BL Lesson Plan Template

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Lesson Title Baseball Fundamentals 101

Grade Level & Grade 9 Physical Education

Content Area
Lesson Students will be able to identify fundamental movement skills.
Objectives Students will be able to play safely and cooperatively in physical
activities that are personally enjoyable with classmates, friends, and
family members
State Standard 2: The physically literate individual applies knowledge of
Standards concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics related to movement and
Standard 3: The physically literate demonstrates the knowledge and skills
to achieve a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness
Block Time 60 minutes
How will Students will be grouped based off a random number counter. The
students be instructor we count students off into three groups. This way each student
will be time at each station and there will be no biased involved.
What data will Students will be grouped at random by the instructor counting them off
these into their three groups.
groupings be
based on?
How will data Each student will complete a Google Form about what they have learned
be collected in from the lesson and complete a very short quiz. This data will inform the
instructor about what each student liked and disliked about the lesson.
this lesson?

Introduction Estimated Time: 10 minutes

Students will enter the gym and sit in the bleachers and wait for class role to be taken. After
role is taken, student will go to the locker room to put on their gym class uniform. Once the
students come back out of the locker room, they will be counted into three groups and be sent
their station and wait further instructions there. I will explain what each station will be doing
and preview each station before letting the students try to make sure no one is confused on
what to do and no students get hurt.
Teacher Directed Collaborative Independent Digital
Small Group Content
Estimated Time: 15 Estimated Time: 15 Estimated Time: 15 minutes
minutes minutes

In this group the instructor At this station, students will In this group each student group
will teach the basics of partner up and see how many a laptop out of the C.O.W.
throwing a baseball and times they can successfully (Computers on wheels) and
hitting a baseball off a throw the baseball back and watch this video Baseball Video
team. The instructor will forth to each other will that will in linked in the Google
be using plastic balls to letting the ball hit the ground Classroom and complete activity
make sure students do not and once the ball hits the also in the Google Classroom by
get hit and get injured. The ground that pair is just answering a couple easy
instructor will teach the eliminated. Each pair of questions about the video. With
students how to properly students will need to work the video being about six
throw a baseball accurately together to try to will each minutes long the students will be
to their partner. Once that round but also see if they can given about nine minutes to
is complete each pair will top their score from the complete the activity.
get a bat and a tee and previous rounds. They will
learn how to hit a baseball then write their highest score
at the wall. Once everyone as a pair on the white board
has hit then students may and see if the next group can
go retrieve their ball. top one of them.

Closure Estimated Time: 5 minutes

The instructor will ask each student to clean up the station that they are at a put all the
baseballs back in the correct buckets, put the baseball bats and tees back in their correct spot,
and make sure the laptops get back into the C.O.W. and are put back on the charger. The
students will then complete the Google Form and inform the instructor on what they learned
and enjoyed about the lesson. Once they show the instructor they are done they can head to the
locker room and change back into their clothes and wait to head to their next class.

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