Purchase Intention Journal
Purchase Intention Journal
Purchase Intention Journal
ISSN: 2146-4405
Patria Laksamana*
The purpose of the study is to explore the impact of social media marketing towards purchase intention and brand loyalty. The context of the study was
retail banking in Indonesia and a questionnaire was developed with 286 respondents. It has been found that social media marketing leads to purchase
intention and brand loyalty. Hence, brand loyalty affected by purchase intention. The implications for marketing managerial and future research are
Keywords: Social Media Marketing, Purchase Intention, Brand Loyalty
JEL Classification: M31
Figure 1: Research model are Social Media Marketing Social Media Marketing 1.5, Social
Media Marketing 1.9, and Brand Loyalty 3.4 (Table 1). Therefore,
they need to be terminated for further statistical analysis (Hair
et al., 2006).
As for the social media that being used, out of total 286 respondets, Second, similarly, the research has shown that social media
many of them have more than one social media for their daily used. marketing indeed affect brand loyalty. The overload information on
The majority has Line (191), followed by Facebook (135), Path the internet has been a challenge for communicating and engaging
(121), Twitter (87), Instagram (61), Snapchat (47), and others (1). with consumers. Therefore, for a positive impact on brand the
communication efforts must be interactive, customized and yet
For the purpose of the study EFA was conducted to study the factor entertaining. These findings is consistent with past research from
structure. Out of 19 items, 3 items had factor loading <50. They Hutter et al. (2013) and Zhu and Zhang (2010).
Finally, the study has demonstrated that purchase intention has on purchase intention and brand loyalty. Hence, brand loyalty also
positive impact on brand loyalty. This is in accordance with affected by purchase intention.
previous study that purchase intention affects brand loyalty
(Macintosh and Lockshin, 1997) and they were found to have
direct correlation one to another (Malik et al., 2013). 7. LIMITATIONS AND FUTURE RESEARCH
In conclusion, the results indicate that the study was successful. Although the study has demostrated the impact of social media
All of the hypotheses were supported. Overall, the study has marketing on purchase intention and brand loyalty, the study still
demonstrated that social media marketing has a positive impact presents some limitations.
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sectional data. Consequently, longitudinal studies would be 31, 972-980.
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