Ryan 2018
Ryan 2018
Ryan 2018
OPINION Sleep and diabetes
Silke Ryan a,b
Purpose of review
Abnormal sleep duration, including short and long sleep, and sleep disorders, in particular obstructive
sleep apnea (OSA), have evolved as major public health concerns attributed to their high prevalence and
significant links with mortality and comorbid conditions. There is compelling evidence of an independent
association of such sleep disturbances with the development, control, and progression of disorders affecting
glucose metabolism such as type 2 diabetes (T2D). However, little is known of the underlying
pathophysiological mechanisms and the potential interactions of these sleep disturbances in this process.
The present review explores emerging evidence in this field.
Recent findings
Cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses of large cohorts support the association of abnormal sleep
duration and T2D. However, significant methodological limitations hinder the conclusive interpretation of
the data. OSA is a fast-emerging risk factor for the development and control of T2D. Experimental studies
support a key role of intermittent hypoxia as the hallmark feature of OSA in the pathophysiology.
The present review highlights the need for large-scale, multicenter, prospective studies in order to determine
the causative role of sleep disturbances in diabetes. There is also a clear demand of a greater
understanding of the detailed pathophysiological mechanisms.
diabetes, intermittent hypoxia, obstructive sleep apnea, sleep, sleep duration, sleep fragmentation
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review, which concluded that the negative conse- categories, OSA severity remained an independent
quences of long sleep may arise as a result of poor predictor of insulin resistance, underlying the addi-
sleep quality, sleep disorders, sedentary lifestyle, or tive impact of OSA even in very obese patients [30 ].
unhealthy dietary choices rather than of any direct The detrimental effects of OSA on glucose metabo-
metabolic effects [24]. lism also extend to gestational diabetes. A meta-anal-
In summary, there are still many unanswered ysis of 9,795 participants enrolled in epidemiological
questions surrounding the association of sleep dura- observational studies suggested that women with
tion with T2D and associated conditions and we sleep-disordered breathing (SDB), that is OSA or snor-
require further large-scale well designed epidemio- ing, have an about three-fold increased risk for gesta-
logical and translational studies before definite con- tional diabetes in comparison to women without SDB
clusions can be drawn. adjusted for BMI [31]. Similar figures were also sug-
gested by very recent data from the National Perinatal
Information Centre of the United States, containing
THE ASSOCIATION OF OBSTRUCTIVE data on over 1.5 million gravidas, although obtaining
SLEEP APNEA AND DIABETES the diagnosis of OSA through discharge records was a
OSA characterized by repeated pharyngeal collapse significant limitation [32]. The presence of OSA may
during sleep leading to intermittent hypoxia, sleep also contribute to poor diabetic control in patients
fragmentation, and excessive daytime sleepiness rep- with T2D supported by data from the European Sleep
resents an increasing public health burden. It is a Apnoea Database cohort containing over 1100 par-
highly prevalent disorder and represents a significant ticipants demonstrating an independent association
risk factor for the development of numerous comor- of OSA severity with levels of glycated hemoglobin
bid conditions, mainly affecting the cardiovascular (HbA1c) [26].
system, neurological and metabolic function. There Beside the direct influence of OSA on the devel-
is fast accumulating evidence of an independent opment of glucose disorders, there is further concern
association of OSA with diseases concerning glucose of a potential association of OSA with diabetes-
metabolism such as T2D, insulin resistance, glucose related end-organ damage and recent studies have
intolerance or metabolic syndrome [25–27]. This added support of such links. In particular, previous
association seems to be at least in part irrespective reports have pointed towards an association of OSA
of the degree of obesity and in fact, OSA and obesity with diabetic-associated kidney disease [33]. Corrob-
may exert synergistic negative effects on glucose orating further on these data, Stadler et al. [34] evalu-
metabolism. In support, Nagayoshi et al. performed ated the association of OSA and renal function in a
a prospective analysis of 1,453 patients without dia- large outpatient cohort of patients with T2D and
betes of two community-based studies with polysom- using a cross-sectional design, OSA severity was an
nographic evaluation at baseline and over a median independent predictor of lower estimated glomerular
follow-up time of 13 years, severe OSA was associated filtration rate and increased albuminuria, the latter
with a significantly increased risk of incident T2D in also been reported from a Japanese cohort of patients
comparison to patients without OSA [28 ]. Impor- with T2D [35]. Furthermore, a recent longitudinal
tantly, this association remained significant after study performed in two diabetes centers in the United
adjustment for various anthropometric measures Kingdom identified an independent association of
and was similarly seen in nonobese and obese OSA severity with the progression of preproliferative
patients complementing the existing literature sug- and proliferative diabetic retinopathy [36].
gesting indeed a causal link between OSA and risk of The significant burden of T2D in OSA puts a key
diabetes. The association is also independent of the focus on the potential impact of continuous positive
potential confounding effects of sleep duration as airway pressure (CPAP) therapy as first-line treat-
recently highlighted in a systematic review and ment for OSA, however a benefit on glycemic health
meta-analysis on this topic [29]. Insulin resistance with this treatment remains uncertain. Several ran-
often precedes the development of T2D and an domized controlled trials have yielded differing
expanding evidence base is supportive of the exis- results [37–41]. However, the methodology of these
tence of an independent link with OSA. Attempts to studies varied significantly in terms of patient num-
evaluate the relationship of OSA with insulin resis- bers, duration of treatment, and compliance with
tance are again complicated by the pivotal role played CPAP. Furthermore, treatment response likely dif-
by obesity driving the metabolic dysregulation. fers between nonobese and obese patients and in an
To address this question, Murphy et al. performed a extensive review on this subject the authors com-
case-control study in 186 individuals without signif- mented that improvement in glucose control with
icant comorbidities and individuals were stratified CPAP in obese patients is unlikely to be expected
into different weight categories. Throughout all without concomitant weight loss [42]. A variety of
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studies published over the last year have continued rise in the rates of OSA and metabolic diseases.
to address this subject. A longitudinal analysis of Results from the prospective, multicentre Spanish
718 patients with OSA over a median follow-up of NANOS study indeed suggested a probable indepen-
5 months stressed again the issue of CPAP adherence dent interaction between these two conditions, but
identifying an improvement in glycemic health importantly, both, CPAP therapy and adenotonsil-
only in patients with excellent compliance defined lar surgery, improved blood glucose levels in com-
as at least 80% of nights with a mean duration of at parison to untreated children measured 1 year after
least 6 h/night [43]. Analysis was, however, not baseline [50]. However, RCTs on this subject are so
adjusted for the presence of T2D at baseline, far lacking.
although the authors commented that the type of A major research priority in the field is the
therapy for diabetes did not influence the results. detailed understanding of the pathophysiological
Two RCTs published in the same issue of the Ameri- mechanisms underlying the development and pro-
can Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine gression of diabetes in OSA. A large body of evidence
have been added recently to the field and reflective arising from cell culture, animal and human studies
of the ongoing controversy have yielded different indicate that the two hallmark features of OSA,
&& &&
results [44 ,45 ]. Both studies were similar in namely intermittent hypoxia and sleep fragmenta-
design, investigating the glycemic control in tion, play a pivotal role in this process. Intermittent
patients with T2D and OSA after 6 months of treat- hypoxia, characterized by repetitive short cycles of
ment. Whereby the study by Shah et al. found no rapid desaturation and reoxygenation, is the by far
difference with CPAP in comparison to standard best studied triggering factor and in experimental
care, the study by Martinez-Ceron et al. saw a signif- models in rodents and humans intermittent hyp-
icant better improvement in HbA1c with CPAP oxia leads to several metabolic alterations, including
therapy. Although baseline characteristics were sim- higher fasting glucose and insulin levels, insulin
ilar, there were some differences between both trials resistance, or glucose intolerance [30 ,51–54].
which may indeed explain the different outcomes. There are several potential mechanisms by which
First, in the study by Shah et al. diabetic control at intermittent hypoxia mediates its effect on glucose
baseline was better and patients on insulin therapy metabolic dysfunction, which collectively result in
were excluded, which may have led to the failure of pancreatic b-cell dysfunction and in insulin resis-
CPAP to further improve HbA1c. Second, the mode tance in the insulin target organs liver, skeletal
of positive airway pressure (PAP) was different in muscle, and adipose tissue [54–56]. Given the close
both trials. The negative study by Shah et al. used link of OSA with obesity, the latter has attracted
PAP in auto-adjusting mode in contrast to the posi- specific attention and there is fast rising support that
tive study by Martinez-Ceron et al., applying fixed- intermittent hypoxia results in the expression and
pressure CPAP supporting results from several secretion of proinflammatory mediators from vis-
reports suggesting that fixed CPAP is more beneficial ceral adipose tissue and subsequent insulin resis-
in improving cardiometabolic outcomes [46–48]. tance [57]. Using a comprehensive translational
The study by Martinez-Ceron et al. also stressed design, Murphy et al. provided recently further
the importance of an adequate treatment length. mechanistic insight demonstrating that intermit-
Although there was no difference between CPAP or tent hypoxia leads to morphological changes of
control in glycemic parameters after 3 months, the adipose tissue with polarization of macrophages
HbA1c and insulin resistance improved after towards an M1-pro-inflammatory phenotype inde-
6 months of active treatment associated with a pendent of obesity and subsequent impaired adi-
reduction in circulating proinflammatory media- pose tissue functionality with inhibition of the
tors. These results provide a potential explanation insulin-signaling pathway [30 ]. Importantly,
for the lack of benefit with CPAP in some previous removal of the epididymal (visceral) fat in C57BL6
randomized-controlled trials. There is also growing mice has been shown to prevent the intermittent
support for a benefit of CPAP treatment in gesta- hypoxia-induced metabolic disturbances [58]. Sleep
tional diabetes. Using a randomized-controlled fragmentation as a result of recurrent arousals is
design, a recent study from Taiwan reported an another potentially important triggering factor for
improvement in insulin secretion and insulin sen- metabolic dysfunction, although not yet as exten-
sitivity following 2 weeks of CPAP associated with a sively studied. The research group of David Gozal
potentially improved pregnancy outcome [49]. Of has developed a murine model of sleep fragmenta-
major concern but as yet poorly explored is the tion, which has provided important insight into
potential impact of OSA on metabolic function in pathophysiological responses and similar to the
children and adolescents. With the growing preva- changes induced by intermittent hypoxia, sleep
lence of obesity in this age group, there is a similar fragmentation induces proinflammatory changes
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