Impact of Social Media Marketing On Brand Building: A Case Study of Olx, Pakistan
Impact of Social Media Marketing On Brand Building: A Case Study of Olx, Pakistan
Impact of Social Media Marketing On Brand Building: A Case Study of Olx, Pakistan
Keywords: Brand building, brand equity, brand awareness, social media, Pakistan
Brand Loyalty Brand Building
Brand Equity
Material and Methods X5= Trust (If the respondents trust on product then 1,
Customers of OLX, Pakistan were selected as there otherwise 0)
presentative of online social media. For the purpose of X6=Behavior
collecting primary data, the authors used simple random X7=Satisfaction
sampling technique considering the under lying advantages as X8=Social Media Marketing
this technique improves the accuracy and reduce the cost of =
social survey results [12]. Karachi Division was divided into Y= Brand loyalty (if Yes then 1, otherwise 0)
three strata as Zone-I, II and III, from each stratum two X1= Age of the respondents
districts were randomly selected and out of each district, X2= Gender of the respondents (If Male then 1, otherwise 0)
customers were selected randomly who used OLX as a mean X3= Education level of the respondents (years of Schooling)
of purchasing. After analyzing all scatter diagrams the X4=Personality (If the respondents viewed online posting
authors decided to use the binary logistic regression analysis then 1, otherwise 0)
for the purpose of data analysis. As per theoretical X5= Accessibility (If the respondents have easy accessibility
framework, three different models were designed to critically then 1 otherwise 0)
investigate the role of social media marketing on three X6=Emotional connection
different dimensions of brand building. The econometric X7= Social Media Marketing
forms of these models are as under: REGRESSION ANALYSIS OF HYPOTHESIZES
= Nexus between Social Media Marketing and Brand
Y= Awareness of respondents about brand (if yes then 1, Awareness
otherwise 0) The results of the binary logistic regression analysis are
X1=Age of the respondents presented in the Table I. The intercept of the model is 1.428,
X2=Gender of the respondents (If Male then 1, otherwise 0) which represents the expected increase in the brand
X3=Education level of the respondents (years of Schooling) awareness, when all inputs are zero.
X4=Online traffic (If the respondents viewed online posting The coefficient of the age of the respondents is 0.001. The
then 1, otherwise 0) coefficient of gender is 0.047. The coefficient of education
X5= External link (If the respondents have external link then level of respondent is 0.151. This coefficient indicates that
1, otherwise 0) brand awareness will increase by 0.151 percent by increasing
X6=Community Reach 1 percent of education level. The coefficient of social
X7=Social Media Marketing engagement is 1.454 percent. This coefficient indicates that
= brand awareness will increase by 1.454 percent by increasing
Y= Brand equity (if yes then 1, otherwise 0) the social engagement by 1 percent. Subsequently, the most
X1= Age of the respondents important variable i.e., social media marketing is significant
X2= Gender of the respondents (If Male then 1, otherwise 0) at less than 5 percent level of significance. This coefficient
X3= Education level of the respondents (years of Schooling) indicates that brand awareness will increase by 0.384 percent
X4=Quality (1, otherwise 0) by increasing the social media marketing by 1 percent. The
overall significance of the model can also be judged from the
2 ISSN 1013-5316;CODEN: SINTE 8 Sci.Int.(Lahore),31(6),911-915,2019
value of coefficient of Cox & Snell R Square i.e., 0.158. indicates that about 22.5 percent of the total change in brand
Similarly, the value of Nagelkerke R Square is 0.225 which awareness is explained by the independent variables.
Nexus between Social Media Marketing and Brand percent. The coefficient of behavior is 0.406. This coefficient
Loyalty indicates that brand loyalty will increase by 0.406 percent by
The results of the binary logistic regression analysis are increasing the sellers’ behavior by 1 percent. The main
presented in the Table II. The intercept of the model is 0.912, variable of this model is social media marketing which is
which represents the expected increase in the brand loyalty significant at less than 5 percent level. This coefficient
when all inputs are zero. indicates that brand loyalty will increase by 0.560 percent by
The coefficient of the age of the respondents is 0.008. The increasing the social media marketing by 1 percent. The
coefficient of gender is 0.0131. The coefficient of education overall significance of the model can also be judged from the
is 0.057. This coefficient indicates that brand loyalty will value of coefficient of Cox & Snell R Square i.e., 0.087.
increase by 0.057 percent by increasing 1 percent of Similarly, the value of Nagelkerke R Square is 0.116 which
education level. The coefficient of quality is 0.745 percent. indicates that about 11.6 percent of the total change in brand
This coefficient indicates that brand loyalty will increase by loyalty is explained by the independent variables.
0.745 percent by increasing the quality of product by 1
Nexus between Social Media Marketing and Brand percent. The coefficient of emotional connection is 0.504.
Equity This coefficient indicates that brand equity will increase by
The results of the binary logistic regression analysis are 0.504 percent by increasing the emotional connection by 1
presented in the Table III. The intercept of the model is percent. The main variable of this model is social media
0.084, which represents the expected increase in the brand marketing which is significant at less than 5 percent level.
equity when all inputs are zero. This coefficient indicates that brand equity will increase by
The coefficient of the age of the respondent is 0.007. The 0.175 percent by increasing the social media marketing by 1
coefficient of gender is 0.023. The coefficient of education is percent. The overall significance of the model can also be
0.012. This coefficient indicates that brand equity will judged from the value of coefficient of Cox & Snell R Square
increase by 0.012 percent by increasing 1 percent of i.e., 0.022. Similarly, the value of Nagelkerke R Square is
education level. The coefficient of personality is 0.067 0.030 which indicates that about 3 percent of the total change
percent. This coefficient indicates that brand equity will in brand equity is explained by the independent variables
increase by 0.067 percent by increasing the personality by 1
Sci.Int.(Lahore),31(6),911-915,2019 ISSN 1013-5316;CODEN: SINTE 8 1
Table III: Nexus between Social Media Marketing and Brand Equity
Coefficient S.E. Sig.
Age 0.007 0.017 0.069
Gender 0.023 0.414 0.215
Education 0.012 0.037 0.075
Personality 0.067 0.434 0.877
Accessibility -0.161 0.418 0.699
Emotional Connection 0.504 0.415 0.052
Social Media Marketing 0.175 0.458 0.002
Constant 0.084 0.873 0.092
-2 Log likelihood = 140.007, Cox & Snell R Square = 0.022,
Nagelkerke R Square = 0.030