-26864141
Date: 29/11/2023

Subject: Invitation to participate in vivo Ignite: Technology & Innovation Awards 2023: A collaborative
initiative of vivo, NCERT and iHUB DivyaSampark - IIT Roorkee

Dear Sir/Madam,

This is to inform you that vivo Ignite: Technology & Innovation Awards 2023 is being organized for
students from grade 8 to 12 with the objective to create a culture of scientific exploration, innovation and
inculcate a desire to ideate and find solutions for social problems. This initiative acts as a great enhancer in
inculcating problem-solving approach among students; developing appropriate technologies for education;
integrating and applying scientific ideas best suited for addressing some of the most pressing issues. NCERT
is supporting as a knowledge partner to this programme.

The theme for this year is "Tech for Good – Technology and Innovation for Social Impact". Student can
participate individually or in group (min 2 or max 3 members) by submitting a working prototype that
holds the potential to make a profound and positive change in society across different thrust areas. Zonal-level
winners will be provided with mentoring support to develop the prototype. Top 25 innovative ideas will be
assessed and if worthy enough will be considered by iHUB DivyaSampark- IIT Roorkee (innovation centre)
for research study/incubation/start-up and top 5 winners based on Grand Jury assessment will be rewarded
with cash prizes. To know more about the programme, please visit:

Grand Prizes sponsored by vivo (in Indian Rupees):

1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize 4th Prize 5th Prize
7 Lakh 5 Lakh 4 Lakh 3 Lakh 2 Lakh
T&C apply

Process and Timelines to apply:

25th November 2023 – Participants are expected to submit a brief about their project
Submission: Phase 1
3rd January 2024 along with a poster at:
Out of the entries received, 200 projects (50 from each zone
10th January 2024 NSEW) will be shortlisted. The top 200 zonal winners will receive
goodies and certificates. The schools of top 200 zonal-level winners
Phase 1
will also be acknowledged and recognised.
The 200 shortlisted zonal-level winners will be required to submit
10th January 2024 –
a video recording of the final prototype and upload the high-
Submission: Phase 2 24th January 2024
resolution image of the Project Display Board* (PDB) at:
Top 25 projects will be shortlisted at this stage in order to be
Result considered by iHUB DivyaSampark- IIT Roorkee (innovation
Announcement: 1st February 2024 centre) for research study/incubation/start-up. Top 10 national
Phase 2 finalists list out of these 25 shortlisted students will also be
announced on this date.
The top 10 national finalists (individuals/groups projects) are
mandated to attend the Grand Gala event at New Delhi where
they will be required to present their project prototypes along with
6th February 2024 - 9th the Project Display Boards to the Grand Jury. The top 5 national
Grand Finale
February 2024 winners will be announced and felicitated during the event.
Individual Entry: Travel and stay arrangements for the student and
1 parent/guardian/teacher will be made by Team vivo Ignite.
Group Entry: Travel and stay arrangements for the group and only
1 parent/guardian/teacher will be made by Team vivo Ignite
You are requested to ensure maximum participation from your state/UT so that the students get
maximum exposure and motivation to be the changemakers.

With regards,

Your sincerely,
Prof. Indu Kumar
Head Department of Information and Communication Technology
Central Institute of Educational Technology
NCERT, New Delh

1. All the Directors/ Principals of SCERTs/ SIEs in the States/ UTs

2. All the SPDs of Samagara Shiksha in the States/ UTs
3. All Secretaries/ Chairpersons of 62 Boards of School Education in States/ UTs
4. The Joint Secretary/ Commissioner/ Chairperson/ Director of Autonomous Bodies under the
MoE, MoD, MoTA, MoMA (CBSE, KVS, NVS, CISCE, AEES, Sainik Schools, EMRS-
NESTS, Madarsa)
5. The Director (Training), Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
6. The Member Secretary, NCTE
7. The Director (Academic), NIOS
8. The Deputy Director of OSEPA, Sikshya Soudha, Unit - V, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
751001(Email: [email protected])
9. The Joint Director, PSSCIVE, Bhopal
10. Principals of RIEs at Ajmer, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Mysore and Shillong
11. All heads of the Department/ Divisions of NIE, NCERT.
12. Head Masters/ Mistress of DMS- RIE at Ajmer, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar and Mysore

Essential Guidelines (Please refer for detailed guidelines)

Stage 1: Idea Brief and Poster Submission (25th November 2023 – 3rd January 2024)
1. Each individual/group will need to upload a poster in PDF/JPEG/PNG version (file size up to 5 MB), along
with a 150 to 300-word description of their project.
2. The evaluation criteria will broadly be as follows:
● The degree of innovation and technology that the participants have incorporated into their projects.
● The project viability and capacity to have a positive social impact on the society at large.
3. The result for the top 200 participants (50 from each zone – NSEW) will be declared on 10th January 2024.
4. All students will receive a participation certification on successfully completing Stage 1

Stage 2: Video of Working Model and Project Display Board Submission (10th January 2024 – 24th January
1. This stage is applicable only to the top 200 shortlisted participants.
2. The student will need to record and upload a video (MP4 version up to 50 MB) of the working model
explaining its functioning in detail.
3. In addition, they will need to upload an image of the Project Display Board in PDF/JPEG/PNG version
(file size up to 5 MB), which will have the summary of the project (A sample is attached herewith).
4. All 200 shortlisted students will receive a certificate and goodies at this stage. The schools of the
shortlisted students will also be recognised and acknowledged.
5. Top 25 ideas will be shortlisted on the basis of video submission. These top 25 ideas will be considered by
iHUB DivyaSampark- IIT Roorkee for research study/incubation/start-up.
6. Top 10 national finalists (individual/group projects) will be shortlisted from the Top 25 ideas for the Grand

Stage 3: Grand Finale (6th February 2024 - 9th February 2024)

1. This stage is applicable to the Top 10 National Finalists
2. Each student (individual/group) will be required to share the bonafide certificate from their respective
3. Each student will be required to share their complete contact details of self, parents / guardian,
teacher/principal and parental approval for communication purposes.
4. The top 10 national finalists (individual/group) will be mandated to attend the Grand Gala event at New
Delhi where they will be required to present their project prototypes along with the Project Display Board
to the Grand Jury. The print and enlarged version of the Project Display Board will be arranged by Team
vivo Ignite. However, the student needs to carry the prototype from their home location to the venue.
5. Travel and Stay Arrangements:
● Individual Entry: Travel and stay arrangements for the participant and only 1 parent/guardian/teacher
will be made by Team vivo Ignite.
● Group Entry: Travel and stay arrangements for all the group participants and only 1
parent/guardian/teacher will be made by Team vivo Ignite
Do's and Don'ts:

1. Before starting your project, make sure you are aware of all the steps, guidelines and timelines.
2. Create a well-organized plan in accordance with the guidelines for your design, experiment, innovation,
3. Attend group webinars and mentoring sessions organised as per the schedule.
4. Be well prepared for the final presentation.
5. Keep your parents informed about your participation. Seek consent before you submit.
6. In case of any queries, do reach out to the support desk. Support desk information is mentioned on our

1. Only One entry per student allowed. Multiple submissions from the same person will result in automatic
2. Students must solely create their projects without acquiring or utilizing work made by others. Any
plagiarism will result in automatic disqualification.
3. Avoid purchased or externally made projects. Such submissions will be disqualified.

Zones bifurcation (states included in each zone):

East Zone: Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha, Chhattisgarh, West Bengal, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur,
Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura and Sikkim

West Zone: Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu, Goa, Gujarat, and Maharashtra

South Zone: Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Puducherry, Tamil Nadu, and Telangana, Andaman and
Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep

North Zone: Chandigarh, Delhi, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Ladakh, Punjab,
Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan

Note: All the Union Territories are highlighted in Italics.

The Evaluation Metrics

No Criteria 5 4 3 2 1

The student is graded on the level of clarity they have on the problem and its background. (effects, causes, etc)
Clarity of the The student is well- The student has The student has clarity The student has very
1 The student has
Problem versed in the problem, good clarity about about the problem but little clarity about the
no clarity on the
its effects, and its the problem and its is unable to explain it problem and its
causes. history. to the audience. history.
The student is graded on the level of clarity they have towards the solution.
The student has good
The student has very
Clarity of the The student has an The student has clarity of the solution The student has
2 little clarity about the
Solution excellent solution to good clarity of the but has not efficiently no clarity on the
solution and is unable
the problem. solution. put it across to the solution.
to explain it.
The student will be graded on how creatively they have constructed the model.
The model is
Creativity of
extremely creative, The model is The model has limited The model has very
3 the Model The model lacks
tackles the problem in creative and needs creativity but needs little creativity and
Construction creativity.
question, and needs no no improvements. improvements needs improvements
The student is graded on their scientific approach and understanding.
Problem objective -> Hypothesis -> Methods -> Results in line with a hypothesis or not -> Inferences of the result,
The Scientific etc.
Excellent scientific Good scientific Satisfactory scientific Very little scientific Lacks a scientific
approach. approach. approach. approach. approach.
The student is graded on how well their methodology is, materials used and how it is explained.
The student explained The student gave a The student poorly The student spoke The student did
5 of the
the methods, materials good explanation explained the very little about the not speak about
excellently. about the methods. methodology. methodology. the methodology.
The student is graded on the quality and comprehensiveness of their Project Display Board.
The PDB contains all The PDB contains The PDB is
The PDB lacks one or The PDB lacks
mandatory sections, is all mandatory totally
Project two mandatory multiple mandatory
6 visually appealing, sections, but lacks unsatisfactory
Display Board sections, and explains sections, and explains
and explains the visual appeal, and and does not
only part of the project very less about the
project idea explains most of the explain the
idea. project idea.
completely. project idea. project idea at all.
Real-World The student is graded on if they have stated the real-world applications and has explained how their solution has a
Application, positive impact on the target population and society at large.
Target The student The student
7 The student poorly The student explained
Population, The student explained explained both spoke of neither
explained both only one of the
and Social both aspects clearly. aspects to some of the mentioned
aspects. aspects.
Impact extent. aspects.
The student is graded on how well they are able to think about the disadvantages of their idea.
The student has
The student
Negative attempted to explain a
The student explained explained a The student explained
Impacts / few of the possible The student did
8 all the possible significant number a few of the possible
Disadvantage negative effects of not specify any
negative effects of of the possible negative effects of
s their solution, negative effects.
their solution. negative effects of their solution.
however the same are
their solution.
not valid.
The student is graded on how viable their project is (feasibility, profitability, costing, etc. to be considered).
Commercial The project has some
The project has The project has very
Viability (of The project has scope for commercial
decent commercial little commercial The project has
9 the overall excellent commercial viability but the
viability with a fair viability and the zero commercial
idea and viability with student has not
chance of market student is unable to viability.
prototype) innovative USPs. efficiently put it across
share. explain it.
to the audience.
The student is graded on the potential scalability of their idea.
The project has The project has some
Scalability The project
decent scalability rudimentary The project has very
(of the overall demonstrates excellent
10 with a fair scalability but the little scalability and The project has
and scalability with inbuilt
mechanism to student has not the student is unable no scalability.
prototype) ability to handle
handle large efficiently detailed it to explain it.
volumes and spikes.
volumes/users. in the submission.
The student is graded on their presentation skills (body language, voice modulation, confidence in responding to
jury's Q&A, etc.)
Skills (across
The student has
project brief, The student has
11 good body The student has good
video excellent body The student has poor The student is
language, and body language but has
recording and language, and presentation skills. underconfident.
regulates their no voice regulation.
prototype) regulates their voice.
Criteria-Wise weightage distribution

. Criteria Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
1 Clarity of the Problem 20 15 10
2 Clarity of the Solution 20 15 10
3 Creativity, Demonstration and Design of the Idea 20 15 10
4 The Scientific Approach 20 15 10
5 Explanation of the Methodology 20 10 10
6 Project Display Board Nil 10 10
7 Real-World Application, Target Population, and Social Impact Nil Nil 5
8 Negative Impacts / Disadvantages Nil Nil 5
9 Commercial Viability Nil 5 10
10 Scalability Nil 5 10
11 Presentation Skills Nil 10 10

*Project Display Board (PDB):

A Project Display Board is a board-shaped material that is rigid and strong enough to stand on its own, and
generally used paper or other materials affixed to it. Science/Technology/Innovation fair/competition display
boards generally include Project Title, Abstract, Question, Hypothesis, Background, Research, Materials,
Procedure, Results, Conclusion and Future Directions. Refer the below sample images of the Project Display
Board for your reference.

For more information and queries:

Please visit Or Scan

Or you may reach us at:

Email ID: [email protected]
Tollfree No.: 1800 202 3747

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