Concise Clinical Review: Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome
Concise Clinical Review: Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome
Concise Clinical Review: Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome
Obesity hypoventilation syndrome describes the association be- repetitive frank obstructive sleep apnea (OSAS) with hyper-
tween obesity and the development of chronic daytime alveolar capnia, flow limitation causing obstructive hypoventilation,
hypoventilation. This syndrome arises from a complex interaction through to hypoventilation in all sleep stages (2). Sleep hypo-
between sleep-disordered breathing, diminished respiratory drive, ventilation alone does not define OHS unless daytime hyper-
and obesity-related respiratory impairment, and is associated with capnia is also present. However, it is possible that obese patients
significant morbidity and mortality. Therapy directed toward re- with hypoventilation during sleep without awake hypercapnia
versing these abnormalities leads to improved daytime breathing, have a prodromal form of OHS and will later develop chronic
with available treatment options including positive pressure ther- hypercapnia. This may be similar to the clinical scenario
apy, weight loss, and pharmacological management. However, a lack
observed in patients with sleep-disordered breathing and neu-
of large-scale, well-designed studies evaluating these various ther-
romuscular disease (3).
apies has limited the development of evidence-based treatment
recommendations. Although treatment directed toward improving
The incidence of OHS increases significantly as obesity
sleep-disordered breathing is usually effective, not all patients increases, with a reported prevalence of around 10 to 20% in
tolerate mask ventilation and awake hypercapnia may persist de- outpatients presenting to sleep clinics (46) to almost 50% of
spite effective use. In the longer term, weight loss is desirable, but hospitalized patients with a BMI greater than 50 kg/m2 (7).
data on the success and sustainability of this approach in obesity Current estimates suggest that around 0.3 to 0.4% of the
hypoventilation are lacking. The review outlines the major mecha- population may have OHS (8, 9). However, the accuracy of
nisms believed to underlie the development of hypoventilation in prevalence data has been limited by inclusion of multiple small
this subgroup of obese patients, their clinical presentation, and studies, failure to exclude some patients with chronic obstruc-
current therapy options. tive pulmonary disease, and variable definitions of obstructive
sleep apnea (8). There are no prospective observational cohort
Keywords: obesity hypoventilation; hypercapnic respiratory failure; studies investigating which patients with OSA will develop OHS
noninvasive ventilation; sleep with weight gain. Nevertheless, it is reasonable to assume there
are several hundred thousand individuals in the United States
Obesity is a major public health issue, and despite the increasing
with OHS. In this review, we highlight the pathophysiology that
attention this disorder has received over the past decade, not
determines which patients with obesity develop awake hypo-
only are obesity rates continuing to increase but also we are
ventilation and the clinical impact of OHS. Recent data on
seeing the emergence of an increasing number of individuals who
management approaches are also discussed. The review em-
can be categorized as super obese (body mass index [BMI] .
phasizes the importance of early detection and intervention in
50 kg/m2) (1). As weight increases, so do the health conse-
patients with OHS, considering the substantial morbidity and
quences, including those related to the respiratory system.
mortality associated with this disorder.
Obesity hypoventilation syndrome (OHS) refers to the appear-
ance of awake hypercapnia (PaCO2 . 45 mm Hg) in the obese
patient (BMI . 30 kg/m2) after other causes that could account WHICH PATIENTS ARE LIKELY TO DEVELOP OHS?
for awake hypoventilation, such as lung or neuromuscular One of the more intriguing aspects of the interaction of re-
disease, have been excluded. Although sleep-disordered breath- spiratory function and obesity is that only some morbidly obese
ing is not currently part of the basic definition of OHS, breath- patients develop awake hypoventilation. There are clearly specific
ing during sleep in these individuals typically encompasses differences between obese individuals who maintain normal
a number of polysomnographic defined phenotypes, including ventilation awake and asleep, those who develop sleep-disordered
breathing with normal daytime ventilation, and those who exhibit
awake hypercapnia in the absence of lung or neuromuscular
(Received in original form August 15, 2010; accepted in final form October 28, 2010) disease. These interindividual differences are complex, reflecting
Supported by National Health and Medical Research grants, Health Professional the diverse impact of obesity on breathing (10).
Research Fellowship grant 245523 (A.J.P.) and Practitioner Fellowship grant
202916 (R.R.G.), and Centre for Clinical Research Excellence grants 264598 and Respiratory Mechanics
571241 (R.R.G.).
Obesity, particularly when it is severe, is associated with signif-
Correspondence and requests for reprints should be addressed to Amanda Piper, icant changes in pulmonary mechanics and respiratory muscle
Ph.D., Sleep Unit, Level 11, Building 75, Royal Prince, Alfred Hospital, Missenden
performance. However, many of these effects are magnified in
Road, Camperdown, NSW 2050 Australia. E-mail: [email protected]
those obese patients who develop OHS compared with equally
This article has an online supplement, which is accessible from this issues table of
contents at
obese individuals either with or without sleep-disordered breath-
ing (Table 1) (11). Breathing at abnormally low lung volumes
Am J Respir Crit Care Med Vol 183. pp 292298, 2011
Originally Published in Press as DOI: 10.1164/rccm.201008-1280CI on October 29, 2010 reduces chest wall and respiratory system compliance (12, 13)
Internet address: and increases airway resistance (14). When expiratory reserve
Concise Clinical Review 293
Obesity Hypoventilation Eucapnic Morbid Obesity References
volume is low, small airway closure and air trapping occur, airway pressure (CPAP). A significant proportion of patients
resulting in expiratory flow limitation and the development of with OHS diagnosed initially with sleep hypoventilation alone
intrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure (15). These changes are will later exhibit OSA if withdrawn from noninvasive ventila-
more marked in the supine position and contribute to the tion (23). However, there are no large longitudinal studies that
increased work of breathing by imposing a threshold load on inform on the development of OHS over time, and therefore it
the inspiratory muscles (15, 16). It is not known whether the is difficult to exclude the possibility that some patients can de-
development of intrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure is velop OHS in the absence of upper airway dysfunction at some
greater in patients with OHS compared with equally obese time in the evolution of the disorder. The apnea-hypopnea index
eucapnic individuals. However, it has been shown that the work has been shown in some studies to be an independent risk factor
of breathing in sitting and supine (awake or in stage II sleep) for the development of hypercapnia (6, 8). However, the issue is
positions is significantly higher in patients with OHS compared likely to be more complex than the frequency of events occurring
with similarly obese eucapnic patients (17). during sleep. Other authors have highlighted the importance of
There are several mechanisms to potentially explain the the duration of disordered breathing events relative to the
greater impairment of respiratory function in OHS. First, in interapnea period in the development of hypercapnia in patients
those with more severe OHS, respiratory muscle performance with obesity and OSA. When periods of abnormal breathing are
may be affected by the biochemical disturbance associated with long and the time to restore ventilation is short and/or respiratory
hypoventilation (acidosis and hypoxemia). Whether a primary efforts are reduced during the recovery period, acute increases in
myopathic process also exists is currently unknown, as detailed CO2 can occur (24).
muscle structural analysis has not been performed in individuals Recently, a model has been proposed that links this transient
with OHS. Second, patients with OHS have a higher degree of retention of CO2 during apneic events in sleep with the
central fat distribution, as demonstrated by larger neck circum- development of chronic awake hypercapnia (25). A key feature
ferences and higher waist:hip ratios compared with eucapnic of this model includes the eventual increase in renal bicarbonate
obese patients or patients with OSAS (11, 18). Central adiposity concentration to buffer these acute overnight increases in CO2. In
results in cephalic displacement of the diaphragm. This pro-
duces inefficient mechanical performance (19), which worsens
when the individual is lying supine. In addition, centrally dis-
tributed weight reduces lung volumes to a much greater degree
than weight deposited peripherally (20). This would contribute to
greater reductions in lung volumes and more marked mechanical
ventilatory constraints, which would increase the work of breath-
ing while reducing respiratory muscle efficiency in patients with
OHS. The distribution of excess weight is also important in gas
exchange with centrally obese individuals, regardless of sex or
BMI, exhibiting poorer gas exchange (21).
turn, this results in depression of ventilatory responsiveness to dictor of hypercapnia than degree of adiposity (38). Higher
CO2 during wakefulness, eventually promoting daytime hypo- serum leptin concentrations are also associated with both a re-
ventilation (Figure 1). The greater ventilatory limitations im- duced respiratory drive and a reduced response to hypercapnia
posed by more extreme central obesity and/or the development in severely obese individuals (40). Until recently, the concept of
of decreased central respiratory drive may initiate the acute using leptin to treat human obesity (and possibly OHS) has
failure to compensate for sleep-disordered breathing. However, been limited by leptin resistance. New data on possible ways of
for awake CO2 to emerge, the renal compensatory mechanism overcoming leptin resistance and emerging clinical trials suggest
must also be compromised (25). Because the presence of these that in the future using recombinant leptin to reverse OHS may
risk factors can vary considerably between similarly obese pa- be possible (41).
tients with OSAS, this model helps to explain why only a sub- Other hormonal mechanisms may also be operative in OHS.
group of these individuals develop awake hypercapnia. Growth hormone increases ventilatory responsiveness (42).
Sustained hypoxemia in the absence of obvious upper airway Lower 24-hour growth hormone levels, as indicated by lower
dysfunction will also occur, and the proportion of sleep time insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) levels, have been observed
spent less than 90% (% total sleep time oxygen saturation as in OHS, with a strong negative correlation between IGF-I and
measured by pulse oximetry [SpO2] , 90%) has been shown to both PaCO2 and bicarbonate reported (33). However, the effect
be strongly associated with the development of awake hyper- of recombinant growth hormone on OHS is unknown.
capnia (8). Although it is not clear from individual studies
whether hypoxia was the cause or consequence of hypercapnia,
it is possible that hypoxia could interfere with the synthesis of
a number of neurotransmitters involved in central respiratory Patients with OHS exhibit lower daytime PaO2 and higher PaCO2
control (26, 27). Although not yet studied in OHS, sustained compared with those with morbid obesity or OSAS and thus
hypoxia during sleep delays arousal in response to resistive spend a greater proportion of sleep time with SpO2 , 90% (4,
loading in healthy nonobese males (28) and could contribute to 11, 43). In turn, this will result in more frequent presentation
worsening sleep hypoventilation and CO2 retention. with peripheral edema, pulmonary hypertension, and cor pul-
monale (4, 44). Patients with OHS are also more likely to report
Ventilatory Drive moderate to severe dyspnea compared with eucapnic patients
Alterations in central respiratory drive also underpin which with OSAS (45). However, clinical presentation in OHS may be
obese patient with or without OSAS will develop daytime identical to patients with OSAS. Consequently, the diagnosis
hypercapnia. Normally, severe obesity is associated with in- can be overlooked not only in a sleep clinic population of
creased respiratory drive, which assists in maintaining eucapnia patients with chronic stable disease but even during hospitali-
despite abnormal chest wall mechanics and high work of zation for an acute illness (7, 46). Hospitalization rates and
breathing (16, 29, 30). Those with OHS do not display this ongoing use of health care service requirements are significantly
augmented drive (30, 31). In addition, ventilatory responsive- higher among patients with OHS compared with morbidly
ness to hypoxia and hypercapnia is diminished (3234) and does obese eucapnic patients (47). Despite this high contact with
not appear to have a familial basis (35, 36). Rather, this seems health care providers, there appears to be a significant delay in
to be an acquired phenomenon, with recent work highlighting the diagnosis of this disorder and the institution of definitive
the potential role of hormones or adipokines in this process. therapy unless referral to a respiratory or sleep physician is
Leptin is a circulating protein produced mainly by adipose made (7, 45, 46).
tissue (adipokine) that interacts with hypothalamic receptors to Although large-scale longitudinal observation data are not
inhibit eating. The leptin-deficient ob/ob mouse model has available in untreated OHS, patients with this condition are
provided some insight into potential mechanisms of OHS. more likely than eucapnic obese patients to require admission
Compared with wild-type mice and other obese mouse models, to intensive care if hospitalized and are more likely to need
ob/ob mice do not produce functioning leptin and exhibit invasive ventilation (7). Furthermore, 18 months after hospital
features of OHS with impaired respiratory mechanics, de- discharge, mortality was 23% in a group of patients with OHS
pressed ventilatory responsiveness, and awake hypercapnia. compared with 9% in those with uncomplicated obesity (7). In
They also have marked reductions in lung volumes, pulmonary another study evaluating long term noninvasive ventilation,
compliance, and abnormal respiratory muscle function (37). almost half those who refused therapy (7/15) had died within
Leptin replacement in these mice reverses their OHS, and in the follow-up period of 50 6 25 months compared with 3 of 54
this way, leptin can be considered a respiratory stimulant. patients managed with positive pressure therapy (44).
In humans, leptin deficiency in obesity is extremely rare, and In addition to morbidity and mortality related to respiratory
instead, similar to obesity in wild-type mice, there is a variable complications, patients with OHS also exhibit greater cardio-
elevation in circulating leptin. Clearly, if these high leptin levels metabolic morbidity compared with those with OSAS or simple
were biologically active there would be reduced eating and severe obesity. Rates of systemic hypertension, congestive heart
subsequently weight loss. This is obviously not the case in failure, cor pulmonale, and angina are higher among patients
human obesity, and the problem instead is leptin resistance. with OHS compared with those with eucapnic obesity (47, 48).
This may play a role in human obesity-related breathing Patients with OHS are also characterized by higher insulin
disorders, such as OHS or OSA. Therefore, the development resistance and more frequently are treated by glucose-lowering
of a resistance to leptin, or perhaps more correctly a central medications (18). Given the known interaction of OSA, obesity,
leptin deficiency, could contribute to the development of and cardiometabolic disease, these findings in OHS are not
awake hypoventilation by altering respiratory drive output as surprising (49, 50). In a recent prospective controlled study, an
well, affecting the mechanical properties of the lungs and chest increase in the proatherogenic chemokine regulated on activa-
wall, attenuating the normal compensatory mechanisms used by tion, normal T-cell expressed and secreted, lower levels of the
individuals to cope with obesity-related respiratory loads. antiatherogenic adipokine adiponectin, and impaired endothe-
Plasma leptin levels are higher in OSAS or OHS compared lial function were seen in patients with OHS compared with
with weight-matched control subjects without sleep-disordered age- and BMI-matched eucapnic control subjects (18). The
breathing (38, 39). Importantly, leptin levels are a better pre- presence of high inflammatory markers before and after treat-
Concise Clinical Review 295
ment for sleep-disordered breathing in OHS has also been hypoventilation may persist in others, resulting in an incomplete
shown to be a factor associated with poor prognosis in this or worsening response to therapy (43, 59). Consequently, it is
population (51). important to identify patients with OHS before a CPAP titration
Symptoms and lifestyle limitations caused by the respiratory study.
and obesity aspects of OHS have a significant effect on quality Although monitoring CO2 during sleep using transcutaneous
of life (22, 52, 53). These patients experience significant dyspnea CO2 is not widely deployed in most clinical centers, the tech-
(44, 45) and daytime sleepiness (52), which can impact on both nique can be of value in documenting the degree to which CO2
the physical and mental/social aspects of quality of life (53). is retained, especially during REM sleep. In this way it may be
Despite improving gas exchange during sleep and wakefulness a useful technique to detect prodromal OHS in obese patients.
with treatment, many individuals still report low quality-of-life It has also been used in severely obese patients during positive
scores, which may reflect the ongoing impact of comorbidities airway pressure (PAP) therapy, demonstrating good agreement
present in severe obesity (22). In contrast, in a group of less with PaCO2 measured from arterial blood sampling (60), al-
obese Japanese patients with OHS (mean BMI 36 6 9 kg/m2), though careful calibration is required to ensure accuracy of
improvements in all domains of the SF-36, apart from bodily measurements. Nevertheless, there is a lack of evidence from
pain, occurred after 3 to 6 months of CPAP therapy, with post- randomized controlled trials to determine whether the diagnosis
treatment scores similar to those reported by nonobese and and management of patients with OHS using continuous trans-
healthy subjects (52). Improving quality of life is an important cutaneous monitoring of CO2 offers any clinical benefits over
aspect of intervention in patients with chronic hypoventilation, oxygen saturation and awake arterial blood gases measure-
including OHS, as there appears to be an association between ments alone.
health-related quality of life and mortality (54).
At present no classification system for severity of OHS has WHAT IS THE BEST THERAPY FOR OHS?
been established and generally accepted. However, various
characteristics of the disorder have been suggested by which Current treatment approaches for OHS can be broadly classed
severity could be graded, including the degree of awake re- into two areas: medical therapies, including PAP therapy de-
spiratory failure, BMI, complications related to OHS, or even signed to treat sleep-disordered breathing and improve nocturnal
the response to initial CPAP therapy (55). The clinical hetero- gas exchange, and surgical intervention to promote and maintain
geneity of OHS highlights the need for specific characterization weight loss.
of patient cohorts to better understand the mechanisms un-
derlying this disorder and how this may influence the response Positive Pressure Therapy
to different therapies (56). Reversal of daytime CO2 can be achieved with CPAP therapy
alone when chronic hypercapnia is largely a consequence of
SCREENING AND IDENTIFYING THE PROBLEM upper airway obstruction (2, 22, 43). Flow limitation producing
sustained periods of hypoventilation can also occur and again
To diagnose OHS, an increased awake PaCO2 is required. How- will respond to CPAP therapy if sufficient pressure levels are
ever, because arterial blood gases are not routinely performed applied (2). In the majority of cases, titration of CPAP will be
in sleep clinics and laboratories, and chronic presentation may the first approach to treatment (22, 61), with the goal of
be similar to uncomplicated OSAS, the disorder can be over- normalizing oxygen saturation and preventing increases in
looked unless clinicians have a high index of suspicion. Recently nocturnal CO2 levels. Pressure is titrated upward to eliminate
published medical guidelines for patients undergoing bariatric apneas, hypopneas, and snoring and to stabilize oxygen satura-
surgery have recognized this issue and recommend that formal tion, with a switch to bilevel therapy if sustained desaturation
respiratory evaluation, including arterial blood gases, be per- and elevated CO2 levels persist. During bilevel therapy, the
formed as part of the preoperative assessment in those indivi- level of airway pressure delivered during inspiration (IPAP)
duals with disordered sleep as well as those with super (BMI . and expiration (EPAP) can be adjusted separately, with EPAP
50) obesity (57). Despite such guidelines, there are no data on the increased to eliminate obstructive events while IPAP is in-
most appropriate cost-effective clinical screening pathway for creased above the EPAP level to improve alveolar ventilation.
detection of OHS in patient populations. A pressure difference between IPAP and EPAP of at least 6 to
Simple measures, such as pulse oximetry and serum bi- 7cm H2O is generally required (44, 48, 62). In many published
carbonate, can be readily performed in clinics and serve as studies, the move to bilevel therapy is undertaken within the
useful screening tools to identify potential candidates with first night of PAP titration if SpO2 of 90% or greater is not
OHS. A serum bicarbonate 27 mEq/L or greater has been achieved despite the elimination of obstructive events. Based on
shown to be highly sensitive (92%) although not specific (50%) this approach, previous reports have suggested that around 20
for the presence of an increased CO2, and therefore clinically to 50% of patients with OHS will fail CPAP and require longer-
a helpful procedure for screening (6). Similarly, PaO2 is gener- term management with bilevel therapy (2, 43, 61). However, in
ally less than 70 mm Hg in OHS, particularly in those with more a small study of patients with OHS randomized to either CPAP
severe disease (11, 43). Therefore, a pulse oximetry reading of or bilevel therapy for a 3-month period, no between-group
less than 94% would suggest the need for an arterial blood gas differences in awake CO2, compliance with therapy, or daytime
measurement to clarify the diagnosis (6). sleepiness were found. This lack of difference was observed
Given the cost and limited facilities for performing full even though 11 of the 18 patients randomized to CPAP therapy
polysomnography in many countries, there is increasing use of continued to exhibit sustained oxygen desaturation between 80
simplified respiratory monitoring and autotitrating pressure and 88% during the first night of titration (22). Furthermore,
devices for the diagnosis and treatment of OSAS. Although after 3 months of therapy, only four of these patients continued
current clinical guidelines advise against the unattended titra- to desaturate during sleep despite control of the upper airway,
tion of CPAP in OHS (58), it is likely that a proportion of suggesting that a complete initial response to CPAP therapy
individuals will be managed in this way simply because the may not be necessary for longer-term resolution of sleep and
disorder is not recognized. Although CPAP may be effective in daytime hypoventilation. Other work has shown that better
some patients (2, 22, 43), sustained nocturnal desaturation and adherence with PAP therapy plays an important role in the
improvement in CO2 achieved in hypercapnic patients with after undergoing a tracheostomy (65, 66). However, daytime
OSAS, irrespective of whether CPAP or bilevel therapy is used hypoventilation may persist (65, 66), whereas in others external
(61). After an initial period of bilevel support, some individ- blockage of the tracheostomy by excess adipose tissue around the
uals can be effectively managed with CPAP alone (22, 23, 44, neck can also occur (67). Therefore, although a tracheostomy may
63). Longer-term data will be required to provide treatment be needed in a small subset of patients with OHS who are
algorithms that explain which patients can be initially man- intolerant of mask PAP therapy and who exhibit life-threatening
aged with CPAP from the outset or switched to this therapy complications, it may not be a viable long-term option for therapy.
after a period of bilevel ventilation. Longer-term outcomes
would need to include quality of life, compliance, relapse, or Bariatric Surgery
even mortality. Early case studies reported significant improvements in lung
Longer-term observational studies of bilevel therapy have function, central respiratory drive, and daytime CO2 with
consistently reported improved awake blood gases, daytime weight loss achieved through dietary management (68, 69).
sleepiness, and ventilatory responsiveness to CO2, fewer hospi- Although weight loss is an important long-term goal in the
talizations, and better quality of life compared with baseline management of OHS, it is often difficult to achieve and main-
measures (47, 53). However, there is only limited evidence from tain by medical management, and although sleep-disordered
randomized trials comparing clinical outcomes between differ- breathing is often improved it is rarely cured.
ent treatment modalities (22, 59, 64). Limitations of these trials Bariatric surgery is the most effective approach to achieving
include the small number of patients studied (1036 patients), more substantial degrees of weight loss and maintaining this loss
the short-term nature of follow-up (single night to 3 mo), and over longer periods (70). Although a number of studies have
comparisons only performed between different types of PAP shown significant improvements in lung volumes, especially
(CPAP and bilevel, or bilevel with and without average expiratory reserve volume (71, 72), and gas exchange (73) can
volumeassured pressure support ventilation), in groups with be achieved with surgical weight loss, few of these studies have
relatively mild OHS based on daytime CO2 levels. The extent to specifically looked at outcomes in patients with OHS (71, 74).
which the findings of these small randomized trials can be Most commonly, bariatric surgery is performed in morbidly
applied to the broader OHS population requires confirmation in obese women, in whom the prevalence of OHS is lower than in
larger multicenter studies. Several studies have reported higher men (45). In a study looking at the prevalence of sleep-
discontinuation rates among females compared with males with disordered breathing in consecutive premenopausal women
OHS (44, 48), although the reasons for this are unclear. Given presenting for bariatric surgery, 8% of the study group were
the significantly higher mortality rate reported for patients with found to have OHS (75). However, details regarding postoper-
untreated OHS compared with those continuing on therapy (7, ative complications and longer-term outcomes were not pro-
44), identifying causes and ensuring alternate therapy options vided. Although significant improvements in sleep-disordered
are offered to noncompliant PAP patients is important. breathing occur after surgical weight loss, a recent metaanalysis
A substantial number of patients may require oxygen found that the apnea-hypopnea index remained high in many
therapy in addition to PAP initially to maintain SpO2 greater individuals (76). The presence of persisting sleep-disordered
than 90% (22, 44, 61), but once effective nocturnal ventilation is breathing is often not recognized, and patients may be reluctant
established, this need decreases significantly. However, sub- to undergo a postsurgical sleep breathing evaluation if they
optimal oxygenation (defined by percentage of recording time perceive their sleep symptoms have resolved (77). Consequently,
with SpO2 , 90%) both during wakefulness and sleep can be this could lead to a substantial number of patients ceasing PAP
present in some individuals despite improved daytime blood therapy prematurely after surgery (78).
gases, and although this did not translate into greater dyspnea The surgical approach to weight loss is being increasingly
or daytime sleepiness in one study (63), daytime hypoxemia used in super obese (BMI . 50 kg/m2) and super-super obese
both before and persisting after the initiation of PAP therapy individuals (. 60 kg/m2) (79, 80). Although significant and
has been shown to be an independent predictor of poor survival sustained weight loss in these groups was reported, only one in
in OHS (51). To date, outcomes research in OHS has been three patients achieved a reduction in BMI below 40 kg/m2 (79).
limited by lack of agreement on endpoints of therapy. We do The need for and compliance with PAP therapy in these super
not really know what constitutes a normal awake PCO2 level in obese patients postsurgery has not been addressed, nor have
these patients or what represents an acceptable or safe level of longer-term cardiovascular outcomes been adequately moni-
oxygen desaturation level during sleep. One important future tored. Given general data on the relatively low level of com-
research agenda is to define and provide evidence supporting plications of bariatric surgery in experienced centers (80),
treatment goals in patients with OHS. consideration should be given to more detailed research in-
Even when patients are adherent to PAP therapy, up to 25% volving this approach in the long-term management of OHS.
may remain hypercapnic with an awake CO2 greater than 45 mm Hg.
This needs to be qualified, because adherence is frequently
defined as more than 4 or 4.5 hours of PAP therapy during sleep
(61). Given that the average sleep length in most individuals is Although we are developing a better understanding of the
at least 6 to 7 hours per night, some adherent patients will be complex interactions involved in the development of OHS,
exposed to residual hypoventilation, and therefore incomplete there is still the need for earlier diagnosis and more effective
reversal of awake hypercapnia may occur. In cases in which management and follow-up strategies. This will require better
severe daytime gas exchange abnormalities persist, or the patient understanding of the epidemiology of OHS and particularly
is intolerant of mask PAP therapy, alternate treatment options which patients with obesity and sleep-disordered breathing de-
need to be considered. velop this condition over time. The emergence of an increasing
number of super obese individuals will pose management
challenges in the near future. Although improved breathing
Tracheostomy during sleep and wakefulness can generally be achieved with
A reduction in nocturnal obstructive events and normalization of PAP therapy, the lack of large-scale, well-designed studies
awake CO2 can be achieved in some patients with severe OHS evaluating long-term outcomes with various therapies has
Concise Clinical Review 297
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Author Disclosure: A.J.P. received $1,001$5,000 from ResMed Asia Pacific for 891898.
conducting workshops/lectures in 2008 and 2009, up to $1,000 from Respironics 21. Zavorsky GS, Wilson B. Sex, girth, waists and hips (what matters for gas
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a 2007 lecture. R.R.G. received up to $1,000 from Diagnoseit in advisory board 120122.
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