Unit Name: Basketball Class/Grade: 28 Students, 7: Learning Segment Central Focus

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Learning Segment Central Focus:

Basketball requires specific techniques, accuracy, and skills that one must practice on

becoming better. This lesson plan is for students to become comfortable with lay ups, shooting
and review dribbling. Shooting and ball handling skills when participating in lay ups is the
focus of the lesson. Students will then incorporate all skills into a 4-on-4 half court positive
encourage game of play.

Time Allotted: Classroom organization/ groups/ labs?:

35 Individual completing layup drills
4-on-4 group participating in mini game

Lesson plan format:

Unit name: Basketball
Class/Grade: 28 students, 7th
PE Content Standard(s): Grade 7
1.3 Combine manipulative, locomotor, and nonlocomotor skills into movement patterns.
1.4 Demonstrate body management and object-manipulation skills needed for successful
participation in individual and dual physical activities.
2.2 Analyze movement patterns and correct errors
5.4 Evaluate the effect of expressing encouragement to others while participating in a
group physical activity.

Language Supports:
There will be pictures presented on gym floor of correct shooting placement and stance of
the body. Pictures of what a correct form of a layup presents. There will be aids and
translators available if needed.
Students will be reminded about the previous basketball lesson of dribbling and passing.
Teacher will insist on incorporating all knowledge and skills taught into the mini game of
(dribbling, passing, offense, defense, spacing, rebound)
During this lesson students will know and apply terminology and rules of basketball.
Materials Needed:
15 basketballs, gym with hoops, cones, pictures/ posters, whistle for teacher. Students will
need to have proper clothing and closed toe shoes. Students will be quiet when teacher is
speaking so they will understand what is being asked to perform. Students will shag ball
quickly if rolled away to avoid injuring others.
Objective(s) Possible Challenges
The student will be able to correctly display /Misconceptions:
body movement and the proper technique for
shooting and layups. Impairments
The student will be able to explain the steps of Weather
Students will correctly perform a layup.
Students will work cooperatively and encourage
peers during game play.

Formative Assessment strategies

With a partner, explain how to perform a correct layup.
Preform the layup with no errors.
With one sentence what do you want to improve on.

This is valued to ask students and perform because this was the main lesson of the day. If
they can demonstrate the correct form of a layup and answer the questions correctly, they
were paying close attention and executed the lesson.

LESSON PLAN STRUCTURE: (could include the use of the 5Es as indicated)
Opening: (engage) Teacher Actions Student Actions
Raise of hands, who can tell me Teacher taking Students will be sitting at
what traveling means? Who can attendance their assigned spots
remember the rules of dribbling? waiting for all attendance
Who is excited to finally play Examining student’s to be taken. Students will
against your classmates in a mini- prior knowledge stand once teacher tells
4-on-4 game? them.
Set drive shoot- key terms

Introduction: Teacher will explain Students will be standing

Today we are focusing on layups the procedure of the quietly at their assigned
and shooting. We are going to be day and students will role call spots listening to
focusing on body movement with need to incorporate all teacher.
the ball, and the correct skills that they have
techniques we will apply when previously learned.
completing a layup and shooting. New term that students
We will be applying all will learn today is set,
knowledge that we have learned drive, and shoot.
and utilize our skills into game
play. Set, drive, and shoot. You
will accomplish right and left-
hand layups and gain all skills
into a mini game.

Model: Teacher will gather Teacher is modeling a Students are gathered

students around the court so layup. Dribble from closely around the court,
everyone can see the steps of a half court, pick up ball so students have a visual
layup. drive with left foot and and is quiet.
“Set, drive, shoot!” is the key shoot the ball aiming at
terms we will be using today. Feet the square on the Students will ask questions
are set, we will drive off of one backboard if needed
foot, and we will aim at the square
and shoot the basketball. We will
start on the right side at half court,
add the dribbling and jogging.

Guided Practice: Students will Teacher is watching Students will be in lines;

be split equally into separate and correcting students’ teacher will inform their
courts, one line on the right side, errors. Teacher will errors and fix the problem.
another on the left. First person in remind them about set, Students can ask for
right line will dribble and attempt drive, and shoot. additional help and
to make layup, student on the demonstrations.
right will jog and rebound their Students will also utilize
ball. pictures and posters that
Students will switch lines after are placed on the ground.
their turn.
Check for Understanding: Teacher is still The students who have a
Teacher will ask students examining students. basketball will place it at
questions and they will the end line and huddle
demonstrate the correct form of a Blow whistle near the teacher quietly. If
layup. Ask students to give a Next instruction and students are called on, they
thumbs up or thumbs down if they check for perform the task the
are ready to move on. understanding. teacher wants them to
Body of lesson: (explore, Teacher is observing Students will include the
explain, elaborate) students and is set, drive, shoot method.
Independent Practice monitoring their
Students will complete techniques progress. If needed Look at the pictures on the
on their own. They will continue clarification will be ground
right hand lay ups and advance to provided to students.
left hand. Set, drive, shoot! Teacher will point out Students will perform
Include left hand layups after that the left-hand layups with both hands
students demonstrate being shoots from the left and ask questions if
comfortable with right hand sided layup and use needed.
dribbling and shooting. Students opposite feet work.
will need to master 3 shots each to
switch to left hand layups. The
basketball will now start on the Before splitting Students need to answer
left side of the court. students into their question before moving on
teams, ask what the
Teacher will blow whistle and lesson of the day
gather students quickly to consist of.
combine teams. Teacher will
make teams of 4 students and
elaborate to use teamwork and Teacher is watching all
encouragement. Making the teams games on the courts
equal by separating athletic walking around Students playing half court
performances. Students will being pointing out excellence mini-4-on-4 games
half court play and include all in teamwork and skills. incorporating all skills and
knowledge of skills they have knowledge into game.
Closure (evaluate): Teacher blows whistle Students huddle together
Assessment: Raise your hand if
you want to share, with a partner, Teacher calls on
explain how to perform a correct students with hands Students will be called on
layup. raised to answer questions.
Preform the layup with no errors.
With one sentence what do you Teacher asks students if
want to improve on. they have any
What were the 3 terms we used questions.
during a layup?
How did you or your teammate
use encouragement?

Students will clean up facility and Students will carefully

place basketballs into cart and place equipment back into
pick up pictures off the ground. Teacher will wait for storage and make sure the
all equipment to be gym is cleaned.
Locke room- dress picked up to open
locker rooms.
1.     Anticipatory Set (focus): This refers to a short activity that draws the students' attention before the
lesson begins. This can be a handout, an example problem, or a simple question.
2.     Purpose (objective): The purpose outlines the objective of that day's lesson. Here the teacher
emphasizes how students will benefit from the session and how they will go about learning from it.
3.     Input: Input refers to the vocabulary, skills and other concepts the teacher intends to incorporate in
the session. It basically summarizes what students need to know in order to successfully master the
4.     Modeling (show): It's no secret that most students are only able to master a new lesson if the teacher
has taken the time to show how it's done. Simply walk through a problem without student participation,
allowing them to learn how it’s done.
5.     Guided Practice: Here, the teacher leads the students through the steps necessary to perform the skill
emphasized using what is called the tripodal approach or see/hear/do. Show the students how to
successfully work through problems as they attempt to do it themselves.
6.     Check Understanding: Be sure your students understand the lesson. Ask students if they understand
and answer their questions, then adjust the lesson pace accordingly.
7.     Independent Practice: Allow the students to practice completing lessons on their own and aid when
necessary. Be sure all students understand the lessons of the day, including any homework assignments.
8.     Closure: Wrap up the lesson. Ask the students to recap what you have taught them, telling or showing
you what they have learned.

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