MBA in Business Analytics
MBA in Business Analytics
MBA in Business Analytics
Business Analytics
for Working
Programme introduction 01
Programme highlights 03
Programme objectives 04
Learning methodology 07
Experiential learning 08
Programme curriculum 10
Eligibility criteria 11
Fee structure 12
Remote lab 13
Mode of examination 15
How to apply 18
Students speak 20
Program Introduction
4 Semester MBA in Business
approved programme
Analytics programme
for Working professionals
43+ 1,14,000+
Years of Working
Educating Working Professionals
Professionals Graduated
43,700+ 1100+
Working Professionals
Currently Enrolled Faculty Members
Demonstrate empathetic
Apply critical thinking skills Operate in an ethically
leadership skills in a
to solve Business Problems and socially responsible
dynamically changing
and make sound decisions manner
business world
Attend online
lectures over weekends
Lectures are conducted live via online classes online classrooms offer
similar levels of interactivity as regular classrooms at the BITS Pilani
Classes for students admitted during the period Oct 2023 - Jan 2024 will
begin in Jan 2024.
The online lectures are conducted usually over weekends for a total of 7-8
hours per week.
Digital learning
Learners can access engaging learning material at their own pace. It includes
recorded lectures from BITS Pilani faculty members, course handouts and
recorded lab content wherever applicable.
Project Work
The fourth semester offers an opportunity for learners to apply
their knowledge gained during the programme to a real-world
like complex project. The learner is expected to demonstrate
understanding of vital principles learnt across semesters and
their ability to successfully apply these concepts
Continuous Assessment
The assessment includes graded assignments/quizzes,
mid-semester and comprehensive exam
Pool of Electives
● Financial Analytics ● Analytics for Marketing
● Project Management ● Analytics for Retail Industry
● Data Visualization and Communication ● Operations Research Models
● Analytics for HR ● Analytics for Investment Banking
● Models in Marketing ● Financial Risk Models
● Supply Chain Analytics ● Analytical Models in Finance
Choice of Electives is made available to enrolled students at the beginning of each semester.
A limited selection of Electives will be offered at the discretion of the Institute.
Important: For every course in the program institute will recommend textbooks,
students would need to procure these textbooks on their own.
● These labs play a vital role in enhancing student engagement and enriching the
“learning by doing”- cornerstone of BITS Pilani WILP programs.
Analytics Lab
The Analytics Lab hosts These packages help the
software packages such as students perform basic,
Tableau, SPSS, Stata, @risk, advanced workplace related
StatTools, Eviews, Anaconda analytics exercises
Navigator, R, Python, and
Power BI among others
Finance Lab
The Finance Lab hosts The Financial markets as well
state-of-the-art Bloomberg as the financial statements
Terminals that capture and valuable business
real-time information information of the industry
Management Lab
The Management Lab is The simulations help improve
equipped with software, the decision-making skills,
simulations, and digital business competence and
resources that students can integrating the application of
leverage in core areas of learnings from various courses
To take an Online
Examination, the student
must possess a Laptop or
Desktop system with Two
WebCams (One Web
Students choosizng this Cam for the student’s Laptop or Desktop
option can take the frontal face view and a system’s full side view
examinations online Second Web Cam for the during the exam), a
from any location e.g. student’s and smartphone and good
office or home. internet connectivity.
Step 1 2 3 4
Fill and submit
Download a PDF
Pay the application
Print the downloaded
your application copy of the fee of INR 1,500 using Application Form and
form for your application form. Net banking/Debit note your Application
chosen program. Card/Credit Card. Form Number.
In the printout of the downloaded Application Form, you will notice on page no. 3 a section called the
Employer Consent Form. Complete the Employer Consent Form. This form needs to be signed and
stamped by your organisation’s HR or any other authorised signatory of the company.
Important: In view of work-from-home policies mandated by many organisations, a few candidates may
not be able to get the physical forms signed by their HR/other authorised organisational representative.
Such candidates may instead request an email approval to be sent to their official email ID by the HR
using the format available through this link.
On page 4, complete the Mentor Consent Form, Due to remote work policies, some candidates
which needs to be signed by your Mentor. may struggle to get physical mentor signatures.
They can request email approval using a
provided format.
Avinash Balivada
Lead Administrator, WIPRO Technologies
Participant of MBA in Business Analytics
Sneha Ramachander
Digital Marketer, Adobe
Participant of MBA in Business Analytics
Sylvester Jayan P R
Digital Marketing Analyst, Zoho Corporations
Participant of MBA in Business Analytics
The material in this brochure is provided for educational and informational purposes. All
the images that have been used belong to their respective owners and have been
picked up from the public domain.
[email protected]