Dinosaur Plush Bundle Embroidery Update
Dinosaur Plush Bundle Embroidery Update
Dinosaur Plush Bundle Embroidery Update
colors needed: 1
• markings
color changes: 2
1 2 3
color a
hoop your fabric 4x4 size: markings
• See the steps in the original hoop your fabric • A color several shades lighter
embroidery instrucions that • The 4" x 4" version is placed or darker than your main
go over how to hoop your diagonally to fit in the hoop. fabric works nicely here.
• Be sure to hoop your fabric
• Before starting the diagonally as well so the
embroidery, cut a square of design fits on your fabric.
wash-away stabilizer that
covers the embroidery area. • Either hoop your fabric
Use masking tape to tape it in with the top water-soluble
place. stabilizer, or tape it on top
4 5a 5b
color b
alignment line cut the fabric
• Any color can be used for a. When finished embroidering, remove the hoop from the
this step. machine. Rip off the water-soluble stabilizer and cut away the
• This will create a guideline backing stabilizer.
Align various body patterns onto the embroidery, matching up
for cutting the pattern piece
later. the paper pattern with the alignment stitching.
b. Pin the paper pattern in place (or trace the outline). Cut around
the pattern. Use the fabric as usual with the rest of the main
pattern instructions.
1 2 3
color a
hoop your fabric 4x4 size: applique placement
• The sample is hooped with hoop your fabric • Any color can be used for
the floating method, so the • The 4" x 4" version is placed this.
fabric is adhered to the top
of heavy-weight tear-away
diagonally to fit in the hoop. • This creates a guideline for
stabilizer. Water-soluble • Be sure to hoop your fabric placing the applique fabric
diagonally as well so the next.
stabilizer is taped on top in a
later step. design fits on your fabric.
• Either hoop your fabric
with the top water-soluble
stabilizer, or tape it on top
4a 4b 4c
5 6a 6b
color b
cutting line trim the applique fabric
• Use a color that matches a. Remove the hoop from the machine. Trim the threads.
your applique fabric for this
b. Trim the applique fabric as close as you can to the previous
stitching. Use curved embroidery scissors for the best result.
• This creates the cutting line
for the applique.
7a 7b 8
add top
clean up
stray fuzz
color c
add the top stabilizer applique edge
a. Run a lint roller over the cut edges if using a fur fabric like • Use a color that matches
minky. This will eliminate any stray fuzz. your applique fabric for this
b. Tape water-soluble stabilizer over the whole embroidery area.
Place the hoop back in the machine. • This creates satin stitching
that will cover the cut edges
of your applique fabric.
9a 9b 9c
• Two 6" x 8" pieces of fabric for head
side (A)
1 2 3
color a color b
hoop your fabric blush eye
• See the steps in the original • Pink works well for this step. • Black works nicely for this
embroidery instrucions that
• You could also skip this step
go over how to hoop your
entirely if you'd rather not • This will stitch the eye.
have blush.
• Before starting the
embroidery, cut a square of
wash-away stabilizer that
covers the embroidery area.
Use masking tape to tape it in
4 5 6
7a 7b 7c
nostrils: colors:
1 2 3
color a color b
hoop your fabric nostrils alignment line
• See the steps in the original • Black or a color several • Any color can be used for
embroidery instrucions that shades darker than your this step.
go over how to hoop your
main fabric would work well
• This will create a guideline
for cutting the pattern piece
• Before starting the later.
embroidery, cut a square of
wash-away stabilizer that
covers the embroidery area.
Use masking tape to tape it in
4a 4b 4c
inner toes
SIZE: 75mm x 57mm (3 in x 2.2 in)
FABRIC: Two 9" x 5" pieces of fabric for inner leg (G & H)
1 2 3
color a
hoop your fabric 4x4 size: toenails
• See the steps in the original hoop your fabric • A light accent color like white
embroidery instrucions that • The 4" x 4" version is placed or cream works nicely for this
go over how to hoop your diagonally to fit in the hoop. step
• Be sure to hoop your fabric
• Before starting the diagonally as well so the
embroidery, cut a square of design fits on your fabric.
wash-away stabilizer that
covers the embroidery area. • Either hoop your fabric
Use masking tape to tape it in with the top water-soluble
place. stabilizer, or tape it on top
4 5a 5b
color b
alignment line cut the fabric
• Any color can be used for a. When finished embroidering, remove the hoop from the
this step. machine. Rip off the water-soluble stabilizer and cut away the
• This will create a guideline backing stabilizer.
Align various body patterns onto the embroidery, matching up
for cutting the pattern piece
later. the paper pattern with the alignment stitching.
b. Pin the paper pattern in place (or trace the outline). Cut around
the pattern. Use the fabric as usual with the rest of the main
pattern instructions.
eye: colors:
1 2 3
color a color b
hoop your fabric blush eye
• See the steps in the original • Pink works well for this step. • Black works nicely for this
embroidery instrucions that
• You could also skip this step
go over how to hoop your
entirely if you'd rather not • This will stitch the eye.
have blush.
• Before starting the
embroidery, cut a square of
wash-away stabilizer that
covers the embroidery area.
Use masking tape to tape it in
4 5 6
7a 7b 7c
nostrils: colors:
1 2 3
color a color b
hoop your fabric nostrils alignment line
• See the steps in the original • Black or a color several • Any color can be used for
embroidery instrucions that shades darker than your this step.
go over how to hoop your
main fabric would work well
• This will create a guideline
for cutting the pattern piece
• Before starting the later.
embroidery, cut a square of
wash-away stabilizer that
covers the embroidery area.
Use masking tape to tape it in
4a 4b 4c
1 2 3
color a color b
hoop your fabric toenails alignment line
• See the steps in the original • A light accent color like white • Any color can be used for
embroidery instrucions that or cream works nicely for this this step.
go over how to hoop your
• This will create a guideline
for cutting the pattern piece
• Before starting the later.
embroidery, cut a square of
wash-away stabilizer that
covers the embroidery area.
Use masking tape to tape it in
4a 4b 4c
1 2 3
color a
hoop your fabric 4x4 size: markings
• See the steps in the original hoop your fabric • A color several shades lighter
embroidery instrucions that • The 4" x 4" version is placed or darker than your main
go over how to hoop your diagonally to fit in the hoop. fabric works nicely here.
• Be sure to hoop your fabric
• Before starting the diagonally as well so the
embroidery, cut a square of design fits on your fabric.
wash-away stabilizer that
covers the embroidery area. • Either hoop your fabric
Use masking tape to tape it in with the top water-soluble
place. stabilizer, or tape it on top
4 5a 5b
color b
alignment line cut the fabric
• Any color can be used for a. When finished embroidering, remove the hoop from the
this step. machine. Rip off the water-soluble stabilizer and cut away the
• This will create a guideline backing stabilizer.
for cutting the pattern piece b. Align the body (F) pattern onto the embroidery, matching up
later. the paper pattern with the alignment stitching.
Pin the paper pattern in place (or trace the outline). Cut around
the pattern. Use the fabric as usual with the rest of the main
pattern instructions.
outer legs: colors:
• Two 7" x 8" pieces of fabric for
outer legs (H)
1 2 3
color a color a
hoop your fabric markings toenails
• See the steps in the original • A color several shades lighter • A light accent color like white
embroidery instrucions that or darker than your main or cream works nicely for this
go over how to hoop your fabric works nicely here. step
• Before starting the
embroidery, cut a square of
wash-away stabilizer that
covers the embroidery area.
Use masking tape to tape it in
color b
alignment line
• Any color can be used for
this step.
• This will create a guideline
for cutting the pattern piece
5a 5b 5c