Performance Persistance HF

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Multi-Period Performance Persistence Analysis of Hedge Funds

Author(s): Vikas Agarwal and Narayan Y. Naik

Source: The Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol. 35, No. 3 (Sep., 2000), pp.
Published by: Cambridge University Press on behalf of the University of Washington
School of Business Administration
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Multi-Period Performance Persistence Analysis

of Hedge Funds
Vikas Agarwal and Narayan Y. Naik*


Since hedge funds specify significant lock-up periods, we investigate persistence in the
performance of hedge funds using a multi-period framework in which the likelihood of
observing persistence by chance is lower than in the traditional two-period framework.
Under the null hypothesis of no manager skill (no persistence), the theoretical distribution
of observing wins or losses follows a binomial distribution. We test this hypothesis using
the traditional two-period framework and compare the findings with the results obtained
using our multi-period framework. We examine whether persistence is sensitive to the
length of return measurement intervals by using quarterly, half-yearly and yearly returns.
We find maximum persistence at the quarterly horizon indicating that persistence among
hedge fund managers is short term in nature.

I. Introduction

It is now well known that traditional active strategies such as investing in

mutual funds, on average, underperform passive investment strategies. The few
mutual fund managers who successfully beat the passive strategies tend to move
into the arena of "alternative" investments and start their own hedge funds. Hedge
funds seek to deliver high absolute returns and typically have features such as
hurdle rates and incentive fees with high watermark provisions that help to better
align the interests of managers and investors. This has caused many investors
following traditional active/passive strategies to seriously consider replacing the
traditional active part of their portfolio with alternative investment strategies.
The inclusion of hedge funds in a portfolio can potentially result in better
risk-return tradeoffs due to the low correlation between hedge fund returns and

*Both authors, London Business School, Sussex Place, Regent's Park, London NW1 4SA, U.K.
We thank Ravi Bansal, Stephen Brown (the editor), Jennifer Carpenter, Elroy Dimson, William Goet?
zmann (associate editor and referee), David Hsieh, Frans de Roon, Henri Servaes, Fauchier Partners
Ltd., and participants at the hedge fund conference at Duke University and Issues in Performance
Measurement workshop at the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management, Brussels
for many helpful comments and constructive suggestions. Naik is grateful for funding from Inquire
U.K. and the European Commission's TMR program (network ref. ERBFMRXCT 960054). Agarwal
is grateful for financial support from the British Council's Chevening scholarship, and the Edward
Jones, Frank Russell, and Fauchier Partners scholarships during the past three years in the Ph.D. pro?
gram. We are grateful to Bob Potsic of Hedge Fund Research Inc, Chicago for providing the data.
We are responsible for all errors.

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328 Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis

the returns on the traditional asset classes like equities, bonds, and currencies (see
Fung and Hsieh (1997), Agarwal and Naik (2000a)). However, the question arises
as to whether hedge funds are able to consistently add value. This is an important
issue in the context of hedge funds because, unlike traditional mutual funds, an
investment in hedge funds involves a significant lock-up period. This implies that
the investors need to have sufficient information about the performance of hedge
funds over a long period before committing their money to them.1 Moreover,
as hedge funds exhibit a much higher attrition rate compared to mutual funds
(see Brown et al. (1999) and Liang (2000)), the issue of performance persistence
becomes especially important in the case of hedge funds.
This paper contributes to our understanding of persistence among hedge
funds in two important ways. First, it examines whether the nature of persis?
tence in the performance of hedge funds is short term or long term in nature. Our
understanding of persistence among hedge funds is largely due to Brown et al.
(1999) who use annual returns of offshore hedge funds. They find virtually no
persistence in their sample. In contrast, this paper employs a new database cover-
ing offshore as well as onshore hedge funds, and examines persistence using high
frequency data over a longer time period. It is possible that hedge fund managers
exhibit differential degrees of persistence at different return horizons, an issue in-
vestigated to some extent in mutual funds literature.2 Therefore, we examine both
short-term and long-term persistence in the performance of hedge funds by inves-
tigating their pre-fee and post-fee returns over quarterly, half-yearly, and yearly
Second, unlike the existing literature, which restricts attention to perfor?
mance over two consecutive periods, we also study persistence by examining the
series of wins and losses for two, three, and more consecutive time periods. This
allows a direct examination of the extent of multi-period persistence, which is
essential before locking up investments over significantly long periods of time.
Under the null hypothesis of no manager skill (which implies no persistence),
the probability of winning and losing in each period equals one-half and is in?
dependent of the return horizon. We test this null hypothesis for different hedge
funds individually and collectively over two, three, and more consecutive periods.
Since the likelihood of observing a series of wins or losses due to chance is much
less than observing two consecutive wins or losses in a two-period framework,
the multi-period framework is better able to discriminate between persistence due
to chance and persistence due to manager skill. We compare and contrast the
findings from our multi-period analysis with those obtained from the traditional
two-period analysis on a pre-fee and post-fee basis.
We conduct this investigation using data provided by Hedge Fund Research
Inc. (henceforth, HFR), which covers returns earned by hedge funds from January

*As hedge funds are restrained from advertising about their own performance, investors have to
generate their own information and conclusions about whether funds that have done well in the past
will continue to do so.
2For performance persistence studies in the mutual fund literature, see Brown and Goetzmann
(1995), Carhart (1997), Elton, Gruber, and Blake (1996), Goetzmann and Ibbotson (1994), Grinblatt
and Titman (1989), (1992), Gruber (1996), Hendricks et al. (1993), and Malkiel (1995).
3Given the limited history of hedge fund returns, it is not possible to examine three- to five-year
performance as done in the case of mutual funds.

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Agarwal and Naik 329

1982 to December 1998. The HFR data set provides information about hedge
funds both living and dead, and is known to have a lower attrition rate compared
to other databases such as TASS (see Liang (2000)). The lower attrition rate in
HFR suggests that it includes fewer funds that fail as compared to other databases.
This potentially exacerbates a survivorship bias-related problem in studies that
employ the HFR database. We try to mitigate the problem of spurious inferences
caused by survivorship-related issues a la Brown et al. (1992), (1999) by including
data on both living as well as dead hedge funds. They show that survival-induced
persistence "anomalies" are mitigated, at least in part, by the use of an appraisal
ratio. We, therefore, examine persistence using alphas as well as appraisal ratios.
Using net-of-fee returns, we find that persistence is highest at the quarterly
horizon and decreases as we move to the yearly horizon. This continues with
pre-fee returns as well, suggesting that our finding of intra-year persistence is
not driven by the imputation of a performance fee. It is important to note that,
even if some persistence exists at the quarterly level, it would be difficult for
investors to take advantage of it due to significantly long lock-up periods. It is
also important to bear in mind that most hedge funds only put out audited returns
on an annual basis so some of the apparent intra-year persistence may be caused
by stale valuations. In any case, persistence at the quarterly but not at the annual
horizon among hedge funds stands in sharp contrast to the results in Hendricks et
al. (1993) who find that, in mutual funds, persistence is highest at the two-year
horizon. We observe that the level of persistence in the multi-period framework is
considerably smaller than that in the two-period framework. Finally, we find that
persistence, whenever present, is unrelated to the type of strategy (directional or
non-directional) followed by the fund.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II provides the sam?
ple description and classifies it into directional and non-directional hedge fund
strategies. Section III describes how pre-fee returns are computed and examines
persistence on a pre-fee and post-fee basis in the traditional two-period framework
using both parametric and non-parametric techniques. Section IV tests for multi-
period persistence by comparing the observed frequency distribution of wins and
losses against a theoretical distribution under the null hypothesis of no persis?
tence. Section V concludes with suggestions for future research.

II. Classification of Hedge Funds

Although the term "hedge fund" originated from the equally long and short
strategy employed by managers like Alfred Winslow Jones, the new definition of
hedge funds covers a multitude of different strategies. Unlike in the traditional
investment arena, no universally accepted norm exists to classify the different
strategies. Thus, we segregate them into two broad categories: "non-directional"
and "directional." Hedge fund strategies exhibiting low correlation with the mar?
ket are classified as non-directional (also commonly referred to as market neutral),
while those having high correlation with the market are classified as directional.4

4Note that the non-directional strategies are neutral only to the first moment, i.e., expected returns.
They are not neutral to the second moment as, in volatile periods, convergence is not always obtained
and arbitrage-based strategies can make losses.

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330 Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis

We further divide these two main categories into 10 popular strategies (see the
Appendix for details) and examine persistence in the performance of hedge funds
following each of these strategies.5
Table 1 describes the sample in terms of the number of funds in each of
the strategies, the time period spanned by each strategy, the number of dead funds
during the sample period, and the average and median number of funds per period
for each hedge fund strategy. Since the incentive fee is typically worked out based
on calendar year return, we select the January-December period for computing
annual returns, January-June and July-December for computing semi-annual re?
turns, and January-March, April-June, etc, for computing quarterly returns. For
our investigation using quarterly, half-yearly, and yearly data, we use returns of
746, 716, and 586 hedge funds, respectively, spanning the period January 1982 to
December 1998. In general, as we increase the investment horizon, the number of
funds within a particular strategy decreases. This is primarily because the funds
need to have returns for at least two periods before they can be included in the
We select the first complete period (quarter, half-year, or year) after the birth
of a fund for our investigation. In the case of a fund's death, we include returns
till the fund ends. We have 27 (15 and 13) dead funds out of a total of 746
(716 and 586) funds using quarterly (half-yearly and yearly) returns. The attrition
rate, defined as the percentage of dead funds in the total number of funds, is
3.62%, 2.10%, and 2.22% using quarterly, half-yearly, and yearly returns, which
is consistent with an average annual attrition rate of 2.17% in the HFR database
reported by Liang (2000) during 1993-1997. This attrition rate is much lower
than the annual attrition rate of about 14% for offshore hedge funds during 1987-
1996 reported by Brown, Goetzmann and Ibbotson (1999) and 8.3% in the TASS
database during 1994-1998 as reported by Liang (2000).

III. Parametric and Non-Parametric Tests of Persistence

It is well known that different hedge fund strategies involve significantly

different risk-return tradeoffs. Therefore, it may not be prudent to compare the
performance of a hedge fund manager following a given strategy with another
manager following a different strategy. We know from Brown et al. (1999) that the
existence of a "style factor" can lead to reversals in the persistence phenomenon
because of the differences in the levels of systematic risk across managers. This
is especially relevant in the case of hedge funds, which are exposed to signif?
icantly different levels of risk depending on whether they follow directional or
non-directional strategies.6 We, therefore, examine the issue of performance per?
sistence within individual hedge fund strategies. Specifically, we compare the re-

5Agarwal and Naik (2000b) find that these strategies exhibit significantly different risk exposures
toward different asset class factors and these risk exposures are broadly consistent with their stated
investment objectives.
6 See Brown and Goetzmann (1995) for the importance of relative risk adjustment. They find that
the relative risk-adjusted performance of mutual funds persists from year to year but the absolute per?
formance measured by alphas does not. In a recent working paper, Agarwal and Naik (2000c) estimate
the alpha against a comprehensive benchmark consisting of passive and option-based strategies.

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Agarwal and Naik 331

2LL ?-

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332 Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis

turn of a hedge fund following a particular strategy with the average return earned
by all hedge funds pursuing that strategy.
We follow Brown et al. (1995), (1999) and compare the performance mea?
sures in the current period on the performance measures in the previous period.
We employ two performance measures: the alpha and the appraisal ratio. We
define alpha as the return of a hedge fund using a particular strategy minus the
average return for all hedge funds following the same strategy. It is well known
that different hedge funds employ different degrees of leverage to scale up their
alphas.7 However, this also scales up the volatility of their returns?a fact that
may not be captured by just looking at the alphas. Therefore, we also use a sec?
ond measure called the appraisal ratio. This is defined as the alpha divided by the
residual standard deviation resulting from a regression ofthe hedge fund return on
the average return of all the hedge funds following that strategy. The appraisal ra?
tio accounts for the differences in the volatility of returns and is leverage-invariant.
Therefore, we also use the appraisal ratios to investigate the extent of persistence
in performance.
To investigate the issue of persistence in a two-period framework, we use
regression-based (parametric) and contingency table-based (non-parametric) meth?
ods. We conduct all the tests at quarterly, half-yearly, and yearly intervals using
alphas as well as appraisal ratios. For the regression-based parametric method,
we regress the alphas (appraisal ratios) during the current period on the alphas
(appraisal ratios) during the previous period. A positive significant slope coeffi?
cient on a past alpha (appraisal ratio) suggests that a hedge fund that did well in a
given period did well in the subsequent period and vice-versa.
For the non-parametric method, we construct a contingency table of winners
and losers where a fund is a winner if the alpha of that fund is greater than the
median alpha of all the funds following the same strategy in that period, otherwise
it is a loser. Persistence in this context relates to the funds that are winners in two
consecutive periods (quarterly, half-yearly, or yearly as the case may be) denoted
by WW, or losers in two consecutive periods, denoted by LL. Similarly, winners
in the first period and losers in the second period are denoted by WL; LW denotes
the reverse. In this framework, we use both a cross-product ratio (CPR) and a
Chi-square statistic to detect persistence. CPR defined as (WW*LL)/(WL*LW)
captures the ratio of the funds that show persistence in performance to the ones
that do not. The null hypothesis in this setting represents lack of persistence for
which the CPR equals one. In other words, when there is no persistence, one
would expect each of the four categories denoted by WW, WL, LW, and LL to
have 25% of the total number of funds. We determine the statistical significance
of the CPR by using the standard error of the natural logarithm of the CPR given
by (see Christensen (1990))

1 1 1 1

^m(CPR) - Vww + wl + lw + lT
We also conduct a Chi-square test comparing the observed frequency distri?
bution of WW, WL, LW, and LL for each hedge fund with the expected frequency

7This effect has been shown analytically by Park and Staum (1998).

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Agarwal and Naik 333

distribution. In a recent paper, Carpenter and Lynch (1999) study the specification
and power of various persistence tests. They find that the Chi-square test based
on the number of winners and losers is well specified, powerful, and more robust
to the presence of survivorship bias when compared to other test methodologies.
In our study, we aggregate combinations of winners and losers (WW, WL, LW,
and LL) across 10 different hedge fund strategies. We compute the Chi-square
statistic as

(WW - Dl)2/Dl + (WL - D2)2/D2 + (LW - D3)2/D3 + (LL - D4)2/D4,

where D\ = (WW + WL)*(WW + LW)/iV,
D2 = (WW + WL) * (WL + LL) /N,
D3 = (LW + LL) * (WW + LW) /N and
DA = (LW + LL) * (WL + LL) /N.

We test this statistic at the 5% level, corresponding to the critical value of a

Chi-square statistic of 3.84, corresponding to the Chi-square distribution with one
degree of freedom.
Since fees are imputed, but not paid intra-year, such imputation can poten-
tially influence persistence measure at the quarterly and half-yearly horizons.8
We, therefore, conduct persistence tests on a pre-fee basis as well. Toward that
end, we estimate the performance fee paid to each fund at the end of each year
based on the fee schedule, hurdle rate, and high watermark provision.9 We add
back one-twelfth of this each month for the past year to arrive at the pre-fee re?
turns. We repeat all our tests with pre-fee returns and contrast the findings with
those observed using post-fee returns reported in the HFR database.
We conduct the parametric and non-parametric tests for each hedge fund
strategy separately. For the overall persistence results, we aggregate the infor?
mation on all hedge funds in each time period. For the sake of brevity, Table 2
reports the percentage of cases where statistically significant persistence was ob?
served in each hedge fund strategy on both a pre-fee and post-fee basis.10 These
results are based on both alphas (see Panel A) and appraisal ratios (see Panel B)
computed using quarterly, half-yearly, and yearly returns. We find that, in gen?
eral, the regression-based parametric tests indicate a greater extent of persistence
compared to the non-parametric (CPR and Chi-square) tests. Interestingly, the
Chi-square test that Carpenter and Lynch (1999) find to be well specified, pow?
erful, and more robust indicates a higher extent of persistence when compared
to that observed with tests based on CPR. We also find that the extent of per?
sistence is sensitive to the return measurement interval. In particular, persistence
decreases as the return measurement interval increases. Finally, the extent of per?
sistence does not seem to be related to whether the fund took directional bets or
followed an arbitrage-based strategy.

8We thank William Goetzmann (the referee) and Stephen Brown (the editor) for bringing this to
our attention.

9Out of a maximum of 746 funds we use for this study, 616 have a high watermark provision and
119 have a hurdle rate. Hurdle rate is typically the T-bill or the Eurodollar rate. We also adjust for the
management fee that ranges from 1% to 2%.
10A Z-statistic of 1.96 corresponds to significance at the 5% level.

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334 Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis


Two-Period Performance Persistence of Hedge Fund Strategies on Both the Pre-Fee and
Post-Fee Basis for Different Return Measurement Intervals

The table shows the summary of percentage of cases exhibiting statistically significant persistence in
performance of the 10 different hedge fund strategies from January 1982 to December 1998. We employ
both the parametric (regression-based) and non-parametric (contingency table-based) methods using
Alpha and Appraisal Ratio. The results show the persistence at quarterly, half-yearly, and yearly intervals
on both the pre-fee and post-fee basis. Alpha is defined as the return of the fund manager using a
particular strategy minus the average return on all the funds using the same strategy in that period.
Appraisal Ratio is defined as Alpha divided by the standard errors of the residuals from the regression
of the fund return on the average return of all the funds following that strategy in that period. For the
contingency table, Winners and Losers are determined by comparing the appraisal ratios of individual
fund managers to those of the median manager within each strategy in each period. WW and LL denote
winners and losers in two consecutive periods, LW denotes Losers in the first period and Winners in the
second period and WL denotes the reverse. The Cross-Product Ratio (CPR) and Chi-square statistic
computed as per Section III. All figures are in percentage where the figures in brackets refer to the
results on a pre-fee basis.

Brown et al. (1999) examine persistence among offshore hedge funds using
annual returns. They consider the possibility that performance persists on a pre-
fee basis and that managers can extract their full value-added through fees. To
test this proposition, they compare persistence on a pre-fee basis with that on a
post-fee basis and find similar results. Our results on an annual basis using both

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Agarwal and Naik 335

onshore and offshore funds over a longer time period confirm this finding. In-
terestingly, we find that the extent of persistence at the quarterly and half-yearly
levels is higher on a pre-fee basis compared to that observed on a post-fee ba?
sis, which is consistent with the possibility suggested by Brown et al. (1999).
However, since we continue to observe a comparable level of persistence on a
pre-fee and post-fee basis at quarterly and half-yearly intervals, it suggests that
the intra-year persistence observed on a post-fee basis is not driven by the way
the performance fee is imputed.

IV. Muiti-Period Tests of Persistence

In this section, we extend our investigation from the traditional two-period

framework to a multi-period framework. Toward that end, we construct a series
of wins and losses for each hedge fund and compare the observed frequency dis?
tribution with the theoretical frequency distribution of two and more consecutive
wins and losses. For example, under the null hypothesis of no persistence, the the?
oretical probability of observing WWW and LLL equals one-eighth while that of
observing WWWW and LLLL equals one-sixteenth. We illustrate this in Figure
1 using annual returns that show the theoretical and observed frequency distri-
butions of consecutive wins and losses of non-directional strategies, directional
strategies, and the overall sample based on alphas and appraisal ratios.11
We employ the two-sample Kolmogrov-Smirnov (K-S) test to check if the
observed distribution of wins and losses is statistically different from the theo?
retical distribution. We report the results of the K-S test in Table 3, based on
alphas and appraisal ratios in Panels A, B, and C for quarterly, half-yearly, and
yearly post-fee returns, respectively. We show by * (**) the cases where we find
persistence significant at the 5% (10%) level.
Table 3 highlights three interesting features. First, the extent of persistence
decreases as the return measurement interval increases. For example, at the 5%
level of significance, there are four cases of persistence in losers and one case of
persistence among winners based on quarterly appraisal ratios. When we increase
the return interval to half-yearly, we find only one case of persistence in losers and
none among winners, while with the yearly return interval, there is no evidence of
persistence in either winners or losers. Second, whenever some persistence is ob?
served, it seems to be driven more by losers than by winners. This is similar to our
earlier findings in the case of the two-period framework. Once again, directional
and non-directional funds seem to exhibit a similar degree of persistence. Finally,
the level of persistence based on a multi-period performance measure is consider-
ably smaller than that observed under a two-period framework with no evidence
of persistence at the yearly return horizon even at the 10% level. This is because,
unlike the traditional two-period test, our multi-period test involves tracking the
history of series of successes and failures of individual hedge funds throughout
the sample period. This significantly reduces the likelihood of observing a large

11 We repeat this with quarterly and half-yearly returns as well. We find that the best performance
corresponds to 21,12, and 9 consecutive wins based on quarterly, half-yearly, and yearly returns while
the corresponding numbers for worst performance are 22,18, and 12 consecutive losses. This suggests
that there are a few very good managers and a few very poor managers.

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336 Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis


Kolmogrov-Smirnov Test for Multi-Period Persistence in Performance of

Hedge Fund Strategies

The table shows the results of the two-sided Kolmogrov-Smirnov test without making any distributional
assumptions about the theoretical distribution of the series of wins and losses for the 10 hedge fund
strategies. Panel A (B and C) shows the results for the quarterly (half-yearly and yearly) net-of-fee returns
of hedge funds from January 1982 to December 1998. * (**) indicates that the actual distribution of
wins/losses is significantly different from the theoretical distribution at the 5% (10%) level signifying multi-
period persistence in the performance.

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Agarwal and Naik 337


Theoretical and Observed Frequency Distribution of Series of Wins and Losses of

Hedge Fund Strategies Using Yearly Data
Actual and Theoretical Frequency Distribution
using Annual Alphas Actual and Theoretical Frequency Distribution
using Annual Appraisal Ratios

Distribution Type
Distribution Type

Figure 1 shows the frequency distribution of a series of wins and losses employing two
performance measures, Alphas and Appraisal Ratios, using yearly net-of-fee returns for the
10 different strategies pursued by 586 hedge funds from January 1982 to December 1998.
Alpha is defined as the return of the fund manager using a particular strategy minus the
average return on all the funds using the same strategy. Appraisal Ratio is defined as alpha
divided by the standard errors of the residuals from the regression of the fund return on the
average return of all the funds following that strategy. Winners and Losers are determined
by comparing the alphas and appraisal ratios of individual fund managers to those of the
median manager within each strategy in each period.

number of consecutive wins or losses due to the chance factor and, therefore, has
more power to discriminate between the chance and the skill factors.
Since the binomial distribution for large samples can be approximated by
normal distribution, we conduct a K-S test comparing the distribution of consec?
utive wins and losses of hedge funds with a normal distribution. As before, we
conduct this test based on alphas and appraisal ratios separately for quarterly, half-
yearly, and yearly post-fee returns. We report the results in Table 4. Persistence
in this framework is captured by the observed distribution being significantly dif?
ferent from a normal distribution.
Overall the results exhibit a somewhat higher level of persistence than that
observed in Table 3. However, we continue to observe the same interesting fea?
tures. First, the extent of persistence decreases as the return measurement interval
increases. Second, whenever persistence is observed, it is mainly attributable to
losers continuing to be losers. However, we find evidence of a few good man?
agers who consistently outperform their peers over long periods, indicating the
importance of manager selection exercise in the context of hedge funds. Third,
both non-directional and directional funds exhibit a similar degree of persistence.
Finally, the level of persistence based on a multi-period performance measure is
considerably smaller than that observed under a two-period framework with vir-
tually no evidence of persistence at the yearly return horizon.

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338 Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis


Kolmogrov-Smirnov Normality Test for Multi-Period Persistence

Alphas Appraisal Ratios

Wins Losses Wins Losses

K-S Asy. MC K-S Asy. MC K-S Asy. MC K-S Asy. MC

Hedge Fund Strategy N Z-Stat. Sig. Sig. Z-Stat. Sig. Sig. Z-Stat. Sig. Sig. Z-Stat. Sig. Sig.
Panel A. Based on Quarterly Data
Fixed Income Arbitrage 297 1.02 0.25 0.21 1.04 0.23 0.19 0.95 0.33 0.27 0.97 0.30 0.25
Event Driven 1510 1.08**** 0.050.04
Equity Hedge 4351 1.48* 0.03 0.02 1.42* 0.04 0.03 1.45* 0.03 0.02 1.40* 0.04 0.03
Restructuring 837 0.74 0.64 0.56 1.05 0.22 0.18 0.75 0.63 0.55 1.03 0.24 0.20
Event Arbitrage 773 1.21** 0.11 0.09 1.18** 0.13 0.10 1.04 0.23 0.19 0.99 0.29 0.24
Capital Structure Arbitrage 1020 1.09 0.140.11
Non-Directional 8788 1.39* 0.04 0.03 1.43* 0.03 0.03 1.53* 0.02 0.02 1.54* 0.02 0.02
Macro 12160.84 0.480.411.12 0.16 0.13 1.32* 0.06 0.05 1.56* 0.02 0.01
Long 627 0.85 0.47 0.39 0.91 0.39 0.32 0.83 0.50 0.43 0.89 0.41 0.35
Hedge (Long Bias) 4804 1.02 0.25 0.21 1.26* * 0.09 0.06 1.35* 0.05 0.04 1.44* 0.03 0.02
Short 296 0.87 0.43 0.35 0.74 0.65 0.56 0.82 0.51 0.43 0.85 0.46 0.39
Directional 6943 1.03 0.24 0.20 1.24** 0.09 0.07 1.38* 0.05 0.04 1.61* 0.01 0.01
Overall 157311.40* 0.04 0.03 1.43* 0.03 0.03 1.54* 0.02 0.02 1.60* 0.010.01

Panel B. Based on Half-Yearly Data

Fixed Income Arbitrage 140 0.67 0.77 0.68 0.63 0.83 0.76 0.70 0.72 0.64 0.55 0.93 0.87
Event Driven 755 0.79 0.57 0.50 0.80 0.55 0.48 0.84 0.49 0.42 0.77 0.59 0.52
Equity Hedge 2112 1.09 0.180.15 1.31* 0.060.05 1.10 0.18 0.14 1.36* 0.05 0.04
Restructuring 387 0.89 0.41 0.35 0.78 0.58 0.51 0.84 0.48 0.41 0.68 0.74 0.65
Event Arbitrage 379 0.72 0.68 0.59 1.27* * 0.08 0.06 1.06 0.210.17 1.32* 0.06 0.05
Capital Structure Arbitrage 496 0.71 0.70 0.62 0.80 0.55 0.47 0.70 0.710.64 0.76 0.62 0.54
Non-Directional 4269 1.04 0.23 0.19 1.36* 0.05 0.04 1.02 0.25 0.211.42* 0.04 0.03
Macro 590 1.12 0.17 0.14 0.95 0.32 0.28 1.10 0.18 0.15 0.99 0.28 0.24
Long 312 0.68 0.75 0.66 0.88 0.43 0.36 0.67 0.76 0.67 0.85 0.46 0.40
Hedge (Long Bias) 2363 0.76 0.60 0.53 1.05 0.22 0.18 0.76 0.61 0.54 0.91 0.38 0.32
Short 147 0.64 0.81 0.73 0.88 0.43 0.36 0.62 0.84 0.77 0.81 0.53 0.46
Directional 3412 1.12 0.17 0.14 1.03 0.24 0.20 1.11 0.17 0.14 1.11 0.17 0.13

Overall 76811.11 0.170.14 1.38* 0.18 0.15 1.44* 0.03 0.02

Panel C. Based on Yearly Data

Fixed Income Arbitrage 49 0.56 0.91 0.84 0.56 0.91 0.85 0.56 0.91 0.84 0.56 0.91 0.85
Event Driven 326 0.92 0.36 0.30 0.65 0.80 0.72 0.67 0.76 0.67 0.65 0.80 0.72
Equity Hedge 879 0.79 0.56 0.47 1.17 0.13 0.10 0.69 0.72 0.63 1.18 0.12 0.10
Restructuring 167 0.95 0.33 0.27 0.62 0.84 0.75 0.88 0.43 0.35 0.62 0.84 0.75
Event Arbitrage 170 0.70 0.70 0.61 0.81 0.53 0.46 0.73 0.65 0.55 0.85 0.46 0.39
Capital Structure Arbitrage 190 0.50 0.97 0.91 0.62 0.84 0.76 0.50 0.97 0.91 0.52 0.95 0.89
Non-Directional 1781 0.97 0.31 0.25 1.16 0.14 0.11 0.87 0.44 0.37 1.20** 0.11 0.09
Macro 248 0.82 0.52 0.44 0.64 0.81 0.73 0.79 0.57 0.49 0.88 0.42 0.36
Long 110 0.55 0.93 0.86 0.59 0.87 0.80 0.51 0.96 0.90 0.54 0.93 0.88
Hedge (Long Bias) 1045 0.67 0.77 0.68 1.00 0.28 0.23 0.74 0.64 0.54 1.00 0.27 0.22
Short 63 0.49 0.97 0.93 0.61 0.85 0.78 0.54 0.94 0.88 0.70 0.710.62
Directional 1466 0.81 0.52 0.45 0.98 0.30 0.24 0.79 0.56 0.49 0.98 0.29 0.24
Overall 3247 0.95 0.330.261.15 0.50 0.42 1.17**0.13 0.10

The table shows the results of the one-sample Kolmogrov-Smirnov test to compare the observed fre?
quency distribution of a series of wins and losses for the hedge fund strategies with a normal distribution.
Panel A (B and C) shows the results for the quarterly (half-yearly and yearly) net-of-fee returns of hedge
funds from January 1982 to December 1998. N indicates the total of wins and losses for all the funds
following a strategy. * (**) indicates that the observed distribution of wins/losses is significantly different
from the normal distribution at the 5% (10%) level signifying persistence. Asy. Sig. and MC Sig. stand for
asymptotic and Monte-Carlo significance, respectively.

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Agarwal and Naik 339

We repeat these multi-period tests using pre-fee returns and find virtually
identical results.12 For the test reported in Table 3, in the case of quarterly pre-fee
returns, we find seven cases of significance (at the 5% level) as compared to five
cases with post-fee returns. For half-yearly and yearly pre-fee (post-fee) returns,
the number of significant cases is four (three) and zero (zero), respectively. The
corresponding number of significant cases for the test reported in Table 4 are 19
(20), six (seven), and zero (zero) for quarterly, half-yearly, and yearly pre-fee
(post-fee) returns, respectively. In general, similar to the two-period tests, the
extent of persistence is marginally higher with pre-fee returns compared to post-
fee returns.

V. Concluding Remarks

We investigate the extent of pre- and post-fee performance persistence ex-

hibited by hedge funds from January 1982 to December 1998 using the tradi?
tional two-period framework and contrast the findings with those observed using
a multi-period framework. We also examine whether the persistence observed is
sensitive due to returns measured over quarters (short horizon) or over years (long
horizon). This is particularly important in the case of hedge funds that specify sig?
nificant lock-up periods. Finally, we also investigate whether the way in which
a performance fee is imputed affects the degree of persistence observed among
hedge funds.
We find three interesting patterns using both pre-fee and post-fee returns.
First, a considerable amount of persistence exists at the quarterly horizon. The
persistence is reduced as one moves to yearly returns, indicating that persistence
among hedge fund managers is primarily short term in nature. This is in sharp
contrast to the findings in the mutual funds literature, which show that two years
is about the horizon of persistence. However, it is important to bear in mind that
hedge funds stipulate significant lock-up periods. This may make it difficult for
investors to take advantage of the short-term persistence observed in the data.13
Second, persistence does not seem to be related to the type of strategy followed
by the fund, i.e., both directional and non-directional funds exhibited similar de-
grees of persistence. Finally, the level of persistence observed in a multi-period
framework is considerably smaller than that observed under the traditional two-
period framework, with virtually no persistence at the yearly return level in the
multi-period framework.
Performance persistence over long periods is an important area of future re?
search. Since entry and exit into active management involves non-trivial costs,
and since learning about manager skill takes time, selecting the right manager be-
comes a very important issue. This is especially so in the case of hedge funds as
they specify significant lock-up periods. As avenues of future research, it would
be interesting to examine whether performance persistence is related to charac-

12These results are available from the authors upon request.

13Our finding of short-term persistence may be attributable, to some extent, to stale valuations
resulting from annual reporting of audited statements by hedge funds.

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340 Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis

teristic features of hedge funds such as size, lock-up period, and incentive fees.14
It would also be interesting to see whether multi-period analysis of mutual funds
exhibits significantly different patterns compared to the ones observed with hedge


A. Non-Directional Strategies

These strategies do not depend on the direction of any specific market move-
ment and are commonly referred to as "market-neutral" strategies. These are usu?
ally designed to exploit short-term market inefficiencies and pricing discrepancies
between related securities while hedging out as much of the market exposure as
possible. Due to the reduced liquidity inherent in many such situations, they fre-
quently run smaller pools of capital than their counterparts following directional
strategies. Included in this group are the following strategies:
1. Fixed Income Arbitrage is a strategy having long and short bond positions
via cash or derivatives markets in government, corporate, and/or asset-backed
securities. Risk varies depending on duration, credit exposure, and the degree of
leverage employed.
2. Event Driven is a strategy that benefits from mispricing arising in different
events such as merger arbitrage and restructurings. The manager takes a position
in an undervalued security that is anticipated to rise in value because of events
such as mergers, reorganizations, or takeovers. The main risk is non-realization
of the event.

3. Equity Hedge is a strategy of investing in equity or equity-like instruments

where the net exposure (gross long minus gross short) is generally low. The man?
ager may invest globally, or have a more defined geographic, industry, or capital?
ization focus. The risk primarily pertains to the specific nature of the long and
short positions.
4. Restructuring is a strategy of buying and occasionally shorting securities of
companies under Chapter 11 and/or ones that are undergoing some form of reor-
ganization. The securities range from senior secured debt to common stock. The
liquidation of financially distressed companies is the main source of risk in these
5. Event Arbitrage is a strategy of purchasing securities of a company being
acquired and shorting that of the acquiring company. The risk associated with
such strategies is more of a "deal" risk than a market risk.
6. Capital Structure Arbitrage is a strategy of buying and selling different secu?
rities of the same issuer (e.g., convertibles/common stock) and seeking to obtain
low volatility returns by arbitraging the relative mispricing of these securities.

14Recently, Ackermann, McEnally, and Ravenscraft (1999) study the relationship between charac?
teristic features and performance of hedge funds and find that incentive fees partly explain the higher

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Agarwal and Naik 341

B. Directional Strategies

These strategies can gain benefit from broad market movements. Some pop-
ular directional strategies are:
1. Macro is a strategy that seeks to capitalize on country, regional, and/or eco?
nomic change affecting securities, commodities, interest rates, and currency rates.
Asset allocation can be aggressive, and leverage and derivatives may be utilized.
The method and degree of hedging can vary significantly.
2. Long is a strategy that employs a "growth" or "value" approach to investing
in equities with no shorting or hedging to minimize inherent market risk. These
funds mainly invest in emerging markets where there may be restrictions on short

3. Hedge (Long Bias) is a strategy similar to an equity hedge with significant net
long exposure.
4. Short is a strategy that focuses on selling short over-valued securities, with the
hope of repurchasing them in the future at a lower price.


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