Course Information S&I BATCH 2022

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[Educational Service: SNR Sons Charitable Trust]

[Autonomous Institution, Reaccredited by NAAC with ‘A+’ Grade]
[Approved by AICTE and Permanently Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai]
[ISO 9001:2015 Certified and all eligible programmes Accredited by NBA]

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Course Information


Course code and Title: 20EI251 Sensor and Instrumentation
Year: 2022-23 Semester: 02 Credits: 3 Regulation: RR2020
Categorization of Course:
PC Course Area/domain: Power System
Supporting Lab course code
and title (If any)
Pre requisites 20PH205 - Applied Physics

1.1 Course Description/Objectives

 This course provides the essential knowledge to the learner, apsiring in the domain of Sensor
and Instrumentation
 This course focus on understanding the elements of generalized measurements system,errors
in measurements and calibration,
 The course helps in understanding the importance of sensing techniques
 The course introduces the data analytics and visualization of sensor data in various
Cognitive Level #
1.2 Course Outcomes (COs) addressed (1-6)

CO1 Recall the concepts of measurement system with statistical analysis 1

CO2 Recognize the principles of sensing mechanisms and its thermal properties 1
CO3 Select an appropriate sensor for various applications 2
CO4 Outline about the data analytics and visualization of sensor data in various
CO5 Experiment with appropriate sensing devices to measure the physical
parameters from various environments.
Cognitive Level (1-6) 1-Remember, 2-Understand, 3-Apply, 4-Analyze 5-Evalute, 6-Create

1.3 Course Outline

Modules Contents Outcomes References
1 MEASUREMENTS  Significance of measurement,Methods of T1, R1, R2
AND ERRORS measurements
(Lecture Hours: 7)  Mechanical, Electrical and Electronic

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 Elements of generalized measurements system
 Errors in Measurements
 Calibration,Statistical analysis of errors
 Units and standards
 Classification of sensors
 Physical principle of sensing:
SENSING Resistance,Capacitance,Inductance
2 TECHNIQUES  Magnetism,Piezoelectric effect,Pyroelectric T1, R1, R2
(Lecture Hours: 5) effect
 Thermoelectric effect,Thermal properties of
 Sensors For Industrial Automation - Sensors
for Electric Vehicles
 Sensors for Structural Health
SENSOR  Monitoring - Measurement of room
3 APPLICATIONS temperature using Thermistor T2, R2, R4
(Lecture Hours: 8)  Sound measurement using sound
and vibration sensors
 Measurement of force using strain gauge and
load cell.
 Sensor - Communication gateway
SENSOR DATA  Data logging ,Data warehouse , Data analytics.
ANALYTIC  Waste water treatment in industries T1, T2, R3,
ARCHITECTURE  Drift control in BMW cars: Data set creation, R4
(Lecture Hours: 9)  Feature extraction, Model selection and Data
visualization using simulation tool.

1.4 Detailed Lesson Plan: Separate sheet to be attached (as per ISO format)

1.5 Delivery/ Instructional Strategies (Pls click )

LCD/Smart Chal Tutorial resources Seminars Demonstration Other
Assignment Model Surpris
Boards/PP k and s / / s s if
s s e Quiz
T Talk NPTEL Role play /Handouts any
      

1.6 Mapping of COs to POs and PSOs

Programme Outcomes (POs) Specific
COs Outcomes PSOs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4
1 3 3 3

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2 3 3 3
3 3 3 3
4 3 3 3
5 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 3
3: Substantial (High) 2: Moderate (Medium) 1: Slight (Low)

1.7 Assessment and Evaluation Criteria

Direct Assessment Attainment
CO to be
Internal Assessment Duration Marks
Continuous Internal Test I 120min 12.5 CO 1,2 Internal
Internal Internal Test II 120min 12.5 CO 3,4, Assessment
ALMs 30 min 5 CO 3 marks reduced
(CIE) Assignment test 45 min 5 CO 4, 5 to 40.
Surprise Quiz online
- 5 CO 1,2,3
(Minimum 2)
Semester End 10 – One marks External
Examinations 5 – Three marks 120 min 100 CO 1-6 Assessment 60
(SEE) 5 – Fifteen marks reduced to 60

Total 100%
Note: Student are required to score at least 45 marks out of 100 in SEE and total
Indirect Assessment
 Course End Survey by students on COs
 Student Feedback on faculty and course Content

1.8 Target Attainment levels

Over all % of
COs Attainment Level
Continuous Internal CO2 70% of
70% of students score more than 60%
Examinations (CIE) CO3 students score
CO4 marks more than
CO5 60% marks
Semester End
70% of students score more than 60% marks
Examinations (SEE)

Name with designation Signature

Prepared by 1 Mr. V. Gopu, AP (Sl.G)/EEE

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2 Mrs.M.Chindamani AP (Sl.G)/EEE

Date of Preparation

Approved by

Programme Assessment Committee HOD/EEE

Remarks *:

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Programme Specific Outcomes

PSO1. Understand the Principles and Construction of Electrical Machines and determine their Performances.
PSO2. Specify, Architect and Design Power Electronic Systems for Drives, Power quality Management and
Renewable Energy Systems.
PSO3. Specify, Architect and Analyse Power Systems that can efficiently Generate, Transmit and Distribute
Electrical Power.
PSO4. Design, Implement and Test Analog, Digital and Embedded Signal Processing Systems using state of the
art components and software tools.

Course Attainment Level

Attainment Level 1: 50% of students score more than 60% marks out of the maximum relevant marks.
Attainment Level 2: 60% of students score more than 60% marks out of the maximum relevant marks.
Attainment Level 3: 70% of students score more than 60% marks out of the maximum relevant marks.

Course Instructor HOD/EEE

Mr. V. Gopu, AP (Sl.G)/EEE Dr. C. Kathirvel
Dr. R. Krishnakumar, AP (Sl.G)/EEE

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