American Tank Ace Official Errata As of 1 Dec 2022

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American Tank Ace Official Errata and Clarifications (as of 1 Dec 2022)

[4.4] 5. – (correction) – You must roll to hit with White although the gunner’s Weapon Maint. skill affects the
Phosphorus rounds on chart [B1]. However, regardless coax and the loader’s skill affects the .50 cal, they don’t
of hit or miss, a Smoke 2 marker is placed in the target’s do those reloads.) Nothing else is done that round for
area. that crew unless the commander gives commands, which
overrides reloading.
[6.2] (clarification) – You only roll once for INF quality on
[A6]. All INF are considered to be from the same unit and [7.2] 3.J. (correction) – the reference to “Focus” should
therefore the same quality. be a reference to “Synergy.”

[6.6] (clarification) – A counterattack does not get its [7.2] (addition) – Actions D, E, and G will include a free
own entry on the log, as it happens right away, and IMM “F” action if desired.
tanks remain so, and skill use does not refresh. It does
count as a second mission for experience points. [7.2] 4. (correction) – The word “combat” is duplicated.
However, it combines the number of destroyed enemy Delete one.
units with the first mission for awards purposes.
[7.2] 4. (clarification) – Each enemy unit checks to target
[7.1.4] (addition) – Enemy AT guns are replaced by an you EVERY round, not just the first, but only those units
equal number of SPGs when defending. Additionally, it which are not already targeting you. Once targeting you,
only takes one move backward to end the mission, an enemy will not stop attacking until it is destroyed or
regardless of current range. The maximum moves withdraws, and therefore no longer needs to check
forward by the enemy is two (if starting at long range) or targeting.
one (if starting at medium.)
[7.2] 6. (addition) – Withdrawal from the battle board in
[7.2] 3. (clarification) – Commands are decided upon and an operational vehicle, besides mission failure, results in
given by the commander sequentially. You do not have no experience gain and a +1 DRM to your next promotion
to decide in advance, as you may destroy a target with a attempt (DRMs may accumulate.)
first round, for example.
[7.3.1] (addition) – After gaining hull down status, a
[7.2] 3. A (correction) - Page 13, 1st column, 3rd player loses it with any movement action taken (except
sentence: INT should read INF. for angling the hull.)

[7.2] 3. A (correction) - "Ammo Round Expenditure" [7.3.2] (clarification) – All enemy vehicles start
paragraph, 6th sentence: change 'To' to read 'Two.' unbuttoned, and if buttoned, remain so for the duration
of the mission.
[7.2] 3. A (clarification) – If the turret facing had to
change, the coax MG is restricted to firing once this [7.3.3] (addition) – Enemy SPGs that are immobilized can
round, just like the main gun. still fire at you, but after you move, they cannot for the
rest of the mission. If you move to flank an immobilized
0[7.2] 3. E (clarification) – If the player includes a range enemy vehicle, they are flanked for the rest of the
change with this action, he rolls twice for immobilization. mission.
If not, just once.
[7.3.5] (clarification) – Firing a smoke round (HCBI) does
[7.2] 3. (addition) – add a new command P. – Rotate the not require a “to hit” roll on Chart [B1]. You simply place
turret to face any direction (without firing). Reloading a Smoke 2 marker in the target area.
the ready rack cannot be simultaneously performed with
this action in the same round. [7.3.5] (clarification) – The smoke level in an area never
goes above “2” by firing more smoke.
[7.2] 3. (clarification) – MG reloading is done by the
responsible crew – Commander for the .50 cal, loader for
the coax, assistant driver for the bow MG. (notice
[7.3.8] (clarification) – Enemy tanks and SPGs are II. The rank image is correct. This has no impact on play
affected by Shock. However, as enemy crews are not per se, just a minor research error.
tracked in the game, you do not check for spalling.
Rulebook – Back Cover (correction) – The Sequence of
[7.4.3] (addition) – New crewmen who replace dead or Battle has errors under 6.a. ii. and 6.a. iii. Both Tanks and
wounded crew do attend Ft. Knox training first. SPGs will shoot at you with Chart [B1] just like AT guns.

[7.4.3] (correction) - SW paragraph: The reference to Rulebook – Back Cover (correction) – Move action #3
“C1” should read “C2.” Additionally, SW crew cannot (enemy targeting) down to #5. Renumber #4 and #5 to
bailout of a DE tank (burning or not.) The only way for #3 and #4 respectively.
them to survive the mission is to win, or you voluntarily
abandon your vehicle (other crew pull him out) or Chart [A1] (correction) – The reference in red text to [4.8]
withdraw from the battle board. should actually be to [4.7].

[7.4.6] (addition) - Abandoning your tank. You may Chart [B1] (clarification) – the +1 DRM for Firer Buttoned
voluntarily abandon your tank. All crew check for a Up is based on the tank commander’s status. As long as
wound (from possible small arms or other enemy fire) the commander is unbuttoned, the DRM does not apply.
similar to a “B” result – on a 1d6 “1-2“ that crewman is
Chart [B6] (correction) – the word “Ineffective” in the left
wounded. You will receive a +1 drm to your next
column entries should read “---” (none.)
promotion attempt, which can accumulate. You may
abandon an IMM tank without penalty, however. Chart [B9] (addition) – If, at the time you roll a
“Minefield” event, you happen to be immobilized, treat
[7.6] + Chart [W2] (clarification) – You must have a
as “no event.”
command radio (in other words, be a 1LT or CPT in rank)
to be able to barter for and use an “extra” mortar Chart [B9] (correction) – Under “B9 Instructions” the final
mission. This is unlike the “free” artillery mission that sentence of GE Mortar and Artillery Attacks should read
comes with an Assault, because in that case the mission “Rain DRM does not apply.” Mud and Snow does apply.
is pre-planned.
Chart [B9] (correction) – Under “B9 Instructions,”
[7.6] (clarification) – Enemy vehicles may be buttoned by although the GE Arty stands a very good chance of a “B”
friendly artillery. They remain so for the rest of the result, the player’s tank is only IMM on a result of an
mission. They can also be immobilized with an artillery adjusted roll of “0” or less. Notice mortars never
“B” result on a roll of “0” or less. immobilize, only “B” if they hit.

[7.6] (change) – Players designate an AREA (A, B, C, D, or Chart [C1] (correction) – under result #4, it should
E) to be hit by indirect fire (mortars or artillery) and not a reference “APCR” not “APDS.” Error caused by 20 years
specific unit. When the mission is resolved, it hits all of habit.
enemy units currently in that area (if an artillery attack)
or one random unit (if a mortar attack). Chart [W1] (addition) – Items from the battlefield are lost
if your tank is destroyed.
[7.6] (addition) – Players make request smoke with
indirect fire, instead of an HE attack. Simply place a Chart [W2] (clarification – HVAP (High Velocity Armor
“Smoke 2” marker in the area when it resolves. Piercing) and APCR (Armor Piercing Composite Rigid) are
two names for the same thing and can be used
[7.7] + Chart [B8] (correction) – The Eye for Terrain skill interchangeably in the game.
helps you find hull down terrain, therefore it is supposed
to be a +1 DRM on Chart [B5a] not a -1 as listed in the Tank Mats (typo) - the word (Guinner) should be spelled
rules and Chart [B8]. (Gunner)

[7.9] (correction) – the reference in the last sentence to Tank Mats (clarification) – The M4A1 (early) does not
rule 6.7 should be to rule 6.8. have a loader’s hatch, the Notes section is correct.
Ignore the faint image of the loader’s hatch on the top-
[8.2.1] (correction) – A SFC (Sergeant First Class, aka an down view.
“E-7”) was called a Technical Sergeant during World War
Countersheet 2 – (clarification) several “Generic”
German infantry have been included in the game, having
no printed Morale Level (ML). If players don’t want to
use the INF markers with morale levels on them (and just
remember the quality that was rolled) they can use the
generic INF counters and set aside all the numbered
units, thereby saving time by not having to dig through
the counters. Or they can save a die roll and use the
generic counters always with a value of “4”.

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