Base Paper
Base Paper
Base Paper
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Raising environmental awareness has triggered extensive searching for methods to mitigate impacts of
Received 15 August 2019 concrete industry on the environment. Feasible solutions include partially replacing nature aggregates by
Received in revised form recycled concrete aggregates (RCAs) in new concrete production, and/or using supplementary cemen-
12 December 2019
titious materials (SCMs) to substitute a fraction of ordinary Portland cement (OPC) binder. However,
Accepted 15 December 2019
Available online 18 December 2019
SCMs of a given type generally have a broad chemical composition compared to OPC; the inherent
inferior properties of RCAs often reduce the mechanical strength of resulting concrete. These two factors
Handling Editor: Lei Shi pose great challenges to accurately predict the compressive strength of concrete containing SCMs and
RCAs. In this study, a unified model is proposed by considering the reactivity of SCM and the physical
Keywords: characteristics of RCAs in a concrete mix and calibrated based on an extensive experimental database
Supplementary cementitious material containing 654 individual datasets. The proposed model predicts the compressive strength of recycled
Recycled concrete aggregate aggregate concrete containing SCMs not only with a good accuracy but also with strong chemical and
Hydration physical senses, hence providing a useful design tool and, ultimately, promoting application of such
Pozzolanic reaction
green concrete products and contributing to experimental friendliness.
Recycled aggregate concrete
© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Unified model
1. Introduction consumes large amounts of coarse and fine natural aggregates (NA),
where around 70% volume of a conventional concrete mix is
Concrete has become, by far, the most commonly-used con- occupied by aggregates (Behera et al., 2014; Dilbas et al., 2014;
struction material in the world (Mehta and Meryman, 2009; Xie Mefteh et al., 2013; Torgal and Jalali, 2011). According to statistics
and Fang, 2019), where the majority of concrete products conven- provided by Freedonia group (Freedonia, 2016), approximately 4
tionally adopt ordinary Portland cement (OPC) and nature aggre- billion tons of OPCs and 40 billion tons of natural aggregates (NA)
gate as their primary binder and skeleton, respectively. To produce are being required by the world construction sector annually. It
a commercial grade of OPC, limestone needs to be mined, mixed estimates that the global demand for these two construction ma-
with other mineral materials (e.g. clay), heated with a temperature terials will rise to 6 billion- and 53 billion-tons respectively in the
up to 1450 C and then carefully ground and blended with gypsum next 5e10 years (USGS, 2015). In the meantime, the rapid infra-
(Fairbairn et al., 2010; Tosti et al., 2018). This energy- and resource- structure developments and renovations of existing structures have
intensive manufacturing process of OPC leaves notable impacts on led to a rising rate of demolishing old structures, as prompted by
environmental appearances, for instance, vast volume of green- the limited availability of construction sites. These have subse-
house gas emissions. The extensive usage of concrete also quently resulted in generations of large amounts of construction
and demolition (C&D) wastes. However, very little C&D waste is
currently recycled and reused in structural concrete, with that the
majority of these C&D waste is either disposed in landfills at sig-
* Corresponding author. nificant cost and depletes landfill space (Wang et al., 2019; Xie et al.,
** Corresponding author.
2018a,b; Xu et al., 2018, 2019a), or ineffectively used as base course
*** Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (T. Xie), [email protected] materials in road pavements.
(X. Zhao), [email protected] (J. Xu). Of late years, raising awareness on environmental issues has
0959-6526/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 T. Xie et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 251 (2020) 119752
resulted in significant research efforts devoted to limiting and properties of concrete should be considered, which subsequently
addressing the challenges caused by the concrete industry. They and significantly increases the number of trials needed. Some at-
generally focus on minimizing the impacts of OPC manufacture (e.g. tempts to predict the compressive strength of RACs have been re-
limiting CO2 emission and energy demand), conserving of natural ported in the literature which generally fall into two categories; the
resources (e.g. limestone and coal sources), and reusing of C&D first one is those empirically derived based on the experimental
wastes (e.g. preventing depletion of natural aggregates and landfill results, such as those reported in (Lovato et al., 2012; Pereira et al.,
spaces). One of the mostly adopted approaches to limiting the CO2 2012; Sriravindrarajah et al., 2012; Thomas et al., 2013; Xiao et al.,
emissions of concrete binder is via the partial replacement of OPC 2006; Younis and Pilakoutas, 2013); the second one is based on
with supplementary cementitious materials (SCM), such as indus- machine learning approaches (e.g. (Dantas et al., 2013; Duan et al.,
trial by-products (e.g. coal ash, slag, silica fume), or agricultural 2013; Khademi et al., 2016)), which is data driven and relies on
wastes (e.g. rice husk ash, palm oil fuel ash) (Aprianti et al., 2015; analyses in black box layers. Each type of the models has its own
Dadsetan and Bai, 2017; Long et al., 2015; Xie, TY et al., 2018). The limitations. The empirical models were developed often based on
outcomes of the existing studies on using SCMs in concrete (e.g. the results of individual experimental campaigns using locally-
(Fan and Miller, 2018; Golewski, 2017; Yang et al., 2015)) indicate available materials. Therefore, their generalities are ambiguous
that the incorporation of SCMs in OPC based concrete is practical and need extensive validations. For machine learning based
and economical towards sustainability of concrete; for instance, the models, despite their being developed from numerous experi-
CO2 intensity per unit (MPa) of concrete strength can be reduced mental results, the absence of explicit expressions and lack of
significantly by replacing OPC with up to approximately 20% low- physical significance weaken their broad acceptances. To address
cost SCMs by weight. Importantly, in addition to its eco-benefits, the shortcomings of the aforementioned existing approaches, in
the incorporation of SCMs in OPC based concrete also improve this study, a unified model for predicting the compressive strength
mechanical strength of the concrete either via their self-cementing of concrete with SCMs and RCAs is developed based on the
(e.g. slag) or pozzolanic (e.g. coal ash, slag and silica fume (SF)) fundamental chemical and mineralogical compositions of unary
natures (Fathi and Lameie, 2017; Le and Ludwig, 2016; Uysal and and blended binders in conjunction with the characteristics of
Sumer, 2011; Zhao et al., 2015); and also enhance the long-term RCAs. The major objectives of this study are to:
performance of concrete by refining its pore structures (De Belie
et al., 2017; Lothenbach et al., 2011). The utilization of SCMs as a 1) identify the approach which is adequate for modelling the
secondary binder in concrete is a promising solution to address the compressive strength of RAC;
environmental issues of the concrete industry and also as a means 2) identify the approach which is unified for the compressive
for improving the performance of concrete. Besides, the applica- strength of NAC with unary or blended binder;
tions of recycled concrete aggregate (RCA), which is obtained by 3) assess the performances of the identified predictive models
crushing C&D wastes, has now been recognized as another using a large experimental database reported on the properties
attractive technique to reduce the environmental impacts of the of concrete containing RCAs and SCMs and hence to identify the
concrete industry. RCA can be used to partially replace NA in shortcomings of these approaches;
structural concrete as skeleton to conserve natural resources and 4) develop a unified model for predicting the compressive strength
effectively mitigate the impacts of C&D wastes (Barbudo et al., of concrete containing RCAs and SCMs.
2013; Behera et al., 2014; Elchalakani et al., 2016; Xiao et al.,
2012; Xie and Ozbakkaloglu, 2016). Only a slight compromise in In this study, models capable of accurately predicting the
mechanical strength and durability of the concrete were reported compressive strength of concrete containing either RCAs or SCMs
on using RCAs in concrete, which is mostly attributed to the inferior are firstly introduced. Following this, the models’ performances are
properties of attached mortar on RCA (Barbudo et al., 2013; Behera assessed using a large experimental database on concrete con-
et al., 2014; Mefteh et al., 2013; Ozbakkaloglu et al., 2017; Xie et al., taining SCMs and RCAs. Having the shortcomings of the two ap-
2018a,b). proaches identified, a novel and unified approach for predicting the
An extensive literature review indicates that a good number of compressive strength of concrete containing SCMs and RCAs is
studies have reported so far to investigate the behaviour of concrete finally developed based on statistical analysis of the experimental
containing SCMs and RCAs, where the adding of SCMs in a RAC mix database. The developed unified approach redounds to the benefit
have been considered not only as a promising technique to of standardizing the usage of C&D wastes, industrial by-products,
compensate for the inferior properties of concrete caused by the as well as agricultural wastes in concrete products, which should
RCA incorporation but also to achieve sustainability of the concrete allow for more rapid developments of the cleaner concrete mate-
industry. For a concrete, the commonly adopted method to develop rials with green binder and eco-friendly skeleton and embrace the
its mix proportion is via conducting multiple-trails, in which the megatrend towards environmental sustainability and resource
importance of each of the mixing parameters are experimentally efficiency.
evaluated and subsequently adjusted to achieve a designated
compressive strength (e.g. Taguchi’s method (Chang et al., 2011; 2. A model for predciting compressive strength of OPC-based
Ozbay et al., 2009)). For a natural aggregate concrete (NAC) with RACS
OPC as the only binder, owing to the tightly controlled physical and
chemical properties of OPC constituents, its mix proportion could The effect of RCA replaced NA volume ratio (RCA%) on the
be easily transferable to different regions. However, due to the di- compressive strength (fc) of RACs using OPC as the unary binder has
versity in their types and sources, the wide-range of chemical and been extensively reported in the existing studies on RACs, where it
mineralogical compositions of SCMs make the transferability of a is widely recognized that for a given concrete mixture, an increase
concrete mix containing them not as easy as that of an OPC based in RCA% results in a decrease in fc of the corresponding concrete due
one. This hence hinders to generalize the mixes developed based on to the inferior properties of RCAs and the presences of weaker
a limited range of materials or via a small quantity of experiments. interfacial transition zones (ITZs) in RACs (Tam et al., 2005, 2007;
For a concrete mix incorporating RCAs and with a blended binder, Xiao, 2018; Xie et al., 2018a,b; Xie and Ozbakkaloglu, 2016). An
the complexity of designing its mix further rises as that the impacts existing model reported in (Ozbakkaloglu et al., 2017) and devel-
of RCAs and the type and the content of binder consistent on oped based on a large experimental database of OPC-based RACs
T. Xie et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 251 (2020) 119752 3
To quantify the reactivity of unary or blended binders, the CaO þ MgO þ Al2 O3
fundamental chemical formulas which govern the hydration and RM ¼ (6)
pozzolanic process of individual cementitious materials is first
inspected in this section. It is well-known that the four major SiO2
phases in conventional OPC clinker are alite (Ca3SiO5/C3S), belite SM ¼ (7)
Al2 O3 þ Fe2 O3
(Ca3SiO4/C2S), aluminate (Ca3Al2O6/C3A), and ferrite (Ca4Al2Fe2O10/
C4AF) (Taylor, 1997; Wild et al., 1995) and their roles in the
4 T. Xie et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 251 (2020) 119752
information related to type and quality of unary or blended binder; (particularly more evident in Fig. 3 (a) as the sample size of the
effective water content; coarse aggregate (e.g. NAs and RCAs) and cubic fc is much larger than that of the cylindrical fc), this approach
fine natural aggregate and for some cases superplasticizer. The can adequately predict the fc of the RACs with SCM less than 25% by
chemical composition of the binders reported in Table A2 in terms weight; while when the SCM content exceeds 25% by weight, the
of the weight ratio of the critical oxides they contained is plotted in compressive strength of concrete is significantly overestimated by
the (CaO þ MgO)eSiO2-(Al2O3þFe2O3) diagram in Fig. 1. For the the model only considering RCA% and w/b. It should also be
RAC and NAC mixes reported in Table A1, the 28-day cubic and mentioned that, owing to the slight variances in properties of even
cylindrical strength of the concrete produced using these mixes are OPC, some predictions of the 28-day fc of OPC-based NACs and RACs
from 12.7 to 76.7 MPa and 16.6e72.9 MPa, respectively; the effec- are outside the 95% confidence interval for the proportion in the
tive water-to-cement ratio is from 0.2 to 0.7; the binder-to-total whole population. Simply put, the findings reported in this section
aggregate volume ratio is from 0.77 to 1.35; the coarse-to-fine indicates the necessity to also consider the reactivity of binder,
aggregate volume ratio is from 0.6 to 3; the RCA replaced NA vol- including OPC, in the model.
ume ratio is up to 100%; and the SCM replaced OPC weight is up to
70%. 4.2.3. Combined effects of water-to-binder ratio and binder
Note that the w/b ratio used in this paper is the ‘effective water- reactivity
to-binder ratio’, which takes into account the water from super- As introduced in detail in Section 3, the hardening of concrete
plasticizers (commonly 60e70%; for cases where water content in manufactured using OPC as the primary binder is through hydra-
superplasticizers was not specifically reported the ‘effective water- tion process and the hydration activities of binders significantly
to-binder’ ratio is calculated by considering 65% weight of the affect the strength development of the concrete with a given w/b
superplasticizer) and excludes the water either absorbed by ag- ratio. The approach developed for predicting 28-day fc of NACs
gregates (in particular RCAs) or added to compensate the high containing SCMs by considering w/b ratio and binder reactivity (as
water absorption of RCAs. reported in Xie and Visintin (2018)) is now assessed to examine if it
is equivalently applicable to RACs containing SCMs. Fig. 4 (a) and
4.2. A unified model for 28-day compressive strength of concrete (b), respectively, shows the comparisons between the experimental
containing SCMs and RCAs and predicted 28-day fc of cubic and cylindrical specimens of RCAs
containing SCMs. It can be seen from the statistics of fit shown in
For a RAC mix with OPC as the primary binder and with SCMs, the figure that the proposed expressions reproduce the test results
the three influential parameters on the compressive strength of fairly well. That is, the use of the g significantly improved the ac-
concrete are: 1) mix proportion (e.g. w/b ratio) as that the curacy of the approach over the existing approaches with only
compressive strength of a concrete increases with a decrease in the using w/b ratio alone or with considering both w/b ratio and RCA%.
w/b ratio used for its mix; 2) RCA replaced NA volume ratio as that However, by the nature of being empirically derived, the model
the compressive strength of a concrete decreases with an increase proposed for NACs containing SCMs could not fully give physical
in the RCA%; and 3) binder reactivity as that the compressive meaning for the presence of RCAs in the concrete as the impacts of
strength of a concrete increases with increasing reactivity of its RCAs on mechanical strength of RACs have been widely recognized
binder. In this section, modelling approaches associated with the (e.g. (Çakır, 2014; Corinaldesi and Moriconi, 2009; Li et al., 2017;
individual or combined effects of these three parameters for pre- Tam et al., 2018; Tüfekçi and Çakır, 2017)). To achieve an improved
dicting the compressive strength of concrete containing SCMs and physical significance of the solution and to further enhance the
RCAs are examined using the previously built database. Following accuracy of the prediction, a further-refined approach is much
this, a novel and unified model based on the considerations of all needed that the effects of mix proportions (e.g. w/b ratio and RCA%)
three factors predominating RAC mixes is presented. and reactivity of binder on the compressive strength of concrete
containing RCAs and SCMs are all be accounted for.
4.2.1. Effect of water-to-binder ratio
Conventionally, as reported in most of the published studies on 4.2.4. Combined effects of water-to-binder ratio, RCA replaced NA
concretes using OPC as the only binder, their corresponding con- volume ratio and binder reactivity
crete compressive strengths were predicted using the w/b ratio for To address the shortcomings of the existing models and hence to
their mixes as the only parameter. Using the experimental results develop a unified model to achieve an improved accuracy and
reported in the database in Table A2, Fig. 2 (a) and (b) show the best physical senses for modelling the compressive strength of concrete
fit of the predictions of the cubic and cylindrical 28-day fc of con- containing RCAs and SCMs, the combined effects of the three pri-
crete with RCAs and SCMs using only w/b ratio. The statistics of fit in mary mixing parameters identified, including recycled aggregate
both Fig. 2 (a) and (b) indicate the unsatisfactory performance of (i.e. RCA%), the mix proportion (w/b ratio) of concrete and the
the model if only w/b ratio is considered. reactivity of binders, are now examined. Based on the assessments
and discussions in Sections 4.2.2 and 4.2.3, the modelling ap-
4.2.2. Combined effects of water-to-binder ratio and RCA replaced proaches for the prediction of the compressive strengths of OPC-
NA volume ratio based RACs and NAC containing SCMs cannot be individually
As introduced in Section 2, it is essential to consider the com- applied and the factors in both the models need to represent the
bined effect of mix proportion (e.g. w/b ratio) and the properties of effects of 1) binder reactivity (reactivity moduli); 2) mix proportion
RCA when predicting the 28-day fc of 100% OPC-based RACs. Fig. 3 (w/b ratio); and 3) characteristics of RCAs (RCA%). Through
(a) and (b) illustrates the predictions for the 28-day cubic or cy- combining these factors, it gives:
lindrical compressive strength of RACs containing SCMs adopting
the w/b ratio and the RCA% as the parameters using the approach W1 RM þ W2 AM þ W3 SM b
fc ¼ ða1 a2 , RCA%Þ (13)
developed by the authors previously (Xu et al., 2019a, 2019b). The w=b
statistics of fit in both Fig. 3 (a) and (b) suggest a slight improve-
ment in the prediction performance for the present model The above equation can be simplified as:
considering both w/b ratio and RCA%, as compared to the previous
one that only considers w/b ratio. As shown in the figure fc ¼ ða1 a2 , RCA%Þ,gb (14)
6 T. Xie et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 251 (2020) 119752
Fig. 2. Model based on w/b ratio only: a) cubic fc; b) cylindrical fc.
Fig. 5 (a) and (b), respectively, illustrates the predictions of fc of availabilities of the properties of aggregates reported in existing
RACs containing SCMs using the refined approach. As indicated by studies, such as crushing index, shape factor, abrasion index and
the statistics of fit shown in the figure, the expression of the above particle size distribution, in the present study, the effects of ag-
unified model considering the w/b ratio, RCA% and binder reactivity gregates characteristics and their interactions with binders on the
(i.e. using RM in conjunction with SM and AM) well correlates with compressive strength of concrete containing RCAs and SCMs are
the test results. studied using two parameters, namely binder-to-total aggregate
All the empirical coefficients and the statistics of fit of all three volume ratio (b/agg) and coarse to-fine aggregate volume ratio (C/
models are summarized in Table 2. It should be mentioned that as F). In addition to the three primary parameters investigated, the
shown in Fig. 5 (a) and (b), some of data sightly out of the 95% effect of b/agg on the compressive strength of concrete with RCAs
confident interval and this could be attributed to the wide-range of and SCMs is then shown in Fig. 6 (a) and it illustrates that the
the physical- and mechanical-properties of natural aggregate (e.g. normalized compressive strength predicted using the reactive
angularity, texture, and strength) and even more widely varied moduli and w/b ratio initially increases with an increase in b/agg
qualities of RCAs in terms of their content of attached mortar on and then decreases when the b/agg exceeds a threshold (i.e. around
RCAs, parent concrete strength, and shape (Behera et al., 2014; Tam 0.25), where the general expression is also presented in the figure.
et al., 2018; Xie et al., 2018a,b). However, due to limited This observation is expected and can be explained by the fact that:
Fig. 3. Refined model based on w/b ratio and RCA%: a) cubic fc; b) cylindrical fc.
Fig. 4. Refined model based on reactivity index Y: a) cubic fc; b) cylindrical fc.
T. Xie et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 251 (2020) 119752 7
Fig. 5. Model based on binder reactivity modili, w/b ratio and RCA%::a) cubic fc; b) cylindrical fc.
Table 2
Statistics of fit.
1) initially, the increased paste fraction with increasing b/agg ratio The statistics of fits using this generic expression are also re-
offers better aggregate packing, resulting in a higher compressive ported in Table 2.
strength of concrete; and 2) after exceeding the threshold, the
extensive amount of paste phase reduces the aggregate in- 5. Variation of compressive strength with curing time
teractions, leading to a lower compressive strength of the concrete.
Finally, as shown in Fig. 6 (b), the normalized compressive strength In this section, the variation of compressive strength of concrete
of the concrete with RCAs and SCMs using the reactive moduli, w/b containing RCAs and SCMs with their curing age is studied. As it is
ratio and b/agg ratio increases slightly with increasing C/F and this well-known, the compressive strength gain of NAC with OPC as the
is attributed to the improved interaction (i.e. friction) between only binder is strongly associated with the degree and rate of hy-
coarse aggregate particles in a concrete mix, which improves the dration and pozzolanic reactions. Besides, the presence of RCAs in
compressive strength of the concrete. The general expression of the concrete results in a change in the microstructure of the concrete
models for 28-day cubic and cylindrical compressive strength of and hence may also lead to a change in the fc of concrete for the long
concrete is then given as: term. Although little information about this effect can be found in
literature, it is still of interest and hence is examined using the
b 2
fc ¼ ða1 a2 , RCA%Þ , gb , 0:16 results presented in the database.
! (15)
b C 5.1. Effect of reactivity index
þ þ 0:5 , 0:21 , þ 0:75
agg F
To simplify the comparisons, the fc of each concrete at each of
Fig. 6. Effect of mixing proportion: 1) binder-to-total aggregate volume ratio; 2) coarse-to-fine aggregate volume ratio.
8 T. Xie et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 251 (2020) 119752
Fig. 7. Effect of reactive index Y on compressive strength of concrete at different curing ages: a) 3 days; b) 7 days; c) 14 days; d) 56 days; e) 90 days; f) 180 days.
T. Xie et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 251 (2020) 119752 9
Dr. Tianyu Xie: Design concept, Analysis of data, Draft
Mr. Guosong Yang: Draft manuscript, Proofread manuscript.
Dr. Xinyu Zhao: Design concept, Proofread manuscript.
Dr. Jinjun Xu: Design concept, Proofread manuscript.
Mr. Chengfeng Fang: Design concept, Proofread manuscript.
Fig. 9. Effect of RCA% on compressive strength change of concrete. Declaration of competing interest
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