Lesson Plan: Grade/Subject: Grade 3-4 Phys-Ed Unit: Fitness-Skipping Lesson Duration: 30 Min

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ED 3601


KR 2011

Lesson Plan

Grade/Subject: grade 3-4 Phys-Ed Unit: fitness-skipping Lesson Duration: 30 min


Formative & Summative



(2-3, clear, and measurable)

will you know they met

learning objectives?)

Students will:


(Observations, Key

Students will demonstrate a variety of skipping


I will observe that

students are
attempting to perfect
the skipping exercises,
giving feedback if their
technique needs
improvement. I will
observe that they are
exhibiting a willingness
to try and that they are
maintaining a positive
attitude with
themselves and each


Resource #1: http://www.homeschool.co.uk/jump-rope-rhymes/jump-rope-songs-and-skipping-rope-rhymes/
Resource #2:


* skipping rope for all students
* gymnasium

Introduction (1 min.):
Attention Grabber: I know youve all got some experience with skipping, today we will be using these skills and
learning some new skipping games.
Assessment of Prior Knowledge: Who here loves skipping? Me too!
Connection to Curriculum: Skipping games allow students to perform locomotor skills and combination skills.
Expectations for Learning and Behaviour: Students will listen to instructions and use the equipment safely.
Advance Organizer/Agenda: Today we will do some basic skipping rhymes as well as play a few skipping games!
Transition to Body: Lets get started!
Body (28 min.):

ED 3601


KR 2011

What is the teacher doing?

What are the students doing?

Learning Activity #1: hand out one skipping rope for every 3 students (they will
work in 3s for the first few songs)
. Explain the first game (birthday plum) Apples, peaches, pears and plums.
Tell me when your birthday comesJanuary, February, March, April etc
until their birthday month. Switch skipper
Second game: A, B, C and Vegetable Goop, what will I find in my alphabet
soup? Go through the alphabet until they trip, then the skipper has to come up
with a word that starts with that letter.

Students are listening to

instructions and exhibiting a
positive attitude and
willingness to try during the

Formative & Summative Assessments: give feedback on technique, observe students

looking for positive attitude and willingness to try all of the activities.
Specific Learner Considerations: for students having a hard time skipping today, they
could sit on the bench and help cheer their classmates on to success. Or they could be the
rope holders for others who will skip.
Transition to Activity #2: Now that were all warmed up and we have our skipping skills
fresh in our minds, we will play a game called helicopter.

Learning Activity #2: explain helicopter game: I will use a long skipping rope
(or 2 tied together) and slowly spin it around just above the floor. The whole
class will be spread out around me and they all have to jump as the helicopter
blade comes towards them. Anyone who trips over it is out, they will watch for
other students tripping over the rope and cheer their classmates on. Keep
going until theres only 1 student left or if 5 minutes has gone by (whichever
comes first). If its over really fast, do another round until 5 minutes has

Students are listening to

instructions and exhibiting a
positive attitude and
willingness to try during the

Formative & Summative Assessments: give feedback to students telling them when they
are jumping well, and if many students are tripping remind them that they need to
anticipate the rope and time their jumps.
Specific Learner Considerations: for students having a hard time skipping today, they
could sit on the bench and help cheer their classmates on to success

Transition to Activity 3: 3s and 4s to the circle please! Now we will try

something called the row game.
Learning Activity #3: explain Row Game while passing out skipping ropes so
that everyone has one: you will need a partner for this. Everyone turn to the
left, that is your partner for this challenge. (if there is an extra they can
partner with me) everyone stand up and spread out but stay side by side with
your partner. Exchange your inside skipping rope handle with your partners,
now you should be holding your own rope in your outside hand and your
partners rope in your inside hand. You will have to work together for this to
work. Count to three before you start so you both start at the same time,
bounce at the same time as your partner. The challenge is that you both skip at
the exact same time. IF THEY DO WELL: try to link up more and more
students until the whole class is in one big row skipping together.

Students are listening to

instructions and exhibiting a
positive attitude and
willingness to try during the

Formative & Summative Assessments: give feedback on technique, observe students

looking for positive attitude and willingness to try all of the activities.
Specific Learner Considerations: for students having a hard time skipping today, they
could sit on the bench and help cheer their classmates on to success
Transition to Closure: Great job, everyone put your skipping ropes away and head to the

Closure ( 1 min.): * Connect your closure with learning objectives*

ED 3601


KR 2011

Consolidation/Assessment of Learning: Thank you everybody for your participation and positive team work, you all
did very well performing the different skipping exercises today.
Feedback From Students: Which skipping activity was the hardest for you to do today?
Feedback To Students: Good job everyone, you have all done very well today even though some of the activities were
very challenging.
Transition To Next Lesson: Next week we will continue having fun with workout Wednesday and skipping!
10 Key questions to review your plan:
1) What will my classroom/ teaching area look like when I begin to teach?
2) How will I interest the students on the lesson questions/ topic?
3) At what part of the lesson will I assess formatively? Summatively?
4) Have I clearly planned how I will transition from each part of the lesson (e.g. intro to activity 1)
5) Have I given thought to what approach to use in each activity? (e.g., direct instruction vs. group work)
6) Do I have enough detail in my activity descriptions to really understand what I will say, do, and assess?
7) Have I considered how my students will react to each activity? Any special learner considerations?
8) Do I know what evidence I am looking for as I assess formatively (e.g.- as you observe students working- what are
you looking for? As you question the students- what types of answers are you hoping to receive?)
9) Does my closure solidify the key points to the lesson?
10) Do I connect my closure to the lesson objectives?

Lesson Reflections (After you teach):

What went well:

What can be improved upon:

Describe how the students met your lesson objectives:

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