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Journal of Financial Economics 147 (2023) 132–158

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Journal of Financial Economics

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Mutual fund performance at long horizons ✩

Hendrik Bessembinder a,∗, Michael J. Cooper b, Feng Zhang c
Arizona State University, W. P. Carey School of Business, P.O. Box 873906, Tempe, AZ 85287, USA
University of Utah, David Eccles School of Business, 1645 E. Campus Center Drive, Salt Lake City, UT 84112, USA
Southern Methodist University, Cox School of Business, P.O. Box: 750333, Dallas, TX 75275, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The percentage of U.S. equity mutual funds that outperform the SPY ETF over the last 30
Received 30 April 2022 years decreases substantially as the horizon over which returns are measured is increased.
Revised 24 October 2022
Further, some funds with positive monthly alpha estimates have negative long-horizon ab-
Accepted 24 October 2022
normal returns. These results reflect positive skewness in the distribution of fund returns
Available online 13 November 2022
that increases with horizon, and highlight the limitations of conditional arithmetic means
JEL codes: of short-horizon returns (e.g., alpha) for long-horizon investors. We tabulate an aggregate
G10 wealth loss of $1.02 trillion to mutual fund investors over our 30-year sample, when op-
G23 portunity costs are based on beta-adjusted SPY returns.
© 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Long-horizon performance
Mutual funds
Investor wealth loss

1. Introduction to decades, and differ across investors.1 We posit that

many investors are concerned with the compound returns
The majority of the research that considers investor that accrue over longer horizons, propose that empirical
outcomes reports on unconditional or conditional (as in al- measures of investment performance should therefore con-
pha estimates) arithmetic means of returns that are mea- sider a variety of return measurement horizons, and report
sured over relatively short horizons, most often monthly. on compound returns to U.S. equity mutual funds from
In contrast, investment and decision horizons can stretch 1991 to 2020 at the monthly, annual, decade, and full-
sample horizons. The results verify that compound long-

horizon returns often contain important information that
Nikolai Roussanov was the editor for this article. The authors
thank an anonymous referee, Stephen Brown, Mikhail Chernov, Magnus is not readily apparent in the distribution of short-horizon
Dahlquist, Wayne Ferson, Chris Hrdlicka, Paul Irvine, Haim Levy, Lars returns.
Lochstoer, Zhongjin (Gene) Lu, Seth Pruitt, Nikolai Roussanov, Clemens The literature that studies mutual fund return perfor-
Sialm, Harald Uhlig, Sunil Wahal, Morad Zekhnini, and seminar partici- mance is vast, and numerous important empirical regular-
pants at the Virtual Asset Management Seminar, Arizona State University,
Fordham University, University of Nebraska, Georgetown University, Rut-
ities have been documented (see Cremers et al. (2019) for
gers University, Southern Methodist University, Stockholm School of Eco- a recent survey). However, these studies, like the broader
nomics, Michigan State University, the University of Wyoming, the Univer- literature, have mainly focused on returns measured over
sity of Utah and the University of Georgia for valuable comments and dis- short (usually monthly) horizons.2 Here, we study the fre-
cussions on the current and earlier versions of this paper. We also thank
Professor Shuaiyu Chen for his assistance in matching CRSP mutual fund
returns to those contained in the Morningstar database. Some results in 1
For example, Ameriks and Zeldes (2004) report that nearly half of
this paper were contained in an earlier working paper titled “Return Hori- participants in a sample of defined contribution retirement plans made
zon and Mutual Fund Performance.” no changes to their allocations over a ten-year period.
∗ 2
Corresponding author. An exception is the contemporaneous analysis of Bessembinder,
E-mail address: [email protected] (H. Bessembinder). Cooper, and Zhang (2022), who study estimated mutual fund alphas

0304-405X/© 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
H. Bessembinder, M.J. Cooper and F. Zhang Journal of Financial Economics 147 (2023) 132–158

quency with which individual funds outperform bench- categorize as underperforming funds that outperform the
marks in terms of compound returns over various horizons, index while present but nevertheless exit the sample prior
shedding light on the respective roles of return skewness to the final year.
and mutual fund expenses, and we tally the full-sample We assess the role of fund fees by considering long-
dollar gain or loss to mutual fund investors in aggregate, horizon outcomes in pre-fee returns. Consistent with the
on both a fund-by-fund basis and in total. short-return-horizon evidence reported by Berk and van
We study a broad sample of nearly 80 0 0 U.S. equity Binsbergen (2015) and Fama and French (2010), we find
mutual funds during the 1991-2020 period. While specific that mean pre-fee mutual fund returns exceed returns to
outcomes would differ if we considered alternative sam- market benchmarks at long horizons. The cross-fund mean
ples, e.g., non-domestic, balanced, or levered funds, the full sample pre-fee buy-and-hold return to sample funds
central point that compound long-horizon returns con- is 394%, while the mean SPY buy-and-hold return over
tain different information as compared to means of short- matched periods is 298%. Nevertheless, only a minority
horizon returns is not likely to be sample-specific. We (45.2%) of individual funds outperform the SPY in the long
show that the percentage of funds that outperform mar- run even in a comparison of pre-fee fund returns to SPY
ket benchmarks decreases with the horizon over which re- returns that are net of fees.
turns are measured. In the monthly data, equity mutual The positive skewness in lifetime fund returns is at-
fund returns exceed the matched-month return to the SPY tributable in part to differences in fund lives. Though
ETF (taken as a proxy for the overall market that investors our sample period spans thirty years, on average funds
could readily have captured) for 47.2% of observations. The are contained in the database for just eleven years.
percentage of sample funds that generate buy-and-hold Further, funds with worse performance tend to have
returns that exceed buy-and-hold returns to the SPY de- shorter lives, implying that cross-sectional averages of
creases to 41.1% at the annual horizon, 38.3% at the decade fund-specific performance measures are affected by what
horizon, and 30.3% at the full-sample horizon. While the Linnainmaa (2013) refers to as “reverse survivorship bias.”
sample contains many small funds, these do not drive the To address this concern, we study outcomes to boot-
results; only 29.6% of a sample of the largest funds outper- strapped portfolios of mutual fund returns. We find that
form the SPY in terms of compound full-sample returns. the percentage of bootstrapped mutual fund portfolios that
Rather, these results reflect a prominent dimension by outperform the SPY during the full thirty-year sample de-
which long-horizon returns contain different information creases from 47.5% when returns are measured at the
than short-horizon returns: the cross-sectional distribu- monthly horizon to 5.5% when considering 30-year returns.
tion of long-horizon fund buy-and-hold returns is strongly These results indicate that our conclusions regarding the
positively skewed, while such skewness is not observable effect of return measurement horizon are robust to al-
in monthly returns. This positive skewness in compound lowances for endogenous variation in fund lives.
long-horizon returns is of substantial practical importance. We also assess the potential effects of funds’ systematic
Financial planning (e.g., at pension funds) is often based on risk exposures in explaining long-horizon outcomes. We
assumptions regarding mean returns. Aside from the active rely on a simple single-factor market model because our
debate as to whether the assumed mean returns are ap- main focus is on the effects of the compounding of ran-
propriate, in a positively skewed distribution a potentially dom returns over long horizons, not on the widely studied
large majority of possible future realizations are less than question of which benchmarks or factor models are most
the mean outcome. appropriate. In particular, we compute the excess of each
Of course, while positive skewness implies that many actual compound fund return over the compound return
funds underperform, some funds perform very well. Out to the market proxy that has been adjusted for the fund’s
of 7883 sample funds, 442 delivered a positive full-sample estimated beta. We find that the excess beta-adjusted com-
compound return more than twice as large as the com- pound return is negative for the majority of funds, and is
pound return to the SPY over the matched months, and negative for some funds where the alpha estimated from
160 delivered compound returns three times as large as monthly returns is positive. Similarly, we show that about
the SPY during the matched months of the full sample. one of every six funds in our sample that has a posi-
While, as noted, the academic literature mainly stud- tive monthly arithmetic mean market-adjusted return also
ies fund returns measured at short horizons, the SEC re- has a negative lifetime market-adjusted buy-and-hold re-
quires mutual funds to report compound returns for the turn. These outcomes reflect the well-known fact that the
most recent 1, 5, and 10-year periods.3 However, these re- arithmetic mean exceeds the geometric mean in any re-
ports typically make no explicit allowance for risk. S&P turn sample with positive volatility. Yet, the literature em-
Dow Jones Indices produces well-publicized annual “SPIVA phasizes conditional or unconditional arithmetic means of
scorecards” that compare compound mutual fund returns short-horizon returns, not only in the form of alpha esti-
to compound S&P 1500 index outcomes for horizons of up mates, but also when focusing on Sharpe ratios, fitted val-
to twenty years. However, as we document, such compar- ues from Fama-MacBeth or factor model regressions, and
isons are strongly affected by a methodological decision to in comparisons of average returns across characteristic-
sorted portfolios. We document the extent to which this
emphasis can be misleading for long-term investors.
for returns that are measured at horizons ranging from monthly to
We find that over two-thirds of U.S. equity mutual
decadal. funds underperform the post-fee SPY in terms of com-
See https://www.sec.gov/rules/final/33-7941.htm. pound returns during the 1991–2020 period, and that over

H. Bessembinder, M.J. Cooper and F. Zhang Journal of Financial Economics 147 (2023) 132–158

20% of funds fail to even outperform one-month U.S. Trea- is not consistently available for earlier periods. We study
sury Bills during the sample period. While some funds per- domestic equity funds while excluding ETFs, target date
form very well, the net economic impact of this long-term funds, hedged funds, and leveraged funds. Specific fund
underperformance is large. Using the SPY return as the filters are described in Appendix A. Prior studies (e.g.,
opportunity cost and allowing for deviations of beta esti- Elton et al., 2001) have documented the presence of er-
mates from the benchmark of one, we document an aggre- rors in the CRSP mutual fund data. We identify and correct
gate wealth loss to mutual fund investors of $1.02 trillion, potentially influential errors, and omit a small number of
measured as of the end of our 1991–2020 sample period. funds with apparent data errors that we are not able to
Our focus on return measurement horizon is not un- correct or verify from alternative sources, as described in
precedented, but the prior literature has mainly consid- Appendix A. We also exclude funds that have fewer than
ered shorter horizons and has focused on equities rather twelve months of non-missing return data.
than mutual funds. One exception is Lan et al. (2021), Value-weighted market returns comprise a natural and
who study mutual fund returns that are compounded over widely used benchmark. However, as noted by Pastor and
periods of up to five years. However, the focus of their Stambaugh (2012) and Berk and van Binsbergen (2015), in-
study is not on the effects of return measurement hori- vestors cannot directly capture the value-weighted mar-
zon per se, but rather on relations between compound ket return or returns to equity indices, since trades are
returns and the average period that fund managers keep required to initially enter and to exit positions, and also
stocks in their portfolios. The equity-focused literature has when firms engage in primary transactions, including div-
mainly focused on return measurement horizons ranging idend payments, stock repurchases, or new equity is-
from daily to annual, where informational and trading fric- suances. While we report some outcomes relative to the
tions are most relevant. Gilbert et al. (2014) estimate al- value-weighted market, we focus on the SPY ETF as the
phas and betas for equity portfolios over horizons ranging primary market benchmark.4 Since SPY returns are net of
from daily to quarterly, and argue that differences across any fees, trading costs, or other expenses, investors could
horizon are explained by differences in firms’ opacity, i.e., in principle have captured compound SPY returns using a
in investors difficulty in assessing the value implications simple buy-and-hold strategy with dividend reinvestment.
of events. Boguth et al. (2016) focus on slow information Table 1 presents summary statistics regarding the sam-
diffusion as an explanation for differing mean equity port- ple, which contains 7883 domestic equity mutual funds. Of
folio returns for horizons ranging from daily to annual. these, 525 are index funds. The sample includes 1048,111
Kamara et al. (2016) also focus on heterogeneous stock fund/months. The pooled (across funds and months) mean
price reactions and assess the extent to which systematic monthly fund return (net of fees) is 0.776%, while the
factors earn risk premia at some horizons from monthly mean monthly fee is 0.095%.5 The pooled mean of matched
to biannual, but not others. Kothari et al. (1995) estimate a SPY returns is 0.835%, while the pooled mean of the
positive return premium associated with CAPM betas when matched value-weighed market returns is 0.882%. Mean
returns are measured at the annual horizon, but not at the TNA is $1.177 billion. However, the TNA distribution is
monthly horizon. strongly positively skewed, reflecting the presence of some
Our study differs from these not only because we study very large funds, and the sample median TNA is $149 mil-
mutual fund returns, but because we focus on returns lion. In contrast, the pooled distribution of monthly fund
measured over longer horizons where these frictions are returns is not strongly skewed; the sample skewness coef-
less important, to highlight the effect of horizon per se. Im- ficient is −0.425, and the median return of 1.16% is greater
portant contributions to the theory and evidence regard- than the mean return of 0.78%. Panel A of Fig. 3 displays
ing the properties of random returns compounded over the frequency distribution of monthly returns, and gives vi-
long horizons include Arditti and Levy (1975), who appear sual indication of modest negative skewness, with slightly
to have been the first to demonstrate that compound re- more observations in the vicinity of negative ten to twenty
turns are positively skewed even when short horizon re- percent as compared to positive ten to twenty percent.
turns are symmetric, Bessembinder (2018) who documents Fig. 1 displays the number of funds contained in the
strong positive skewness in the distribution of compound sample and total TNA for sample funds on an annual ba-
long-run returns to individual stocks and explores the im- sis. The number of domestic equity mutual funds in-
plications thereof, and Farago and Hjalmarsson (2022) who creased rapidly from about 10 0 0 in 1991 to over 3400 in
provide closed form expressions for the moments of com- 2002, remaining relatively constant until 2007, before ex-
pound long horizons returns, demonstrating in particular panding to approximately 430 0 in 20 08. Sample funds’
that the main determinant of long-horizon return skew- aggregate TNA not only rose rapidly in the early years of
ness is short-horizon return volatility.
The SPY ETF started trading in January of 1993. For 1991 and 1992,
2. Sample overview and predictions
we use the return on the Vanguard S&P500 index fund (ticker symbol
VFINX) instead.
2.1. The monthly mutual fund sample 5
The associated CRSP variable name is exp_ratio, which is reported on
an annual basis. The data as reported contain some errors (the maximum
We obtain data for the 1991-2020 period from the CRSP reported fee is 146%), and a few (about 0.2%) observations are missing.
We replace missing observations and those that exceed 10% per year with
survivorship bias free Mutual Fund Database. We begin at the median expense ratio for sample funds during the year. We divide by
1991, as data regarding fund total net assets (TNA), which 12 to convert the annual expense ratio to a monthly figure, and refer to
we use to aggregate fund returns across share classes, the variable as the fund fee.

H. Bessembinder, M.J. Cooper and F. Zhang Journal of Financial Economics 147 (2023) 132–158

Table 1
Pooled Sample Monthly Returns, Expense Ratios and TNA.

Variable Mean Median Std. dev. Skewness

Fund return (%), monthly 0.776 1.158 5.419 −0.425

Market return (%), monthly 0.882 1.380 4.496 −0.626
SPY return (%), monthly 0.835 1.328 4.332 −0.616
T-bill return (%), monthly 0.166 0.120 0.168 0.626
Outperform market 0.463 0.000 0.499 0.150
Outperform SPY 0.472 0.000 0.499 0.113
Outperform T-Bill 0.602 1.000 0.490 −0.415
Fees (%), monthly 0.095 0.094 0.049 1.583
TNA ($B), monthly 1.177 0.149 7.703 42.553

This table reports summary statistics of fund expense ratios and Total Net
Assets (TNA) at the fund-month level, as well as monthly fund returns and
matching monthly returns to three benchmarks: the CRSP value-weighted mar-
ket return, the SPDR S&P 500 ETF return (SPY), and the one-month T-Bill rate.
The sample includes 1048,111 monthly observations for 7883 unique funds. A
fund outperforms a benchmark in a month if its monthly return is greater than
that of the benchmark. Our sample includes U.S. equity mutual funds from
1991 to 2020.

Section 5 we report results that do not rely on the rein-

vested dividend assumption, and that also allow for in-
vestor flows. In some cases, compound returns rely on
fewer months than are contained in the calendar inter-
val; for example, if the sample contains returns for a given
fund in just ten of the twelve months of a calendar year
then returns for that fund and year are compounded over
just those ten months. The alternative of only including
funds that are present for all months of the year or decade
would introduce survivorship biases, and the alternative of
assuming that the fund would have earned similar returns
during the missing months could in some cases lead to ex-
treme and counterfactual outcomes.
As benchmarks, we compute buy-and-hold returns to
one-month U.S. Treasury Bills, to the value-weighted mar-
ket (obtained from Professor Kenneth French’s website),
Fig. 1. Number of Funds and Aggregate TNA, By Year. This figure plots the and to the SPY ETF. The periods over which benchmark
annual number of active equity funds (left axis) and the aggregate TNA in returns are computed are always matched to fund re-
$Billion (right axis) in each year.
turns. If, for example, a given fund has return data for 105
months during a given decade then benchmark returns for
that fund and decade are computed based on the same
the sample period, from about $300 billion in 1991 to ap-
105 months.
proximately $2.8 trillion in 20 0 0, but continued to increase
We construct indicator variables that equal one when
thereafter, to approximately $9.5 trillion in 2020.
a given fund’s buy-and-hold return outperforms a bench-
To assess the performance of mutual funds at various
mark’s buy-and-hold return over a specified time period,
horizons we compute the buy-and-hold return to the fund,
and zero otherwise. Table 1 reports the means of these
obtained by compounding monthly fund returns. Since the
indicator variables in the pooled monthly data. Only a
return data includes any dividends or other cash distri-
slight majority (60.2%) of the fund/month return obser-
butions, the buy-and-hold return implicitly assumes that
vations exceed the one-month Treasury bill return in the
dividends and distributions are reinvested in fund shares
same month, reflecting the high volatility of equity re-
at a price equal to the month-end net asset value.6 In
turns. A slight minority of fund-month returns, 46.3%, ex-
ceed the value-weighed market return during the same
month, while 47.2% of fund-month returns exceed the SPY
Fama (1972) notes that the assumption that dividends and other dis-
tributions are reinvested is desirable when measuring performance over ETF return during the same month.
intervals that are longer than the elapsed time between such distribu- For multi-month horizons, we also follow Loughran and
tions, because of the implicit assumption that funds invested at the be- Ritter (1995) in computing a “wealth ratio” for each fund,
ginning of the sample remain invested throughout. However, he also as one plus the fund buy-and-hold return divided by one
notes that the approach is “less pure” than some alternatives, because it
assumes a reinvestment policy “not followed in the (mutual fund) portfo-
plus the benchmark buy-and-hold return. The wealth ra-
lio.” tio is the accumulated value of a given initial investment

H. Bessembinder, M.J. Cooper and F. Zhang Journal of Financial Economics 147 (2023) 132–158

in the fund relative to the accumulated value of the same fund launches and closures, non-normality and serial de-
initial investment had it earned benchmark returns. pendence in returns, potential correlations between alphas,
betas, and volatility, etc., for long-horizon performance
2.2. Predictions regarding compound fund returns as
To facilitate these comparisons, we conduct the sim-
compared to benchmarks
ulations using parameters that are calibrated to match
the distribution of the monthly sample. We set the mean
Our goal is to investigate relations between measures
monthly fund beta to 1.024, the mean monthly (post-fee)
of mutual fund performance and the time horizon over
alpha to −0.131%, the mean monthly management fee to
which returns are measured, based on the observed re-
0.095%, and mean fund residual return volatility to 2.4%.8
turn history. The majority of the existing empirical liter-
Although our empirical sample includes 360 months span-
ature focuses on observed monthly returns and constructs
ning January 1991 to December 2020, on average a fund
performance measures, e.g., Sharpe ratios, alphas, etc. that
appears in the data for just 132 months, with a standard
rely on the conditional or unconditional arithmetic mean
deviation of 97 months. The effects of compounding de-
of those monthly returns. Unfortunately, theory does not
pend in part on the number of months over which re-
provide precise predictions as to how performance mea-
turns are compounded. To calibrate the simulations in this
sures constructed from compound returns observed in a
dimension we define a “failure” function whereby a fund
given sample will differ from those based on short-horizon
fails in month t, and all subsequent returns for the fund
returns. One exception is Farago and Hjalmarsson (2022),
are excluded from the simulation, if the month t outcome
who, assuming iid short-horizon returns, develop a closed
on a random variable distributed uniformly over the inter-
form expression for the skewness of compound returns.
val 0 to 1 is less than 0.035/ln(1+t). This simple function
However, their findings do not cleanly map into predic-
delivers a distribution of fund lives that matches the actual
tions of magnitudes for our sample, for two reasons. First,
data reasonably closely.
they consider returns for individual assets compounded
The distribution of fund returns depends in part on the
over fixed intervals of T periods, while we study a pooled
distribution of excess (over Treasury-bill) market returns,
sample where the number of periods over which returns
through the effect of market beta. Our goal is to make pre-
are compounded varies widely across funds. Second, they
dictions regarding the properties of individual fund perfor-
assess parameters that are based on ex-ante return dis-
mance measures that can be assessed based on the sam-
tributions that allow for variation in possible future long-
ple data. The sample contains only a single times series
horizon market returns, while we assess cross-sectional
history of excess market returns. Indeed, compound mar-
variation in realized fund returns, given that a single
ket outcomes that are matched to fund returns vary across
30-year outcome for the market proxy has been observed.7
funds only because the set of months for which return data
We therefore conduct a set of simulations to develop
is available varies across funds. We therefore implement
predictions as to the effects of return measurement hori-
the simulations using the actual history of the SPY ETF
zon on fund performance measures in the observed sam-
and one-month Treasury bill returns over the 360 sample
ple. Our simulations are conducted under a set of simplify-
months spanning January 1991 to December 2020. The fail-
ing assumptions, including that the number of months for
ure function described in the prior paragraph focuses on
which return data is available for a given fund is random,
the number of months, t, since the beginning of the simu-
and is therefore independent of considerations such as
lation, but is intended to capture in reduced form differen-
fund performance or economic conditions, a single-factor
tial fund lives that result from the introduction and closure
market model applies, returns are normally distributed
of funds at various points during the 360-month sample.
each period with constant means and volatility, and are
As such, we do not wish to link the first month that a fund
independent over time, and that funds’ true alphas, betas,
exists to the SPY return in the first sample month or any
and residual return volatility vary cross-sectionally, but are
other fixed calendar month. To accomplish this, we ran-
independent of each other and are time-invariant.
domize the order of the actual SPY returns (and matched-
Of course, these simplifying assumptions are inaccurate
month Treasury bill returns) in each round of the simu-
to varying degrees in the actual data. As a consequence,
lation. While the compound return to the SPY over the
the simulations provide predictions as to the direct ef-
360 months is not altered by such randomization, there
fects of moving from short return measurement horizons
is no remaining intertemporal linkage between calendar
to compound long-horizon returns in a sanitized setting.
months for the SPY returns and t, the number of months
Comparing performance measures obtained from the ac-
since the fund first appears in the simulations.
tual data to those obtained from the simulations there-
Within each round of the simulation we generate re-
fore provides some indication of the importance of vari-
turns to 500 funds for t = 1 to 360 months. The simulation
ous real-world complexities, including the endogeneity of
is repeated 10,0 0 0 times, resulting in a pooled distribu-

We confirm in untabulated simulation results that the volatility and
skewness of fund returns is substantially greater when allowing for vari- Betas, alphas, and monthly fees are assigned to individual funds based
ation across possible long-horizon market returns as compared to out- on the specified means, and random draws from normal distributions
comes based on a single market history. These outcomes reflect the with standard deviation of 0.2, 0.15%, and 0.045%, respectively. The stan-
Fama and French (2018) finding that the ex-ante distribution of market dard deviation of residual returns is assigned to specific funds based on
proxy returns is also positively skewed, which in turns leads to greater random draws from a uniform (to ensure only positive outcomes) distri-
skewness in fund returns. bution, such that outcomes range from .014 to .034.

H. Bessembinder, M.J. Cooper and F. Zhang Journal of Financial Economics 147 (2023) 132–158

tion of 1.8 billion monthly fund returns and matched SPY 2.3. Simulation extensions: fees, non-zero alphas, and factor
and Treasury bill returns that can be compounded across exposures
months to obtain longer horizon outcomes. However, af-
ter implementing the failure function described above and A number of considerations contribute to the predic-
also (consistent with our sample methods) omitting funds tions that the majority of funds will underperform the
that do not have at least 12 monthly observations, the market proxy, and that the proportion that underperforms
number of simulated monthly returns included in our cal- will increase as the return measurement horizon is in-
culations is reduced to 478 million. We study compound creased. These include the accumulated effects of fees or,
returns to each fund and compound returns on the mar- more broadly, the fact that monthly alphas are negative on
ket proxy over the matched months. Panels B to E of average, as well as the fact that market betas vary across
Table 2 report simulated means, medians, standard devia- funds and differ from one. We accommodate these consid-
tions, and skewness statistics for these variables at the in- erations in the simulations to develop associated empirical
dicated horizons. predictions, specifically for outcomes at the lifetime hori-
The notable results that can be observed in Table 2, and zon.
that comprise predictions as to the effects of compounding We first consider the role of accumulated fees. To do
across multiple periods to be observed in the actual sam- so, we simply focus on the same simulated returns de-
ple, include: scribed earlier, but add the monthly fee to each simulated
return prior to compounding. The results reported on Panel
1. The skewness of fund returns increases with the return E show that fees are of first-order importance, and support
measurement horizon. Specific return skewness param- the following prediction:
eters from the simulations are −0.39 at the monthly
1. Compound pre-fee fund returns at the lifetime horizon
horizon, 0.53 at the annual horizon, 2.88 at the decade
on average exceed compound SPY returns over matched
horizon, and 7.31 at the lifetime horizon.9
horizons. However, only a minority of funds outperform
2. Reflecting this skewness, the median compound fund
the SPY return over their lifetimes, even on a pre-fee
return is less than the mean compound fund returns at
all horizons except monthly.
3. The percentage of funds that outperform the SPY is al- Simulation outcomes predict that fees have large ef-
ways less than 0.5, and decreases as the return mea- fects over long horizons; the cross-sectional mean simu-
surement horizon is lengthened. Specific simulation lated fund return increases from 324% on a post-fee ba-
outcomes are that 48.4% of funds outperform the mar- sis to 438% on a pre-fee basis, as compared to 385% for
ket at the monthly horizon, 42.8% at the annual hori- the SPY over matched months. However, the skewness of
zon, 34.7% at the decade horizon, and 33.5% at the life- pre-fee fund returns is sufficiently high that the median
time horizon. fund return is increased only modestly, and the majority
4. Wealth ratios are positively skewed at horizons longer of funds are predicted to underperform the SPY even on
than one month, on average are less than one, and de- a pre-fee basis. This predicted outcome, if verified in the
crease with return measurement horizon. sample data, implies that declining outperformance rates
as the return measurement horizon is increased are not
Implications (1) to (4) all follow from the fact that simply attributable to the accumulated weight of fund fees.
the compounding of random short-horizon returns in- As in most other studies of mutual fund performance,
duces positive skewness in long-horizon returns (even if the estimated monthly alphas for the funds in our sam-
short-horizon returns are symmetric), a result first for- ple are negative on average, and this information is in-
mally demonstrated by Arditti and Levy (1975). Intuitively, corporated in the simulations for purposes of making pre-
this positive skewness arises because reversals of simi- dictions regarding long-term performance observed in the
lar percentage magnitudes lead to compound losses (e.g., data. Alphas reflect the combined effects of fees, manage-
successive returns of 5% and −5% in either order com- rial skill, and trading costs, and estimates of alpha are af-
pound to −0.25%), while continuations of similar percent- fected by random variation as well. To more effectively fo-
age magnitudes lead to larger gains than losses (e.g., con- cus on return measurement horizon per se, we repeat the
tinuations of 5% lead to accumulated returns of 10.25%, simulations while imposing zero monthly alphas. We con-
while continuations of −5% lead to accumulated returns sider outcomes both when the true monthly alpha for each
of −9.75%). The most closely related prior research, in- fund is zero, and when the estimated monthly alpha is
cluding Bessembinder (2018) and Farago and Hjalmars- zero. The former is most informative as to the pure ef-
son (2022) has focused on individual stocks. However, un- fects of compounding. But, since returns based on funds
less the simplifying assumptions employed here are sys- with zero true alpha cannot be identified in the data, this
tematically offset by fund manager actions or violations of analysis does not lead to clear predictions regarding sam-
the assumed iid return structure, the same broad implica- ple outcomes. The latter is accomplished by estimating the
tions apply to compound mutual fund returns. monthly alpha for each fund in each round of the simu-
lation by means of regressions of simulated excess (over
Treasury bill) fund returns on excess SPY returns, and then
The negative skewness in monthly fund returns is attributable to
subtracting the resulting fund alpha estimates from each
the well-documented negative skewness in short-horizon monthly mar- monthly fund return in the same round of the simula-
ket proxy returns. tion. Since corresponding methods can be implemented in

H. Bessembinder, M.J. Cooper and F. Zhang Journal of Financial Economics 147 (2023) 132–158

Table 2
Simulation parameters and outcomes.

Panel A. Parameters used in our simulations.

Mean Std. dev.

Monthly SPY return (%) 0.929 4.193

Monthly fund beta 1.024 0.200
Monthly fund alpha (%) −0.131 0.150
Monthly residual fund return (%) 0.000 2.400
Monthly fund fees (%) 0.095 0.045

Panels B-D. Simulated Monthly/Annual/Decade Returns.

Mean Median Std. dev. Skewness

Panel B: Simulated Monthly Returns

SPY return (%) 0.929 1.330 4.188 −0.589

Fund return (%) 0.831 1.099 5.101 −0.389
Fund outperforms SPY indicator 0.484 0.000 0.500 0.064
Wealth ratio 0.999 1.000 0.026 −0.036

Panel C: Simulated Annual Returns

SPY return (%) 11.228 10.460 15.648 0.263

Fund return (%) 10.013 8.420 19.182 0.531
Fund outperforms SPY indicator 0.428 0.000 0.495 0.292
Wealth ratio 0.988 0.985 0.090 0.300

Panel D: Simulated Decade Returns

SPY return (%) 119.717 91.430 110.919 1.374

Fund return (%) 103.991 63.460 132.977 2.876
Fund outperforms SPY indicator 0.347 0.000 0.476 0.644
Wealth ratio 0.931 0.920 0.270 1.152

Panel E. Simulated "Lifetime" Returns.

Mean Median Std. dev. Skewness

Raw Returns

Months with Data per "Lifetime" 125.643 87.000 107.542 1.001

SPY Return (%) 385.485 110.270 591.638 1.859
Fund Return (%) 323.808 82.800 748.719 7.313
Fund Outperforms SPY Indicator 0.335 0.000 0.472 0.697
Wealth Ratio 0.916 0.903 0.400 4.061

Pre-Fee Returns

Pre-Fee Fund Return (%) 438.464 98.270 1069.720 7.733

Pre-Fee Fund Return Outperforms SPY Indicator 0.447 0.000 0.497 0.212

Zero-Alpha Returns

Zero-Alpha Fund Return (%) 437.270 106.970 877.314 4.459

Zero-Estimated Alpha Fund Return (%) 400.042 107.310 690.378 2.794
Zero-Alpha Fund Outperforms SPY 0.490 0.000 0.500 0.040
Zero-Estimated Alpha Fund Outperforms SPY 0.434 0.000 0.496 0.266

Excess beta-adjusted compound return

Excess Beta-Adjusted Compound Return (%) −114.425 −18.870 559.485 4.429

Excess Beta-Adjusted Compound Return > 0 Indicator 0.299 0.000 0.458 0.879

Panel F. Simulated "Lifetime" Returns, Subsample with Estimated Monthly Alpha > 0.

Mean Median Std. dev. Skewness

Raw Returns

Months with Data per "Lifetime" 110.208 71.000 101.174 1.254

SPY Return (%) 317.804 85.290 537.972 2.234
Fund Return (%) 508.734 111.690 1133.363 5.592
Fund Outperforms SPY Indicator 0.828 1.000 0.378 −1.735
Wealth Ratio 1.237 1.120 0.462 6.227

Excess beta-adjusted compound return

Excess Beta-Adjusted Compound Return (%) 153.099 18.340 612.492 12.866

Excess Beta-Adjusted Compound Return > 0 Indicator 0.904 1.000 0.295 −2.742
(continued on next page)

H. Bessembinder, M.J. Cooper and F. Zhang Journal of Financial Economics 147 (2023) 132–158

Table 2 (continued)

Panel G. Simulated "Lifetime" Returns, Subsample with Estimated Monthly Alpha < 0.

Mean Median Std. dev. Skewness

Raw Returns

Months with Data per "Lifetime" 133.268 0.960 109.754 0.891

SPY Return (%) 418.921 126.130 613.679 1.708
Fund Return (%) 232.452 69.180 421.554 3.449
Fund Outperforms SPY Indicator 0.092 0.000 0.290 2.815
Wealth Ratio 0.757 0.799 0.239 −0.197

Excess beta-adjusted compound return

Excess Beta-Adjusted Compound Return (%) −246.585 −59.950 479.073 −3.332

Excess Beta-Adjusted Compound Return > 0 Indicator 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Panel A presents the parameters used in our simulations. Within each round of simulation, we generate re-
turns to 500 funds for t = 1 to 360 months. We define a random “failure” function so that the distribution of
simulated fund live matches that of actual funds reasonably closely. The simulation is repeated 10,0 0 0 times.
Panels B-G present summary statistics of fund performance across simulations at the monthly, annual, decade,
and lifetime horizons. We rely on randomly ordered SPY (the SPDR S&P 500 ETF) returns to proxy for market
returns. Wealth ratio is the ratio of one plus fund buy-and-hold return to one plus SPY buy-and-hold return
over each investment horizons: month, year, decade, or fund life. A fund outperforms a benchmark over an in-
vestment horizon if its buy-and-hold return is greater than that of the benchmark over matching months of the
investment horizon. Zero-fund alpha return (zero-estimated fund alpha return) is the fund’s buy-and-hold re-
turn after deducting its true (estimated) monthly alpha from its simulated monthly return. Excess beta-adjusted
compound return equals the fund’s buy-and-hold returns minus its cumulative risk-based returns (risk-free rate
fund beta times excess SPY return). Panels F and G report simulation outcomes at the “lifetime” horizon for
subsamples that are delineated based on whether the estimate of alpha obtained from the monthly-horizon
market model regression in the same simulation round is positive or negative.

the sample data, this procedure more cleanly gives rise to monthly beta with respect to the SPY.10 We refer to this
testable implications. quantity as the “excess beta-adjusted compound return”.
The results, reported on Panel E of Table 2 confirm Outcomes reported on Panel E of Table 2 show that this
that negative monthly alphas contribute substantially to quantity is positive for only 29.9% of simulated fund lives,
the outcome that most funds underperform at long hori- implying that deviations of beta estimates from a bench-
zons. As compared to 33.5% of funds that outperform the mark of one are not the primary reason for high rates
SPY at the lifetime horizon based on simulated actual fund of underperformance, and supporting the following predic-
returns, simulated lifetime fund returns with zero true al- tion:
phas outperform the SPY in 49.0% of simulations, and sim-
ulated fund returns with zero estimated alphas outperform 1. Excess beta-adjusted compound returns will be nega-
in 43.4% of simulations. This result leads to the following tive on average, and will exceed zero for less than half
implication: of funds.

Finally, we report in panels F and G of Table 2 simu-

lation outcomes at the “lifetime” horizon for subsamples
1. Compound fund returns obtained when monthly re-
that are delineated based on whether the estimate of alpha
turns are adjusted such that estimated monthly alphas
obtained from the monthly-horizon market model regres-
equal zero are on average greater, and more often out-
sion is positive or negative. While some outcomes of this
perform the SPY, as compared to compound actual fund
comparison, e.g., that mean compound fund returns and
returns, but the rate of outperformance remains below
wealth ratios are higher for funds with positive rather than
one half.
negative monthly alpha estates, are rather self-evident, ad-
ditional and more subtle implications emerge.
Comparisons of fund returns to market proxy returns
1. The distribution of excess beta-adjusted compound re-
are of inherent interest. However, the outcome of such
turns for funds with positive alpha estimates is strongly
a comparison for any particular fund depends in part on
positively skewed, while that for funds with negative
the fund’s sensitivity, or beta, with respect to the mar-
monthly alpha estimates is negatively skewed.
ket. We therefore also conduct tests focused on a com-
2. Some funds (9.6% in the simulations) with positive al-
parison of fund returns to “beta-adjusted” market re-
pha estimates obtained from monthly returns neverthe-
turns. In particular, we study the excess of the compound
less have negative lifetime excess beta-adjusted com-
fund return over T periods, (1 + Rtf und ) over the com- pound returns.
pound beta-adjusted SPY return over the same periods,
T 10
We thank the referee for suggesting this specification for beta-
(1 + r f + β (RtSPY − r f )), where β is the fund’s estimated adjusted returns.

H. Bessembinder, M.J. Cooper and F. Zhang Journal of Financial Economics 147 (2023) 132–158

Table 3
Annual fund returns.

Variable Mean Median Std. dev. Skewness

Fund life (months) 11.3 12.0 2.2 −3.2

Wealth ratio w.r.t. market 0.990∗ ∗ ∗ 0.985 0.117 2.648
Wealth ratio w.r.t. SPY 0.994∗ ∗ ∗ 0.989 0.120 2.775
Outperform market 0.393∗ ∗ ∗ 0.000 0.488 0.438
Outperform SPY 0.411∗ ∗ ∗ 0.000 0.492 0.360
Outperform T-Bill 0.688∗ ∗ ∗ 1.000 0.463 −0.813
Fund buy-and-hold return (%) 9.465 10.287 21.114 0.566
Market buy-and-hold return (%) 10.685 12.362 17.332 −0.734
SPY buy-and-hold return (%) 10.121 12.680 16.763 −0.796
T-Bill buy-and-hold return (%) 1.904 1.186 1.966 0.687

In each year from 1991 to 2020, we compute buy-and-hold returns to the fund,
as well as to CRSP value-weighted market portfolio, the SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY),
and the one-month T-Bill during the matched months. The sample includes 92,844
fund/years. The Wealth ratio is the ratio of one plus fund buy-and-hold return to one
plus market/SPY/T-Bill buy-and-hold return; it measures the year end wealth of an
investor who invested $1 in the fund at the beginning of the year relative to the year-
end wealth of another investor who invested $1 in the market/SPY/T-Bill at the be-
ginning of the year. A fund outperforms a benchmark in a year if its buy-and-hold
return is greater than that of the benchmark over the matched months. This table
presents summary statistics for the pooled sample of fund-years. We test whether
the wealth ratio equals one using the bootstrapped skewness-adjusted t-test proposed
by Lyon et al. (1999); we carry out t-test of whether the likelihood of a fund out-
performing the market/SPY/T-Bill equals a half. ∗ ∗ ∗ , ∗ ∗ , and ∗ correspond to statistical
significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels, respectively.

Implication (8) reflects a degree of truncation implicit mean annual return is 9.47%. By comparison, the mean
in dividing the sample based on estimated monthly alphas. (also pooled across funds and years) SPY return over the
Funds with negative monthly alpha estimates cannot have same months of the same years is 10.12%, and the mean
extreme right tail compound return outcomes, and funds value-weighted market return is 10.69%. The mean annual
with positive monthly alphas rarely have extreme left tail fund wealth ratio is 0.990 when benchmarked against the
compound return outcomes. Implication (9) highlights a value-weighted market and 0.994 when computed relative
fundamental shortcoming of alpha estimated from short- to the SPY. Each average wealth ratio differs significantly
horizon returns as a performance measure for a long- from a benchmark of 1.0, with a p-value less than 1%.11
horizon investor. Alpha is the arithmetic mean of monthly Annual fund returns are moderately positively skewed; the
excess beta-adjusted returns. Compound outcomes can be estimated skewness coefficient is 0.566. The median fund
negative even while arithmetic means (alphas) of short- return is 10.29%, as compared to a mean return of 9.47%.12
horizon market-adjusted returns are positive. While the Panel B of Fig. 3 displays the frequency distribution of an-
fact that arithmetic means can mislead regarding com- nual mutual fund returns. While the figure displays some
pound return outcomes is discussed in many textbooks, irregularities, skewness is not strongly evident.
the resulting shortcomings of alpha as a performance mea- A minority of funds outperform market benchmarks at
sure for long-term investors have not to our knowledge the annual horizon. In particular, 39.3% outperform the
been emphasized in the literature. value-weighted market portfolio and 41.1% outperform the
SPY ETF. By comparison, 68.8% of funds outperform one-
3. Mutual fund performance at the annual, decade, and month U.S. Treasury Bills in a given year. Each rate of out-
full-sample horizons performance differs significantly from a benchmark of 50%,
with p-value less than 1%.
We next report on equity mutual fund performance Fig. 2 displays the percentage of funds that outperform
at three horizons: annual, decade, and “lifetime.” The last the market benchmarks and Treasury-bill benchmarks by
designation refers to all months that the fund is con- calendar year. The majority of funds underperform the
tained in the sample, and does not literally equate to market benchmarks in most, but not all, years. In partic-
the lifetime of the fund in those cases where the fund ular, more than half of funds outperformed market bench-
was present prior to the 1991 sample start date or for marks in 2001 and 2009. The percentage of funds that out-
those funds that continue after the 2020 sample end date. perform Treasury bills vary dramatically across years, from
Tables 3-5 present results at the annual, decade, and life-
time horizons, respectively.
We compute p-values for wealth ratios using the bootstrapped
3.1. mutual fund performance at the annual horizon skewness-adjusted t-statistics proposed (equation 5) by Lyon, Barber, and
Tsai (1999), based on 1,0 0 0 bootstrap iterations.
Intuition may suggest that a positive skewness coefficient necessarily
Panel A of Table 3 shows that the mutual funds have implies that the mean outcome exceeds the median. However, exceptions
return data for an average of 11.3 months in a given cal- can occur, as discussed by von Hippel (2005). In this case the exception
endar year, and that the pooled (across funds and years) is attributable in part to unusually large kurtosis of 16.80.

H. Bessembinder, M.J. Cooper and F. Zhang Journal of Financial Economics 147 (2023) 132–158

Table 4
Decade fund returns.

Variable Mean Median Std. dev. Skewness

Fund life (months) 71.3 70.0 42.5 −0.1

Wealth ratio w.r.t. market 0.953∗ ∗ ∗ 0.928 0.401 8.476
Wealth ratio w.r.t. SPY 0.983∗ 0.951 0.436 9.123
Outperform market 0.341∗ ∗ ∗ 0.000 0.474 0.673
Outperform SPY 0.383∗ ∗ ∗ 0.000 0.486 0.481
Outperform T-Bill 0.740∗ ∗ ∗ 1.000 0.439 −1.093
Fund buy-and-hold return (%) 86.897 39.382 128.857 2.640
Market buy-and-hold return (%) 104.568 36.456 122.455 0.926
SPY buy-and-hold return (%) 100.140 31.199 121.835 0.926
T-Bill buy-and-hold return (%) 13.383 5.618 14.905 1.609

In each of three decades (1991–20 0 0, 20 01–2010, 2011–2020) we compute buy-and-

hold returns to the fund, as well as to CRSP value-weighted market portfolio, the SPDR
S&P 500 ETF (SPY), and the one-month T-Bill during the matched months. The sample
includes 14,710 fund/decades. Wealth ratio is the ratio of one plus fund buy-and-hold
return to one plus market/SPY/T-Bill buy-and-hold return; it measures the year end
wealth of an investor who invested $1 in the fund at the beginning of the year relative
to the year-end wealth of another investor who invested $1 in the market/SPY/T-Bill
at the beginning of the year. A fund outperforms a benchmark in a year if its buy-and-
hold return is greater than that of the benchmark over the matched months. This table
presents summary statistics for the pooled sample of fund-decades. We test whether
the wealth ratio equals one using the bootstrapped skewness-adjusted t-test proposed
by Lyon et al. (1999); we carry out t-test of whether the likelihood of a fund out-
performing the market/SPY/T-Bill equals a half. ∗ ∗ ∗ , ∗ ∗ , and ∗ correspond to statistical
significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels, respectively.

nual returns; the estimated skewness coefficient for decade

returns is 2.64 (compared to 0.57 for annual returns), and
the median decade-horizon fund return is just 39.38%, well
below the mean of 86.90%. Positive skewness is readily ap-
parent in the frequency distribution of decade-horizon mu-
tual fund returns, displayed on Panel C of Fig. 3.
Equity mutual funds outperform market benchmarks
less often at the decade horizon as compared to the annual
horizon. In particular, 34.1% of funds outperform the value-
weighted market and 38.3% outperform the SPY ETF at the
decade horizon, as compared to 39.3% and 41.1%, respec-
tively, at the annual horizon. The mean wealth ratio for
equity mutual funds at the decade horizon is 0.953 relative
to the value-weighted market and 0.983 relative to the SPY.
The fact that mean wealth ratios for mutual funds are less
than one can be attributed to the effect of fees and trading
Fig. 2. Fraction of Funds that Outperform Three Benchmarks, By Year. costs, while the fact that less than 50% of funds outper-
This figure plots the fraction of funds that outperform each of three form market benchmarks reflects both the effects of accu-
benchmarks in each year. The benchmarks are the CRSP value-weighted
mulated fees and skewness in the return distribution. We
market return, the SPDR S&P 500 ETF return (SPY), and the one-month
T-Bill rate. present additional results to identify the distinct effects of
skewness vs. accumulated fees in Section 4.

2.5% in 2002 to over 90% in 1991, 1995–1997, 20 03–20 04,

and eight of the eleven years from 2009 to 2020, depend-
ing on broad stock market performance during the year. 3.3. Mutual fund performance at long return measurement
3.2. Mutual fund performance at the decade horizon
Panel A of Table 5 reports corresponding results for the
Table 4 reports results based on decade buy-and-hold lifetime (within the 1991 to 2020 database) horizon. Only
returns. On average, return data is available for 71 months 347 of the 7883 sample funds have return data for all
per decade, and the mean compound return pooled across months from 1991 to 2020. On average across funds, return
funds and decades is 86.90%. By comparison, the mean data is available for 133 months (median of 112 months).
SPY return over matched months of the same decade is The mean lifetime buy-and-hold return for domestic eq-
100.14%, and the mean value-weighted market return over uity funds is 294.35%. By comparison, the mean matched-
the same months of the same decade is 104.57%. Decade period buy-and-hold return to the SPY is 297.69% and the
returns to mutual funds are more highly skewed than an- mean matched-period return to the value-weighted stock

H. Bessembinder, M.J. Cooper and F. Zhang Journal of Financial Economics 147 (2023) 132–158

Table 5
Lifetime fund returns.

Panel A: Lifetime fund returns.

Variable Mean Median Std. dev. Skewness 5th pctl 95th pctl

Fund life (months) 133.0 112.0 97.5 0.8 19.0 347.0

Wealth ratio w.r.t. market 0.884 0.848 0.407 9.085 0.447 1.464
Wealth ratio w.r.t. SPY 0.935∗ 0.886 0.445 7.762 0.467 1.598
Outperform market 0.241∗ ∗ ∗ 0.000 0.428 1.209 0.000 1.000
Outperform SPY 0.303∗ ∗ ∗ 0.000 0.460 0.858 0.000 1.000
Outperform T-Bill 0.792∗ ∗ ∗ 1.000 0.406 −1.438 0.000 1.000
Fund buy-and-hold return (%) 294.354 95.093 636.757 6.398 −32.705 1420.665
Market buy-and-hold return (%) 332.887 152.636 514.585 2.644 −14.606 1642.569
SPY buy-and-hold return (%) 297.693 146.603 448.472 2.555 −16.850 1474.489
T-Bill buy-and-hold return (%) 27.784 14.496 30.908 1.327 0.330 99.161

Panel B: Lifetime Fund Returns by Fund Life Grouping.

Wealth Wealth SPY

Fund life ratio w.r.t. ratio w.r.t. Outperform Outperform Outperform outperforms

Fund life N (months) market SPY market SPY T-Bill T-Bill

[1y, 5y] 2336 34.5 0.880 0.896 0.208 0.246 0.584 0.683
(5y, 10y] 1814 88.1 0.837 0.865 0.195 0.244 0.754 0.804
(10y, 15y] 1675 147.7 0.853 0.907 0.235 0.287 0.896 0.920
(15y, 30y] 2058 272.3 0.955 1.064 0.326 0.433 0.977 1.000

Panel C: Lifetime Fund Returns by Relative Performance of SPY versus T-Bill over the Fund’s Lifetime.

Variable N Mean Median N Mean Median

Funds over whose life SPY Funds over whose life SPY
outperforms T-Bill underperforms T-Bill

Fund life (months) 6653 146.5 136.0 1230 59.7 51.0

Outperform market 6653 0.228 0.000 1230 0.315 0.000
Outperform SPY 6653 0.290 0.000 1230 0.374 0.000
Outperform T-Bill 6653 0.911 1.000 1230 0.150 0.000
Fund buy-and-hold return (%) 6653 350.529 138.129 1230 −9.494 −13.502
Market buy-and-hold return (%) 6653 395.188 241.509 1230 −4.100 −5.631
SPY buy-and-hold return (%) 6653 354.150 225.768 1230 −7.682 −7.476
T-Bill buy-and-hold return (%) 6653 30.043 15.288 1230 15.566 13.398

Panel D: Differences in Monthly Arithmetic/Geometric Mean Return between Mutual Funds and SPY.

Variable N Mean Fraction positive

All funds

Fund arithmetic mean return minus SPY arithmetic mean (%) 7883 −0.168 0.351
Fund geometric mean return minus SPY geometric mean (%) 7883 −0.229 0.303

Funds whose arithmetic mean > SPY arithmetic mean

Fund arithmetic mean return minus SPY arithmetic mean (%) 2769 0.255 1.000
Fund geometric mean return minus SPY geometric mean (%) 2769 0.182 0.848

Panel E: Differences in Monthly Arithmetic/Geometric Mean Return between Mutual Funds and T-Bills.

Variable N Mean Fraction positive

All funds

Fund arithmetic mean return minus T-bill arithmetic mean (%) 7883 0.456 0.842
Fund geometric mean return minus T-bill geometric mean (%) 7883 0.295 0.792

Funds whose arithmetic mean > T-bill arithmetic mean

Fund arithmetic mean return minus T-bill arithmetic mean (%) 6639 0.721 1.000
Fund geometric mean return minus T-bill geometric mean (%) 6639 0.580 0.940

Panel A presents summary statistics of lifetime fund returns for all 7883 sample funds while Panel B (C) presents lifetime outcomes for
subsamples defined by fund life (by whether SPY outperforms T-Bill over the fund’s life). The last column in Panel B reports the mean of
an indicator variable that equals one if the SPY outperformed Treasury bills during the months that the fund is present in the database,
and zero otherwise. We compute lifetime buy-and-hold returns to the fund, and to the CRSP market portfolio, the SPDR S&P 500 ETF
(SPY), and the one-month T-Bill over each fund’s life. Wealth ratio is the ratio of one plus lifetime fund return to one plus the benchmark
return. A fund outperforms a benchmark if its lifetime return is greater than benchmark returns over the fund’s life. We test whether the
wealth ratio equals one using the bootstrapped skewness-adjusted t-test proposed by Lyon et al. (1999); we carry out t-test of whether the
likelihood of a fund outperforming the market/SPY/T-Bill equals a half. ∗ ∗ ∗ , ∗ ∗ , and ∗ correspond to statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and
10% levels, respectively. Panels D and E compare monthly arithmetic and geometric mean return of mutual funds to the SPDR S&P 500 ETF
(SPY), and the one-month T-Bill, over the fund’s life, respectively.

H. Bessembinder, M.J. Cooper and F. Zhang Journal of Financial Economics 147 (2023) 132–158

Fig. 3. Panel A. Frequency Distribution of Monthly Mutual Fund Returns. This figure plots the frequency distribution of monthly mutual fund returns from
1991 to 2020, rounded to the nearest 1%. Monthly returns above 100% are winsorized to 100%. See Table 1 for summary statistics of the monthly fund
returns. Panel B. Frequency Distribution of Annual Mutual Fund Returns. This figure plots the frequency distribution of annual mutual fund returns in
each year from 1991 to 2020, rounded to the nearest 1%. Annual returns above 300% are winsorized to 300%. See Table 3 for summary statistics of the
annual fund returns. Panel C. Frequency Distribution of Decade Mutual Fund Returns. This figure plots the frequency distribution of decade mutual fund
returns, rounded to the nearest 5%, over each of the three ten-year periods: 1991–20 0 0, 20 01–2010, and 2011–2020. Returns above 900% are winsorized
to 900%. See Table 4 for summary statistics of the decade fund returns. Panel D. Frequency Distribution of Lifetime Mutual Fund Returns. This figure plots
the frequency distribution of lifetime returns, rounded to the nearest 5%, to sample mutual funds from 1991 to 2020. Returns above 1500% are winsorized
to 1500%. See Table 5 for summary statistics of the lifetime fund returns.

market is 332.88%.13 The mean wealth ratio for domestic form the SPY ETF, a benchmark that could have been cap-
equity funds over their lifetimes is 0.884 relative to the tured by any investor who simply held the SPY and rein-
value-weighted stock market and 0.935 relative to the SPY vested dividends. While the majority of domestic equity
ETF. funds outperform T-bills over the full sample, 20.8% do not.
The distribution of lifetime equity mutual fund returns We also report on Panel A of Table 5 the 95th per-
is strongly positively skewed. The estimated skewness co- centile outcome on each variable. While the cross-fund
efficient is 6.40, and skewness is strongly observable in the median buy-and-hold return is 95.1%, the 95th percentile
frequency distribution displayed on Panel D of Fig. 3. The of the distribution is 1420%. The 95th percentile wealth ra-
median lifetime return to domestic equity mutual funds is tio measured against the SPY is 1.598, implying a cumu-
95.09%, compared to a mean return of 294.35%. Only 24.1% lative gross return fund return nearly 1.6 times as great
of domestic equity funds outperform the value-weighted as the cumulative gross return to the SPY over the fund’s
market return over the full sample, while 30.3% of outper- life. That is, while the presence of positive skewness in the
distribution of compound fund returns implies that many
funds underperform, it also reflects the fact that some
We observe only one sample path for each of SPY and VW market re- funds exhibit very strong performance.
turns over the 360 sample months. The cumulative SPY return over the
In Panel B of Table 5 we report lifetime results for
360 months was 1,935%, while the cumulative VW market return was
2,245%. The means reported on Table 5 are lower because they reflect the four groups of funds delineated based on the length of
average across funds of the market proxy returns during the months the time that the database contains return data for the fund.
fund was present in the data. All variation in matched SPY and VW mar- The four groups are funds with lives of 1 to 5 years
ket returns across funds is attributable to the fact that funds are present (2336 funds), 5 to 10 years (1814 funds), 10 to 15 years
in the data for different subsets of the 360 months.

H. Bessembinder, M.J. Cooper and F. Zhang Journal of Financial Economics 147 (2023) 132–158

(1675 funds), and 15 to 30 years (2058 funds). Not surpris- over time leads to positive skewness in the distribution
ingly, since poorly performing funds are likely to be shut of long-horizon returns. However, the rate of underperfor-
down sooner, funds with shorter lives have worse average mance is lower for funds with longer lives, which can be
performance. For example, only 24.6% of funds with lives attributed to the fact that the poorest performing funds
less than five years have lifetime buy-and-hold returns tend to be shut down before their lives are long.
that outperform SPY, and only a slight majority (58.4%) of As noted, the majority of the literature assessing fund
these funds outperform one-month Treasury bills. In con- performance studies returns measured at the monthly
trast, almost all (97.7%) of funds with lives that exceed fif- horizon, and summarizes performance across multiple
teen years outperform Treasury bills. The most informa- months based on arithmetic means. Arithmetic means of
tive fact observable in Panel B of Table 5 is that, even in monthly returns are then frequently compared across sub-
the longest-lived group (a characteristic than can only be samples. Sharpe ratios rely on arithmetic mean returns in
observed ex post), less than half (43.3%) of funds outper- the numerator. Alphas are conditional (on zero factor out-
form the SPY, and less than a third (32.6%) outperform the comes) arithmetic mean returns. More broadly, fitted val-
value-weighted market. ues from OLS regressions implemented in monthly returns,
A striking feature of the results reported on Panel B of including Fama-MacBeth regressions and factor model re-
Table 5 is that over 40% of those funds that are present gressions, deliver estimates of conditional (on explanatory
in the data for less than five years underperform Treasury variable outcomes) arithmetic mean returns.
bills over their lives. This outcome may reflect in part that We highlight the extent to which arithmetic means
some funds have the misfortune to be launched at or near of monthly returns can be misleading for long-term in-
market peaks, i.e., prior to market downturns, and may vestors with results reported in Panels D of Table 5. For
be shut down before the market recovers. To assess this, each fund, we compute both the arithmetic and geomet-
we construct an indicator variable that equals one if the ric mean monthly return over its full life, as well as the
SPY outperformed Treasury bills during the months that arithmetic and geometric mean monthly returns to the SPY
the fund is present in the database, and zero otherwise. over the matched set of months. The first row of Panel D
On Panel B of Table 5 we report means of this indica- reports the cross-fund mean of the difference between the
tor variable for funds in each group. This data supports fund and the SPY arithmetic mean returns, and the per-
the conclusion that the high rate of underperformance for cent of these observations that are positive, while the sec-
short-lived funds is partially attributable to these funds ond row of each Panel reports the cross-fund mean of the
being launched prior to periods of poor overall market difference between fund and benchmark geometric mean
performance. In particular, the percentage of funds where returns, and the percent of these observations that are
the SPY outperformed Treasury bills during the fund’s positive.
life increases with fund life, being equal to 68.3%, 80.4%, Focusing on the first row of Panel D, the mean cross-
92.0% and 100% for funds with lives of up to 5 years, fund difference between arithmetic mean fund returns
5 to 10 years, 10 to 15 years, and greater than 15 years, re- and arithmetic mean SPY returns over matched months is
spectively. At the same time, the results indicate that SPY −0.17%. The arithmetic mean monthly fund return exceeds
performance is not the only reason that poorly performing that of the SPY over matched months for 35.1% of funds.
funds have shorter lives. The difference in the percentage By comparison, the geometric mean fund return exceeds
of funds that underperform T-bills versus the percentage the geometric mean SPY return over matched months for
of funds where the SPY underperforms Treasury bills (or 30.3% of sample funds (second row of Table 5, Panel D, and
equivalently, the percentage of funds that underperform equivalent by construction to the proportion with greater
Treasury bills even though the SPY outperformed Treasury buy-and-hold returns, as reported on Panel A). The next
bills over their lives) decreases from 9.9% for funds with two rows of Table 5, Panel D report corresponding out-
lives of less than five years to 2.3% for funds with lives comes for the subsample of 2769 funds with positive SPY-
greater than fifteen years. adjusted arithmetic mean returns. Among these, 15.2% un-
On Panel C of Table 5 we report lifetime outcomes for derperform (84.8% outperform) the SPY in terms of com-
funds where the SPY return exceeded or underperformed pound (or geometric mean) monthly returns, despite the
Treasury bills during the fund lives. A total of 1230 sam- higher market-adjusted arithmetic average return. The cor-
ple funds were characterized by SPY returns that failed responding figure when the value-weighted market is used
to exceed Treasury-bill returns during their lifetimes. Only as the benchmark instead (not tabulated) is that 17.8% of
15% of these funds themselves outperformed Treasury bills, funds underperform the market in terms of compound re-
while the percentage of these funds that outperformed the turns even though the arithmetic mean of market-adjusted
SPY was 37.4%. By comparison, for the 6653 funds where returns for the fund is positive.
the SPY outperformed Treasury bills over their lives, 91.1% Panel E of Table 5 reports outcomes that correspond to
outperformed Treasury bills and 29.0% outperformed the Panel D, except that the benchmark is the one-month Trea-
SPY. sury bill rate rather than the SPY. The most striking result
Fama and French (2010) document that equity mutual is that, among the subsample of 6639 funds (84.2% of to-
funds as a class underperform market benchmarks when tal) that have a positive sample risk premium, measured
returns are measured at the monthly horizon. The results conventionally by an arithmetic mean monthly return that
here show that the rate of underperformance increases at exceeds the mean monthly Treasury bill return, 6.0% ac-
longer return horizons, a result that can be attributed at tually underperform Treasury bills in terms of compound
least in part to the fact that the compounding of returns returns over their lives.

H. Bessembinder, M.J. Cooper and F. Zhang Journal of Financial Economics 147 (2023) 132–158

The term “volatility drag” has been coined by prac- empirical full sample outcomes indicate a smaller skew-
titioners to describe the fact that compound returns are ness coefficient and a higher rate of underperformance rel-
lower than might be anticipated based on arithmetic ative to the SPY as compared to simulation outcomes is
means of short-horizons returns. While it is broadly known particularly intriguing.
that for every time series of returns with positive volatil-
ity the geometric mean return is less than the arithmetic
mean return, and that the differential increases in return 3.5. The role of fund size
volatility, to our knowledge the degree to which monthly
mean returns are potentially misleading regarding long- The results presented in the preceding sections pertain
horizon investor outcomes has not been widely discussed to the full sample of 7883 funds. However, as the data
in the broad empirical literature that focuses on arithmetic on Table 1 show, the distribution of fund sizes is highly
means of short-horizon returns. skewed, with a mean fund TNA of $1.18 billion, compared
to a median of $149 million. One possibility is that the
3.4. Comparisons of sample outcomes to simulation high rates of underperformance documented here are pri-
outcomes and predictions marily attributable to smaller funds. We next assess re-
lations between fund size and long-run investment per-
The empirical results for mutual fund returns at the an- formance. However, numerous studies (see, for example,
nual, decade, and “lifetime” horizons strongly support the Cremers et al. (2019)) have documented that investment
implications obtained based on the simulations. Compound flows respond to prior fund performance, implying that re-
fund returns are positively skewed at all horizons other turns may cause fund size changes; i.e., fund size is en-
than monthly, and skewness increases with return mea- dogenous. Further, beginning-of-sample fund size is not
surement horizon. Median fund returns are less than mean very informative about size over the course of a potentially
fund returns at all horizons longer than monthly, and more long fund life.
notably so at longer horizons. The percentage of funds that To assess the role of fund size while avoiding biases at-
deliver compound returns that exceed compound SPY re- tributable to endogenous fund flows, we adopt the follow-
turns is always less than half, and decreases with return ing procedure. We first compile the cross-sectional distri-
measurement horizon. bution of fund sizes for each sample month, and record
The specific empirical outcomes for compound fund re- the percentile position of each fund within the size dis-
turns as reported on Tables 3-5 are not only direction- tribution for each month. We then determine if the size
ally consistent with the simulation-based implications, but of a given fund exceeds the 25th, 50th, or 75th percentile
sample parameter estimates are broadly similar to simu- of the size distribution in any month of the sample. Hav-
lation parameters. For example, the skewness coefficients ing done so, we construct three subsamples that exclude
for fund returns in the actual data at the monthly, an- smaller funds. The first excludes any fund whose size never
nual, decade, and lifetime horizons are −0.42, 0.57, 2.64, reaches the 25th percentile, the second excludes any fund
and 6.40, compared to −0.39, 0.53, 2.88, and 7.31 in the whose size never reaches the 50th percentile, and the
simulations. The percentages of fund returns that exceed third excludes any fund whose size never reaches the 75th
matched-month SPY returns are 47.2%, 41.1%, 38.3%, and percentile. Within these subsamples, we only study re-
30.3% at the monthly, annual, decade, and lifetime hori- turns after the first month that a fund is larger than the
zons in the sample, compared to 48.4%, 42.8%, 34.7%, and threshold size. The exclusion of returns prior to this date
33.5% in the simulations. avoids lookahead bias stemming from endogenous fund
The simulation outcomes are based on numerous over- flows.
simplifications, including that fund life is independent of Table 6 reports on monthly, annual, decadal, and full
market conditions or past performance, that single pe- sample returns for funds in each of these size groups. For
riod returns are distributed normally and are indepen- convenience Table 6 also reproduces corresponding out-
dent over time, that firm parameters such as betas and comes for the full sample. This data shows that the dis-
alphas are distributed randomly, etc. As such, the sim- tribution of compound returns is not as highly skewed
ulation outcomes illustrate the pure effects of the com- for subsamples that contain only larger funds. In partic-
pounding of random returns over random fund lives. The ular, the skewness of “lifetime” returns is 4.70 for the
broad similarities of the sample-based outcomes to the largest fund subsample, compared to 6.40 for the full sam-
simulation-based outcomes suggest that endogenous deci- ple. However, the finding that most funds underperform
sions to open and close funds, non-normality of monthly the SPY is quite uninform across size-based samples. At
returns, and various forms of serial dependence are not the annual horizon, for example, 41.1% of the full sample
the primary reasons that compound fund returns con- of funds outperform the SPY ETF, compared to 41.8% of
tain different information regarding fund performance as funds in the largest subsample. At the “lifetime” horizon,
compared to measures constructed from short-horizon 30.3% of funds in the full sample outperform the SPY, while
returns. slightly fewer, 29.6%, of funds in the subsample of largest
Still, it will be of interest for future research to identify funds outperform. On balance, these results demonstrate
the specific reasons that the empirical outcomes do not that the key conclusions supported by the results reported
directly match the simulation outcomes that illustrate the on Tables 3 to 5 are not mainly attributable to the presence
pure effects of the compounding of random returns while of small funds in the sample, but hold even in subsamples
ignoring several real-world complexities. The fact that the of larger funds.

H. Bessembinder, M.J. Cooper and F. Zhang Journal of Financial Economics 147 (2023) 132–158

Table 6
Fund size and fund returns at monthly, annual, decade, and lifetime horizons.

Variable # Fund-periods Mean Median Skewness % > SPY

Monthly fund return (%)

All funds 1048,111 0.776 1.158 −0.425 0.472

All but small funds 876,872 0.800 1.192 −0.420 0.474
Medium and larger funds 661,122 0.810 1.211 −0.421 0.474
Large funds 387,924 0.821 1.223 −0.462 0.474

Annual fund return (%)

All funds 92,844 9.465 10.287 0.566 0.411

All but small funds 77,158 9.780 10.703 0.358 0.417
Medium and larger funds 57,780 9.942 11.012 0.109 0.418
Large funds 33,666 10.161 11.281 0.051 0.418

Decade fund return (%)

All funds 14,710 86.897 39.382 2.640 0.383

All but small funds 11,669 94.483 46.022 2.601 0.396
Medium and larger funds 8422 99.780 50.996 2.219 0.399
Large funds 4717 107.250 60.754 2.136 0.397

Lifetime fund return (%)

All funds 7883 294.354 95.093 6.398 0.303

All but small funds 6021 330.736 134.793 6.336 0.311
Medium and larger funds 4206 356.314 170.903 4.782 0.303
Large funds 2307 390.510 196.326 4.704 0.296

We compile the cross-sectional distribution of fund sizes for each sample month from 1991
to 2020, and record the percentile position of each fund within the size distribution for each
month. We then determine if the size of a given fund exceeds the 25th, 50th, or 75th per-
centile of the size distribution in any month of the sample. We then construct three subsam-
ples that exclude smaller funds. The first (“all but small” funds) sample excludes any fund
whose size never reaches the 25th percentile, the second (“medium and larger” funds) sam-
ple excludes any fund whose size never reaches the 50th percentile, and the third (“large”
funds) excludes any fund whose size never reaches the 75th percentile. Within these subsam-
ples, we study returns beginning with the first month that a fund is larger than the threshold

3.6. A comparison to SPIVA centage of funds underperforming the index. We identify

2849 non-index funds that were present in our sample as
As noted, academic research focused on mutual fund of the end of 20 0 0. We report in Table 7 the cross-fund
performance has mainly reported conditional (e.g., alphas) mean compound return for these funds over the 2001–
and unconditional means of returns measured at short 2020 period, as well as matched-month compound returns
(most often monthly) horizons. In contrast, S&P Dow Jones to the SPY ETF, the S&P 500 index, and the S&P 1500 index,
Indices releases annual “Standard & Poor’s Indices Ver- each inclusive of reinvested dividends. The results indicate
sus Active Funds (SPIVA)” scorecards that compare com- that the S&P 500 index comprises a slightly higher hurdle
pound fund returns to compound S&P 1500 index out- (mean compound return over matching months equal to
comes for horizons of up to twenty years. The 2020 SPIVA 127.64%) as compared to the post-fee SPY ETF (mean com-
report states that only 14% of domestic equity funds out- pound return over matching months equal to 124.66%), and
performed the S&P Index over the 20-year period 2001 to that the S&P 1500 index comprised a moderately higher
2020.14 By comparison, we report (Table 5) that a pro- hurdle yet (mean compound return over matching months
portion more than twice as large, 30.3%, of domestic eq- equal to 140.33%). The results reported on Table 7 show
uity funds outperform the SPY ETF over the 30-year period that 33.5% of funds in this sample outperformed the S&P
ending at the same date. 1500 index in terms of compound returns over matched
We investigate the extent to which this notable dif- months during the years 2001–2020. That is, within the
ference in outperformance rates is attributable to differ- same twenty years, and focusing on the same benchmark
ing procedures for including funds in the sample, bench- and a similar sample, we document a fund outperformance
mark selection, sample period, or to other methodological rate that is markedly higher than that reported by SPIVA.
choices. The Glossary of the 2020 SPIVA report indicates Delving further, the Glossary of the SPIVA report, under
that “we use the opportunity set available at the begin- the heading “Percentage of Funds Underperforming the In-
ning of the period as the denominator” to assess the per- dex,” states, “We determine the count of funds that have
survived and beat the index.” As reported in Table 7, 15.7%
of the 2849 funds present in our sample at the end of
The report is available at https://www.spglobal.com/spdji/en/ 20 0 0 both outperformed the S&P 1500 index and survived
documents/spiva/spiva- us- year- end- 2020.pdf, and the comparison to
to the end of 2020. This figure is comparable to the 14.0%
the S&P 1500 Index is contained in the first row of “Report 1” on page 9.

H. Bessembinder, M.J. Cooper and F. Zhang Journal of Financial Economics 147 (2023) 132–158

Table 7
Fund performance over the 2001–2020 period.

Variable Fund SPY SP 500 SP 1500 T-bill

Mean Return (%) 137.01 124.66 127.64 140.33 20.74

Median Return (%) 31.46 27.02 28.06 35.36 24.07
% of Funds that Outperformed the Benchmark 40.75 39.66 33.45 54.16
% of Funds that Outperformed, survived to 2020 18.74 17.97 15.69 34.12
% of Funds that Outperformed, exited early 22.01 21.69 17.76 20.04

This table reports summary statistics (mean and median across funds) for fund returns between 2001 and
2020, for the 2849 domestic non-index equity mutual funds that existed at the beginning of January 2001,
as well as returns to four benchmarks over matching months. The four benchmarks are: the SPY ETF, the
S&P 500 index return (including dividends), the S&P 1500 index return (including dividends), and the one-
month T-Bill.

reported by SPIVA, with remaining differences likely at- folio returns, 30,0 0 0 decadal portfolio returns, and 10,0 0 0
tributable to slightly divergent sample selection methods. “lifetime” portfolio returns.
However, a larger proportion, 17.8%, of funds in our sample Results are reported on Table 8. The skewness of equal-
outperformed the index during the months the funds were weighted bootstrap portfolio returns increases from −0.68
present in the data, but exited the sample prior to 2020. It at the monthly horizon to 0.58 at the 30-year (full-sample)
is an intriguing question why over 500 funds that outper- horizon, while the skewness of value-weighted bootstrap
formed the S&P 1500 index nevertheless exited the sample. portfolio returns increases from −0.62 at the monthly hori-
A partial explanation may lie in the fact overall stock mar- zon to 0.90 at the full sample horizon.15 The percent-
ket performance was weak from 2001 until early 2009; in age of equal-weighted mutual fund portfolios that out-
particular the compound SPY return from December 20 0 0 perform the SPY during the matched months decreases
to February 2009 was −35.3%. In any case, these results from 47.5% at the monthly horizon to 5.5% at the 30-
indicate that rates of fund outperformance as compared to year (full-sample) horizon, while the percentage of value-
the indices are notably affected by a methodological deci- weighted mutual fund portfolios that outperform the SPY
sion that counts outperforming but non-surviving funds as decreases from 48.1% at the monthly horizon to 16.6% at
underperforming. the full-sample horizon. The fact that the percentage of
bootstrapped fund returns that exceed the SPY over their
3.7. Potential reverse survivorship bias full lifetimes is substantially lower than corresponding per-
centage for the actual individual fund sample reflects in
The positive skewness observed in the pooled distri- part that the average sample fund life is just eleven years,
butions of compound fund returns reflects not only the while the bootstrap simulation portfolios always involve
effects of compounding but also cross-sectional variation a full thirty years of compounding. These results indicate
in the number of months that funds are present in the that our conclusion that the choice of return measure-
sample. While the comparisons of sample outcomes to ment horizon significantly affects inference as to whether
bootstrap-simulation-based outcomes are suggestive that mutual funds outperform market benchmarks is robust to
endogenous fund lives are not the primary reason for dif- complications arising from the fact that the life of each in-
ferent fund performance outcomes at longer versus shorter dividual fund can be endogenously related to fund perfor-
horizons, specific point estimates will be affected by en- mance.
dogenous lives. Further, as Linnainmaa (2013) emphasizes
3.8. Fund characteristics and long-horizon mutual fund
and our results reported in Panel B of Table 5 verify for
the present sample, funds with poor performance on aver-
age have shorter lives and, as a result, cross-sectional aver-
In Fig. 4 we display the percentage of sample funds that
ages of fund-specific outcomes are potentially misleading
outperform benchmarks over their lifetimes, when funds
regarding average mutual fund performance.
are sorted into deciles based on a variety of fund charac-
To provide evidence regarding the effect of return mea-
teristics. Panels A, B, and C report results when the bench-
surement horizon that is unaffected by endogenous fund
mark is the value-weighted market, the SPY ETF, and one-
lives, we measure returns at the monthly, annual, decade,
month Treasury bill, respectively. Decile portfolios are de-
and full sample horizon for portfolios of mutual funds. As
fined based on (i) the R-squared statistic in a regression of
Linnainmaa (2013) notes, returns to portfolios of mutual
monthly fund returns on monthly SPY returns (which mea-
funds that are computed for the full sample period are
sures the extent to which the fund simply tracks the over-
not afflicted by the reverse survivorship issues he high-
all market, (ii) the slope coefficient (beta estimate) from
lights. Specifically, we form a portfolio of ten randomly se-
lected funds during each of the 360 months from January
1991 to December 2020, and compute buy-and-hold port- The fact that the skewness of portfolio returns is less than that of
folio returns for each of the 30 years, each of the three the portfolio’s component returns has been previously noted, e.g., by
Albuquerque (2012). The negative skewness of shorter-horizon mutual
decades, and for the full sample period. We repeat this fund portfolio returns in our sample mirrors negative skewness in the
process 10,0 0 0 times, to obtain bootstrap distributions of distribution of shorter-horizon market returns over the 1991-2020 sam-
3.6 million monthly portfolio returns, 30 0,0 0 0 annual port- ple period.

H. Bessembinder, M.J. Cooper and F. Zhang Journal of Financial Economics 147 (2023) 132–158

Table 8
Returns to portfolios of mutual funds at monthly, annual, decade, and lifetime horizons.

Panel A. Summary statistics of EW fund portfolio returns.

# portfolio- EW Fund Portfolio Return Outperform

Variable periods Mean Median Std. dev. Skew. Market SPY T-bill

EW fund monthly return (%) 3600,000 0.866 1.312 4.531 −0.682 0.444∗ ∗ ∗ 0.475∗ ∗ ∗ 0.620∗ ∗ ∗
EW fund annual return (%) 300,000 11.045 12.941 17.121 −0.857 0.328∗ ∗ ∗ 0.416∗ ∗ ∗ 0.737∗ ∗ ∗
EW fund decade return (%) 30,000 182.242 183.790 131.368 0.159 0.192∗ ∗ ∗ 0.322∗ ∗ ∗ 0.843∗ ∗ ∗
EW fund lifetime return (%) 10,000 1460.078 1439.192 274.399 0.583 0.008∗ ∗ ∗ 0.055∗ ∗ ∗ 1.000∗ ∗ ∗
B. Summary Statistics of VW Fund Portfolio Returns.

# portfolio- VW Fund Portfolio Return Outperform

Variable periods Mean Median Std. dev. Skew. Market SPY T-bill

VW fund monthly return (%) 3600,000 0.874 1.308 4.651 −0.617 0.454∗ ∗ ∗ 0.481∗ ∗ ∗ 0.620∗ ∗ ∗
VW fund annual return (%) 300,000 11.213 13.043 17.923 −0.791 0.372∗ ∗ ∗ 0.430∗ ∗ ∗ 0.742∗ ∗ ∗
VW fund decade return (%) 30,000 186.902 198.982 140.029 0.305 0.209∗ ∗ ∗ 0.308∗ ∗ ∗ 0.808∗ ∗ ∗
VW fund lifetime return (%) 10,000 1510.810 1451.783 463.178 0.902 0.070∗ ∗ ∗ 0.166∗ ∗ ∗ 1.000∗ ∗ ∗

We randomly draw a portfolio of 10 mutual funds for each month from 1991 to 2020, and compute the equal-weighted (EW) and value-
weighted (VW) monthly portfolio returns. We then calculate the portfolio’s buy-and-hold returns in each year from 1991 to 2020, over
each of three decades (1991–20 0 0, 20 01–2010, 2011–2020), and over the full sample lifetime (30 years from 1991 to 2020). The process
is repeated 10,0 0 0 times. The left part of Panel A presents summary statistics for EW portfolio returns at the monthly, annual, decade,
and lifetime horizons. The right part of Panel A presents the mean of the indicator for whether the fund portfolio outperforms the CRSP
market portfolio, the SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY), and the one-month T-Bill at each of the four horizons. A fund portfolio outperforms a
benchmark if its buy-and-hold return is greater than that of the benchmark over the same horizon. Panel B presents the same summary
statistics for the VW portfolio returns. We carry out t-test of whether the likelihood of a fund outperforming the market/SPY/T-Bill equals
a half. ∗ ∗ ∗ , ∗ ∗ , and ∗ correspond to statistical significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels, respectively.

the same regression, (iii) lifetime average fund fees and by simple univariate relations between fund characteristics
expenses (based on the CRSP “expense ratio” variable) as and performance.
a percentage of TNA, (iv) the volatility (in particular, the
standard deviation) of monthly fund returns, (v) the skew- 3.9. How much alpha is required to offset skewness?
ness of monthly fund returns, and (vi) the lifetime average
fund size, based on TNA.16 The positive skewness in the distribution of com-
The most notable conclusion that can be drawn based pound returns implies that the majority of funds will tend
on the results displayed in Fig. 4 is that long-term fund to underperform market benchmarks when returns are
performance generally does not bear any simple or lin- measured over long horizons. Bessembinder (2018) and
ear relation to the characteristics. While funds in the first Farago and Hjalmarsson (2022) show that the skewness of
decile by these measures often underperform, underper- long-horizon returns is mainly determined by the volatil-
formance rates are generally not monotone across deciles. ity of short-horizon returns, which in the mutual fund set-
Focusing on estimated fund beta, for example, the rate of ting depends in part on the extent to which the fund port-
outperformance against SPY is just 15.7% for the lowest folio is well diversified. Of course, the rate of long-term
beta decile (mean beta = 0.523), compared to 40.6% for underperformance vs. market benchmarks depends also on
decile eight (mean beta = 1.134), but only 22.1% for decile the magnitudes of short-horizon alphas. On balance, active
ten (mean beta = 1.576). The relation between fees and portfolios will underperform most often in the long run
rates of outperformance is also not monotone. While the if short-horizon returns are more volatile and alphas are
decile of funds with the highest fees (average expense ra- negative and will underperform less often if short-horizon
tio of 0.187% per month) displays a low rate of outperfor- returns are less volatile and alphas are positive. These con-
mance (20.5%) relative to SPY, the decile of funds with the siderations imply a trade-off, in that larger alphas can off-
lowest fees and expenses (average expense ratio of 0.018% set the tendency for compounding to lead to underperfor-
per month) also has a relatively low (33.6%) rate of out- mance in long-horizon returns.
performance relative to SPY, as this category is dominated We assess this tradeoff analytically under simplify-
by index funds. The highest rate of outperformance relative ing assumptions, and empirically through a numerical
to SPY (33.3%) is for funds in the sixth decile of fees and search.17 For the analytical assessment we assume that the
expenses (average 0.100% per month). The non-linear rela- evolution of prices for both an active fund and the market
tions documented in Fig. 4 caution against the presump- benchmark are described by Geometric Brownian Motion,
tion that long-run fund performance can be well explained with independent and identical increments, and where the
instantaneous fund beta with respect to the market is one.
The mean instantaneous fund return differs from the mean
instantaneous benchmark return by an instantaneous al-
We measure average fund size based on percentile ranks. For each
month, we assign a percentile rank to all funds with return data. We then
compute the time series average of percentile ranks for each fund. We thank the referee for suggesting this analysis.

H. Bessembinder, M.J. Cooper and F. Zhang Journal of Financial Economics 147 (2023) 132–158

Fig. 4. Panel A. Fraction of Funds that Outperform the Market Return over Their Lives. This figure plots the fraction of funds that outperform the CRSP
value-weighted market return over their lives, for each decile of funds sorted on each of six fund characteristics. Fund R-squared is the R-squared of the
regression of monthly excess fund return on monthly excess SPY return; Fund beta is the coefficient on excess SPY return. Fees refer to the average monthly
fund expense ratio. Fund return volatility and skewness are the standard deviation and the skewness of monthly fund returns. Fund size percentile rank is
the fund’s average monthly percentile rank by fund TNA among all funds alive in the month. Panel B. Fraction of Funds that Outperform the SPY ETF over
Their Lives. This figure plots the fraction of funds that outperform the SPDR S&P 500 ETF return (SPY) over their lives, for each decile of funds sorted on
each of six fund characteristics. Panel C. Fraction of Funds that Outperform One-Month T-Bills over Their Lives. This figure plots the fraction of funds that
outperform the one-month T-Bill over their lives, for each decile of funds sorted on each of six fund characteristics.

pha, denoted αF , while the variance of instantaneous non- ability that the five-stock portfolio would outperform the
market (residual) returns is denoted σF2 . We show in Ap- market benchmark, compared to a requisite alpha of 0.08%
pendix B that the median compound return to the active per month to yield the same result for a 100-stock portfo-
fund equals the median compound market benchmark re- lio.
turn, implying a 50% probability that the compound fund The preceding analysis is based on ex-ante probability
return will exceed the compound market return, if αF = distributions for both the market benchmark and the hy-
σF2 /2. pothetical fund, while assuming that successive returns are
Since the residual volatility of any given portfolio will statistically independent and identically distributed (iid),
tend to decline as the number of stocks in the portfolio in- and all market betas are equal to one. In contrast, the em-
creases, this analysis implies that less diversified portfolios pirical sample reflects a single realized time series of mar-
require higher alphas to reach the breakeven described. To ket returns in a setting where the iid assumption is vio-
illustrate, if the instantaneous residual standard deviation lated and where market betas vary across funds. To gain
for every individual stock is 12% per month and the in- additional perspective, we conduct a numerical search to
stantaneous correlation between residual returns for ev- assess the constant return increment that, when added to
ery pair of stocks is 0.1 (to allow, for example, for indus- every monthly fund return in the data, yields the outcome
try effects), then relying on standard portfolio theory the that fifty percent of funds outperform the SPY over their
instantaneous residual return variance to a portfolio with lives. The search reveals that a return increment of 0.124%
five stocks would be 0.40%, while that for a portfolio of per month is just sufficient to deliver this result. This fig-
100 stocks would be 0.16%. If so, instantaneous alpha of ure is economically large; by comparison the sample mean
0.20% per month would be required to yield a 50% prob- expense ratio is 0.095% per month. Only 39.8% of sample

H. Bessembinder, M.J. Cooper and F. Zhang Journal of Financial Economics 147 (2023) 132–158

funds have estimated monthly alphas that are larger than pre-fee buy-and-hold returns exceed the buy-and-hold re-
this benchmark. turn to the value-weighted market for 37.6% of funds and
The properties of compounding ensure that higher exceed the (post-fee) SPY buy-and-hold return for 45.2% of
volatility in short-horizon returns implies more skewness funds. The latter outcome is quite close to the simulation-
in long-horizon returns. This higher skewness in turn im- based prediction (Table 2) that 44.7% of funds would out-
plies a greater likelihood of underperformance relative to perform the SPY on a pre-fee basis. On balance, these re-
market benchmarks. This tendency to underperform can be sults imply that, while the accumulated effect of fees is
offset by a positive mean non-market return (i.e., alpha). important, skewness in the distribution of long-horizon
As demonstrated here, the requisite alpha to deliver a 50% compound returns remains a central contributing reason
probability that a fund will outperform the benchmark de- that so many mutual funds underperform benchmarks at
pends on residual return volatility. long horizons.
In addition to fees, mutual fund returns are affected by
4. Why do so many equity mutual funds underperform trading costs and managerial skill. We next focus on esti-
in the long run? mated fund alphas, reasoning that alphas reflect the com-
bined effect of fees, trading costs, and management skill.
The literature that studies mutual fund returns has doc- In particular, we estimate alpha for each fund by a regres-
umented that mutual fund returns on average lag behind sion of excess fund returns on excess SPY returns, using
market benchmarks. This empirical regularity is often at- the full time series of available post-fee monthly returns.
tributed to the fact that funds charge management fees, The mean monthly alpha estimate in our 30-year sample
and, in addition, incur trading costs. Further, some fund of domestic equity funds (Panel A of Table 9) is −0.131%
managers may be skilled, but not sufficiently so to fully per month.18 We then subtract the (negative on average)
overcome fees and other costs. In addition, fund’s system- fund alpha estimate from each post-fee monthly return for
atic risk exposures are relevant. If a given fund has a mar- the fund. The resulting return series for every fund are,
ket beta that is less than one then it might be expected by construction, characterized by zero monthly alpha esti-
that the fund would likely underperform even in the ab- mates within the sample. We then compound these “zero-
sence of fees or expenses, for any period with a positive ex alpha” monthly returns and compare outcomes to market
post market excess return. In any case, we document that a benchmarks.
strikingly high percentage of U.S. equity mutual funds un- The central finding of this exercise is that the majority
derperform market benchmarks in the long run. We next of funds underperform the value-weighted market, even
assess the extent to which these high rates of underperfor- when zero-alpha returns are compounded. In particular,
mance can indeed be attributed to fees, managerial skill, only 36.2% of funds outperform the SPY over their life-
or factor exposures. times when alpha estimates are deducted before returns
are compounded. Management fees, other expenses, and
4.1. Fees and managerial skill trading costs no doubt contribute to the empirical fact that
less than half of mutual funds outperform market bench-
We first assess whether the high rates of underper- marks in the long run. This analysis shows that these ex-
formance can be attributed to management fees, which planations are not complete, however. Rather, the positive
average 0.095% per month, as documented on Panel A skewness in the distribution of long-horizon mutual fund
of Table 9. To do so, for each fund and month we add returns is also important.
the fund’s monthly percentage fee to the reported return The empirical outcomes regarding zero-alpha returns
to obtain the equivalent pre-fee return. The left panel of on Table 9 differ noticeably from corresponding simula-
Table 9 Panel B reports results obtained when we com- tion outcomes on Table 2. In particular, the zero-alpha
pound pre-fee returns over the full sample. fund return exceeds the SPY for 36.2% of actual funds,
Notably, the mean compound pre-fee buy-and-hold mu- while the simulations predicted 43.4% outperformance.
tual fund return is 393.6%, which exceeds the mean com- Further, the mean lifetime zero-alpha return is less than
pound return on both the SPY and the value-weighted the corresponding mean SPY return in the actual data on
market over the matched time periods, which are 297.7% Table 9, while the mean simulated zero-alpha fund return
and 332.9%, respectively. This long-return-horizon re- on Table 2 exceeds the matching simulated SPY return on
sult complements the short-return-horizon results re- Table 2. This divergence in outcomes may reflect in part
ported by Berk and van Binsbergen (2015) and Fama and that the distribution of empirical alpha estimates is neg-
French (2010), who report positive alpha estimates based atively skewed, with the mean monthly alpha equal to
on pre-fee monthly returns. The mean wealth ratio rela- −0.13% compared to a median of −0.08%, while the sim-
tive to the value-weighted market when pre-fee returns ulated alpha estimates are almost perfectly symmetric due
are compounded is 1.011. That is, domestic equity mutual to the normality and iid assumptions incorporated in the
funds on average outperform the value-weighted market simulations.
in the long run, when pre-fee returns are considered. Out-
performance in pre-fee mutual fund returns relative to the
SPY is larger: the mean wealth ratio is 1.074. Berk and van Binsbergen (2015) argue that foreign funds, which are
not included in our sample, perform better than domestic funds, and re-
However, median pre-fee fund returns are much lower port alphas for their broader sample that do not differ significantly from
than means, and only a minority of funds outperform the zero when using returns to an array of Vanguard index funds as bench-
market benchmarks, even on a pre-fee basis. Specifically, marks.

H. Bessembinder, M.J. Cooper and F. Zhang Journal of Financial Economics 147 (2023) 132–158

Table 9
Lifetime fund returns after adding back fund expense or subtracting fund alpha.

Panel A. Summary statistics of fund expense and alpha’s.

Variable N Mean Median Std. dev. Skewness

Fees (%), monthly 1048,111 0.095 0.094 0.049 1.583

Fund alpha against SPY (%) 7883 −0.131 −0.081 0.476 −1.164

Panel B. Lifetime Fund Returns after Adding Back Fund Expense or Subtracting Fund Alpha.

Variable Mean Median Std. dev. Skew Mean Median Std. dev. Skew

Add fees Subtract fund alpha against SPY

Wealth ratio w.r.t. market 1.011 0.932 0.524 7.846 0.902∗ ∗ ∗ 0.929 0.169 0.125
Wealth ratio w.r.t. SPY 1.074∗ ∗ ∗ 0.971 0.585 6.841 0.949∗ ∗ ∗ 0.979 0.175 0.328
Outperform market 0.376∗ ∗ ∗ 0.000 0.484 0.513 0.207∗ ∗ ∗ 0.000 0.405 1.450
Outperform SPY 0.452∗ ∗ ∗ 0.000 0.498 0.191 0.362∗ ∗ ∗ 0.000 0.481 0.574
Outperform T-Bill 0.827∗ ∗ ∗ 1.000 0.378 −1.730 0.825∗ ∗ ∗ 1.000 0.380 −1.707
Fund buy-and-hold return (%) 393.636 115.572 891.499 6.634 269.794 126.116 416.902 2.803
Market buy-and-hold return (%) 332.887 152.636 514.585 2.644 332.887 152.636 514.585 2.644
SPY buy-and-hold return (%) 297.693 146.603 448.472 2.555 297.693 146.603 448.472 2.555

Panel C. Excess Beta-Adjusted Compound Return over Fund Time.

N Mean Median Std. dev. Skewness Fraction positive

All funds 7883 −11.098∗ ∗ ∗ −15.773 362.970 8.565 0.317∗ ∗ ∗

Funds with Monthly Alpha > 0 2849 158.843∗ ∗ ∗ 26.105 501.381 8.741 0.878∗ ∗ ∗
Funds with Monthly Alpha < 0 5034 −107.276∗ ∗ ∗ −43.489 196.151 −5.990 0.000∗ ∗ ∗

We estimate each fund’s alpha by regressing its monthly excess (over the T-bill rate) return on the excess SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY)
return. Panel A presents summary statistics for estimated monthly alphas. Panel B presents summary statistics for lifetime fund
returns, when either fund expenses are added to or estimated fund alpha is subtracted from each monthly fund returns. We compute
lifetime buy-and-hold returns to the fund, and to the CRSP market portfolio, the SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY), and the one-month T-Bill
over the fund’s life. Wealth ratio is the ratio of one plus lifetime fund return to one plus market/SPY/T-Bill buy-and-hold return over
the fund’s life. A fund outperforms a benchmark if its lifetime return is greater than benchmark returns over the fund’s life. We test
whether the wealth ratio equals one using the bootstrapped skewness-adjusted t-test proposed by Lyon et al. (1999); we carry out
t-test of whether the likelihood of a fund outperforming the market/SPY/T-Bill equals a half. ∗ ∗ ∗ , ∗ ∗ , and ∗ correspond to statistical
significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% levels, respectively.
We compute each fund’s excess beta-adjusted compound return over its life as the fund’s buy-and-hold returns minus cumulative
risk-adjusted returns (R f t + β (RSPY,t − R f t )) to the fund. Panel C presents summary statistics of the excess beta-adjusted compound
lifetime return, for the full sample as well as for subsamples where the estimated alphas are positive vs. negative. We report t-
statistics for the average excess beta-adjusted compound return and for the hypothesis that the fraction of funds with positive excess
beta-adjusted compound returns equals a half.

4.2. Allowing for factor exposures SPY returns, and compile for each fund the excess of the

compound fund return over T periods, (1 + Rtf und ) over
We document that the majority of U.S. equity mutual t=1
funds underperform both the value-weighted stock market the compound beta-adjusted SPY return during the same
and the SPY ETF in terms of compound returns over the 
months, (1 + r f + β (RtSPY − r f )). We refer to this quan-
full time period that the funds are included in our sample t=1
drawn from the CRSP mutual fund database. However, un- tity as the “excess beta-adjusted compound return.” This
derperformance relative to these benchmarks could be at- measure can be interpreted as the excess compound fund
tributable in part to factor exposures. Cash balances in par- return relative to the compound return that would have
ticular could contribute: a hypothetical fund that earned been predicted based on the fund’s estimated market ex-
returns identical to the overall market on the portion of its posure and the observed market outcome for the period.19
portfolio invested in risky assets but that also kept some Panel C of Table 9 reports on the results. Consis-
funds in cash would have a market beta less than one and tent with the simulation outcomes reported in Section 2,
would also underperform the market during any time pe- the mean excess beta-adjusted compound return is neg-
riod where the market return exceeded the cash return. ative, equal to −11.1%. However, the distribution of ex-
To assess this possibility, we focus on fund returns af- cess beta-adjusted compound returns is strongly positively
ter removing the effect of market exposures and market skewed, with a skewness coefficient equal to 8.6. Less
outcomes. We focus on a simple single-factor model, as than one third, 31.7%, of funds have positive excess beta-
our main emphasis is on the effects of the compound-
ing of random returns, not on the effects of alternative
One drawback of this approach is that the resulting estimates are
benchmarks, which have been widely studied. We rely
highly variable, evidenced by large standard deviations in both the simu-
on estimated monthly betas, β , for each fund obtained lated and actual outcomes. This high variation arises in part because sam-
in regressions of monthly excess fund returns on excess pling errors in beta estimates are compounded over funds’ full lifetimes.

H. Bessembinder, M.J. Cooper and F. Zhang Journal of Financial Economics 147 (2023) 132–158

adjusted compound return. The corresponding simulation- invested in the mutual fund. Investors potentially make a
based prediction is that 29.9% of funds have positive beta- time t investment (or flow) into the fund in the amount Ft
adjusted compound returns. (with a withdrawal of funds or return of capital denoted
We also report on Table 9 Panel C outcomes for sub- by Ft < 0). Let Wt , At , and Mt , denote time t outcomes for
samples of funds based on the sign of the estimated investors’ wealth, the value of positions in the alternative
monthly alpha. These results also confirm the implications asset, and the value of positions in the mutual fund, re-
of the simulation conducted in Section 2. The skewness spectively, with Wt = At + Mt .
of excess beta-adjusted compound returns is strongly posi- The value of the alternative asset position evolves
tive for funds with positive monthly alpha estimates, while according to At = At-1 (1+Rat ) + Mt-1 ∗ Rdt – Ft , as in-
skewness is negative for funds with negative alpha esti- vestors earn a return on the alternative asset, collect any
mates. While excess beta-adjusted compound return for mutual fund dividend, and potentially increase or de-
those funds with negative monthly alpha estimates are crease the mutual fund investment. The value of the in-
negative by construction, the sign of excess beta-adjusted vestors’ position in the mutual fund evolves according to
compound return for funds with positive monthly alpha Mt = Mt-1 ∗ (1+Rct ) + Ft , based on the capital gains re-
estimates need not be positive. Specifically, 12.2% of the turn and any net new investment flow to the fund. In-
funds with positive monthly alpha estimates nevertheless vestors’ wealth at time t can be expressed as Wt = At-1 (1+
have negative excess beta-adjusted compound returns. This Rat ) + Mt-1 ∗ (1+Rt ), and the increase in wealth since the
result reinforces the point that short return-horizon alpha, prior period due to investing some funds in the mutual
as a conditional arithmetic mean, can be misleading re- fund instead of the alternative asset is:
garding compound longer-horizon performance.20
Wt − Wt−1 ∗ (1 + Rat ) = Mt−1 ∗ (Rt − Rat ). (1)
5. Mutual fund investment and investor wealth Let FVt,T = (1+ Rat +1 )∗ (1+ )∗
Rat+2 (1+ Rat +3 )∗ …. ∗ (1+
RaT ) denote a future value factor obtained by compound-
We document that compound mutual fund returns ing realized returns on the alternative asset from time t to
most often underperform market benchmarks, and that time T. Applying (1) iteratively leads to the following ex-
compound excess beta-adjusted compound return to mu- pression:
tual funds are negative on average. However, we also doc-
ument that some funds deliver very large returns. Both WT − W0 ∗ F V0,T = M0 ∗ (R1 − Ra1 )F V1,T
fund sizes and fund lives differ in the cross section, and + M1 ∗ (R2 − Ra2 )F V2,T + . . .
are related to fund performance. In addition, our outcomes + MT −2 ∗ (RT −1 − Rat−1 ) ∗ F VT −1,T
to this point, as well as the broader mutual fund litera- + MT −1 ∗ (RT − RaT ).
ture, focus on fund returns inclusive of dividends. As such,
the results rely on an implicit assumption that dividends The first line of expression (2) is investors’ actual end-
are reinvested in the fund. In practice investors may rein- of-sample wealth, in excess of the wealth they would have
vest dividends fully in some funds or during some periods, attained if all capital had remained invested in the alterna-
but not others. Further, investors in aggregate may invest tive asset. The second line of expression (2) shows that this
or withdraw additional funds (fund “flows”), the effects of dollar amount can be computed as the sum of the future
which are not captured in either the compound buy-and- values (using the alternative asset returns to compound
hold returns studied herein to this point or in the arith- forward) of the period-by-period wealth differentials spec-
metic mean returns studied by the broader literature. ified by the right side of expression (1).21
An alternative method of quantifying investors’ aggre-
gate experience that also allows for periodic investor flows
5.1. A framework for measuring aggregate mutual fund
is the “dollar-weighted return,” which is obtained as the
internal rate of return of the time series of cash flows
to investors in aggregate. Dollar-weighted returns for mu-
We rely on the following framework to quantify mu-
tual funds are studied by Friesen and Sapp (2007), while
tual fund investors’ aggregate experience, while consider-
Dichev and Yu (2011) consider dollar-weighted returns for
ing fund size, fund life, investor fund flows, as well as
hedge funds and Dichev (2007) computes dollar-weighted
opportunity costs. Let W0 denote investors’ beginning-of-
returns for several international equity indices. We show
sample wealth, and assume that returns are studied over
in Appendix C that the enhancement in end-of-period in-
T periods. Investors each period allocate wealth between
vestor wealth due to investing in a given mutual fund in-
a mutual fund with return Rt = Rct + Rd t , where Rct is
stead of the alternative asset can be interpreted as the
the capital gain component of the period t return, and Rdt
end-of-sample (using alternative asset returns to com-
is the dividend component, and an alternative investment
pound forward) value of the same series of cash flows that
that pays a return denoted Rat . The return on the alterna-
defines investors’ dollar-weighted return. As such, the en-
tive investment comprises the opportunity cost for funds
hancement in end-of-period investor wealth has a natural

To estimate long-return-horizon alphas directly requires accommo-
dation of the fact (see for example, Levhari and Levy, 1977 and This measure is reminiscent of the “Public Market Equivalent” intro-
Longstaff, 1989) that betas also depend on return measurement horizon. duced by Kaplan and Schoar (2005), in that each measure considers out-
Bessembinder, Cooper, and Zhang (2022) address some of the challenges comes relative to an opportunity cost defined by compound returns to an
that arise in estimating long-horizon alphas and betas. alternative investment.

H. Bessembinder, M.J. Cooper and F. Zhang Journal of Financial Economics 147 (2023) 132–158

analogy to the “Net Present Value” discussed in most in- return is, the differential is informative regarding the ef-
troductory Finance texts; the latter is the ex-ante value, fect of investors flows on returns. If larger returns tend to
which depends on expected cash flows and expected re- occur during periods when fund assets are smaller (e.g., if
turns (discount rates) on an alternative investment, while stellar returns attract subsequent flows that increase the
the former is the ex-post value, which depends on realized investment base but are followed by more normal returns)
cash flows and realized returns on the alternative invest- then the dollar-weighted return will be smaller than the
ment. geometric mean return, and vice versa.
Bessembinder (2018) implements expression (2) for in- Panel A of Table 10 reports on the distribution of
dividual common stocks, using the one-month U.S. Trea- monthly geometric mean and dollar weighted returns for
sury Bill as the alternative asset. Here, we implement (2) sample funds. This data reveals that the timing of investor
using both the one-month U.S. Treasury Bill and the SPY flows degrades performance more often than not. In par-
ETF as alternative assets in turn. The outcome in the for- ticular, the cross-fund mean (median) of fund geomet-
mer case can be viewed as the ex-post risk premium mea- ric mean returns is 0.466% (0.642%), while the cross-fund
sured in dollars from mutual fund investing, while the lat- mean (median) dollar-weighted return is 0.376% (0.574%).
ter can be viewed as the ex-post dollar premium relative That is, dollar-weighted returns, which reflect fund flow
to SPY investing. timing, tend to be about nine basis points per month less
We also implement a version of expression (2) where than geometric mean returns, which pertain to buy-and-
the simple differential Rt – Rat is replaced for each period t hold investors. This return differential attributable to flow
by the “non-market” return for the month, obtained as the timing is comparable in magnitude to the effect of fund
sum of the alpha estimated from a market model regres- fees. The dollar-weighted return is less than the same-fund
sion of excess fund returns on excess alternative asset re- geometric mean return for 60.8% of sample funds.
turns and the time t residual from that regression, denoted Also reported on Panel A of Table 10, for 27.7% of funds
α + εt . In this implementation, the product Mt−1 (α + εt ) the dollar-weighted return exceeds the geometric mean re-
can be interpreted as the dollar excess return to the fund turn to the SPY over the same months, while for 30.3% of
investor, after allowing for the exposure (beta) of the fund funds the geometric mean return exceeds that to the SPY
to alternative asset returns. When implemented based on over the same months.23 These results support the conclu-
pre-fee fund returns, this time t quantity is conceptu- sion previously reached by Friesen and Sapp (2007) for an
ally similar to the “Realized Value Added (RVA)” measure earlier sample that investor flows lead to lower returns for
defined by Berk and van Binsbergen (2015) in their ex- mutual fund investors in aggregate as compared to a hypo-
pression (5). However, Berk and van Binsbergen estimate thetical fund investor who follows a buy-and-hold strategy.
their RVA measure for each month t as Mt−1 ∗ α , where

Mt−1 is inflation-adjusted Mt−1 , and study the mean across 5.3. Aggregate dollar-based outcomes to mutual fund
months of RVA for each fund. They do not, therefore, cap- investors
ture the effects of the compounding of random returns
over multiple periods. Panel B of Table 10 reports outcomes obtained when
expression (2) is implemented for each of the 7883 mu-
tual funds in the sample. All outcomes are measured as
5.2. Aggregate returns to mutual fund investors of end-of-sample, December, 2020. The outcome for each
fund pertains to aggregate investors in that fund, and
The enhancement in aggregate investor wealth as a Table 10 reports sums across all funds in the sample.
consequence of mutual fund investments as measured by If the opportunity cost is defined by the one-month
expression (2) depends on both return differentials, the Rt Treasury bill return (first row of Table 10, Panel B) mutual
– Rat terms in expression (2), and on the quantity of in- fund investment increased investors’ end-of-period wealth
vestment each period, the Mt terms, which we measure as by $8.66 trillion. This figure can be interpreted as the ex-
the fund’s Total Net Assets (TNA) as reported by CRSP. The post dollar risk premium earned by equity mutual fund
quantity of investment changes over time based not only investors in aggregate for taking on the risk of fund in-
on prior returns but also on investors’ net additional in- vestment, and verifies that equity mutual fund investment
vestments or withdrawals, i.e., “fund flows.” The outcome has allowed investors to participate substantially in the
of implementing expression (2) therefore depends both on wealth increase attributable to performance of publicly-
managers’ skill in delivering returns that exceed those on listed stocks. The ex-post dollar risk premium is positive
the alternative asset and on the timing of investor fund for 74.4% of sample funds.
flows relative to those returns. We assess the contribution The second row of Table 10 Panel B reports results
of investor flows by computing the “dollar-weighted” re- when the SPY ETF takes the role of the alternative as-
turn for each fund, which can then be compared to the ge- set. This benchmark is of particular interest since investors
ometric mean return (which, when compounded, gives the
buy-and-hold return.)22 Since the geometric mean return 23
Note that the comparison is, in each case, to the geometric mean SPY
is not affected by investor flows, while the dollar weighted return, which is appropriate when highlighting the impact of investor
fund flows on returns. The dollar-weighted return on the SPY over the
30-year sample was 0.681% per month, while the geometric mean return
Multiple IRRs exist for some funds. We ignore any IRR outside the was 0.800%, which demonstrates that in aggregate investors in the SPY
range −50% to 50% per month, leaving just one fund with multiple IRRs, ETF also engaged in fund flows that reduced their return as compared to
for which we retained the IRR with the smaller absolute value. a buy-and-hold strategy.

H. Bessembinder, M.J. Cooper and F. Zhang Journal of Financial Economics 147 (2023) 132–158

Table 10
Aggregate wealth enhancement due to equity mutual fund investment, measured at end-of-sample.

Panel A. Fund geometric mean return vs. dollar-weighted return.

%, Outperform
Sample N Mean Median Std. dev. Skewness SPY geometric mean

Geometric mean return (%) 7879 0.466 0.642 0.908 −3.312 0.303
Dollar-weighted return (%) 7879 0.376 0.574 1.113 −2.371 0.277

Panel B. Aggregate Post-Fee Fund Wealth Creation.

Benchmark N Sum Mean Median SD Skewness % Pos.

Treasury Bill 7883 8664.9 1.099 0.023 10.314 34.263 0.744

SPY 7883 −1308.4 −0.166 −0.007 2.869 13.040 0.254
SPY, Beta-adjusted 7883 −1024.2 −0.130 −0.006 3.099 15.041 0.263

Panel C. Aggregate Fund Wealth Creation Inclusive of Waived Fees.

Assuming SPY Beta = 1 Using Estimated SPY Beta

Weight of SPY Total Wealth Total Wealth Total Wealth

in Reinvested Enhancement Enhancement Enhancement
Fee Waiver due to including including
Return Waived Fees Waived Fees % Positive Waived Fees % Positive

0 836.0 −472.4 0.344 −188.2 0.363

0.1 922.5 −386.0 0.348 −101.8 0.367
0.2 1018.6 −289.9 0.351 −5.7 0.370
0.3 1125.2 −183.2 0.354 101.0 0.375
0.4 1243.3 −65.1 0.359 219.1 0.380
0.5 1373.9 65.4 0.363 349.6 0.384
0.6 1517.7 209.3 0.368 493.5 0.390
0.7 1675.8 367.4 0.373 651.6 0.395
0.8 1849.1 540.6 0.378 824.8 0.400
0.9 2038.3 729.9 0.384 1014.1 0.407
1 2244.4 936.0 0.391 1220.2 0.413

Panel A presents geometric mean monthly return and dollar-weighted monthly return to sample mutual funds.
For each mutual fund, we compute its monthly cash flow as CFt = Mt−1 (1 + Rt ) − Mt , where is Mt is the fund’s
total net asset value (TNA) at the end of month t and Rt is fund return in month t. The dollar-weighted monthly
return is the internal rate of return (IRR) based on the monthly cash flows, and initial and final fund TNAs.
Restricting the absolute monthly IRR to be below 50%, we identify an IRR for 7879 of the 7883 mutual funds.
Panel B presents summary statistics for the increase in investor wealth, measured in $ billions, resulting from
mutual fund investment, as defined by text expression (2) and measured as of December 2020, when the al-
ternative asset that defines the opportunity cost of invested funds is based the one-month Treasury-bill return,
the SPDR S&P 500 ETF return, and the beta-adjusted SPY return. Reported are the sum, mean, median, standard
deviation, skewness of the fund-by-fund wealth increase outcomes, and the fraction of the 7883 funds with pos-
itive aggregate wealth creation. The last row of Panel B adjusts for the fund’s risk exposures as flows. (Rt –Rat )
in text expression (2) is replaced by (α + εt ), where α is the fund’s alpha estimated from time-series regression
of the fund’s monthly excess return on the SPY excess return and εt is the regression residual in month t, and
the future value function is replaced by FVt,T = [1+ Rft+1 + β ∗ (Rat +1 – Rft+1 )]∗ [1+ Rft+2 + β ∗ (Rat +2 – Rft+2 )]∗
[1+ Rft+3 + β ∗ (Rat +3 – Rft+3 )]∗ …. ∗ [1+ RfT + β ∗ (Ra T – RfT )], where β is the fund’s beta estimated from the
time-series regression.
The second column of Panel C presents the aggregate end-of-sample value of the fees charged by fund man-
agers, computed based on monthly fees in dollars compounded forward to the end of sample using the rate
Rt∗ = wRSPY,t + (1 − w )Rt , for w = 0%, 10%, …, 100%. The figure number can be interpreted as the end-of-sample
wealth enhancement to mutual fund investors had fees been waived. The third column equals the wealth en-
hancement due to waived fees (reported in the second column of Panel C) plus the aggregate wealth creation
post-fees using SPY as the alternative benchmark (−1308.4 $B as reported in the second row of Panel B). The
fifth column equals the wealth enhancement due to waived fees (reported in the second column of Panel C)
plus the aggregate wealth creation post-fees using risk-adjusted SPY as the alternative benchmark (−1024.4 $B
as reported in the third row of Panel B). The fourth and sixth columns of Panel C present the fraction of funds
with positive total wealth enhancement including waived fees.

could in principle have captured SPY returns with a simple delivering returns that exceed or fall short of SPY returns
buy-and-hold and reinvest dividends strategy, and because and the effects of investor flows. The ex-post wealth differ-
the risk of equity mutual fund investing is broadly similar ential resulting from mutual fund rather than SPY investing
to the risk of investing in an equity index fund. We tabu- is positive for 25.4% of sample funds.
late that mutual fund investors’ aggregate wealth was de- The aggregate outcomes reported to this point are
creased by $1.31 trillion relative to the SPY benchmark over based on expression (2), which relies in each period on the
our thirty-year sample period. As noted, this figure reflects simple difference between the fund return and the alter-
the combined effect of managerial performance in terms of native asset return. However, this differential can include

H. Bessembinder, M.J. Cooper and F. Zhang Journal of Financial Economics 147 (2023) 132–158

a component attributable to differences in systematic risk $0.73 trillion. If we assume that the fee rebates earned no
across the fund and the alternative asset. To allow for such, return then the fee waiver would improve mutual fund in-
we also implement expression (2) when each simple dif- vestors’ end-of-sample wealth by this amount. In column
ferential Rt – Rat is replaced by the “non-market” return (2) of Table 10 Panel C we compile the net effect of a hy-
for the month, obtained (with the implicit assumption that pothetical fee waiver, measured as of the end-of-sample, if
the alternative asset comprises an adequate proxy for the the fee waiver funds were invested in portfolios of Trea-
market), as the sum of the alpha estimated from a market sury bills and the SPY with the indicated weights. With all
model regression of fund returns on SPY returns and the funds invested in Treasury bills the effect of the fee waiver
time t residual from that regression, denoted α + εt .24 on final wealth is $0.84 trillion (first row of Table 10,
The third row of Table 10 Panel B reports the resulting Panel C). If the funds were invested based on the often-
wealth enhancement outcome when the alternative asset recommended 60/40 portfolio (60% weight on the SPY) the
is the beta-adjusted return to the SPY ETF. This specifica- wealth enhancement from the fee waiver would be $1.52
tion indicates improved fund outcomes. In particular, end- trillion. If the funds were invested entirely in the SPY the
of-sample wealth enhancement is improved by $0.28 tril- wealth enhancement attributable to the fee waiver would
lion (from -$1.31 trillion to -$1.02 trillion) when allowing be $2.24 trillion.26
for estimated betas that can differ from one. The percent- As noted, when we focus on actual, post-fee returns,
age of funds that lead to improved end-of-sample wealth we tabulate that mutual fund investing reduced investor
on a risk-adjusted basis is improved to 26.3%, as compared wealth by -$1.31 trillion relative to a SPY benchmark and
to 25.4% when betas were assumed to be one, as in ex- by -$1.02 trillion relative to a beta-adjusted SPY benchmark
pression (2). (Panel B of Table 10). In column (3) of Table 10, Panel C,
we report pre-fee wealth enhancement from mutual fund
5.4. The role of fund fees investing when the SPY is the benchmark ($−1.31 trillion
plus the effect of the hypothetical fee waiver), while in
The outcomes reported in the prior section are based column (5) we report pre-fee wealth enhancement from
on actual, net-of-fee, mutual fund returns as reported by mutual fund investing when the beta-adjusted SPY is the
CRSP. For some purposes, such as measuring manager skill benchmark ($−1.03 trillion plus the effect of the hypo-
(e.g., Berk and van Binsbergen, 2015), it is informative thetical fee waiver). Hypothetical pre-fee outcomes are, of
to focus on pre-fee returns. To estimate outcomes in the course, improved relative to actual outcomes. For example,
counterfactual world where fees are not charged requires while 25.4% of funds led to positive wealth enhancement
an assumption as to where the additional dollars freed up relative to the SPY benchmark when focusing on actual re-
by such a hypothetical “fee waiver” would be reinvested. turns, the percentage that outperform on a pre-fee basis
One approach would be to assume that the fee waiver ranges from 34.4% when the fee waivers are assumed to
remains invested in the mutual fund itself. However, if subsequently earn Treasury bill returns to 39.1% when the
so, fund net asset values (Mt in expression 2) would be fee waivers are assumed to earn SPY returns.
larger than those actually reported. Ongoing research, e.g., The outcomes in column (5) of Table 10, Panel C, can
Berk and Green (2004) and Evans et al. (2022), seeks to be interpreted in terms of the reasoning advanced by
quantify the degree to which mutual fund management is Berk and van Binsbergen (2015). If the fee waiver is as-
subject to diseconomies of scale. The existence of such dis- sumed to earn Treasury-bill returns then the value of man-
economies (or economies, should they exist) would imply agerial skill is -$0.19 trillion. If the fee waiver is invested in
that it is problematic to assume that mutual funds would a 60/40 portfolio then the value of managerial skill is $0.49
have generated identical returns as reported had they been trillion. Finally, if the fee waiver is invested to earn SPY re-
substantially larger. We therefore assume that the dollars turns, the value of managerial skill is $1.22 trillion. Since
freed up by the hypothetical fee waiver are reinvested out- hypothetical fee waivers would increase fund returns, and
side the mutual fund, in portfolios that earn a weighted equity funds’ aggregate risk is broadly similar to that of
average of Treasury bill and SPY ETF returns.25 We assess the SPY, this final figure might comprise the best estimate
outcomes when the weight on the SPY return ranges from of the value of managerial skill as implied by our methods.
zero to 100%, in increments of 10%. Our long-horizon outcomes therefore support the emerg-
The nominal total of fees paid during our thirty-year ing consensus (surveyed by Cremers et al., 2019) that mu-
sample, computed based on the CRSP expense ratio and tual fund managers do possess skill. However, the results
the TNA reported by CRSP for each fund and month, is for our thirty-year sample of U.S. equity mutual funds also
support the conclusion that managerial skill is not suffi-
cient to offset the combined effects of fees and investor
For consistency, we also restate in this specification the compound-
ing factors denoted FVt,T using alternative asset returns that are adjusted
for the estimated beta risk of the fund. Specifically, FVt,T = [1+ Rft+1 +
β ∗ (Rat +1 - Rft+1 )]∗ [1+ Rft+2 + β ∗ (Rat +2 - Rft+2 )]∗ [1+ Rft+3 + β ∗ (Rat +3 - 26
This total is equivalent to 23.6% of the $9.51 trillion end-of-sample
Rft+3 )]∗ …. ∗ [1+ RfT + β ∗ (RaT – RfT )], where β is the fund’s beta estimated market value of the mutual funds in our sample. By comparison,
from the time-series regression. If the estimated beta is one the final out- French (2008) estimates that all forms of active management, includ-
come is identical to that given by expression (2). ing expenses incurred by mutual fund, ETF, hedge fund, and closed-end
We thank the referee for suggesting this approach. Since fees are ac- fund investors, institutional manager costs, in combination with aggregate
tually charged these hypothetical funds are not invested; it would be trading costs, led to total active management costs amounting to 0.67% of
equally descriptive to refer instead to the “opportunity cost of fees” in- stock market capitalization per year, with a capitalized equivalent equal
stead of the “reinvestment rate on fees”. to approximately 10% of stock market value.

H. Bessembinder, M.J. Cooper and F. Zhang Journal of Financial Economics 147 (2023) 132–158

fund flows, and wealth enhancement outcomes based on tial positive skewness, even while short horizon mutual
post-fee returns are negative in aggregate. fund returns do not. In light of the Farago and Hjalmars-
son (2022) observation that long-horizon return skewness
6. Conclusions is mainly determined by short horizon return volatility, a
question that may arise is whether investors with skew-
The literature that studies funds’ return performance ness preference (typically identified by a positive third
(including mutual funds, hedge funds, pension funds, etc.) derivative of the utility function) will rationally prefer less
is vast, but most of the evidence is based on conditional or diversified and consequently more volatile and, over longer
unconditional arithmetic means of returns measured over horizons, more highly skewed funds. Some authors, e.g.,
short (e.g., monthly) horizons. However, we know of no Mitton and Vorkink (2007) have evaluated related issues
compelling reason to believe that parameters estimated by focused on the first three moments of utility func-
from short-horizon returns are the most relevant to di- tions. However, Farago and Hjalmarsson (2022) show such
verse investors who may hold positions for long horizons. analyses are potentially misleading when considering the
These investors will be concerned with the compound re- skewness induced by compounding. While a positive third
turns that accrue over horizons that are relevant to them. derivative implies that more skewness is preferred certeris
In this paper, we focus attention on the fact that simple paribus, longer compounding periods affect all moments of
measures of investment performance differ depending on the return distribution, not just skewness. Farago and Hjal-
the horizon over which returns are measured. marsson (2022) consider the widely studied power utility
We study U.S. equity mutual funds for the 1991 to 2020 function, and show that a focus on only the first three mo-
period, and show that the percentage of funds that out- ments leads to unreliable conclusions. They show in par-
perform market benchmarks decreases with return hori- ticular that if short horizon returns are log normal and iid
zon. In the monthly data, equity mutual fund returns ex- then expected power utility is not improved by a narrower
ceed the matched-month return to the SPY ETF (taken as portfolio with greater long-horizon volatility and skewness,
a proxy for the overall market that investors could readily even while a third-order approximation indicates that util-
have captured) for 47.2% of observations. The percentage of ity would be improved. On the other hand, such a strategy
sample funds that generate buy-and-hold returns that ex- might be preferred by an investor with a utility function
ceed buy-and-hold returns to the SPY decreases to 41.1% at characterized by a stronger preference for skewness (rel-
the annual horizon and 30.3% at the (fund-specific) full- ative to other moments) as compared to the power func-
sample horizon. Outperformance rates are slightly worse tion, or by investors with non-standard preferences. Fur-
for the largest fund subsample, and the percentage of ther, skewness might be preferred for extrinsic reasons;
funds that improve shareholder wealth as compared to a for example, fund managers might prefer positively skewed
buy-and-hold investment in the SPY is lower yet. Further, returns in light of non-linear relations between returns and
even some of those funds with positive alphas estimated subsequent fund flows.
from monthly returns deliver negative excess beta-adjusted We also assess the effect of mutual fund investing on
compound returns at long horizons. shareholder wealth in aggregate. When focusing on beta-
We also show that while fund fees and expenses are adjusted SPY ETF returns (which could have been cap-
important, they cannot fully explain the effect of re- tured by investors) to define the opportunity cost we com-
turn measurement horizon on investment outcomes, nor pute that mutual fund investing reduced aggregate investor
can these effects be fully attributed to market expo- wealth by slightly more than $1 trillion, measured as of
sures. Rather, these outcomes reflect two important facts. the end of our thirty-year sample. Pre-fee outcomes de-
First, the cross-sectional distribution of long-horizon fund pend on the assumed investment return for a hypotheti-
buy-and-hold returns is strongly positively skewed, while cal fee waiver. If we assume that fee waivers would also
such skewness is not observable in the pooled distribu- have earned SPY returns, then mutual fund investing in-
tion of short-horizon (monthly) returns. Financial planning creased investor wealth by $1.22 trillion. This figure can, in
(e.g., at pension funds) is often based on assumed mean the spirit of Berk and van Binsbergen (2015), be viewed as
outcomes. Aside from the active debate as to whether a measure of the value of aggregate fund manager skill.
assumed means are realistic, in a positively skewed dis- A central conclusion supported by our analysis is that
tribution a potentially large majority of the possible future inference regarding fund performance differs when focus-
realizations are less than the mean outcome. Second, alpha ing on compound long-horizon returns rather than con-
is a (conditional) arithmetic mean, and arithmetic means ditional or unconditional means of short-horizon returns.
are well-known to exceed the geometric means that deter- While this conclusion is likely to be robust, point esti-
mine compound returns. mates and dollar amounts will be altered if the sample
Of course, while strong positive skewness implies that is broadened, e.g., to include international, target date,
many funds underperform, some funds perform very well. and levered funds, or is narrowed to focus on specific
Out of 7883 sample funds, 442 delivered a positive full- fund categories. Outcomes will also vary if multi-factor or
sample compound return more than twice as large as the style-specific benchmarks are employed, providing ample
compound return to the SPY over the matched months, opportunity for additional research.
and 160 delivered compound returns three times as large The results reported here imply that the evaluation of
as the SPY during the matched months of the full sample. fund performance is intrinsically linked to return hori-
As summarized above, we demonstrate that the distri- zon: a given fund’s performance relative to benchmarks
bution of compound mutual fund returns displays substan- can be positive over short horizons and negative over long

H. Bessembinder, M.J. Cooper and F. Zhang Journal of Financial Economics 147 (2023) 132–158

horizons, even when results are measured from a single We mitigate the effect of potentially influential errors by
dataset. Our results imply that the assessment of fund per- comparing large reported returns to those contained in
formance cannot be evaluated independent of information the Morningstar Mutual Fund database, or if Morningstar
regarding the return horizon that is most relevant to in- data is not available to the returns implied by percent-
vestors, and we provide estimates of U.S. mutual fund per- age changes in CRSP-reported NAV or TNA. Specifically, we
formance over various horizons, including monthly, annual, identify 836 extreme fund returns based on a deviation
decadal, and full sample. from the same-month CRSP value-weighted market return
of 30% or more. With the help of Professor Shuaiyu Chen,
Data Availability we are able to match 633 of these to monthly return data
in the Morningstar mutual fund database. For 524 of these
The CRSP data employed is subscription-based. Com- cases, the CRSP and Morningstar returns differ by less than
puter code is available at https://data.mendeley.com/ 1% and we retain the CRSP return. For the remaining 109
datasets/gksfmtsnh2/1at. cases we retain the Morningstar return, which in every in-
stance is less extreme that the CRSP return. For the 203
instances that cannot be matched to Morningstar, we fo-
Appendix A: Sample construction and data filters cus on the percentage change in the CRSP reported net-
asset-value (NAV) as well as the TNA. We retain observa-
We obtain data for the 1991 to 2020 period from the tions where the reported return deviates from both the
CRSP survivorship bias free Mutual Fund Database. We NAV and TNA-implied returns by less than 30%. For 75 ob-
begin at 1991, as data regarding fund total net assets servations from 53 funds the deviation exceeds 30%, and
(TNA), which we use to aggregate fund returns across share we delete the associated funds from the sample. Finally,
classes, is not consistently available for earlier periods. We we exclude funds that have fewer than twelve months of
rely on the CRSP share class group number (crsp_cl_grp) in non-missing return data. The sample employed here is also
the fund names file. For funds without a CRSP share class used by Bessembinder et al. (2022).
group number, we identify share classes of the same fund
based on fund names. When funds have multiple share Appendix B: Breakeven alpha
classes CRSP fund names contain “/” or “;”. The part of the
fund name after the last “/” or “;” refers to the sub share Assume the instantaneous return to the diversified
class, while the prior part refers to the main fund name. benchmark (r˜ ≡ dP
) and the return to the active portfolio
For example, the fund named “MainStay Funds: MainStay (r ≡ P ) follow the following processes:
Small Cap Growth Fund; Class A Shares” is Class A of the m
MainStay Small Cap Growth Fund; the fund named “Al- = μm dt + σm dZ m
liance Strategic Balanced Fund/A” is Class A of the Alliance
Strategic Balanced Fund. dP dPm
We study domestic equity funds (CRSP fund style = α dt + m + σε dZ ε .
code starting with “ED”), while excluding exchange traded
dZ m and dZ ε are standard Brownian motions. Applying Ito’s
funds, exchange traded notes (those with CRSP et_flag
Lemma yields:
equal to “F” or “N”), funds that take short positions (CRSP  
fund style “EDYS”), commodity funds (CRSP fund style σm2
dlogP = m
μm − dt + σm dZ m
“EDSC”) and real estate funds (CRSP fund style “EDSR”). We 2
exclude target date funds, since these hold substantial non-  
σm2 σε2
equity positions. To exclude target date funds and college dlogP = α + μm − − dt + σm dZ m + σε dZ ε .
savings funds we remove all funds with names that con- 2 2
tain a four-digit number between 1990 and 2050 and the
Log compound returns over time 0 to T to the bench-
word “target,” except that we do not exclude funds with
mark and the active portfolio are:
“Russell 20 0 0 or “Russell20 0 0” in their names.    
We further exclude hedged funds (CRSP fund style of PTm σ2 T
log = μm − m T + σm ∫ dZ m
“EDYH” and Lipper fund style code of “LSE”), market neu- P0m 2 0
tral funds (CRSP fund style of “EDYH” and Lipper fund P   
σ2 σ2 T T
style code of “EMN”) and absolute return funds (CRSP fund log T
= α + μm − m − ε T + σm ∫ dZ m + σε ∫ dZ ε .
style of “EDYH” and Lipper fund style code of “ABR”). We P0 2 2 0 0
also screen some funds with CRSP style code starting with The log compound returns follow normal distributions,
ED, but with names that are inconsistent with this cat- Pm PT
and thus the corresponding compound returns ( PTm and P0 )
egorization. Specifically, we exclude one fund with “VIX” 0
in its name, funds with “Long/Short”, “Long-Short”, and follow log normal distributions with the following medi-
“OTC/Short” in their names, funds whose name includes ans:
“ETF” or “ETN”, leveraged funds with “1.25x”, “1.5x”, “2x”, PTm σm2
“2.5x”, “3x”, or “4x” in their names, and one fund with Median = exp μm − T
P0m 2
“Government Portfolio” in its name.
Prior studies (e.g., Elton et al., 2001) have documented σm2 σε2
the presence of errors in the CRSP mutual fund data.
= exp α + μm − − T .
P0 2 2

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