Druid Spell List D&D 5th Edition
Druid Spell List D&D 5th Edition
Druid Spell List D&D 5th Edition
Spell Slots
Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
Used today
Spell Cast Rng(ft) Comp Duration Target Effect
Druidcraft T 1a 30 V,S Inst Predict the weather/Make a flower blossom/Create a harmless
Nature effect light or snuffle out a light source
Guidance D 1a Touch V,S Conc, up 1 willing cr Target can roll a d4 and add the number to an
to 1 min ability check of his choice
Mending T 1 min Touch V,S,M Inst Obj Repair a single break or tear in Obj
Poison Spray C 1a 10 V,S Inst 1 Cr (Con Save) 1d12* poison dmg
Produce Flame C 1a Self V,S 10 min You create a flame that sheds light for 10ft + 10ft of dim light.
You can attack (RSA) for 1d8* fire dmg
Resistance A 1a Touch V,S,M Conc, up 1 willing cr Target can roll a d4 and add the number to a
to 1 min saving throw of his choice
Shillelagh T 1BA Touch V,S,M 1 min Wooden weapon can be used with Wisdom instead of Strength
for Att and dmg rolls. Weapon Die becomes d8
Thorn Whip T 1a 30 V,S,M Inst 1 Cr (MSA) Vine whip lashes out towards target Cr. Deals
1d6* pierce dmg and pulls 10 ft towards you if
L or smaller
At Higher Levels
*1You can target one additional creature for each slot level above 1st.
*2You create or destroy 10 additional gallons of water, or the size of the cube increases by 5 feet, for each slot level above
*3The healing/damage increases by 1dX for each slot level above 1st.
Level 2
Spell Cast Rng(ft) Comp Duration Target Effect
Animal Messenger En 1a 30 V,S,M 24 hours A Tiny beast will carry your 25-word-maximum message to
[R] *2 a designated location and recipient
Barkskin T 1a Touch V,S,M Conc, up 1 Willing Cr Cr AC can't be less than 16
to 1 hour
Beast Sense [R] D 1a Touch S Conc, up You can see through a beast's eyes and hear what it hears.
to 1 hour Use action to change between your senses and the beast's
Darkvision T 1a Touch V,S 8 hours 1 Willing Cr Cr has darkvision 60ft
Enhance Ability T 1a Touch V,S,M Conc, up 1 Cr* AdvCon+2d6
to 1 hour THP/AdvStr+2xCC/AdvDex+less Fall
Find Traps D 1a 120 V,S Inst You sense the presence of any traps.
Flame Blade Ev 1BA Self V,S,M Conc, up You have Flame blade on your hand (can disappear and re
to 10 min appear as BA). You can make a MSA for 3d6*3 fire dmg. Light
for 10+10 ft
Flaming Sphere C 1a 60 V,S,M Conc, up 5ft sphere (Dex Deals 2d6 *3 fire dmg. Can move 30 ft as
to 1 min saves half) BA. Light for 20+20 ft
Gust of Wind Ev 1a Self V,S,M Conc, up 60/10ft line (Str Cr in area are pushed away 15ft every
to 1 min Saves push) turn. Cr must spend 2x movement
against wind
Heat Metal T 1a 60 V,S,M Conc, up Metal object heats and deals 2d8*3 fire dmg per turn at will.
to 1 min Cr drops the object (Con saves). If it doesn't: Dadv on att and
ability checks USOYNT
Hold Person En 1a 60 V,S,M Conc, up 1 Hum YCS*1 Paralyze Hum (when at higher levels, all
to 1 min (Wis Saves/turn) must be within 30ft)
Lesser Restoration A 1a Touch V,S Inst 1 Cr End one disease/one condition
Locate Animals or D 1a Self V,S,M Inst You learn the direction and distance to the closest Beast or
Plants [R] Plant of a specific kind up to 5 miles
Locate Object D 1a Self V,S,M Conc, up You sense an Obj direction up to 1000 miles, either a specific
to 10 min known to you or the nearest one of a particular kind
Moonbeam Ev 1a 120 V,S,M Conc, up 5ft - 40ft high 2d10*3 radiant dmg per turn. Shape
to 1 min cylinder (Con changers: Dadv and revert. Can move up
saves half) to 60ft as action
Pass without A 1a Self V,S,M Conc, up Each Cr you +10 bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) and
Trace to 1 hour choose within 30 can't be tracked by non-magical means
Protection from A 1a Touch V,S 1 hour 1 Cr If Cr is poisoned, neutralize it. Cr has Adv
Poison on saves vs poison + resist to poison
Spike Growth T 1a 150 V,S,M Conc, up 20 ft radius Area is difficult terrain and deals 2d4
to 10 min (Perception: pierce dmg for every 5 ft travelled
terrain as
At Higher Levels
*1You can target one additional creature for each slot level above 2nd.
*2Duration increases by 48 hours for each slot level above 2nd.
*3The healing/damage increases by 1dX for each slot level above 2nd.
Level 3
Spell Cast Rng(ft) Comp Duration Target Effect
Call Lightning C 1a 120 V,S Conc, up A storm you create or control (+1d10 dmg). On each turn
to 10 min use action to Strike a lightning on a designated place. Crs
within 5 feet take 3d10*1 lightning dmg (Dex saves half)
Conjure Animals C 1a 60 V,S Conc, up Conjure friendly beasts (considered fey) that obey your
to 1 hour commands: 1 CR 2 or 2 CR 1 or 4 CR 1/2 or 8 CR 1/4 *2
Daylight Ev 1a 60 V,S 1 hour 1 Obj/ 1 point 60ft bright light + 60ft dim light from
Dispel Magic A 1a 120 V,S Inst 1 Cr/Obj/magical Effect - Any spell ends. If its a spell of
4th*3 level or higher, make a Wis check (DC=10+spell lvl)
Feign Death [R] N 1a Touch V,S,M 1 hour 1 willing Cr Cr is in a state indistinguishable from
Meld into Stone T 1a Touch V,S 8 hours You meld yourself into a stone object or surface large
[R] enough to fully contain your body
Plant Growth T 1a or 8 150 V,S Inst If you take 1a: Plants in 100ft radius become thick:
hours movement takes 4 times as much. If you take 8 hours, in
1/2 mile radius land becomes enriched for 1 year (double
the food when harvested)
Protection from A 1a Touch V,S Conc, up 1 Willing Cr Cr has resistance to one type of dmg
Energy to 1 hour you choose:
Sleet Storm C 1a 150 V,S,M Conc, up 20ft tall/40ft You create a Freezing rain and sleet fall
to 1 min radius cylinder in the area. Cr falls prone and might
(Dex Saves) lose concentration
Speak with T 1a Self V,S 10 min You can communicate with plants within 30 ft of you and
Plants turn difficult terrain into non difficult and vice-versa
Water Breathing T 1a 30 V,S,M 24 hours Up to 10 willing Cr gains the ability to breathe
[R] Cr YCS underwater
Water Walk [R] T 1a 30 V,S,M 1 hour Up to 10 willing Cr gains the ability to move across any
Cr YCS liquid surface
Wind Wall Ev 1a 120 V,S,M Conc, up 50ft long/15ft Wind wall appears from ground. Crs
to 1 min high/1ft thick take 3d8 bludgeoning dmg. Small
(Str saves half) projectiles deflected upward.
At Higher Levels
*1The healing/damage increases by 1dX for each slot level above 3rd.
*2If you cast with a 5th level slot, double the amount of Crs, 7th level three times as much, 9th level four times as much
*3You automatically end the effects of a spell on the target if the spell’s level is equal to or less than the level of the spell
slot you used.
Level 4
Spell Cast Rng(ft) Comp Duration Target Effect
Blight N 1a 30 V,S Inst 1 Cr YCS (Con saves half) 8d8*1 Necrotic dmg
Confusion En 1a 90 V,S,M Conc, up 10ft radius sphere (Wis Cr rolls a d10 to determine its
to 1 min saves) actions (see table)
Conjure Minor C 1min 90 V,S Conc, up Conjure friendly elements that obey your commands: 1 CR
Elements to 1 hour 2 or 2 CR 1 or 4 CR 1/2 or 8 CR 1/4 *4
Conjure C 1a 60 V,S,M Conc, up Conjure friendly fey creatures that obey your commands: 1
Woodland to 1 hour CR 2 or 2 CR 1 or 4 CR 1/2 or 8 CR 1/4 *4
Control Water T 1a 300 V,S,M Conc, up You control any freestanding water: Flood/ Part Water/
to 10 min Redirect Flow/ Whirlpool. (See Book)
Dominate En 1a 60 V,S Conc, up 1 Beast YCS (Wis saves) Beast is charmed by you and
Beast to 1 min* obeys your commands
Freedom of A 1a Touch V,S,M 1 hour 1 Willing Cr Target's movement is
Movement unaffected by difficult terrain
and speed can't be reduced.
Giant Insect T 1a 30 V,S Conc, up Up to 10 centipedes/3 Transform targets into giant
to 10 min spiders/5 wasps/1 version form of themselves. Obbey
your commands.
Grasping Vine C 1BA 30 V,S Conc, up A vine that sprouts from the ground pulls a CR per turn YCS
to 1 min 20 ft towards it
Hallucinatory I 10min 300 V,S,M 24 hours You transform a terrain to appear as other type of terrain in
Terrain a 150 ft cube. Investigation check desbelieves it
Ice Storm Ev 1a 300 V,S,M Inst 40ft tall/20ft radius 2d8*3 bludg dmg + 4d6 cold
cylinder (Dex Saves half) dmg + Difficult terrain
Locate D 1a Self V,S,M Conc, up You sense a Cr direction up to 1000 miles, either a specific
Creature to 1 hour known to you or the nearest one of a particular kind
Polymorph T 1a 60 V,S,M Conc, up 1 Cr YCS (Wis saves) Transform Cr into a beast of
to 1 hour same or lower Challenge rating
Stone Shape T 1a Touch V,S,M Inst You touch a M or smaller stone object and form it into any
Stoneskin A 1a Touch V,S,M Conc, up 1 Willing Cr Cr has resistance to nonmagical
(100g) to 1 hour Bludg+Pierce+Slash dmg
Wall of Fire Ev 1a 120 V,S,M Conc, up 60long/20radius and 20ft 5d8*1 fire dmg at start and one
to 1 min high wall (Dex saves) side deals 5d8*1 per turn within
At Higher Levels
*1The damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 4th.
*2The maximum duration of your concentration increases, depending on slot level: 10mins(lvl 5), 1hour (lvl 6), 8hours (lvl
*3The bludgeoning damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 4th.
*4If you cast with a 6th level slot, double the amount of Crs, 8th level three times as much
Confusion Table
d10 Behavior
1 The creature uses all its movement to move in a random direction. To determine the direction, roll a d8 and
assign a direction to each die face. The creature doesn’t take an action this turn.
2-6 The creature doesn’t move or take actions this turn.
7-8 The creature uses its action to make a melee attack against a randomly determined creature within its reach.
If there is no creature within its reach, the creature does nothing this turn.
9-10 The creature can act and move normally.
Level 5
Spell Cast Rng(ft Comp Duration Target Effect
Antilife Shell A 1a Self V,S Conc, up Creates a 10 ft barrier around caster. Crs (other
to 1 hour than undead and constructs) can’t pass through it
or reach through.
Awaken T 8 hours Touch V,S,M (1000 Inst 1 huge or smaller Creature's Int becomes
consumed) beast or plant (Int less 10. If it is a plant it can
than 4) move. Creature is
charmed for 30 days
Commune with D 1 min Self V,S Inst You gain information about your surroundings
Nature [R] (See Book)
Conjure C 1 min 90 V,S,M Conc, up You summon a CR 5*1 elemental that is friendly to
Elemental to 1 hour you and obeys your commands
Contagion N 1a Touch V,S 7 days 1 Cr (MSA) Inflict 1 Disease of your
choice. Cr must make Con
saving throws (same
system as Death saves)
Geas En 1 min 60 V 30 days*2 1 Cr that can Target must follow your
understand you (Wis command or take 5d10
saves) psychic dmg per day.
Greater A 1a Touch V,S,M (100 Inst 1 Cr You undo a debilitating
Restoration consumed) effect on a target (See
Insect Plague C 1a 300 V,S,M Conc, up 20ft radius sphere 4d10*3 pierce dmg per
to 10 min (Con saves half/turn) turn
Mass Cure C 1a 60 V,S Inst 6 Cr within a 30ft Target regains 3d8*3 + Wis
Wounds radius sphere hps
Planar Binding A 1 hour 60 V,S,M (1000 24 hours You bind a celestial/elemental/fey/fiend to your
consumed) *4 service (Cha saves)
Reincarnate T 1 hour Touch V,S,M (1000 Inst You give a dead body (for no more than 10 days) a
consumed) life in a new form (See book) and calls it's soul to it
(if it is free and willingly)
Scrying D 10 min Self V,S,M (1000 Conc, up 1 location or 1 You create an invisible
not consumed) to 10 min particular Cr on same sensor in 10 ft of target
plane (Wis saves - See and can hear and see
Special) everything
Tree Stride C 1a Self V,S Conc, up You teleport from one tree to another on the same
to 1 min kind within 500 ft, once per turn
Wall of Stone Ev 1a 120 V,S,M Conc, up Create a solid stone wall with any form, that
to 10 min becomes permanent if u concentrate on it for the
whole duration
At Higher Levels
*1The challenge Rating of the element increases by one for each spell slot level above 5th.
*2The duration is 1 year when you use a lvl 7 or 8 spell slot. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 9th level, the spell
lasts until it is ended by mentioned above.
*3The healing/damage increases by 1dX for each slot level above 5th.
*4The duration increases to 10 days (level 6), to 30 days (level 7), to 180 days (level 8) or to a year and a day (level 9)
Choose one disease of the following
Blinding Sickness Disadvantage on Wisdom checks and saving throws and is blinded
Filth Fever Disadvantage on Strength checks, saving throws and attacks that use Strength
Flesh Rot Disadvantage on Charisma checks and vulnerability to all damage
Mindfire Disadvantage on Intelligence checks and saving throws and acts as under the effects of
"confusion" spell during combat
Seizure Disadvantage on Dexterity checks, saving throws and attacks that use Dexterity
Slimy Doom Disadvantage on Constitution checks and is stunned until end of next turn whenever it takes
Greater Restoration
You can reduce the target's level of exhaustion by one or end one of the following effects on the target:
One effect that charmed or petrified the target
One curse, including the target’s attunement to a cursed magic item
Any reduction to one of the target’s ability scores
One effect reducing the target’s hit point maximum
The Wis save is modified by how well you know the target and the sort of physical connection between you and him:
Knowledge Save Modifier
Secondhand (you have heard of the 5
Firsthand (you have met the target) 0
Familiar (you know the target well) -5
Connection Save Modifier
Likeness or picture -2
Possession or garment -4
Body part, lock of hair, bit of nail, or the -10
Level 6
Spell Cast Rng( Comp Duration Target Effect
Conjure Fey C 1 min 90 V,S Conc, up You summon a fey Cr of CR 6*1 or lower that is
to 1 hour friendly and obeys your command
Find the Path D 1 min Self V,S,M (100 not Con, up to You find the shortest, most direct physical route to
consumed + Obj 1 day a specific fixed location
from location)
Heal Ev 1a 60 V,S Inst 1 Cr YCS Cr regains 70 hps*2 (cures
blindness + deafness + diseases)
Heroes’ Feast C 10 min 30 V,S,M (1000 Inst You create a magnificent banquet (1 hour to
consumed) consume) for you and up to 12 other Cr. Cures all
diseases, becomes immune to poison and
frightened and all Wis saves have adv. Hps max and
current increases by 2d10
Move Earth T 1a 120 V,S,M Conc, up You can reshape dirt/sand/clay in any manner you
to 2 hour choose. You can choose a new area every 10 min
Sunbeam Ev 1a Self V,S,M Conc, up 60ft line (Con As an action you can create a
to 1 min saves half) beam each turn. Deals 6d8
radiant dmg. For the duration
you Shed 30+30 ft Sunlight
Transport via C 1a 10 V,S 1 round You create a link between a Large or larger
Plants inanimate plant and another plant you have seen or
touched before on the same plane. Any Creature
can teleport from the first to the latter plant
Wall of Thorns C 1a 120 V,S,M Conc, up A wall up to Wall deals 7d8*3 pierce dmg and
to 10 min 60/10/5 ft or 7d8*3 slash dmg every turn.
circle Movement becomes x4. (dex
20diam/20/5 ft saves both half dmg )
Wind Walk T 1min 30 V,S,M 8 hours You + up to 10 Targets become gaseous forms
willing Crs YCS and have 300 flying speed
At Higher Levels
*1The challenge Rating of the fey creature increases by one for each spell slot level above 6th.
*2The amount of healing increases by 10 for each slot level above 6th.
*3The healing/damage increases by 1dX for each slot level above 6th.
Level 7
Spell Cast Rng(ft) Comp Duration Target Effect
Fire Storm Ev 1a 150 V,S Inst See Special (Dex 7d10 fire dmg (dmgs Obj and ignites
saves half) flammable Obj. Plant life may be
unaffected at your choice
Mirage Arcane I 10 min Sight V,S 10 days You make an area up to 1 mile square look, sound, smell and
even feel like some sort of other terrain
Plane Shift C 1a Touch V,S,M Inst Self + up to 8 willing Transport targets to a different plane of
(250) Cr or one unwilling existence
Cr (MSA)
Regenerate T 1 min Touch V,S,M 1 hour 1 Cr Target regains 4d8 + 15 hps + 1hp at the
start of each turn (and restores any
severed body members)
Reverse T 1a 100 V,S,M Conc, up 100ft tall/50ft radius Gravity effects are reversed
Gravity to 1 min cylinder
Level 8
Spell Cast Rng(ft) Comp Duration Target Effect
Animal Shapes T 1a 30 V,S Conc, up to Any number of Targets become Large or smaller
24 hours willing Cr YCS CR4 beasts
Antipathy/Sympathy En 1 hour 60 V,S,M 10 days You target a Huge or smaller Object/ a Cr / an area
and specify a kind of intelligent Cr. All Crs within 60
ft are either drawn to or frightened by your target
(you choose - Wis negs). See Book pg 214
Control Weather T 10 min Self V,S,M Conc, up to You control the weather within 5 miles of you. It
8 hour takes 1d4 x 10 minutes for the new conditions to
take effect (See Special)
Earthquake Ev 1a 500 V,S,M Conc, up to 100ft radius Difficult terrain + Conc lost (Con
1 min circle saves)+Prone every turn (Dex
saves)+ (See Special)
Feeblemind En 1a 150 V,S,M Inst 1 Cr (Int saves Deal 4d6 psychic dmg. Cr's Int and
side effects) Charisma becomes 1. May retry
save every 30 days
Sunburst Ev 1a 150 V,S,M Inst 60ft radius 12d6 radiant dmg and blinded for
sphere (Con 1 min (Con saves on end of each
saves half and turn)
Tsunami C 1 min Sight V,S Conc, up to Water wall up Wall deals 6d10 bludg dmg per
6 rounds to 300/300/50 turn (1d10 less dmg each
ft (Str saves subsequent turn). Crs are dragged
half) by the wall. Crs must make an
Athletics save to be able to move.
Control Weather When determining the weather find a current condition on the following tables and change stage by
one, up or down:
Storm of C 1a Sight V,S Conc, up You create a storm with a radius of 360ft. Deal 2d6
Vengeance to 1 min thunder dmg and deafens Cr for 5 mins (Con saves). See
True N 1 hour Touch V,S,M Inst 1 Cr that has died You restore Cr to life with all its hps.
Resurrection (25000 within 200 years If no body exists, you can provide a
consumed) new one.