Odisha Land Reforms
Odisha Land Reforms
Odisha Land Reforms
Act 16 of 1960
Land Reforms, Orissa Land Reforms, Agriculture, Basic Holding, Ceiling Area,
Fair and Equitable Rent, Fair Rent, Home-Stead, Irrigated Land, Land
Holder, Land Reforms Personal Cultivation, Privileged Raiyat, Lord
Jagannath, Raiyat, Rent, Standard Acre,
DISCLAIMER: This document is being furnished to you for your information by PRS
Legislative Research (PRS). The contents of this document have been obtained from sources
PRS believes to be reliable. These contents have not been independently verified, and PRS
makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or correctness. In
some cases the Principal Act and/or Amendment Act may not be available. Principal Acts
may or may not include subsequent amendments. For authoritative text, please contact the
relevant state department concerned or refer to the latest government publication or the
gazette notification. Any person using this material should take their own professional and
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to any person on account of any action taken or not taken on the basis of this document.
' ORISSA ACT 16 OF 1960
. ' '
. -.
. I . Short title, e,xtent and cornm,encemcnt
. .
, >2.Definitions
. , . . '
. I
, ' ,
3. ,Act to ovkrride..otherhla~i
' I '
. , . I
...... '
' I. I , 1
l o t to be affected . ' . . - . . .
5. ~ x i s t i n ~ ' r i ~?f
. a . h tiaiyats
. , .
' , :' 6;. &ttr , bbr riiyats
. . pr,obibiiion
.and . of lining
, ,.
- . I
' , ,
0 .
" 0
7: ~cn-trinrTerabilityadd k i n g bithe rights and ~iibilitis~ bf tenants
:. ...
, . . . , I ' I I
, . , * .
' ' .
- .. 8.Eviqion of rgiyatq
' , '
. . .
. "
I . 0 , I -
... ...
. . 9. $wclliqg hourina.ofraiyats and tt'nants
+ . : I
. 'I
* . .
4 a '
- - . .- i' .,
:; . 1.~
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& payable
t, by t$.aqts
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1 . . . .
, '!., - C
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.. :- , ',
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"'. ' . - , t , 7 . - 7 , ,
' ",14. Groimds of oyictioipf a tep&t
. . . . .
, ,. ' .. <
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. , , . ,,... . ' ., . .
, ,*; d',
0 . .
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, .
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. : poyssionl
realiSatibn dr, . ii(terfe&k 'with ,:tcnantir ; .
. . : ... , .
... ,
, ,
, , a , ? .I
; i9. Partition among-cq-shaier raiyats how t&jx,effected". . ., . . . I I
, - . . . . . . . , , I
7 - - ,
.- ,. .
, -
20. ~ & d rkst.by diluvioh !
j ' .
. .
. ' .
accretion.: . . . . . . .
'21.: ~ b d gained.bY~gradual
' I
I [ . t
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-a,: ' . .. . . ..
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. , '23.~ff~~~:o[frhsfer~i~$ont&&n~ionofsec~on22~
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' 4
t I,
' I
23-A.~ i i c t i o nof person in unauthorised occupation of property ,
' 25. ~Krtntof resubable land . ,-.
. I . . nol-rkumablc.jand . . , , .. . .
. .
, . 28.' comp6n~stionfor non-reshmablc lands . . + . ,
. ,,
. ,
. .
. 7 .
- . ..' . -
:32. ~artiiicateto be ionclusive ptoof . , ' ,
33. R9nt:for noi-rcsumable land to .
whom payable , , , -
' I'
' . 37-A. &ling $rea
. .
. . '
. , -
- -
- ,
I 8 ' - -
. .
3743.Persons not ctitilted to hold land in txa&s'of,ccilingarta. , .;- :, . + .. -* '
. , .
1 - 38. ~ x e m ~ t i ofrom:&iling
h .. ( ' . . -
' , .
1 .. . ,
I . .
1 ' ,
.. .
99..lrlncipler ..
for d&i&ningthc
. I . aka '
ailing . . .... . . ' .. . a
. ..
. ' , a ~ - ~ : : . ~ ~ b m idf
.s i ireturns
on " : '. . .
,. . .
.. . . . .* " .
, . ,
! . .
40-B.Submission of rerums in special cases
41. Responsibility for submitting returns . . .
42. Failure to submit return to entail forfeiture of claim
43. Prepartion and publication of draft statement showing ceiling'and s~lrpli~s
, . . ,
, ,
45-B.Lands cscapings cjiling proceedings to vest along with surplus lands' already
. ,
' vested.
'46. Assewmcnt ROIL to be preiared
.. .
. ,
. .
47. Principles to dettrmtne m o u n t . . .' .
and publicatibnof draft ~sswstiient,~ o l l
. 48,.,~r&aration , ,
. . 49. Final Aisessmeat]Roll
.. .
. .. SO.~a~mekofamaunt
. : , , , .. . , , .
51. ~ettle&nt'ofsu&s . I n. n d ~
I :
.. .
on f u t v aquiritioas .
* .
. 32: &ljing ' '
4 .
. . ': I
,' 53. Constitution of ~and'~omrnissio~
, , ' 54. Functions of-Land ~omrnlssion' ' '
* .
. n ~ i r t r i cExecutive
55. ~ o ~ l i i u.k i oof t ~ammitteckadLocal ~ommittce'
., 56. Funciions 0.f thz bistrict ~xeiutiveCommittee + '
I .
.. .. -
. 5 6 A . .C;ctificatepf
. . dissbiIity - . .
. .
. 'Cas~llarioaof cxtificitz o f dissbiiity and its consequences
. - .
eve nu: officer
. 1. ' . 57. ,~ro&duretob: follo&d by '. . , . . .
'57-~-~&fercn& pl
. . . c @ e a l carrain piivikgd raiydti by thi: c ~ ~ l k t o
'."r 1 'I .. ..
. 60.Review . ' , . . , .
. .. . .
,. - 61,-0rd@ to be final
1- . 62.Court-fqes I .
63. Limitation .
64. E n q u i r i ~and procbdjngs to bz judicial p r o d i n @
65. Execution of orders
66. Fees of legal practitioners not to form part o k costs
67. Bar of jurisdiction of ,civil.courts
68: Penalties .
69. Delegation of power
70. Indemnity
. . 71. &cutive instructions . . .
72. Power to eater upon land
' 73. Act not to appiy t o esrt@dands ' .
. . . .
. ..
, . -- . . ..
I .
. 75. Power to make rules. ' . . . .
- , '
1. (1) This Act may be called the Orissa Land shorl titte,
Reforms Act, 1960. cxtent and
(2) Tt extends to the whole of the State of Orissa.
(3) D shall come into force2in whole or in part,
on such date or dates as he Governme~ltmay from time -
to time by notification appoirlt; and different dates may -
be appointed for different provisions of this Act.
-- .. ... ---- ----
I. For State~nnnrof O h ~ ~ and
l s Rcasons rcc Oris.ro Gazerrc, Extraordi-
narx, dated the 6th Fcbruarh, 19hO (No. 142) and i o r the R t p o r ~ or % l e t
Committee see tbid.. dalcd thc 26th Fcbruary ;960 (NO. 240).
2. Came inlo Force with effect from lhc 1st Ociober, 1965 excepting
Chepltrr 111 nnd I V viilu Notifiwtic~n No. 63382-Re-60/65-R.,dated rhr 25th
September, 19hZ. published in Ori.rsa Garelre, Exlrnordin~ry,datrtl thc 25th
September 1965 (No.1501).
Chnptcr ti1 camc into rorcc with tNcc1 from thc 9th Deecmllcr,l965
vide Notification No.78619-R.E. 78165.R.. dated rhe 8th Dcccn~bcr, 1965,
published in Orisslr Gazette. Extraordin~ry. duted the 5th Dt-ccmbcr. 1965
Chapter IV came into force with effect frunl liie 7th January, 1972, vjda
Notification No. 88172.916-R.,datcd the 5th January, 1972, published in
Orisxu Gazerre, E~tranrdiner~.dated the 6th January, 1972 mo. 33).
. ,
. of April];
.ncing on the'[l s t day .
1. Substituted b.v thc Orissa Land Rerotrun (Sccond Amendment) Act, 1975
(Or. Act 29 of 1976)., s 3 (6)(il).
2. Iascrted by rhe Orissa Land Reforms CAmcndment) Act, 1966
(Or. Act 8 of 1967), s. 2(ii).
3. Inserted by I ha Orissa Land Rcfcrms (Arnendnlcnt) Act, 1974
(Or. Act 9 of1?974), s, 3(b), read with President's Act No. 17 of 1973,
enmt into force, w.e.f. 2nd October 1973.
4. Inserted by the Orissa h r t d Reforms (Second Amendment) Acl, 1975
(Or. Act 29 or 19761, S. 3 (d) (iii).
THEORISSA ACT, 1960 [ Or. Act I6
- 1 1 . ( l ) ~ v e r ~ ' t r a n s f ~ o f t h e h o l d i n g oraiyat,,,,
--.ora portion or shge ther~ofby way of aaIe, exchangetramforof
or gift ,shall be made by a registered instrument except
id -the case mefitioned in sub-section (4).
:$zs Of a
,. . .:
(2) The ~egisterjngOacer shall not accept for i
registration any such instrument unless the rent of .
the record-of-rights.
m f m nf . 12. (1) Any dispute between a raiyat and his Iand-
lord.relating to-
. , . ,
end rdynt3.
(i) the landlord's right to eviot the &$at under
section 8,or
(ii) the'righis conferred 'under sections 4, 9 . and
(iii) ihe rkyat's right to possession of the land
and his rights to the bepofits under this
Act shall be decided by the Revenue
Officer on a n application to be filed by any
person interested :
Provided that such application shall be filed before
-the Revenue Officer in the prescribed manner within
sixty days from the date on which the, dispute arises.
, .
(2) 0i r&eipt of an application under sub-&ion
(I) the Revenue Officer shall after making such enqu-
iry as -iniy be rieckssary pass 'such.orders,as bc deems , .
(3) The Revenue Officer may take such further
steps as he may consider necessary to give effect to the
orders passed under sub-section (2).
13. (1) No landlord shall he entitled to recover from ~~i~~~
his tenant more than one -forth of tbe gross produce of
the land or the :slue thereof or the value of one-fourth
of the estimated produce as rent I[, so however that
such rent shall in no event exceed the fair rent in res-
pect of such land.]
1. Added by the Orissa Land Reforms (Amadmcnt) Act, 1965 (Or. Act
13 01 196s). 2. 5.
2. Omitted by ,ibibld.,g. 5-
3. Subs[i!utcd by ibid., 6.
4. InvMd by the Orisw h n d , Rcrorm [~mcndnwnt) .4et, 1976: (Or.
. Act 30 or 19761, s. 2 (a).
~ 1960 [Or Ad. 16
-. -
. .
, , . - ,. -
1. i w e d by the Orissa ~ a a d ~ t f o r m
( es n d Amendment) - Acl, 197s..
Act 29 of 1976). s. 6.
(Of. . - ._ - . - - , . .. , ,
(3) Where the landlord specified in clause (a)
of sub-section (2) or the succeeding raiyat, if any,
in pursuance of clause (b) of the said sub-section,
as fie case may be, fails to resume the land for per-
sonal cultivation at the end of the year specified in
the said clauses such IandIord shall be deemed to
have failed to cultivate the land personally and shall
be liable to eviction under the provisions of section 8.1
C(4) Where the hndlord, being a person un&r
disability witbin the meaning of sub-clause (e) or
subclause (f) of clause (21) of section 2, ceases
to be a person under disability by reasoc of acquisi-
tion of additional land through inheritance, bequest,
. gift, purchase or otherwise, he shall not be entitled
to awct any tenant holding any land under him,
but may resume laads for personal cultivation
in accordance with the provrsions contained in
Chapter II1 and the tenant shan be entitled to
acquisition of raiyati right in respect of the non-
resumable land in accordan= with the said Chapter.
(5) For the. purposes of sub-section (4) the
provlslons contamed in sections 24 to 36 (both
inclusive) shall, so far as may be, apply subject to
the - modification that the - period of limitation in
respect of an application to be made under section 26,
either by the ' landlord or by the tenant,. shall be
six - ~ o n t h sfrom the date of such acquisition of
additional land.]
IS. ( I ) Any claim for recovery of arrears of rent ;ay&y&
by a landlord and any 'di ute between a landford and ub MwaeD
his .hiyat or tenant as t e case may be as rtgards-s;rtr=d P
' , (a)
. . the quantum of the rent payable, or -1.
, ,
4. Substituted by- the Orisa Land Reforms (AmPndmcnt) Act; 1974 ' . ... , '
(Or.Act 9 of 1974), s. 7 (b), with effect from the 2nd W o k
1973. - .
, .
Provided that in cases of dispute arising out
of a matter mentioned in clause (c) of sub-section
( I ) of section 14, the Revenue OEcer before ordering
the tenant to cease to cultivate the land shall decide
if rent had been duly offered and may allow reasonable
opportunity to the tenant to pay or deliver to his land-
lord the rent payable.
(3) An order for eviction made by the Revenue
Officer under sub-section (2) shall takeeffect on and
fromihe first day of the year next foIlowing the date
of such order.
(4) If any tenant on whoy a notice under sub-
section (2) has be& served does not cease 10 cultivate
the land the Revenue Officer may take such steps as
he may deem necessary for the purpose of giving
effect to his orders.
(5) If after holding enquiry under sub-section (2)
the Revenue Oflicer is satisfied that the tenant was
cultivating the land at the date of commencement of
this Aci, or at any time .thereafter, and that he is
bd ug unlawfully prevented from cultivating such land
by his landlord, he may in addition to the penalty
that he may imposz on the landlord under section 18,
order the landlord by a notice served in the prescribed
manner to allow the tenant to enter the land forth-
with and to cultivate it as a tenant.
(6) If the Revenue Officer is satisfied after such
further enquiry as he may deem necessary that the
landlord has failed to comply with his order under
subsection (a, he shall take such steps as may be
necessary to put the tenant in possession of'the land.
(7) Pending final disposal of the dispute undd
this sectio,n, the Revenut OEmr may pass such
interim orders relating to the appointment of Receivers,
for taking charge of the crops, or getting the Iands
cultbated or '[restraining the landlord from inter-
fering with the tenant-scultivation of the land or for
such other purposes] as he may deem necessary or
1. ~u'bstitutcd by thc Orissa tmd Reforms (Second Ammdmcnt 1
Act, 1975 (Or.Act 29 of 1976), s. 7 (iq. ,
ACT, 1960 [Or. Act
16. If any dispute arises as to t h identity of
regarding the tenants in cultivation of any Iand such dispute
identity of shall after such enquiry as may be prescribed be
decided by the Revenue Oficer on his own motion
or on the application of the landlord or any person
claiming to be in such adtivation and the Revenue
Officermay pass such order as he may deem n w s a r y .
17. (1) A tenant who makes payment on account
siIeg toof rent
to his landlord or his agent shall be entitled
a written. receipt for the rent paid by him signed
E l t y for by the landlord or his agent, as the case may be.
(2) The landlord or Gs agent shall prepare and
retain .the counterfoil of the receipt so granted by
(3) The receipt and counterfoiI shall specify
such particulars. as may be prescribed.
or his agent,
Explanation-For the purposes of this section
a "tenant" shall include a raiyat.
18. (1) If, in contravention of any of the pro- R,ty, I
visions of this Act a landlord or his agent realises landlord for I
from a raiyat or tenant anything in excess of the rent zz
lawfully payable or deliverable or evicts the tenant iotermencc
from the land or interferes without sufficient cause :kt.? 1
with the t e + w t 7 s.cultivaltion of the land, the Revenue posstsslon.
Officer may, aizer mdcing such enquiry as he deems
fit, impose pd-such landlord or his agent or b ~ t ha
penalty not exceeding five hundred rupees or when
double the amount or value of what has been so
reliiised exceeds five hundred rupees dot exceeding
double the amount or value: ..
, . .
as he thinks fit.
19. (1) No partition of a holding among co-sharer
raiyats shdl;be valid. unless made by- ' ' '
a mon8
(a) a registered instrument; or - K i a t s how
to be cff-
(b) a decree of a Court;' or a
ACT, 1960 [Or. Act 16
abandon-Or ZC 22-A. ( I ) No surrender I o the land lord 01
ment by abi~ndofirnentof any holding.or any pait thereof by a
Or raiyat .cra tenant shall be valid unless such surren-
der or abandonment has r ~ e e nprevirbusly approbed by
the Revenus Ofher-
- .
be inserted.:]
- - -- - -
1. Added by the On'ssa Land Reforms (Second Amendment) Act, 1976
(Or. ~ c 44
t of 1976), s. 3 (c):
2. Insrflcd by ibid.. s. 4.
3. inwrtcd by the O d m Land Rdorms (AmJdme~N) Acr, 1974 (Or.
Act 9 of 19741, s. 11. w. e. r, thc 2od Octobcr 1973.
4. Renumbered by thc Drim Land Reforms (Second AmcadmePt) Acr.
f WG (Or.ACI44 or 1976), s. 4.
ACT, 1960 [ Or. Act 36
(Secs. 24-26)
right to
34. On the determination of the resumabie
conrinue Iands the tenant on such land shalI cease to have
r~sumable the right to continue in cuItivatiot1 thereof with effect
from the date of expiry of the year next fol1olying
the date of issue of the certificate under section 29.
utnces of '134-A. In any case where the landIord in
i t of respect of any land fails to apply in accordance
apply under
" with the provisions of section 26 the Revenue
~ection26. OKcer shall, on the expiry of the period speciFied
in the said section, consider the application filed
by the tenant i n respect of such land and after
ziving the persons interested an opportunity of
being heard determine the particuIars of the resum-
able and non-resumable lands along with the other
matters required to be determined under sections
27 and 28 and on such determination the remaining
2[provisions of this Chapter], so far as may be,
shall apply:
Provided that if in any such case the laad-
lord contests the claim on the ground that- the
applicant is not the tenant and the tenznt succeeds
in establishing his claim the Revenr~eOficer shall,
after giving the tenant an opportunity of selecting
the non-resumable Iands, determine the aforesaid
pal-ficulars, so far as may be, in accordance with
the selection, i f any, made by the tenant:
Provided further that if the landlord does not
contest- the claim as aforesaid he shall have the right
to select the resumable lands and thz said pnrti-
culars shall, so far as may be, bc determined in
accordance with the selection, if a,ny, madk by
the land lord.]
FaiIurc of
35. Where both the landlord and the tenant in
both land- respect of any land fail to sipplv in accordance with
lord :a;
the provisions of section 26 the Revenue Officer
apply under may within six months from the expiry of the period
sectinn26- splecihed in the said section and subject to such
rules as may be made in that behalf after giving
the persons interested an opportl~~lifyof being
heard determine the particulars of the resumable
. .
- - .
(3) The chtaioed in sections -28 to. 33 .
(both inclusive), 35-A and 36 shall,-sofar as may be,
. . apply to the proceedings undkr t h i s section as if the
. . - I
whole of the land so let out were. non-resumsible.1
. - * CHAPTER rv..
' . 7 .
, Chaits1Y substltutcd by tbe Orissa .4cr 13 of 1965.
- .-
, , Subjtitutcd by tha On'- &d worm A-dmmt)
I: Act, 1974
tor. Act 9 of 1974 ). a. 14,-d wjib Presldtnt's AH No. 17 of 1973, enrorcd
tk2nd October I973 - '
( 24 Law- 20)
294 - THEORES* -LANDREFORWACT, 1960 [ Or. Act- 16
.taiyat; ,..
(6) lands held by industrial or commercial,
- . undertakings or coniprised in mills,
. '
. . fact-ories oi ' workshops,:. where such ,
lands are necessary for the use, for any. .
non-agt_iculturalputpuse, of such .wder-
, . takings, mills, faqtqries' or workshops:. .
Provided that.wherethe.said~landsarenot. actw .
ally- used within a period of .five years from the
comrnenc&mentof the Orissa Land Reforms ,(Amend-
meat) Act, 1973, for tfiepurpose foi which they .had Ly,.idcnt'a
been set apart, the Collector may, after giving notlce of 1973.
,, .
.. - (c) p l a t atioas; - ,
of 1973.
, - land, on the said' day. -inexcess of the
.' d i n g area, be deemed to be void, any- . - , '
. .. possession;] . , . .
. . 0 -
.. ..
8 ... . . .
sbaU be void :
. -
' Provide'd that hothing canGined&this sub-
, . sectioq shall apply to- . -
. . (a) any transfer by way of mortgage executed
in.favour of- -
.( v )
any .bornpan inwhich not- less than
fifty-one per ,ceiit of the paid-up ,share. ,-
- 1;
q e n t or-'by any cne or..more State
, . Governments; or
(6) - any sale -of
-land' in execution ofa decrea .-
- or order or an-award. for the realisation of
money duemder any sich mortgage.. -
. '.
( 2 ) Every suit for ,the specific perfor nlance of a
contract for the transfer ofland, instituted after the .
26th 'day-.of September, 2'970 and before the . .
Pmident1i commencement of the Orissa Land Reforms (Amend; '
, ,
Provided fur.ther that where as a consequence of
the 'amendment of this Act by the Orissa hndOrissa '
.. . .
. .
: , .
... . ,
. .
3. Added by ;bid.,.s. 12 (c). .
, - (b) has become 'liable to slibrnit a return under . .
section 40-A -as .a consequence -of the ,
amendment of this Act by the Orissa Land,
Reforms (Second Amendment) Act, 1975;
or - ,
@*, -I
+ ,
. .
, .
41. The '&urn referred to' in, section 40-A '[or
section40-B] shalI~be'submitted- , . . .~ubrm*
. !
.- ..
' , or his guardian if he is n minor;
. , -
jdintly: :
'Provided that if more tha.n one return is filed in'
1. Inserted by ht Otissa U n d RFCorms (Second' Amdmcnt) ~
[Or. Act 44'of, 176). s. 5. '
~ ,976
t ,
[(2) An appeal against the order of the Revenue
Officer under sub-section ( I ) confirming the statement,
if presented-
(a) by any person aggrieved by the order
within thirty days from the date of the
order; or
(b) by the State Government within sixty days
from the said date,
shall lie to the prescribed authority.]
aII encumbrances.
h d s escap-
ing ceiIIng
[4S-B. ( I ) If at any time within six years from
proceedings the date of finalisation of the statement under sub-
tovestafdng- section (3) of section 44 relating to any person
. with surplns
landsalready holding land in excess of ceiling area, it is found
vested. that some more lands held by such person have
escaped inclusion in the above statement due t o any
reason whatsoever, the Revenue Officer may, after
giving the person an opportunity of being heard
and after making such enquiry - as he deems -proper,
declare in the prescribed manner, the whole or -any
part of such lands as are found to be held by the
person ta be surplus ],and in relation to him.
(2) AU iauds declared to be swpius hnd under ....
Rate of reduction
(i) .where the land was Fifty-Eve per centum
in occupation of the .
person for a period
not exceeding one
year fron the date
of halisation of the
statement under sec-
tion 44 (3),
7,. ~ u b s t i t u ~byi the Orissa Iaud Reforms (Amendoteor). Act. 1974 (Qr-
Act9 of 1974). s. 17 (a).rradw1th President's Act No. 17 of 1973, enforced
Srdm the 2nd October. 1973.
(Secs. 48-49)
[(c) value of land t o be determined in the
following manner, namely :-
Extent of surplus land z[ Rate of amount1
(i) For the first ten Rupees eight hundrsd
standard acres. per standard acre.
(ii) For the next ten Rupees six hundred per
standard acres. standard acre.
(iii) For the next ten Rupees four hundred
standard acres. per standard acre.
(iv) For the rest . . Rupe". two hundred
per standard acre.]
Explrmation-Zn determioing the market value,
the Revenue Officer shall, as far as practicable, be
guided by the provisions contained in sub-section ( I ) , orlSPc
of section 23 of the Land Acquisitidn Act, 1894.
1 ~"bstituted by the O r i w Land Reforms (Amendment) Act, 1974
(Or. Act 9 OF 19741, s. 18, rmd wllh presidcnl's Act No. 17 af 1973, enforccd
from the 2ndOctobtr 1973.
2 . Substituted by tbe Orissa Land Reforms (Second Amendmcat)
Act, 1976 (Or.Act 44 of 1976). s. 10.
(a) Co-operative farming societies formed by
landless agricuIturaI labourers;
(6)raiyats w h ~
personally cultivate not more
than one standard acreof contiguous land;
(e) in tbe a bsmce of persons belonging to any
of the foregoing categories, any other
1 Snbstituted by the Orissa Land Reforms (Amtndmont) Act, 1974.(0r.
Act. 9 of 1974). s. 19, read wtth Pddtot's Act No. 17 of 1973, enformd
from tbe 2nd October 1973.
( 24 LBw-~~)
S 1960 [Or. Act 16
~ ~ s T R A . T I~.IACKINERY
of L a n d 53. (1) The Government may, by notification,
--one constitute a Land Commission for the purposes of
this Act.
(2) (a) The Commission shall consist of seven
members of whom three shall be officials and four
noa-officials to be nominated by the Government.
1. Subst~tutdby t b t O r l w Land R c f o m (Second Amcadmeat) Act,
1975 (Or.Act 29 or 1976), s. 21.
They shall '[,unless the Commission is sooner reconst i-
tuted,] hold office for a period of thre.e years from
the date of appointment-
(b) The Land Reforms Commissioner shall be
the ex-oficio Secretary to the Land Commission.
(c) The Government shall nominate one of the
members to be the Chainnan of'the .Commission.
(3) The Commissipn shall have power to co-
operative members for special purposes.
(4) The proceedings of the Commission shall be
conducted in such manner as may be pre,sccribed.
5 4 The Commission shall review the progress of ~unccions ,
the District
Ewtivb the progress of land reforms in the district.
ccrt~=tc of
[56-A'[(I) A penon under disability specified in
sub-clauses (a),(b)or (c) of clause (211of section .2 may,
subject to the rules made in that behalf, apply for a
certificate specified in the prayis0 to that clause to
the Revenue Officer.]
(2) O n receipt of such application Cthe Revenue
Ofiwr], shall give the person concerned or his
guardian, if he is a minor or of Unsound mind an
opportunity of being heard and may after making
such enquiries4[as he may deem fit], either rcjcct
the application or issue a certificate to the effect that
such person is incapable of cultivating his land
personally :
Provided that if no orders are passed on such
application within thirty days from the date of its
fding the application shall be deemed to have been
(3) The application under sub-section ( I ) and
the certificate to be issued under snb-section (2) shall
be in the prescribed form and the application shall
be accompanied by the prescribed fee, ]
Cance\latIob '156-8. ( I ) If tbe Revenue Officer, on application
OT w ~ f i d o
diibilILy in that behalf by a tenant cultivating land under a
and iE person who is a pmson under disability, is satisfied
that a certificate under section 56-A was obtained by
such person by fraud or by misrepresentation or
suppression of any material fact, he may, after giving
the tenant: and the person an opportunity of being
heard, cancel the certificate.
1: Insertedby the Orism Land Reform (Amendment) Act, 1965 (Or.
Act 13 of 1965), s. 10.
2, Substitotad by the Oris- Tand ReForms ( S w n d Amendment) Act,
1975 (Or.A c t p of 1976). s. 23(a).
3, Substirufed by the Orissa Land.Relorms (Second Amendmat) Act,
1975 (Dr. Act 29 or 19761, s. 23 jb) (I).
?'aORISSA~ N P Am,'
WORMS 1960
(c) corn eWg the prodilcfim 'of documents;
(d) any other matter that may .beprescribed,
( Sec. 57-A)
Constitution I I 57-A.( 1 ) The Government may, by notifica-
of Tribunals tion in the Official Gazette, constitute one or more
,;, ,,,
and declara-
Tribunals having such local jurisdiction as may be
to bt rot'gi- specified in such noiification for the purpose of sub-
ous or cha-
Iitabrc ckuse (e) of clause (24) of section 2.
of a public
nature. (2) The Tribunal shall consist of one member
to be appointed by the Government from among the
officers.of the State Judicial Service not below the
rank of a Subordioate Judge.
(3) Any trustee or trustees desiring to get any
trust declared to be a religious or charitable trust of
a public nature under su b-clause ( e ) of clause (24)
of section 2 may make an application to the Tribunal
in such form and containing such particulars as may
be prescribed.
'[Provided that no application under this sub-
section shaU be maintainable if,-
'[57-B.( I )
If the Collector of the district on his cases
own idforrnation or on receipt of information from ,t of
any soulre whatsoever, is of opinion that t hare are F;~Y;;Y$
circumstances to indicate that in respect of any trust la c,~l,t,,.
or other institution which is a privileged raiyat
within the meaning of sub-clause (c) of clause (24) of
section 2,-
(a) return of the accounts of such trust or
other institution has not been periodically
furnished or Iands beIonging to the trust
or other institution have been alienated
ox encumbered without the previous per-
mission of the authority prescribed in
that behalf, at any time prior to the
commencement of the Orissa Land Refoms
President's (Amendment) Act, 1973 ; or
Act No. I7
aC 1973.
(h) the trust or other institution has ccascd
to provide benefit to the public,
he may make an application to the Tribunal cons ti-
tuted under section 57-Afor a declaration t hat such
trust or other institution has ceased to be a privileged
f - Inserted by ihe Oris= 1-and Reforms [Semnd Amcndrncnt) Act, 1975
(Or.~ c29t of 1976), S. 25.
THEORISSA [Or. kt 16
65.'[(1)] The authority passing an order under any of orden.
of t h e provisions of this Act -may'onhis own mofion
or 'on application, in the prescribed manner " ,direct .
that possession of any land forming the subject
matter of such an. order be delivered to the person
entitled to such possession and take SUCH steps as
. may be necessary to give effect to his orders.
1. Ins$& by the Orha Land R e f o m ( Amendmeat ) A& 1975 (Or.
Act 47 of I975), s. 3, w. t.f. 1st Octokr, 1975.
2. Reinumbered by ibid.
3. Subsritutcd by lne Orissa and Reforms (Amendrnmt) Act, 1976
(Or. Acc 44 of 1976), s. 16.
4. Kenurnbemi by the O k a - A d Reform (Amendmeat )-nct, 196s
(Or.Act 13 of 1965), s. 12.
[ ( 2 ) Penalties and other dues, if any, payable
to Government under the provisions of this Act shall
be realisable as arrears of .land revenue . I
FM or lg.i 1[66.Fees of legal practitioners appearing in
~. t to form
n ~ proceedings
~ ~ thrs Act
under ~ shall % n
not form part ~
O ~ casts in any such proceedings.]
part or F O S ~ Sthe
t i v ) the
~ h o o d a n Yagna Samiti established
under the Orissa Bhoodan and Gramdan .
Act, 1970 ; Orissa ~ c
2 of 1971.
(v) axly Government company as defined in
the Companies Act, 1956 ; 1of 1956
, .
'purpose ; and I
[(ri) to any land which was under the manage-
ment .of any Civil, Revenue or . Criminal
Court immediately prior to the 26th day
of September 1970, for so long as, such
management continues.]
fagarding 23. (1) Ali proceedings commenced under Cha-
p a a .
procctdraga. pter IV of the principal Act and pending at the
commencement of this Act shall a bate.
19. The amendment of section 45 of the principal
e~medby Act and the insertion of new section 45-A therein
orissa Act which were made respectively by sections 18 and
29 of 1976 to
hawretro- 19 ofthe Orissa Land Reforms (Second Amedment)
&&. Act, 1975, shall be deemed to have been effective y;gP&i-
from the 1st day of April, 1976 and all actions
taken and things done during the ptriod between
the 1st day of April, 1976 and the 19th day of
- May, 1976 in pursuance - of the said sections 45
and 45-A shall be deemed to have been taken and
done under the said sections as so amended or
inserted, as the case may be.
20. Ncfrvithstanding the amendment of section 63
of the principai Act by this Act, the period of
limitatiui-1 in respect of an appeal or an application
for revisicn as referred to in that section, against
an order yrtssz3 prior to the date of commencement
of this Pact, shall be sixty days from the date of
the order.
( Received the assent of the President on the 15th May 1990, first published in an
extraordinary issue of the Orissa Gazette, dated the 4th June 1990)
BE it enacted by the legislature or the State Orissa in the Fortieth Year of the
Republic of India, as follows:-
Short title. 1. This Act may be called the Orissa Land Reforms (Amendment) Act, 1989.
“Explanation III- Where in any local area record-of-rights prepared under any law
for the time being in force did not exist during the period of limitation provided under section Orissa Act 3
40-A or 40-B and for the first time record-of-rights in respect of lands in such area has been of 1958.
prepared and published under the Orissa Survey and Settlement Act, 1958 after expiry of the
said period of limitation and any person is recorded as the holder of any land in the record-of
rights so prepared, he shall, for the purpose of this section, be deemed to have acquired such
land subsequent to the commencement of the Orissa Land Reforms (Amendment) Act, 1973 President’s
and the return, if any, required to be submitted under section 40-A, shall be submitted to the Act 17 of
Revenue Officer within ninety days from the date of commencement of the Orissa Land 1973.
Reforms (Amendment) Act, 1989 or from the date of final publication of the record-of-rights,
whichever is later.’.
* For the Bill, see Orissa Gazette, Extraordinary dated the 8th March 1989 (No. 374)
1. Short title
2. Amendment of Section 59
. .
3. validation -
OMSSA ACT 29 OF 1993
[R-ived the assent of the Prcciident on the 30th November 1993, tirst published
in an extraordinary issue of the Ori9Sa.Gazette,
. -.
.datedthe 28th December, 1993 1.
BBit enacted by the legisIaiurc of &e State of Orissa in the Forty-third Yar d the
Republic of India as folIow6:-
.' , T
short dtla 1. This Act may be called the Orissa h n d Reforms (Amendment) Act, 1992.
~msadmcnl 2. b the Orissa Land Reforms Act, 1960 (hereinafter referred to as the principalO r i s a Act 16
of ~ 9 Act,
. in Section 59, for mbaection (21,the following sub-section 8 h l I be and shall be Of 19@-
deemed always to have been substituted, namely :-
"(2) The Board of Revenue may, on being moved in that behalF by the Collector
of a district or by the Land Reforms Cnmmhsioner, revise any order pmed
by any authoritp under this Act within twenty-five years from the date of
such ordd"'
Valldaflond 3. Notwithstanding anything t o the contrarg in any judgement, dacree ar order any
oonrt or other autboritg, any order passed by the Board of Revenne in exercise of the
poweis of revision under sub-section (2) of Section 59 of the principal Act, as it stood
prior to the ,date of publication of this Act shall, if such order hae been pasged within
twenty-five years from the date of the ordcr revised, be deemed, for a11 intents and
purposes, to have been validly and effectively pasied aa if subsection (2) of Section 59
of the principal Act as amended by Section 2 of this Act WEIS in forcr. at all material
times and, accordingly, no suit or other legal proceeding shall be iasdtuted, maiataind or
continued in any court or before other authority on the ground that the Board of
R c w u e had exercised its power ofrevision under the said subsection (2) of Section 59
without reasonableaess and with undue delay.
For SeIet Committee Repon. See O r h u Gntrte Ex~caorUInarydated the 19th OCtob, 1992
(No .I411).
OmS.4 Am 12 1994
1. Short title
2. hnendment of section 2
Insertla of
'yPonnamelyIn:-the principal Act, after section 8, the following section shaU b,e inserted,
I- '
.Improvement Trust Act, 1956 or under the Orissa Development Anthorities Orisse Ach
Act, I982 or under any law for the time bcine in force and applicable to 14 of ,SsZ
such landf . apd .
(fi) any other conditio~or conditions ae may bc prescribed for the purpose
of dealing with- bona fide cases of such conversions;
( ) in every ease where the authoris& ofScer allows co~version of the use
of any agricultural, land undm clauso (a), thc raiyat shall b- deemed to
(c) Wbero the conversion of the use of any agricultural land by a raiyat for
purpo6e6 other than agr-icuIture has becn madc prior fa the ~ornmcnceme~t
of the Oiissa Land Reforms (Amendment) Act, 1993, i t shall be deemed .
that the rayat bas surrendered bjs raiyati-right in rcspect of - that land in
Savour of tha Government and, in wery such case, the land shall ,be
&mod to have been settled, on lea60 bais undcr thc Orisa Government Land ~,
Scttlc,ment Act, 1962, with thc petson whose raiyati -right i, so deemed u d 1962.
- ,
to h ~ v obeen surrendcrd' or, where the Iaad has becn fransferrod by the
raiyat to any other person prior to such commencemont, with the
transferee, and the person, with whom the land .Fhall be so decmed to have
been settlcd, shaI1 pay, within Such pefiod and in such manner, a ~ m i u r n
in respect of that Iand caIcuIated at the rate equivalent to 'fifty permntum
. of the rate of premium speei6cd against .that, category of land in sub
: section(3):
Provided that if the premium so payable ie not paid witbin the prescribed
,period it shall ,be recoverable as an a r e r of land revenue.
(2) The order of the authorised oficer under Clause (a) of suMection (1) shall
be f i t d i
Provided that no order refusing to allow any conversion under thc said clause
s h d be made unless the concerned raiyat has been given an opportunity of being
heard in the matter..
(3) The rate at which the premium shall be payable per acre of agricultural
land situated at different places of the State, for conversion of .its use to ariy
purpose other than agricuiturc on and after t h d commencement of he Orissa Land
Reforms (Amendment) Act, 1993, shall be as fallows:-
to time.
(iil] Land situated in a Municipal area or a Notified .. Rs. 75,000
are&' or in any area notified 'as urban area under
the Orissa Government Land Settlement Rules, 1983
made under the Orissa Government Land Settlement
Act, 1962, other than any land mentioned in Orlesa Act
clauss (i) and (ii). - %:of UEL
(iv) Land situated - in such developing &as as the State . Re. 30,000
Government may, by notificati~n, specify from time
to time,.other tban an9 area covered by clauses (3,
(ii) and (iii).